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Number of items: 101.

Adler, Jeremy

Fardon, Richard (2014) 'Franz Baermann Steiner as contemporary anthropologist: an anachronistic suggestion.' In: Adler, Jeremy and Dane, Gesa, (eds.), Literatur und Anthropologie. H.G. Adler, Elias Canetti und Franz Baermann Steiner in London. Goettingen: Wallstein, pp. 197-210.

Akinleye, Akintunde

Janson, Marloes and Akinleye, Akintunde (2014) The Spiritual Highway: Religious World Making in Megacity Lagos. [Shows/Exhibitions]

Janson, Marloes and Akinleye, Akintunde (2014) The Spiritual Highway: Religious World Making in megacity Lagos. London: SOAS University of London.

Alwazir, Atiaf

Vom Bruck, Gabriele, Alwazir, Atiaf and Wiacek, Benjamin (2014) 'Yemen: revolution suspended?' In: Gerges, Fawaz A., (ed.), The New Middle East Protest and Revolution in the Arab World. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 285-308.

Behera, Deepak Kumar

Otten, Tina (2014) 'A Wedding after Recovery from Sickness: Social Relations and Health.' In: Behera, Deepak Kumar, (ed.), Contemporary Society: Tribal Studies, Volume-IX: Tribal Health. Felicitation Volume in Honour of Professor Georg Pfeffer Free University of Berlin, Germany. New Delhi, India: Concept Publishing Company.

Berlan, Amanda

Berlan, Amanda and Dolan, Catherine (2014) 'Of Red Herrings and Immutabilities: Rethinking Fair Trade’s Ethic of Relationality among Cocoa Producers.' In: Goodman, Michael and Sage, Colin, (eds.), Food Transgressions: Making Sense of Contemporary Food Politics. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 39-60.

Bingen, Jim

Grasseni, Cristina, Paxson, Heather, Bingen, Jim, Cohen, Amy J., Freidberg, Susanne and West, Harry G. (2014) 'Introducing a Special Issue on the Reinvention of Food: Connections and Mediations.' Gastronomica: The Journal of Critical Food Studies, 14 (4). pp. 1-6.

Blowfield, Mick

Blowfield, Mick and Dolan, Catherine (2014) 'Business as a development agent: Evidence of possibility and improbability.' Third World Quarterly, 35 (1). pp. 22-42.

Boyd, Raymond

Boyd, Raymond and Fardon, Richard (2014) 'Naming powers: Hausa tsafi and Tiv tsav.' Journal of African Cultural Studies, 26 (1). pp. 33-55.

Brown, Kerry

Wu, Bin and Latham, Kevin (2014) 'Migration from China to the EU: The Challenge within Europe.' In: Brown, Kerry, (ed.), China and the EU in Context: Insights for Business and Investors. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 303-327.

Caldwell, Melissa L.

Jung, Yuson, Klein, Jakob A. and Caldwell, Melissa L., eds. (2014) Ethical Eating in the Postsocialist and Socialist World. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Klein, Jakob A. (2014) 'Connecting with the Countryside? "Alternative" Food Movements with Chinese Characteristics.' In: Jung, Yuson, Klein, Jakob A. and Caldwell, Melissa L., (eds.), Ethical Eating in the Postsocialist and Socialist World. Berkeley: University of California Press, pp. 116-143.

West, Harry G. (2014) 'Ethical Food Systems, Between Suspicion and Hope.' In: Jung, Yuson, Klein, Jakob A. and Caldwell, Melissa L., (eds.), Ethical Eating in the Postsocialist and Socialist World. Berkeley: University of California Press, pp. 298-304.

Cohen, Amy J.

Grasseni, Cristina, Paxson, Heather, Bingen, Jim, Cohen, Amy J., Freidberg, Susanne and West, Harry G. (2014) 'Introducing a Special Issue on the Reinvention of Food: Connections and Mediations.' Gastronomica: The Journal of Critical Food Studies, 14 (4). pp. 1-6.

