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Number of items: 116.

Ackermann, Peter

Rodriquez, Maria, Ackermann, Peter and Martinez, Dolores, eds. (2007) Pilgrimage and spiritual quests in Japan. London: Routledge.

Martinez, Dolores (2007) 'Pilgrimage and experience: an afterword.' In: Rodriquez, Maria, Ackermann, Peter and Rodriguez del Alisal, Maria, (eds.), Pilgrimages and Spiritual Quests in Japan. London: Routledge, UK. (Japan Anthropology Workshop Series)

Al-Attili, Aghlab

Al-Attili, Aghlab and Mendoza-Robles, Rosa-Maria (2007) 'Digitizing Heritage or reconstructing Imagination.' In: Mercado, Maganda and Gomez, Adriana, (eds.), Sigradi 2007: La Comunicación en la Comunidad Visual. Cuidad de Mexico, Mexico: SIGraDI, pp. 48-53.

Karandinou, Anastasia and Al-Attili, Aghlab (2007) 'Conscious Interaction with Immaterial Space: Augmented Reality of everyday life.' In: Okeil, Ahmad, Al-Attili, Aghlab and Mallasi, Zaki, (eds.), Embodying Virtual Architecture. Alexandria, Egypt: Bibliotheca Alexandrina and ASCAAD, pp. 243-252. (ASCAAD)

Karandinou, Anastasia and Al-Attili, Aghlab (2007) 'Conscious Interaction with Immaterial Space: Augmented Reality of everyday life.' In: Okeil, Ahmad, Al-Attili, Aghlab and Mallasi, Zaki, (eds.), Embodying Virtual Architecture. Alexandria, Egypt: Bibliotheca Alexandrina and ASCAAD, pp. 243-252. (ASCAAD)

Othman, Alma and Al-Attili, Aghlab (2007) 'Re-Placing Embodied Interaction.' In: Okeil, Ahmad, Al-Attili, Aghlab and Mallaso, Zaki, (eds.), Embodying Virtual Architecture. Alexandria, Egypt: Bibliotheca Alexandrina and ASCAAD, pp. 381-398.

Othman, Alma and Al-Attili, Aghlab (2007) 'Re-Placing Embodied Interaction.' In: Okeil, Ahmad, Al-Attili, Aghlab and Mallaso, Zaki, (eds.), Embodying Virtual Architecture. Alexandria, Egypt: Bibliotheca Alexandrina and ASCAAD, pp. 381-398.

Andrews, H.

Selwyn, Tom, Roberts, Les and Andrews, H. (2007) 'Hospitality and Eroticism.' International Journal of Hospitality, Tourism, and Culture, 1 (3). pp. 247-262.

Axelby, Richard

Axelby, Richard (2007) '‘It Takes Two Hands to Clap’: How Gaddi Shepherds in the Indian Himalayas Negotiate Access to Grazing.' Journal of Agrarian Change, 7 (1). pp. 35-75.

Basu, Paul

Basu, Paul and Macdonald, Sharon, eds. (2007) Exhibition Experiments. Oxford: Blackwell.

Basu, Paul (2007) Highland Homecomings: Genealogy and Heritage-Tourism in the Scottish Diaspora. London: Routledge.

Basu, Paul (2007) 'The Labyrinthine Aesthetic in Contemporary Museum Design.' In: Macdonald, Sharon and Basu, Paul, (eds.), Exhibition Experiments. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 47-70.

Basu, Paul (2007) 'The Labyrinthine Aesthetic in Contemporary Museum Design.' In: Macdonald, Sharon and Basu, Paul, (eds.), Exhibition Experiments. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 47-70.

Basu, Paul (2007) 'Palimpsest Memoryscapes: Materializing and Mediating War and Peace in Sierra Leone.' In: De Jong, Ferdinand and Rowlands, Michael, (eds.), Reclaiming Heritage: Alternative Imaginaries of Memory in West Africa. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press, pp. 231-259.

Basu, Paul and Macdonald, Sharon (2007) 'Experiments in Exhibition, Ethnography, Art and Science.' In: Macdonald, Sharon and Basu, Paul, (eds.), Exhibition Experiments. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 1-24.

Basu, Paul and Macdonald, Sharon (2007) 'Experiments in Exhibition, Ethnography, Art and Science.' In: Macdonald, Sharon and Basu, Paul, (eds.), Exhibition Experiments. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 1-24.

