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Number of items: 85.

Barker, Graeme

Lloyd-Smith, Lindsay, Janowski, Monica and Barker, Graeme (2010) 'The Cultured Rainforest Project: The Third (2009) Field Season.' Sarawak Museum Journal, LXVII (88).

Basu, Paul

Basu, Paul and Coleman, Simon, eds. (2010) Pathways to Anthropology. Oxford: Berghahn. (Special issue of Anthropology in Action 17(2-3))

Basu, Paul and Coleman, Simon (2010) 'Culture, identity, difference: developing a museum-based anthropology education resource for pre-university students.' Anthropology in Action, 17 (2-3). pp. 87-104.

Basu, Paul and Coleman, Simon (2010) 'Pathways to Anthropology.' Anthropology in Action, 17 (2-3). pp. 1-7.

Berger, Peter

Otten, Tina (2010) 'The Concept of biba among the Rona of Highland Orissa. Wedding Rituals to Ensure Health.' In: Berger, Peter, Hardenberg, Roland, Kattner, Ellen and Prager, Michael, (eds.), The Anthropology of Values: Essays in Honour of Georg Pfeffer. New Delhi: Longman, pp. 143-161.

Blowfield, Mick

Blowfield, Mick and Dolan, Catherine (2010) 'Fairtrade Facts and Fancies: What Kenyan Fairtrade Tea Tells Us about Business’ Role as Development Agent.' Journal of Business Ethics, 93 (2). pp. 143-162.

Blowfield, Mick and Dolan, Catherine (2010) 'Outsourcing Governance: Fairtrade’s Message for C21 Global Governance.' Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society, 10 (4). pp. 484-499.

Campbell, John

Campbell, John (2010) 'The 'problem' of ethics in contemporary anthropological research.' Anthropology Matters, 12 (1). pp. 1-17.

Coleman, Simon

Basu, Paul and Coleman, Simon, eds. (2010) Pathways to Anthropology. Oxford: Berghahn. (Special issue of Anthropology in Action 17(2-3))

Basu, Paul and Coleman, Simon (2010) 'Culture, identity, difference: developing a museum-based anthropology education resource for pre-university students.' Anthropology in Action, 17 (2-3). pp. 87-104.

Basu, Paul and Coleman, Simon (2010) 'Pathways to Anthropology.' Anthropology in Action, 17 (2-3). pp. 1-7.

Collins, James T.

Janowski, Monica (2010) 'Naming systems among the Kelabit.' In: Kaartinen, Timo and Collins, James T., (eds.), Western Borneo: Exploring Language Communities and Literaray Traditions. Oxford: Oxford University Press [TBC]. (Unpublished)

Crewe, Emma

Crewe, Emma (2010) 'An Anthropology of the House of Lords: socialisation, relationships and rituals.' Journal of Legislative Studies, 16 (3). pp. 313-324.

Crewe, Emma (2010) 'Protecting children in different contexts: exploring the value of rights and research.' Journal of Children's Services, 5 (1). pp. 43-55.

Dolan, Catherine

Blowfield, Mick and Dolan, Catherine (2010) 'Fairtrade Facts and Fancies: What Kenyan Fairtrade Tea Tells Us about Business’ Role as Development Agent.' Journal of Business Ethics, 93 (2). pp. 143-162.

Blowfield, Mick and Dolan, Catherine (2010) 'Outsourcing Governance: Fairtrade’s Message for C21 Global Governance.' Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society, 10 (4). pp. 484-499.

Dolan, Catherine (2010) 'Virtual Moralities: The Mainstreaming of Fairtrade in Kenyan Tea Fields.' Geoforum, 41 (1). pp. 33-43.

Fardon, Richard

Fardon, Richard (2010) 'Margaret Mary Douglas 1921-2007.' Proceedings of the British Academy, 166. pp. 133-158.

Ferrari, Fabrizio M.

Marsden, Magnus (2010) 'Possession in an Islamist Valley: Spirits, Islamists and Love in Northern Pakistan.' In: Ferrari, Fabrizio M., (ed.), Health and Religious Rituals in South Asia: Disease, Possession and Healing. New York: Routledge, pp. 35-47. (Routledge South Asian Religion Series)

Fisker-Nielsen, Anne Mette

Fisker-Nielsen, Anne Mette (2010) 'The Making of Representations of the Religious Adherent Engaged in Politics.' Fieldwork in Religion, 5 (2). pp. 162-179.

Fisker-Nielsen, Anne Mette (2010) 'Review of 'Ideology and Christianity in Japan' by Kiri Paramore.' Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland (Third Series), 20 (2). pp. 233-235.

Gillespie, Steven A.

Selwyn, Tom (2010) 'Pilgrimage and Tourism in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Palestine: Reporting from two of the European Commission’s TEMPUS Projects.' In: McLeod, Donald and Gillespie, Steven A., (eds.), Sustainable Tourism in Rural Europe. London: Routledge.

