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Number of items: 62.

Barrett, T. H.

Barrett, T. H. (2000) 'Shinto and Taoism in Early Japan.' In: Breen, John and Teeuwen, M., (eds.), Shinto in History: Ways of the Kami. Richmond: Curzon Press, pp. 13-31.

Breen, John

Barrett, T. H. (2000) 'Shinto and Taoism in Early Japan.' In: Breen, John and Teeuwen, M., (eds.), Shinto in History: Ways of the Kami. Richmond: Curzon Press, pp. 13-31.

Crosby, Kate

Crosby, Kate (2000) 'Tantric Theravada: A bibliographic essay on the writings of François Bizot and other literature on the Yogavacara Tradition.' Contemporary Buddhism, 1 (2). pp. 141-198.

Crosby, Kate (2000) 'uddis and åcikh. The inclusion of the sikkhåpada in the pabbajjå liturgy according to the Samantapåsådika.' Journal of Indian Philosophy, 28. pp. 461-477.

De Blois, Francois

De Blois, Francois (2000) 'Dualism in Iranian and Christian Traditions.' Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 10 (1). pp. 1-19.

De Blois, Francois (2000) 'The Manichaean daily prayers.' In: Emmerick, Ronald E., Sundermann, Werner and Zieme, Peter, (eds.), Studia Manichaica IV. Internationaler Kongreß zum Manichäismus, Berlin, 14.-18. Juli 1997. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, pp. 49-54. (Berichte und Abhandlungen / Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Sonderband, 4)

De Blois, Francois (2000) 'A Persian poem lamenting the Arab conquest.' In: Netton, Ian Richard, (ed.), Studies in honour of Clifford Edmund Bosworth, Vol. 2. Leiden; Boston: Brill, pp. 82-95.

De Blois, Francois (2000) 'Review of 'An Anthology of Philosophy in Persia, Volume I' by Seyyed Hossein Nasr; Mehdi Aminrazavi.' Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 10 (2). pp. 247-249.

De Blois, Francois (2000) 'Review of 'Iranica Diversa' by David Neil MacKenzie; Carlo G. Cereti; Ludwig Paul.' Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 10 (3). p. 392.

De Blois, Francois (2000) 'Review of 'Philologica, Beiträge zur Arabistik und Semitistik' by Anton Spitaler; Hartmut Bobzin.' Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 10 (1). pp. 101-102.

De Blois, Francois (2000) 'Review of 'Proceedings of the Arabic and Islamic Sections of the 35th International Congress of Asian and North African Studies (ICANAS) Part One' by Kinga Dévényi; Tamás Iványi.' Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 10 (2). pp. 239-241.

De Blois, Francois (2000) 'Review of 'The Quest for the Historical Muhammad' by Ibn Warraq.' Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 10 (3). p. 384.

De Blois, Francois (2000) 'Review of The Origins of the "Koran". Classic Essays on Islam's Holy Book by Ibn Warraq.' Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 10 (1). p. 88.

Dickens, Mark

Dickens, Mark (2000) 'The Church of the East: The Rest of the Story.' Fides et Historia: Journal of the Conference on Faith and History, 32 (2). pp. 107-125.

Dorfmann-Lazarev, Igor

Dorfmann-Lazarev, Igor (2000) 'Icône, page blanche et le Carré noir: à propos des recherches sur l’iconographie de M.-J. Mondzain’ (discussion).' Istina, 65 (3). pp. 269-274.

Emmerick, Ronald E.

De Blois, Francois (2000) 'The Manichaean daily prayers.' In: Emmerick, Ronald E., Sundermann, Werner and Zieme, Peter, (eds.), Studia Manichaica IV. Internationaler Kongreß zum Manichäismus, Berlin, 14.-18. Juli 1997. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, pp. 49-54. (Berichte und Abhandlungen / Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Sonderband, 4)

Flügel, Peter

Flügel, Peter (2000) 'Protestantische und Post-Protestantische Jaina-Reformbewegungen: Zur Geschichte und Organisation der Sthānakavāsī I.' Berliner Indologische Studien, 13/14. pp. 37-103.

Flügel, Peter (2000) 'Zum Ursprung der Terapanth Svetambara Jain Tradition.' HereNow4U. pp. 1-20.