Crewe, Emma

Crewe, Emma (2007) 'La Loyauté dans une paire de collants. Règles, rites et symboles à la Chambre des lords.' Ethnologie Française, 37 (2). pp. 243-254.

Crewe, Emma (2007) 'Towards better outcomes for children: Alternative Perspectives on International Development.' Journal of Children's Services, 2 (4). pp. 59-70.

De Jong, Ferdinand

Basu, Paul (2007) 'Palimpsest Memoryscapes: Materializing and Mediating War and Peace in Sierra Leone.' In: De Jong, Ferdinand and Rowlands, Michael, (eds.), Reclaiming Heritage: Alternative Imaginaries of Memory in West Africa. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press, pp. 231-259.

Dolan, Catherine

Dolan, Catherine (2007) 'Market Affections: Moral Encounters with Kenyan Fairtrade Flowers.' Ethnos, 72 (2). pp. 239-261.

Opondo, Maggie, Dolan, Catherine, Kathuri, James and Wendoh, Senorina (2007) 'Gender and Employment.' In: Kindon, Sara, Pain, Rachel and Kesby, Mike, (eds.), Participatory Action Research Approaches and Methods: Connecting People, Participation and Place. London: Routledge, pp. 80-87.

Fardon, Richard

Fardon, Richard (2007) Fusions: Masquerades and Thought-Style East of the Niger-Benue Confluence, West Africa. London: Saffron Press. (Saffron Afriscopes Series)

Fardon, Richard and Iyenda, Guillaume (2007) 'Dame Mary Douglas (1921-2007) with bibliographic supplement.' Anthropology Today, 23 (5). pp. 25-27.

Fisker-Nielsen, Anne Mette

Fisker-Nielsen, Anne Mette (2007) An Ethnography of Young Soka Gakkai Members’ Support for Komeito: Religious Idealism and Political Reality in Contemporary Japan. PhD thesis. SOAS, University of London. DOI:

Gomez, Adriana

Al-Attili, Aghlab and Mendoza-Robles, Rosa-Maria (2007) 'Digitizing Heritage or reconstructing Imagination.' In: Mercado, Maganda and Gomez, Adriana, (eds.), Sigradi 2007: La Comunicación en la Comunidad Visual. Cuidad de Mexico, Mexico: SIGraDI, pp. 48-53.

Harris, Mark

Marchand, Trevor H.J. (2007) 'Crafting Knowledge: the role of 'parsing and production' in the communication of skill-based knowledge among masons.' In: Harris, Mark, (ed.), Ways of Knowing. Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 173-193.

Hioki, K.

Matsunaga, Louella (2007) 'Kigyou no guroubaruka to nashonaru aidentitii [The globalization of enterprises and national identity].' In: Nakamaki, Hirochika and Hioki, K., (eds.), Kaisha bunka no guroubaru-ka: Keieijinruigakuteki kousatsu (The globalization of company culture: an investigation from the perspective of the anthropology of management = 会社文化のグローバル化 : 経営人類学的考察. Osaka: Toho Shuppan.

Hughes, Stephen

Hughes, Stephen (2007) 'Music in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction: Drama, Gramophone and the Beginnings of Tamil Cinema.' The Journal of Asian Studies, 66 (1). pp. 3-34.

Iyenda, Guillaume

Fardon, Richard and Iyenda, Guillaume (2007) 'Dame Mary Douglas (1921-2007) with bibliographic supplement.' Anthropology Today, 23 (5). pp. 25-27.

Janowski, Monica

Janowski, Monica and Kerlogue, Fiona, eds. (2007) Kinship and Food in Southeast Asia. Copenhagen: NIAS. (NIAS-Nordic Institute of Asican Studies. Studies in Asian topics, 38)

Janowski, Monica (2007) 'Being ‘Big’, Being ‘Good’: Feeding, kinship, potency and status among the Kelabit of Sarawak.' In: Janowski, Monica and Kerlogue, Fiona, (eds.), Kinship and Food in Southeast Asia. Copenhagen: NIAS. (NIAS-Nordic Institute of Asican Studies. Studies in Asian topics, 38)

Janowski, Monica (2007) 'Being ‘Big’, Being ‘Good’: Feeding, kinship, potency and status among the Kelabit of Sarawak.' In: Janowski, Monica and Kerlogue, Fiona, (eds.), Kinship and Food in Southeast Asia. Copenhagen: NIAS. (NIAS-Nordic Institute of Asican Studies. Studies in Asian topics, 38)

