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Number of items: 40.

Bruno, Cosima, trans. (2004) Translation into Italian of six poems by Yang Lian. Milano: Skira.

Bruno, Cosima and Xi, Chuan (2004) 'Xi Chuan fang tanlu: da Mina wen.' In: Du, Xi and Hua, Guo, (eds.), Xianfeng shige dang'an. Chongqing: Chongqing chubanshe, pp. 94-97.

Dotson, Brandon (2004) 'A Note on Zan: Maternal Relatives of the Tibetan Royal Line and Marriage into the Royal Family.' Journal Asiatique, 292 (1-2). pp. 74-99.

Dotson, Brandon (2004) 'A note on zhang: maternal relatives of the Tibetan royal line.' Journal Asiatique, 292 (1–2). pp. 75-99.

Ferrari, Rossella (2004) Da Madre Courage e i suoi figli a Jiang Qing e i suoi mariti. Percorsi brechtiani in Cina. [From Mother Courage and her Children to Jiang Qing and her Husbands. Brechtian Trajectories in China]. Venice: Cafoscarina.

Fuehrer, Bernhard (2004) 'Book review of "The Columbia History of Chinese Literature", edited by Victor Mair.' The China Quarterly, 178 . pp. 535-536.

Fuehrer, Bernhard (2004) 'Christina Leibfried: Sinologie an der Universität Leipzig. Entstehung und Wirken des Ostasiatischen Seminars, 1878-1947.' Asien: German journal on contemporary Asia, 91. pp. 124-125.

Fuehrer, Bernhard (2004) Classical Chinese Philosophy and its Reception in European Intellectual History. In: Invited Lectures, Granada University (Spain). (Unpublished)

Fuehrer, Bernhard (2004) 'Dui Ouzhou Hanxue yanjiu xiankuang de xingsi 對歐洲漢學研究現況的省思.' In: Wei, Siqi and Wesolowski, Zbigniew, (eds.), Furen Daxue diyi jie Hanxue guoji yantaohui: you guan Zhongguo xueshuxing de duihua: Yi Huayi Xuezhi wei li [The First Fu Jen University International Symposium Scholarly Dialogue on China: Monumenta Serica as an Example]. Taipei: Furen Daxue chubanshe, pp. 132-145.

Fuehrer, Bernhard (2004) European Association of Taiwan Studies Conference. In: European Association of Taiwan Studies Conference, April 17-18, 2004, SOAS. (Unpublished)

Fuehrer, Bernhard (2004) 'Glimpses into Zhong Hong's Educational Background, with Remarks on Manifestations of the Zhouyi.' Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 67 (1). pp. 64-78.

Fuehrer, Bernhard (2004) 'Hartmut Walravens: Joseph Rock (1884-1962). Berichte, Briefe und Dokuments des Botanikers, Sinologen und Nakhi-Forschers.' Asien: German journal on contemporary Asia, 91. pp. 122-124.

Fuehrer, Bernhard (2004) A Note on Competing Versions of Huang Kan's Sub­commentary on Lunyu 3.5 and their Background. In: Hermeneutic Traditions in Recent East Asian Studies of Confucianism, National Taiwan University (Taiwan). (Unpublished)

Fuehrer, Bernhard (2004) The Periphery Confucianism and Non-Han Confucianism. In: Conference, Centre of the Study of East Asian Civilization, National Taiwan University. (Unpublished)

Fuehrer, Bernhard (2004) Pratiques culturelles et la vie sociale sous les Six Dynasties - Marginalia in Medieval Ecology. In: Pratiques culturelles et la vie sociale sous les Six Dynasties, INALCO (Paris). (Unpublished)

Fuehrer, Bernhard (2004) 'Questioning the Myth of China. Reflections on Fénelon and his Conversation between Confucius and Socrates.' Dongya wenming yanjiu tongxun 東亞文明研究通訊 [=Newletter for the Study of East Asian Civilizations, 5. 1-8..

