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Number of items: 57.

Bai, Su

Wang, Tao (2001) '蘇秉琦與當代中國考古學 = Chuangjian zhongguo kaogu xuepai: jiantan xifang kaogujie dui Su Bingqi xueshu sixiang de renshi.' In: Bai, Su, (ed.), Su Bingqi yu dangdai zhongguo kaoguxue. Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, pp. 30-36.

Beach, Timothy

Redford, Scott, Ikram, Salima, Parr, Elizabeth M. and Beach, Timothy (2001) 'Excavations at Medieval Kinet, Turkey.' Ancient Near Eastern Studies, 38. pp. 58-138.

Behrens-Abouseif, Doris

Behrens-Abouseif, Doris (2001) The Family mausoleum of Muhammad Ali: Hawsh al-Basha. In: The International Symposium of Ottoman Heritage in the Middle East, 2001, Hatay/Ankara.

Behrens-Abouseif, Doris (2001) 'An Italian Architect in Cairo: A portrait of Vittorio Del Burgo.' In: Volait, M, (ed.), Le Caire, Alexandrie, architectures européennes. 1850-1950. Cairo: CEDEJ/IFAO, pp. 193-202.

Behrens-Abouseif, Doris (2001) 'Une Polémique Anti-Ottomane par un Artisan au Caire du XVIIe Siècle.' In: Marino, Brigitte, (ed.), Etudes sur les villes du Proche-Orient : XVIe-XIXe siècle : hommage à André Raymond. Damas: Institut français d'études arabes de Damas, pp. 45-53.

Branfoot, Crispin

Branfoot, Crispin (2001) 'Indian Architectural Theory: Contemporary Uses of Vastu Vidya by Vibhuti Chakrabarti (1998).' Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 11 (2). pp. 300-302.

Branfoot, Crispin (2001) 'Mangammal of Madurai and South Indian Portraiture.' East and West, 51 (3-4). pp. 369-377.

Branfoot, Crispin (2001) 'The New Cambridge History of India: Architecture and Art of the Deccan Sultanates. By George Michell and Mark Zebrowski.' Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 11 (1). pp. 91-93.

Branfoot, Crispin (2001) 'Tirumala Nayaka's 'New Hall' and the European Study of the South Indian Temple.' Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 11 (2). pp. 191-218.

Carpenter, John

Carpenter, John and Clark, Timothy (2001) 'Translations and commentaries on calligraphy and poems.' In: Clark, Timothy, (ed.), The Dawn of the Floating World 1650-1765: Early Ukiyo-e Treasures from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. London: Royal Academy of Arts.

Clark, Timothy

Carpenter, John and Clark, Timothy (2001) 'Translations and commentaries on calligraphy and poems.' In: Clark, Timothy, (ed.), The Dawn of the Floating World 1650-1765: Early Ukiyo-e Treasures from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. London: Royal Academy of Arts.

Carpenter, John and Clark, Timothy (2001) 'Translations and commentaries on calligraphy and poems.' In: Clark, Timothy, (ed.), The Dawn of the Floating World 1650-1765: Early Ukiyo-e Treasures from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. London: Royal Academy of Arts.

Clunas, Craig

Clunas, Craig (2001) 'Images of High Antiquity: The Prehistory of Art in Ming Dynasty China.' In: Kuhn, D and Stahl, H, (eds.), Die Gegenwart des Altertums: Formen und Funktionen des Altertumsbezugs in den Hochkulturen der Alten Welt. Heidelberg: Edition Forum, pp. 481-491.

Contadini, Anna

Contadini, Anna (2001) 'Review of K. Adahl and M. Ahlund, 'Islamic Art Collections. An International Survey'.' Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 11 (2). pp. 270-271.

Gore, Charles

Gore, Charles (2001) 'Commemoration, Memory and Ownership: Some Social Contexts of Contemporary Photography in Benin City, Nigeria.' Visual Anthropology, 14 (3). pp. 321-42.

