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Number of items: 86.

Bane, Max

Chang, C. B., Haynes, E. F., Yao, Y. and Rhodes, R. (2010) 'The phonetic space of phonological categories in heritage speakers of Mandarin.' In: Bane, Max, Bueno, J., Grano, T., Grotberg, A. and McNabb, Y., (eds.), Proceedings from the 44th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: The Main Session. Chicago, IL: Chicago Linguistic Society, pp. 31-45.

Barr, Dale

Barr, Dale and Seyfeddinipur, Mandana (2010) 'The role of fillers in listener attributions for speaker disfluency.' Language and Cognitive Processes, 25 (4). pp. 441-455.

Bieswanger, Markus

Pauwels, Anne (2010) 'Socially motivated language reform in a global lingua franca: The case of gender reform in English.' In: Bieswanger, Markus, Motschenbacher, Heiko and Mühleisen, Susanne, (eds.), Language in its Sociocultural Context: New Explorations in Gendered, Global and Media Uses. Frankfurt: Lang, pp. 24-34.

Bond, Oliver

Bond, Oliver (2010) 'Intra-paradigmatic variation in Eleme verbal agreement.' Studies in Language, 34 (1). pp. 1-35.

Bond, Oliver (2010) 'Language documentation and language typology.' Language Documentation and Description, 7. pp. 238-261.

Breitbarth, Anne

Breitbarth, Anne, Lucas, Christopher, Watts, Sheila and Willis, David, eds. (2010) Continuity and Change in Grammar. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (Linguistik aktuell, Bd. 159)

Marten, Lutz (2010) 'The great siSwati locative shift.' In: Breitbarth, Anne, Lucas, Christopher, Watts, Sheila and Willis, David, (eds.), Continuity and Change in Grammar. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 249-267.

Bueno, J.

Chang, C. B., Haynes, E. F., Yao, Y. and Rhodes, R. (2010) 'The phonetic space of phonological categories in heritage speakers of Mandarin.' In: Bane, Max, Bueno, J., Grano, T., Grotberg, A. and McNabb, Y., (eds.), Proceedings from the 44th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: The Main Session. Chicago, IL: Chicago Linguistic Society, pp. 31-45.

Chambers, Mary

Lüpke, Friederike and Chambers, Mary, eds. (2010) Journal of Language Contact. THEMA Series, Number 3. (Multilingualism and language contact in West Africa: towards a holistic perspective). Leiden: Brill.

Chang, C. B.

Chang, C. B. (2010) First language phonetic drift during second language acquisition. PhD thesis. University of California, Berkeley.

Chang, C. B. (2010) 'Learning to produce a multidimensional laryngeal contrast.' In: Dziubalska-Kołaczyk, K., Wrembel, M. and Kul, M., (eds.), New Sounds 2010: Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech. Poznań, Poland: Adam Mickiewicz University, pp. 89-94.

Chang, C. B., Haynes, E. F., Yao, Y. and Rhodes, R. (2010) 'The phonetic space of phonological categories in heritage speakers of Mandarin.' In: Bane, Max, Bueno, J., Grano, T., Grotberg, A. and McNabb, Y., (eds.), Proceedings from the 44th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: The Main Session. Chicago, IL: Chicago Linguistic Society, pp. 31-45.

Chao, Wynn

Chao, Wynn (2010) 'Language Universals from a Semantic Perspective.' In: Maienborn, Claudia, Heusinger, Klaus von and Portner, Paul, (eds.), Semantics: An International Handbook of Natural Language Meaning. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Cobbinah, Alexander

Cobbinah, Alexander (2010) 'The Casamance as an area of intense language contact. The case of Baïnouk Gubaher.' Journal of Language Contact, Thema (3). pp. 175-201.

Dziubalska-Kołaczyk, K.

Chang, C. B. (2010) 'Learning to produce a multidimensional laryngeal contrast.' In: Dziubalska-Kołaczyk, K., Wrembel, M. and Kul, M., (eds.), New Sounds 2010: Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech. Poznań, Poland: Adam Mickiewicz University, pp. 89-94.

Elgibali, Alaa

Ingham, Bruce (2010) 'Information structure in the Najdi dialects.' In: Owens, Jonathan and Elgibali, Alaa, (eds.), Information Structure in Spoken Arabic. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 75-92. (Routledge Arabic Linguistics Series)

Gawne, Lauren

Gawne, Lauren (2010) 'Lamjung Yolmo: a dialect of Yolmo, also known as Helambu Sherpa.' Nepalese Linguistics, 25. pp. 34-41.

