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Number of items: 37.

Beckwith, Christopher I.

Hill, Nathan W. (2008) 'Verba Moriendi in the Old Tibetan Annals.' In: Beckwith, Christopher I., (ed.), Medieval Tibeto-Burman Languages III. Bonn: International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies Gmbh, pp. 71-86.

Berry, Chris

Hillenbrand, Margaret (2008) 'The Personals: Backward Glances, Knowing Looks, and the Voyeur Film.' In: Berry, Chris, (ed.), Chinese Films in Focus 2. London: British Film Institute, pp. 175-181.

Bruno, Cosima

Bruno, Cosima and Tarocco, Francesca, eds. (2008) Made in China: nuovi scrittori. Milano: Mondadori.

Bruno, Cosima, trans. (2008) "Tempo" by Liu Yichang; "Il caso Mary" and "Mirabilia dalla citta' fluttuante" by Xi Xi. Milano: Mondadori.

Bultitude, Matthew

Chatterton, Jocelyn and Bultitude, Matthew (2008) 'Castration; The eunuchs of Qing dynasty China; A Medical and Historical Review.' De historia urologiae Europaeae, 15. pp. 39-47.

Chatterton, Jocelyn

Chatterton, Jocelyn and Bultitude, Matthew (2008) 'Castration; The eunuchs of Qing dynasty China; A Medical and Historical Review.' De historia urologiae Europaeae, 15. pp. 39-47.

Denton, Kirk A.

Denton, Kirk A. and Hockx, Michel, eds. (2008) Literary Societies of Republican China. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

Fee, Toby

Hill, Nathan W. and Fee, Toby, trans. (2008) Love poems of the sixth Dalai Lama. (1, 2, 4, 25, 34, 36, 50, and 52.). The Harvard Advocate, Winter . pp. 80-91.

Ferrari, Rossella

Ferrari, Rossella (2008) 'Dalla Repubblica Popolare alla repubblica pop.' Hystrio. Trimestrale di teatro e spettacolo, 21 (3). pp. 56-59.

Ferrari, Rossella (2008) 'Review of A History of Contemporary Chinese Literature by Hong Zicheng.' The China Quarterly (194). pp. 448-449.

Ferrari, Rossella (2008) 'Review of Significant Other. Staging the American in China by Claire Conceison.' TDR The Drama Review, 52 (1). pp. 204-206.

Ferrari, Rossella (2008) 'Transnation/transmedia/transtext: border-crossing from screen to stage in Greater China.' Journal of Chinese Cinemas, 2 (1). pp. 53-65.

Fuehrer, Bernhard

Fuehrer, Bernhard (2008) '变化を遂げ社会における中国研究の挑战と展望.' In: Kagami, Mitsuyuki, (ed.), Chūgoku no shin tana hatsugen 中國の新たな發現. Tokyo: Nihon hyōronsha, pp. 87-102.

Fuehrer, Bernhard (2008) 2007 Wang Meng’ou jiaoshou xueshu jiangzuo yanjiangji [2007 王夢鷗教授學術講座演講集]. Taipei: Guoli Zhengzhi Daxue / National Cheng-chi University.

Fuehrer, Bernhard (2008) 'Challenges and Perspectives of Chinese Studies in a Changing Society.' In: Kawai, Shinichi, (ed.), New Challenges and Perspectives of Modern Chinese Studies. Tokyo: Universal Academy Press, pp. 109-121.

Hill, Nathan W.

Hill, Nathan W., trans. (2008) Foundational Questions of Tibetan Morphology [Translation of "Grundfragen der tibetischen Morphologie" by Michael Hahn]. Tibet Journal, 33 (2). pp. 3-19.

Hill, Nathan W. (2008) 'Verba Moriendi in the Old Tibetan Annals.' In: Beckwith, Christopher I., (ed.), Medieval Tibeto-Burman Languages III. Bonn: International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies Gmbh, pp. 71-86.

Hill, Nathan W. and Fee, Toby, trans. (2008) Love poems of the sixth Dalai Lama. (1, 2, 4, 25, 34, 36, 50, and 52.). The Harvard Advocate, Winter . pp. 80-91.

Hillenbrand, Margaret

Hillenbrand, Margaret (2008) 'Of Myths and Men: Better Luck Tomorrow and the Mainstreaming of Asian America Cinema.' Cinema Journal, 47 (4). pp. 50-75.

