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Number of items: 88.

Afework, Solomon

Campbell, John and Afework, Solomon (2015) 'Ethiopian and Eritrean immigrants in Britain. Refugee Organising, Transnational Connections and Identity, 1950-2009.' African Diaspora, 8 (1). pp. 98-119.

Allen, Lori

Allen, Lori (2015) 'The nation as moral community: language and religion in the 1919 King-Crane Commission.' In: Schayegh, Cyrus and Arsan, Andrew, (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of the History of the Middle East Mandates. Abingdon; New York: Routledge, pp. 258-268.

Arnhem, Kaj

Janowski, Monica (2015) 'The Dynamics of the Cosmic Conversation: Beliefs about Spirits Among the Kelabit and Penan of the Upper Baram River, Sarawak.' In: Arnhem, Kaj and Sprenger, Guido, (eds.), Animism in Southeast Asia. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 181-204. (Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series)

Arsan, Andrew

Allen, Lori (2015) 'The nation as moral community: language and religion in the 1919 King-Crane Commission.' In: Schayegh, Cyrus and Arsan, Andrew, (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of the History of the Middle East Mandates. Abingdon; New York: Routledge, pp. 258-268.

Baldassar, Loretta

Latham, Kevin (2015) 'Media and discourses of Chinese integration in Prato, Italy.' In: Baldassar, Loretta, Johanson, Graeme, McAuliffe, Narelle and Bressan, Massimo, (eds.), Chinese Migration to Europe: Prato, Italy and Beyond. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 139-158.

Basu, Paul

Basu, Paul and Modest, Wayne, eds. (2015) Museums, Heritage, and International Development. New York and London: Routledge. (Routledge Studies in Culture and Development)

Basu, Paul (2015) 'Reanimating Cultural Heritage: Digital Curatorship, Knowledge Networks and Social Transformation in Sierra Leone.' In: Coombes, Annie and Phillips, Ruth B., (eds.), International Handbooks of Museum Studies, Volume IV: Museum Transformations. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 337-364.

Basu, Paul and Damodaran, Vinita (2015) 'Colonial Histories of Heritage: Legislative Migrations and the Politics of Preservation.' Past and Present, 223 (10). pp. 239-270.

Basu, Paul and Modest, Wayne (2015) 'Museums, Heritage and Development: A Critical Conversation.' In: Basu, Paul and Modest, Wayne, (eds.), Museums, Heritage and International Development. New York; London: Routledge, pp. 1-32. (Routledge Studies in Culture and Development)

Basu, Paul and Modest, Wayne (2015) 'Museums, Heritage and Development: A Critical Conversation.' In: Basu, Paul and Modest, Wayne, (eds.), Museums, Heritage and International Development. New York; London: Routledge, pp. 1-32. (Routledge Studies in Culture and Development)

Basu, Paul and Zetterstrom-Sharp, Johanna (2015) 'Complicating Culture for Development: Negotiating 'Dysfunctional Heritage' in Sierra Leone.' In: Basu, Paul and Modest, Wayne, (eds.), Museums, Heritage and International Development. New York; London: Routledge, pp. 56-82. (Routledge Studies in Culture and Development)

Basu, Paul and Zetterstrom-Sharp, Johanna (2015) 'Complicating Culture for Development: Negotiating 'Dysfunctional Heritage' in Sierra Leone.' In: Basu, Paul and Modest, Wayne, (eds.), Museums, Heritage and International Development. New York; London: Routledge, pp. 56-82. (Routledge Studies in Culture and Development)

Berger, Iris

Campbell, John (2015) 'Expert Evidence in British Asylum Courts: The Judicial Assessment of Evidence on Ethnic Discrimination and Statelessness in Ethiopia.' In: Berger, Iris, Redeker Hepner, Tricia, Lawrance, Benjamin N., Tague, Joanna T. and Terretta, Meredith, (eds.), African Asylum at the Cross Roads. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, pp. 102-120.

