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Number of items: 90.

Banaji, Jairus, ed. (2013) Fascism: Essays on Europe and India. Gurgaon, India: Three Essays Collective.

Black, Richard, Arnell, Nigel W. and Adger, W. Neil, eds. (2013) Global Environmental Change, extreme environmental events and ‘environmental migration’: exploring the connections. Amsterdam: Elsevier. (Special Issue of Environmental Science and Policy; Vol 21 S 1)

Achcar, Gilbert (2013) 'Extreme Capitalism of the Muslim Brothers.' Le Monde diplomatique, June.

Achcar, Gilbert (2013) Marxism, Orientalism, Cosmopolitanism. London: Saqi.

Achcar, Gilbert (2013) 'Nota bene: Edward Said and Avraham Burg: Two Free Voices.' In: Meddeb, Abdelwahab and Stora, Benjamin, (eds.), A History of Jewish-Muslim Relations: From the Origins to the Present Day. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, pp. 543-545.

Achcar, Gilbert (2013) The People Want: A Radical Exploration of the Arab Uprising. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

Achcar, Gilbert (2013) 'Preface.' In: Rooney, Caroline and Sakr, Rita, (eds.), The Ethics of Representation in Literature, Art, and Journalism: Transnational Responses to the Siege of Beirut. London: Routledge, xv-xvii.

Achcar, Gilbert (2013) 'Preface.' In: Rooney, Caroline and Sakr, Rita, (eds.), The Ethics of Representation in Literature, Art, and Journalism: Transnational Responses to the Siege of Beirut. London: Routledge, xv-xvii. (Routledge research in postcolonial literatures ; v 47.)

Banaji, Jairus (2013) 'Putting Theory to Work.' Historical Materialism, 21 (4). pp. 129-143.

Banaji, Jairus (2013) 'Seasons of Self-Delusion: Opium, Capitalism and the Financial Markets (2012 Deutscher Memorial Lecture).' Historical Materialism, 21 (2). pp. 3-19.

Banaji, Jairus (2013) 'Trajectories of Fascism: Extreme-Right Movements in India and Elsewhere.' In: Banaji, Jairus, (ed.), Fascism: Essays on Europe and India. Gurgaon: Three Essays Collective, pp. 215-230.

Brading, Ryan (2013) Populism in Venezuela. New York: Routledge.

Buckley, Michelle and Hanieh, Adam (2013) 'Diversification by Urbanization: Tracing the Property-Finance Nexus in Dubai and the Gulf.' International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 38 (1). pp. 155-175.

Bylander, Maryann (2013) 'The Growing Linkages Between Migration and Microfinance.' Migration Information Source.

Bylander, Maryann and Maillard, Emmanuel (2013) 'Borders and Margins.' Contexts, 12 (1). pp. 58-65.

Chang, Dae-Oup (2013) 'Labour and 'Developmental State': A Critique of the Developmental State Theory of Labour.' In: Fine, Ben, Tavasci, Daniela and Saraswati, Jyoti, (eds.), Beyond The Development State: Industrial Policy into the Twenty-First Century. London: Pluto, pp. 85-109.

Duffy, Rosaleen (2013) 'Global Environmental Governance and North-South Dynamics: The Case of CITES.' Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 31 (2). pp. 222-239.

Duffy, Rosaleen (2013) 'The International Political Economy of tourism and the neoliberalisation of nature: challenges posed by selling close interactions with animals.' Review of International Political Economy, 20 (3). pp. 605-626.

Duffy, Rosaleen, Emslie, Richard H. and Knight, Michael H. (2013) Rhino Poaching: How do we respond? Evidence On Demand.

Duffy, Rosaleen and St. John, Freya (2013) Poverty, Poaching and Trafficking: What are the links? Evidence On Demand.

Edelman, Marc, Oya, Carlos and Borras, Saturnino M. (2013) 'Global Land Grabs: historical processes, theoretical and methodological implications and current trajectories.' Third World Quarterly, 34 (9). pp. 1517-1531.

Goodhand, Jonathan (2013) 'Contested boundaries: NGOs and civil-military relations in Afghanistan.' Central Asian Survey, 32 (3). pp. 287-385.

Goodhand, Jonathan (2013) 'Epilogue: The View from the Border.' In: Korf, Benedikt and Raeymaekers, Timothy, (eds.), Violence on the Margins. States, Conflict, and Boderlands. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 247-264.

Goodhand, Jonathan (2013) 'Sri Lanka in 2012: Securing the State, Enforcing the ‘Peace'.' Asian Survey, 53 (1). pp. 64-72.