Janowski, Monica (2007) 'Introduction. Feeding the right food : the flow of life and the construction of kinship in Southeast Asia.' In: Janowski, Monica and Kerlogue, Fiona, (eds.), Kinship and Food in Southeast Asia. Copenhagen: NIAS. (NIAS-Nordic Institute of Asican Studies. Studies in Asian topics, 38)

Janowski, Monica (2007) 'Introduction. Feeding the right food : the flow of life and the construction of kinship in Southeast Asia.' In: Janowski, Monica and Kerlogue, Fiona, (eds.), Kinship and Food in Southeast Asia. Copenhagen: NIAS. (NIAS-Nordic Institute of Asican Studies. Studies in Asian topics, 38)

Janson, Marloes

Janson, Marloes (2007) 'Appropriating Islam: The Tensions between ‘Traditionalists’ and ‘Modernists’ in The Gambia.' Islam et sociétés au sud du Sahara, nouvelle série, 1. pp. 61-79.

Janson, Marloes (2007) 'Pleasing God and Pleasing the Patrons: Portrait of a Female Finoo in The Gambia.' Canadian Journal of African Studies, 41 (1). pp. 38-65.

Janson, Marloes (2007) 'Representations: Legends, Epics, and Performance.' In: Suad, Joseph, (ed.), Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures Volume 5. Leiden: Brill, pp. 450-452.

Karandinou, Anastasia

Karandinou, Anastasia and Al-Attili, Aghlab (2007) 'Conscious Interaction with Immaterial Space: Augmented Reality of everyday life.' In: Okeil, Ahmad, Al-Attili, Aghlab and Mallasi, Zaki, (eds.), Embodying Virtual Architecture. Alexandria, Egypt: Bibliotheca Alexandrina and ASCAAD, pp. 243-252. (ASCAAD)

Kathuri, James

Opondo, Maggie, Dolan, Catherine, Kathuri, James and Wendoh, Senorina (2007) 'Gender and Employment.' In: Kindon, Sara, Pain, Rachel and Kesby, Mike, (eds.), Participatory Action Research Approaches and Methods: Connecting People, Participation and Place. London: Routledge, pp. 80-87.

Kerlogue, Fiona

Janowski, Monica and Kerlogue, Fiona, eds. (2007) Kinship and Food in Southeast Asia. Copenhagen: NIAS. (NIAS-Nordic Institute of Asican Studies. Studies in Asian topics, 38)

Janowski, Monica (2007) 'Being ‘Big’, Being ‘Good’: Feeding, kinship, potency and status among the Kelabit of Sarawak.' In: Janowski, Monica and Kerlogue, Fiona, (eds.), Kinship and Food in Southeast Asia. Copenhagen: NIAS. (NIAS-Nordic Institute of Asican Studies. Studies in Asian topics, 38)

Janowski, Monica (2007) 'Introduction. Feeding the right food : the flow of life and the construction of kinship in Southeast Asia.' In: Janowski, Monica and Kerlogue, Fiona, (eds.), Kinship and Food in Southeast Asia. Copenhagen: NIAS. (NIAS-Nordic Institute of Asican Studies. Studies in Asian topics, 38)

Kesby, Mike

Opondo, Maggie, Dolan, Catherine, Kathuri, James and Wendoh, Senorina (2007) 'Gender and Employment.' In: Kindon, Sara, Pain, Rachel and Kesby, Mike, (eds.), Participatory Action Research Approaches and Methods: Connecting People, Participation and Place. London: Routledge, pp. 80-87.

Kindon, Sara

Opondo, Maggie, Dolan, Catherine, Kathuri, James and Wendoh, Senorina (2007) 'Gender and Employment.' In: Kindon, Sara, Pain, Rachel and Kesby, Mike, (eds.), Participatory Action Research Approaches and Methods: Connecting People, Participation and Place. London: Routledge, pp. 80-87.

Klein, Jakob A.

Klein, Jakob A. (2007) 'Redefining Cantonese cuisine in post-Mao Guangzhou.' Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 70 (3). pp. 511-537.

Kresse, Kai

Simpson, Edward and Kresse, Kai, eds. (2007) Struggling with history: Islam and cosmopolitanism in the western Indian Ocean. London: Hurst and Co..

