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Yang, Chia-Ling (2008) 'Duplicity or Multiplicity: Kishida Ginko and Shanghai Intellectuals.' In: Andrews, Julia F. and Shen, Kuiyi, (eds.), Cross-Cultural Artistic Exchange in Later Chinese and Japanese History. Ohio: University of Ohio Press. (Unpublished)
Behrens-Abouseif, Doris (2008) 'The Mamluk City.' In: Jayyusi, Salma K., Holod, Renate, Petruccioli, Antillio and Raymond, André, (eds.), The City in the Islamic World,. Leiden; Boston: Brill, pp. 295-316. (Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section I. The Near and Middle East, v.94)
Behrens-Abouseif, Doris (2008) 'Multifunction and Diversity in the Medieval Mosque: The case of Cairo.' In: Rau, Susanne and Schwerhoff, Gerd, (eds.), Topographien des Sakralen : Religion und Raumordnung in der Vormoderne. Hamburg: Dölling und Galitz, pp. 104-115.
Behrens-Abouseif, Doris (2008) 'Multifunction and Diversity in the Medieval Mosque: The case of Cairo.' In: Rau, Susanne and Schwerhoff, Gerd, (eds.), Topographien des Sakralen. Religion und Raumordnung in der Vormoderne. Berlin: Dölling und Galitz Verlag, pp. 104-115.
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Luczanits, Christian (2008) 'On the Earliest Mandalas in a Buddhist Context.' In: Bryant, Darrol and Bryant, Susan, (eds.), Mahayana Buddhism. History and Culture. New Delhi: Tibet House, pp. 111-136.
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Nickel, Lukas (2008) 'Longxing Temple and the Discovery of the Sculpture Hoard.' In: Capon, Edmund and Yang, Liu, (eds.), The Lost Buddhas: Chinese Buddhist Sculpture from Qingzhou. Sydney: Art Gallery of New South Wales.
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Carpenter, John (2008) 'Inventing New Iconographies: Historicist and Nativist Motives in Late-Edo Surimono.' In: Carpenter, John, (ed.), Reading Surimono: The Interplay of Text and Image in Japanese Prints. Leiden: Brill; Boston: Hotei Publishing, pp. 72-83.
Carpenter, John (2008) 'Inventing New Iconographies: Historicist and Nativist Motives in Late-Edo Surimono.' In: Carpenter, John, (ed.), Reading Surimono: The Interplay of Text and Image in Japanese Prints. Leiden: Brill; Boston: Hotei Publishing, pp. 72-83.
Carpenter, John (2008) 'The Literary Network: Private Commissions for Hokusai and his Circle.' In: Meech, Julia and Oliver, Jane, (eds.), Designed for Pleasure: The World of Edo Japan in Prints and Paintings. New York: The Asia Society/University of Washington Press.
Horlyck, Charlotte (2008) 'Looking at the Overlooked: Art by Women and for Women in Pre-Modern Korea.' In: Chinn, Lori, (ed.), The Offering Table. Women Activist Artists from Korea. Oakland, Calif.: Mills College Art Museum, pp. 40-50.
Simpson, Edward (2008) 'Why Bhatiyas are not "Banias" and why this matters: Economic success and religious worldview among a mercantile community of western India.' In: Lachaier, Pierre and Clémentin-Ojha, Catherine, (eds.), Divine richesses: religion et économie en monde marchand indien. Paris: École français d’Extrême-Orient, pp. 91-111.
Contadini, Anna (2008) 'The Zoological-Medicinal Material in the Arcadian Library Manuscript.' In: Burnett, Charles, (ed.), Ibn Baklarish's Book of Simples: Medical Remedies between Three Faiths in Twelfth-Century Spain. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 133-159.
Moore, Elizabeth (2008) 'Myanmar archaeology: Tagaung and ‘Pyu'.' In: Pautreau, J-P, Coupey, S, Rambault, E and Zeitoun, V, (eds.), From homo erectus to the living traditions: choice of papers from the 11th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists: Bougon, 25th-29th September 2006. Chieng Mai: Siam Rattana, pp. 183-192.
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Moore, Elizabeth (2008) 'Thagara and the pilgrimage sites of Dawei: Buddhist narratives and ancient topography.' In: Gutman, P., (ed.), Buddha and the Sacred Mountain. Bangkok: Silkworm Press. (Unpublished)
Thompson, Ashley (2008) 'Performative Realities: Nobody’s Possession.' In: Hansen, Anne Ruth and Ledgerwood, Judy, (eds.), Songs on the Edge of the Forest: Narrative and Problems of Meaning in the Work of David Chandler. Ithaca, NY: Asian Studies Press, Cornell University, pp. 93-120.
