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Number of items: 51.

Birtwistle, Andy

Chang, Bi-Yu and Klöter, Henning, eds. (2012) Imaging and Imagining Taiwan: Identity representation and cultural politics. Wiesbaden, Germany: Harrassowitz. (Studia Formosiana, series 8)

Bruno, Cosima

Bruno, Cosima (2012) Between the Lines: Yang Lian's Poetry through Translation. Leiden: Brill. (Sinica Leidiensa)

Bruno, Cosima (2012) 'The Public Life of Contemporary Chinese Poetry in English Translation.' Target: International Journal of Translation Studies, 24 (2). pp. 253-285.

Bruno, Cosima (2012) 'Words by the Look: Issues in Translating Chinese Visual Poetry.' In: St. André, James and Peng, Hsiao-Yen, (eds.), China and Its Others. Knowledge Transfer through Translation, 1829-2010. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, pp. 245-276. (Approaches to Translation Studies)

Chang, Bi-Yu

Chang, Bi-Yu (2012) 'Imaging National Landscape: Yushan, modern myth and identity in post-war Taiwan.' In: Chang, Bi-Yu and Klöter, Henning, (eds.), Imaging and Imagining Taiwan: Identity representation and cultural politics. Wiesbaden, Germany: Harrassowitz Verlag . Wiesbaden, pp. 149-169. (Studia Formosiana, series 8)

Chang, Bi-Yu (2012) 'Imaging National Landscape: Yushan, modern myth and identity in post-war Taiwan.' In: Chang, Bi-Yu and Klöter, Henning, (eds.), Imaging and Imagining Taiwan: Identity representation and cultural politics. Wiesbaden, Germany: Harrassowitz Verlag . Wiesbaden, pp. 149-169. (Studia Formosiana, series 8)

Chang, Bi-Yu and Klöter, Henning, eds. (2012) Imaging and Imagining Taiwan: Identity representation and cultural politics. Wiesbaden, Germany: Harrassowitz. (Studia Formosiana, series 8)

Chang, Bi-Yu and Klöter, Henning, eds. (2012) Imaging and Imagining Taiwan: Identity representation and cultural politics. Wiesbaden, Germany: Harrassowitz. (Studia Formosiana, series 8)

Ferrari, Rossella

Ferrari, Rossella (2012) 'Architecture and/in Theatre from the Bauhaus to Hong Kong: Mathias Woo's 'Looking for Mies'.' New Theatre Quarterly, 28 (1). pp. 3-19.

Ferrari, Rossella (2012) 'The Avant-Garde is Dead, Long Live the (Pop) Avant-Garde! Critical Reconfigurations in Contemporary Chinese Theatre.' positions: asia critique, 20 (4). pp. 1127-1157.

Ferrari, Rossella (2012) Pop Goes The Avant-Garde: Experimental Theatre in Contemporary China. London: Seagull Books. (Enactments)

Fuehrer, Bernhard

Fuehrer, Bernhard (2012) 2012 Nyeondo je 1 hoe haeoe usu-hakja chocheong jipjung-gangjwa 2012 년도 제1회 해외 우수학자 초청 집중강좌. Seoul: Academy of Korean Studies. (Lecture Series of World Distinguished Scholars)

Fuehrer, Bernhard (2012) 'Gui Wencan and Gui Dian on Huang Kan’s Lunyu yishu.' In: Lin, Ching-chang and Soffel, Christian, (eds.), Zhengtong yu liupai. Lidai Rujia jingdian zhi zhuanbian 正統與流派. 歷代儒家經典之轉變 (Orthodoxy and Schools of Thought – Changes in the History of Confucian Canon Studies). Taipei: Wanjuanlou chubanshe, pp. 483-509.

Gao, Jiaqian

Hockx, Michel (2012) 'Wenxue shetuan de zhiyehua: yi Nan she wei li (The Professionalization of Literary Societies: The Case of the Southern Society).' In: Wu, Shengqing and Gao, Jiaqian, (eds.), Shuqing chuantong yu weixin shidai (The Lyrical Tradition and the Era of Reform). Shanghai: Shanghai wenyi chubanshe, pp. 3-23.