Bressan, Massimo

Latham, Kevin (2015) 'Media and discourses of Chinese integration in Prato, Italy.' In: Baldassar, Loretta, Johanson, Graeme, McAuliffe, Narelle and Bressan, Massimo, (eds.), Chinese Migration to Europe: Prato, Italy and Beyond. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 139-158.

Bull, Michael

Marchand, Trevor H.J. (2015) 'Place-Making in the "Holy of Holies": the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Jerusalem.' In: Mitchell, Jon and Bull, Michael, (eds.), Ritual, Performance and the Senses. London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 63-84.

Campbell, John

Campbell, John (2015) 'Asylum vs sovereignty in the 21st century: How nation-state's breach international law to block access to asylum.' International Journal of Migration and Border Studies, 2 (1). pp. 24-39.

Campbell, John (2015) 'Expert Evidence in British Asylum Courts: The Judicial Assessment of Evidence on Ethnic Discrimination and Statelessness in Ethiopia.' In: Berger, Iris, Redeker Hepner, Tricia, Lawrance, Benjamin N., Tague, Joanna T. and Terretta, Meredith, (eds.), African Asylum at the Cross Roads. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, pp. 102-120.

Campbell, John (2015) Nationalism, Law and Statelessness: Grand Illusions in the Horn of Africa. London; New York: Routledge. (Explorations in Development Studies)

Campbell, John and Afework, Solomon (2015) 'Ethiopian and Eritrean immigrants in Britain. Refugee Organising, Transnational Connections and Identity, 1950-2009.' African Diaspora, 8 (1). pp. 98-119.

Carrier, James

Steur, Luisa (2015) 'Under the specter of absolute expediency: Class and belonging amongst indigenous workers in Kerala.' In: Carrier, James and Kalb, Don, (eds.), Class for anthropologists. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Coombes, Annie

Basu, Paul (2015) 'Reanimating Cultural Heritage: Digital Curatorship, Knowledge Networks and Social Transformation in Sierra Leone.' In: Coombes, Annie and Phillips, Ruth B., (eds.), International Handbooks of Museum Studies, Volume IV: Museum Transformations. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 337-364.

Crewe, Emma

Crewe, Emma (2015) Commons and Lords: a short anthropology of Parliament. London: Haus Publishing. (Curiosities)

Crewe, Emma (2015) The House of Commons: an anthropology of MPs' work. London: Bloomsbury. (Identity and nation)

Damodaran, Vinita

Basu, Paul and Damodaran, Vinita (2015) 'Colonial Histories of Heritage: Legislative Migrations and the Politics of Preservation.' Past and Present, 223 (10). pp. 239-270.

Dilley, Roy

Marchand, Trevor H.J. (2015) 'Managing Pleasurable Pursuits: Utopic Horizons and the Arts of Ignoring and ‘Not Knowing’ among Fine Woodworkers.' In: Dilley, Roy and Kirsch, Thomas, (eds.), Regimes of Ignorance: anthropological perspectives on the Production and Reproduction of Non-Knowledge. Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 70-90. (Methodology and History in Anthropology; 29)

Edmonds, David

Marchand, Trevor H.J. (2015) 'Trevor Marchand On Craft.' In: Edmonds, David and Warburton, Nigel, (eds.), Big Ideas in Social Science. London: Sage, pp. 118-127.

Fardon, Richard

Fardon, Richard (2015) ''Do you hear me? It is me Akiga' Akiga’s 'Story' and Akiga Sai’s 'History’.' Africa: Journal of the International African Institute, 85 (4). pp. 572-598.

Gomez-Perez, Muriel

Janson, Marloes (2015) 'Modern Love: Dating the Halal Way in Lagos.' In: Gomez-Perez, Muriel, (ed.), Femmes, génération et agency en Afrique subsaharienne: vers de nouveaux defies. Paris: Karthala.

Hobart, Mark

Hobart, Mark (2015) 'Beyond the Whorfs of Dover: A Study of Balinese Interpretive Practices.' Heidelberg Ethnology (1). pp. 1-20.

