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Marsden, Magnus and Retsikas, Kostas, eds. (2012) Articulating Islam: Anthropological Approaches to Muslim Worlds. Dordecht: Springer. (Muslims in Global Societies Series)
Janowski, Monica, ed. (2012) Food, Migration and Memory. Abingdon: Taylor and Francis. (Food and Foodways; Vol. 20, 3-4)
Fardon, Richard, Harris, Olivia, Marchand, Trevor H.J., Nuttall, Mark, Shore, Cris and Wilson, Richard A., eds. (2012) Handbook of Social Anthropology. London: Sage.
Berns, Marla C. and Fardon, Richard, eds. (2012) Nigeria: arts de la vallee de la Benoue. Paris: Musee du Quai Branly.
James, Deborah and Hull, Elizabeth, eds. (2012) Popular Economies in South Africa. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Africa: Journal of the International Africa Institute. Special Issue Vol. 82 No. 1)
Allen, Lori (2012) 'The Scales of Occupation: 'Operation Cast Lead' and the Targeting of the Gaza Strip.' Critique of Anthropology, 32 (3). pp. 261-284.
Allen, Lori and Shepherd, Laura (2012) 'Editorial: Gender and Conflict.' Feminist Review, 101. pp. 1-4.
Basu, Paul (2012) 'Cairns in the Landscape: Migrant Stones and Migrant Stories in Scotland and its Diaspora.' In: Árnason, Arnar, Ellison, Nicolas, Vergunst, Jo and Whitehouse, Andrew, (eds.), Landscapes beyond land: routes, aesthetics, narratives. New York; Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 116-138. (EASA)
Basu, Paul (2012) 'A museum for Sierra Leone? Amateur enthusiasms and colonial museum policy in British West Africa.' In: Longair, Sarah and McAleer, John, (eds.), Curating Empire: Museums and the British Imperial Experience. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 145-167. (Studies in Imperialism)
Crewe, Emma and Axelby, Richard (2012) Anthropology and Development: Culture, Morality and Politics in a Globalised World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Davis, Christopher (2012) 'What is Life Worth? A Rough Guide to Valuation.' Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 26 (4). pp. 503-517.
Dolan, Catherine (2012) 'The New Face of Development: The Bottom of the Pyramid Entrepreneurs.' Anthropology Today, 28 (4). pp. 3-7.
Dolan, Catherine, Johnstone-Louis, Mary and Scott, Linda (2012) 'Shampoo, Saris and Sim Cards: Seeking Entrepreneurial Futures at the Bottom-of the-Pyramid.' Gender and Development, 20 (1). pp. 33-47.
Fisker-Nielsen, Anne Mette (2012) 'Grassroots responses to the Tohoku earthquake of 11 March 2011: Overcoming the dichotomy between victim and helper.' Anthropology Today, 28 (3). pp. 16-20.
Fisker-Nielsen, Anne Mette (2012) On Being Religious in a/the Political World: How to Understand Soka Gakkai and Its Support for Komeito. In: European Japan Research Centre Seminar Series, 13 March, 2012, Oxford Brookes University. (Unpublished)
Fisker-Nielsen, Anne Mette (2012) Religion and Politics in Contemporary Japan: Soka Gakkai Youth and Komeito. London: Routledge. (Japan Anthropology Workshop Series)
Froerer, Peggy and Portisch, Anna (2012) 'Introduction to Special Issue: Learning, Livelihoods and Social Mobility.' Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 43 (4). pp. 332-343.
Gowlland, Geoffrey (2012) 'Learning craft skills in China: apprenticeship and social capital in an artisan community of practice.' Learning, Livelihoods and Social Mobility. Special Issue of Anthropology and Education Quarterly., 43 (4). pp. 358-371.
Hull, Elizabeth (2012) 'Banking in the bush: waiting for credit in South Africa's rural economy.' Africa: Journal of the International African Institute, 82 (1). pp. 168-186.
Hull, Elizabeth (2012) 'Paperwork and the contradictions of accountability in a South African hospital.' Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 18 (3). pp. 613-632.
Hull, Elizabeth (2012) 'The renewal of community health under the KwaZulu homeland government.' South African Historical Journal, 64 (1). pp. 22-40.
Hull, Elizabeth and James, Deborah (2012) 'Introduction: Popular Economies in South Africa.' Africa: Journal of the International African Institute, 82 (1). pp. 1-19.
Janowski, Monica (2012) 'Food in traumatic times: Women, Foodways and 'Polishness' during a wartime odyssey.' Food and Foodways, 20 (3/4). pp. 346-349.
