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Alshaer, Atef (2016) 'In the Company of Frantz Fanon: The Israeli Wars and the National Culture of Gaza.' In: Souri, Helga Tawil and Matar, Dina, (eds.), Gaza as Metaphor. London: Hurst;, pp. 141-157.
Dorfmann-Lazarev, Igor (2016) 'Kingship and Hospitality in the Iconography of the Palatine Church at Ałtʽamar.' In: Alzati, Cesare and Ossola, Carlo, (eds.), Costantinopoli. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΑ e ΙΕΡΩΣΥΝΗ. Studi in memoria di Gilbert Dagron. Florence: L.S. Olschki, pp. 479-516. (Rivista di Storia e Letteratura Religiosa; LII, 2016/3)
Anjaria, Keya (2016) 'Rethinking Istanbul: Women and the City in Perihan Mağden's Two Girls.' In: Singh, Jaspal and O'Neil, Mary Lou, (eds.), Negotiating Gender and Sexuality in Contemporary Turkey. New York: Peter Lang. (Studies on Themese and Motifs in Literature)
Anjaria, Keya, trans. (2016) Yaşar Kemal (1925-2015):'Pens'. Middle Eastern Literatures, 18 (3). pp. 225-230.
Blatherwick, Helen (2016) Prophets, Gods and Kings in Sīrat Sayf ibn Dhī Yazan: An Intertextual Reading of an Egyptian Popular Epic. Leiden; Boston: Brill. (Brill Studies in Middle Eastern Literatures)
Kennedy, Hugh (2016) 'Landed Property and Government Finance in the Early Abbasid Caliphate.' In: Hudson, John and Crumplin, Sally, (eds.), "The Making of Europe" Essays in Honour of Robert Bartlett. Leiden: Brill, pp. 264-276.
Dedes, Yorgos (2016) 'Bursa.' In: Wallace, David, (ed.), Europe. A literary history 1348-1418. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 331-346.
Dorfmann-Lazarev, Igor (2016) Christ in Armenian Tradition: Doctrine, Apocrypha, Art (Sixth–Tenth Centuries). Leuven: Peeters, pp. 217-402. (Journal of Eastern Christian Studies; Vol. 68 3-4)
Dorfmann-Lazarev, Igor (2016) 'Kingship and Hospitality in the Iconography of the Palatine Church at Ałtʽamar.' In: Alzati, Cesare and Ossola, Carlo, (eds.), Costantinopoli. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΑ e ΙΕΡΩΣΥΝΗ. Studi in memoria di Gilbert Dagron. Florence: L.S. Olschki, pp. 479-516. (Rivista di Storia e Letteratura Religiosa; LII, 2016/3)
Shihadeh, Ayman (2016) 'Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī's Commentary on Avicenna's Pointers : The Confluence of Exegesis and Aporetics.' In: El-Rouayheb, Khaled and Schmidtke, Sabine, (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Islamic Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Oxford Handbooks)
Shihadeh, Ayman (2016) 'Ḍiyā’ al-Dīn al-Makkī.' In: Encyclopaedia of Islam. Three. Leiden; Boston: Brill Online.
George, Andrew (2016) 'Cuneiform tablets: Every cloud has a silver lining.' The Middle East at SOAS, 12 (5). pp. 16-17.
George, Andrew (2016) 'Die Kosmogonie des alten Mesopotamien.' In: Gindhart, Marion and Pommerening, Tanja, (eds.), Anfang und Ende: vormoderne Szenarien von Weltentstehung und Weltuntergang. Darmstadt: Philipp von Zabern, pp. 7-25.
George, Andrew (2016) 'Introduction.' In: George, Andrew and Oshima, T. M., (eds.), Ancient Mesopotamian Religion and Mythology: Selected Essays by W. G. Lambert [author]. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp. 1-8.
George, Andrew (2016) 'Introduction.' In: George, Andrew and Oshima, T. M., (eds.), Ancient Mesopotamian Religion and Mythology: Selected Essays by W. G. Lambert [author]. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp. 1-8.
George, Andrew (2016) Mesopotamian Incantations and Related Texts in the Schøyen Collection. Bethesda, MD: CDL Press. (Cornell University Studies in Assyriology and Sumerology 32)
George, Andrew and Oshima, T. M., eds. (2016) Ancient Mesopotamian Religion and Mythology: Selected Essays by W. G. Lambert [author]. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. (Oriental Religions in Antiquity)
George, Andrew (2016) 'Die Kosmogonie des alten Mesopotamien.' In: Gindhart, Marion and Pommerening, Tanja, (eds.), Anfang und Ende: vormoderne Szenarien von Weltentstehung und Weltuntergang. Darmstadt: Philipp von Zabern, pp. 7-25.