Crewe, Emma

Crewe, Emma (2014) 'Doing Development Differently: rituals of hope and despair in an INGO.' Development in Practice, 24 (1). pp. 91-104.

Crewe, Emma (2014) 'Ethnographic research in gendered organizations: the case of the Westminster parliament.' Politics and Gender, 10 (4). pp. 673-678.

Dane, Gesa

Fardon, Richard (2014) 'Franz Baermann Steiner as contemporary anthropologist: an anachronistic suggestion.' In: Adler, Jeremy and Dane, Gesa, (eds.), Literatur und Anthropologie. H.G. Adler, Elias Canetti und Franz Baermann Steiner in London. Goettingen: Wallstein, pp. 197-210.

Dhanda, M

Dhanda, M, Mosse, David, Waughray, A, Keane, D, Green, Roger, Iafrati, S and Mundy, Jessie Kate (2014) Caste in Britain: Experts' Seminar and Stakeholders' Workshop. Manchester: Equality and Human Rights Commission Research Report no. 92.

Dhanda, M, Waughray, A, Keane, D, Green, Roger, Mosse, David and Whittle, S (2014) Caste in Britain: Socio-legal Review. Manchester: Equality and Human Rights Commission Research Report no. 91.

Dolan, Catherine

Berlan, Amanda and Dolan, Catherine (2014) 'Of Red Herrings and Immutabilities: Rethinking Fair Trade’s Ethic of Relationality among Cocoa Producers.' In: Goodman, Michael and Sage, Colin, (eds.), Food Transgressions: Making Sense of Contemporary Food Politics. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 39-60.

Blowfield, Mick and Dolan, Catherine (2014) 'Business as a development agent: Evidence of possibility and improbability.' Third World Quarterly, 35 (1). pp. 22-42.

Domingos, Nuno

Domingos, Nuno, Sobral, José Manuel and West, Harry G., eds. (2014) Food Between the Country and the City: Ethnographies of a Changing Global Foodscape. London: Bloomsbury.

Domingos, Nuno, Sobral, José Manuel and West, Harry G. (2014) 'Approaching Food and Foodways between the Country and the City through the Work of Raymond Williams.' In: Domingos, Nuno, Sobral, José Manuel and West, Harry G., (eds.), Food Between the Country and the City: Ethnographies of a Changing Global Foodscape. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 1-17.

Domingos, Nuno, Sobral, José Manuel and West, Harry G. (2014) 'Approaching Food and Foodways between the Country and the City through the Work of Raymond Williams.' In: Domingos, Nuno, Sobral, José Manuel and West, Harry G., (eds.), Food Between the Country and the City: Ethnographies of a Changing Global Foodscape. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 1-17.

Hull, Elizabeth (2014) 'Bringing the City to the Country: Supermarket Expansion, Food Practices and Aesthetics in Rural South Africa.' In: Domingos, Nuno, Sobral, José Manuel and West, Harry G., (eds.), Food Between the Country and the City: Ethnographies of a Changing Global Foodscape. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 59-72.

West, Harry G. (2014) 'Bringing it All Back Home: Reconnecting the Country and the City through Heritage Food Tourism in the French Auvergne.' In: Domingos, Nuno, Sobral, José Manuel and West, Harry G., (eds.), Food Between the Country and the City: Ethnographies of a Changing Global Foodscape. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 73-88.

Fardon, Richard

Boyd, Raymond and Fardon, Richard (2014) 'Naming powers: Hausa tsafi and Tiv tsav.' Journal of African Cultural Studies, 26 (1). pp. 33-55.

Fardon, Richard (2014) 'Franz Baermann Steiner as contemporary anthropologist: an anachronistic suggestion.' In: Adler, Jeremy and Dane, Gesa, (eds.), Literatur und Anthropologie. H.G. Adler, Elias Canetti und Franz Baermann Steiner in London. Goettingen: Wallstein, pp. 197-210.

Fardon, Richard (2014) Tiger in an African Palace, and other thoughts about identification and transformation. Cameroon: Langaa RPCIG.

