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Number of items: 96.

Abosag, Ibrahim

Abosag, Ibrahim, Baker, Tom, Hall, Kris, Voulgari, Aliki and Zheng, Xiaoyuan (2017) 'Antecedents and Consequences of Liking in Retail Service Relationships in China and Greece.' International Business Review, 26 (3). pp. 566-578.

Ramadan, Zahy and Abosag, Ibrahim (2017) 'The Mystique of Customers’ Saturation Behaviour in Online Brand Communities.' In: Sabah, S., (ed.), Consumer Behavior. Rijeka, Croatia: InTech, pp. 9-27.

Yen, Dorothy Ai-wan, Abosag, Ibrahim, Huang, Yu-An and Nguyen, Bang (2017) 'Guanxi GRX (Ganqing, Renqing, Xinren) and Conflict Management in Sino-US Business Relationships.' Industrial Marketing Management, 66. pp. 103-114.

Adcock, Chris

Adcock, Chris and Meade, Nigel (2017) 'Using parametric classification trees for model selection with applications to financial risk management.' European Journal of Operational Research, 259 (2). pp. 746-765.

Bachmann, Reinhard

Bachmann, Reinhard and Kroeger, Frens (2017) 'Trust, power or money: What governs business relationships?' International Sociology, 32 (1). pp. 3-20.

Bauman, Antonia and Bachmann, Reinhard (2017) 'Online Consumer Trust: Trends in Research.' Journal of Technology Management and Innovation, 12 (2). pp. 68-79.

Baker, Tom

Abosag, Ibrahim, Baker, Tom, Hall, Kris, Voulgari, Aliki and Zheng, Xiaoyuan (2017) 'Antecedents and Consequences of Liking in Retail Service Relationships in China and Greece.' International Business Review, 26 (3). pp. 566-578.

Bauman, Antonia

Bauman, Antonia and Bachmann, Reinhard (2017) 'Online Consumer Trust: Trends in Research.' Journal of Technology Management and Innovation, 12 (2). pp. 68-79.

Becchetti, Leonardo

Becchetti, Leonardo, Corrado, Luisa and Fiaschetti, Maurizio (2017) 'The regional heterogeneity of wellbeing “expenditure” preferences: evidence from a simulated allocation choice on the BES indicators.' Journal of Economic Geography, 17 (4). pp. 857-891.

Becchetti, Leonardo, Salustri, Francesco and Scaramozzino, Pasquale (2017) Making Information on CSR Scores Salient: A Randomized Field Experiment. London: Centre for Financial and Management Studies.

Becchetti, Leonardo, Salustri, Francesco and Scaramozzino, Pasquale (2017) Making Information on CSR Scores Salient: A Randomized Field Experiment. Bologna, Italy: AICCON.

Becchetti, Leonardo, Salustri, Francesco and Scaramozzino, Pasquale (2017) Nudging and Environmental Corporate Responsibility: A Natural Experiment. London: Centre for Financial and Management Studies.

Benedettelli, Massimo

Mucciarelli, Federico (2017) 'Capitolo Dicianovesimo: Il Regolamento Sulle Insolvenze Transfrontaliere.' In: Benedettelli, Massimo and Lamandini, Marco, (eds.), Diritto societario europeo e internazionale. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer, pp. 711-740.

Canofari, Paolo

Canofari, Paolo, Marini, Giancarlo and Scaramozzino, Pasquale (2017) 'The Importance of Being Remembered: Prices for Cemetery Plots in the US.' Economic Modelling, 64. pp. 638-645.

Chen, Baode

Yang, Xuan, Tian, Zhan, Sun, Laixiang, Chen, Baode, Tubiello, Francesco N. and Xu, Yinlong (2017) 'The impacts of increased heat stress events on wheat yield under climate change in China.' Climatic Change, 140 (3). pp. 605-620.

Child, John

Child, John, Hsieh, Linda, Elbanna, Said, Karmowska, Joanna, Marinova, Svetla, Puthusserry, Pushyarag, Tsai, Terence, Narooz, Rose and Zhang, Yunlu (2017) 'SME International Business Models: The Role of Context and Experience.' Journal of World Business, 52 (5). pp. 664-679.

Cooper, Brian

Newman, Alexander, Schwarz, Gary, Cooper, Brian and Sendjaya, Sen (2017) 'How Servant Leadership Influences Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Roles of LMX, Empowerment and Proactive Personality.' Journal of Business Ethics, 145 (1). pp. 49-62.

