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Jump to: Andreoni, Antonio | Arpac Arconian, Ozlem | Ashman, Samantha | Bargawi, Hannah | Bayliss, Kate | Bedi, Arjun S. | Belke, Ansgar | Bellafiore, Riccardo | Bellofiore, Riccardo | Bensch, Gunther | Bigo, Vinca | Bogaerts, Els | Booth, Anne | Bordon, Ingo G. | Bose, Indranil | Bruce, Mieghan | Bruni, Luigino | Cavatorta, Elisa | Chakravarty, Deepita | Chakravarty, Ishita | Chang, Ha-Joon | Chanie, P. | Cornelsen, Laura | Cunninghan, K | D. Huaccho Huatuco, Jairo Rafael Mo, Luisa | Deane, Kevin | Dimakou, Ourania | Dyakova, Aneta | El-Said, Hamed | Ferguson, Elaine | Fine, Ben | Frey, Leo | Ghosh, Jayati | Giraldo, Carlos Andrés | Green, Rosemary | Gregory, Mike | Grimm, Michael | Hakimian, Hassan | Harrigan, Jane | Harris, Jody | Haseen, Farhana | Hawkes, Corinna | He, Xinhua | Holmans, Hilary | Hussein, Julia | Häsler, Barbara | Ito, Hiro | Johnston, Deborah | Ju, X. | Karwowski, Ewa | Khan, Mushtaq | Kuan, Ming Leong | Kuleshov, Andrey | Lauras, Matthieu | Leftwich, Adrian | Lin, Justin Yifu | Liu, Yimeng | Lo, Dic | Lopez-Gomez, Carlos | Marais, Debbi | McKinley, Terry | McNeill, Geraldine | Mihyo, P. B. | Morgan, E. H. | Morimoto, Risa | Negru, Ioana | Newman, Susan | Niemczak, Kinga | Nissanke, Machiko | North, Douglass | O'Sullivan, Eoin | Okongwu, Uche | Parkhurst, Justin O. | Patel, Ebrahim | Pellegrini, Lorenzo | Peter, Katharina | Peters, Jörg | Qin, Duo | Raben, Remco | Rizzo, Matteo | Robertson, Mary | Rowthorn, R. | Saraswati, Jyoti | Sen, Kunal | Shankar, Bhavani | Shimomura, Yasutami | Smith, Graham | Sparrow, Robert | Starosta, Guido | Stevano, Sara | Stiglitz, Joseph | Tasciotti, Luca | Tavasci, Daniela | Thomas, Peter D. | Toporowski, Jan | Turner, Rachel | Van Waeyenberge, Elisa | Volz, Ulrich | Waage, Jeff | Wallis, John | Walls, Helen | Webb, Steven | Weingast, Barry | Yokokawa, Nobuharu | Yu, Y. | Zamagni, Stefano | de Brito, Luis | dos Santos, Paulo L. | van Huellen, Sophie
Number of items: 209.

Andreoni, Antonio

Andreoni, Antonio (2013) The Industrial Competitiveness of Nations – Looking back, forging ahead. Vienna: UNIDO.

Andreoni, Antonio (2013) 'Microfinance.' In: Bruni, Luigino and Zamagni, Stefano, (eds.), Handbook of the Economics of Philanthropy, Reciprocity and Social Enterprise. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, pp. 227-327.

Andreoni, Antonio (2013) 'Rethinking Microfinance: Towards relational credit practices for sustainability.' Rivista di Studi sulla Sostenibilita', 1. pp. 181-190.

Andreoni, Antonio and Gregory, Mike (2013) 'Why and How Does Manufacturing Still Matter: Old Rationales, New Realities.' Revue d'Economie Industrielle, 144 (4). pp. 17-54.

Chang, Ha-Joon, Andreoni, Antonio and Kuan, Ming Leong (2013) International industrial policy experiences and the lessons for the UK. London: UK Government Office for Science.

O'Sullivan, Eoin, Andreoni, Antonio, Lopez-Gomez, Carlos and Gregory, Mike (2013) 'What is new in the new industrial policy? A manufacturing systems perspective.' Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 29 (2). pp. 432-462.

Arpac Arconian, Ozlem

Arpac Arconian, Ozlem (2013) 'Turkey's graduation from the international monetary fund.' Middle East Policy, 20 (2). pp. 122-136.

Ashman, Samantha

Fine, Ben and Ashman, Samantha (2013) 'The Meaning of Marikana.' New Agenda (51). pp. 27-30.

Fine, Ben and Ashman, Samantha (2013) 'Neo-Liberalism, Varieties of Capitalism, and the Shifting Contours of South Africa’s Financial System.' Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa (81/82). pp. 145-178.

Fine, Ben, Ashman, Samantha and Newman, Susan (2013) 'Systems of Accumulation and the Evolving South African MEC.' In: Fine, Ben, Saraswati, Jyoti and Tavasci, Daniela, (eds.), Beyond the Developmental State: Industrial Policy into the 21st Century. London: Pluto, pp. 245-267. (Political economy and development)

Bargawi, Hannah

Van Waeyenberge, Elisa, Bargawi, Hannah and McKinley, Terry (2013) 'The IMF, Crises and Low-Income Countries: Evidence of Change?' Review of Political Economy, 25 (1). pp. 69-90.

Bayliss, Kate

Bayliss, Kate, Fine, Ben and Robertson, Mary (2013) From Financialisation to Consumption: The Systems of Provision Approach Applied to Housing and Water. Leeds: FESSUD Working Paper Series No. 2.

Bedi, Arjun S.

Bedi, Arjun S., Pellegrini, Lorenzo and Tasciotti, Luca (2013) Impact evaluation of Netherlands supported programmes in the area of Energy and Development Cooperation in Rwanda. Impact Evaluation of Rwanda’s National Domestic Biogas Programme. Den Haag: Inspectie Ontwikkelingssamenwerking en Beleidsevaluatie (IOB).

Tasciotti, Luca, Sparrow, Robert and Bedi, Arjun S. (2013) Impact evaluation of Netherlands supported programmes in the area of Energy and Development Cooperation in Indonesia. Impact Evaluation of Indonesia’s Domestic Biogas Programme. Den Haag:

Belke, Ansgar

Belke, Ansgar, Bordon, Ingo G. and Volz, Ulrich (2013) 'Effects of Global Liquidity on Commodity and Food Prices.' World Development, 44 (April). pp. 31-43.

Bellafiore, Riccardo

Toporowski, Jan (2013) 'Marx’s Grundrisse and the Monetary Business Cycle.' In: Bellafiore, Riccardo, Starosta, Guido and Thomas, Peter D., (eds.), In Marx's Laboratory: Critical Interpretations of the Grundrisse. Leiden: Brill. (Historical Materialism Book Series)

Bellofiore, Riccardo

Bellofiore, Riccardo, Karwowski, Ewa and Toporowski, Jan, eds. (2013) Economic Crisis and Political Economy: Volume 2 of Essays in Honour of Tadeusz Kowalik. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (Palgrave Studies in the History of Economic Thought Series)

Bellofiore, Riccardo, Karwowski, Ewa and Toporowski, Jan, eds. (2013) The Legacy of Rosa Luxemburg, Oskar Lange and Michał Kalecki: Volume 1 of Essays in Honour of Tadeusz Kowalik. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (Palgrave Studies in History of Economic Thought Series)

Bellofiore, Riccardo, Karwowski, Ewa and Toporowski, Jan (2013) 'Introduction: Tadeusz Kowalik and the Political Economy of the 20th Century.' In: Bellofiore, Riccardo, Karwowski, Ewa and Toporowski, Jan, (eds.), The Legacy of Rosa Luxemburg, Oskar Lange and Michał Kalecki: Volume 1 of Essays in Honour of Tadeusz Kowalik. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 141-153. (Palgrave Studies in History of Economic Thought Series)