Harman, Nicky

Harman, Nicky and Pang, Zhaoxia (trans.) (2012) '趙海虹:一九二三年科幻故事. 1923 - A Fantasy. By Haihong Zhao.' Renditions: a Chinese-English translation magazine (77/78). pp. 239-254.

Hill, Nathan W.

Hill, Nathan W., ed. (2012) Medieval Tibeto-Burman Languages IV. Leiden: Brill. (Languages of the Greater Himalayan Region, Brill's Tibetan Studies Library)

Hill, Nathan W. (2012) 'Evolution of the Burmese vowel system.' Transactions of the Philological Society, 110 (1). pp. 64-79.

Hill, Nathan W. (2012) 'Introduction.' In: Hill, Nathan W., (ed.), Medieval Tibeto-Burman Languages IV. Leiden: Brill, pp. 1-4. (Languages of the Greater Himalayan Region, Brill's Tibetan Studies Library)

Hill, Nathan W. (2012) 'Introduction.' In: Hill, Nathan W., (ed.), Medieval Tibeto-Burman Languages IV. Leiden: Brill, pp. 1-4. (Languages of the Greater Himalayan Region, Brill's Tibetan Studies Library)

Hill, Nathan W. (2012) '“Mirativity” does not exist: ḥdug in “Lhasa” Tibetan and other suspects.' Linguistic Typology, 16 (3). pp. 389-433.

Hill, Nathan W. (2012) 'Review of North East Indian Linguistics: Volume 3. Gwendolyn Hyslop, Stephen Morey, and Mark W. Post, eds. New Delhi: Cambridge University Press India Pvt. Ltd. 2011.' European Bulletin of Himalayan research, 40 . pp. 134-138.

Hill, Nathan W. (2012) 'Review of Sam van Schaik. Tibet: A History. London and New York: Yale University Press, 2011.' Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 75 (1). pp. 190-192.

Hill, Nathan W. (2012) 'Tibetan -las, -nas, and -bas.' Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale, 41 (1). pp. 3-38.

Hill, Nathan W. (2012) 'Tibetan palatalization and the gy versus g.y distinction.' In: Hill, Nathan W., (ed.), Medieval Tibeto-Burman Languages IV. Leiden: Brill, pp. 383-398. (Languages of the Greater Himalayan Region, Brill's Tibetan Studies Library)

Hill, Nathan W. (2012) 'Tibetan palatalization and the gy versus g.y distinction.' In: Hill, Nathan W., (ed.), Medieval Tibeto-Burman Languages IV. Leiden: Brill, pp. 383-398. (Languages of the Greater Himalayan Region, Brill's Tibetan Studies Library)

Hill, Nathan W. (2012) 'A note on the history and future of the 'Wylie' system.' Revue d'études Tibétaines, 23. pp. 103-105.

Hill, Nathan W. (2012) 'The six vowel hypothesis of Old Chinese in comparative context.' Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics, 6 (2). pp. 1-69.

Hockx, Michel

Hockx, Michel (2012) 'Lianjie guoqu: Zhongguo dalu wangluo wenxue shequ jiqi xiansheng (Links with the Past: Mainland China's Online Literary Communities and Their Antecedents).' Wang luo wen xue ping lun = 网络文学评论, 2. pp. 25-40.

Hockx, Michel (2012) 'The Literary Field and the Field of Power: The Case of Modern China.' Paragraph, 35 (1). pp. 49-65.

Hockx, Michel (2012) 'Wenxue shetuan de zhiyehua: yi Nan she wei li (The Professionalization of Literary Societies: The Case of the Southern Society).' In: Wu, Shengqing and Gao, Jiaqian, (eds.), Shuqing chuantong yu weixin shidai (The Lyrical Tradition and the Era of Reform). Shanghai: Shanghai wenyi chubanshe, pp. 3-23.