Gawne, Lauren, Kelly, Barbara F. and Unger, Annie (2010) Gesture categorisation and understanding speaker attention to gesture. In: Selected Papers from the 2009 Conference of the Australian Linguistic Society, 9 to 11 July 2009, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia.

Grano, T.

Chang, C. B., Haynes, E. F., Yao, Y. and Rhodes, R. (2010) 'The phonetic space of phonological categories in heritage speakers of Mandarin.' In: Bane, Max, Bueno, J., Grano, T., Grotberg, A. and McNabb, Y., (eds.), Proceedings from the 44th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: The Main Session. Chicago, IL: Chicago Linguistic Society, pp. 31-45.

Grotberg, A.

Chang, C. B., Haynes, E. F., Yao, Y. and Rhodes, R. (2010) 'The phonetic space of phonological categories in heritage speakers of Mandarin.' In: Bane, Max, Bueno, J., Grano, T., Grotberg, A. and McNabb, Y., (eds.), Proceedings from the 44th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: The Main Session. Chicago, IL: Chicago Linguistic Society, pp. 31-45.

Guérois, Rozenn

Guérois, Rozenn (2010) Etudes des propriétés syntaxiques et sémantiques du Pretérito Perfeito Composto portugais. Masters dissertation. University of Paris 7.

Haynes, E. F.

Chang, C. B., Haynes, E. F., Yao, Y. and Rhodes, R. (2010) 'The phonetic space of phonological categories in heritage speakers of Mandarin.' In: Bane, Max, Bueno, J., Grano, T., Grotberg, A. and McNabb, Y., (eds.), Proceedings from the 44th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: The Main Session. Chicago, IL: Chicago Linguistic Society, pp. 31-45.

Heusinger, Klaus von

Chao, Wynn (2010) 'Language Universals from a Semantic Perspective.' In: Maienborn, Claudia, Heusinger, Klaus von and Portner, Paul, (eds.), Semantics: An International Handbook of Natural Language Meaning. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Holmes, Janet

Pauwels, Anne (2010) 'Men, masculinities and feminist linguistic activism.' In: Holmes, Janet and Mara, Meredith, (eds.), Femininity, Feminism and Gendered Discourse: A Selected and Edited Collection of Papers from the Fifth International Language and Gender Association Conference (IGALA5). Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 111-124.

Ibriszimow, Dymitr

Souag, Lameen (2010) 'The Western Berber Stratum in Kwarandzyey.' In: Ibriszimow, Dymitr, Kossmann, Maarten, Stroomer, Harry and Vossen, Rainer, (eds.), Études berbères V – Essais sur des variations dialectales et autres articles. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe, pp. 177-189. (Berber Studies)

Ingham, Bruce

Ingham, Bruce (2010) 'Information structure in the Najdi dialects.' In: Owens, Jonathan and Elgibali, Alaa, (eds.), Information Structure in Spoken Arabic. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 75-92. (Routledge Arabic Linguistics Series)

Iwasaki, Noriko

Iwasaki, Noriko (2010) '「話す力」再考: 何を指導し、どう評価するのか [Rethinking oral proficiency in Japanese].' BATJ Journal, 11. pp. 45-51.

Iwasaki, Noriko (2010) 'Style shifts among Japanese learners before and after study abroad in Japan: Becoming active social agents in Japanese.' Applied Linguistics, 31 (1). pp. 47-71.

Iwasaki, Noriko, Vinson, David P. and Vigliocco, Gabriella (2010) 'Does the grammatical count/mass distinction affect semantic representations? Evidence from experiments in English and Japanese.' Language and Cognitive Processes, 25 (2). pp. 189-223.

Kelly, Barbara F.

Gawne, Lauren, Kelly, Barbara F. and Unger, Annie (2010) Gesture categorisation and understanding speaker attention to gesture. In: Selected Papers from the 2009 Conference of the Australian Linguistic Society, 9 to 11 July 2009, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia.

Kossmann, Maarten

Souag, Lameen (2010) 'The Western Berber Stratum in Kwarandzyey.' In: Ibriszimow, Dymitr, Kossmann, Maarten, Stroomer, Harry and Vossen, Rainer, (eds.), Études berbères V – Essais sur des variations dialectales et autres articles. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe, pp. 177-189. (Berber Studies)

Kul, M.

Chang, C. B. (2010) 'Learning to produce a multidimensional laryngeal contrast.' In: Dziubalska-Kołaczyk, K., Wrembel, M. and Kul, M., (eds.), New Sounds 2010: Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech. Poznań, Poland: Adam Mickiewicz University, pp. 89-94.

Kula, Nancy C.