Bellofiore, Riccardo, Karwowski, Ewa and Toporowski, Jan (2013) 'Introduction: Tadeusz Kowalik and the Political Economy of the 20th Century.' In: Bellofiore, Riccardo, Karwowski, Ewa and Toporowski, Jan, (eds.), The Legacy of Rosa Luxemburg, Oskar Lange and Michał Kalecki: Volume 1 of Essays in Honour of Tadeusz Kowalik. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 141-153. (Palgrave Studies in History of Economic Thought Series)

Bellofiore, Riccardo, Karwowski, Ewa and Toporowski, Jan (2013) 'Introduction: Tadeusz Kowalik and the Political Economy of the 20th Century.' In: Bellofiore, Riccardo, Karwowski, Ewa and Toporowski, Jan, (eds.), Economic Crisis and Political Economy: Volume 2 of Essays in Honour of Tadeusz Kowalik. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-9. (Palgrave Studies in the History of Economic Thought Series)

Bellofiore, Riccardo, Karwowski, Ewa and Toporowski, Jan (2013) 'Introduction: Tadeusz Kowalik and the Political Economy of the 20th Century.' In: Bellofiore, Riccardo, Karwowski, Ewa and Toporowski, Jan, (eds.), Economic Crisis and Political Economy: Volume 2 of Essays in Honour of Tadeusz Kowalik. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-9. (Palgrave Studies in the History of Economic Thought Series)

Toporowski, Jan (2013) 'Lange and Keynes.' In: Bellofiore, Riccardo, Karwowski, Ewa and Toporowski, Jan, (eds.), The Legacy of Rosa Luxemburg, Oskar Lange and Michał Kalecki: Volume 1 of Essays in Honour of Tadeusz Kowalik. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 141-153. (Palgrave Studies in History of Economic Thought Series)

Bensch, Gunther

Bensch, Gunther, Grimm, Michael, Peter, Katharina, Peters, Jörg and Tasciotti, Luca (2013) Impact Evaluation of Improved Cooking Stoves in Burkina Faso. IOB Evaluation No. 388. Den Haag: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands.

Bigo, Vinca

Bigo, Vinca and Negru, Ioana (2013) 'Mathematical modelling in the wake of the crisis: a blessing or a curse? What does the economics profession say?' Cambridge Journal of Economics, 38 (2). pp. 329-347.

Bogaerts, Els

Booth, Anne (2013) 'The Plural Economy and its Legacy in Asia.' In: Bogaerts, Els and Raben, Remco, (eds.), Beyond Empire and Nation. Decolonizing Societies in Africa and Asia. Leiden: Brill, pp. 69-107. (Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde ; v. 244)

Booth, Anne

Booth, Anne (2013) 'The Plural Economy and its Legacy in Asia.' In: Bogaerts, Els and Raben, Remco, (eds.), Beyond Empire and Nation. Decolonizing Societies in Africa and Asia. Leiden: Brill, pp. 69-107. (Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde ; v. 244)

Bordon, Ingo G.

Belke, Ansgar, Bordon, Ingo G. and Volz, Ulrich (2013) 'Effects of Global Liquidity on Commodity and Food Prices.' World Development, 44 (April). pp. 31-43.

Bose, Indranil

Chakravarty, Deepita and Bose, Indranil (2013) 'Industrializing West Bengal? A cases of Institutional Stickyness.' In: Sen, Kunal and Leftwich, Adrian, (eds.), State-Business Relations and Economic Development in Africa and India. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 181-197. (Routledge Studies in Development Economics)

Bruce, Mieghan

Harris, Jody, Bruce, Mieghan, Cavatorta, Elisa, Cornelsen, Laura, Häsler, Barbara, Green, Rosemary, Morgan, E. H., Stevano, Sara, Walls, Helen and Cunninghan, K (2013) '3rd Annual Conference of the Leverhulme Centre for Integrative Research on Agriculture and Health (LCIRAH), Developing methods in agriculture and health research, London, 13-14 June 2013.' Food Security, 5 (6). pp. 887-894.

Bruni, Luigino

Andreoni, Antonio (2013) 'Microfinance.' In: Bruni, Luigino and Zamagni, Stefano, (eds.), Handbook of the Economics of Philanthropy, Reciprocity and Social Enterprise. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, pp. 227-327.

Cavatorta, Elisa

Harris, Jody, Bruce, Mieghan, Cavatorta, Elisa, Cornelsen, Laura, Häsler, Barbara, Green, Rosemary, Morgan, E. H., Stevano, Sara, Walls, Helen and Cunninghan, K (2013) '3rd Annual Conference of the Leverhulme Centre for Integrative Research on Agriculture and Health (LCIRAH), Developing methods in agriculture and health research, London, 13-14 June 2013.' Food Security, 5 (6). pp. 887-894.

Chakravarty, Deepita

Chakravarty, Deepita and Bose, Indranil (2013) 'Industrializing West Bengal? A cases of Institutional Stickyness.' In: Sen, Kunal and Leftwich, Adrian, (eds.), State-Business Relations and Economic Development in Africa and India. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 181-197. (Routledge Studies in Development Economics)

Chakravarty, Deepita and Chakravarty, Ishita (2013) 'For Bed and Board Only: Women and Girl Children Domestics in Post Partition Calcutta (1951-1981).' Modern Asian Studies, 47 (2). pp. 581-611.

Chakravarty, Ishita

Chakravarty, Deepita and Chakravarty, Ishita (2013) 'For Bed and Board Only: Women and Girl Children Domestics in Post Partition Calcutta (1951-1981).' Modern Asian Studies, 47 (2). pp. 581-611.

Chang, Ha-Joon

Chang, Ha-Joon, Andreoni, Antonio and Kuan, Ming Leong (2013) International industrial policy experiences and the lessons for the UK. London: UK Government Office for Science.

Chanie, P.

Rizzo, Matteo (2013) 'The Privatization and Deregulation of the Public Transport System, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 1983-2010: Outcomes and Dilemmas.' In: Chanie, P. and Mihyo, P. B., (eds.), Thirty Years of Public Sector Reforms in Africa: Selected Country Experiences. Uganda: Fountain Publishers.

Cornelsen, Laura

Harris, Jody, Bruce, Mieghan, Cavatorta, Elisa, Cornelsen, Laura, Häsler, Barbara, Green, Rosemary, Morgan, E. H., Stevano, Sara, Walls, Helen and Cunninghan, K (2013) '3rd Annual Conference of the Leverhulme Centre for Integrative Research on Agriculture and Health (LCIRAH), Developing methods in agriculture and health research, London, 13-14 June 2013.' Food Security, 5 (6). pp. 887-894.

Cunninghan, K

Harris, Jody, Bruce, Mieghan, Cavatorta, Elisa, Cornelsen, Laura, Häsler, Barbara, Green, Rosemary, Morgan, E. H., Stevano, Sara, Walls, Helen and Cunninghan, K (2013) '3rd Annual Conference of the Leverhulme Centre for Integrative Research on Agriculture and Health (LCIRAH), Developing methods in agriculture and health research, London, 13-14 June 2013.' Food Security, 5 (6). pp. 887-894.

D. Huaccho Huatuco, Jairo Rafael Mo, Luisa

Okongwu, Uche, D. Huaccho Huatuco, Jairo Rafael Mo, Luisa, Morimoto, Risa and Lauras, Matthieu (2013) 'The maturity of supply chain sustainability disclosure from a continuous improvement perspective.' International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 62 (8). pp. 827-855.