Goodhand, Jonathan (2013) 'Stabilizing a Victor's Peace? Humanitarian Action and Reconstruction in Eastern Sri Lanka.' In: Muggah, Robert, (ed.), Stabilization Operations, Security and Development. States of Fragility. London: Routledge, pp. 215-241.

Goodhand, Jonathan, Klem, Bart and Sorbo, Gunnar (2013) 'Battlefields of Method. Evaluating Norwegian peace efforts in Sri Lanka.' In: Andersen, Ole Winckler, Bull, Beate and Kennedy-Chouane, Megan, (eds.), Evaluation Methodologies for Aid in Conflict. London: Routledge, pp. 61-84.

Goodhand, Jonathan and Mansfield, David (2013) 'Drugs and (dis)order. The opium economy, political settlements and statebuilding in Afghanistan.' In: Schetter, Conrad, (ed.), Local Politics in Afghanistan. A Century of Intervention in the Social Order. London: Hurst, pp. 211-243.

Goodhand, Jonathan and Sedra, M. (2013) 'Rethinking Liberal Peacebuilding, Statebuilding and Transition in Afghanistan: An Introduction.' Central Asian Survey, 32 (3). pp. 239-254.

Hammond, Laura (2013) Safety, Security and Socio-Economic Wellbeing in Somaliland. Nairobi, Geneva, London: SOAS-University of London, DDG, GICHD.

Hammond, Laura (2013) 'Somali Transnational Activism and Integration in the UK: Mutually Supporting Strategies.' Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 39 (6). pp. 1001-1017.

Hammond, Laura (2013) 'Somalia Rising: Things are Starting to Change for the World’s Longest Failed State.' Journal of Eastern African Studies, 7 (1). pp. 183-193.

Hanieh, Adam (2013) Lineages of Revolt: Issues of Contemporary Capitalism in the Middle East. Chicago, IL: Haymarket Books.

Hanieh, Adam (2013) 'Middle East, Labor Migration.' In: Ness, Immanuel, (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Publishers.

Hanieh, Adam (2013) 'A 'Single War': The Political Economy of Intervention in the Middle East and Central Asia.' In: Klassen, Jerome and Albo, Gregory, (eds.), Empire's Ally: Canada and the War in Afghanistan. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Harris, Colette (2013) 'Violence in a Religiously Divided City: Kaduna, Nigeria—From the Shari'a Riots of 2000 to the Post-election Clashes of 2011.' Space and Polity, 17 (3). pp. 284-299.

Herzfeld, Thomas, Jia, Lili and Wolz, Axel (2013) 'Rural areas in transition: Different policy approaches to rural development.' IAMO Annual, 2013. pp. 11-20.

Ismail, Feyzi (2013) 'The bias of balance: Politics and constitution-making in Nepal.' Economic and Political Weekly, 48 (48). pp. 31-33.

Jennings, Michael (2013) 'Common Counsel, Common Policy: Healthcare, Missions and the Rise of the ‘Voluntary Sector’ in Colonial Tanzania.' Development and Change, 44 (4). pp. 939-963.

Jennings, Michael (2013) 'NGOs.' In: Cheeseman, Nic, Anderson, David M. and Scheibler, Andrea, (eds.), Routledge Handbook for African Politics. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 322-333.

Kaiser, Tania (2013) Monolithic, Imaginary, or Somewhere in Between? Capturing “the camp” in Uganda. In: mobilities : immobilities, 6-8 Sept 2013, Bergen. (Unpublished)

Kaiser, Tania (2013) 'Researching social life in protracted exile; experiences with Sudanese refugees in Uganda 1996-2008.' In: Mazurana, Dyan, Jacobsen, Karen and Gale, Lacey, (eds.), Research Methods in Conflict Settings: A View from Below. Cambridge: CUP.

Lerche, Jens (2013) 'The Agrarian Question in Neoliberal India: Agrarian Transition Bypassed?' Journal of Agrarian Change, 13 (3). pp. 382-404.

Lerche, Jens, Shah, Alpa and Harriss-White, Barbara (2013) 'Introduction: Agrarian Questions and Left Politics in India.' Journal of Agrarian Change, 13 (3). pp. 337-350.

Lindley, Anna (2013) 'Diaspora and Transnational Perspectives on Remittances.' In: Quayson, Ato and Daswani, Girish, (eds.), Companion to Diaspora and Transnationalism. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 316-329.