Ingold, Tim and Janowski, Monica, eds. (2012) Imagining Landscapes Past, Present and Future. London: Ashgate. (Anthropological Studies of Creativity and Perception)
Janowski, Monica (2012) 'Imagining the Forces of Life and the Cosmos in the Kelabit Highlands, Sarawak.' In: Janowski, Monica and Ingold, Tim, (eds.), Imagining Landscapes: Past Present and Future. London: Ashgate. (Anthropological Studies of Creativity and Perception)
Janowski, Monica (2012) 'Introduction to special issue of journal Food and Foodways: Consuming Memories of Home in Constructing the Present and Imagining the Future.' Food and Foodways, 20 (3-4). pp. 175-186.
Janowski, Monica and Barton, Huw (2012) 'Reading human activity in the landscape: stone and thunderstones in the Kelabit Highlands.' Indonesia and the Malay World, 40 (118).
Janson, Marloes (2012) 'Chrislam: Forging Ties in Nigeria’s Multi-Religious Society.' In: Uchendu, Egodi, (ed.), New Face of Islam in Eastern Nigeria and the Lake Chad Basin. Makurdi: Aboki Publishers, pp. 203-228.
Janson, Marloes (2012) 'Islam and Politics in the Gambia.' Oxford Islamic Studies Online.
Janson, Marloes (2012) 'Tablīgh-i Jamāʿat in West Africa.' Oxford Islamic Studies Online.
Janson, Marloes (2012) ''We don’t Despair, since we know that Islam is the Truth': New Expressions of Religiosity in Young Adherents of the Tabligh Jama‘at in the Gambia.' L’Afrique des Générations. Entre tensions et négociations. pp. 579-615.
Klein, Jakob A., Pottier, Johan and West, Harry G. (2012) 'New Directions in the Anthropology of Food.' In: Fardon, Richard, Harris, Olivia, Marchand, Trevor H.J., Nuttall, Mark, Shore, Cris, Strang, Veronica and Wilson, Richard A., (eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Social Anthropology. London: SAGE Publications Ltd, pp. 293-302.
Latham, Kevin (2012) 'Consumption and Leisure.' In: Tay, William S. and So, Alvin Y., (eds.), Handbook of Contemporary China. New Jersey: World Scientific, pp. 437-454.
Latham, Kevin (2012) 'Unimagined China: Media, Technologies and the Fragmentation of National Olympic Audiences.' The International Journal of the History of Sport, 29 (17). pp. 2311-2325.
Latham, Kevin (2012) 'Unimagined China: Media, Technologies and the Fragmentation of National Olympic Audiences.' In: Mangan, James A., Luo, Qing and Collins, Sandra, (eds.), The Triple Asian Olympics Asia Ascendant : Media, Politics, Geopolitics. New York: Routledge.
Leite, Naomi (2012) 'Review of Thinking Through Tourism, ed. by Julie Scott and Tom Selwyn.' Anthropos, 107 (2). pp. 669-670.
Marchand, Trevor H.J. (2012) ''Anthropologies to Come'. Part 4 introduction.' In: Fardon, Richard, Marchand, Trevor H.J., Nuttall, Mark, Shore, Cris, Strang, Veronica and Wilson, Chris, (eds.), Handbook of Social Anthropology. London: Sage, pp. 225-228.
Marchand, Trevor H.J. (2012) 'Knowledge in Hand: explorations of brain, hand and tool.' In: Fardon, Richard, Marchand, Trevor H.J., Nuttall, Mark, Shore, Cris, Strang, Veronica and Wilson, Chris, (eds.), Handbook of Social Anthropology. London: Sage, pp. 260-269.
Marchand, Trevor H.J. (2012) 'Learning, Education and Apprenticeship. [Review of] "Apprenticeship in Critical Ethnographic Practice" by Jean Lave.' Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 18 (1). pp. 209-210.
Marchand, Trevor H.J. (2012) 'Review of "Indispensable Eyesores: an anthropology of undesired buildings", by Mélanie van der Hoorn.' Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 18 (2). pp. 471-472.