Deane, Kevin

Deane, Kevin, Johnston, Deborah and Parkhurst, Justin O. (2013) 'Migration as a Tool in Development Policy: Caution Ahead?' Journal of Development Studies, 49 (6). pp. 759-771.

Dimakou, Ourania

Dimakou, Ourania (2013) 'Monetary and fiscal institutional designs.' Journal of Comparative Economics, 41 (4). pp. 1141-1166.

Dyakova, Aneta

Dyakova, Aneta and Smith, Graham (2013) 'Bulgarian stock market relative predictability: BSE-Sofia stocks and South East European markets.' Applied Financial Economics, 23 (15). pp. 1257-1271.

Dyakova, Aneta and Smith, Graham (2013) 'The evolution of stock market predictability in Bulgaria.' Applied Financial Economics, 23 (9). pp. 805-816.

El-Said, Hamed

Harrigan, Jane and El-Said, Hamed (2013) Deradicalizing Violent Extremists: Counter-Radicalization and Deradicalization Programmes and their Impact in Muslim Majority States. Abingdon Oxford and New York: Routledge.

Ferguson, Elaine

Turner, Rachel, Hawkes, Corinna, Waage, Jeff, Ferguson, Elaine, Haseen, Farhana, Holmans, Hilary, Hussein, Julia, Johnston, Deborah, Marais, Debbi, McNeill, Geraldine and Shankar, Bhavani (2013) 'Agriculture for improved nutrition: the current research landscape.' Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 34 (4). pp. 369-377.

Fine, Ben

Fine, Ben, Saraswati, Jyoti and Tavasci, Daniela, eds. (2013) Beyond the Developmental State: Industrial Policy into the 21st Century. London: Pluto.

Bayliss, Kate, Fine, Ben and Robertson, Mary (2013) From Financialisation to Consumption: The Systems of Provision Approach Applied to Housing and Water. Leeds: FESSUD Working Paper Series No. 2.

Fine, Ben (2013) 'Beyond the Developmental State.' African Communist (186). pp. 40-54.

Fine, Ben (2013) 'Beyond the Developmental State: An Introduction.' In: Fine, Ben, Saraswati, Jyoti and Tavasci, Daniela, (eds.), Beyond the Developmental State: Industrial Policy into the 21st Century. London: Pluto, pp. 1-32.

Fine, Ben (2013) 'Beyond the Developmental State: An Introduction.' In: Fine, Ben, Saraswati, Jyoti and Tavasci, Daniela, (eds.), Beyond the Developmental State: Industrial Policy into the 21st Century. London: Pluto, pp. 1-32.

Fine, Ben (2013) 'Consumption Matters.' Ephemera, 13 (2). pp. 217-248.

Fine, Ben (2013) Economics – Unfit for Purpose: The Director’s Cut. SOAS Department of Economics Working Paper Series, 176.

Fine, Ben (2013) 'Economics: Unfit for Purpose.' Review of Social Economy, 71 (3). pp. 373-389.

Fine, Ben (2013) 'Financialisation from a Marxist Perspective.' International Journal of Political Economy, 42 (4). pp. 47-66.

Fine, Ben (2013) Towards a Material Culture of Financialisation. FESSUD Working Paper Series; No. 15.

Fine, Ben and Ashman, Samantha (2013) 'The Meaning of Marikana.' New Agenda (51). pp. 27-30.

Fine, Ben and Ashman, Samantha (2013) 'Neo-Liberalism, Varieties of Capitalism, and the Shifting Contours of South Africa’s Financial System.' Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa (81/82). pp. 145-178.

Fine, Ben, Ashman, Samantha and Newman, Susan (2013) 'Systems of Accumulation and the Evolving South African MEC.' In: Fine, Ben, Saraswati, Jyoti and Tavasci, Daniela, (eds.), Beyond the Developmental State: Industrial Policy into the 21st Century. London: Pluto, pp. 245-267. (Political economy and development)

Fine, Ben, Ashman, Samantha and Newman, Susan (2013) 'Systems of Accumulation and the Evolving South African MEC.' In: Fine, Ben, Saraswati, Jyoti and Tavasci, Daniela, (eds.), Beyond the Developmental State: Industrial Policy into the 21st Century. London: Pluto, pp. 245-267. (Political economy and development)

Fine, Ben and Van Waeyenberge, Elisa (2013) 'A Paradigm Shift that Never Was: Justin Lin’s New Structural Economics.' Competition and Change, 17 (4). pp. 355-71.

Fine, Ben and Van Waeyenberge, Elisa (2013) A Paradigm Shift that Never Will Be?: Justin Lin’s New Structural Economics. SOAS Department of Economics Working Paper Series, No. 179.

Frey, Leo

Frey, Leo and Volz, Ulrich (2013) 'Regional Financial Integration in Sub-Saharan Africa - An Empirical Examination of its Effects on Financial Market Development.' The South African Journal of Economics, 81 (1). pp. 79-117.

Ghosh, Jayati

Lo, Dic (2013) 'China and world development – beyond the crisis.' In: Yokokawa, Nobuharu, Ghosh, Jayati and Rowthorn, R., (eds.), Industralization of China and India: Their Impacts on the World Economy. Oxon; New York: Routledge, pp. 115-131.

Giraldo, Carlos Andrés

Volz, Ulrich (2013) 'Strengthening Cooperation between Regional Financing Arrangements and the International Monetary Fund.' In: Giraldo, Carlos Andrés, (ed.), Papers and Proceedings, VII Conferencia Internacional de Estudios Económicos: regionalismo financiero y estabilidad macroeconómica. Bogotá: Fondo Latinoamericano de Reservas, pp. 8-17.

Green, Rosemary

Harris, Jody, Bruce, Mieghan, Cavatorta, Elisa, Cornelsen, Laura, Häsler, Barbara, Green, Rosemary, Morgan, E. H., Stevano, Sara, Walls, Helen and Cunninghan, K (2013) '3rd Annual Conference of the Leverhulme Centre for Integrative Research on Agriculture and Health (LCIRAH), Developing methods in agriculture and health research, London, 13-14 June 2013.' Food Security, 5 (6). pp. 887-894.

Gregory, Mike

Andreoni, Antonio and Gregory, Mike (2013) 'Why and How Does Manufacturing Still Matter: Old Rationales, New Realities.' Revue d'Economie Industrielle, 144 (4). pp. 17-54.

O'Sullivan, Eoin, Andreoni, Antonio, Lopez-Gomez, Carlos and Gregory, Mike (2013) 'What is new in the new industrial policy? A manufacturing systems perspective.' Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 29 (2). pp. 432-462.

Grimm, Michael

Bensch, Gunther, Grimm, Michael, Peter, Katharina, Peters, Jörg and Tasciotti, Luca (2013) Impact Evaluation of Improved Cooking Stoves in Burkina Faso. IOB Evaluation No. 388. Den Haag: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands.

Hakimian, Hassan

Hakimian, Hassan (2013) Iran Economic Sanctions: Foreign Policy Tool or Weapon of Mass Destruction? In: International Symposium: Sanctions and the Iranian Political Economy, 22 November 2013, Philipps-University of Marburg, Germany. (Unpublished)

Hakimian, Hassan (2013) Prospects for Inclusive Growth in North Africa: A Comparative Approach. In: Seminar for The Regional Department for North Africa, March 29th 2013, Tunis.

Hakimian, Hassan (2013) Prospects for Inclusive Growth in the MENA Region. In: International Parliamentary Conference on ‘The Post-2015 Development Agenda’, 26 November 2013, House of Parliament, London. (Unpublished)

Hakimian, Hassan (2013) The Search for Inclusive Growth in North Africa: A Comparative Approach. Tunis: African Development Bank.