Forssman, Bernhard

Hintze, Almut (2000) 'Die avestische Wurzel mad ‘zumessen’.' In: Forssman, Bernhard and Plath, Robert, (eds.), Indoa­risch, Iranisch und die Indogermanistik. Arbeitstagung der Indoger­mani­schen Gesell­schaft vom 2. bis 5. Oktober 1997 in Erlangen. Wiesbaden: Dr Ludwig Reichert Verlag, pp. 163-175.

Hartung, Jan-Peter

Hartung, Jan-Peter (2000) 'Gottesstaat versus Kemalismus: Eine islamische Reaktion auf Mušarrafs Putsch in Pakistan. [Kingdom of God versus Kemalism: An Islamic Reaction to Musharraf's coup d'etat in Pakistan].' Religion – Staat – Gesellschaft, 1 (1). pp. 75-94.

Hezser, Catherine

Hezser, Catherine and Schäfer, Peter, eds. (2000) The Talmud Yerushalmi and Graeco-Roman Culture. Vol. 2. Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck. (Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism)

Hezser, Catherine (2000) 'The (In)Significance of Jerusalem in the Talmud Yerushalmi.' In: Hezser, Catherine and Schäfer, Peter, (eds.), The Talmud Yerushalmi and Graeco-Roman Culture. Vol.2. Tuebingen: Mohr-Siebeck, pp. 11-49.

Hezser, Catherine (2000) 'The (In)Significance of Jerusalem in the Talmud Yerushalmi.' In: Hezser, Catherine and Schäfer, Peter, (eds.), The Talmud Yerushalmi and Graeco-Roman Culture. Vol.2. Tuebingen: Mohr-Siebeck, pp. 11-49.

Hezser, Catherine (2000) 'Interfaces Between Rabbinic Literature and Graeco-Roman Philosophy.' In: Hezser, Catherine and Schäfer, Peter, (eds.), The Talmud Yerushalmi and Graeco-Roman Culture. Vol.2. Tuebingen: Mohr-Siebeck, pp. 161-187.

Hezser, Catherine (2000) 'Interfaces Between Rabbinic Literature and Graeco-Roman Philosophy.' In: Hezser, Catherine and Schäfer, Peter, (eds.), The Talmud Yerushalmi and Graeco-Roman Culture. Vol.2. Tuebingen: Mohr-Siebeck, pp. 161-187.

Hezser, Catherine (2000) 'Rabbis and Other Friends: Friendship in the Talmud Yerushalmi and in Graeco-Roman Literature.' In: Hezser, Catherine and Schäfer, Peter, (eds.), The Talmud Yerushalmi and Graeco-Roman Culture. Vol.2. Tuebingen: Mohr-Siebeck, pp. 189-254.

Hezser, Catherine (2000) 'Rabbis and Other Friends: Friendship in the Talmud Yerushalmi and in Graeco-Roman Literature.' In: Hezser, Catherine and Schäfer, Peter, (eds.), The Talmud Yerushalmi and Graeco-Roman Culture. Vol.2. Tuebingen: Mohr-Siebeck, pp. 189-254.

Hezser, Catherine (2000) 'Review of Hans-Jürgen Becker, 'Die grossen rabbinischen Sammelwerke Palästinas. Zur literarischen Genese von Talmud Yerushalmi und Midrash Bereshit Rabba'.' Journal for the Study of Judaism, 31 (3). pp. 305-308.

Hezser, Catherine (2000) 'Review of Tal Ilan, 'Integrating Women into Second Temple History'.' Frankfurter Judaistische Beitraege, 27 . pp. 157-164.

Hintze, Almut

Hintze, Almut and Tichy, Eva, eds. (2000) Anusantatyai. Fest­­schrift für Johanna Narten zum 70. Geburtstag. Dettelbach: J.H. Röll. (Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissen­schaft, Beiheft 19)

Hintze, Almut (2000) 'Die avestische Wurzel mad ‘zumessen’.' In: Forssman, Bernhard and Plath, Robert, (eds.), Indoa­risch, Iranisch und die Indogermanistik. Arbeitstagung der Indoger­mani­schen Gesell­schaft vom 2. bis 5. Oktober 1997 in Erlangen. Wiesbaden: Dr Ludwig Reichert Verlag, pp. 163-175.

Hintze, Almut (2000) 'Frašō.kərəti.' In: Yarshater, Ehsan, (ed.), Encyclopaedia Iranica 10. New York: Bibliotheca Persica Press, pp. 190-192.