Fuehrer, Bernhard (2004) Second Hamburg Tomb Text Workshop. In: Second Hamburg Tomb Text Workshop, 27–29 February, 2004, University of Hamburg. (Unpublished)

Fuehrer, Bernhard (2004) 'You duoyi xianxiang zhi sixiang pohai: Yuedu Lunyu zhaji 由多義現象至思想迫害.閲讀論語札記.' In: Chen, Rongzhao, (ed.), Ruxue yu xin shiji de renlei shehui. Guoji xueshu huiyi lunwen xuanji 儒學與新世紀的人類社會. 國際學術會議論文選集. Singapore: Xinjiapo Ruxuehui, pp. 397-406.

Hill, Nathan W. (2004) 'Compte rendu (Review of Paul G. Hackett, 'A Tibetan Verb Lexicon' Ithaca: Snow Lion, 2003.).' Revue d'études Tibétaines, 6 . pp. 78-98.

Hillenbrand, Margaret (2004) '“Gu’er de yanjing. Wu Zhuoliu youjizhong de ziwo ningshi yu tazhe xiangxiang” [The Eyes of an Orphan: Gazing at the Self and Imagining the Other in the Travel Diaries of Wu Zhuoliu] by Jian Yiming (translated by Margaret Hillenbrand).' Taiwan Literature: English Translation Series. No.15, pp.199-240.

Hillenbrand, Margaret (2004) 'Review article of The Columbia Companion to Modern East Asian Literature.' Modern Chinese Literature and Culture.

Hockx, Michel (2004) 'Links with the Past: Mainland China's Online Literary Communities and Their Antecedents.' Journal of Contemporary China, 13 (38). pp. 105-27.

Lo, Andrew (2004) 'China's Passion for Pai: Playing Cards, Dominoes, and Mahjong.' In: Mackenzie, Colin and Finkel, Irving L., (eds.), Asian Games: The Art of Contest. New York: Asia Society, pp. 216-231.

Lo, Andrew (2004) 'Double Sixes, Holding Spears, and The Long March: Games of the Backgammon Family in China.' In: Mackenzie, Colin and Finkel, Irving L., (eds.), Asian Games: The Art of Contest. New York: Asia Society, pp. 96-103.

Lo, Andrew (2004) '"The Earthworms Tame the Dragon": The Game of Xiangqi.' In: Mackenzie, Colin and Finkel, Irving L., (eds.), Asian Games: The Art of Contest. New York, NY: Asia Society, pp. 168-179.

Lo, Andrew (2004) 'Official Aspirations: Chinese Promotion Games.' In: Mackenzie, Colin and Finkel, Irving L., (eds.), Asian Games: The Art of Contest. New York: Asia Society, pp. 64-75.

Lu, Xiaoning (2004) '追求人生与游戏消遣 – 五四新文学观与鸳鸯蝴喋派文学观之争 [Art for Life’s Sake and Art for Entertainment: May Fourth New Literature versus Mandarin Ducks and Butterflies on Literature].' In: Wu, Lichang, (ed.), 文学的消解与反消解 – 中国现代文学派别论争史论 = Negation and Anti-Negation of Literature: A History of Modern Chinese Literary Schools and Debates. Shanghai: Fudan University Press, pp. 131-142.

Lu, Xiaoning (2004) '反对文学革命的尾声- 学衡派与新青年派之争 [The Epilogue of Anti-Literature Revolution: Critical Review versus New Youth].' In: Wu, Lichang, (ed.), 文学的消解与反消解 – 中国现代文学派别论争史论 = Negation and Anti-Negation of Literature: A History of Modern Chinese Literary Schools and Debates. Shanghai: Fudan University Press, pp. 95-112.

Lu, Xiaoning (2004) '怎样对待“纲常名教” – 陈独秀与杜亚泉关于东西方文化之争 [How to Treat ‘the Three Cardinal Guides and the Five Constant Virtues’: Chen Duxiu versus Da Yaquan on Eastern and Western Cultures].' In: Chang, Wu li, (ed.), 文学的消解与反消解 – 中国现代文学派别论争史论 = Negation and Anti-Negation of Literature: A History of Modern Chinese Literary Schools and Debates. Shanghai: Fudan University Press, pp. 62-74.