Kula, Nancy C. and Marten, Lutz (2010) 'Argument structure and agency in Bemba passives.' In: Legère, Karsten and Thronell, Christina, (eds.), Bantu Languages: Analyses, Description and Theory. Cologne: Rüdiger Köppe, pp. 115-130. (East African Languages and Dialects, 20)

Lash, Elliott

Lucas, Christopher and Lash, Elliott (2010) 'Contact as catalyst: The case for Coptic influence in the development of Arabic negation.' Journal of Linguistics, 46 (2). pp. 379-413.

Legère, Karsten

Kula, Nancy C. and Marten, Lutz (2010) 'Argument structure and agency in Bemba passives.' In: Legère, Karsten and Thronell, Christina, (eds.), Bantu Languages: Analyses, Description and Theory. Cologne: Rüdiger Köppe, pp. 115-130. (East African Languages and Dialects, 20)

Li, Defeng

Li, Defeng and Zhang, Chunling (2010) 'Sense-Making in Corpus-Assisted Translation Research.' In: Xiao, Richard, (ed.), Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 235-254.

Lu, Wei and Li, Defeng (2010) '中国特色的翻译学: 误区还是必然?——兼评《中西翻译思想比较研究》.' 中国科技翻译 = Chinese Science and Technology Translators Journal, 23 (2). pp. 11-14.

Xia, Yun and Li, Defeng (2010) 'Specialized Comparable Corpora in Translation Evaluation: A Case Study of English Translations of Chinese Law Firm Advertisements.' In: Xiao, Richard, (ed.), Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Lu, Wei

Lu, Wei and Li, Defeng (2010) '中国特色的翻译学: 误区还是必然?——兼评《中西翻译思想比较研究》.' 中国科技翻译 = Chinese Science and Technology Translators Journal, 23 (2). pp. 11-14.

Lucas, Christopher

Breitbarth, Anne, Lucas, Christopher, Watts, Sheila and Willis, David, eds. (2010) Continuity and Change in Grammar. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (Linguistik aktuell, Bd. 159)

Lucas, Christopher (2010) 'Negative -š in Palestinian (and Cairene) Arabic: Present and possible past.' Brill's Journal of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics, 2 (1). pp. 165-201.

Lucas, Christopher and Lash, Elliott (2010) 'Contact as catalyst: The case for Coptic influence in the development of Arabic negation.' Journal of Linguistics, 46 (2). pp. 379-413.

Marten, Lutz (2010) 'The great siSwati locative shift.' In: Breitbarth, Anne, Lucas, Christopher, Watts, Sheila and Willis, David, (eds.), Continuity and Change in Grammar. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 249-267.

Lüpke, Friederike

Lüpke, Friederike and Chambers, Mary, eds. (2010) Journal of Language Contact. THEMA Series, Number 3. (Multilingualism and language contact in West Africa: towards a holistic perspective). Leiden: Brill.

Lüpke, Friederike (2010) 'Language and identity in flux: in search of Baïnouk.' Journal of Language Contact, 3 (1). pp. 155-174.

Lüpke, Friederike (2010) 'Multilingualism and language contact in West Africa: towards a holistic perspective.' Journal of Language Contact, 3 (1). pp. 1-12.

Lüpke, Friederike (2010) 'Rare and endangered - languages or features? An African perspective.' Journal of West African Languages, XXXVII. pp. 119-139.

Lüpke, Friederike (2010) 'Research methods in language documentation.' Language Documentation and Description, 7. pp. 55-104.

Maienborn, Claudia

Chao, Wynn (2010) 'Language Universals from a Semantic Perspective.' In: Maienborn, Claudia, Heusinger, Klaus von and Portner, Paul, (eds.), Semantics: An International Handbook of Natural Language Meaning. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Mara, Meredith

Pauwels, Anne (2010) 'Men, masculinities and feminist linguistic activism.' In: Holmes, Janet and Mara, Meredith, (eds.), Femininity, Feminism and Gendered Discourse: A Selected and Edited Collection of Papers from the Fifth International Language and Gender Association Conference (IGALA5). Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 111-124.

Marten, Lutz

Kula, Nancy C. and Marten, Lutz (2010) 'Argument structure and agency in Bemba passives.' In: Legère, Karsten and Thronell, Christina, (eds.), Bantu Languages: Analyses, Description and Theory. Cologne: Rüdiger Köppe, pp. 115-130. (East African Languages and Dialects, 20)

Marten, Lutz (2010) 'The great siSwati locative shift.' In: Breitbarth, Anne, Lucas, Christopher, Watts, Sheila and Willis, David, (eds.), Continuity and Change in Grammar. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 249-267.