Wallach, Yair (2016) 'Jerusalem Between Segregation and Integration: Reading Urban Space through the Eyes of Justice Gad Frumkin.' In: Goldstein-Sabbah, S. R. and Murre-Van Den Berg, H. L., (eds.), Modernity, Minority, and the Public Sphere: Jews and Christians in the Middle East. Leiden: Brill, pp. 205-233. (Leiden Studies in Islam and Society)
Scott-Baumann, Alison (2016) 'Speak to Silence and Identify Absence on Campus: Sister Prudence and Paul Ricoeur on the Negated Woman Question.' In: Halsema, Annemie and Henriques, Fernanda, (eds.), Feminist Explorations of Paul Ricoeur's Philosophy. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books ; Rowman and Littlefield.
Hawkins, J. David and Weeden, Mark (2016) 'Sketch History of Karkamish in the Earlier Iron Age.' In: Wilkinson, Tony J., Peltenburg, E. and Wilkinson, Eleanor Barbanes, (eds.), Carchemish in Context. The Land of Carchemish Project, 2006-2010. Oxford; Philadelphia: Oxbow Books, pp. 9-21. (Themes from the Ancient Near East BANEA Publication Series)
Scott-Baumann, Alison (2016) 'Speak to Silence and Identify Absence on Campus: Sister Prudence and Paul Ricoeur on the Negated Woman Question.' In: Halsema, Annemie and Henriques, Fernanda, (eds.), Feminist Explorations of Paul Ricoeur's Philosophy. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books ; Rowman and Littlefield.
Kennedy, Hugh (2016) 'Landed Property and Government Finance in the Early Abbasid Caliphate.' In: Hudson, John and Crumplin, Sally, (eds.), "The Making of Europe" Essays in Honour of Robert Bartlett. Leiden: Brill, pp. 264-276.
Kennedy, Hugh (2016) The Caliphate: A Pelican Introduction. London: Penguin.
Kennedy, Hugh (2016) 'Landed Property and Government Finance in the Early Abbasid Caliphate.' In: Hudson, John and Crumplin, Sally, (eds.), "The Making of Europe" Essays in Honour of Robert Bartlett. Leiden: Brill, pp. 264-276.
Shihadeh, Ayman (2016) 'Ḍiyā’ al-Dīn al-Makkī.' In: Encyclopaedia of Islam. Three. Leiden; Boston: Brill Online.
Laachir, Karima, ed. (2016) Journal of North African Studies - Special Issue: The Aesthetics and Politics of Contemporary Cultural Production in Morocco, Vol. 21 (1). London: Taylor and Francis.
Laachir, Karima (2016) 'Editorial [Special Issue: The Aesthetics and Politics of Contemporary Cultural Production in Morocco].' The Journal of North African Studies, 21 (1). pp. 7-11.
Laachir, Karima (2016) 'State-Civil Society Dynamics in Morocco and Algeria: A Case of Divide and Rule?' In: Saikal, Amin, (ed.), Weak States, Strong Societies: Power and Authority in the New World Order. London, New York: I.B. Tauris, pp. 85-106.
Laachir, Karima (2016) 'The aesthetics and politics of ‘reading together’ Moroccan novels in Arabic and French.' Journal of North African Studies, 21 (1). pp. 22-36.
George, Andrew and Oshima, T. M., eds. (2016) Ancient Mesopotamian Religion and Mythology: Selected Essays by W. G. Lambert [author]. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. (Oriental Religions in Antiquity)
Shihadeh, Ayman (2016) 'Religious Readings of Philosophy.' In: Taylor, Richard C. and López-Farjeat, Luis X., (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Islamic Philosophy. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 412-422.
Alshaer, Atef (2016) 'In the Company of Frantz Fanon: The Israeli Wars and the National Culture of Gaza.' In: Souri, Helga Tawil and Matar, Dina, (eds.), Gaza as Metaphor. London: Hurst;, pp. 141-157.
Shihadeh, Ayman (2016) 'Ḍiyā’ al-Dīn al-Makkī.' In: Encyclopaedia of Islam. Three. Leiden; Boston: Brill Online.
Wallach, Yair (2016) 'Jewish Nationalism: On the Impossibility of Muslim Jews.' In: Meri, Josef, (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Muslim-Jewish Relations. Abingdon; New York: Routledge, pp. 331-350. (Routledge Handbooks in Religion)
Wallach, Yair (2016) 'Jerusalem Between Segregation and Integration: Reading Urban Space through the Eyes of Justice Gad Frumkin.' In: Goldstein-Sabbah, S. R. and Murre-Van Den Berg, H. L., (eds.), Modernity, Minority, and the Public Sphere: Jews and Christians in the Middle East. Leiden: Brill, pp. 205-233. (Leiden Studies in Islam and Society)
Shihadeh, Ayman (2016) 'Ḍiyā’ al-Dīn al-Makkī.' In: Encyclopaedia of Islam. Three. Leiden; Boston: Brill Online.