Hakimian, Hassan (2013) The Search for Inclusive Growth in the MENA Region. In: Next Left Economic Circle, 11th Roundtable, September 25, 2013, European Union, Brussels. (Unpublished)

Hakimian, Hassan (2013) Social Justice Policies in the Middle East and North Africa. In: Social Justice in the Middle East and North Africa, 25 September 2013, Brussells. (Unpublished)

Harrigan, Jane

Harrigan, Jane and El-Said, Hamed (2013) Deradicalizing Violent Extremists: Counter-Radicalization and Deradicalization Programmes and their Impact in Muslim Majority States. Abingdon Oxford and New York: Routledge.

Harris, Jody

Harris, Jody, Bruce, Mieghan, Cavatorta, Elisa, Cornelsen, Laura, Häsler, Barbara, Green, Rosemary, Morgan, E. H., Stevano, Sara, Walls, Helen and Cunninghan, K (2013) '3rd Annual Conference of the Leverhulme Centre for Integrative Research on Agriculture and Health (LCIRAH), Developing methods in agriculture and health research, London, 13-14 June 2013.' Food Security, 5 (6). pp. 887-894.

Haseen, Farhana

Turner, Rachel, Hawkes, Corinna, Waage, Jeff, Ferguson, Elaine, Haseen, Farhana, Holmans, Hilary, Hussein, Julia, Johnston, Deborah, Marais, Debbi, McNeill, Geraldine and Shankar, Bhavani (2013) 'Agriculture for improved nutrition: the current research landscape.' Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 34 (4). pp. 369-377.

Hawkes, Corinna

Turner, Rachel, Hawkes, Corinna, Waage, Jeff, Ferguson, Elaine, Haseen, Farhana, Holmans, Hilary, Hussein, Julia, Johnston, Deborah, Marais, Debbi, McNeill, Geraldine and Shankar, Bhavani (2013) 'Agriculture for improved nutrition: the current research landscape.' Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 34 (4). pp. 369-377.

He, Xinhua

Qin, Duo and He, Xinhua (2013) 'Globalisation Effect on Inflation in the Great Moderation Era: New Evidence from G10 Countries.' Economics, 7 (25).

Holmans, Hilary

Turner, Rachel, Hawkes, Corinna, Waage, Jeff, Ferguson, Elaine, Haseen, Farhana, Holmans, Hilary, Hussein, Julia, Johnston, Deborah, Marais, Debbi, McNeill, Geraldine and Shankar, Bhavani (2013) 'Agriculture for improved nutrition: the current research landscape.' Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 34 (4). pp. 369-377.

Hussein, Julia

Turner, Rachel, Hawkes, Corinna, Waage, Jeff, Ferguson, Elaine, Haseen, Farhana, Holmans, Hilary, Hussein, Julia, Johnston, Deborah, Marais, Debbi, McNeill, Geraldine and Shankar, Bhavani (2013) 'Agriculture for improved nutrition: the current research landscape.' Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 34 (4). pp. 369-377.

Häsler, Barbara

Harris, Jody, Bruce, Mieghan, Cavatorta, Elisa, Cornelsen, Laura, Häsler, Barbara, Green, Rosemary, Morgan, E. H., Stevano, Sara, Walls, Helen and Cunninghan, K (2013) '3rd Annual Conference of the Leverhulme Centre for Integrative Research on Agriculture and Health (LCIRAH), Developing methods in agriculture and health research, London, 13-14 June 2013.' Food Security, 5 (6). pp. 887-894.

Ito, Hiro

Ito, Hiro and Volz, Ulrich (2013) 'Addressing China's Macroeconomic Imbalances.' Econbrowser .

Ito, Hiro and Volz, Ulrich (2013) 'China and Global Imbalances from a View of Sectorial Reforms.' Review of International Economics, 21 (1). pp. 57-71.

Ito, Hiro and Volz, Ulrich (2013) 'Correcting China's Macroeconomic Imbalances.' East Asia Forum:

Ito, Hiro and Volz, Ulrich (2013) 'Rebalancing the Chinese Economy.' China Forex . pp. 20-21.

Johnston, Deborah

Deane, Kevin, Johnston, Deborah and Parkhurst, Justin O. (2013) 'Migration as a Tool in Development Policy: Caution Ahead?' Journal of Development Studies, 49 (6). pp. 759-771.

Johnston, Deborah (2013) Economics and HIV: The Sickness of Economics. London: Routledge. (Routledge International Studies in Health Economics)

Turner, Rachel, Hawkes, Corinna, Waage, Jeff, Ferguson, Elaine, Haseen, Farhana, Holmans, Hilary, Hussein, Julia, Johnston, Deborah, Marais, Debbi, McNeill, Geraldine and Shankar, Bhavani (2013) 'Agriculture for improved nutrition: the current research landscape.' Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 34 (4). pp. 369-377.

Ju, X.

Ju, X., Lo, Dic and Yu, Y. (2013) 'Financial constraints, working capital management, and the sustainability of firm innovation [In Chinese].' 經濟硏究 = Jingji Yanjiu (Economic Research Journal), 48 (1). pp. 4-16.

Karwowski, Ewa

Bellofiore, Riccardo, Karwowski, Ewa and Toporowski, Jan, eds. (2013) Economic Crisis and Political Economy: Volume 2 of Essays in Honour of Tadeusz Kowalik. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (Palgrave Studies in the History of Economic Thought Series)

Bellofiore, Riccardo, Karwowski, Ewa and Toporowski, Jan, eds. (2013) The Legacy of Rosa Luxemburg, Oskar Lange and Michał Kalecki: Volume 1 of Essays in Honour of Tadeusz Kowalik. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (Palgrave Studies in History of Economic Thought Series)

Bellofiore, Riccardo, Karwowski, Ewa and Toporowski, Jan (2013) 'Introduction: Tadeusz Kowalik and the Political Economy of the 20th Century.' In: Bellofiore, Riccardo, Karwowski, Ewa and Toporowski, Jan, (eds.), The Legacy of Rosa Luxemburg, Oskar Lange and Michał Kalecki: Volume 1 of Essays in Honour of Tadeusz Kowalik. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 141-153. (Palgrave Studies in History of Economic Thought Series)

Bellofiore, Riccardo, Karwowski, Ewa and Toporowski, Jan (2013) 'Introduction: Tadeusz Kowalik and the Political Economy of the 20th Century.' In: Bellofiore, Riccardo, Karwowski, Ewa and Toporowski, Jan, (eds.), The Legacy of Rosa Luxemburg, Oskar Lange and Michał Kalecki: Volume 1 of Essays in Honour of Tadeusz Kowalik. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 141-153. (Palgrave Studies in History of Economic Thought Series)

Bellofiore, Riccardo, Karwowski, Ewa and Toporowski, Jan (2013) 'Introduction: Tadeusz Kowalik and the Political Economy of the 20th Century.' In: Bellofiore, Riccardo, Karwowski, Ewa and Toporowski, Jan, (eds.), Economic Crisis and Political Economy: Volume 2 of Essays in Honour of Tadeusz Kowalik. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-9. (Palgrave Studies in the History of Economic Thought Series)

Bellofiore, Riccardo, Karwowski, Ewa and Toporowski, Jan (2013) 'Introduction: Tadeusz Kowalik and the Political Economy of the 20th Century.' In: Bellofiore, Riccardo, Karwowski, Ewa and Toporowski, Jan, (eds.), Economic Crisis and Political Economy: Volume 2 of Essays in Honour of Tadeusz Kowalik. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-9. (Palgrave Studies in the History of Economic Thought Series)

Toporowski, Jan (2013) 'Lange and Keynes.' In: Bellofiore, Riccardo, Karwowski, Ewa and Toporowski, Jan, (eds.), The Legacy of Rosa Luxemburg, Oskar Lange and Michał Kalecki: Volume 1 of Essays in Honour of Tadeusz Kowalik. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 141-153. (Palgrave Studies in History of Economic Thought Series)

Khan, Mushtaq

Khan, Mushtaq (2013) Aid and Governance in Vulnerable States: Bangladesh and Pakistan since 1971. Helsinki: UNU-WIDER.