Hull, Elizabeth

Johnston, Deborah, Stevano, Sara, Malapit, Hazel, Hull, Elizabeth and Kadiyala, Suneetha (2015) Agriculture, Gendered Time Use, and Nutritional Outcomes: A Systematic Review. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) Discussion Paper no. 01456.

Ibanez-Tirado, Diana

Ibanez-Tirado, Diana (2015) 'Everyday disasters, stagnation and the normalcy of non-development: Roghun Dam, a flood, and campaigns of forced taxation in southern Tajikistan.' Central Asian Survey, 34 (4). pp. 549-563.

Ibanez-Tirado, Diana (2015) '‘How can I be post-Soviet if I was never Soviet?’ Rethinking categories of time and social change – a perspective from Kulob, southern Tajikistan.' Central Asian Survey, 34 (2). pp. 190-203.

Marsden, Magnus and Ibanez-Tirado, Diana (2015) 'Repertoires of Family Life and the Anchoring of Afghan Trading Networks in Ukraine.' History and Anthropology, 26 (2). pp. 145-164.

Jafari, Jafar

Leite, Naomi and Swain, Margaret B. (2015) 'Anthropology of Tourism.' In: Jafari, Jafar and Xiao, Honggen, (eds.), Encyclopedia of Tourism. London: SpringerReference.

Janowski, Monica

Janowski, Monica (2015) 'The Dynamics of the Cosmic Conversation: Beliefs about Spirits Among the Kelabit and Penan of the Upper Baram River, Sarawak.' In: Arnhem, Kaj and Sprenger, Guido, (eds.), Animism in Southeast Asia. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 181-204. (Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series)

Janson, Marloes

Janson, Marloes (2015) 'Modern Love: Dating the Halal Way in Lagos.' In: Gomez-Perez, Muriel, (ed.), Femmes, génération et agency en Afrique subsaharienne: vers de nouveaux defies. Paris: Karthala.

Johanson, Graeme

Latham, Kevin (2015) 'Media and discourses of Chinese integration in Prato, Italy.' In: Baldassar, Loretta, Johanson, Graeme, McAuliffe, Narelle and Bressan, Massimo, (eds.), Chinese Migration to Europe: Prato, Italy and Beyond. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 139-158.

Johnston, Deborah

Johnston, Deborah, Stevano, Sara, Malapit, Hazel, Hull, Elizabeth and Kadiyala, Suneetha (2015) Agriculture, Gendered Time Use, and Nutritional Outcomes: A Systematic Review. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) Discussion Paper no. 01456.

Kadiyala, Suneetha

Johnston, Deborah, Stevano, Sara, Malapit, Hazel, Hull, Elizabeth and Kadiyala, Suneetha (2015) Agriculture, Gendered Time Use, and Nutritional Outcomes: A Systematic Review. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) Discussion Paper no. 01456.

Kalb, Don

Steur, Luisa (2015) 'Under the specter of absolute expediency: Class and belonging amongst indigenous workers in Kerala.' In: Carrier, James and Kalb, Don, (eds.), Class for anthropologists. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Kim, Kwang Ok

Klein, Jakob A. (2015) 'Eating Green: Ecological Food Consumption in Urban China.' In: Kim, Kwang Ok, (ed.), Re-Orienting Cuisine: East Asian Foodways in the Twenty-First Century. New York; Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 238-262. (Food, Nutrition, and Culture: Volume 3)

Kirsch, Thomas

Marchand, Trevor H.J. (2015) 'Managing Pleasurable Pursuits: Utopic Horizons and the Arts of Ignoring and ‘Not Knowing’ among Fine Woodworkers.' In: Dilley, Roy and Kirsch, Thomas, (eds.), Regimes of Ignorance: anthropological perspectives on the Production and Reproduction of Non-Knowledge. Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 70-90. (Methodology and History in Anthropology; 29)

Klein, Jakob A.

Klein, Jakob A. (2015) 'Eating Green: Ecological Food Consumption in Urban China.' In: Kim, Kwang Ok, (ed.), Re-Orienting Cuisine: East Asian Foodways in the Twenty-First Century. New York; Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 238-262. (Food, Nutrition, and Culture: Volume 3)

Latham, Kevin

Latham, Kevin (2015) 'Media and discourses of Chinese integration in Prato, Italy.' In: Baldassar, Loretta, Johanson, Graeme, McAuliffe, Narelle and Bressan, Massimo, (eds.), Chinese Migration to Europe: Prato, Italy and Beyond. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 139-158.