Huang, Dian

Pang, Zhaoxia (2012) 'Enhance Students' Oral Competence.' In: Huang, Dian and Xing, Minjie, (eds.), Innovations in Teaching and Learning Chinese as a Foreign Language: Applied Chinese Language Studies III. London: Sinolingua, pp. 32-39.

Klöter, Henning

Chang, Bi-Yu (2012) 'Imaging National Landscape: Yushan, modern myth and identity in post-war Taiwan.' In: Chang, Bi-Yu and Klöter, Henning, (eds.), Imaging and Imagining Taiwan: Identity representation and cultural politics. Wiesbaden, Germany: Harrassowitz Verlag . Wiesbaden, pp. 149-169. (Studia Formosiana, series 8)

Chang, Bi-Yu and Klöter, Henning, eds. (2012) Imaging and Imagining Taiwan: Identity representation and cultural politics. Wiesbaden, Germany: Harrassowitz. (Studia Formosiana, series 8)

Chang, Bi-Yu and Klöter, Henning, eds. (2012) Imaging and Imagining Taiwan: Identity representation and cultural politics. Wiesbaden, Germany: Harrassowitz. (Studia Formosiana, series 8)

Lee, Anru

Chang, Bi-Yu and Klöter, Henning, eds. (2012) Imaging and Imagining Taiwan: Identity representation and cultural politics. Wiesbaden, Germany: Harrassowitz. (Studia Formosiana, series 8)

Liao, Hsien-hao Sebastian

Chang, Bi-Yu and Klöter, Henning, eds. (2012) Imaging and Imagining Taiwan: Identity representation and cultural politics. Wiesbaden, Germany: Harrassowitz. (Studia Formosiana, series 8)

Lin, Ching-chang

Fuehrer, Bernhard (2012) 'Gui Wencan and Gui Dian on Huang Kan’s Lunyu yishu.' In: Lin, Ching-chang and Soffel, Christian, (eds.), Zhengtong yu liupai. Lidai Rujia jingdian zhi zhuanbian 正統與流派. 歷代儒家經典之轉變 (Orthodoxy and Schools of Thought – Changes in the History of Confucian Canon Studies). Taipei: Wanjuanlou chubanshe, pp. 483-509.

Liu, Joyce Chi-hui

Chang, Bi-Yu and Klöter, Henning, eds. (2012) Imaging and Imagining Taiwan: Identity representation and cultural politics. Wiesbaden, Germany: Harrassowitz. (Studia Formosiana, series 8)

Morris, Andrew

Chang, Bi-Yu and Klöter, Henning, eds. (2012) Imaging and Imagining Taiwan: Identity representation and cultural politics. Wiesbaden, Germany: Harrassowitz. (Studia Formosiana, series 8)

Pang, Zhaoxia

Pang, Zhaoxia (2012) 'Enhance Students' Oral Competence.' In: Huang, Dian and Xing, Minjie, (eds.), Innovations in Teaching and Learning Chinese as a Foreign Language: Applied Chinese Language Studies III. London: Sinolingua, pp. 32-39.

Pang, Zhaoxia (trans.)

Harman, Nicky and Pang, Zhaoxia (trans.) (2012) '趙海虹:一九二三年科幻故事. 1923 - A Fantasy. By Haihong Zhao.' Renditions: a Chinese-English translation magazine (77/78). pp. 239-254.