Osella, Filippo and Osella, Caroline (2007) ''I am Gulf': the production of cosmopolitanism in Kozhikode, Kerala, India.' In: Simpson, Edward and Kresse, Kai, (eds.), Struggling with history: Islam and cosmopolitanism in the Western Indian Ocean. London: Hurst.

Simpson, Edward and Kresse, Kai (2007) 'The history of Bhuj as told by its own historians.' In: Simpson, Edward, (ed.), Struggling with history: Islam and cosmopolitanism in the western Indian Ocean. London: Hurst, pp. 93-124.

Latham, Kevin

Latham, Kevin (2007) Pop Culture China! Media, Arts and Lifestyle. Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-Clio.

Latham, Kevin (2007) 'SMS, Communication, and Citizenship in China's Information Society.' Critical Asian Studies, 39 (2). pp. 295-314.

Leite, Naomi

Leite, Naomi (2007) 'Materializing Absence: Tourists, Surrogates, and the Making of Jewish Portugal.' In: Robinson, Mike, (ed.), Things That Move: The Material World of Tourism and Travel. Leeds: Centre for Tourism and Cultural Change, Leeds Metropolitan University.

Macdonald, Sharon

Basu, Paul and Macdonald, Sharon, eds. (2007) Exhibition Experiments. Oxford: Blackwell.

Basu, Paul (2007) 'The Labyrinthine Aesthetic in Contemporary Museum Design.' In: Macdonald, Sharon and Basu, Paul, (eds.), Exhibition Experiments. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 47-70.

Basu, Paul and Macdonald, Sharon (2007) 'Experiments in Exhibition, Ethnography, Art and Science.' In: Macdonald, Sharon and Basu, Paul, (eds.), Exhibition Experiments. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 1-24.

Basu, Paul and Macdonald, Sharon (2007) 'Experiments in Exhibition, Ethnography, Art and Science.' In: Macdonald, Sharon and Basu, Paul, (eds.), Exhibition Experiments. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 1-24.

Malinar, Angelika

Otten, Tina (2007) 'Cosmic Time and its Influence on Rona Girls and Women.' In: Malinar, Angelika, (ed.), Time in India : concepts and practices. New Delhi: Manohar, pp. 137-152.

Mallasi, Zaki

Karandinou, Anastasia and Al-Attili, Aghlab (2007) 'Conscious Interaction with Immaterial Space: Augmented Reality of everyday life.' In: Okeil, Ahmad, Al-Attili, Aghlab and Mallasi, Zaki, (eds.), Embodying Virtual Architecture. Alexandria, Egypt: Bibliotheca Alexandrina and ASCAAD, pp. 243-252. (ASCAAD)

Mallaso, Zaki

Othman, Alma and Al-Attili, Aghlab (2007) 'Re-Placing Embodied Interaction.' In: Okeil, Ahmad, Al-Attili, Aghlab and Mallaso, Zaki, (eds.), Embodying Virtual Architecture. Alexandria, Egypt: Bibliotheca Alexandrina and ASCAAD, pp. 381-398.

Marchand, Trevor H.J.

Marchand, Trevor H.J. (2007) 'Crafting Knowledge: the role of 'parsing and production' in the communication of skill-based knowledge among masons.' In: Harris, Mark, (ed.), Ways of Knowing. Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 173-193.

Marchand, Trevor H.J. (2007) 'Fortifying Futures on Blessed Foundations: masons, secrets and guarantees in Djenné.' Mande Studies, 7. pp. 89-98.

Marchand, Trevor H.J. (2007) 'Vocational Migrants and a Tradition of Longing.' Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review: Journal of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments, 19 (1). pp. 23-40.

Marchand, Trevor H.J., Vogel, Susan and Sidibe, Samuel (2007) Future of Mud: a tale of houses and lives in Djenné (58-minute documentary film). Brooklyn, NY: Prince Street Pictures, distributed by First Run Icarus Films.

Marsden, Magnus

Marsden, Magnus (2007) 'Actually existing cosmopolitanism on Pakistan’s Afghan Frontier.' ISIM Review, 19.

Marsden, Magnus (2007) 'All-Male Sonic Gatherings, Islamic Reform, and Masculinity in Northern Pakistan.' American Ethnologist, 34 (3). pp. 473-490.

Marsden, Magnus (2007) 'Islam, emotion and authority in northern Pakistan.' Contributions to Indian Sociology, 41 (1). pp. 41-80.

Marsden, Magnus (2007) 'Love and elopement in northern Pakistan.' Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 13 (1). pp. 91-108.