Corrado, Luisa

Becchetti, Leonardo, Corrado, Luisa and Fiaschetti, Maurizio (2017) 'The regional heterogeneity of wellbeing “expenditure” preferences: evidence from a simulated allocation choice on the BES indicators.' Journal of Economic Geography, 17 (4). pp. 857-891.

Driver, Ciaran

Driver, Ciaran and Guedes, Maria João Coelho (2017) 'R and D and CEO departure date: do financial incentives make CEO’s more opportunistic?' Industrial and Corporate Change, 26 (5). pp. 801-820.

El-Katiri, Laura

Fattouh, Bassam and El-Katiri, Laura (2017) 'A Brief Political Economy of Energy Subsidies in the Middle East and North Africa.' In: Luciani, Giacomo, (ed.), Combining Economic and Political Development: The Experience of MENA. Brill: Leiden, pp. 58-87. (International Development Policy, Volume: 7)

Elbanna, Said

Child, John, Hsieh, Linda, Elbanna, Said, Karmowska, Joanna, Marinova, Svetla, Puthusserry, Pushyarag, Tsai, Terence, Narooz, Rose and Zhang, Yunlu (2017) 'SME International Business Models: The Role of Context and Experience.' Journal of World Business, 52 (5). pp. 664-679.

Fattouh, Bassam

Fattouh, Bassam and El-Katiri, Laura (2017) 'A Brief Political Economy of Energy Subsidies in the Middle East and North Africa.' In: Luciani, Giacomo, (ed.), Combining Economic and Political Development: The Experience of MENA. Brill: Leiden, pp. 58-87. (International Development Policy, Volume: 7)

Faulkner, Philip

Faulkner, Philip, Feduzi, Alberto and Runde, Jochen (2017) 'Unknowns, Black Swans and the risk / uncertainty distinction.' Cambridge Journal of Economics, 41 (5). pp. 1279-1302.

Feduzi, Alberto

Faulkner, Philip, Feduzi, Alberto and Runde, Jochen (2017) 'Unknowns, Black Swans and the risk / uncertainty distinction.' Cambridge Journal of Economics, 41 (5). pp. 1279-1302.

Feduzi, Alberto, Runde, Jochen and Zappia, Carlo (2017) 'De Finetti and Savage on the normative relevance of imprecise reasoning: A reply to Arthmar and Brady.' History of Economic Ideas, 25 (1). pp. 211-223.

Feng, Kuishuang

Prell, Christina, Sun, Laixiang, Feng, Kuishuang, He, Jiaying and Hubacek, Klaus (2017) 'Uncovering the spatially distant feedback loops of global trade: A network and input-output approach.' Science of the Total Environment, 586. pp. 401-408.

Ferrarini, Benno

Ferrarini, Benno, Hinojales, Marthe and Scaramozzino, Pasquale (2017) 'Chinese Corporate Leverage Determinants.' Journal of Asian Finance Economics and Business, 4 (1). pp. 5-18.

Ferrarini, Benno, Hinojales, Marthe and Scaramozzino, Pasquale (2017) Leverage and Capital Structure Determinants of Chinese Listed Companies. Manila: Asian Development Bank Economics Working Paper Series no.509.

Fiaschetti, Maurizio

Becchetti, Leonardo, Corrado, Luisa and Fiaschetti, Maurizio (2017) 'The regional heterogeneity of wellbeing “expenditure” preferences: evidence from a simulated allocation choice on the BES indicators.' Journal of Economic Geography, 17 (4). pp. 857-891.

Germani, Anna Rita

Germani, Anna Rita, Scaramozzino, Pasquale, Morone, Andrea and Morone, Piergiuseppe (2017) 'Discretionary enforcement and strategic interactions between enforcement agencies and firms: a theoretical and laboratory investigation.' Journal of Regulatory Economics, 52 (3). pp. 255-284.

Guedes, Maria João Coelho

Driver, Ciaran and Guedes, Maria João Coelho (2017) 'R and D and CEO departure date: do financial incentives make CEO’s more opportunistic?' Industrial and Corporate Change, 26 (5). pp. 801-820.

Hall, Kris

Abosag, Ibrahim, Baker, Tom, Hall, Kris, Voulgari, Aliki and Zheng, Xiaoyuan (2017) 'Antecedents and Consequences of Liking in Retail Service Relationships in China and Greece.' International Business Review, 26 (3). pp. 566-578.