McNabb, Y.

Chang, C. B., Haynes, E. F., Yao, Y. and Rhodes, R. (2010) 'The phonetic space of phonological categories in heritage speakers of Mandarin.' In: Bane, Max, Bueno, J., Grano, T., Grotberg, A. and McNabb, Y., (eds.), Proceedings from the 44th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: The Main Session. Chicago, IL: Chicago Linguistic Society, pp. 31-45.

Motschenbacher, Heiko

Pauwels, Anne (2010) 'Socially motivated language reform in a global lingua franca: The case of gender reform in English.' In: Bieswanger, Markus, Motschenbacher, Heiko and Mühleisen, Susanne, (eds.), Language in its Sociocultural Context: New Explorations in Gendered, Global and Media Uses. Frankfurt: Lang, pp. 24-34.

Mühleisen, Susanne

Pauwels, Anne (2010) 'Socially motivated language reform in a global lingua franca: The case of gender reform in English.' In: Bieswanger, Markus, Motschenbacher, Heiko and Mühleisen, Susanne, (eds.), Language in its Sociocultural Context: New Explorations in Gendered, Global and Media Uses. Frankfurt: Lang, pp. 24-34.

Nikolaeva, Irina

Nikolaeva, Irina (2010) 'Finiteness in typology.' Language and Linguistics Compass, 3 (1). pp. 1176-1189.

Owens, Jonathan

Ingham, Bruce (2010) 'Information structure in the Najdi dialects.' In: Owens, Jonathan and Elgibali, Alaa, (eds.), Information Structure in Spoken Arabic. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 75-92. (Routledge Arabic Linguistics Series)

Pauwels, Anne

Pauwels, Anne (2010) 'Men, masculinities and feminist linguistic activism.' In: Holmes, Janet and Mara, Meredith, (eds.), Femininity, Feminism and Gendered Discourse: A Selected and Edited Collection of Papers from the Fifth International Language and Gender Association Conference (IGALA5). Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 111-124.

Pauwels, Anne (2010) 'Socially motivated language reform in a global lingua franca: The case of gender reform in English.' In: Bieswanger, Markus, Motschenbacher, Heiko and Mühleisen, Susanne, (eds.), Language in its Sociocultural Context: New Explorations in Gendered, Global and Media Uses. Frankfurt: Lang, pp. 24-34.

Portner, Paul

Chao, Wynn (2010) 'Language Universals from a Semantic Perspective.' In: Maienborn, Claudia, Heusinger, Klaus von and Portner, Paul, (eds.), Semantics: An International Handbook of Natural Language Meaning. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Rhodes, R.

Chang, C. B., Haynes, E. F., Yao, Y. and Rhodes, R. (2010) 'The phonetic space of phonological categories in heritage speakers of Mandarin.' In: Bane, Max, Bueno, J., Grano, T., Grotberg, A. and McNabb, Y., (eds.), Proceedings from the 44th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: The Main Session. Chicago, IL: Chicago Linguistic Society, pp. 31-45.

Salffner, Sophie

Salffner, Sophie (2010) Ikaan and related dialects of Ukaan: an archive of language and cultural material from the Akaan people of Ikakumo (Ondo State, Nigeria). [Datasets]

Salffner, Sophie (2010) Tone in the phonology, lexicon and grammar of Ikaan. PhD thesis. SOAS, University of London. DOI:

Sallabank, Julia

Sallabank, Julia (2010) 'Endangered language maintenance and revitalisation: the role of social networks.' Anthropological Linguistics, 52 (3). pp. 184-205.

Sallabank, Julia (2010) 'Standardisation, prescription and polynomie: can Guernsey follow the Corsican model?' Current Issues in Language Planning, 11. pp. 311-330.

Seyfeddinipur, Mandana

Barr, Dale and Seyfeddinipur, Mandana (2010) 'The role of fillers in listener attributions for speaker disfluency.' Language and Cognitive Processes, 25 (4). pp. 441-455.

Simard, Candide

Simard, Candide (2010) The Prosodic Contours of Jaminjung, a language of Northern Australia. PhD thesis. University of Manchester.

Souag, Lameen

Souag, Lameen (2010) 'Ajami in West Africa.' Afrikanistik online, 2010.