Hintze, Almut (2000) LOHN im Indoiranischen: Eine semantische Studie des Rigveda und Avesta. Wiesbaden: Reichert.

Hintze, Almut (2000) 'On the Arrangement of the Avestan Yasna.' In: Modi, Homai N., (ed.), Indo-Persian Relations. Proceedings of the Third International Congress, Bombay 6–9 January 2000. Mumbai: K.R. Cama Oriental Institute, pp. 110-123.

Hintze, Almut (2000) 'Review: Helmut Humbach/Pallan R. Ichaporia: Zamyād Yasht. Yasht 19 of the Younger Avesta. Text, Translation, Commentary. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 1998. 194pp.' Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 10 (2). pp. 244-247.

Hintze, Almut (2000) 'Zur Uberlieferung der altesten Zeugnisse indoiranischer Sprachen.' In: Nishina, Y, (ed.), Europa et Asia polyglotta : Sprachen und Kulturen : Festschrift für Robert Schmitt-Brandt zum 70. Geburtstag. Dettelbach: J.H. Röll, pp. 67-85.

Mandair, Arvind-pal

Singh, Gurharpal, Shackle, Christopher and Mandair, Arvind-pal, eds. (2000) Sikh Religion, Culture and Ethnicity. London: Curzon.

Singh, Gurharpal (2000) 'The Limits of “Conventional Wisdom”: Sikh Ethno-nationalism.' In: Shackle, Christopher, Singh, Gurharpal and Mandair, Arvind-pal, (eds.), Sikh Religion, Culture and Ethnicity. London: Curzon, pp. 142-160.

Modi, Homai N.

Hintze, Almut (2000) 'On the Arrangement of the Avestan Yasna.' In: Modi, Homai N., (ed.), Indo-Persian Relations. Proceedings of the Third International Congress, Bombay 6–9 January 2000. Mumbai: K.R. Cama Oriental Institute, pp. 110-123.

Netton, Ian Richard

De Blois, Francois (2000) 'A Persian poem lamenting the Arab conquest.' In: Netton, Ian Richard, (ed.), Studies in honour of Clifford Edmund Bosworth, Vol. 2. Leiden; Boston: Brill, pp. 82-95.

Nishina, Y

Hintze, Almut (2000) 'Zur Uberlieferung der altesten Zeugnisse indoiranischer Sprachen.' In: Nishina, Y, (ed.), Europa et Asia polyglotta : Sprachen und Kulturen : Festschrift für Robert Schmitt-Brandt zum 70. Geburtstag. Dettelbach: J.H. Röll, pp. 67-85.

Plath, Robert

Hintze, Almut (2000) 'Die avestische Wurzel mad ‘zumessen’.' In: Forssman, Bernhard and Plath, Robert, (eds.), Indoa­risch, Iranisch und die Indogermanistik. Arbeitstagung der Indoger­mani­schen Gesell­schaft vom 2. bis 5. Oktober 1997 in Erlangen. Wiesbaden: Dr Ludwig Reichert Verlag, pp. 163-175.

Proferes, Theodore N.

Proferes, Theodore N. (2000) 'The Marginalized Butcher: Observations on the Ritual Poetics of the Vanaspati Stanzas.' In: SOAS Working Papers in the Study of Religions 2000. London: SOAS, pp. 41-67.

Schäfer, Peter

Hezser, Catherine and Schäfer, Peter, eds. (2000) The Talmud Yerushalmi and Graeco-Roman Culture. Vol. 2. Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck. (Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism)

Hezser, Catherine (2000) 'The (In)Significance of Jerusalem in the Talmud Yerushalmi.' In: Hezser, Catherine and Schäfer, Peter, (eds.), The Talmud Yerushalmi and Graeco-Roman Culture. Vol.2. Tuebingen: Mohr-Siebeck, pp. 11-49.

Hezser, Catherine (2000) 'Interfaces Between Rabbinic Literature and Graeco-Roman Philosophy.' In: Hezser, Catherine and Schäfer, Peter, (eds.), The Talmud Yerushalmi and Graeco-Roman Culture. Vol.2. Tuebingen: Mohr-Siebeck, pp. 161-187.