Fischer-Tine, Harald

Heitmeyer, Carolyn and Simpson, Edward (2014) 'The culture of prohibition in Gujarat, India.' In: Fischer-Tine, Harald and Tschurenev, Jana, (eds.), A history of alcohol and drugs in modern South Asia: Intoxicating affairs. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 203-218. (Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia)

Fisker-Nielsen, Anne Mette

Fisker-Nielsen, Anne Mette (2014) 'Building A Culture of Social Engagement: Nichiren Buddhism and Soka Gakkai Buddhists in Japan.' In: Lewis, Todd, (ed.), Buddhists : Understanding Buddhism Through the Lives of Practitioners. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell, pp. 289-295. (Lived religions)

Freidberg, Susanne

Grasseni, Cristina, Paxson, Heather, Bingen, Jim, Cohen, Amy J., Freidberg, Susanne and West, Harry G. (2014) 'Introducing a Special Issue on the Reinvention of Food: Connections and Mediations.' Gastronomica: The Journal of Critical Food Studies, 14 (4). pp. 1-6.

Gerges, Fawaz A.

Vom Bruck, Gabriele, Alwazir, Atiaf and Wiacek, Benjamin (2014) 'Yemen: revolution suspended?' In: Gerges, Fawaz A., (ed.), The New Middle East Protest and Revolution in the Arab World. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 285-308.

Goodman, Michael

Berlan, Amanda and Dolan, Catherine (2014) 'Of Red Herrings and Immutabilities: Rethinking Fair Trade’s Ethic of Relationality among Cocoa Producers.' In: Goodman, Michael and Sage, Colin, (eds.), Food Transgressions: Making Sense of Contemporary Food Politics. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 39-60.

Graburn, Nelson

Leite, Naomi (2014) 'Locating Imaginaries in the Anthropology of Tourism.' In: Salazar, Noel and Graburn, Nelson, (eds.), Tourism Imaginaries: Anthropological Approaches. Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 260-278.

Grasseni, Cristina

Grasseni, Cristina, Paxson, Heather, Bingen, Jim, Cohen, Amy J., Freidberg, Susanne and West, Harry G. (2014) 'Introducing a Special Issue on the Reinvention of Food: Connections and Mediations.' Gastronomica: The Journal of Critical Food Studies, 14 (4). pp. 1-6.

Green, Roger

Dhanda, M, Mosse, David, Waughray, A, Keane, D, Green, Roger, Iafrati, S and Mundy, Jessie Kate (2014) Caste in Britain: Experts' Seminar and Stakeholders' Workshop. Manchester: Equality and Human Rights Commission Research Report no. 92.

Dhanda, M, Waughray, A, Keane, D, Green, Roger, Mosse, David and Whittle, S (2014) Caste in Britain: Socio-legal Review. Manchester: Equality and Human Rights Commission Research Report no. 91.

Hallam, Elizabeth

Marchand, Trevor H.J. (2014) 'Skill and Aging: Perspectives from Three Generations of English Woodworkers.' In: Hallam, Elizabeth and Ingold, Tim, (eds.), Making and Growing: Anthropological Studies of Organisms and Artefacts. Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate, pp. 183-202. (Anthropological Studies of Creativity and Perception)

Heitmeyer, Carolyn

Heitmeyer, Carolyn and Simpson, Edward (2014) 'The culture of prohibition in Gujarat, India.' In: Fischer-Tine, Harald and Tschurenev, Jana, (eds.), A history of alcohol and drugs in modern South Asia: Intoxicating affairs. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 203-218. (Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia)

Hobart, Mark

Hobart, Mark (2014) 'When is Indonesia?' Asian Journal of Social Science, 41 (5). pp. 510-529.

Hull, Elizabeth

Hull, Elizabeth (2014) 'Bringing the City to the Country: Supermarket Expansion, Food Practices and Aesthetics in Rural South Africa.' In: Domingos, Nuno, Sobral, José Manuel and West, Harry G., (eds.), Food Between the Country and the City: Ethnographies of a Changing Global Foodscape. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 59-72.