Lindley, Anna (2013) 'Displacement in contested places: governance, movement and settlement in the Somali territories.' Journal of Eastern African Studies, 7 (2). pp. 291-313.

Marois, Thomas (2013) 'Prispevek k razumevanju razraščajočega se finančnega kapitalizma.' BOREC, LXV.

Marois, Thomas (2013) 'Review of 'Alternatives to Privatization: Public Options for Essential Services in the Global South' (ed. by McDonald, D.A. and Ruiters, G).' Progress in Development Studies, 13 (4). pp. 342-345.

Marois, Thomas (2013) State-owned banks and development: Dispelling mainstream myths. Municipal Services Project.

Marois, Thomas and Güngen, Ali Rıza (2013) Reclaiming Turkey's State-owned Banks. Municipal Services Project.

Marois, Thomas and Güngen, Ali Rıza (2013) Türkiye'nin Devlet Bankalarını Geri Kazanmak. Municipal Services Project.

Marriage, Zoe (2013) 'Compliance versus the ragged threat: problem-solving security in the Democratic Republic of Congo.' Civil Wars, 15 (1). pp. 19-36.

Marriage, Zoe (2013) Formal Peace and Informal War. Security and Development in Congo. Abingdon: Routledge. (Routledge Explorations in Development Studies)

Mollinga, Peter (2013) 'Boundary concepts for the interdisciplinary analysis of irrigation water management in South Asia.' In: Roth, Dik and Vincent, Linden, (eds.), Controlling the water: Matching technology and institutions in irrigation and water management in India and Nepal. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, pp. 342-365.

Muñoz-Martínez, Hepzibah and Marois, Thomas (2013) Capital Fixity and Mobility in Response to the 2008-09 Crisis: Variegated Neoliberalism in Mexico and Turkey. Research on Money and Finance.

Neveling, Patrick (2013) 'Review of: Chagos Islanders in Mauritius and the UK. Forced displacement and onward migration by Laura Jeffery, Manchester University Press, 2011.' Social Anthropology, 21 (1). pp. 106-107.

Neveling, Patrick (2013) 'A periodisation of Mauritian integration into the global sugar commodity chain (1825-2005).' In: Curry-Machado, Jonathan, (ed.), Global Histories, Imperial Commodities, Local Interactions. Basingstoke: Palgrave, pp. 121-142.

Novak, Paolo (2013) 'Political economy of refugees.' In: Ness, Immanuel, (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.

Novak, Paolo (2013) 'The Success of NGOs.' Development in Practice, 23 (7). pp. 872-888.

Oya, Carlos (2013) 'The Land Rush and Classic Agrarian Questions of Capital and Labour: a systematic scoping review of the socioeconomic impact of land grabs in Africa.' Third World Quarterly, 34 (9). pp. 1532-1557.

Oya, Carlos (2013) 'Methodological reflections on ‘land grab’databases and the ‘land grab’literature ‘rush’.' Journal of Peasant Studies, 40 (3). pp. 503-520.

Oya, Carlos (2013) 'Rural wage employment in Africa: methodological issues and emerging evidence.' Review of African Political Economy, 40 (136). pp. 251-273.

Oya, Carlos and Ba, C.O. (2013) 'Les politiques agricoles 2000-2012 : entre volontarisme et incohérence [Agricultural policies 2000-2012: between voluntarism and incoherence].' In: Diop, M.C., (ed.), Sénégal 2000-2012. Les institutions et politiques publiques à l’épreuve d’une gouvernance libérale. Paris: Karthala.

Oya, Carlos, McKinley, Terry and Bargawi, Hannah (2013) Growth Dynamics, Structural Change and Productive Employment to Reduce Poverty and Income Inequality. Analysis and Policy Recommendations. London: European Report on Development 2013. Background Paper.

Pradella, Lucia (2013) 'Imperialism and Capitalist Development in Marx’s Capital.' Historical Materialism, 21 (2). pp. 117-147.

Pringle, Tim (2013) 'Labour unrest and institutional reform in China [In German].' In: Egger, Georg, (ed.), Arbeitskämpfe in China. Berichte von der Werkbank der Welt (Workers' Struggles in China. Reports from the Workshop of the World). Vienna: Promedia.

Pringle, Tim (2013) 'Reflections on Labor in China: From a Moment to a Movement.' South Atlantic Quarterly, 112 (1). pp. 191-202.