Harvey, Charles

Kling, Gerhard, Harvey, Charles and Maclean, Mairi (2017) 'Establishing causal order in longitudinal studies combining binary and continuous dependent variables.' Organizational Research Methods, 20 (4). pp. 770-799.

Maclean, Mairi, Harvey, Charles and Kling, Gerhard (2017) 'Elite business networks and the field of power: A matter of class?' Theory Culture and Society, 34 (5-6). pp. 127-151.

He, Jiaying

Prell, Christina, Sun, Laixiang, Feng, Kuishuang, He, Jiaying and Hubacek, Klaus (2017) 'Uncovering the spatially distant feedback loops of global trade: A network and input-output approach.' Science of the Total Environment, 586. pp. 401-408.

Hinojales, Marthe

Ferrarini, Benno, Hinojales, Marthe and Scaramozzino, Pasquale (2017) 'Chinese Corporate Leverage Determinants.' Journal of Asian Finance Economics and Business, 4 (1). pp. 5-18.

Ferrarini, Benno, Hinojales, Marthe and Scaramozzino, Pasquale (2017) Leverage and Capital Structure Determinants of Chinese Listed Companies. Manila: Asian Development Bank Economics Working Paper Series no.509.

Hong, Eunsuk

Hong, Eunsuk (2017) 'Is China a single united market for foreign investors? Federalism, Chinese style and inward FDI in China.' International Journal of Multinational Corporation Strategy, 2 (1). pp. 76-94.

Sun, Laixiang, Lee, In Hyeock and Hong, Eunsuk (2017) 'Does Foreign Direct Investment Stimulate New Firm Creation? In Search of Spillovers through Industrial and Geographical Linkages.' Small Business Economics, 48 (3). pp. 613-631.

Hsieh, Linda

Child, John, Hsieh, Linda, Elbanna, Said, Karmowska, Joanna, Marinova, Svetla, Puthusserry, Pushyarag, Tsai, Terence, Narooz, Rose and Zhang, Yunlu (2017) 'SME International Business Models: The Role of Context and Experience.' Journal of World Business, 52 (5). pp. 664-679.

Huang, Yu-An

Yen, Dorothy Ai-wan, Abosag, Ibrahim, Huang, Yu-An and Nguyen, Bang (2017) 'Guanxi GRX (Ganqing, Renqing, Xinren) and Conflict Management in Sino-US Business Relationships.' Industrial Marketing Management, 66. pp. 103-114.

Hubacek, Klaus

Prell, Christina, Sun, Laixiang, Feng, Kuishuang, He, Jiaying and Hubacek, Klaus (2017) 'Uncovering the spatially distant feedback loops of global trade: A network and input-output approach.' Science of the Total Environment, 586. pp. 401-408.

Karmowska, Joanna

Child, John, Hsieh, Linda, Elbanna, Said, Karmowska, Joanna, Marinova, Svetla, Puthusserry, Pushyarag, Tsai, Terence, Narooz, Rose and Zhang, Yunlu (2017) 'SME International Business Models: The Role of Context and Experience.' Journal of World Business, 52 (5). pp. 664-679.

Kling, Gerhard

Kling, Gerhard, Harvey, Charles and Maclean, Mairi (2017) 'Establishing causal order in longitudinal studies combining binary and continuous dependent variables.' Organizational Research Methods, 20 (4). pp. 770-799.

Maclean, Mairi, Harvey, Charles and Kling, Gerhard (2017) 'Elite business networks and the field of power: A matter of class?' Theory Culture and Society, 34 (5-6). pp. 127-151.

Kroeger, Frens

Bachmann, Reinhard and Kroeger, Frens (2017) 'Trust, power or money: What governs business relationships?' International Sociology, 32 (1). pp. 3-20.

Lamandini, Marco

Mucciarelli, Federico (2017) 'Capitolo Dicianovesimo: Il Regolamento Sulle Insolvenze Transfrontaliere.' In: Benedettelli, Massimo and Lamandini, Marco, (eds.), Diritto societario europeo e internazionale. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer, pp. 711-740.

Lee, In Hyeock

Sun, Laixiang, Lee, In Hyeock and Hong, Eunsuk (2017) 'Does Foreign Direct Investment Stimulate New Firm Creation? In Search of Spillovers through Industrial and Geographical Linkages.' Small Business Economics, 48 (3). pp. 613-631.