Khan, Mushtaq (2013) 'Bangladesh: Economic Growth in a Vulnerable Limited Access Order.' In: North, Douglass, Wallis, John, Webb, Steven and Weingast, Barry, (eds.), In the Shadow of Violence: Politics, Economics and the Problems of Development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 24-69.

Khan, Mushtaq (2013) The Political Settlement, Growth and Technical Progress in Bangladesh. Copenhagen: Danish Institute for International Studies. DIIS Working Paper 2013:01.

Khan, Mushtaq (2013) 'Political Settlements and the Design of Technology Policy.' In: Stiglitz, Joseph, Lin, Justin Yifu and Patel, Ebrahim, (eds.), The Industrial Policy Revolution II. Africa in the 21st Century. London: Palgrave, pp. 243-280.

Khan, Mushtaq (2013) 'Technology Policies and Learning with Imperfect Governance.' In: Stiglitz, Joseph and Lin, Justin Yifu, (eds.), The Industrial Policy Revolution I. The Role of Government Beyond Ideology. London: Palgrave, pp. 79-115.

Kuan, Ming Leong

Chang, Ha-Joon, Andreoni, Antonio and Kuan, Ming Leong (2013) International industrial policy experiences and the lessons for the UK. London: UK Government Office for Science.

Kuleshov, Andrey

Nissanke, Machiko and Kuleshov, Andrey (2013) An Agenda for International Action on Commodities and Development: Issues for EU Agenda beyond the MDGs. Brussels: European Report on Development. Background Paper.

Lauras, Matthieu

Okongwu, Uche, D. Huaccho Huatuco, Jairo Rafael Mo, Luisa, Morimoto, Risa and Lauras, Matthieu (2013) 'The maturity of supply chain sustainability disclosure from a continuous improvement perspective.' International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 62 (8). pp. 827-855.

Leftwich, Adrian

Chakravarty, Deepita and Bose, Indranil (2013) 'Industrializing West Bengal? A cases of Institutional Stickyness.' In: Sen, Kunal and Leftwich, Adrian, (eds.), State-Business Relations and Economic Development in Africa and India. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 181-197. (Routledge Studies in Development Economics)

Lin, Justin Yifu

Khan, Mushtaq (2013) 'Political Settlements and the Design of Technology Policy.' In: Stiglitz, Joseph, Lin, Justin Yifu and Patel, Ebrahim, (eds.), The Industrial Policy Revolution II. Africa in the 21st Century. London: Palgrave, pp. 243-280.

Khan, Mushtaq (2013) 'Technology Policies and Learning with Imperfect Governance.' In: Stiglitz, Joseph and Lin, Justin Yifu, (eds.), The Industrial Policy Revolution I. The Role of Government Beyond Ideology. London: Palgrave, pp. 79-115.

Liu, Yimeng

Qin, Duo and Liu, Yimeng (2013) Modelling Scale Effect in Cross-section Data: The Case of Hedonic Price Regression. SOAS Department of Economics Working Paper Series, No. 184.

Lo, Dic

Ju, X., Lo, Dic and Yu, Y. (2013) 'Financial constraints, working capital management, and the sustainability of firm innovation [In Chinese].' 經濟硏究 = Jingji Yanjiu (Economic Research Journal), 48 (1). pp. 4-16.

Lo, Dic (2013) 'China and world development – beyond the crisis.' In: Yokokawa, Nobuharu, Ghosh, Jayati and Rowthorn, R., (eds.), Industralization of China and India: Their Impacts on the World Economy. Oxon; New York: Routledge, pp. 115-131.

Lopez-Gomez, Carlos

O'Sullivan, Eoin, Andreoni, Antonio, Lopez-Gomez, Carlos and Gregory, Mike (2013) 'What is new in the new industrial policy? A manufacturing systems perspective.' Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 29 (2). pp. 432-462.

Marais, Debbi

Turner, Rachel, Hawkes, Corinna, Waage, Jeff, Ferguson, Elaine, Haseen, Farhana, Holmans, Hilary, Hussein, Julia, Johnston, Deborah, Marais, Debbi, McNeill, Geraldine and Shankar, Bhavani (2013) 'Agriculture for improved nutrition: the current research landscape.' Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 34 (4). pp. 369-377.

McKinley, Terry

Van Waeyenberge, Elisa, Bargawi, Hannah and McKinley, Terry (2013) 'The IMF, Crises and Low-Income Countries: Evidence of Change?' Review of Political Economy, 25 (1). pp. 69-90.

McNeill, Geraldine

Turner, Rachel, Hawkes, Corinna, Waage, Jeff, Ferguson, Elaine, Haseen, Farhana, Holmans, Hilary, Hussein, Julia, Johnston, Deborah, Marais, Debbi, McNeill, Geraldine and Shankar, Bhavani (2013) 'Agriculture for improved nutrition: the current research landscape.' Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 34 (4). pp. 369-377.

Mihyo, P. B.

Rizzo, Matteo (2013) 'The Privatization and Deregulation of the Public Transport System, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 1983-2010: Outcomes and Dilemmas.' In: Chanie, P. and Mihyo, P. B., (eds.), Thirty Years of Public Sector Reforms in Africa: Selected Country Experiences. Uganda: Fountain Publishers.

Morgan, E. H.

Harris, Jody, Bruce, Mieghan, Cavatorta, Elisa, Cornelsen, Laura, Häsler, Barbara, Green, Rosemary, Morgan, E. H., Stevano, Sara, Walls, Helen and Cunninghan, K (2013) '3rd Annual Conference of the Leverhulme Centre for Integrative Research on Agriculture and Health (LCIRAH), Developing methods in agriculture and health research, London, 13-14 June 2013.' Food Security, 5 (6). pp. 887-894.

Morimoto, Risa

Morimoto, Risa (2013) 'Incorporating socio-environmental considerations into project assessment models using multi-criteria analysis: A case study of Sri Lankan hydropower projects.' Energy Policy, 59. pp. 643-653.

Morimoto, Risa (2013) 'A socio-economic analysis of Smart Infrastructure sensor technology.' Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 31. pp. 18-29.

Okongwu, Uche, D. Huaccho Huatuco, Jairo Rafael Mo, Luisa, Morimoto, Risa and Lauras, Matthieu (2013) 'The maturity of supply chain sustainability disclosure from a continuous improvement perspective.' International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 62 (8). pp. 827-855.

Negru, Ioana

Bigo, Vinca and Negru, Ioana (2013) 'Mathematical modelling in the wake of the crisis: a blessing or a curse? What does the economics profession say?' Cambridge Journal of Economics, 38 (2). pp. 329-347.

Negru, Ioana (2013) 'Revisiting the Concept of Schools of Thought in Economics: The Example of the Austrian School.' American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 72 (4). pp. 983-1008.

Newman, Susan

Fine, Ben, Ashman, Samantha and Newman, Susan (2013) 'Systems of Accumulation and the Evolving South African MEC.' In: Fine, Ben, Saraswati, Jyoti and Tavasci, Daniela, (eds.), Beyond the Developmental State: Industrial Policy into the 21st Century. London: Pluto, pp. 245-267. (Political economy and development)

Niemczak, Kinga

Niemczak, Kinga and Smith, Graham (2013) 'Middle Eastern stock markets: absolute, evolving and relative efficiency.' Applied Financial Economics, 23 (3). pp. 181-198.

