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Group by: Creator's name | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 27.

Edited Book or Journal Volume

Gawne, Lauren and Hill, Nathan W., eds. (2017) Evidential Systems of Tibetan Languages. Berlin: De Gruyter. (Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs [TiLSM] 302)

Book Chapters

Gibson, Hannah, Koumbarou, Andriana, Marten, Lutz and van der Wal, Jenneke (2017) 'Locating the Bantu conjoint/disjoint alternation in a typology of focus marking.' In: van der Wal, Jenneke and Hyman, Larry M., (eds.), The conjoint/disjoint alternation in Bantu. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 61-99. (Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs)

Hill, Nathan W. (2017) 'Perfect experiential constructions: the inferential semantics of direct evidence.' In: Gawne, Lauren and Hill, Nathan W., (eds.), Evidential Systems of Tibetan Languages. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 131-159.

Hill, Nathan W. (2017) 'Simon, Walter (1893-1981).' In: Sybesma, Rint, Behr, Wolfgang, Gu, Yueguo, Handel, Zev, Huang, C.-T. James and Myers, James, (eds.), Encylopedia of Chinese Linguage and Linguistics. Leiden: Brill, pp. 100-102.

Hill, Nathan W. and Gawne, Lauren (2017) 'The contribution of Tibetan languages to the study of evidentiality.' In: Gawne, Lauren and Hill, Nathan W., (eds.), Evidential Systems of Tibetan Languages. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 1-38.

Iwasaki, Noriko (2017) '「外国人は日本語のオノマトペを使えるの?」[Can learners of Japanese as a second/foreign language use Japanese mimetics?].' In: Kubozono, Haruo, (ed.), 『オノマトペの謎ーピカチュウからモフモフまでー』[Mysteries of Japanese mimetics]. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, pp. 77-90.

Marquis, Yan and Sallabank, Julia (2017) '‘Spelling trouble: Ideologies and practices in Giernesiei / Dgernesiais / Guernesiais / Guernésiais / Djernezié…’.' In: Jones, Mari C. and Mooney, Damien, (eds.), Orthography Development for Language Maintenance and Revitalisation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 235-253.

Nikolaeva, Irina (2017) 'The general noun-modifying clause construction in Tundra Nenets and its possible origin.' In: Matsumoto, Yoshiko, Comrie, Bernard and Sells, Peter, (eds.), Noun-Modifying Clause Constructions in Languages of Eurasia: Reshaping theoretical and geographical boundaries. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 147-178. (Typological Studies in Language)

Sands, Bonny, Chebanne, Andy and Shah, Sheena (2017) 'Hunting terminology in ǂHoan.' In: Fehn, Anne-Maria, (ed.), Khoisan Languages and Linguistics. Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium, July 11-13, 2011, Riezlern/Kleinwalsertal. Cologne: Rüdiger Köppe, pp. 185-211. (Research in Khoisan Studies 36)

Shah, Sheena and Brenzinger, Matthias (2017) 'Writing for speaking: The N/uu orthography.' In: Jones, Mari C. and Mooney, Damien, (eds.), Creating Orthographies for Endangered Languages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 109-125.

Journal Article

Arnold, Doug and Lucas, Christopher (2017) 'One of Those Constructions that Really Needs a Proper Analysis.' Proceedings of the Joint 2016 Conference on Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar and Lexical Functional Grammar, 2016. pp. 43-63.

Chatzikyriakidis, Stergios and Gibson, Hannah (2017) 'The Bantu-Romance-Greek connection revisited: processing constraints in auxiliary and clitic placement from a cross-linguistic perspective.' Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics, 2 (1). pp. 1-39.

Gibson, Hannah, Rozenn, Guérois and Marten, Lutz (2017) 'Patterns and developments in the marking of diminutives in Bantu.' Nordic Journal of African Studies, 26 (4). pp. 344-383.

Hantgan, Abbie (2017) 'Choices in Language Accommodation at the Crossroads: Convergence, Divergence, and Mixing.' Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford Online, IX (1). pp. 102-118.

Hill, Nathan W. and List, Johann-Mattis (2017) 'Challenges of Annotation and Analysis in Computer-Assisted Language Comparison: A Case Study on Burmish Languages.' Yearbook of the Poznań Linguistic Meeting, 3 (1). pp. 47-76.

List, Johann-Mattis, Pathmanathan, Jananan Sylvestre, Hill, Nathan W., Bapteste, Eric and Lopez, Philippe (2017) 'Vowel purity and rhyme evidence in Old Chinese reconstruction.' Lingua Sinica, 3 (5). pp. 1-17.

Marten, Lutz and Mous, Maarten (2017) 'Valency and expectation in Bantu applicatives.' Linguistics Vanguard, 3 (1). pp. 1-15.

Salffner, Sophie (2017) 'West African languages enrich the frequency code: Multi-functional pitch and multi-dimensional prosody in Ikaan polar questions.' Laboratory Phonology, 8 (1). pp. 1-44.

Simard, Candide and Wegener, Claudia (2017) 'Fronted NPs in a verb-initial language – clause-internal or external? Prosodic cues to the rescue!' Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, 2 (1;51). pp. 1-32.

Spencer, Andrew and Nikolaeva, Irina (2017) 'Denominal adjectives as mixed categories.' Word Structure, 10 (1). pp. 79-99.

Book Reviews

Hill, Nathan W. (2017) 'Review of: Old Chinese: A New Reconstruction by William H. Baxter and Laurent Sagart. Oxford University Press, 2014.' Archiv Orientalní, 85 (1). pp. 135-140.

Hill, Nathan W. (2017) 'The State of Sino-Tibetan.' Archiv Orientální, 85 (2). pp. 305-315.


Hill, Nathan W., trans. (2017) Lhasa Tibetan predicates by Yukawa Yasutoshi. Evidential Systems of Tibetan Languages . Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. 187- 224.

Hill, Nathan W., trans. (2017) Old Burmese ry- a Remark on Proto-Lolo-Burmese Resonant Initials by Yoshio Nishi. Journal of the South East Asian Linguistic Society, 10 (2). pp. 1-10.


Garrett, Edward and Hill, Nathan W. (2017) A rule based Tibetan part-of-speech (POS) tagger for the creation of gold standard training data. [Datasets]

Hill, Nathan W. and Garrett, Edward (2017) A part-of-speech (POS) lexicon of Classical Tibetan for NLP. [Datasets]

Hill, Nathan W. and Garrett, Edward (2017) A part-of-speech (POS) tagged corpus of Classical Tibetan. [Datasets]

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