Anjaria, Keya (2016) 'Rethinking Istanbul: Women and the City in Perihan Mağden's Two Girls.' In: Singh, Jaspal and O'Neil, Mary Lou, (eds.), Negotiating Gender and Sexuality in Contemporary Turkey. New York: Peter Lang. (Studies on Themese and Motifs in Literature)
George, Andrew (2016) 'Introduction.' In: George, Andrew and Oshima, T. M., (eds.), Ancient Mesopotamian Religion and Mythology: Selected Essays by W. G. Lambert [author]. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp. 1-8.
George, Andrew and Oshima, T. M., eds. (2016) Ancient Mesopotamian Religion and Mythology: Selected Essays by W. G. Lambert [author]. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. (Oriental Religions in Antiquity)
Dorfmann-Lazarev, Igor (2016) 'Kingship and Hospitality in the Iconography of the Palatine Church at Ałtʽamar.' In: Alzati, Cesare and Ossola, Carlo, (eds.), Costantinopoli. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΑ e ΙΕΡΩΣΥΝΗ. Studi in memoria di Gilbert Dagron. Florence: L.S. Olschki, pp. 479-516. (Rivista di Storia e Letteratura Religiosa; LII, 2016/3)
Hawkins, J. David and Weeden, Mark (2016) 'Sketch History of Karkamish in the Earlier Iron Age.' In: Wilkinson, Tony J., Peltenburg, E. and Wilkinson, Eleanor Barbanes, (eds.), Carchemish in Context. The Land of Carchemish Project, 2006-2010. Oxford; Philadelphia: Oxbow Books, pp. 9-21. (Themes from the Ancient Near East BANEA Publication Series)
George, Andrew (2016) 'Die Kosmogonie des alten Mesopotamien.' In: Gindhart, Marion and Pommerening, Tanja, (eds.), Anfang und Ende: vormoderne Szenarien von Weltentstehung und Weltuntergang. Darmstadt: Philipp von Zabern, pp. 7-25.
Shihadeh, Ayman (2016) 'Ḍiyā’ al-Dīn al-Makkī.' In: Encyclopaedia of Islam. Three. Leiden; Boston: Brill Online.
Laachir, Karima (2016) 'State-Civil Society Dynamics in Morocco and Algeria: A Case of Divide and Rule?' In: Saikal, Amin, (ed.), Weak States, Strong Societies: Power and Authority in the New World Order. London, New York: I.B. Tauris, pp. 85-106.
Shihadeh, Ayman (2016) 'Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī's Commentary on Avicenna's Pointers : The Confluence of Exegesis and Aporetics.' In: El-Rouayheb, Khaled and Schmidtke, Sabine, (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Islamic Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Oxford Handbooks)
Shihadeh, Ayman (2016) 'Theories of Ethical Value in Kalam: A New Interpretation.' In: Schmidtke, Sabine, (ed.), Oxford Handbook of Islamic Theology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 384-407.
Scott-Baumann, Alison (2016) 'Speak to Silence and Identify Absence on Campus: Sister Prudence and Paul Ricoeur on the Negated Woman Question.' In: Halsema, Annemie and Henriques, Fernanda, (eds.), Feminist Explorations of Paul Ricoeur's Philosophy. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books ; Rowman and Littlefield.
Shah, Mustafa (2016) 'The Case of variae lectiones in Classical Islamic Jurisprudence: Grammar and the Interpretation of Law.' International Journal for the Semiotics of Law (Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique), 29 (2). pp. 285-311.
Weeden, Mark (2016) 'Hittite Scribal Culture and Syria: Palaeography and Cuneiform Transmission.' In: Shibata, Daisuke and Yamada, Shigeo, (eds.), Cultures and Societies in the Middle Euphrates and Habur Areas in the Second Millennium BC – I Scribal Education and Scribal Traditions. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, pp. 159-193.
Shihadeh, Ayman (2016) 'Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī's Commentary on Avicenna's Pointers : The Confluence of Exegesis and Aporetics.' In: El-Rouayheb, Khaled and Schmidtke, Sabine, (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Islamic Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Oxford Handbooks)
Shihadeh, Ayman (2016) 'Gazzâlî'den Râzî'ye: 6/12. Yy.'da Felsefî Kelâmda Yeni Gelişmeler (Turkish translation of 'From al-Ghazālī to al-Rāzī: 6th/12th Century Developments in Muslim Philosophical Theology', translated by Bilal Taşkın).' Kelam Araştırmaları Dergisi, 14 (1). pp. 240-278.