Lawrance, Benjamin N.

Campbell, John (2015) 'Expert Evidence in British Asylum Courts: The Judicial Assessment of Evidence on Ethnic Discrimination and Statelessness in Ethiopia.' In: Berger, Iris, Redeker Hepner, Tricia, Lawrance, Benjamin N., Tague, Joanna T. and Terretta, Meredith, (eds.), African Asylum at the Cross Roads. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, pp. 102-120.

Leite, Naomi

Leite, Naomi and Swain, Margaret B. (2015) 'Anthropology of Tourism.' In: Jafari, Jafar and Xiao, Honggen, (eds.), Encyclopedia of Tourism. London: SpringerReference.

Malapit, Hazel

Johnston, Deborah, Stevano, Sara, Malapit, Hazel, Hull, Elizabeth and Kadiyala, Suneetha (2015) Agriculture, Gendered Time Use, and Nutritional Outcomes: A Systematic Review. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) Discussion Paper no. 01456.

Malekandathil, Pius

Mosse, David (2015) 'Accommodation, reconciliation and rebellion in the history of Tamil Catholicism.' In: Malekandathil, Pius, Pachuau, Joy L.K. and Sarkar, Tanika, (eds.), Christianity in Indian History: Issues of Culture, Power and Knowledge. New Delhi: Primus Books, 185 -203.

Marchand, Trevor H.J.

Marchand, Trevor H.J. (2015) 'A Diary of Filmmaking with Djenné Masons: From “Studies of” toward “Studies with”.' Visual Anthropology, 28 (4). pp. 308-323.

Marchand, Trevor H.J. (2015) 'The Djenné Mosque: World Heritage and Social Renewal in a West African Town.' APT Bulletin, Journal of Preservation Technology, 46 (2-3). pp. 4-15.

Marchand, Trevor H.J. (2015) The Intelligent Hand, (21 minute documentary film). . Available from

Marchand, Trevor H.J. (2015) ''It's in Our Blood': Mali's griots and musical enskilment.' Africa: Journal of the International African Institute, 85 (2). pp. 356-364.

Marchand, Trevor H.J. (2015) 'Managing Pleasurable Pursuits: Utopic Horizons and the Arts of Ignoring and ‘Not Knowing’ among Fine Woodworkers.' In: Dilley, Roy and Kirsch, Thomas, (eds.), Regimes of Ignorance: anthropological perspectives on the Production and Reproduction of Non-Knowledge. Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 70-90. (Methodology and History in Anthropology; 29)

Marchand, Trevor H.J. (2015) 'Place-Making in the "Holy of Holies": the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Jerusalem.' In: Mitchell, Jon and Bull, Michael, (eds.), Ritual, Performance and the Senses. London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 63-84.

Marchand, Trevor H.J. (2015) 'Trevor Marchand On Craft.' In: Edmonds, David and Warburton, Nigel, (eds.), Big Ideas in Social Science. London: Sage, pp. 118-127.

Marsden, Magnus

Marsden, Magnus and Ibanez-Tirado, Diana (2015) 'Repertoires of Family Life and the Anchoring of Afghan Trading Networks in Ukraine.' History and Anthropology, 26 (2). pp. 145-164.

McAuliffe, Narelle

Latham, Kevin (2015) 'Media and discourses of Chinese integration in Prato, Italy.' In: Baldassar, Loretta, Johanson, Graeme, McAuliffe, Narelle and Bressan, Massimo, (eds.), Chinese Migration to Europe: Prato, Italy and Beyond. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 139-158.

Mitchell, Jon

Marchand, Trevor H.J. (2015) 'Place-Making in the "Holy of Holies": the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Jerusalem.' In: Mitchell, Jon and Bull, Michael, (eds.), Ritual, Performance and the Senses. London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 63-84.