Graburn, Nelson

Leite, Naomi and Graburn, Nelson (2010) 'L'anthropologie pour étudier le tourisme.' Mondes du Tourisme, 1 (1). pp. 17-29.

Hardenberg, Roland

Otten, Tina (2010) 'The Concept of biba among the Rona of Highland Orissa. Wedding Rituals to Ensure Health.' In: Berger, Peter, Hardenberg, Roland, Kattner, Ellen and Prager, Michael, (eds.), The Anthropology of Values: Essays in Honour of Georg Pfeffer. New Delhi: Longman, pp. 143-161.

Hughes, Stephen

Hughes, Stephen (2010) 'In search of beginnings...' The Hindu - Sunday Magazine. p. 5.

Hughes, Stephen (2010) 'The Lost Decade of Indian Film History.' Journal of the Moving Image, 9. pp. 72-93.

Hughes, Stephen (2010) 'Our tryst with celluloid magic.' The Hindu - Sunday Magazine. p. 1.

Hughes, Stephen (2010) 'The Sound of RMRL.' Maatruveli Aayvitazh, 4. pp. 76-81.

Hughes, Stephen (2010) 'What is Tamil about Tamil Cinema?' South Asia Popular Culture, 8 (3). pp. 213-229.

Hughes, Stephen (2010) 'When Film Came to Madras.' BioScope: South Asian Screen Studies, 1 (2). pp. 147-168.

Hull, Elizabeth

Hull, Elizabeth (2010) 'International migration, "domestic struggles" and status aspiration among nurses in South Africa.' Journal of Southern African Studies, 36 (4). pp. 851-867.

Hull, Elizabeth (2010) 'Review of 'Ethnicity, Inc.' by John L. and Jean Comaroff.' American Ethnologist, 37 (4). pp. 860-861.

Janowski, Monica

Janowski, Monica (2010) 'Naming systems among the Kelabit.' In: Kaartinen, Timo and Collins, James T., (eds.), Western Borneo: Exploring Language Communities and Literaray Traditions. Oxford: Oxford University Press [TBC]. (Unpublished)

Lloyd-Smith, Lindsay, Janowski, Monica and Barker, Graeme (2010) 'The Cultured Rainforest Project: The Third (2009) Field Season.' Sarawak Museum Journal, LXVII (88).

Janson, Marloes

Janson, Marloes (2010) 'Book Review of Adeline Masquelier’s "Women and Islamic Revival in a West African Town".' American Anthropologist, 112 (4). pp. 675-676.

Kaartinen, Timo

Janowski, Monica (2010) 'Naming systems among the Kelabit.' In: Kaartinen, Timo and Collins, James T., (eds.), Western Borneo: Exploring Language Communities and Literaray Traditions. Oxford: Oxford University Press [TBC]. (Unpublished)

Kapadia, Aparna

Simpson, Edward and Kapadia, Aparna, eds. (2010) The idea of Gujarat: History, ethnography and text. New Delhi: Orient Blackswan.

Kattner, Ellen

Otten, Tina (2010) 'The Concept of biba among the Rona of Highland Orissa. Wedding Rituals to Ensure Health.' In: Berger, Peter, Hardenberg, Roland, Kattner, Ellen and Prager, Michael, (eds.), The Anthropology of Values: Essays in Honour of Georg Pfeffer. New Delhi: Longman, pp. 143-161.

Kujūra, Josepha Mariyānusa

Mosse, David (2010) 'The Catholic Church and Dalit Christian activism in contemporary Tamil Nadu.' In: Robinson, Rowena and Kujūra, Josepha Mariyānusa, (eds.), Margins of Faith. New Delhi: Sage.

Lamb, Sarah

Marsden, Magnus (2010) 'Muslim village intellectuals: the life of the mind in northern Pakistan.' In: Mines, Diane and Lamb, Sarah, (eds.), Everyday life in South Asia. Second Edition. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, pp. 263-275.

Latham, Kevin

Martinez, Dolores and Latham, Kevin, eds. (2010) Documenting the Beijing Olympics. London: Routledge. (Sport in the Global Society – Contemporary Perspectives)

Leite, Naomi

Leite, Naomi and Graburn, Nelson (2010) 'L'anthropologie pour étudier le tourisme.' Mondes du Tourisme, 1 (1). pp. 17-29.

Lloyd-Smith, Lindsay

Lloyd-Smith, Lindsay, Janowski, Monica and Barker, Graeme (2010) 'The Cultured Rainforest Project: The Third (2009) Field Season.' Sarawak Museum Journal, LXVII (88).

Marchand, Trevor H.J.

