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Group by: Creator's name | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 43.

Authored Books

Abdel-Haleem, Muhammad (2004) The Qur'an: a New Translation. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. (Oxford World's Classics Hardcovers Series)

Akiner, Shirin (2004) The Caspian: Politics, Energy and Security. London: Routledge.

Dorfmann-Lazarev, Igor (2004) Arméniens et Byzantins à l’époque de Photius: Deux débats théologiques après le Triomphe de l’orthodoxie. Leuven: Peeters. (Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium; vol. 609)

George, Andrew, Sampedro, José Luis (introd.) and Crespo, Fabián Chueca (trans.) (2004) La epopeya de Gilgamesh. Barcelona: Random House Mondadori. Paperback: Debolsillo, 2008.

Hewitt, George (2004) Introduction to the Study of the Languages of the Caucasus. München: Lincom.

Sims-Williams, Nicholas (2004) Recent discoveries in the Bactrian language and their historical significance. Kabul: Society for the Preservation of Afghanistan's Cultural Heritage.

Edited Book or Journal Volume

Ouyang, Wen-Chin, ed. (2004) Ideological Variations and Narrative Horizons: New Perspectives on the Arabian Nights. Basingstoke: Taylor and Francis. (Middle Eastern literatures 7(2). Special issue)

Berland, Joseph C. and Rao, Aparna, eds. (2004) Customary Strangers: New Perspectives on Peripatetic Peoples in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia,. Westport, CN: Praeger.

Durkin-Meisterernst, Desmond and Sims-Williams, Nicholas, eds. (2004) Dictionary of Manichaean Texts Vol. III Part 1. Turnhout: Brepols.

Book Chapters

Abdel-Haleem, Muhammad (2004) 'Islam, Religion of the Environment: the Need for Re-Education and Retraining.' In: Marie, Mamdouth and Sherif, Adel Omar, (eds.), The environment and judiciaries of the Arab world: proceedings of the Arab Chief Justices' Conference and Symposium on the Training of Judges and Other Legal Stakeholders in Environmental Law and Sustainable Development, Cairo, Egypt, May 29-31, 2004. Cairo: Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt, pp. 68-83.

Akiner, Shirin (2004) 'Caspian Intersections.' In: Akiner, Shirin, (ed.), The Caspian: Politics, Energy, Security. London: Routledge, pp. 3-14.

Akiner, Shirin (2004) 'The Contestation of Islam in Post-Soviet Central Asia. A Nascent Security Threat.' In: Carter, Hannah and Ehteshami, Anoushiravan, (eds.), The Middle East's Relations with Asia and Russia. London: Routledge Curzon, pp. 75-102. (Durham Modern Middle East and Islamic World Series)

Akiner, Shirin (2004) 'Emerging Caspian Challenges Ten Years On: Achievements, New Concerns, Future Prospects.' In: Akiner, Shirin, (ed.), The Caspian: Politics, Energy, Security. London: Routledge, pp. 365-99.

Akiner, Shirin (2004) 'Environmental Security in the Caspian Sea.' In: Akiner, Shirin, (ed.), The Caspian. Politics, Energy and Security. London: Routledge Curzon, pp. 341-362.

Akiner, Shirin (2004) 'United Kingdom's Perspectives on Central Asia.' In: Santhanam, K and Dwivedi, R, (eds.), India and Central Asia: Advancing the Common Interest. India: Anamaya, pp. 71-82.

George, Andrew (2004) 'Five scholars and one epic: Gilgamesh and the epic traditions of ancient Mesopotamia.' In: Yeghiazaryan, Azat, (ed.), The Armenian Epic “Daredevils of Sassoun” and the World Epic Heritage, 4–6 November, 2004 [= 2003!], Tsakhkadzor. Yerevan: National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, pp. 25-41.

George, Andrew (2004) 'Royal inscriptions from the folios of Sidney Smith.' In: Frame, Grant, (ed.), From the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea: Studies on the History of Assyria and Babylonia in Honour of A. K. Grayson. Leiden: Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (Holland), pp. 137-144.

Ouyang, Wen-Chin (2004) 'Idéologie du genre et subjectivité auctoriale dans les Mille et une nuit de Pasolini.' In: Chraibi, Aboubakr, (ed.), Les Mille et Une Nuits en partage. Paris: Sindbad Actes Sud, pp. 81-94.

Parfitt, Tudor (2004) 'Are Jews Black.' In: De Graef, Katrien, (ed.), Baʻal milim: liber amicorum Julien Klener. Ghent: University of Ghent, pp. 111-120.

Schwemer, Daniel (2004) 'Von Tahurpa nach Hattusa. Ueberlegungen zu den ersten Tagen des AN.DAH.SUM-Festes. [From Tahurpa to Hattusa. Studies on the First Days of the AN.DAH.SUM Festival].' In: Hutter, M. and Hutter-Braunsar, S., (eds.), Offizielle Religion, lokale Kulte und individuelle Religiositaet. Akten des religionsgeschichtlichen Symposiums „Kleinasien und angrenzende Gebiete vom Beginn des 2. bis zur Mitte des 1. Jahrtausends v. Chr.“ (Bonn, 20.-22. Februar 2003). Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, pp. 395-412.