Modest, Wayne

Basu, Paul and Modest, Wayne, eds. (2015) Museums, Heritage, and International Development. New York and London: Routledge. (Routledge Studies in Culture and Development)

Basu, Paul and Modest, Wayne (2015) 'Museums, Heritage and Development: A Critical Conversation.' In: Basu, Paul and Modest, Wayne, (eds.), Museums, Heritage and International Development. New York; London: Routledge, pp. 1-32. (Routledge Studies in Culture and Development)

Basu, Paul and Modest, Wayne (2015) 'Museums, Heritage and Development: A Critical Conversation.' In: Basu, Paul and Modest, Wayne, (eds.), Museums, Heritage and International Development. New York; London: Routledge, pp. 1-32. (Routledge Studies in Culture and Development)

Basu, Paul and Zetterstrom-Sharp, Johanna (2015) 'Complicating Culture for Development: Negotiating 'Dysfunctional Heritage' in Sierra Leone.' In: Basu, Paul and Modest, Wayne, (eds.), Museums, Heritage and International Development. New York; London: Routledge, pp. 56-82. (Routledge Studies in Culture and Development)

Mosse, David

Mosse, David (2015) 'Accommodation, reconciliation and rebellion in the history of Tamil Catholicism.' In: Malekandathil, Pius, Pachuau, Joy L.K. and Sarkar, Tanika, (eds.), Christianity in Indian History: Issues of Culture, Power and Knowledge. New Delhi: Primus Books, 185 -203.

Mosse, David (2015) 'Caste and the conundrum of religion and development in India.' In: Tomalin, Emma, (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Religions and Global Development. Oxon; New York: Routledge, pp. 200-214. (Routledge International Handbooks)

Mosse, David (2015) 'Class, Caste and the Reproduction of Privilege.' Anthropology of this Century, 14.

Mosse, David (2015) 'Misunderstood, misrepresented, contested? Anthropological knowledge production in question.' Focaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology, 72. pp. 128-137.

Pachuau, Joy L.K.

Mosse, David (2015) 'Accommodation, reconciliation and rebellion in the history of Tamil Catholicism.' In: Malekandathil, Pius, Pachuau, Joy L.K. and Sarkar, Tanika, (eds.), Christianity in Indian History: Issues of Culture, Power and Knowledge. New Delhi: Primus Books, 185 -203.

Phillips, Ruth B.

Basu, Paul (2015) 'Reanimating Cultural Heritage: Digital Curatorship, Knowledge Networks and Social Transformation in Sierra Leone.' In: Coombes, Annie and Phillips, Ruth B., (eds.), International Handbooks of Museum Studies, Volume IV: Museum Transformations. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 337-364.

Plender, Celia

West, Harry G. and Plender, Celia (2015) 'An Interview with James C. Scott.' Gastronomica: The Journal of Critical Food Studies, 15 (3). pp. 1-8.

Redeker Hepner, Tricia

Campbell, John (2015) 'Expert Evidence in British Asylum Courts: The Judicial Assessment of Evidence on Ethnic Discrimination and Statelessness in Ethiopia.' In: Berger, Iris, Redeker Hepner, Tricia, Lawrance, Benjamin N., Tague, Joanna T. and Terretta, Meredith, (eds.), African Asylum at the Cross Roads. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, pp. 102-120.

Retsikas, Kostas

Retsikas, Kostas (2015) 'The Promise: Islamic Micro-finance and the Synthesis of Time.' Deleuze Studies, 9 (4). pp. 475-502.

Sarkar, Tanika

Mosse, David (2015) 'Accommodation, reconciliation and rebellion in the history of Tamil Catholicism.' In: Malekandathil, Pius, Pachuau, Joy L.K. and Sarkar, Tanika, (eds.), Christianity in Indian History: Issues of Culture, Power and Knowledge. New Delhi: Primus Books, 185 -203.

Schayegh, Cyrus

Allen, Lori (2015) 'The nation as moral community: language and religion in the 1919 King-Crane Commission.' In: Schayegh, Cyrus and Arsan, Andrew, (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of the History of the Middle East Mandates. Abingdon; New York: Routledge, pp. 258-268.