Horlyck, Charlotte

Horlyck, Charlotte (2001) 'Tracking chronological changes within burials of the Koryŏ period.' Journal of East Asian Archaeology, 3 (3-4). pp. 199-218.

Ikram, Salima

Redford, Scott, Ikram, Salima, Parr, Elizabeth M. and Beach, Timothy (2001) 'Excavations at Medieval Kinet, Turkey.' Ancient Near Eastern Studies, 38. pp. 58-138.

Kasaya, Kazuhiko

Screech, Timon (2001) 'The visual legacy of Dodonaeus in botanical and Human Categorisation.' In: Walle, Willy vande and Kasaya, Kazuhiko, (eds.), Dodonaeus in Japan: Translation and the Scientific Mind in Tokugawa Japan. Leuven: Leuven University Press, pp. 219-240.

Kohara, Hironobu

McCausland, Shane, ed. (2001) The Admonitions of the Instructress to the Court Ladies picture-scroll by Hironobu Kohara. London: School of Oriental and African Studies. (Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art. Occasional Papers, 1)

Kuhn, D

Clunas, Craig (2001) 'Images of High Antiquity: The Prehistory of Art in Ming Dynasty China.' In: Kuhn, D and Stahl, H, (eds.), Die Gegenwart des Altertums: Formen und Funktionen des Altertumsbezugs in den Hochkulturen der Alten Welt. Heidelberg: Edition Forum, pp. 481-491.

Luczanits, Christian

Luczanits, Christian (2001) 'Methodological Comments Regarding Recent Research on Tibetan Art.' Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens, 45. pp. 125-145.

Marino, Brigitte

Behrens-Abouseif, Doris (2001) 'Une Polémique Anti-Ottomane par un Artisan au Caire du XVIIe Siècle.' In: Marino, Brigitte, (ed.), Etudes sur les villes du Proche-Orient : XVIe-XIXe siècle : hommage à André Raymond. Damas: Institut français d'études arabes de Damas, pp. 45-53.

Maréchal, C.

Wang, Tao (2001) 'Oracle bones and Western sinology.' In: Shun-chiu, Yau and Maréchal, C., (eds.), Proceedings of the International Symposium in commemoration of the Centennial of the Oracle bone Inscriptions discovery. Paris: Centre de Recherches Linguistiques sur l'Asie Orientale, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (Paris), pp. 91-116.

McCausland, Shane

McCausland, Shane, ed. (2001) The Admonitions of the Instructress to the Court Ladies picture-scroll by Hironobu Kohara. London: School of Oriental and African Studies. (Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art. Occasional Papers, 1)

McCausland, Shane (2001) 'The Admonitions scroll: ideals of etiquette, art and empire from early China.' Orientations, 32 (6). pp. 22-29.

McCausland, Shane (2001) 'The Emperor’s Old Toys: rethinking the Yongzheng (1723-35) "Scroll of Antiquities" in the Percival David Foundation.' Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society (66). pp. 65-75.

Moore, Elizabeth

Moore, Elizabeth (2001) UNESCO SubRegional Global Strategy Meeting for Southeast Asian Cultural Heritage and Periodic Monitoring of World Cultural Heritage Sites - World Heritage Tentative Lists, SouthEast Asia. In: UNESCO Sub-Regional Global Strategy Meeting for Southeast Asian Cultural Heritage and Periodic Monitoring of World Cultural Heritage Sites, Paris, UNESCO.

Moore, Elizabeth and Pauk, Pauk (2001) 'Nyaung-gan: A Preliminary Note on a Bronze Age Cemetery near Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma).' Asian Perspectives: Journal of Archaeology and the Pacific, 40 (1). pp. 35-47.

Nickel, Lukas

Nickel, Lukas, ed. (2001) Die Rückkehr des Buddha: chinesische Skulpturen des 6. Jahrhunderts; der Tempelfund von Qingzhou. Zürich: Museum Rietberg.

