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Number of items: 82.

El-Desouky, Ayman and Brehony, Noel, eds. (2007) British-Egyptian Relations from Suez to the Present Day. London: Saqi Books. (SOAS Middle East Issues)

Omri, Mohamed-Saleh and Ouyang, Wen-Chin, eds. (2007) The Novelization of Islamic Literatures. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. (Comparative Critical Studies, 4 (3))

Sims-Williams, Nicholas, ed. (2007) Part 4: Dictionary of Manichaean texts in Chinese. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols. (Dictionary of manichaean texts. Vol. III, Texts from Central Asia and China)

Shihadeh, Ayman, ed. (2007) Sufism and Theology. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Alshaer, Atef (2007) 'Failing Peace: Gaza and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, by Sara Roy.' The Middle East in London .

Alshaer, Atef (2007) 'A Threat From Within: A Century of Jewish Opposition to Zionism, by Yakov Rabkin.' The Middle East in London .

Dedes, Yorgos (2007) The Ascensions of Felicity and Sources of Nobility: An English Translation of Su'udi's Metali' ul-Sa'adet. Barcelona: Moleiro.

Dedes, Yorgos (2007) 'Lugat-i rumiye: A Turkish-Greek Versified Glossary from the Late Ottoman Period: Serious Learning or a Bit of Fun on the Side?' Journal of Turkish Studies, 31 (1). pp. 237-280.

El-Desouky, Ayman (2007) 'Ego eimi: Kerygma or Existential Metaphor? Frye, Bultmann and the Problem of Demythologizing.' Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée, 34 (2). pp. 131-171.

El-Desouky, Ayman (2007) 'Notes on Political Memory and Cultural Memory.' In: El-Desouky, Ayman and Brehony, Noel, (eds.), British-Egyptian Relations from Suez to the Present Day. London: Saqi Books, pp. 163-178. (SOAS Middle East Issues)

Fischel, Walter and Parfitt, Tudor (2007) 'Kashmir.' In: Berenbaum, Michael and Skolnik, Fred, (eds.), Encyclopaedia Judaica. 2nd Edition. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, pp. 821-822.

Fischel, Walter, Parfitt, Tudor and Pragai, Michael (2007) 'Burma.' In: Berenbaum, Michael and Skolnik, Fred, (eds.), Encyclopaedia Judaica. 2nd Edition. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, pp. 296-297.

George, Andrew (2007) 'Babylonian and Assyrian: a history of Akkadian.' In: Postgate, J. N., (ed.), Languages of Iraq, Ancient and Modern. London: British School of Archaeology in Iraq, pp. 31-71.

George, Andrew (2007) 'The Epic of Gilgamesh: Thoughts on genre and meaning.' In: Azize, J and Weeks, N, (eds.), Gilgamesh and the World of Assyria. Proceedings of the Conference Held at the Mandelbaum House, the University of Sydney, 21-23 July 2004. Leuven: Peeters, pp. 37-66. (Ancient Near Eastern Studies Supplement)

George, Andrew (2007) 'Gilgamesh and the literary traditions of ancient Mesopotamia.' In: Leick, Gwendolyn, (ed.), The Babylonian World. London: Routledge, pp. 447-459.

George, Andrew (2007) 'The Gilgamesh epic at Ugarit.' Aula Orientalis, 25 (2). pp. 237-254.

George, Andrew (2007) 'SB Gilgamesh I, score transliteration.' London: SOAS.

George, Andrew (2007) 'SB Gilgamesh II, score transliteration.' London: SOAS.

George, Andrew (2007) 'SB Gilgamesh III, score transliteration.' London: SOAS.

George, Andrew (2007) 'SB Gilgamesh IV, score trandliteration.' London: SOAS.

George, Andrew (2007) 'SB Gilgamesh IX, score transliteration.' London: SOAS.

George, Andrew (2007) 'SB Gilgamesh V, score transliteration.' London: SOAS.

George, Andrew (2007) 'SB Gilgamesh VI, score transliteration.' London: SOAS.