Marsden, Magnus (2012) 'Anthropological Fieldwork in Afghanistan and Pakistan - A Comparisson.' In: Marsden, Magnus and Retsikas, Kostas, (eds.), Articulating Islam: Anthropological Approaches to Muslim Worlds. Dordrecht: Springer. (Muslims in Global Societies Series)
Marsden, Magnus (2012) 'Deobandi Islam.' In: Chatterjee, Joya and Washbrook, David, (eds.), Routledge Handbook of South Asian Diaspora. Abingdon: Routledge. (Routledge Handbooks)
Marsden, Magnus (2012) ''For Badakhshan - the country without borders!': Village cosmopolitans, urban-rural networks and the post-cosmopolitan city in Tajikistan.' In: Humphrey, Caroline and Skvirskaja, Vera, (eds.), A Post-Cosmopolitan City? New York: Berghahn, pp. 217-239. (Space and place ; v. 9)
Marsden, Magnus (2012) 'Responding to the Taliban: Comparative Perspectives from Northern Afghanistan and Pakistan.' In: Deol, Jeevan and Kazmi, Zaheer, (eds.), Contextualising Jihadi Thought. Hurst and Co.
Marsden, Magnus (2012) 'Southwest and Central Asia: Comparisson, Integration or Beyond?' In: Fardon, Richard, (ed.), The Sage Handbook of Social Anthropology. Sage.
Marsden, Magnus and Hopkins, Benjamin (2012) Fragments of the Afghan Frontier. London: Hurst and Co..
Marsden, Magnus and Retsikas, Kostas (2012) 'Introduction: Articulating Islam.' In: Articulating Islam: Anthropological Approaches to Muslim Worlds. Dordecht: Springer. (Muslims in Global Societies Series)
Montgomery, Paul, Ryus, Caitlin, Dolan, Catherine, Dopson, Sue and Scott, Linda (2012) 'Sanitary Pad Interventions for Girls' Education in Ghana: A Pilot Study.' PLOS One, 7 (10). pp. 1-7.
Mosse, David (2012) 'Caste and Christianity.' Seminar: The Monthly Symposium, 633. pp. 58-63.
Mosse, David (2012) The Saint in the Banyan tree: Christianity and Caste Society in India. Berkeley: University of California Press. (The Anthropology of Christianity. A Philip E. Lilienthal Book in Asian Studies)
Osella, Caroline (2012) 'Desires Under Reform: Contemporary Reconfigurations of Family, Marriage, Love and Gendering in a transnational South Indian Matrilineal Muslim community.' Culture and Religion, 13 (2).
Portisch, Anna (2012) ''Like Unbroken Cream': Education and Livelihoods amongst the Kazakh of Western Mongolia.' Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 43 (4). pp. 385-399.
Portisch, Anna and Ustav-Francis, Bulbul (2012) 'A Wall Hanging for the Firstborn.' Steppe (9). pp. 60-61.
Retsikas, Kostas (2012) Becoming - An Anthropological Approach to Understandings of the Person in Java. London: Anthem Press.
Retsikas, Kostas (2012) 'Becoming Sacred: Humanity and Divinity in East Java, Indonesia.' In: Marsden, Magnus and Retsikas, Kostas, (eds.), Articulating Islam: Anthropological Approaches to Muslim Worlds. Dordecht: Springer, pp. 119-138. (Muslims in Global Societies Series, vol 6.)
Scott, Linda, Dolan, Catherine, Johnstone-Louis, Mary, Sugden, Kim and Wu, Maryalice (2012) 'Enterprise and Inequality: A Study of Avon in South Africa.' Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 36 (3). pp. 543-568.
Selwyn, Tom (2012) 'Anthropology of Hospitality.' In: Smith, Melanie and Richards, Greg, (eds.), The Routledge handbook of cultural tourism. London: Routledge.
Selwyn, Tom (2012) 'Anthropology of Mediterranean Tourism.' Emzin Art Magazine, 12 (1-2).
Simpson, Edward (2012) 'The anthropology of a "Disaster Boom" economy in western India.' In: Luig, Ute, (ed.), Negotiating disasters: Politics, prepresentation, meaning. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, pp. 235-252.
Simpson, Edward (2012) 'The anthropology of aftermath.' In: Fardon, Richard, Harris, Olivia, Marchand, Trevor H.J., Nuttall, Mark, Shore, Cris, Strang, Veronica and Wilson, Richard A., (eds.), The Sage Handbook of Social Anthropology (vol. 2). London: Sage, pp. 329-338.
Spencer, Paul (2012) 'Map of the Maasai and Maa-Speaking Peoples in 1977.'
Spencer, Paul (2012) Nomads in Alliance: symbiosis and growth among the Rendille and Samburu of Kenya. London: Oxford University Press.
West, Harry G. (2012) 'Je m’appelle . . . Cheese.' Food, Culture and Society, 15 (1). pp. 8-12.
West, Harry G. and Domingos, Nuno (2012) 'Gourmandizing Poverty Food: The Serpa Cheese Slow Food Presidium.' Journal of Agrarian Change, 12 (1). pp. 120-143.