Li, Xiaoying

Li, Xiaoying and Sun, Laixiang (2017) 'How do sub-national institutional constraints impact foreign firm performance?' International Business Review, 26 (3). pp. 555-565.

Luciani, Giacomo

Fattouh, Bassam and El-Katiri, Laura (2017) 'A Brief Political Economy of Energy Subsidies in the Middle East and North Africa.' In: Luciani, Giacomo, (ed.), Combining Economic and Political Development: The Experience of MENA. Brill: Leiden, pp. 58-87. (International Development Policy, Volume: 7)

Maclean, Mairi

Kling, Gerhard, Harvey, Charles and Maclean, Mairi (2017) 'Establishing causal order in longitudinal studies combining binary and continuous dependent variables.' Organizational Research Methods, 20 (4). pp. 770-799.

Maclean, Mairi, Harvey, Charles and Kling, Gerhard (2017) 'Elite business networks and the field of power: A matter of class?' Theory Culture and Society, 34 (5-6). pp. 127-151.

Marini, Giancarlo

Canofari, Paolo, Marini, Giancarlo and Scaramozzino, Pasquale (2017) 'The Importance of Being Remembered: Prices for Cemetery Plots in the US.' Economic Modelling, 64. pp. 638-645.

Marinova, Svetla

Child, John, Hsieh, Linda, Elbanna, Said, Karmowska, Joanna, Marinova, Svetla, Puthusserry, Pushyarag, Tsai, Terence, Narooz, Rose and Zhang, Yunlu (2017) 'SME International Business Models: The Role of Context and Experience.' Journal of World Business, 52 (5). pp. 664-679.

Meade, Nigel

Adcock, Chris and Meade, Nigel (2017) 'Using parametric classification trees for model selection with applications to financial risk management.' European Journal of Operational Research, 259 (2). pp. 746-765.

Morone, Andrea

Germani, Anna Rita, Scaramozzino, Pasquale, Morone, Andrea and Morone, Piergiuseppe (2017) 'Discretionary enforcement and strategic interactions between enforcement agencies and firms: a theoretical and laboratory investigation.' Journal of Regulatory Economics, 52 (3). pp. 255-284.

Morone, Piergiuseppe

Germani, Anna Rita, Scaramozzino, Pasquale, Morone, Andrea and Morone, Piergiuseppe (2017) 'Discretionary enforcement and strategic interactions between enforcement agencies and firms: a theoretical and laboratory investigation.' Journal of Regulatory Economics, 52 (3). pp. 255-284.

Mucciarelli, Federico

Mucciarelli, Federico (2017) 'Capitolo Dicianovesimo: Il Regolamento Sulle Insolvenze Transfrontaliere.' In: Benedettelli, Massimo and Lamandini, Marco, (eds.), Diritto societario europeo e internazionale. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer, pp. 711-740.

Mucciarelli, Federico (2017) 'Employee insolvency priorities and employment protection in France, Germany and the United Kingdom.' Journal of Law and Society, 44 (2). pp. 255-282.

Narooz, Rose

Child, John, Hsieh, Linda, Elbanna, Said, Karmowska, Joanna, Marinova, Svetla, Puthusserry, Pushyarag, Tsai, Terence, Narooz, Rose and Zhang, Yunlu (2017) 'SME International Business Models: The Role of Context and Experience.' Journal of World Business, 52 (5). pp. 664-679.

Newman, Alexander

Newman, Alexander, Schwarz, Gary, Cooper, Brian and Sendjaya, Sen (2017) 'How Servant Leadership Influences Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Roles of LMX, Empowerment and Proactive Personality.' Journal of Business Ethics, 145 (1). pp. 49-62.

Nguyen, Bang

Yen, Dorothy Ai-wan, Abosag, Ibrahim, Huang, Yu-An and Nguyen, Bang (2017) 'Guanxi GRX (Ganqing, Renqing, Xinren) and Conflict Management in Sino-US Business Relationships.' Industrial Marketing Management, 66. pp. 103-114.

Pradella, Lucia

Pradella, Lucia and Taghdisi Rad, Sahar (2017) 'Libya and Europe: imperialism, crisis and migration.' Third World Quarterly, 38 (11). pp. 2411-2427.

Prell, Christina

Prell, Christina, Sun, Laixiang, Feng, Kuishuang, He, Jiaying and Hubacek, Klaus (2017) 'Uncovering the spatially distant feedback loops of global trade: A network and input-output approach.' Science of the Total Environment, 586. pp. 401-408.