George, Andrew (2007) 'SB Gilgamesh VII, score transliteration.' London: SOAS.

George, Andrew (2007) 'SB Gilgamesh VIII, score transliteration.' London: SOAS.

George, Andrew (2007) 'SB Gilgamesh X, score transliteration.' London: SOAS.

George, Andrew (2007) 'SB Gilgamesh XI, score transliteration.' London: SOAS.

George, Andrew (2007) 'SB Gilgamesh XII, score transliteration.' London: SOAS.

George, Andrew (2007) 'The Tower of Babel: Archaeology, history and cuneiform texts.' Archiv für Orientforschung, 51 (2005/2). pp. 75-95.

George, Andrew (2007) 'Ur-Namma B 71.' Nouvelles assyriologiques brèves et utilitaires, 2007 (4 no.). pp. 86-87.

Gourgey, Percy and Parfitt, Tudor (2007) 'Singapore.' In: Berenbaum, Michael and Skolnik, Fred, (eds.), Encyclopaedia Judaica. 2nd Edition. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, p. 633.

Hafez, Sabry (2007) The Quest for Identities: The Development of the Modern Arabic Short Story. London: Saqi.

Hammond, Marle (2007) 'ˁAbbās Maḥmūd al-ˁAqqād.' In: Encyclopaedia of Islam, 3rd ed. pp. 134-136.

Hammond, Marle (2007) 'Ṣalāḥ ˁAbd al-Ṣabūr.' In: Encyclopaedia of Islam, 3rd ed. pp. 20-21.

Hewitt, George (2007) 'Abkhaz comparatives.' Archív Orientální, 75 (2). pp. 215-237.

Jindo, Akira and Parfitt, Tudor (2007) 'Makuya.' In: Berenbaum, Michael and Skolnik, Fred, (eds.), Encyclopaedia Judaica. 2nd Edition. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, pp. 420-421.

Kennedy, Hugh (2007) 'Justinianic Plague in Syria and the Archaeological Evidence.' In: Little, Lester K., (ed.), Plague and the End of Antiquity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 87-95.

Kublin, Hyman, Schudrich, Michael, Tuval, Shaul, Tokayer, Marvin, Parfitt, Tudor, Levine, Stephen and ben-Shammai, Haggai (2007) 'Japan.' In: Berenbaum, Michael and Skolnik, Fred, (eds.), Encyclopaedia Judaica. 2nd Edition. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, pp. 81-85.

Laachir, Karima (2007) 'France's 'Ethnic' Minorities and the Question of Exclusion.' Mediterranean Politics, 12 (1). pp. 99-105.

Laachir, Karima (2007) 'Hospitality and the Limitations of the National.' In: Germann Molz, Jennie and Gibson, Sarah, (eds.), Mobilizing Hospitality: The Ethics of Social Relations in a Mobile World. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing.

Laachir, Karima (2007) 'North African Diaspora in France and Colonial Legacies.' In: Hewitt, Nick and Geary, Dick, (eds.), Diasporas: Movements and Cultures. Nottingham: Critical, Cultural and Communication Press.

Laachir, Karima (2007) 'Tassadit Imache’s Une Fille sans Histoire, ‘une Fille de l'histoire’.' Forum for Modern Language Studies, 43 (3). pp. 277-289.

Mina, Nima (2007) Anmerkungen zu Josef von Hammer-Purgstalls Hafis-Uebersetzungen. [Annotations to Josef von Hammer-Purgstall's Translations of Hafis]. Graz: Grazer Morgenlaendische Studien.

Mina, Nima (2007) Blogs, Cyber-Literature and Virtual Culture in Iran. Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany: George C. Marshall Center European Center for Security Studies. Occasional Paper, no. 15.

Mina, Nima (2007) Esmail Khois Rueckkehr nach Borgio Verezzi. [Esmail Khois' Return to Borgio Verezzi]. Marburg: Most-Verlag.

Ouyang, Wen-Chin (2007) 'Fictive Mode, ‘Journey to the West’, and Transformation of Space: Discourses of Modernisation in ‘Ali Mubarak’s ‘Alam al-Din.' Comparative Critical Studies, 4 (3). pp. 331-358.