Hezser, Catherine (2000) 'Rabbis and Other Friends: Friendship in the Talmud Yerushalmi and in Graeco-Roman Literature.' In: Hezser, Catherine and Schäfer, Peter, (eds.), The Talmud Yerushalmi and Graeco-Roman Culture. Vol.2. Tuebingen: Mohr-Siebeck, pp. 189-254.

Shackle, Christopher

Singh, Gurharpal, Shackle, Christopher and Mandair, Arvind-pal, eds. (2000) Sikh Religion, Culture and Ethnicity. London: Curzon.

Singh, Gurharpal (2000) 'The Limits of “Conventional Wisdom”: Sikh Ethno-nationalism.' In: Shackle, Christopher, Singh, Gurharpal and Mandair, Arvind-pal, (eds.), Sikh Religion, Culture and Ethnicity. London: Curzon, pp. 142-160.

Singh, Gurharpal

Singh, Gurharpal, Shackle, Christopher and Mandair, Arvind-pal, eds. (2000) Sikh Religion, Culture and Ethnicity. London: Curzon.

Singh, Gurharpal (2000) Ethnic conflict in India: a case-study of Punjab. Basingstoke: Macmillan.

Singh, Gurharpal (2000) 'The Limits of “Conventional Wisdom”: Sikh Ethno-nationalism.' In: Shackle, Christopher, Singh, Gurharpal and Mandair, Arvind-pal, (eds.), Sikh Religion, Culture and Ethnicity. London: Curzon, pp. 142-160.

Singh, Gurharpal (2000) 'The Limits of “Conventional Wisdom”: Sikh Ethno-nationalism.' In: Shackle, Christopher, Singh, Gurharpal and Mandair, Arvind-pal, (eds.), Sikh Religion, Culture and Ethnicity. London: Curzon, pp. 142-160.

Singh, Gurharpal (2000) 'Understanding Political Corruption in Contemporary Indian Politics.' In: Williams, Robert and Theobald, Robin, (eds.), Corruption in the Developing World (Vol. 2 of The Politics of Corruption). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 422-434.

Sundermann, Werner

De Blois, Francois (2000) 'The Manichaean daily prayers.' In: Emmerick, Ronald E., Sundermann, Werner and Zieme, Peter, (eds.), Studia Manichaica IV. Internationaler Kongreß zum Manichäismus, Berlin, 14.-18. Juli 1997. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, pp. 49-54. (Berichte und Abhandlungen / Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Sonderband, 4)

Teeuwen, M.

Barrett, T. H. (2000) 'Shinto and Taoism in Early Japan.' In: Breen, John and Teeuwen, M., (eds.), Shinto in History: Ways of the Kami. Richmond: Curzon Press, pp. 13-31.

Theobald, Robin

Singh, Gurharpal (2000) 'Understanding Political Corruption in Contemporary Indian Politics.' In: Williams, Robert and Theobald, Robin, (eds.), Corruption in the Developing World (Vol. 2 of The Politics of Corruption). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 422-434.

Tichy, Eva

Hintze, Almut and Tichy, Eva, eds. (2000) Anusantatyai. Fest­­schrift für Johanna Narten zum 70. Geburtstag. Dettelbach: J.H. Röll. (Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissen­schaft, Beiheft 19)

Williams, Robert

Singh, Gurharpal (2000) 'Understanding Political Corruption in Contemporary Indian Politics.' In: Williams, Robert and Theobald, Robin, (eds.), Corruption in the Developing World (Vol. 2 of The Politics of Corruption). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 422-434.

Yarshater, Ehsan

Hintze, Almut (2000) 'Frašō.kərəti.' In: Yarshater, Ehsan, (ed.), Encyclopaedia Iranica 10. New York: Bibliotheca Persica Press, pp. 190-192.

Zene, Cosimo

Zene, Cosimo (2000) 'We too are Humans (Amrao je manus!): The Rishis'' struggle for human identity.' In: SOAS Working Papers in the Study of Religions. London: SOAS, pp. 69-98.

Zieme, Peter

De Blois, Francois (2000) 'The Manichaean daily prayers.' In: Emmerick, Ronald E., Sundermann, Werner and Zieme, Peter, (eds.), Studia Manichaica IV. Internationaler Kongreß zum Manichäismus, Berlin, 14.-18. Juli 1997. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, pp. 49-54. (Berichte und Abhandlungen / Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Sonderband, 4)

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