Puthusserry, Pushyarag

Child, John, Hsieh, Linda, Elbanna, Said, Karmowska, Joanna, Marinova, Svetla, Puthusserry, Pushyarag, Tsai, Terence, Narooz, Rose and Zhang, Yunlu (2017) 'SME International Business Models: The Role of Context and Experience.' Journal of World Business, 52 (5). pp. 664-679.

Ramadan, Zahy

Ramadan, Zahy and Abosag, Ibrahim (2017) 'The Mystique of Customers’ Saturation Behaviour in Online Brand Communities.' In: Sabah, S., (ed.), Consumer Behavior. Rijeka, Croatia: InTech, pp. 9-27.

Runde, Jochen

Faulkner, Philip, Feduzi, Alberto and Runde, Jochen (2017) 'Unknowns, Black Swans and the risk / uncertainty distinction.' Cambridge Journal of Economics, 41 (5). pp. 1279-1302.

Feduzi, Alberto, Runde, Jochen and Zappia, Carlo (2017) 'De Finetti and Savage on the normative relevance of imprecise reasoning: A reply to Arthmar and Brady.' History of Economic Ideas, 25 (1). pp. 211-223.

Sabah, S.

Ramadan, Zahy and Abosag, Ibrahim (2017) 'The Mystique of Customers’ Saturation Behaviour in Online Brand Communities.' In: Sabah, S., (ed.), Consumer Behavior. Rijeka, Croatia: InTech, pp. 9-27.

Salustri, Francesco

Becchetti, Leonardo, Salustri, Francesco and Scaramozzino, Pasquale (2017) Making Information on CSR Scores Salient: A Randomized Field Experiment. London: Centre for Financial and Management Studies.

Becchetti, Leonardo, Salustri, Francesco and Scaramozzino, Pasquale (2017) Making Information on CSR Scores Salient: A Randomized Field Experiment. Bologna, Italy: AICCON.

Becchetti, Leonardo, Salustri, Francesco and Scaramozzino, Pasquale (2017) Nudging and Environmental Corporate Responsibility: A Natural Experiment. London: Centre for Financial and Management Studies.

Scaramozzino, Pasquale

Becchetti, Leonardo, Salustri, Francesco and Scaramozzino, Pasquale (2017) Making Information on CSR Scores Salient: A Randomized Field Experiment. London: Centre for Financial and Management Studies.

Becchetti, Leonardo, Salustri, Francesco and Scaramozzino, Pasquale (2017) Making Information on CSR Scores Salient: A Randomized Field Experiment. Bologna, Italy: AICCON.

Becchetti, Leonardo, Salustri, Francesco and Scaramozzino, Pasquale (2017) Nudging and Environmental Corporate Responsibility: A Natural Experiment. London: Centre for Financial and Management Studies.

Canofari, Paolo, Marini, Giancarlo and Scaramozzino, Pasquale (2017) 'The Importance of Being Remembered: Prices for Cemetery Plots in the US.' Economic Modelling, 64. pp. 638-645.

Ferrarini, Benno, Hinojales, Marthe and Scaramozzino, Pasquale (2017) 'Chinese Corporate Leverage Determinants.' Journal of Asian Finance Economics and Business, 4 (1). pp. 5-18.

Ferrarini, Benno, Hinojales, Marthe and Scaramozzino, Pasquale (2017) Leverage and Capital Structure Determinants of Chinese Listed Companies. Manila: Asian Development Bank Economics Working Paper Series no.509.

Germani, Anna Rita, Scaramozzino, Pasquale, Morone, Andrea and Morone, Piergiuseppe (2017) 'Discretionary enforcement and strategic interactions between enforcement agencies and firms: a theoretical and laboratory investigation.' Journal of Regulatory Economics, 52 (3). pp. 255-284.

Schwarz, Gary

Newman, Alexander, Schwarz, Gary, Cooper, Brian and Sendjaya, Sen (2017) 'How Servant Leadership Influences Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Roles of LMX, Empowerment and Proactive Personality.' Journal of Business Ethics, 145 (1). pp. 49-62.

Sendjaya, Sen

Newman, Alexander, Schwarz, Gary, Cooper, Brian and Sendjaya, Sen (2017) 'How Servant Leadership Influences Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Roles of LMX, Empowerment and Proactive Personality.' Journal of Business Ethics, 145 (1). pp. 49-62.