Marchand, Trevor H.J., ed. (2010) Making Knowledge: explorations of the indissoluble relation between mind, body and environment. Oxford: Wiley. (Special Issue of the Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. Vol. 16, no. S1)

Marchand, Trevor H.J. (2010) Djenne: African City of Mud, RIBA Exhibition, March 3 - May 29 2010. [Shows/Exhibitions]

Marchand, Trevor H.J. (2010) 'Embodied Cognition and Communication: studies with British fine woodworkers.' Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 16 (s1). pp. 100-120.

Marchand, Trevor H.J. (2010) 'Embodied Cognition, Communication and the Making of Place and Identity: Reflections on Fieldwork with Masons.' In: Rapport, Nigel, (ed.), Human Nature as Capacity. Oxford: Berghahn. (Methodology and History of Anthropology)

Marchand, Trevor H.J. (2010) 'Preface and Introduction: Making Knowledge.' Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 16 (s1). iii-v, 1.

Marsden, Magnus

Marsden, Magnus (2010) 'Muslim village intellectuals: the life of the mind in northern Pakistan.' In: Mines, Diane and Lamb, Sarah, (eds.), Everyday life in South Asia. Second Edition. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, pp. 263-275.

Marsden, Magnus (2010) Opportunities and constraints in Central and South Asian trade flows: perspectives from Afghan traders in Tajikistan. Norwegian Institute of International Affairs.

Marsden, Magnus (2010) 'Possession in an Islamist Valley: Spirits, Islamists and Love in Northern Pakistan.' In: Ferrari, Fabrizio M., (ed.), Health and Religious Rituals in South Asia: Disease, Possession and Healing. New York: Routledge, pp. 35-47. (Routledge South Asian Religion Series)

Martinez, Dolores

Martinez, Dolores and Latham, Kevin, eds. (2010) Documenting the Beijing Olympics. London: Routledge. (Sport in the Global Society – Contemporary Perspectives)

McLeod, Donald

Selwyn, Tom (2010) 'Pilgrimage and Tourism in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Palestine: Reporting from two of the European Commission’s TEMPUS Projects.' In: McLeod, Donald and Gillespie, Steven A., (eds.), Sustainable Tourism in Rural Europe. London: Routledge.

Mines, Diane

Marsden, Magnus (2010) 'Muslim village intellectuals: the life of the mind in northern Pakistan.' In: Mines, Diane and Lamb, Sarah, (eds.), Everyday life in South Asia. Second Edition. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, pp. 263-275.

Mosse, David

Mosse, David (2010) 'The Catholic Church and Dalit Christian activism in contemporary Tamil Nadu.' In: Robinson, Rowena and Kujūra, Josepha Mariyānusa, (eds.), Margins of Faith. New Delhi: Sage.

Mosse, David (2010) 'A Relational Approach to Durable Poverty, Inequality and Power.' Journal of Development Studies, 46 (7). pp. 1156-1178.

Osella, Caroline

Osella, Caroline (2010) 'Malayali Migant women’s perceptions fo the Gulf States.' Middle East Institute Viewpoints: Migration and the Gulf. pp. 30-32.

Otten, Tina

Otten, Tina (2010) 'The Concept of biba among the Rona of Highland Orissa. Wedding Rituals to Ensure Health.' In: Berger, Peter, Hardenberg, Roland, Kattner, Ellen and Prager, Michael, (eds.), The Anthropology of Values: Essays in Honour of Georg Pfeffer. New Delhi: Longman, pp. 143-161.

Parry, Jonathan

Parry, Jonathan and Simpson, Edward (2010) 'David Pocock's Contributions and the legacy of Leavis.' Contributions to Indian Sociology, 44 (3). pp. 331-359.

Portisch, Anna

Portisch, Anna (2010) 'Kazakh felt, western Mongolia.' Felt Matters, 98. pp. 18-19.

Portisch, Anna (2010) 'The Kazakh of western Mongolia.' Discovery Central Asia: Central Asian people and their traditions, 29. pp. 30-35.

Portisch, Anna (2010) 'Review of Irina Y. Morozova, 'The socialist revolution in Mongolia'.' Newsletter of the International Institute for Asian Studies, 53 . p. 34.

Portisch, Anna (2010) 'The craft of skilful learning: Kazakh craftswomen of western Mongolia.' Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. Making Knowledge: Special Issue, 16 (s1). pp. 62-79.

Prager, Michael

Otten, Tina (2010) 'The Concept of biba among the Rona of Highland Orissa. Wedding Rituals to Ensure Health.' In: Berger, Peter, Hardenberg, Roland, Kattner, Ellen and Prager, Michael, (eds.), The Anthropology of Values: Essays in Honour of Georg Pfeffer. New Delhi: Longman, pp. 143-161.