Nickel, Lukas (2001) 'Ein chinesisches Steinrelief im Museum für Ostasiatische Kunst.' Kölner Museums-Bulletin (2). pp. 4-11.

Nickel, Lukas (2001) 'Some Han-Dynasty Paintings in the British Museum.' Artibus Asiae, 60 (1). pp. 59-78.

Parr, Elizabeth M.

Redford, Scott, Ikram, Salima, Parr, Elizabeth M. and Beach, Timothy (2001) 'Excavations at Medieval Kinet, Turkey.' Ancient Near Eastern Studies, 38. pp. 58-138.

Pauk, Pauk

Moore, Elizabeth and Pauk, Pauk (2001) 'Nyaung-gan: A Preliminary Note on a Bronze Age Cemetery near Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma).' Asian Perspectives: Journal of Archaeology and the Pacific, 40 (1). pp. 35-47.

Pierson, Stacey

Pierson, Stacey (2001) Designs as Signs: Decoration and Chinese Ceramics. London: Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art.

Redford, Scott

Redford, Scott, Ikram, Salima, Parr, Elizabeth M. and Beach, Timothy (2001) 'Excavations at Medieval Kinet, Turkey.' Ancient Near Eastern Studies, 38. pp. 58-138.

Rousmaniere, Nicole Coolidge

Screech, Timon (2001) 'The Birth of the Anatomical Body.' In: Rousmaniere, Nicole Coolidge, (ed.), Births and rebirths in Japanese art : essays celebrating the inauguration of the Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Art and Culture. Leiden: Hotei Press, pp. 83-140.

Römgens, B.

Wang, Tao (2001) 'Borrowed Landscape: The Relationship Between Landscape and Urbanisation in Early and Medieval China.' In: Vanderfeesten, E. and Römgens, B., (eds.), The Global City and the Territory. History, Theory, Critique. Eindhoven: Eindhoven University of Technology, pp. 52-75.

Screech, Timon

Screech, Timon (2001) 'The Birth of the Anatomical Body.' In: Rousmaniere, Nicole Coolidge, (ed.), Births and rebirths in Japanese art : essays celebrating the inauguration of the Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Art and Culture. Leiden: Hotei Press, pp. 83-140.

Screech, Timon (2001) 'The visual legacy of Dodonaeus in botanical and Human Categorisation.' In: Walle, Willy vande and Kasaya, Kazuhiko, (eds.), Dodonaeus in Japan: Translation and the Scientific Mind in Tokugawa Japan. Leuven: Leuven University Press, pp. 219-240.

Shelton, Anthony

Tythacott, Louise (2001) 'From the ‘fetish’ to the ‘specimen’: the Ridyard African collection at the Liverpool Museum 1895-1916.' In: Shelton, Anthony, (ed.), Collectors: expressions of self and other. London: Horniman Museum, pp. 157-179.

Shun-chiu, Yau

Wang, Tao (2001) 'Oracle bones and Western sinology.' In: Shun-chiu, Yau and Maréchal, C., (eds.), Proceedings of the International Symposium in commemoration of the Centennial of the Oracle bone Inscriptions discovery. Paris: Centre de Recherches Linguistiques sur l'Asie Orientale, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (Paris), pp. 91-116.

Stahl, H

Clunas, Craig (2001) 'Images of High Antiquity: The Prehistory of Art in Ming Dynasty China.' In: Kuhn, D and Stahl, H, (eds.), Die Gegenwart des Altertums: Formen und Funktionen des Altertumsbezugs in den Hochkulturen der Alten Welt. Heidelberg: Edition Forum, pp. 481-491.

Thompson, Ashley

Thompson, Ashley (2001) An Oblique View of the Bayon. In: Fifth International Symposium on the Preservation of Bayon, 2000, Phnom Penh.