Serafini, Michele

Simpson, Edward and Serafini, Michele (2015) 'The neoliberal aftershock.' Himal (Southasian), 28 (2). pp. 12-25.

Simpson, Edward

Simpson, Edward and Serafini, Michele (2015) 'The neoliberal aftershock.' Himal (Southasian), 28 (2). pp. 12-25.

Sprenger, Guido

Janowski, Monica (2015) 'The Dynamics of the Cosmic Conversation: Beliefs about Spirits Among the Kelabit and Penan of the Upper Baram River, Sarawak.' In: Arnhem, Kaj and Sprenger, Guido, (eds.), Animism in Southeast Asia. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 181-204. (Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series)

Steur, Luisa

Steur, Luisa (2015) 'Under the specter of absolute expediency: Class and belonging amongst indigenous workers in Kerala.' In: Carrier, James and Kalb, Don, (eds.), Class for anthropologists. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Stevano, Sara

Johnston, Deborah, Stevano, Sara, Malapit, Hazel, Hull, Elizabeth and Kadiyala, Suneetha (2015) Agriculture, Gendered Time Use, and Nutritional Outcomes: A Systematic Review. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) Discussion Paper no. 01456.

Swain, Margaret B.

Leite, Naomi and Swain, Margaret B. (2015) 'Anthropology of Tourism.' In: Jafari, Jafar and Xiao, Honggen, (eds.), Encyclopedia of Tourism. London: SpringerReference.

Tague, Joanna T.

Campbell, John (2015) 'Expert Evidence in British Asylum Courts: The Judicial Assessment of Evidence on Ethnic Discrimination and Statelessness in Ethiopia.' In: Berger, Iris, Redeker Hepner, Tricia, Lawrance, Benjamin N., Tague, Joanna T. and Terretta, Meredith, (eds.), African Asylum at the Cross Roads. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, pp. 102-120.

Terretta, Meredith

Campbell, John (2015) 'Expert Evidence in British Asylum Courts: The Judicial Assessment of Evidence on Ethnic Discrimination and Statelessness in Ethiopia.' In: Berger, Iris, Redeker Hepner, Tricia, Lawrance, Benjamin N., Tague, Joanna T. and Terretta, Meredith, (eds.), African Asylum at the Cross Roads. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, pp. 102-120.

Tilche, Alice

Tilche, Alice (2015) 'A Forgotten Adivasi Landscape: Museums and Memory in western India.' Contributions to Indian Sociology, 49 (2).

Tomalin, Emma

Mosse, David (2015) 'Caste and the conundrum of religion and development in India.' In: Tomalin, Emma, (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Religions and Global Development. Oxon; New York: Routledge, pp. 200-214. (Routledge International Handbooks)

Trapido, Joe

Trapido, Joe (2015) 'Africa's Leaky Giant.' New Left Review, 92. pp. 5-40.

Warburton, Nigel

Marchand, Trevor H.J. (2015) 'Trevor Marchand On Craft.' In: Edmonds, David and Warburton, Nigel, (eds.), Big Ideas in Social Science. London: Sage, pp. 118-127.

West, Harry G.

West, Harry G. and Plender, Celia (2015) 'An Interview with James C. Scott.' Gastronomica: The Journal of Critical Food Studies, 15 (3). pp. 1-8.

Xiao, Honggen

Leite, Naomi and Swain, Margaret B. (2015) 'Anthropology of Tourism.' In: Jafari, Jafar and Xiao, Honggen, (eds.), Encyclopedia of Tourism. London: SpringerReference.

Zetterstrom-Sharp, Johanna

Basu, Paul and Zetterstrom-Sharp, Johanna (2015) 'Complicating Culture for Development: Negotiating 'Dysfunctional Heritage' in Sierra Leone.' In: Basu, Paul and Modest, Wayne, (eds.), Museums, Heritage and International Development. New York; London: Routledge, pp. 56-82. (Routledge Studies in Culture and Development)

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