Peng, Hsiao-Yen

Bruno, Cosima (2012) 'Words by the Look: Issues in Translating Chinese Visual Poetry.' In: St. André, James and Peng, Hsiao-Yen, (eds.), China and Its Others. Knowledge Transfer through Translation, 1829-2010. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, pp. 245-276. (Approaches to Translation Studies)

Society of Chinese Theatre Studies (Tang Xianzu Branch)

Tan, Tian Yuan (2012) 'Tang Xianzu and Shakespeare: Two Theatrical Cultures in Global Perspective 湯顯祖與莎士比亞:兩種戲劇文化的全球視野(in English and Chinese).' In: Society of Chinese Theatre Studies (Tang Xianzu Branch) and Suichang Association of Social Sciences, (eds.), Tang Xianzu-Shashibiya wenhua gaofeng luntan ji Tang Xianzu he Wan Ming wenhua xueshu yantaohui lunwen ji 湯顯祖-莎士比亞文化高峰論壇暨湯顯祖和晚明文化學術研討會論文集. Zhejiang: Zhejiang University Press, pp. 24-29.

Soffel, Christian

Fuehrer, Bernhard (2012) 'Gui Wencan and Gui Dian on Huang Kan’s Lunyu yishu.' In: Lin, Ching-chang and Soffel, Christian, (eds.), Zhengtong yu liupai. Lidai Rujia jingdian zhi zhuanbian 正統與流派. 歷代儒家經典之轉變 (Orthodoxy and Schools of Thought – Changes in the History of Confucian Canon Studies). Taipei: Wanjuanlou chubanshe, pp. 483-509.

St. André, James

Bruno, Cosima (2012) 'Words by the Look: Issues in Translating Chinese Visual Poetry.' In: St. André, James and Peng, Hsiao-Yen, (eds.), China and Its Others. Knowledge Transfer through Translation, 1829-2010. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, pp. 245-276. (Approaches to Translation Studies)

Suichang Association of Social Sciences

Tan, Tian Yuan (2012) 'Tang Xianzu and Shakespeare: Two Theatrical Cultures in Global Perspective 湯顯祖與莎士比亞:兩種戲劇文化的全球視野(in English and Chinese).' In: Society of Chinese Theatre Studies (Tang Xianzu Branch) and Suichang Association of Social Sciences, (eds.), Tang Xianzu-Shashibiya wenhua gaofeng luntan ji Tang Xianzu he Wan Ming wenhua xueshu yantaohui lunwen ji 湯顯祖-莎士比亞文化高峰論壇暨湯顯祖和晚明文化學術研討會論文集. Zhejiang: Zhejiang University Press, pp. 24-29.

Tan, Tian Yuan

Tan, Tian Yuan (2012) 'A Dysfunctional Dynasty (The Orphan of Zhao in 1616).' In: The Orphan of Zhao Programme. UK: Royal Shakespeare Company.

Tan, Tian Yuan (2012) 'Review of: Sophie Volpp, Worldly Stage: Theatricality in Seventeenth-Century China.' Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, 72 (2). pp. 430-437.

Tan, Tian Yuan (2012) 'Tang Xianzu and Shakespeare: Two Theatrical Cultures in Global Perspective 湯顯祖與莎士比亞:兩種戲劇文化的全球視野(in English and Chinese).' In: Society of Chinese Theatre Studies (Tang Xianzu Branch) and Suichang Association of Social Sciences, (eds.), Tang Xianzu-Shashibiya wenhua gaofeng luntan ji Tang Xianzu he Wan Ming wenhua xueshu yantaohui lunwen ji 湯顯祖-莎士比亞文化高峰論壇暨湯顯祖和晚明文化學術研討會論文集. Zhejiang: Zhejiang University Press, pp. 24-29.

Wu, Shengqing

Hockx, Michel (2012) 'Wenxue shetuan de zhiyehua: yi Nan she wei li (The Professionalization of Literary Societies: The Case of the Southern Society).' In: Wu, Shengqing and Gao, Jiaqian, (eds.), Shuqing chuantong yu weixin shidai (The Lyrical Tradition and the Era of Reform). Shanghai: Shanghai wenyi chubanshe, pp. 3-23.

Xing, Minjie

Pang, Zhaoxia (2012) 'Enhance Students' Oral Competence.' In: Huang, Dian and Xing, Minjie, (eds.), Innovations in Teaching and Learning Chinese as a Foreign Language: Applied Chinese Language Studies III. London: Sinolingua, pp. 32-39.

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