Behrens-Abouseif, Doris (2008) 'The Mamluk City.' In: Jayyusi, Salma K., Holod, Renate, Petruccioli, Antillio and Raymond, André, (eds.), The City in the Islamic World,. Leiden; Boston: Brill, pp. 295-316. (Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section I. The Near and Middle East, v.94)
Horlyck, Charlotte (2008) 'Confucian Burial Practices in the Late Goryeo and Early Joseon Periods.' The Review of Korean Studies, 11 (2). pp. 33-58.
Horlyck, Charlotte (2008) 'Looking at the Overlooked: Art by Women and for Women in Pre-Modern Korea.' In: Chinn, Lori, (ed.), The Offering Table. Women Activist Artists from Korea. Oakland, Calif.: Mills College Art Museum, pp. 40-50.
Horlyck, Charlotte (2008) 'Meaningful Commodities – Mirrors, Merchandise and Market Policies in the Koryŏ Period.' International Journal of Korean Studies, 12. pp. 239-257.
Behrens-Abouseif, Doris (2008) 'The Mamluk City.' In: Jayyusi, Salma K., Holod, Renate, Petruccioli, Antillio and Raymond, André, (eds.), The City in the Islamic World,. Leiden; Boston: Brill, pp. 295-316. (Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section I. The Near and Middle East, v.94)
Klein, Jakob A. (2008) '"For eating, it’s Guangzhou": regional culinary traditions and Chinese socialism.' In: West, Harry G. and Raman, Parvathi, (eds.), Enduring Socialism: Explorations of Revolution and Transformation, Restoration and Continuation. Oxford; New York: Berghahn.
Simpson, Edward (2008) 'Why Bhatiyas are not "Banias" and why this matters: Economic success and religious worldview among a mercantile community of western India.' In: Lachaier, Pierre and Clémentin-Ojha, Catherine, (eds.), Divine richesses: religion et économie en monde marchand indien. Paris: École français d’Extrême-Orient, pp. 91-111.
Nickel, Lukas (2008) 'Reassembling a Han Tomb from Luoyang.' In: Lawton, Thomas, (ed.), New frontiers in global archaeology: defining China's ancient traditions. New York: AMS Foundation for the Arts, Sciences and Humanities, pp. 143-161.
Thompson, Ashley (2008) 'Performative Realities: Nobody’s Possession.' In: Hansen, Anne Ruth and Ledgerwood, Judy, (eds.), Songs on the Edge of the Forest: Narrative and Problems of Meaning in the Work of David Chandler. Ithaca, NY: Asian Studies Press, Cornell University, pp. 93-120.
Leiser, Gary and Redford, Scott (2008) Victory Inscribed: The Seljuk Fetihname on the Citadel Walls of Antalya, Turkey. Istanbul: AKMED. (Adalya Supplements, No. 7)
Yang, Chia-Ling (2008) 'Painting the Vanity Dream of Shanghai – Ren Bonian and the Entertainment World.' In: Liu, Gui-Ying, (ed.), Turmoil, Representation and Trends: Modern Chinese Painting, 1796 – 1949 [世變形象流風: 中國近代繪畫]. Taipei: The Chang Foundation, pp. 153-185.
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Luczanits, Christian (2008) 'The Bodhisattva and the Future Buddha Maitreya.' In: Gandhara – The Buddhist Heritage of Pakistan. Legends, Monasteries and Paradise. Mainz – Bonn: Zabern – Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der BRD, pp. 249-253.
Luczanits, Christian (2008) 'Buddhism in a Cosmopolitan Environment: The Art of Gandhara.' Orientations, 39 (7). pp. 46-52.
Luczanits, Christian (2008) 'Buddhismus im multikulturellen Umfeld: Die Kunst Gandhāras.' Indo-asiatische Zeitschrift Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Indo-Asiatische Kunst, 12. pp. 5-18.
Luczanits, Christian (2008) 'Early Buddhism and Gandhara.' In: Gandhara – The Buddhist Heritage of Pakistan. Legends, Monasteries and Paradise. Mainz – Bonn: Zabern – Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der BRD, pp. 72-77.