Ouyang, Wen-Chin (2007) 'Interview with Haifa Zangana.' Comparative Critical Studies, 4 (3). pp. 447-453.

Ouyang, Wen-Chin (2007) 'Literature as Performance: The Theatre of al-Hatimi's Al-rasila al-mudiha.' In: Chraibi, Aboubakr, (ed.), Classer les recits: Theories and pratiques. Paris: L'Harmattan, pp. 115-145.

Parfitt, Tudor (2007) 'Bayudaya.' In: Berenbaum, Michael and Skolnik, Fred, (eds.), Encyclopaedia Judaica. 2nd Edition. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, p. 233.

Parfitt, Tudor (2007) 'Bene Ephraim.' In: Berenbaum, Michael and Skolnik, Fred, (eds.), Encyclopaedia Judaica. 2nd Edition. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, p. 334.

Parfitt, Tudor (2007) 'Benjamin, Yehoshua.' In: Berenbaum, Michael and Skolnik, Fred, (eds.), Encyclopaedia Judaica. 2nd Edition. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, p. 360.

Parfitt, Tudor (2007) 'Ezekiel, Nissim.' In: Berenbaum, Michael and Skolnik, Fred, (eds.), Encyclopaedia Judaica. 2nd Edition. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, p. 648.

Parfitt, Tudor (2007) 'House of Israel Community.' In: Berenbaum, Michael and Skolnik, Fred, (eds.), Encyclopaedia Judaica. 2nd Edition. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, pp. 569-570.

Parfitt, Tudor (2007) 'Ibo.' In: Berenbaum, Michael and Skolnik, Fred, (eds.), Encyclopaedia Judaica. 2nd Edition. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, p. 701.

Parfitt, Tudor (2007) 'Lemba.' In: Berenbaum, Michael and Skolnik, Fred, (eds.), Encyclopaedia Judaica. 2nd Edition. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, pp. 636-637.

Parfitt, Tudor (2007) 'Tribal Jews.' In: Katz, N., (ed.), Indo-judaic studies in the twenty-first century a view from the margin. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 181-196.

Parfitt, Tudor (2007) 'Tutsi.' In: Berenbaum, Michael and Skolnik, Fred, (eds.), Encyclopaedia Judaica. 2nd Edition. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, p. 207.

Parfitt, Tudor (2007) 'Zakhor.' In: Berenbaum, Michael and Skolnik, Fred, (eds.), Encyclopaedia Judaica. 2nd Edition. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, p. 447.

Phillips, Christina and Mahfouz, Naguib (2007) 'Morning and Evening Talk. An English translation of 'Hadith al-Sabah wa'l-Masa'' by Naguib Mahfouz.' Cairo: The American University in Cairo Press.

Rona, Bengisu (2007) Rezmi. Sair ve Han. [Rezmi. Poet and Khan]. İstanbul: Pelikan Yayınları.

Rona, Bengisu (2007) 'Sairin Ikilemi: Yeni Edebiyatta Dil. [The Poet’s Dilemma: Language in 'New' Literature].' In: Rona, Bengisu and Toprak, Z., (eds.), Tevfik Fikret. Bir Muhalif Kimlik. İstanbul: Turkiye Is Bankasi Kultur Yayinları, pp. 25-49.

Rona, Bengisu and Dedes, Yorgos (2007) 'Languages in Contact: Greek Loanwords in Turkish.' Journal of Turkish Studies, 31 (2). pp. 169-208.

Samuel, Shabdai, Gourgey, Percy and Parfitt, Tudor (2007) 'Koder.' In: Berenbaum, Michael and Skolnik, Fred, (eds.), Encyclopaedia Judaica. 2nd Edition. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, p. 251.