Hillenbrand, Margaret (2008) 'The Personals: Backward Glances, Knowing Looks, and the Voyeur Film.' In: Berry, Chris, (ed.), Chinese Films in Focus 2. London: British Film Institute, pp. 175-181.

Hockx, Michel

Denton, Kirk A. and Hockx, Michel, eds. (2008) Literary Societies of Republican China. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

Hockx, Michel (2008) 'The Involutionary Tradition in Modern Chinese Literature.' In: Louie, Kam, (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Modern Chinese Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 235-252.

Hockx, Michel (2008) 'Wenxueshi duandai yu zhishi shengchan: lun "wu si" wenxue (The Periodization of Literary History and the Production of Knowledge: On "May Fourth" Literature).' Wenhua yu shixue (6). pp. 109-120.

Hockx, Michel (2008) 'What's in a Date? May Fourth in Modern Chinese Literary History.' In: Lomová, Olga, (ed.), Paths towards Modernity: Conference to Mark the Centenary of Jaroslav Prusek. Prague: The Karolinum Press, pp. 291-306.

Kagami, Mitsuyuki

Fuehrer, Bernhard (2008) '变化を遂げ社会における中国研究の挑战と展望.' In: Kagami, Mitsuyuki, (ed.), Chūgoku no shin tana hatsugen 中國の新たな發現. Tokyo: Nihon hyōronsha, pp. 87-102.

Kawai, Shinichi

Fuehrer, Bernhard (2008) 'Challenges and Perspectives of Chinese Studies in a Changing Society.' In: Kawai, Shinichi, (ed.), New Challenges and Perspectives of Modern Chinese Studies. Tokyo: Universal Academy Press, pp. 109-121.

Lin, Ch'i-p'ing

Fuehrer, Bernhard (2008) 2007 Wang Meng’ou jiaoshou xueshu jiangzuo yanjiangji [2007 王夢鷗教授學術講座演講集]. Taipei: Guoli Zhengzhi Daxue / National Cheng-chi University.

Lomová, Olga

Hockx, Michel (2008) 'What's in a Date? May Fourth in Modern Chinese Literary History.' In: Lomová, Olga, (ed.), Paths towards Modernity: Conference to Mark the Centenary of Jaroslav Prusek. Prague: The Karolinum Press, pp. 291-306.

Louie, Kam

Hockx, Michel (2008) 'The Involutionary Tradition in Modern Chinese Literature.' In: Louie, Kam, (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Modern Chinese Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 235-252.

Lu, Xiaoning

Lu, Xiaoning (2008) Biopolitics and Cinema: Practices, Representations, and the Moulding of the Socialist Subject in China, 1949-1966. PhD thesis. State University of New York at Stony Brook.

Lu, Xiaoning (2008) 'Zhang Ruifang: Modelling the Socialist Red Star.' Journal of Chinese Cinemas, 2 (2). pp. 113-122.

Pang, Zhaoxia

Pang, Zhaoxia (2008) 'Integrated Study Pack for Elementary Chinese.' Sponsored by CETL (Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning). SOAS internal textbook. (Unpublished)

Pang, Zhaoxia (2008) Practical Handbook of Simplified and Full-form Characters [實用簡繁體漢字對照手冊]. United Kingdom: Cypress Book Co..

Schneewind, Sarah

Tan, Tian Yuan (2008) 'The Sovereign and the Theater: Reconsidering the Impact of Ming Taizu’s Prohibitions.' In: Schneewind, Sarah, (ed.), Long Live the Emperor: Uses of the Ming Founder across Six Centuries of East Asian History. Minneapolis: Society for Ming Studies, pp. 149-169. (Ming Studies Research Series)

Tan, Tian Yuan

Tan, Tian Yuan (2008) 'Review of Zong-qi Cai ed., 'How to Read Chinese Poetry: A Guided Anthology'.' Monumenta Serica (56). pp. 519-521.

Tan, Tian Yuan (2008) 'The Sovereign and the Theater: Reconsidering the Impact of Ming Taizu’s Prohibitions.' In: Schneewind, Sarah, (ed.), Long Live the Emperor: Uses of the Ming Founder across Six Centuries of East Asian History. Minneapolis: Society for Ming Studies, pp. 149-169. (Ming Studies Research Series)

Tarocco, Francesca

Bruno, Cosima and Tarocco, Francesca, eds. (2008) Made in China: nuovi scrittori. Milano: Mondadori.

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