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Luczanits, Christian (2008) 'On the Earliest Mandalas in a Buddhist Context.' In: Bryant, Darrol and Bryant, Susan, (eds.), Mahayana Buddhism. History and Culture. New Delhi: Tibet House, pp. 111-136.
Luczanits, Christian (2008) 'Stucco and Clay.' In: Gandhara – The Buddhist Heritage of Pakistan. Legends, Monasteries and Paradise. Mainz – Bonn: Zabern – Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der BRD, pp. 318-320.
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Moore, Elizabeth (2008) 'Thagara and the pilgrimage sites of Dawei: Buddhist narratives and ancient topography.' In: Gutman, P., (ed.), Buddha and the Sacred Mountain. Bangkok: Silkworm Press. (Unpublished)
Moore, Elizabeth and Tan, Terence (2008) 'Eyes on the past: Samon and Pyu beads in Myanmar.' Arts of Asia, 38 (1). pp. 134-141.
Nickel, Lukas (2008) 'Longxing Temple and the Discovery of the Sculpture Hoard.' In: Capon, Edmund and Yang, Liu, (eds.), The Lost Buddhas: Chinese Buddhist Sculpture from Qingzhou. Sydney: Art Gallery of New South Wales.
Nickel, Lukas (2008) 'Reassembling a Han Tomb from Luoyang.' In: Lawton, Thomas, (ed.), New frontiers in global archaeology: defining China's ancient traditions. New York: AMS Foundation for the Arts, Sciences and Humanities, pp. 143-161.
O'Meara, Simon (2008) 'Labyrinth: Moroccan Medinas.' The Middle East Institute's Architecture and Urbanism in the Middle East . Washington D.C.: The Middle East Institute. pp. 7-10.
Carpenter, John (2008) 'The Literary Network: Private Commissions for Hokusai and his Circle.' In: Meech, Julia and Oliver, Jane, (eds.), Designed for Pleasure: The World of Edo Japan in Prints and Paintings. New York: The Asia Society/University of Washington Press.
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Moore, Elizabeth (2008) 'Myanmar archaeology: Tagaung and ‘Pyu'.' In: Pautreau, J-P, Coupey, S, Rambault, E and Zeitoun, V, (eds.), From homo erectus to the living traditions: choice of papers from the 11th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists: Bougon, 25th-29th September 2006. Chieng Mai: Siam Rattana, pp. 183-192.
Behrens-Abouseif, Doris (2008) 'The Mamluk City.' In: Jayyusi, Salma K., Holod, Renate, Petruccioli, Antillio and Raymond, André, (eds.), The City in the Islamic World,. Leiden; Boston: Brill, pp. 295-316. (Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section I. The Near and Middle East, v.94)
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Moore, Elizabeth (2008) 'Myanmar archaeology: Tagaung and ‘Pyu'.' In: Pautreau, J-P, Coupey, S, Rambault, E and Zeitoun, V, (eds.), From homo erectus to the living traditions: choice of papers from the 11th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists: Bougon, 25th-29th September 2006. Chieng Mai: Siam Rattana, pp. 183-192.
Behrens-Abouseif, Doris (2008) 'Multifunction and Diversity in the Medieval Mosque: The case of Cairo.' In: Rau, Susanne and Schwerhoff, Gerd, (eds.), Topographien des Sakralen : Religion und Raumordnung in der Vormoderne. Hamburg: Dölling und Galitz, pp. 104-115.
Behrens-Abouseif, Doris (2008) 'Multifunction and Diversity in the Medieval Mosque: The case of Cairo.' In: Rau, Susanne and Schwerhoff, Gerd, (eds.), Topographien des Sakralen. Religion und Raumordnung in der Vormoderne. Berlin: Dölling und Galitz Verlag, pp. 104-115.
Luczanits, Christian (2008) 'The depiction of Hindu and Pan-Indian Deities in the Lo tsa ba lHa khang at Nako.' In: Raven, Ellen M., (ed.), South Asian Archaeology 1999. Proceedings of the Fifteenth Conference of the European Association of South Asian Archaeologists, held at the Universiteit Leiden, 5–9 July 1999. Groningen: Egbert Forsten, pp. 493-506.
