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Number of items: 24.

Abu-Lughod, Lila

Kandiyoti, Deniz (1998) 'Some Awkward Questions on Women and Modernity in Turkey.' In: Abu-Lughod, Lila, (ed.), Remaking Women: Feminism and Modernity in the Middle East. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, pp. 270-87. (Princeton Studies in Culture/Power/History)

Achcar, Gilbert

Achcar, Gilbert (1998) 'Le spectre du 'bioterrorisme’.' Le Monde diplomatique.

Banaji, Jairus

Hensman, Rohini and Banaji, Jairus (1998) A short history of the employees’ unions in Bombay, 1947–1991. In: 1st conference of the Association of Indian Labour Historians (AILH), New Delhi, 1998. (Unpublished)

Bernstein, Henry

Bernstein, Henry (1998) 'Social Change in the South African Countryside? Land and Production, Poverty and Power.' Journal of Peasant Studies, 25 (4). pp. 1-32.

Boelens, Rutgerd

Mollinga, Peter (1998) 'Equity and accountability: Water distribution in a South Indian canal irrigation system.' In: Boelens, Rutgerd, Dávila, Gloria and Menchu, Rigoberta, (eds.), Searching for equity: Conceptions of justice and equity in peasant irrigation. Assen: Van Gorcum Ltd, pp. 143-160.

Cramer, Christopher

Cramer, Christopher and Pontara, Nicola (1998) 'Rural poverty and poverty alleviation in Mozambique: what''s missing from the debate?' Journal of Modern African Studies, 36 (1). pp. 101-138.

Dávila, Gloria

Mollinga, Peter (1998) 'Equity and accountability: Water distribution in a South Indian canal irrigation system.' In: Boelens, Rutgerd, Dávila, Gloria and Menchu, Rigoberta, (eds.), Searching for equity: Conceptions of justice and equity in peasant irrigation. Assen: Van Gorcum Ltd, pp. 143-160.

Hensman, Rohini

Hensman, Rohini and Banaji, Jairus (1998) A short history of the employees’ unions in Bombay, 1947–1991. In: 1st conference of the Association of Indian Labour Historians (AILH), New Delhi, 1998. (Unpublished)

Hvidt, M.

Mollinga, Peter, Merrey, Douglas J., Hvidt, M. and Radwan, L. S. (1998) Water control in Egypt’s canal irrigation: A discussion of institutional issues at different levels. Wageningen: Wageningen Agricultural University.

Kandiyoti, Deniz

Kandiyoti, Deniz (1998) 'Some Awkward Questions on Women and Modernity in Turkey.' In: Abu-Lughod, Lila, (ed.), Remaking Women: Feminism and Modernity in the Middle East. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, pp. 270-87. (Princeton Studies in Culture/Power/History)

Lerche, Jens

Lerche, Jens (1998) 'Agricultural Labourers, the State and Agrarian Transition in Uttar Pradesh.' Economic and Political Weekly, 33 (13). A29-A35.

Maldonado, E

Saad Filho, Alfredo and Maldonado, E (1998) 'Brazilian Economic Policy: From Heterodoxy to Neo-Monetarism.' Indicadores Econômicos, 26 (3). pp. 87-103.

Menchu, Rigoberta

Mollinga, Peter (1998) 'Equity and accountability: Water distribution in a South Indian canal irrigation system.' In: Boelens, Rutgerd, Dávila, Gloria and Menchu, Rigoberta, (eds.), Searching for equity: Conceptions of justice and equity in peasant irrigation. Assen: Van Gorcum Ltd, pp. 143-160.

Merrey, Douglas J.

Mollinga, Peter, Merrey, Douglas J., Hvidt, M. and Radwan, L. S. (1998) Water control in Egypt’s canal irrigation: A discussion of institutional issues at different levels. Wageningen: Wageningen Agricultural University.

Mollinga, Peter

Mollinga, Peter (1998) 'Equity and accountability: Water distribution in a South Indian canal irrigation system.' In: Boelens, Rutgerd, Dávila, Gloria and Menchu, Rigoberta, (eds.), Searching for equity: Conceptions of justice and equity in peasant irrigation. Assen: Van Gorcum Ltd, pp. 143-160.

Mollinga, Peter (1998) 'Participation as a political process.' In: van Vuren, Gerrit, (ed.), Farmers’ participation in water management: Proceedings of the 2nd Netherlands National ICID day. Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema, pp. 63-68.

Mollinga, Peter, Merrey, Douglas J., Hvidt, M. and Radwan, L. S. (1998) Water control in Egypt’s canal irrigation: A discussion of institutional issues at different levels. Wageningen: Wageningen Agricultural University.

Pontara, Nicola

Cramer, Christopher and Pontara, Nicola (1998) 'Rural poverty and poverty alleviation in Mozambique: what''s missing from the debate?' Journal of Modern African Studies, 36 (1). pp. 101-138.

Radwan, L. S.

Mollinga, Peter, Merrey, Douglas J., Hvidt, M. and Radwan, L. S. (1998) Water control in Egypt’s canal irrigation: A discussion of institutional issues at different levels. Wageningen: Wageningen Agricultural University.

Saad Filho, Alfredo

Saad Filho, Alfredo (1998) 'The 'New Dialectics', the Method of 'Capital', and the Starting-Point of the Labour Theory of Value.' Outopia, 28. pp. 189-204.

Saad Filho, Alfredo (1998) 'Redefining the Role of the Bourgeoisie in Dependent Capitalist Development: Privatization and Liberalization in Brazil - a Critical Note.' Latin American Perspectives, 25 (1). pp. 194-199.

Saad Filho, Alfredo and Maldonado, E (1998) 'Brazilian Economic Policy: From Heterodoxy to Neo-Monetarism.' Indicadores Econômicos, 26 (3). pp. 87-103.

Weeks, John

Weeks, John (1998) Orthodox and Heterodox Policies for Growth in Africa south of The Sahara. Centre for Development Policy and Research (CDPR), Discussion Paper 0298.

van Vuren, Gerrit

Mollinga, Peter (1998) 'Participation as a political process.' In: van Vuren, Gerrit, (ed.), Farmers’ participation in water management: Proceedings of the 2nd Netherlands National ICID day. Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema, pp. 63-68.

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