Hull, Elizabeth (2014) 'The Social Dynamics of Labor Shortage in South African Small-Scale Agriculture.' World Development, 59. pp. 451-460.

Iafrati, S

Dhanda, M, Mosse, David, Waughray, A, Keane, D, Green, Roger, Iafrati, S and Mundy, Jessie Kate (2014) Caste in Britain: Experts' Seminar and Stakeholders' Workshop. Manchester: Equality and Human Rights Commission Research Report no. 92.

Ingold, Tim

Marchand, Trevor H.J. (2014) 'Skill and Aging: Perspectives from Three Generations of English Woodworkers.' In: Hallam, Elizabeth and Ingold, Tim, (eds.), Making and Growing: Anthropological Studies of Organisms and Artefacts. Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate, pp. 183-202. (Anthropological Studies of Creativity and Perception)

Janowski, Monica

Janowski, Monica (2014) 'Pigs and people in the Kelabit Highlands, Sarawak.' Indonesia and the Malay World, 42 (122). pp. 88-112.

Janowski, Monica (2014) 'Puntumid: Great spirit of the heart of Borneo.' Indonesia and the Malay World, 42 (122). pp. 120-122.

Janowski, Monica (2014) Tuked Rini, Cosmic Traveller. Life and Legend in the Heart of Borneo. Singapore: NIAS Press and Sarawak Museum. (NIAS Monographs)

Janson, Marloes

Janson, Marloes and Akinleye, Akintunde (2014) The Spiritual Highway: Religious World Making in Megacity Lagos. [Shows/Exhibitions]

Janson, Marloes and Akinleye, Akintunde (2014) The Spiritual Highway: Religious World Making in megacity Lagos. London: SOAS University of London.

Jung, Yuson

Jung, Yuson, Klein, Jakob A. and Caldwell, Melissa L., eds. (2014) Ethical Eating in the Postsocialist and Socialist World. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Klein, Jakob A. (2014) 'Connecting with the Countryside? "Alternative" Food Movements with Chinese Characteristics.' In: Jung, Yuson, Klein, Jakob A. and Caldwell, Melissa L., (eds.), Ethical Eating in the Postsocialist and Socialist World. Berkeley: University of California Press, pp. 116-143.

West, Harry G. (2014) 'Ethical Food Systems, Between Suspicion and Hope.' In: Jung, Yuson, Klein, Jakob A. and Caldwell, Melissa L., (eds.), Ethical Eating in the Postsocialist and Socialist World. Berkeley: University of California Press, pp. 298-304.

Keane, D

Dhanda, M, Mosse, David, Waughray, A, Keane, D, Green, Roger, Iafrati, S and Mundy, Jessie Kate (2014) Caste in Britain: Experts' Seminar and Stakeholders' Workshop. Manchester: Equality and Human Rights Commission Research Report no. 92.

Dhanda, M, Waughray, A, Keane, D, Green, Roger, Mosse, David and Whittle, S (2014) Caste in Britain: Socio-legal Review. Manchester: Equality and Human Rights Commission Research Report no. 91.

Klein, Jakob A.

Jung, Yuson, Klein, Jakob A. and Caldwell, Melissa L., eds. (2014) Ethical Eating in the Postsocialist and Socialist World. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Klein, Jakob A. and Murcott, Anne, eds. (2014) Food Consumption in Global Perspective: Essays in the Anthropology of Food in Honour of Jack Goody. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.

Klein, Jakob A. (2014) 'Connecting with the Countryside? "Alternative" Food Movements with Chinese Characteristics.' In: Jung, Yuson, Klein, Jakob A. and Caldwell, Melissa L., (eds.), Ethical Eating in the Postsocialist and Socialist World. Berkeley: University of California Press, pp. 116-143.

Klein, Jakob A. (2014) 'Connecting with the Countryside? "Alternative" Food Movements with Chinese Characteristics.' In: Jung, Yuson, Klein, Jakob A. and Caldwell, Melissa L., (eds.), Ethical Eating in the Postsocialist and Socialist World. Berkeley: University of California Press, pp. 116-143.