Behrens-Abouseif, Doris (2008) 'The Mamluk City.' In: Jayyusi, Salma K., Holod, Renate, Petruccioli, Antillio and Raymond, André, (eds.), The City in the Islamic World,. Leiden; Boston: Brill, pp. 295-316. (Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section I. The Near and Middle East, v.94)
Leiser, Gary and Redford, Scott (2008) Victory Inscribed: The Seljuk Fetihname on the Citadel Walls of Antalya, Turkey. Istanbul: AKMED. (Adalya Supplements, No. 7)
Redford, Scott (2008) 'A Newly Read Inscription on the Walls of Antalya, Turkey.' Muqarnas, 25. pp. 177-183.
Behrens-Abouseif, Doris (2008) 'Multifunction and Diversity in the Medieval Mosque: The case of Cairo.' In: Rau, Susanne and Schwerhoff, Gerd, (eds.), Topographien des Sakralen : Religion und Raumordnung in der Vormoderne. Hamburg: Dölling und Galitz, pp. 104-115.
Behrens-Abouseif, Doris (2008) 'Multifunction and Diversity in the Medieval Mosque: The case of Cairo.' In: Rau, Susanne and Schwerhoff, Gerd, (eds.), Topographien des Sakralen. Religion und Raumordnung in der Vormoderne. Berlin: Dölling und Galitz Verlag, pp. 104-115.
Yang, Chia-Ling (2008) 'Duplicity or Multiplicity: Kishida Ginko and Shanghai Intellectuals.' In: Andrews, Julia F. and Shen, Kuiyi, (eds.), Cross-Cultural Artistic Exchange in Later Chinese and Japanese History. Ohio: University of Ohio Press. (Unpublished)
Simpson, Edward (2008) 'Why Bhatiyas are not "Banias" and why this matters: Economic success and religious worldview among a mercantile community of western India.' In: Lachaier, Pierre and Clémentin-Ojha, Catherine, (eds.), Divine richesses: religion et économie en monde marchand indien. Paris: École français d’Extrême-Orient, pp. 91-111.
Carpenter, John (2008) 'Der kulturelle und literarische Kontext von Surimono.' In: Spalinger, Iris, (ed.), Surimono: Die Kunst der Anspielung in japanischen Holzdrucken. Zurich: Museum Rietberg.
Moore, Elizabeth and Tan, Terence (2008) 'Eyes on the past: Samon and Pyu beads in Myanmar.' Arts of Asia, 38 (1). pp. 134-141.
Thompson, Ashley (2008) 'Performative Realities: Nobody’s Possession.' In: Hansen, Anne Ruth and Ledgerwood, Judy, (eds.), Songs on the Edge of the Forest: Narrative and Problems of Meaning in the Work of David Chandler. Ithaca, NY: Asian Studies Press, Cornell University, pp. 93-120.
Tythacott, Louise (2008) 'Review of 'Imperialism, Art and Restitution', edited by John Henry Merryman.' American Journal of Archaeology, 11 (2.3). pp. 1-2.
Klein, Jakob A. (2008) '"For eating, it’s Guangzhou": regional culinary traditions and Chinese socialism.' In: West, Harry G. and Raman, Parvathi, (eds.), Enduring Socialism: Explorations of Revolution and Transformation, Restoration and Continuation. Oxford; New York: Berghahn.
Yang, Chia-Ling (2008) 'Duplicity or Multiplicity: Kishida Ginko and Shanghai Intellectuals.' In: Andrews, Julia F. and Shen, Kuiyi, (eds.), Cross-Cultural Artistic Exchange in Later Chinese and Japanese History. Ohio: University of Ohio Press. (Unpublished)
Yang, Chia-Ling (2008) 'Painting the Vanity Dream of Shanghai – Ren Bonian and the Entertainment World.' In: Liu, Gui-Ying, (ed.), Turmoil, Representation and Trends: Modern Chinese Painting, 1796 – 1949 [世變形象流風: 中國近代繪畫]. Taipei: The Chang Foundation, pp. 153-185.
Nickel, Lukas (2008) 'Longxing Temple and the Discovery of the Sculpture Hoard.' In: Capon, Edmund and Yang, Liu, (eds.), The Lost Buddhas: Chinese Buddhist Sculpture from Qingzhou. Sydney: Art Gallery of New South Wales.
Moore, Elizabeth (2008) 'Myanmar archaeology: Tagaung and ‘Pyu'.' In: Pautreau, J-P, Coupey, S, Rambault, E and Zeitoun, V, (eds.), From homo erectus to the living traditions: choice of papers from the 11th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists: Bougon, 25th-29th September 2006. Chieng Mai: Siam Rattana, pp. 183-192.