Nissanke, Machiko

Nissanke, Machiko and Shimomura, Yasutami, eds. (2013) Aid as Handmaiden for the Development of Institutions: A New Comparative Perspective. London; New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Nissanke, Machiko (2013) Managing Sovereign Debt for Productive Investment and Development in Africa. (Unpublished)

Nissanke, Machiko (2013) Non-technical summary of the Report: Managing Sovereign Debt for Productive Investment and Development in Africa. (Unpublished)

Nissanke, Machiko and Kuleshov, Andrey (2013) An Agenda for International Action on Commodities and Development: Issues for EU Agenda beyond the MDGs. Brussels: European Report on Development. Background Paper.

North, Douglass

Khan, Mushtaq (2013) 'Bangladesh: Economic Growth in a Vulnerable Limited Access Order.' In: North, Douglass, Wallis, John, Webb, Steven and Weingast, Barry, (eds.), In the Shadow of Violence: Politics, Economics and the Problems of Development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 24-69.

O'Sullivan, Eoin

O'Sullivan, Eoin, Andreoni, Antonio, Lopez-Gomez, Carlos and Gregory, Mike (2013) 'What is new in the new industrial policy? A manufacturing systems perspective.' Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 29 (2). pp. 432-462.

Okongwu, Uche

Okongwu, Uche, D. Huaccho Huatuco, Jairo Rafael Mo, Luisa, Morimoto, Risa and Lauras, Matthieu (2013) 'The maturity of supply chain sustainability disclosure from a continuous improvement perspective.' International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 62 (8). pp. 827-855.

Parkhurst, Justin O.

Deane, Kevin, Johnston, Deborah and Parkhurst, Justin O. (2013) 'Migration as a Tool in Development Policy: Caution Ahead?' Journal of Development Studies, 49 (6). pp. 759-771.

Patel, Ebrahim

Khan, Mushtaq (2013) 'Political Settlements and the Design of Technology Policy.' In: Stiglitz, Joseph, Lin, Justin Yifu and Patel, Ebrahim, (eds.), The Industrial Policy Revolution II. Africa in the 21st Century. London: Palgrave, pp. 243-280.

Pellegrini, Lorenzo

Bedi, Arjun S., Pellegrini, Lorenzo and Tasciotti, Luca (2013) Impact evaluation of Netherlands supported programmes in the area of Energy and Development Cooperation in Rwanda. Impact Evaluation of Rwanda’s National Domestic Biogas Programme. Den Haag: Inspectie Ontwikkelingssamenwerking en Beleidsevaluatie (IOB).

Pellegrini, Lorenzo and Tasciotti, Luca (2013) 'Rural Electrification Now and Then: Comparing Contemporary Challenges in Developing Countries to the USA's Experience in Retrospect.' Forum for Development Studies, 40 (1). pp. 153-176.

Peter, Katharina

Bensch, Gunther, Grimm, Michael, Peter, Katharina, Peters, Jörg and Tasciotti, Luca (2013) Impact Evaluation of Improved Cooking Stoves in Burkina Faso. IOB Evaluation No. 388. Den Haag: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands.

Peters, Jörg

Bensch, Gunther, Grimm, Michael, Peter, Katharina, Peters, Jörg and Tasciotti, Luca (2013) Impact Evaluation of Improved Cooking Stoves in Burkina Faso. IOB Evaluation No. 388. Den Haag: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands.

Qin, Duo

Qin, Duo, ed. (2013) The Rise of Econometrics. Abingdon: Routledge. (Critical Concepts in Economics)

Qin, Duo (2013) A History of Econometrics: the reformation from the 1970S. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Qin, Duo and He, Xinhua (2013) 'Globalisation Effect on Inflation in the Great Moderation Era: New Evidence from G10 Countries.' Economics, 7 (25).

Qin, Duo and Liu, Yimeng (2013) Modelling Scale Effect in Cross-section Data: The Case of Hedonic Price Regression. SOAS Department of Economics Working Paper Series, No. 184.

Raben, Remco

Booth, Anne (2013) 'The Plural Economy and its Legacy in Asia.' In: Bogaerts, Els and Raben, Remco, (eds.), Beyond Empire and Nation. Decolonizing Societies in Africa and Asia. Leiden: Brill, pp. 69-107. (Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde ; v. 244)

Rizzo, Matteo

Rizzo, Matteo (2013) 'Informalisation and the end of trade unionism as we knew it? Dissenting remarks from a Tanzanian case study.' Review of African Political Economy, 40 (136). pp. 290-308.

Rizzo, Matteo (2013) 'The Privatization and Deregulation of the Public Transport System, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 1983-2010: Outcomes and Dilemmas.' In: Chanie, P. and Mihyo, P. B., (eds.), Thirty Years of Public Sector Reforms in Africa: Selected Country Experiences. Uganda: Fountain Publishers.

Robertson, Mary

Bayliss, Kate, Fine, Ben and Robertson, Mary (2013) From Financialisation to Consumption: The Systems of Provision Approach Applied to Housing and Water. Leeds: FESSUD Working Paper Series No. 2.

Rowthorn, R.

Lo, Dic (2013) 'China and world development – beyond the crisis.' In: Yokokawa, Nobuharu, Ghosh, Jayati and Rowthorn, R., (eds.), Industralization of China and India: Their Impacts on the World Economy. Oxon; New York: Routledge, pp. 115-131.

Saraswati, Jyoti

Fine, Ben, Saraswati, Jyoti and Tavasci, Daniela, eds. (2013) Beyond the Developmental State: Industrial Policy into the 21st Century. London: Pluto.

Fine, Ben (2013) 'Beyond the Developmental State: An Introduction.' In: Fine, Ben, Saraswati, Jyoti and Tavasci, Daniela, (eds.), Beyond the Developmental State: Industrial Policy into the 21st Century. London: Pluto, pp. 1-32.

Fine, Ben, Ashman, Samantha and Newman, Susan (2013) 'Systems of Accumulation and the Evolving South African MEC.' In: Fine, Ben, Saraswati, Jyoti and Tavasci, Daniela, (eds.), Beyond the Developmental State: Industrial Policy into the 21st Century. London: Pluto, pp. 245-267. (Political economy and development)

Sen, Kunal

Chakravarty, Deepita and Bose, Indranil (2013) 'Industrializing West Bengal? A cases of Institutional Stickyness.' In: Sen, Kunal and Leftwich, Adrian, (eds.), State-Business Relations and Economic Development in Africa and India. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 181-197. (Routledge Studies in Development Economics)

Shankar, Bhavani

Turner, Rachel, Hawkes, Corinna, Waage, Jeff, Ferguson, Elaine, Haseen, Farhana, Holmans, Hilary, Hussein, Julia, Johnston, Deborah, Marais, Debbi, McNeill, Geraldine and Shankar, Bhavani (2013) 'Agriculture for improved nutrition: the current research landscape.' Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 34 (4). pp. 369-377.

Shimomura, Yasutami

Nissanke, Machiko and Shimomura, Yasutami, eds. (2013) Aid as Handmaiden for the Development of Institutions: A New Comparative Perspective. London; New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Smith, Graham

Dyakova, Aneta and Smith, Graham (2013) 'Bulgarian stock market relative predictability: BSE-Sofia stocks and South East European markets.' Applied Financial Economics, 23 (15). pp. 1257-1271.

Dyakova, Aneta and Smith, Graham (2013) 'The evolution of stock market predictability in Bulgaria.' Applied Financial Economics, 23 (9). pp. 805-816.

Niemczak, Kinga and Smith, Graham (2013) 'Middle Eastern stock markets: absolute, evolving and relative efficiency.' Applied Financial Economics, 23 (3). pp. 181-198.