Klein, Jakob A. (2014) 'Introduction: Cooking, Cuisine and Class and the Anthropology of Food.' In: Klein, Jakob A. and Murcott, Anne, (eds.), Food Consumption in Global Perspective: Essays in the Anthropology of Food in Honour of Jack Goody. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.

Klein, Jakob A. (2014) 'Introduction: Cooking, Cuisine and Class and the Anthropology of Food.' In: Klein, Jakob A. and Murcott, Anne, (eds.), Food Consumption in Global Perspective: Essays in the Anthropology of Food in Honour of Jack Goody. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.

West, Harry G. (2014) 'Ethical Food Systems, Between Suspicion and Hope.' In: Jung, Yuson, Klein, Jakob A. and Caldwell, Melissa L., (eds.), Ethical Eating in the Postsocialist and Socialist World. Berkeley: University of California Press, pp. 298-304.

Latham, Kevin

Wu, Bin and Latham, Kevin (2014) 'Migration from China to the EU: The Challenge within Europe.' In: Brown, Kerry, (ed.), China and the EU in Context: Insights for Business and Investors. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 303-327.

Leite, Naomi

Leite, Naomi (2014) 'Locating Imaginaries in the Anthropology of Tourism.' In: Salazar, Noel and Graburn, Nelson, (eds.), Tourism Imaginaries: Anthropological Approaches. Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 260-278.

Lewis, Todd

Fisker-Nielsen, Anne Mette (2014) 'Building A Culture of Social Engagement: Nichiren Buddhism and Soka Gakkai Buddhists in Japan.' In: Lewis, Todd, (ed.), Buddhists : Understanding Buddhism Through the Lives of Practitioners. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell, pp. 289-295. (Lived religions)

Marchand, Trevor H.J.

Marchand, Trevor H.J. (2014) 'Skill and Aging: Perspectives from Three Generations of English Woodworkers.' In: Hallam, Elizabeth and Ingold, Tim, (eds.), Making and Growing: Anthropological Studies of Organisms and Artefacts. Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate, pp. 183-202. (Anthropological Studies of Creativity and Perception)

Marchand, Trevor H.J. (2014) 'Workshop 1: Craftwork as Problem-Solving.' Making Futures Journal, 3. pp. 1-4.

Mosse, David

Dhanda, M, Mosse, David, Waughray, A, Keane, D, Green, Roger, Iafrati, S and Mundy, Jessie Kate (2014) Caste in Britain: Experts' Seminar and Stakeholders' Workshop. Manchester: Equality and Human Rights Commission Research Report no. 92.

Dhanda, M, Waughray, A, Keane, D, Green, Roger, Mosse, David and Whittle, S (2014) Caste in Britain: Socio-legal Review. Manchester: Equality and Human Rights Commission Research Report no. 91.

Mosse, David (2014) 'Knowledge as Relational: Reflections on Knowledge in International Development.' Forum for Development Studies, 41 (3). pp. 513-523.

Mundy, Jessie Kate

Dhanda, M, Mosse, David, Waughray, A, Keane, D, Green, Roger, Iafrati, S and Mundy, Jessie Kate (2014) Caste in Britain: Experts' Seminar and Stakeholders' Workshop. Manchester: Equality and Human Rights Commission Research Report no. 92.

Murcott, Anne

Klein, Jakob A. and Murcott, Anne, eds. (2014) Food Consumption in Global Perspective: Essays in the Anthropology of Food in Honour of Jack Goody. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.

Klein, Jakob A. (2014) 'Introduction: Cooking, Cuisine and Class and the Anthropology of Food.' In: Klein, Jakob A. and Murcott, Anne, (eds.), Food Consumption in Global Perspective: Essays in the Anthropology of Food in Honour of Jack Goody. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.

Otten, Tina

Otten, Tina (2014) 'A Wedding after Recovery from Sickness: Social Relations and Health.' In: Behera, Deepak Kumar, (ed.), Contemporary Society: Tribal Studies, Volume-IX: Tribal Health. Felicitation Volume in Honour of Professor Georg Pfeffer Free University of Berlin, Germany. New Delhi, India: Concept Publishing Company.