Raman, Ravi

Steur, Luisa (2010) 'Adivasi workers' struggles and the Kerala model: Interpreting the past, confronting the present.' In: Raman, Ravi, (ed.), Development, democracy and the state: Critiquing the Kerala Model of development. London: Routledge, pp. 221-236. (Routledge contemporary South Asia series ; 28)

Rapport, Nigel

Marchand, Trevor H.J. (2010) 'Embodied Cognition, Communication and the Making of Place and Identity: Reflections on Fieldwork with Masons.' In: Rapport, Nigel, (ed.), Human Nature as Capacity. Oxford: Berghahn. (Methodology and History of Anthropology)

Retsikas, Kostas

Retsikas, Kostas (2010) 'Review of “Anthropology and Social Theory: Culture, Power, and the Acting Subject” by Sherry B. Ortner.' Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 16 (1). pp. 199-200.

Retsikas, Kostas (2010) 'Review of “Islamic Spectrum in Java” by Timothy Daniels.' South East Asia Research, 18 (2). pp. 363-365.

Retsikas, Kostas (2010) 'Review of “Kampung, Islam, and the State in Urban Java” by Patrick Guinness.' ASEASUK News, 47 . pp. 25-27.

Retsikas, Kostas (2010) 'Unconscious culture and conscious nature: exploring East Javanese conceptions of the person through Bourdieu’s lenses.' Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 16 (s1). s140-s157.

Retsikas, Kostas (2010) 'The sorcery of gender: sex, death and difference in East Java, Indonesia.' South East Asia Research, 18 (3). pp. 471-502.

Robinson, Rowena

Mosse, David (2010) 'The Catholic Church and Dalit Christian activism in contemporary Tamil Nadu.' In: Robinson, Rowena and Kujūra, Josepha Mariyānusa, (eds.), Margins of Faith. New Delhi: Sage.

Scott, Julie

Selwyn, Tom and Scott, Julie, eds. (2010) Thinking Through Tourism. Oxford; New York: Berg. (A.S.A. monographs, 46)

Selwyn, Tom

Selwyn, Tom and Scott, Julie, eds. (2010) Thinking Through Tourism. Oxford; New York: Berg. (A.S.A. monographs, 46)

Selwyn, Tom (2010) 'Pilgrimage and Tourism in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Palestine: Reporting from two of the European Commission’s TEMPUS Projects.' In: McLeod, Donald and Gillespie, Steven A., (eds.), Sustainable Tourism in Rural Europe. London: Routledge.

Selwyn, Tom (2010) 'TEMPUS in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Palestine: The case of two European Commission projects in tourism and ’cultural heritage’.' Anthropological Notebooks, 16 (1). pp. 79-89.

Selwyn, Tom (2010) 'The Tourist as Juggler in a Hall of Mirrors: Tourist brochures, social relations, and philosophical positions.' In: Watson, S. and Waterton, E., (eds.), Culture, Heritage and Representation: Perspectives on Visuality and the Past. Farnham: Ashgate. (Heritage, Culture and Identity)

Simpson, Edward

Simpson, Edward and Kapadia, Aparna, eds. (2010) The idea of Gujarat: History, ethnography and text. New Delhi: Orient Blackswan.

Parry, Jonathan and Simpson, Edward (2010) 'David Pocock's Contributions and the legacy of Leavis.' Contributions to Indian Sociology, 44 (3). pp. 331-359.

Spencer, Paul

Spencer, Paul (2010) 'The Samburu, Maasai, and Their Neighbours: a synopsis of six related volumes by Paul Spencer.'

Spencer, Paul (2010) 'A Survey of Variation Among the Maasai (1977). Unpublished appendix to Paul Spencer, 'Time, Space, and the Unknown: Maasai Configurations of Power and Providence'. London: Routledge, 2003.'

Steur, Luisa

Steur, Luisa (2010) 'Adivasi workers' struggles and the Kerala model: Interpreting the past, confronting the present.' In: Raman, Ravi, (ed.), Development, democracy and the state: Critiquing the Kerala Model of development. London: Routledge, pp. 221-236. (Routledge contemporary South Asia series ; 28)

Steur, Luisa (2010) 'Indigenous identity: burden or liberation? Reflections on "adivasi" politics in Kerala.' Newsletter of the International Institute for Asian Studies, 53. p. 26.

Waterton, E.

Selwyn, Tom (2010) 'The Tourist as Juggler in a Hall of Mirrors: Tourist brochures, social relations, and philosophical positions.' In: Watson, S. and Waterton, E., (eds.), Culture, Heritage and Representation: Perspectives on Visuality and the Past. Farnham: Ashgate. (Heritage, Culture and Identity)

Watson, S.

Selwyn, Tom (2010) 'The Tourist as Juggler in a Hall of Mirrors: Tourist brochures, social relations, and philosophical positions.' In: Watson, S. and Waterton, E., (eds.), Culture, Heritage and Representation: Perspectives on Visuality and the Past. Farnham: Ashgate. (Heritage, Culture and Identity)

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