Sparrow, Robert

Tasciotti, Luca, Sparrow, Robert and Bedi, Arjun S. (2013) Impact evaluation of Netherlands supported programmes in the area of Energy and Development Cooperation in Indonesia. Impact Evaluation of Indonesia’s Domestic Biogas Programme. Den Haag:

Starosta, Guido

Toporowski, Jan (2013) 'Marx’s Grundrisse and the Monetary Business Cycle.' In: Bellafiore, Riccardo, Starosta, Guido and Thomas, Peter D., (eds.), In Marx's Laboratory: Critical Interpretations of the Grundrisse. Leiden: Brill. (Historical Materialism Book Series)

Stevano, Sara

Harris, Jody, Bruce, Mieghan, Cavatorta, Elisa, Cornelsen, Laura, Häsler, Barbara, Green, Rosemary, Morgan, E. H., Stevano, Sara, Walls, Helen and Cunninghan, K (2013) '3rd Annual Conference of the Leverhulme Centre for Integrative Research on Agriculture and Health (LCIRAH), Developing methods in agriculture and health research, London, 13-14 June 2013.' Food Security, 5 (6). pp. 887-894.

Stevano, Sara (2013) 'Mulheres no Processamento da Castanha de Caju: Reflexões sobre as Sociedades Agrárias, Trabalho e Género na Província de Cabo Delgado’.' In: de Brito, Luis, (ed.), Desafios para Moçambique 2013. Maputo: IESE (Instiuto de Estudos Sociais e Económicos).

Stiglitz, Joseph

Khan, Mushtaq (2013) 'Political Settlements and the Design of Technology Policy.' In: Stiglitz, Joseph, Lin, Justin Yifu and Patel, Ebrahim, (eds.), The Industrial Policy Revolution II. Africa in the 21st Century. London: Palgrave, pp. 243-280.

Khan, Mushtaq (2013) 'Technology Policies and Learning with Imperfect Governance.' In: Stiglitz, Joseph and Lin, Justin Yifu, (eds.), The Industrial Policy Revolution I. The Role of Government Beyond Ideology. London: Palgrave, pp. 79-115.

Tasciotti, Luca

Bedi, Arjun S., Pellegrini, Lorenzo and Tasciotti, Luca (2013) Impact evaluation of Netherlands supported programmes in the area of Energy and Development Cooperation in Rwanda. Impact Evaluation of Rwanda’s National Domestic Biogas Programme. Den Haag: Inspectie Ontwikkelingssamenwerking en Beleidsevaluatie (IOB).

Bensch, Gunther, Grimm, Michael, Peter, Katharina, Peters, Jörg and Tasciotti, Luca (2013) Impact Evaluation of Improved Cooking Stoves in Burkina Faso. IOB Evaluation No. 388. Den Haag: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands.

Pellegrini, Lorenzo and Tasciotti, Luca (2013) 'Rural Electrification Now and Then: Comparing Contemporary Challenges in Developing Countries to the USA's Experience in Retrospect.' Forum for Development Studies, 40 (1). pp. 153-176.

Tasciotti, Luca, Sparrow, Robert and Bedi, Arjun S. (2013) Impact evaluation of Netherlands supported programmes in the area of Energy and Development Cooperation in Indonesia. Impact Evaluation of Indonesia’s Domestic Biogas Programme. Den Haag:

Tavasci, Daniela

Fine, Ben, Saraswati, Jyoti and Tavasci, Daniela, eds. (2013) Beyond the Developmental State: Industrial Policy into the 21st Century. London: Pluto.

Fine, Ben (2013) 'Beyond the Developmental State: An Introduction.' In: Fine, Ben, Saraswati, Jyoti and Tavasci, Daniela, (eds.), Beyond the Developmental State: Industrial Policy into the 21st Century. London: Pluto, pp. 1-32.

Fine, Ben, Ashman, Samantha and Newman, Susan (2013) 'Systems of Accumulation and the Evolving South African MEC.' In: Fine, Ben, Saraswati, Jyoti and Tavasci, Daniela, (eds.), Beyond the Developmental State: Industrial Policy into the 21st Century. London: Pluto, pp. 245-267. (Political economy and development)

Thomas, Peter D.

Toporowski, Jan (2013) 'Marx’s Grundrisse and the Monetary Business Cycle.' In: Bellafiore, Riccardo, Starosta, Guido and Thomas, Peter D., (eds.), In Marx's Laboratory: Critical Interpretations of the Grundrisse. Leiden: Brill. (Historical Materialism Book Series)

Toporowski, Jan

Bellofiore, Riccardo, Karwowski, Ewa and Toporowski, Jan, eds. (2013) Economic Crisis and Political Economy: Volume 2 of Essays in Honour of Tadeusz Kowalik. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (Palgrave Studies in the History of Economic Thought Series)

Bellofiore, Riccardo, Karwowski, Ewa and Toporowski, Jan, eds. (2013) The Legacy of Rosa Luxemburg, Oskar Lange and Michał Kalecki: Volume 1 of Essays in Honour of Tadeusz Kowalik. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (Palgrave Studies in History of Economic Thought Series)

Bellofiore, Riccardo, Karwowski, Ewa and Toporowski, Jan (2013) 'Introduction: Tadeusz Kowalik and the Political Economy of the 20th Century.' In: Bellofiore, Riccardo, Karwowski, Ewa and Toporowski, Jan, (eds.), The Legacy of Rosa Luxemburg, Oskar Lange and Michał Kalecki: Volume 1 of Essays in Honour of Tadeusz Kowalik. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 141-153. (Palgrave Studies in History of Economic Thought Series)

Bellofiore, Riccardo, Karwowski, Ewa and Toporowski, Jan (2013) 'Introduction: Tadeusz Kowalik and the Political Economy of the 20th Century.' In: Bellofiore, Riccardo, Karwowski, Ewa and Toporowski, Jan, (eds.), The Legacy of Rosa Luxemburg, Oskar Lange and Michał Kalecki: Volume 1 of Essays in Honour of Tadeusz Kowalik. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 141-153. (Palgrave Studies in History of Economic Thought Series)

Bellofiore, Riccardo, Karwowski, Ewa and Toporowski, Jan (2013) 'Introduction: Tadeusz Kowalik and the Political Economy of the 20th Century.' In: Bellofiore, Riccardo, Karwowski, Ewa and Toporowski, Jan, (eds.), Economic Crisis and Political Economy: Volume 2 of Essays in Honour of Tadeusz Kowalik. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-9. (Palgrave Studies in the History of Economic Thought Series)

Bellofiore, Riccardo, Karwowski, Ewa and Toporowski, Jan (2013) 'Introduction: Tadeusz Kowalik and the Political Economy of the 20th Century.' In: Bellofiore, Riccardo, Karwowski, Ewa and Toporowski, Jan, (eds.), Economic Crisis and Political Economy: Volume 2 of Essays in Honour of Tadeusz Kowalik. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-9. (Palgrave Studies in the History of Economic Thought Series)

Toporowski, Jan (2013) 'International credit, financial integration and the Euro.' Cambridge Journal of Economics, 37 (3). pp. 571-584.