Lu, Xiaoning (2004) '老章又反叛了 – 甲寅派与革新派之争 [Lao Zhang’s Second Rebellion: the Jia Yin School versus the Reformists].' In: Wu, Lichang, (ed.), 文学的消解与反消解 – 中国现代文学派别论争史论 = Negation and Anti-Negation of Literature: A History of Modern Chinese Literary Schools and Debates. Shanghai: Fudan University Press, pp. 113-130.

Lu, Xiaoning (2004) '文学现代转型之先兆 – 晚清文学变革中白话文言之争 [A Precursor to Modernization of Modern Chinese Literature: Classical Language versus Vernacular Language in Late Qing Literary Reform].' In: Wu, Lichang, (ed.), 文学的消解与反消解 – 中国现代文学派别论争史论 = Negation and Anti-Negation of Literature: A History of Modern Chinese Literary Schools and Debates. Shanghai: Fudan University Press, pp. 35-51.

Lu, Xiaoning (2004) '开启文学有无功利的重要话题 – 梁启超与王国维之争[Purposiveness of Literature?: Liang Qichao versus Wang Guowei].' In: Wu, Lichang, (ed.), 文学的消解与反消解 – 中国现代文学派别论争史论 = Negation and Anti-Negation of Literature: A History of Modern Chinese Literary Schools and Debates. Shanghai: Fudan University Press, pp. 52-61.

Lu, Xiaoning (2004) '搬开文学革命的绊脚石 – 革新派与复古派之争 [Removing Stumbling Blocks to Literary Revolution: Reformists versus Traditionalists].' In: Wu, Lichang, (ed.), 文学的消解与反消解 – 中国现代文学派别论争史论 = Negation and Anti-Negation of Literature: A History of Modern Chinese Literary Schools and Debates. Shanghai: Fudan University Press, pp. 75-94.

Lu, Xiaoning (2004) '三十年代复古思潮的回流 – 针对“文言复兴”的大众语论争 [The Return of Traditionalists in the 1930s: Debate over Popular Language as a Response to the ‘Revival of Classical Language’].' In: Wu, Lichang, (ed.), 文学的消解与反消解 – 中国现代文学派别论争史论 = Negation and Anti-Negation of Literature: A History of Modern Chinese Literary Schools and Debates. Shanghai: Fudan University Press, pp. 143-153.

Milburn, Olivia (2004) 'Kingship and Inheritance in the State of Wu: Fraternal Succession in Spring and Autumn Period China (771-475 BC).' T'oung Pao, 90 (4). pp. 195-214.

Sernesi, Marta (2004) 'Milarepa's Six Secret Songs. The Early Transmission of the bDe-mchog snyan-brgyud.' East and West, 54 (1-2). pp. 251-287.

Sernesi, Marta and Squarcini, Federico (2004) 'Da Empoli a Osaka. Rappresentazioni condivise e modelli di consumo del Buddhismo contemporaneo.' Religioni e Società: rivista di scienze sociali della religione., 50. pp. 64-80.

Tan, Tian Yuan (2004) 'Prohibition of Jiatou Zaju in the Ming Dynasty and the Portrayal of the Emperor on Stage.' Ming Studies (49). pp. 82-111.

Wang, Tzi-Cheng and Lo, Andrew (2004) 'The Earthworms Tame the Dragon: The Game of Xiangqi.' In: Mackenzie, Colin and Finkel, Irving L., (eds.), Asian Games: The Art of Contest. New York: Asia Society, pp. 168-179.

Wang, Tzi-Cheng and Lo, Andrew (2004) 'Spider Threads Roaming the Empyrean: The Game of Weiqi.' In: Mackenzie, Colin and Finkel, Irving L., (eds.), Asian Games: The Art of Contest. New York: Asia Society, pp. 186-201.

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