Souag, Lameen (2010) Grammatical Contact in the Sahara: Arabic, Berber, and Songhay in Tabelbala and Siwa. PhD thesis. SOAS, University of London. DOI:

Souag, Lameen (2010) 'The Western Berber Stratum in Kwarandzyey.' In: Ibriszimow, Dymitr, Kossmann, Maarten, Stroomer, Harry and Vossen, Rainer, (eds.), Études berbères V – Essais sur des variations dialectales et autres articles. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe, pp. 177-189. (Berber Studies)

Stroomer, Harry

Souag, Lameen (2010) 'The Western Berber Stratum in Kwarandzyey.' In: Ibriszimow, Dymitr, Kossmann, Maarten, Stroomer, Harry and Vossen, Rainer, (eds.), Études berbères V – Essais sur des variations dialectales et autres articles. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe, pp. 177-189. (Berber Studies)

Thronell, Christina

Kula, Nancy C. and Marten, Lutz (2010) 'Argument structure and agency in Bemba passives.' In: Legère, Karsten and Thronell, Christina, (eds.), Bantu Languages: Analyses, Description and Theory. Cologne: Rüdiger Köppe, pp. 115-130. (East African Languages and Dialects, 20)

Unger, Annie

Gawne, Lauren, Kelly, Barbara F. and Unger, Annie (2010) Gesture categorisation and understanding speaker attention to gesture. In: Selected Papers from the 2009 Conference of the Australian Linguistic Society, 9 to 11 July 2009, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia.

Vigliocco, Gabriella

Iwasaki, Noriko, Vinson, David P. and Vigliocco, Gabriella (2010) 'Does the grammatical count/mass distinction affect semantic representations? Evidence from experiments in English and Japanese.' Language and Cognitive Processes, 25 (2). pp. 189-223.

Vinson, David P.

Iwasaki, Noriko, Vinson, David P. and Vigliocco, Gabriella (2010) 'Does the grammatical count/mass distinction affect semantic representations? Evidence from experiments in English and Japanese.' Language and Cognitive Processes, 25 (2). pp. 189-223.

Vossen, Rainer

Souag, Lameen (2010) 'The Western Berber Stratum in Kwarandzyey.' In: Ibriszimow, Dymitr, Kossmann, Maarten, Stroomer, Harry and Vossen, Rainer, (eds.), Études berbères V – Essais sur des variations dialectales et autres articles. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe, pp. 177-189. (Berber Studies)

Watts, Sheila

Breitbarth, Anne, Lucas, Christopher, Watts, Sheila and Willis, David, eds. (2010) Continuity and Change in Grammar. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (Linguistik aktuell, Bd. 159)

Marten, Lutz (2010) 'The great siSwati locative shift.' In: Breitbarth, Anne, Lucas, Christopher, Watts, Sheila and Willis, David, (eds.), Continuity and Change in Grammar. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 249-267.

Willis, David

Breitbarth, Anne, Lucas, Christopher, Watts, Sheila and Willis, David, eds. (2010) Continuity and Change in Grammar. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (Linguistik aktuell, Bd. 159)

Marten, Lutz (2010) 'The great siSwati locative shift.' In: Breitbarth, Anne, Lucas, Christopher, Watts, Sheila and Willis, David, (eds.), Continuity and Change in Grammar. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 249-267.

Wrembel, M.

Chang, C. B. (2010) 'Learning to produce a multidimensional laryngeal contrast.' In: Dziubalska-Kołaczyk, K., Wrembel, M. and Kul, M., (eds.), New Sounds 2010: Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech. Poznań, Poland: Adam Mickiewicz University, pp. 89-94.

Xia, Yun

Xia, Yun and Li, Defeng (2010) 'Specialized Comparable Corpora in Translation Evaluation: A Case Study of English Translations of Chinese Law Firm Advertisements.' In: Xiao, Richard, (ed.), Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Xiao, Richard

Li, Defeng and Zhang, Chunling (2010) 'Sense-Making in Corpus-Assisted Translation Research.' In: Xiao, Richard, (ed.), Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 235-254.

Xia, Yun and Li, Defeng (2010) 'Specialized Comparable Corpora in Translation Evaluation: A Case Study of English Translations of Chinese Law Firm Advertisements.' In: Xiao, Richard, (ed.), Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Yao, Y.

Chang, C. B., Haynes, E. F., Yao, Y. and Rhodes, R. (2010) 'The phonetic space of phonological categories in heritage speakers of Mandarin.' In: Bane, Max, Bueno, J., Grano, T., Grotberg, A. and McNabb, Y., (eds.), Proceedings from the 44th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: The Main Session. Chicago, IL: Chicago Linguistic Society, pp. 31-45.

Zhang, Chunling

Li, Defeng and Zhang, Chunling (2010) 'Sense-Making in Corpus-Assisted Translation Research.' In: Xiao, Richard, (ed.), Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 235-254.

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