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Number of items: 34.

Bruno, Cosima

Bruno, Cosima (2010) 'Review of: 'Voices in Revolution. Poetry and the Auditory Imagination in Modern China' by John A. Crespi.' The China Quarterly, 202 . pp. 456-458.

Caracchi, Pinuccia

Sernesi, Marta (2010) 'To establish the qualities of the Master. Considerations on early bKa’ brgyud hagiographical writings.' In: Caracchi, Pinuccia, Comba, Antonella Serena, Consolaro, Alessandra and Pelissero, Alberto, (eds.), Tīrthayātrā. Essays in Honour of Stefano Piano. Torino: Edizioni dell'Orso, pp. 401-424. (DOST critical studies, 9)

Chang, Bi-Yu

Chang, Bi-Yu (2010) '有國無家的想像地理:戰後初期台灣小學地理教育中的家鄉與異鄉、我族與他者 [Imaginary Geography of a Homeless Nation: Home and Abroad, Self and Other in Taiwan’s Elementary Geography Education during the Early Post-war Era].' 台灣文學研究集刊=NTU Studies in Taiwan Literature (8). pp. 85-124.

Chang, Kang-i Sun

Hockx, Michel (2010) 'Print Culture and Literary Societies.' In: Chang, Kang-i Sun and Owen, Stephen, (eds.), The Cambridge History of Chinese Literature. New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 542-555.

Hockx, Michel (2010) 'Recent Changes in Print Culture and the Advent of the New Media.' In: Chang, Kang-i Sun and Owen, Stephen, (eds.), The Cambridge History of Chinese Literature. New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 697-705.

Chatterton, Jocelyn

Chatterton, Jocelyn (2010) Protestant Medical Missionary Experience during the War in China 1937-1945: The Case of Hubei Province. PhD thesis. SOAS, University of London. DOI:

Comba, Antonella Serena

Sernesi, Marta (2010) 'To establish the qualities of the Master. Considerations on early bKa’ brgyud hagiographical writings.' In: Caracchi, Pinuccia, Comba, Antonella Serena, Consolaro, Alessandra and Pelissero, Alberto, (eds.), Tīrthayātrā. Essays in Honour of Stefano Piano. Torino: Edizioni dell'Orso, pp. 401-424. (DOST critical studies, 9)

Consolaro, Alessandra

Sernesi, Marta (2010) 'To establish the qualities of the Master. Considerations on early bKa’ brgyud hagiographical writings.' In: Caracchi, Pinuccia, Comba, Antonella Serena, Consolaro, Alessandra and Pelissero, Alberto, (eds.), Tīrthayātrā. Essays in Honour of Stefano Piano. Torino: Edizioni dell'Orso, pp. 401-424. (DOST critical studies, 9)

Farquar, Mary

Lu, Xiaoning (2010) 'Zhang Ruifang: Modelling the Socialist Red Star.' In: Zhang, Yingjin and Farquar, Mary, (eds.), Chinese Film Stars. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 97-107. (Routledge contemporary China series, 51)

Ferrari, Rossella

Ferrari, Rossella (2010) 'Journey(s) to the East—-Travels, Trajectories, and Transnational Chinese Theatre(s).' Postcolonial Studies, 13 (4). pp. 351-366.

Fuehrer, Bernhard

Fuehrer, Bernhard (2010) 'Qingting zhuzhe, liaojie shengren. Lunyu zhushi chuantong zhi xingsi” 倾听注者,了解圣人.论语注释传统之省思.' Renmin Daxue xuebao 人民大学学报, 144. pp. 8-11.

Hill, Nathan W.

Hill, Nathan W. (2010) 'Buddhism and Empire. By Michael Walter. pp. xxvii, 311. Leiden, Brill, 2009.' Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 20 (4). pp. 559-562.

Hill, Nathan W. (2010) A Lexicon of Tibetan Verb Stems as Reported by the Grammatical Tradition. Munich: Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. (Studia Tibetica)

Hill, Nathan W. (2010) 'Personal Pronouns in Old Tibetan.' Journal Asiatique, 298 (2). pp. 549-571.

Hill, Nathan W. (2010) 'Review of Christine Sommerschuh, Einführung in die tibetische Schriftsprache: Lehrbuch für den Unterricht und das vertiefende Selbststudium. Nordstedt: Books on Demand GmbH, 2008.' Indo-Iranian Journal, 53 (3). pp. 251-264.

Hill, Nathan W. (2010) 'Review of Lauran R. Hartley and Patricia Schiaffini-Vedani, editors. Modern Tibetan Literature and Social Change. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2008.' China Review International, 16 (2). pp. 185-189.

Hill, Nathan W. (2010) 'The converb -las in Old Tibetan.' Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 73 (2). pp. 245-260.

Hill, Nathan W. (2010) 'A note on the phonetic evolution of yod-pa-red in Central Tibet.' Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 33 (1). pp. 93-94.