Paxson, Heather

Grasseni, Cristina, Paxson, Heather, Bingen, Jim, Cohen, Amy J., Freidberg, Susanne and West, Harry G. (2014) 'Introducing a Special Issue on the Reinvention of Food: Connections and Mediations.' Gastronomica: The Journal of Critical Food Studies, 14 (4). pp. 1-6.

Raman, Parvathi

Raman, Parvathi (2014) 'It’s because we’re Indian, innit?’ Cricket and the South Asian diaspora in post-war Britain.' Identities, 22 (2). pp. 215-229.

Retsikas, Kostas

Retsikas, Kostas (2014) 'Reconceptualising zakat in Indonesia: Worship, philanthropy and rights.' Indonesia and the Malay World, 42 (124). pp. 337-357.

Sage, Colin

Berlan, Amanda and Dolan, Catherine (2014) 'Of Red Herrings and Immutabilities: Rethinking Fair Trade’s Ethic of Relationality among Cocoa Producers.' In: Goodman, Michael and Sage, Colin, (eds.), Food Transgressions: Making Sense of Contemporary Food Politics. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 39-60.

Salazar, Noel

Leite, Naomi (2014) 'Locating Imaginaries in the Anthropology of Tourism.' In: Salazar, Noel and Graburn, Nelson, (eds.), Tourism Imaginaries: Anthropological Approaches. Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 260-278.

Simpson, Edward

Heitmeyer, Carolyn and Simpson, Edward (2014) 'The culture of prohibition in Gujarat, India.' In: Fischer-Tine, Harald and Tschurenev, Jana, (eds.), A history of alcohol and drugs in modern South Asia: Intoxicating affairs. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 203-218. (Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia)

Sobral, José Manuel

Domingos, Nuno, Sobral, José Manuel and West, Harry G., eds. (2014) Food Between the Country and the City: Ethnographies of a Changing Global Foodscape. London: Bloomsbury.

Domingos, Nuno, Sobral, José Manuel and West, Harry G. (2014) 'Approaching Food and Foodways between the Country and the City through the Work of Raymond Williams.' In: Domingos, Nuno, Sobral, José Manuel and West, Harry G., (eds.), Food Between the Country and the City: Ethnographies of a Changing Global Foodscape. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 1-17.

Domingos, Nuno, Sobral, José Manuel and West, Harry G. (2014) 'Approaching Food and Foodways between the Country and the City through the Work of Raymond Williams.' In: Domingos, Nuno, Sobral, José Manuel and West, Harry G., (eds.), Food Between the Country and the City: Ethnographies of a Changing Global Foodscape. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 1-17.

Hull, Elizabeth (2014) 'Bringing the City to the Country: Supermarket Expansion, Food Practices and Aesthetics in Rural South Africa.' In: Domingos, Nuno, Sobral, José Manuel and West, Harry G., (eds.), Food Between the Country and the City: Ethnographies of a Changing Global Foodscape. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 59-72.

West, Harry G. (2014) 'Bringing it All Back Home: Reconnecting the Country and the City through Heritage Food Tourism in the French Auvergne.' In: Domingos, Nuno, Sobral, José Manuel and West, Harry G., (eds.), Food Between the Country and the City: Ethnographies of a Changing Global Foodscape. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 73-88.

Tilche, Alice

Tilche, Alice (2014) 'Pithora in the Time of King, Elephants and Art Dealers: Art and Social Change in Western India.' Visual Anthropology, 28 (1). pp. 1-20.

Tschurenev, Jana

Heitmeyer, Carolyn and Simpson, Edward (2014) 'The culture of prohibition in Gujarat, India.' In: Fischer-Tine, Harald and Tschurenev, Jana, (eds.), A history of alcohol and drugs in modern South Asia: Intoxicating affairs. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 203-218. (Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia)

Vom Bruck, Gabriele

Vom Bruck, Gabriele, Alwazir, Atiaf and Wiacek, Benjamin (2014) 'Yemen: revolution suspended?' In: Gerges, Fawaz A., (ed.), The New Middle East Protest and Revolution in the Arab World. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 285-308.