Schwemer, Daniel (2007) Abwehrzauber und Behexung. Studien zum Schadenzauberglauben im alten Mesopotamien (Unter Benutzung von Tzvi Abuschs Kritischem Katalog und Sammlungen im Rahmen des Kooperationsprojektes Corpus of Mesopotamian Anti-Witchcraft Rituals). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

Schwemer, Daniel (2007) 'KUB 4.11 und die Komposition ‘Incantation to Utu’.' Nouvelles assyriologiques brèves et utilitaires (1). pp. 2-3.

Schwemer, Daniel (2007) Keilschrifttexte aus Assur literarischen Inhalts II. Rituale und Beschwoerungen gegen Schadenzauber. [Cuneiform Texts from Assur. Literary Texts II: Anti-Witchcraft Rituals and Incantations]. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

Schwemer, Daniel (2007) 'The Storm-Gods of the Ancient Near East: Summary, Synthesis, Recent Studies. Part I.' Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions, 7 (2). pp. 121-168.

Schwemer, Daniel (2007) 'Witchcraft and War: The Ritual Fragment Ki 1904-10-9, 18 (BM 98989).' Iraq, 69. pp. 29-42.

Scott-Baumann, Alison (2007) 'Collaborative Partnerships as Sustainable Pedagogy: Working with British Muslims.' In: Roberts, Carolyn and Roberts, Jane, (eds.), Greener by degrees; exploring sustainability through higher education curriculum. Cheltenham: University of Gloucestershire.

Shah, Mustafa (2007) 'Book review of Islamic Humanism.' Journal of Qur'anic Studies, 8 (2). pp. 139-142.

Shah, Mustafa (2007) 'Review of: Abdul Hakim al-Matroudi, 'The Ḥanbalī School of Law and Ibn Taymiyya: Conflict or Conciliation'.' Journal of Qur'anic Studies, 9 (2). pp. 330-346.

Shah, Mustafa (2007) 'Trajectories in the Development of Islamic Theological Thought: the Synthesis of Kalam.' Religion Compass, 1 (4). pp. 430-454.

Shihadeh, Ayman (2007) 'The Mystic and the Sceptic in Fakhr al-Din al-Razi.' In: Shihadeh, Ayman, (ed.), Sufism and Theology. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 101-122.

Shihadeh, Ayman and Suleiman, Yasir (2007) 'Islam on Campus: Teaching Islamic Studies at Higher Education Institutions in the UK.' Journal of Beliefs and Values, 28 (3). pp. 309-329.

Shindler, Colin (2007) 'The Place of Israel in British Jewish Identity.' In: Ben-Moshe, Danny and Segev, Zohar, (eds.), Israel, the Diaspora and Jewish Identity. London: Sussex Academic Press.

Sims-Williams, Nicholas (2007) Bactrian documents from Northern Afghanistan, Vol. 2: Letters and Buddhist texts. London: The Nour Foundation in association with Azimuth Editions. (Studies in the Khalili Collection)

Sims-Williams, Nicholas (2007) 'Bactrian letters from the Sasanian and Hephthalite periods.' In: Panaino, Antonio and Piras, Andrea, (eds.), Proceedings of the 5th Conference of the Societas Iranologica Europæa held in Ravenna, 6-11 October 2003. Milan, Italy: Mimesis, pp. 701-713.

Sims-Williams, Nicholas (2007) 'A Bactrian quarrel.' Bulletin of the Asia Institute [n.s.], 17. pp. 9-15.

Sims-Williams, Nicholas (2007) 'News from Ancient Afghanistan.' The Silk Road, 4 (2). pp. 5-10.

Sims-Williams, Nicholas and Grenet, Frantz (2007) 'The Sogdian inscriptions of Kultobe.' Shygys = Восток = Orient : Kazakhstan, 2006 (1). pp. 95-111.

Sims-Williams, Nicholas and de la Vaissière, Étienne (2007) 'Jabḡuya, i: Origin and early history.' In: Yarshater, Ehsan, (ed.), Encyclopaedia Iranica. Vol 14/3. New York: Encyclopaedia Iranica Foundation Inc., pp. 314-315.

Sperl, Stefan (2007) 'Man's "Hollow Core": Ethics and Aesthetics in Hadith Literature and Classical Arabic adab.' Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 70 (3). pp. 459-486.

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