Shihadeh, Ayman (2016) 'Religious Readings of Philosophy.' In: Taylor, Richard C. and López-Farjeat, Luis X., (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Islamic Philosophy. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 412-422.
Shihadeh, Ayman (2016) 'Theories of Ethical Value in Kalam: A New Interpretation.' In: Schmidtke, Sabine, (ed.), Oxford Handbook of Islamic Theology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 384-407.
Shihadeh, Ayman (2016) 'Ḍiyā’ al-Dīn al-Makkī.' In: Encyclopaedia of Islam. Three. Leiden; Boston: Brill Online.
Anjaria, Keya (2016) 'Rethinking Istanbul: Women and the City in Perihan Mağden's Two Girls.' In: Singh, Jaspal and O'Neil, Mary Lou, (eds.), Negotiating Gender and Sexuality in Contemporary Turkey. New York: Peter Lang. (Studies on Themese and Motifs in Literature)
Alshaer, Atef (2016) 'In the Company of Frantz Fanon: The Israeli Wars and the National Culture of Gaza.' In: Souri, Helga Tawil and Matar, Dina, (eds.), Gaza as Metaphor. London: Hurst;, pp. 141-157.
Shihadeh, Ayman (2016) 'Religious Readings of Philosophy.' In: Taylor, Richard C. and López-Farjeat, Luis X., (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Islamic Philosophy. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 412-422.
Dedes, Yorgos (2016) 'Bursa.' In: Wallace, David, (ed.), Europe. A literary history 1348-1418. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 331-346.
Wallach, Yair (2016) 'Jerusalem Between Segregation and Integration: Reading Urban Space through the Eyes of Justice Gad Frumkin.' In: Goldstein-Sabbah, S. R. and Murre-Van Den Berg, H. L., (eds.), Modernity, Minority, and the Public Sphere: Jews and Christians in the Middle East. Leiden: Brill, pp. 205-233. (Leiden Studies in Islam and Society)
Wallach, Yair (2016) 'Jewish Nationalism: On the Impossibility of Muslim Jews.' In: Meri, Josef, (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Muslim-Jewish Relations. Abingdon; New York: Routledge, pp. 331-350. (Routledge Handbooks in Religion)
Wallach, Yair (2016) 'Rethinking the Yishuv: Late-Ottoman Palestine's Jewish Communities Revisited.' Journal of Modern Jewish Studies, 16 (2). pp. 275-294.
Hawkins, J. David and Weeden, Mark (2016) 'Sketch History of Karkamish in the Earlier Iron Age.' In: Wilkinson, Tony J., Peltenburg, E. and Wilkinson, Eleanor Barbanes, (eds.), Carchemish in Context. The Land of Carchemish Project, 2006-2010. Oxford; Philadelphia: Oxbow Books, pp. 9-21. (Themes from the Ancient Near East BANEA Publication Series)
Weeden, Mark (2016) 'Hittite Epigraphic Finds from Büklükale 2011-14.' Anatolian Archaeological Studies, 19. pp. 81-104.
Weeden, Mark (2016) 'Hittite Scribal Culture and Syria: Palaeography and Cuneiform Transmission.' In: Shibata, Daisuke and Yamada, Shigeo, (eds.), Cultures and Societies in the Middle Euphrates and Habur Areas in the Second Millennium BC – I Scribal Education and Scribal Traditions. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, pp. 159-193.
Hawkins, J. David and Weeden, Mark (2016) 'Sketch History of Karkamish in the Earlier Iron Age.' In: Wilkinson, Tony J., Peltenburg, E. and Wilkinson, Eleanor Barbanes, (eds.), Carchemish in Context. The Land of Carchemish Project, 2006-2010. Oxford; Philadelphia: Oxbow Books, pp. 9-21. (Themes from the Ancient Near East BANEA Publication Series)
Hawkins, J. David and Weeden, Mark (2016) 'Sketch History of Karkamish in the Earlier Iron Age.' In: Wilkinson, Tony J., Peltenburg, E. and Wilkinson, Eleanor Barbanes, (eds.), Carchemish in Context. The Land of Carchemish Project, 2006-2010. Oxford; Philadelphia: Oxbow Books, pp. 9-21. (Themes from the Ancient Near East BANEA Publication Series)
Weeden, Mark (2016) 'Hittite Scribal Culture and Syria: Palaeography and Cuneiform Transmission.' In: Shibata, Daisuke and Yamada, Shigeo, (eds.), Cultures and Societies in the Middle Euphrates and Habur Areas in the Second Millennium BC – I Scribal Education and Scribal Traditions. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, pp. 159-193.