Martinez, Dolores

Martinez, Dolores, ed. (2007) Japanese Culture and Society. London: Routledge.

Rodriquez, Maria, Ackermann, Peter and Martinez, Dolores, eds. (2007) Pilgrimage and spiritual quests in Japan. London: Routledge.

Martinez, Dolores (2007) 'Pilgrimage and experience: an afterword.' In: Rodriquez, Maria, Ackermann, Peter and Rodriguez del Alisal, Maria, (eds.), Pilgrimages and Spiritual Quests in Japan. London: Routledge, UK. (Japan Anthropology Workshop Series)

Martinez, Dolores (2007) 'Seven samurai and six women: Kurosawa's Shichinin samurai.' In: Phillips, Alistair and Stringer, Julian, (eds.), Japanese Cinema Texts and Contexts. London: Routledge.

Martinez, Dolores (2007) 'Where the Human Heart Goes Astray: Rashomon, Boomtown and Subjective Experience.' Film Studies, 11 (Winter). pp. 27-36.

Matsunaga, Louella

Matsunaga, Louella (2007) 'Kigyou no guroubaruka to nashonaru aidentitii [The globalization of enterprises and national identity].' In: Nakamaki, Hirochika and Hioki, K., (eds.), Kaisha bunka no guroubaru-ka: Keieijinruigakuteki kousatsu (The globalization of company culture: an investigation from the perspective of the anthropology of management = 会社文化のグローバル化 : 経営人類学的考察. Osaka: Toho Shuppan.

Mendoza-Robles, Rosa-Maria

Al-Attili, Aghlab and Mendoza-Robles, Rosa-Maria (2007) 'Digitizing Heritage or reconstructing Imagination.' In: Mercado, Maganda and Gomez, Adriana, (eds.), Sigradi 2007: La Comunicación en la Comunidad Visual. Cuidad de Mexico, Mexico: SIGraDI, pp. 48-53.

Mercado, Maganda

Al-Attili, Aghlab and Mendoza-Robles, Rosa-Maria (2007) 'Digitizing Heritage or reconstructing Imagination.' In: Mercado, Maganda and Gomez, Adriana, (eds.), Sigradi 2007: La Comunicación en la Comunidad Visual. Cuidad de Mexico, Mexico: SIGraDI, pp. 48-53.

Mosse, David

Mosse, David (2007) Power and the durability of poverty: a critical exploration of the links between culture, marginality and chronic poverty. Chronic Poverty Research Centre (CPRC) Working Paper 107.

Nakamaki, Hirochika

Matsunaga, Louella (2007) 'Kigyou no guroubaruka to nashonaru aidentitii [The globalization of enterprises and national identity].' In: Nakamaki, Hirochika and Hioki, K., (eds.), Kaisha bunka no guroubaru-ka: Keieijinruigakuteki kousatsu (The globalization of company culture: an investigation from the perspective of the anthropology of management = 会社文化のグローバル化 : 経営人類学的考察. Osaka: Toho Shuppan.

Okeil, Ahmad

Karandinou, Anastasia and Al-Attili, Aghlab (2007) 'Conscious Interaction with Immaterial Space: Augmented Reality of everyday life.' In: Okeil, Ahmad, Al-Attili, Aghlab and Mallasi, Zaki, (eds.), Embodying Virtual Architecture. Alexandria, Egypt: Bibliotheca Alexandrina and ASCAAD, pp. 243-252. (ASCAAD)

Othman, Alma and Al-Attili, Aghlab (2007) 'Re-Placing Embodied Interaction.' In: Okeil, Ahmad, Al-Attili, Aghlab and Mallaso, Zaki, (eds.), Embodying Virtual Architecture. Alexandria, Egypt: Bibliotheca Alexandrina and ASCAAD, pp. 381-398.

Opondo, Maggie

Opondo, Maggie, Dolan, Catherine, Kathuri, James and Wendoh, Senorina (2007) 'Gender and Employment.' In: Kindon, Sara, Pain, Rachel and Kesby, Mike, (eds.), Participatory Action Research Approaches and Methods: Connecting People, Participation and Place. London: Routledge, pp. 80-87.

Osella, Caroline

Osella, Caroline and Osella, Filippo (2007) 'Muslim Style in South India.' Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress Body and Culture, 11 (2-3). pp. 233-252.