Sun, Laixiang

Li, Xiaoying and Sun, Laixiang (2017) 'How do sub-national institutional constraints impact foreign firm performance?' International Business Review, 26 (3). pp. 555-565.

Prell, Christina, Sun, Laixiang, Feng, Kuishuang, He, Jiaying and Hubacek, Klaus (2017) 'Uncovering the spatially distant feedback loops of global trade: A network and input-output approach.' Science of the Total Environment, 586. pp. 401-408.

Sun, Laixiang, Lee, In Hyeock and Hong, Eunsuk (2017) 'Does Foreign Direct Investment Stimulate New Firm Creation? In Search of Spillovers through Industrial and Geographical Linkages.' Small Business Economics, 48 (3). pp. 613-631.

Yang, Xuan, Tian, Zhan, Sun, Laixiang, Chen, Baode, Tubiello, Francesco N. and Xu, Yinlong (2017) 'The impacts of increased heat stress events on wheat yield under climate change in China.' Climatic Change, 140 (3). pp. 605-620.

Taghdisi Rad, Sahar

Pradella, Lucia and Taghdisi Rad, Sahar (2017) 'Libya and Europe: imperialism, crisis and migration.' Third World Quarterly, 38 (11). pp. 2411-2427.

Tian, Zhan

Yang, Xuan, Tian, Zhan, Sun, Laixiang, Chen, Baode, Tubiello, Francesco N. and Xu, Yinlong (2017) 'The impacts of increased heat stress events on wheat yield under climate change in China.' Climatic Change, 140 (3). pp. 605-620.

Tsai, Terence

Child, John, Hsieh, Linda, Elbanna, Said, Karmowska, Joanna, Marinova, Svetla, Puthusserry, Pushyarag, Tsai, Terence, Narooz, Rose and Zhang, Yunlu (2017) 'SME International Business Models: The Role of Context and Experience.' Journal of World Business, 52 (5). pp. 664-679.

Tubiello, Francesco N.

Yang, Xuan, Tian, Zhan, Sun, Laixiang, Chen, Baode, Tubiello, Francesco N. and Xu, Yinlong (2017) 'The impacts of increased heat stress events on wheat yield under climate change in China.' Climatic Change, 140 (3). pp. 605-620.

Voulgari, Aliki

Abosag, Ibrahim, Baker, Tom, Hall, Kris, Voulgari, Aliki and Zheng, Xiaoyuan (2017) 'Antecedents and Consequences of Liking in Retail Service Relationships in China and Greece.' International Business Review, 26 (3). pp. 566-578.

Xu, Yinlong

Yang, Xuan, Tian, Zhan, Sun, Laixiang, Chen, Baode, Tubiello, Francesco N. and Xu, Yinlong (2017) 'The impacts of increased heat stress events on wheat yield under climate change in China.' Climatic Change, 140 (3). pp. 605-620.

Yang, Xuan

Yang, Xuan, Tian, Zhan, Sun, Laixiang, Chen, Baode, Tubiello, Francesco N. and Xu, Yinlong (2017) 'The impacts of increased heat stress events on wheat yield under climate change in China.' Climatic Change, 140 (3). pp. 605-620.

Yen, Dorothy Ai-wan

Yen, Dorothy Ai-wan, Abosag, Ibrahim, Huang, Yu-An and Nguyen, Bang (2017) 'Guanxi GRX (Ganqing, Renqing, Xinren) and Conflict Management in Sino-US Business Relationships.' Industrial Marketing Management, 66. pp. 103-114.

Zappia, Carlo

Feduzi, Alberto, Runde, Jochen and Zappia, Carlo (2017) 'De Finetti and Savage on the normative relevance of imprecise reasoning: A reply to Arthmar and Brady.' History of Economic Ideas, 25 (1). pp. 211-223.

Zhang, Yunlu

Child, John, Hsieh, Linda, Elbanna, Said, Karmowska, Joanna, Marinova, Svetla, Puthusserry, Pushyarag, Tsai, Terence, Narooz, Rose and Zhang, Yunlu (2017) 'SME International Business Models: The Role of Context and Experience.' Journal of World Business, 52 (5). pp. 664-679.

Zheng, Xiaoyuan

Abosag, Ibrahim, Baker, Tom, Hall, Kris, Voulgari, Aliki and Zheng, Xiaoyuan (2017) 'Antecedents and Consequences of Liking in Retail Service Relationships in China and Greece.' International Business Review, 26 (3). pp. 566-578.

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