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Number of items: 103.

Authored Books

Muchlinski, Peter (2007) Multinational Enterprises and the Law. Oxford: The Oxford International Law Library.

Smith, I.O. (2007) Practical Approach to Law of Real Property in Nigeria (Second Edition). Lagos: Ecowatch.

Welchman, Lynn (2007) Women and Muslim Family Laws in Arab States. A Comparative Overview of Textual Development and Advocacy. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. (ISIM Series on Contemporary Muslim Societies)

Zhu, Sanzhu (2007) Securities Dispute Resolution in China. Aldershot, England; Burlington, VT: Ashgate.

Edited Book or Journal Volume

Hamzić, Vanja, ed. (2007) Base-line Study on Faith-based Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Challenges of Non-patriarchal Communities and Approach / Osnovna studija o vjerskom razvoju u Bosni i Hercegovini: Izazov vanpatrijarhalnih zajednica i pristupa. Sarajevo: Logos.

Baderin, Mashood and McCorquodale, Robert, eds. (2007) Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Action. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Barak-Erez, Daphne and Gross, Aeyal, eds. (2007) Exploring Social Rights: Between Theory and Practice. Oxford: Hart Publishing.

Craven, Matthew, Fitzmaurice, Malgosia and Vogiatzi, Maria, eds. (2007) Time, History and International Law. Leiden; Boston: Martinus Nijhoff. (Developments in International Law; 58)

Book Chapters

Baderin, Mashood (2007) 'The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights and the Implementation of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Africa.' In: Baderin, Mashood and McCorquodale, Robert, (eds.), Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Action. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 139-166.

Baderin, Mashood (2007) 'Islam, Human Rights and Development in Muslim States.' In: Rehman, Javaid and Breau, Susan, (eds.), Religion and Human Rights Law: A Critical Examination of Islamic Law and Practices. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, pp. 321-358.

Baderin, Mashood and McCorquodale, Robert (2007) 'The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: 40 Years of Development.' In: Baderin, Mashood and McCorquodale, Robert, (eds.), Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Action. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 3-24.

Banda, Fareda (2007) 'New rights for women.' In: Moyo, Gugulethu and Ashurst, Mark, (eds.), The Day After Mugabe: Prospects for Change in Zimbabwe. London: Africa Research Institute, p. 198.

Barak-Erez, Daphne and Gross, Aeyal (2007) 'Introduction: Do We Need Social Rights: Questions in the Era of Globalization, Privatization, and the Diminshed Welfare State.' In: Barak-Erez, Daphne and Gross, Aeyal, (eds.), Exploring social rights: between theory and practice. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 1-20.

Beck, Gunnar (2007) 'Legal Certainty, the Common Law Tradition, Resistance to Harmonization and Convergence in the European Community Legal Order.' In: Backer, L. C., (ed.), Harmonizing Law in an Era of Globalization. Convergence, Divergence, and Resistance. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, pp. 241-278.

Beck, Gunnar (2007) 'The Normative and Conceptual Contestability of Human Rights.' In: Byrd, B. Sharon, Hruschka, J. and Joerden, J. C., (eds.), Jahrbuch fuer Recht und Ethik. Annual Review of Law and Ethics. Band 15. Berlin: Duncker and Humblot, pp. 659-698.

Drew, Catriona (2007) 'The Meaning of Self-determination: “The Stealing of the Sahara” Redux?' In: Arts, K. and Leite, P., (eds.), International Law and the Question of Western Sahara. Leiden: International Platform of Jurists for East Timor (IPJET).

Foster, Nicholas HD (2007) 'Comparative Commercial Law: Rules or Context?' In: Nelken, David and Örücü, Esin, (eds.), Comparative Legal Studies: A Handbook. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 263-285.

Gross, Aeyal (2007) 'The Right to Health in an Era of Globalization and Privatization: National and International Perspectives.' In: Barak-Erez, Daphne and Gross, Aeyal, (eds.), Exploring Social Rights: Between Theory and Practice. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 289-339.

Gross, Aeyal and Barak-Erez, Daphne (2007) 'Social Citizenship: The Neglected Aspect of Israeli Constitutional Law.' In: Barak-Erez, Daphne and Gross, Aeyal, (eds.), Exploring Social Rights: Between Theory and Practice. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 243-261.

Gross, Aeyal and Ben-Naftali, Orna (2007) 'The Second Intifada.' In: Dworkin, Anthony, Gutman, Roy and Rieff, David, (eds.), Crimes of War (2.0): What the Public Should Know. New York, NY: W. W. Norton and Company.

