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Number of items: 60.

Sriram, Chandra and Roth, Brad, eds. (2002) A Special Symposium in the Finnish Yearbook of International Law on Contemporary Developments in International Criminal Law. The Hague; London; Boston: Martinus Nijhoff.

Baderin, Mashood (2002) 'The African Commission on Human and People’s Rights and International Law.' Human Rights Law Review, 2 (2). pp. 330-335.

Baderin, Mashood (2002) Identifying Possible Mechanisms within Islamic Law for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights in Muslim States. In: 3rd Conference of the Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy, 6-7 April 2002, Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy (CSID), Virginia, Washington, USA. (Unpublished)

Baderin, Mashood (2002) Towards an Effective Protection of Human Rights in Africa: An Assessment of the Constitutive Act of the New African Union. In: Socio-Legal Studies Association (SLSA) Conference, 3-5 April 2002, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK. (Unpublished)

Baderin, Mashood and Abass, A (2002) 'Towards Effective Collective Security and Human Rights Protection in Africa: An Assessment of the Constitutive Act of the New African Union.' Netherlands International Law Review, 49 (1). pp. 1-38.

Banda, Fareda (2002) 'Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Courts and Customary Law in Zimbabwe.' In: Bainham, Andrew, (ed.), The International Survey of Family Law 2002 Edition. Bristol: Family Law, pp. 471-487.

Banda, Fareda (2002) 'Going it Alone: SADC and the Gender Debate.' Journal of African Law, 46 (2). pp. 259-264.

Craven, Matthew (2002) 'The Bosnia Case Revisited and the New Yugoslavia.' Leiden Journal of International Law, 15 (2). pp. 323-343.

Craven, Matthew (2002) 'Humanitarianism and the Quest for Smarter Sanctions.' European Journal of International Law, 13 (1). pp. 43-61.

Cullet, Philippe (2002) 'Amended Patents Act and Access to Medicines after Doha.' Economic and Political Weekly, 10. pp. 2278-80.

Cullet, Philippe (2002) 'The Biosafety Protocol: An Introduction 'Briefing paper'.' Geneva: IELRC. (Unpublished)

Cullet, Philippe (2002) 'The Doha Declaration of the WTO and Access to Medicines 'Briefing paper'.' Geneva: IELRC.

Cullet, Philippe (2002) 'Intellectual Property and Environment: Impacts of the TRIPS Agreement on Environmental Law Making in India.' In: Biermann, Frank, (ed.), Proceedings of the 2001 Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change "Global Environmental Change and the Nation State". Germany: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, pp. 26-30.

Cullet, Philippe (2002) 'Switzerland.' In: Anderson, Michael R. and Galizzi, Paolo, (eds.), International Environmental Law in National Courts. London: British Institute of International and Comparative Law, pp. 195-215.

Cullet, Philippe and Kameri-Mbote, Patricia (2002) 'Biological Diversity Management in Africa: Legal and Policy Perspectives in the run-up to WSSD.' Review of European Community and International Environmental Law, 11 (1). pp. 38-52.

Fischer, Alexander and Mitra, Subrata K. (2002) 'Sacred Laws and the Secular State: An Analytical Narrative of the Controversy over Personal Laws in India.' India Review, 1 (3). pp. 99-130.

Foster, Nicholas HD (2002) Researching Islamic commercial law. In: Comparative Law Methodology, UKNCCL Seminar, 21 March, SOAS, London. (Unpublished)

Foster, Nicholas HD (2002) Teaching company law comparatively: Or how do you teach a subject which doesn't exist yet? In: Society of Public Teachers of Law Annual Conference, September 9-12, University of Leicester. (Unpublished)

Foster, Nicholas HD (2002) Teaching legal understanding. In: Academic Literacies Seminar, 14 June, SOAS, London. (Unpublished)

Foster, Nicholas HD (2002) Transfers of Rights and the Concept of Property. In: Centre for Finance and Management Studies (SOAS) Seminar, SOAS, University of London. (Unpublished)

Foster, Nicholas HD (2002) 'Transmigration and Transferability of Commercial Law in a Globalised World.' In: Örücü, Esin and Harding, Andrew, (eds.), Comparative Law in the 21st Century. The Hague: Kluwer, pp. 55-73.

Huxley, Andrew (2002) 'An Antinomian Allegory.' Buddhist Studies Review, 19 (2). pp. 137-146.

Huxley, Andrew (2002) 'Buddhist Law.' In: Kritzer, Herbert M., (ed.), Legal Systems of the World: A Political, Social and Cultural Encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, pp. 205-208.

Huxley, Andrew (2002) 'Buddhist Law as a Religious System?' In: Huxley, Andrew, (ed.), Religion, Law and Tradition: Comparative Studies in Religious Law. London: Routledge Curzon, pp. 127-147.

Huxley, Andrew (2002) 'Introduction [and] Panel Discussion.' In: Huxley, Andrew, (ed.), Religion, Law and Tradition: comparative studies in Religious Law. Abingdon: Routledge, 1-21, 159.

Huxley, Andrew (2002) 'Si puo parlare di sistemi giuridici religiosi?' Daimon: Annuario di diritto comparato delle religioni, 2001. pp. 185-198.

Lau, Martin (2002) Afghanistan's legal system and its compatibility with international human rights standards : final report. Geneva: International Commission of Jurists.

Lau, Martin (2002) 'An Introduction to Afghanistan's Legal System.' In: Cotran, Eugene and Lau, Martin, (eds.), Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law 8. Leiden: Brill, pp. 27-44.

Lau, Martin (2002) 'Pakistan Country Survey.' In: Cotran, Eugene, (ed.), Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer International (Netherlands), pp. 394-412.