Sims-Williams, Nicholas (2004) 'A Greek-Sogdian bilingual from Bulayïq.' In: La Persia e Bisanzio. Roma: Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, pp. 623-31.

Sims-Williams, Nicholas (2004) 'The Parthian abstract suffix -yft.' In: Penney, J. H. W., (ed.), Indo-European Perspectives: Studies in Honour of Anna Morpurgo Davies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 539-47.

Sims-Williams, Nicholas (2004) 'Two Bactrian fragments from Yar-khoto.' In: Durkin-Meisterernst, Desmond, (ed.), Turfan revisited. The first century of research into the arts and culture of the Silk Road. Berlin: Reimer, 325-32, 461.

Sperl, Stefan (2004) 'Epic and Exile: Reflections on the Biography of the Prophet Muhammad.' In: Yousof, G. S., (ed.), Reflections on Asian-European Epics. Kuala Lumpur: Asia-Europe Foundation.

Sperl, Stefan (2004) 'Reflections on the Biography of the Prophet Muhammad.' In: Sarwar-Youof, G, (ed.), Reflections on Asian-European Epics. Singapore: Asia Europe Foundation, pp. 100-121.

Zebiri, Kate (2004) 'Polemic and Polemical Language.' In: McAuliffe, Jane Dammen, (ed.), Encyclopaedia of the Qur'an. Vol. 4. Leiden: Brill, pp. 114-125.

Journal Article

Cruise O'Brien, Donal (2004) 'Les Confrontations Symboliques: religion et politique en Africa.' Politique Africaine.

El-Desouky, Ayman (2004) 'القص والاقتصاص بين قديم اللحظة وجديد التاريخ : قراءة في رواية ﻣﺘﻮﻥ ﺍﻷﻫﺮﺍﻡ ﻟﻠﻐﻴﻄﺎﻧﻲ / Narrating and Tracing the Past: A Reading of al-Ghitani's Mutun al-ahram.' Alif: Journal of Comparative Poetics, 24. pp. 119-152.

George, Andrew (2004) 'Palace names and epithets, and the Vaulted Building.' Sumer, 51. pp. 38-42.

George, Andrew (2004) 'What's new in the Gilgamesh epic? (in Arabic).' Sumer, 51 (2001/2002). pp. 90-103.

George, Andrew (2004) 'The seventh destiny-decreeing deity.' Nouvelles assyriologiques brèves et utilitaires, 2004 (1 no. 20). p. 21.

Hafez, Sabry (2004) 'Edward Said's Intellectual Legacy in the Arab World.' Journal of Palestine Studies, 33 (3). pp. 76-90.

Ouyang, Wen-Chin (2004) 'Genre, Ideologies, Genre Ideologies and Narrative Transformation.' Middle Eastern Literatures, 7 (2). pp. 125-132.

Ouyang, Wen-Chin (2004) 'Whose Story Is It? Sindbad the Sailor in Literature and Film.' Middle Eastern Literatures, 7 (2). pp. 133-147.

Parfitt, Tudor (2004) 'Her name was Judith: The Venerable British Tradition of Philo-Semitism.' World Jewish Digest, 2 (2). p. 6.

Parfitt, Tudor (2004) 'In Search of the Lost Tribes.' World Jewish Digest, 1 (9). p. 24.

Parfitt, Tudor (2004) 'On Wings of Eagles: Operation Moses Twenty Years Later.' World Jewish Digest, 2 (4). p. 26.

Schwemer, Daniel (2004) 'Ein akkadischer Liebeszauber aus Hattusa [Akkadian Love Magic from Hattusa].' Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 94 (1). pp. 59-79.

Shah, Mustafa (2004) 'The Early Arabic Grammarians' Contributions to the Collection and Authentication of Qur'anic Readings: The Prelude to Ibn Mujahid's Kitab al-Sab'a.' Journal of Qur'anic Studies, 6 (1). pp. 72-102.

Shindler, Colin (2004) 'The Israeli Barrier.' RUSI Newsbrief, 24 (3).

Conference or Workshop Items

Sims-Williams, Nicholas (2004) Les sogdiens en chine - Towards a new edition of the Sogdian Ancient Letters. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Monographs and Working Papers

Sperl, Stefan and Brădişteanu, I (2004) Refugee Resettlement in Developing Countries: The Experience of Benin and Burkina Faso, 1997-2003: an Independent Evaluation. Geneva: Evaluation and Policy Analysis Unit. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

Book Reviews

Shah, Mustafa (2004) 'Islam and Science.' Journal of Qur'anic Studies, 6 (1). pp. 138-142.

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