Osella, Filippo and Osella, Caroline (2007) ''I am Gulf': the production of cosmopolitanism in Kozhikode, Kerala, India.' In: Simpson, Edward and Kresse, Kai, (eds.), Struggling with history: Islam and cosmopolitanism in the Western Indian Ocean. London: Hurst.

Osella, Filippo

Osella, Caroline and Osella, Filippo (2007) 'Muslim Style in South India.' Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress Body and Culture, 11 (2-3). pp. 233-252.

Osella, Filippo and Osella, Caroline (2007) ''I am Gulf': the production of cosmopolitanism in Kozhikode, Kerala, India.' In: Simpson, Edward and Kresse, Kai, (eds.), Struggling with history: Islam and cosmopolitanism in the Western Indian Ocean. London: Hurst.

Othman, Alma

Othman, Alma and Al-Attili, Aghlab (2007) 'Re-Placing Embodied Interaction.' In: Okeil, Ahmad, Al-Attili, Aghlab and Mallaso, Zaki, (eds.), Embodying Virtual Architecture. Alexandria, Egypt: Bibliotheca Alexandrina and ASCAAD, pp. 381-398.

Otten, Tina

Otten, Tina (2007) 'Cosmic Time and its Influence on Rona Girls and Women.' In: Malinar, Angelika, (ed.), Time in India : concepts and practices. New Delhi: Manohar, pp. 137-152.

Otten, Tina (2007) 'Given From God and Come In Its Own Will: The Hierarchy of Illness Causes among the Rona of Tribal Orissa.' In: Pfeffer, Georg, (ed.), Periphery and centre: studies in Orissan history, religion and anthropology. New Delhi: Manohar, pp. 178-193.

Pain, Rachel

Opondo, Maggie, Dolan, Catherine, Kathuri, James and Wendoh, Senorina (2007) 'Gender and Employment.' In: Kindon, Sara, Pain, Rachel and Kesby, Mike, (eds.), Participatory Action Research Approaches and Methods: Connecting People, Participation and Place. London: Routledge, pp. 80-87.

Pfeffer, Georg

Otten, Tina (2007) 'Given From God and Come In Its Own Will: The Hierarchy of Illness Causes among the Rona of Tribal Orissa.' In: Pfeffer, Georg, (ed.), Periphery and centre: studies in Orissan history, religion and anthropology. New Delhi: Manohar, pp. 178-193.

Phillips, Alistair

Martinez, Dolores (2007) 'Seven samurai and six women: Kurosawa's Shichinin samurai.' In: Phillips, Alistair and Stringer, Julian, (eds.), Japanese Cinema Texts and Contexts. London: Routledge.

Portisch, Anna

Portisch, Anna (2007) 'La technicité dans la beauté : Vivre et apprendre l'esthétique dans une yourte kazakh.' Reseau Asie online journal.

Pottier, Johan

Pottier, Johan (2007) 'Rights Violations, Rumour, and Rhetoric: Making Sense of Cannibalism in Mambasa, Ituri (Democratic Republic of Congo).' Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 13 (4). pp. 825-843.

Retsikas, Kostas

Retsikas, Kostas (2007) 'Being and place: movement, ancestors, and personhood in East Java, Indonesia.' Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 13 (4). pp. 969-986.

Retsikas, Kostas (2007) 'The Power Of The Senses: Ethnicity, History and Embodiment in East Java, Indonesia.' Indonesia and the Malay World, 35 (102). pp. 183-210.

Roberts, Les

Selwyn, Tom, Roberts, Les and Andrews, H. (2007) 'Hospitality and Eroticism.' International Journal of Hospitality, Tourism, and Culture, 1 (3). pp. 247-262.

Robinson, Mike

Leite, Naomi (2007) 'Materializing Absence: Tourists, Surrogates, and the Making of Jewish Portugal.' In: Robinson, Mike, (ed.), Things That Move: The Material World of Tourism and Travel. Leeds: Centre for Tourism and Cultural Change, Leeds Metropolitan University.

Rodriguez del Alisal, Maria

Martinez, Dolores (2007) 'Pilgrimage and experience: an afterword.' In: Rodriquez, Maria, Ackermann, Peter and Rodriguez del Alisal, Maria, (eds.), Pilgrimages and Spiritual Quests in Japan. London: Routledge, UK. (Japan Anthropology Workshop Series)

Rodriquez, Maria

Rodriquez, Maria, Ackermann, Peter and Martinez, Dolores, eds. (2007) Pilgrimage and spiritual quests in Japan. London: Routledge.