Toporowski, Jan (2013) 'Lange and Keynes.' In: Bellofiore, Riccardo, Karwowski, Ewa and Toporowski, Jan, (eds.), The Legacy of Rosa Luxemburg, Oskar Lange and Michał Kalecki: Volume 1 of Essays in Honour of Tadeusz Kowalik. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 141-153. (Palgrave Studies in History of Economic Thought Series)

Toporowski, Jan (2013) 'Lange and Keynes.' In: Bellofiore, Riccardo, Karwowski, Ewa and Toporowski, Jan, (eds.), The Legacy of Rosa Luxemburg, Oskar Lange and Michał Kalecki: Volume 1 of Essays in Honour of Tadeusz Kowalik. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 141-153. (Palgrave Studies in History of Economic Thought Series)

Toporowski, Jan (2013) 'Marx’s Grundrisse and the Monetary Business Cycle.' In: Bellafiore, Riccardo, Starosta, Guido and Thomas, Peter D., (eds.), In Marx's Laboratory: Critical Interpretations of the Grundrisse. Leiden: Brill. (Historical Materialism Book Series)

Toporowski, Jan (2013) Michal Kalecki: An Intellectual Biography: Volume I Rendezvous in Cambridge 1899-1939. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (Palgrave Studies in History of Economic Thought Series)

Turner, Rachel

Turner, Rachel, Hawkes, Corinna, Waage, Jeff, Ferguson, Elaine, Haseen, Farhana, Holmans, Hilary, Hussein, Julia, Johnston, Deborah, Marais, Debbi, McNeill, Geraldine and Shankar, Bhavani (2013) 'Agriculture for improved nutrition: the current research landscape.' Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 34 (4). pp. 369-377.

Van Waeyenberge, Elisa

Fine, Ben and Van Waeyenberge, Elisa (2013) 'A Paradigm Shift that Never Was: Justin Lin’s New Structural Economics.' Competition and Change, 17 (4). pp. 355-71.

Fine, Ben and Van Waeyenberge, Elisa (2013) A Paradigm Shift that Never Will Be?: Justin Lin’s New Structural Economics. SOAS Department of Economics Working Paper Series, No. 179.

Van Waeyenberge, Elisa, Bargawi, Hannah and McKinley, Terry (2013) 'The IMF, Crises and Low-Income Countries: Evidence of Change?' Review of Political Economy, 25 (1). pp. 69-90.

Volz, Ulrich

Belke, Ansgar, Bordon, Ingo G. and Volz, Ulrich (2013) 'Effects of Global Liquidity on Commodity and Food Prices.' World Development, 44 (April). pp. 31-43.

Frey, Leo and Volz, Ulrich (2013) 'Regional Financial Integration in Sub-Saharan Africa - An Empirical Examination of its Effects on Financial Market Development.' The South African Journal of Economics, 81 (1). pp. 79-117.

Ito, Hiro and Volz, Ulrich (2013) 'Addressing China's Macroeconomic Imbalances.' Econbrowser .

Ito, Hiro and Volz, Ulrich (2013) 'China and Global Imbalances from a View of Sectorial Reforms.' Review of International Economics, 21 (1). pp. 57-71.

Ito, Hiro and Volz, Ulrich (2013) 'Correcting China's Macroeconomic Imbalances.' East Asia Forum:

Ito, Hiro and Volz, Ulrich (2013) 'Rebalancing the Chinese Economy.' China Forex . pp. 20-21.

Volz, Ulrich (2013) 'ASEAN Financial Integration in the Light of Recent European Experiences.' Journal of Southeast Asian Economies, 30 (2). pp. 124-141.

Volz, Ulrich (2013) 'East Asian Capitalism: Diversity, Continuity, and Change. Edited by Andrew Walter and Xiaoke Zhang . Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.' The China Quarterly, 213 (1). pp. 215-217.

Volz, Ulrich (2013) 'Less Capital Flowing May Make for Greater Stability.' Financial Times .

Volz, Ulrich (2013) 'Lessons of the European Crisis for Regional Monetary and Financial Integration in East Asia.' Asia Europe Journal, 11 (4). pp. 355-376.

Volz, Ulrich (2013) 'Strengthening Cooperation between Regional Financing Arrangements and the International Monetary Fund.' In: Giraldo, Carlos Andrés, (ed.), Papers and Proceedings, VII Conferencia Internacional de Estudios Económicos: regionalismo financiero y estabilidad macroeconómica. Bogotá: Fondo Latinoamericano de Reservas, pp. 8-17.

Waage, Jeff

Turner, Rachel, Hawkes, Corinna, Waage, Jeff, Ferguson, Elaine, Haseen, Farhana, Holmans, Hilary, Hussein, Julia, Johnston, Deborah, Marais, Debbi, McNeill, Geraldine and Shankar, Bhavani (2013) 'Agriculture for improved nutrition: the current research landscape.' Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 34 (4). pp. 369-377.

Wallis, John

Khan, Mushtaq (2013) 'Bangladesh: Economic Growth in a Vulnerable Limited Access Order.' In: North, Douglass, Wallis, John, Webb, Steven and Weingast, Barry, (eds.), In the Shadow of Violence: Politics, Economics and the Problems of Development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 24-69.

Walls, Helen

Harris, Jody, Bruce, Mieghan, Cavatorta, Elisa, Cornelsen, Laura, Häsler, Barbara, Green, Rosemary, Morgan, E. H., Stevano, Sara, Walls, Helen and Cunninghan, K (2013) '3rd Annual Conference of the Leverhulme Centre for Integrative Research on Agriculture and Health (LCIRAH), Developing methods in agriculture and health research, London, 13-14 June 2013.' Food Security, 5 (6). pp. 887-894.

Webb, Steven

Khan, Mushtaq (2013) 'Bangladesh: Economic Growth in a Vulnerable Limited Access Order.' In: North, Douglass, Wallis, John, Webb, Steven and Weingast, Barry, (eds.), In the Shadow of Violence: Politics, Economics and the Problems of Development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 24-69.

Weingast, Barry

Khan, Mushtaq (2013) 'Bangladesh: Economic Growth in a Vulnerable Limited Access Order.' In: North, Douglass, Wallis, John, Webb, Steven and Weingast, Barry, (eds.), In the Shadow of Violence: Politics, Economics and the Problems of Development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 24-69.

Yokokawa, Nobuharu

Lo, Dic (2013) 'China and world development – beyond the crisis.' In: Yokokawa, Nobuharu, Ghosh, Jayati and Rowthorn, R., (eds.), Industralization of China and India: Their Impacts on the World Economy. Oxon; New York: Routledge, pp. 115-131.

Yu, Y.

Ju, X., Lo, Dic and Yu, Y. (2013) 'Financial constraints, working capital management, and the sustainability of firm innovation [In Chinese].' 經濟硏究 = Jingji Yanjiu (Economic Research Journal), 48 (1). pp. 4-16.

Zamagni, Stefano

Andreoni, Antonio (2013) 'Microfinance.' In: Bruni, Luigino and Zamagni, Stefano, (eds.), Handbook of the Economics of Philanthropy, Reciprocity and Social Enterprise. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, pp. 227-327.

de Brito, Luis

Stevano, Sara (2013) 'Mulheres no Processamento da Castanha de Caju: Reflexões sobre as Sociedades Agrárias, Trabalho e Género na Província de Cabo Delgado’.' In: de Brito, Luis, (ed.), Desafios para Moçambique 2013. Maputo: IESE (Instiuto de Estudos Sociais e Económicos).

dos Santos, Paulo L.

dos Santos, Paulo L. (2013) 'Demand, Production, and the Determinants of Distribution: A Caveat on "Wage-Led Growth".' Political Economy Research Institute Working Paper (323).

dos Santos, Paulo L. (2013) 'A Note on Credit Allocation, Income Distribution, and the Circuit of Capital.' Metroeconomica, 65 (2). pp. 212-236.

dos Santos, Paulo L. (2013) 'A cause for policy concern: the expansion of household credit in middle-income economies.' International Review of Applied Economics, 27 (3). pp. 316-338.

van Huellen, Sophie

van Huellen, Sophie (2013) Price Non-Convergence in Commodities: A Case Study of the Wheat Conundrum. London: SOAS Department of Economics. Working Paper no. 185.

This list was generated on Tue Mar 4 03:26:09 2025 GMT.