Pringle, Tim (2013) 'Review of: 'China's Changing Workplace: Dynamism, Diversity and Disparity' edited by Peter Sheldon, Sunghoon Kim, Yiqiong Li and Malcolm Warner. London and New York: Routledge, 2013 and 'Chinese Labor in a Korean Factory: Class, Ethnicity and Productivity on the Shop Floor in Globalizing China' by Jaesok Kim. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2013.' The China Quarterly, 216 . pp. 1065-1067.

Pringle, Tim (2013) 'Review of: 'From Iron Rice Bowl to Informalization: Markets, Workers, and the State in a Changing China', edited by Sarosh Kuruvilla, Ching Kwan Lee and Mary Gallagher. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, 2011.' British Journal of Industrial Relations, 51 (1). pp. 199-201.

Pringle, Tim (2013) 'Social Justice and the Transition to the Market; trade unions in Russia, China and Vietnam.' In: Howell, Jude, (ed.), Non Government Public Action and Social Justice. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (Non-Governmental Public Action)

Pérez Niño, Helena and Le Billon, Philippe (2013) Foreign aid, resource rents and institution-building in Mozambique and Angola. Helsinki: WIDER Working Paper, No. 2013/102.

Rizzo, Matteo (2013) 'Informalisation and the end of trade unionism as we knew it? Dissenting remarks from a Tanzanian case study.' Review of African Political Economy, 40 (136). pp. 290-308.

Saad Filho, Alfredo (2013) 'Marx’s Theory of Value: An Introduction (In Portuguese).' In: Tavares, M. A., (ed.), Recurrence of Crisis and the Social Question. Joao Pessoa: Editora UFPB.

Saad Filho, Alfredo (2013) 'Mass Protests under 'Left Neoliberalism': Brazil, June-July 2013.' Critical Sociology, 39 (5). pp. 657-669.

Saad Filho, Alfredo (2013) 'Reflections on the Global Crisis.' In: Barroso, A. and Sousa, R., (eds.), The Great Crisis of Global Capitalism, 2007-2013: Genesis, Connections, Tendencies. São Paulo: Fundação Maurício Grabois.

Saad Filho, Alfredo and Morais, Lecio (2013) 'Mass Protests: Brazilian Spring or Brazilian Malaise?' Socialist Register, 50. pp. 227-246.

Saad Filho, Alfredo and Weeks, John (2013) 'Curses, Diseases and Other Resource Confusions.' Third World Quarterly, 34 (1). pp. 1-21.

Standing, Guy (2013) 'Defining the precariat: A class in the making.' Eurozine.

Standing, Guy (2013) 'Guest post: The precariat needs a basic income.' FT Alphaville.

Standing, Guy (2013) 'India's experiment in basic income grants.' Global Dialogue: Magazine of the International Sociological Association, 3 (5). pp. 24-26.

Standing, Guy (2013) 'Job security is a thing of the past - so millions need a better welfare system.' The Guardian.

Standing, Guy (2013) 'Tertiary time: The precariat's dilemma.' Public Culture, 25 (1 69). pp. 5-23.

Standing, Guy (2013) 'Why a basic income is necessary for a right to work.' Basic Income Studies, 7 (2). pp. 19-40.

Standing, Guy (2013) 'Why zero-hours contracts remind me of the horrors of 1990s Russia.' The Guardian.

Standing, Guy (2013) 'The poor are responsible too.' Financial Express.

Than, Tharaphi (2013) Understanding the Language of Pyidawtha: Burmese Approaches to Development. (Unpublished)

Veldwisch, Gert Jan A. and Mollinga, Peter (2013) 'Lost in transition? The introduction of water users associations in Uzbekistan.' Water International, 38 (6). pp. 758-773.

Vergara-Camus, Leandro (2013) 'Against the Current: Revolution in Times of Neoliberal Hegemony. The Political Strategy of the MST in Brazil and the EZLN in Mexico.' In: Carr, Barry and Webber, Jefferey, (eds.), The New Latin American Left: Cracks in the Empire. Boulder, CO: Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 95-115.

Vergara-Camus, Leandro (2013) 'Review Article: This Land is Ours Now: Social Mobilization and the Meanings of Land in Brazil, Wendy Wolford, Durham, NC.: Duke University Press, 2010.' Historical Materialism, 21 (2). pp. 169-178.

Vergara-Camus, Leandro (2013) 'Review Essay. Rural Social Movements in Latin America: In the Eye of the Storm.' Journal of Agrarian Change, 13 (4). pp. 590-606.

Yalman, Galip L., Türel, Oktar and Marois, Thomas (2013) Comparative Perspective on Financial System in the EU: Country Report on Turkey. Leeds: FESSUD. Studies in Financial Systems No. 11.

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