Martinez, Dolores (2007) 'Pilgrimage and experience: an afterword.' In: Rodriquez, Maria, Ackermann, Peter and Rodriguez del Alisal, Maria, (eds.), Pilgrimages and Spiritual Quests in Japan. London: Routledge, UK. (Japan Anthropology Workshop Series)

Rowlands, Michael

Basu, Paul (2007) 'Palimpsest Memoryscapes: Materializing and Mediating War and Peace in Sierra Leone.' In: De Jong, Ferdinand and Rowlands, Michael, (eds.), Reclaiming Heritage: Alternative Imaginaries of Memory in West Africa. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press, pp. 231-259.

Selwyn, Tom

Selwyn, Tom (2007) Iran: Tourism Strategy. British Council and Iranian government.

Selwyn, Tom (2007) 'The Political Economy of Enchantment: Formations in the anthropology of tourism.' Suomen Antropologi: Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society, 32 (2). pp. 48-70.

Selwyn, Tom (2007) 'Sei unser Gast.' Kulturaustausch: Zeitschrift fur internationale Perspektiven, 11. pp. 60-61.

Selwyn, Tom, Roberts, Les and Andrews, H. (2007) 'Hospitality and Eroticism.' International Journal of Hospitality, Tourism, and Culture, 1 (3). pp. 247-262.

Sidibe, Samuel

Marchand, Trevor H.J., Vogel, Susan and Sidibe, Samuel (2007) Future of Mud: a tale of houses and lives in Djenné (58-minute documentary film). Brooklyn, NY: Prince Street Pictures, distributed by First Run Icarus Films.

Simpson, Edward

Simpson, Edward and Kresse, Kai, eds. (2007) Struggling with history: Islam and cosmopolitanism in the western Indian Ocean. London: Hurst and Co..

Osella, Filippo and Osella, Caroline (2007) ''I am Gulf': the production of cosmopolitanism in Kozhikode, Kerala, India.' In: Simpson, Edward and Kresse, Kai, (eds.), Struggling with history: Islam and cosmopolitanism in the Western Indian Ocean. London: Hurst.

Simpson, Edward (2007) 'State of play six years after Gujarat earthquake.' Economic and Political Weekly, XLII (11).

Simpson, Edward (2007) 'The changing perspectives on three Muslim men on the question of saint worship over a 10-year period in Gujarat, western India.' Modern Asian Studies, 42 (2/3). pp. 377-403.

Simpson, Edward and Kresse, Kai (2007) 'The history of Bhuj as told by its own historians.' In: Simpson, Edward, (ed.), Struggling with history: Islam and cosmopolitanism in the western Indian Ocean. London: Hurst, pp. 93-124.

Simpson, Edward and Kresse, Kai (2007) 'The history of Bhuj as told by its own historians.' In: Simpson, Edward, (ed.), Struggling with history: Islam and cosmopolitanism in the western Indian Ocean. London: Hurst, pp. 93-124.

Steur, Luisa

Steur, Luisa (2007) 'Airing dirty laundry or nursing caste?' Focaal: European Journal of Social Anthropology, 50 . pp. 173-175.

Stringer, Julian

Martinez, Dolores (2007) 'Seven samurai and six women: Kurosawa's Shichinin samurai.' In: Phillips, Alistair and Stringer, Julian, (eds.), Japanese Cinema Texts and Contexts. London: Routledge.

Suad, Joseph

Janson, Marloes (2007) 'Representations: Legends, Epics, and Performance.' In: Suad, Joseph, (ed.), Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures Volume 5. Leiden: Brill, pp. 450-452.

Vogel, Susan

Marchand, Trevor H.J., Vogel, Susan and Sidibe, Samuel (2007) Future of Mud: a tale of houses and lives in Djenné (58-minute documentary film). Brooklyn, NY: Prince Street Pictures, distributed by First Run Icarus Films.

Wendoh, Senorina

Opondo, Maggie, Dolan, Catherine, Kathuri, James and Wendoh, Senorina (2007) 'Gender and Employment.' In: Kindon, Sara, Pain, Rachel and Kesby, Mike, (eds.), Participatory Action Research Approaches and Methods: Connecting People, Participation and Place. London: Routledge, pp. 80-87.

West, Harry G.

West, Harry G. (2007) Ethnographic Sorcery. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

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