Hill, Nathan W. (2010) 'An overview of Old Tibetan synchronic phonology.' Transactions of the Philological Society, 108 (2). pp. 110-125.

Hockx, Michel

Hockx, Michel (2010) 'Print Culture and Literary Societies.' In: Chang, Kang-i Sun and Owen, Stephen, (eds.), The Cambridge History of Chinese Literature. New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 542-555.

Hockx, Michel (2010) 'Recent Changes in Print Culture and the Advent of the New Media.' In: Chang, Kang-i Sun and Owen, Stephen, (eds.), The Cambridge History of Chinese Literature. New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 697-705.

Lo, Andrew (盧慶濱)

Lo, Andrew (盧慶濱) (2010) '《唐宋圍棋詩歌的雅與俗》(The Elegant and the Common in Poems on the Game of Weiqi in Tang and Song Dynasty Poetry).' In: Wang, Tzi-Cheng (王次澄), (ed.), 雅俗相成—傳統文化質性的變易 (The Complementarity of the Elegant and the Common – Qualitative Changes in Traditional Culture). Taiwan: Zhongyang Daxue Chuban Zhongxin; Airti Press, pp. 215-259.

Lu, Xiaoning

Lu, Xiaoning (2010) 'Zhang Ruifang: Modelling the Socialist Red Star.' In: Zhang, Yingjin and Farquar, Mary, (eds.), Chinese Film Stars. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 97-107. (Routledge contemporary China series, 51)

Owen, Stephen

Hockx, Michel (2010) 'Print Culture and Literary Societies.' In: Chang, Kang-i Sun and Owen, Stephen, (eds.), The Cambridge History of Chinese Literature. New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 542-555.

Hockx, Michel (2010) 'Recent Changes in Print Culture and the Advent of the New Media.' In: Chang, Kang-i Sun and Owen, Stephen, (eds.), The Cambridge History of Chinese Literature. New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 697-705.

Pang, Zhaoxia

Pang, Zhaoxia (2010) Enhance Students' Oral Competence ---A Review of Study Pack Developed for Speaking-Skill Training at Elementary Level. In: International Conference of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language organized by BCLTS, 28th -30th July, University of Cardiff. (Unpublished)

Pelissero, Alberto

Sernesi, Marta (2010) 'To establish the qualities of the Master. Considerations on early bKa’ brgyud hagiographical writings.' In: Caracchi, Pinuccia, Comba, Antonella Serena, Consolaro, Alessandra and Pelissero, Alberto, (eds.), Tīrthayātrā. Essays in Honour of Stefano Piano. Torino: Edizioni dell'Orso, pp. 401-424. (DOST critical studies, 9)

Sernesi, Marta

Sernesi, Marta (2010) 'A Manual on Nāropa's Six Yogas by sPyan snga Nyer gnyis pa (1386–1434): Tucci Tibetan Collection 1359.' Indo-Iranian Journal, 53 (2). pp. 121-163.

Sernesi, Marta (2010) 'To establish the qualities of the Master. Considerations on early bKa’ brgyud hagiographical writings.' In: Caracchi, Pinuccia, Comba, Antonella Serena, Consolaro, Alessandra and Pelissero, Alberto, (eds.), Tīrthayātrā. Essays in Honour of Stefano Piano. Torino: Edizioni dell'Orso, pp. 401-424. (DOST critical studies, 9)

Tan, Tian Yuan

Tan, Tian Yuan (2010) 'Emerging from Anonymity: The First Generation of Writers of Songs and Drama in Mid-Ming Nanjing.' T’oung Pao. International Journal of Chinese Studies, 96 (1-3). pp. 125-164.

Tan, Tian Yuan (2010) Songs of Contentment and Transgression: Discharged Officials and Literati Communities in Sixteenth-Century North China. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Asia Center. (Harvard-Yenching Institute monograph series, 75)

Tan, Tian Yuan (2010) 'The Transmission of Sanqu Songs, Writers’ Reputation, and Literati Network in the Mid Ming: Local and Translocal Considerations.' Ming Qing Studies, 2010. pp. 193-215.

Wang, Tzi-Cheng (王次澄)

Lo, Andrew (盧慶濱) (2010) '《唐宋圍棋詩歌的雅與俗》(The Elegant and the Common in Poems on the Game of Weiqi in Tang and Song Dynasty Poetry).' In: Wang, Tzi-Cheng (王次澄), (ed.), 雅俗相成—傳統文化質性的變易 (The Complementarity of the Elegant and the Common – Qualitative Changes in Traditional Culture). Taiwan: Zhongyang Daxue Chuban Zhongxin; Airti Press, pp. 215-259.

Zhang, Yingjin

Lu, Xiaoning (2010) 'Zhang Ruifang: Modelling the Socialist Red Star.' In: Zhang, Yingjin and Farquar, Mary, (eds.), Chinese Film Stars. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 97-107. (Routledge contemporary China series, 51)

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