Leyland, Peter and Harding, Andrew (2002) 'Oppositions and Fragmentations: In Search of a Formula for Comparative Analysis?' In: Harding, Andrew and Örücü, Esin, (eds.), Comparative Law in the 21st Century. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer.

Likosky, Michael (2002) 'Cultural Imperalism in the Context of Transnational Commercial Colloboration.' In: Likosky, Michael, (ed.), Transnational Legal Processes: Globalisation and Power Disparities. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 221-258.

Likosky, Michael (2002) 'Cultural Imperialism in the Context of Transnational Commercial Collaboration.' In: Likosky, Michael, (ed.), Transnational Legal Processes: Globalisation and Power Disparities. London: Butterworths, pp. 221-258.

Likosky, Michael (2002) '"Editor's Introduction: Transnational Law in the Context of Power Disparities".' In: Likosky, Michael, (ed.), Transnational Legal Processes: Globalisation and Power Disparities. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 17-34.

Likosky, Michael, ed. (2002) Transnational Legal Processes (with foreward by A. Vaughan Lowe). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Menski, Werner F (2002) 'Author and subject index to IANL Vol 15 (2001).' Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law, 16 (1). pp. 55-75.

Menski, Werner F (2002) 'Chameleons and dodgy lawyers: Reflections on Asians in Britain and their legal reconstruction of the universe.' Indo-British Reviews: A Journal of History, 10. pp. 89-103.

Menski, Werner F (2002) 'Comment.' Anthropology Today, 18 (4). pp. 20-22.

Menski, Werner F (2002) 'Hindu law as a 'religious' system.' In: Huxley, Andrew, (ed.), Religion, law and tradition: Comparative studies in religious law. London: Routledge, pp. 108-126.

Menski, Werner F (2002) 'Hinduism.' In: Levinson, David, (ed.), Encyclopaedia of crime and punishment. Thousand Oaks: Sage, pp. 827-831.

Menski, Werner F (2002) 'Immigration and multiculturalism in Britain: New issues in research and policy.' Bulletin of Asia-Pacific Studies, 10. pp. 43-66.

Menski, Werner F (2002) 'Is there room for an Indian legal theory.' Kerala Law Times: Journal section, 2002 (2). pp. 64-70.

Menski, Werner F (2002) 'Public interest litigation: Deliverance from all evils?' Bangladesh Journal of Law, 6 (1/2). pp. 1-9.

Menski, Werner F (2002) 'A letter from Tokyo.' Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law, 16 (2). pp. 105-107.

Moscati, Maria (2002) 'Moral Damage.' Lessico di Diritto di Famiglia, 1.

Moscati, Maria (2002) 'A comparative study on divorce in EU countries.' Lessico di Diritto di Famiglia, 3-4.

Muchlinski, Peter (2002) 'Holding Multinationals to Account: Recent Developments in English Litigation and the Company Law Review.' Company Lawyer, 23. pp. 168-179.

Oette, Lutz (2002) 'A Decade of Sanctions against Iraq: Never again! The end of unlimited sanctions in the recent practice of the United Nations Security Council.' European Journal of International Law, 13 (1). pp. 93-103.

Perry-Kessaris, Amanda (2002) 'Multinational Enterprises, International Economic Organisations and Convergence among Legal Systems.' Non-State Actors and International Law, 2 (1). pp. 22-39.

Perry-Kessaris, Amanda (2002) 'The Relationship between Legal Systems and Economic Development: Integrating Economic and Cultural Approaches.' Journal of Law and Society, 29 (2). pp. 282-307.

Scobbie, Iain (2002) 'The Invocation of Responsibility for the Breach of 'Obligations under Peremptory Norms of General International Law'.' European Journal of International Law, 13 (5). pp. 1201-120.

Scobbie, Iain, Delapraz, D and Shukri, M (2002) 'The jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court.' In: The International Criminal Court: a challenge to impunity. Damascus: ICRC, pp. 17-37.

Slinn, Peter (2002) 'Editorial Review.' In: Slinn, Peter, (ed.), The commonwealth through the Case Law. UK: Butterworths, pp. 1-28.

Slinn, Peter and Reid, James S., eds. (2002) The commonwealth through the Case Law. UK: Butterworths.

Slinn, Peter (2002) 'The search for good governance, the rule of law and human rights: the sustaining role of international organisations.' In: Almeida, G and Wharton, H, (eds.), Nation-Building in East-Timor. Clementsport, NS: Canadian Peacekeeping Press, pp. 109-119.

Smith, I.O. (2002) 'Towards a Human Rights Convention on Persons with Disabilities: Problems and Prospects.' Amicus Curiae: Journal of the Society for Advanced Legal Studies, 43. pp. 8-14.

Sriram, Chandra (2002) 'Dilemmas of Accountability: Politics, the Military and Commissions of Inquiry in an Ongoing Civil War: The Case of Sri Lanka.' Civil Wars, 5 (2). pp. 96-121.

Sriram, Chandra (2002) 'Exercising Universal Jurisdiction: Contemporary Disparate Practice.' International Journal of Human Rights, 6 (4). pp. 49-76.

Sultany, Nimer (2002) 'The Perfect Crime: The Supreme Court, the Occupied Territories and al-Aqsa Intifada.' Adalah's Review, 3. p. 49.

Tan, Carol G.S. (2002) 'Qingdai Jiansong Wai Zheng Weihaiwei Yingguo Fating de Huaren Minshi Susong.' Global law review = 環球法律評論, 24. pp. 350-360.

Welchman, Lynn (2002) 'Islamic Law: Stuck with the State?' In: Huxley, Andrew, (ed.), Religion, Law and Tradition. London: Routledge, pp. 61-83.

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