Waughray, A

Dhanda, M, Mosse, David, Waughray, A, Keane, D, Green, Roger, Iafrati, S and Mundy, Jessie Kate (2014) Caste in Britain: Experts' Seminar and Stakeholders' Workshop. Manchester: Equality and Human Rights Commission Research Report no. 92.

Dhanda, M, Waughray, A, Keane, D, Green, Roger, Mosse, David and Whittle, S (2014) Caste in Britain: Socio-legal Review. Manchester: Equality and Human Rights Commission Research Report no. 91.

West, Harry G.

Domingos, Nuno, Sobral, José Manuel and West, Harry G., eds. (2014) Food Between the Country and the City: Ethnographies of a Changing Global Foodscape. London: Bloomsbury.

Domingos, Nuno, Sobral, José Manuel and West, Harry G. (2014) 'Approaching Food and Foodways between the Country and the City through the Work of Raymond Williams.' In: Domingos, Nuno, Sobral, José Manuel and West, Harry G., (eds.), Food Between the Country and the City: Ethnographies of a Changing Global Foodscape. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 1-17.

Domingos, Nuno, Sobral, José Manuel and West, Harry G. (2014) 'Approaching Food and Foodways between the Country and the City through the Work of Raymond Williams.' In: Domingos, Nuno, Sobral, José Manuel and West, Harry G., (eds.), Food Between the Country and the City: Ethnographies of a Changing Global Foodscape. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 1-17.

Grasseni, Cristina, Paxson, Heather, Bingen, Jim, Cohen, Amy J., Freidberg, Susanne and West, Harry G. (2014) 'Introducing a Special Issue on the Reinvention of Food: Connections and Mediations.' Gastronomica: The Journal of Critical Food Studies, 14 (4). pp. 1-6.

Hull, Elizabeth (2014) 'Bringing the City to the Country: Supermarket Expansion, Food Practices and Aesthetics in Rural South Africa.' In: Domingos, Nuno, Sobral, José Manuel and West, Harry G., (eds.), Food Between the Country and the City: Ethnographies of a Changing Global Foodscape. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 59-72.

West, Harry G. (2014) 'Bringing it All Back Home: Reconnecting the Country and the City through Heritage Food Tourism in the French Auvergne.' In: Domingos, Nuno, Sobral, José Manuel and West, Harry G., (eds.), Food Between the Country and the City: Ethnographies of a Changing Global Foodscape. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 73-88.

West, Harry G. (2014) 'Bringing it All Back Home: Reconnecting the Country and the City through Heritage Food Tourism in the French Auvergne.' In: Domingos, Nuno, Sobral, José Manuel and West, Harry G., (eds.), Food Between the Country and the City: Ethnographies of a Changing Global Foodscape. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 73-88.

West, Harry G. (2014) 'Ethical Food Systems, Between Suspicion and Hope.' In: Jung, Yuson, Klein, Jakob A. and Caldwell, Melissa L., (eds.), Ethical Eating in the Postsocialist and Socialist World. Berkeley: University of California Press, pp. 298-304.

Whittle, S

Dhanda, M, Waughray, A, Keane, D, Green, Roger, Mosse, David and Whittle, S (2014) Caste in Britain: Socio-legal Review. Manchester: Equality and Human Rights Commission Research Report no. 91.

Wiacek, Benjamin

Vom Bruck, Gabriele, Alwazir, Atiaf and Wiacek, Benjamin (2014) 'Yemen: revolution suspended?' In: Gerges, Fawaz A., (ed.), The New Middle East Protest and Revolution in the Arab World. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 285-308.

Wu, Bin

Wu, Bin and Latham, Kevin (2014) 'Migration from China to the EU: The Challenge within Europe.' In: Brown, Kerry, (ed.), China and the EU in Context: Insights for Business and Investors. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 303-327.

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