Tribe, Tania

Tribe, Tania (2001) ''Popular Culture and the Arts of Twentieth-Century Brazil', and 'Brazilians and their Art'.' In: Tribe, Tania, (ed.), Heroes and Artists: Popular Art and the Brazilian Imagination. Cambridge: Fitzwilliam Museum ; BrasilConnects, 9-41 & 72.

Tribe, Tania (2001) ''Popular Culture and the Arts of Twentieth-Century Brazil', and 'Brazilians and their Art'.' In: Tribe, Tania, (ed.), Heroes and Artists: Popular Art and the Brazilian Imagination. Cambridge: Fitzwilliam Museum ; BrasilConnects, 9-41 & 72.

Tythacott, Louise

Tythacott, Louise (2001) 'From the ‘fetish’ to the ‘specimen’: the Ridyard African collection at the Liverpool Museum 1895-1916.' In: Shelton, Anthony, (ed.), Collectors: expressions of self and other. London: Horniman Museum, pp. 157-179.

Vanderfeesten, E.

Wang, Tao (2001) 'Borrowed Landscape: The Relationship Between Landscape and Urbanisation in Early and Medieval China.' In: Vanderfeesten, E. and Römgens, B., (eds.), The Global City and the Territory. History, Theory, Critique. Eindhoven: Eindhoven University of Technology, pp. 52-75.

Volait, M

Behrens-Abouseif, Doris (2001) 'An Italian Architect in Cairo: A portrait of Vittorio Del Burgo.' In: Volait, M, (ed.), Le Caire, Alexandrie, architectures européennes. 1850-1950. Cairo: CEDEJ/IFAO, pp. 193-202.

Walle, Willy vande

Screech, Timon (2001) 'The visual legacy of Dodonaeus in botanical and Human Categorisation.' In: Walle, Willy vande and Kasaya, Kazuhiko, (eds.), Dodonaeus in Japan: Translation and the Scientific Mind in Tokugawa Japan. Leuven: Leuven University Press, pp. 219-240.

Wang, Tao

Wang, Tao (2001) 'Borrowed Landscape: The Relationship Between Landscape and Urbanisation in Early and Medieval China.' In: Vanderfeesten, E. and Römgens, B., (eds.), The Global City and the Territory. History, Theory, Critique. Eindhoven: Eindhoven University of Technology, pp. 52-75.

Wang, Tao (2001) '蘇秉琦與當代中國考古學 = Chuangjian zhongguo kaogu xuepai: jiantan xifang kaogujie dui Su Bingqi xueshu sixiang de renshi.' In: Bai, Su, (ed.), Su Bingqi yu dangdai zhongguo kaoguxue. Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, pp. 30-36.

Wang, Tao (2001) 'Decoration and writing: evidence from Shang ritual bronzes.' In: Arts and Cultures. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 37-44.

Wang, Tao (2001) 'Letter from Beijing: China's "Dead Sea Scrolls".' Archaeology, 54 (4). pp. 62-63.

Wang, Tao (2001) 'Oracle bones and Western sinology.' In: Shun-chiu, Yau and Maréchal, C., (eds.), Proceedings of the International Symposium in commemoration of the Centennial of the Oracle bone Inscriptions discovery. Paris: Centre de Recherches Linguistiques sur l'Asie Orientale, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (Paris), pp. 91-116.

Yang, Chia-Ling

Yang, Chia-Ling (2001) 'The Influence of the Ming and Qing Book Illustrations on Ren Bonian's Early Work (1865~1878).' In: Studies on Shanghai Painting School. Shanghai: Calligraphy and Painting Press, pp. 229-244.

Yang, Chia-Ling (2001) Plant a Hope: 50 Philosophical Stories in Response to Master Xuan-Kong's Teaching. 2 vols. Taipei: Xingtiangong Cultural and Educational Foundation Press.

Yang, Chia-Ling (2001) 'Review of the International Conference 'Admonitions Scroll―Ideas of Etiquette, Art and Empire from Early China' at the British Museum.' Dian Cang, 107. pp. 104-109.

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