Huxley, Andrew (2007) 'Rajadhamma Confronts Leviathan: Burmese Political Theory in the 1870s.' In: Harris, I., (ed.), Buddhism, Power and Political Order. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 26-51.

Kotiswaran, Prabha (2007) 'Wives and Whores: Prospects for a Feminist Theory of Redistribution.' In: Stychin, Carl F. and Munro, Vanessa E., (eds.), Sexuality and the Law: Feminist Engagements. Oxon, New York: Routledge-Cavendish.

Kotiswaran, Prabha (2007) 'Wives and Whores: The Regulation of the Economies in Sexual Labour.' In: Parashar, Archana and Dhanda, Amita, (eds.), Redefining Family Law in India Essays in Honour of B. Sivaramayya. New Delhi: Routledge India.

Leyland, Peter and Harding, Andrew (2007) 'Comparative Legal Studies in Constitutional Contexts.' In: Örücü, Esin and Nelken, David, (eds.), Comparative Legal Studies: A Handbook. Oxford: Hart Publishing.

Menski, Werner F (2007) 'Hinduizm.' In: Morgan, Peggy and Lawton, Clive, (eds.), Problemy etyczne w tradycjach sześciu religii. Hinduizm, buddyzm, sikhizm, judaizm, chrześcijaństwo, islam (Polish translation of the first edition of Ethical issues in six religious traditions). Warszawa: Instytut Wydawniczy Pax, pp. 27-98.

Menski, Werner F (2007) 'Law, religion and South Asians in diaspora.' In: Hinnells, John R., (ed.), Religious reconstruction in the South Asian diasporas: From one generation to another. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 243-264. (Migration, minorities and citizenship)

Muchlinski, Peter (2007) 'Corporate Social Responsibility and International Law: the Case of Human Rights and Multinational Enterprises.' In: McBarnet, D. J., Voiculescu, A. and Campbell, Tom, (eds.), The New Corporate Accountability: Corporate Social Responsibility and the Law. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 431-458.

Muchlinski, Peter (2007) 'First Report of the International Law Association Committee on the International Law on Foreign Investment.' In: Report of the Seventy Second Conference – Toronto. London: International Law Association, pp. 407-446.

Oette, Lutz (2007) 'India’s International Obligations Towards Victims of Human Rights Violations: Implementation in Domestic Law and Practice.' In: Raj Kumar, C. and Chockalingam, K., (eds.), Human Rights, Justice and Constitutional Empowerment. Delhi: Oxford University Press, pp. 462-485.

Palmer, Michael (2007) 'Ma Xiwu.' In: Clark, David S., (ed.), Encyclopaedia of Law and Society: American and Global Perspectives. London: Sage Publications.

Palmer, Michael (2007) 'Mediation in China.' In: Clark, David S., (ed.), Encyclopaedia of Law and Society: American and Global Perspectives. Leiden: Sage Publications.

Palmer, Michael and Roberts, Simon (2007) 'ADR.' In: Clark, David S., (ed.), Encyclopaedia of Law and Society: American and Global Perspectives. London: Sage Publications.

Perry-Kessaris, Amanda (2007) 'Gateways to Environmental Justice in India’s Garden City: Local Solutions to Global Challenges.' In: Harding, Andrew, (ed.), Access to Environmental Justice: A Comparative Study. The Netherlands: Brill.

Scobbie, Iain (2007) 'An Intimate Disengagement: Israel's Withdrawal from Gaza, the Law of Occupation and of Self-Determination.' In: Cotran, Eugene and Lau, Martin, (eds.), Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law, Volume 11 (2004-2005). Leiden: Brill, pp. 3-31.

Sriram, Chandra (2007) 'Justice for Whom? Assessing Hybrid Approaches to Accountability in Sierra Leone.' In: Ndulo, Muna, (ed.), Security, Reconciliation, and Reconstruction: When the Wars End. London: Routledge.

Suresh, Mayur (2007) 'Dead Man Walking: The Supreme Court and Sovereignty in the Age of Terror.' In: Narula, Monica, (ed.), Sarai Reader 07: Frontiers. New Delhi: Sarai/CSDS, pp. 121-133.

Tan, Carol G.S. (2007) 'Between Culture and the Rule of Law in Weihaiwei.' In: Chinese Culture and the Rule of Law. Beijing: Social Sciences Literature Press, pp. 430-438.

Van Engeland, Anicee (2007) 'Islamic law, terrorism and humanitarian law.' In: Malleswari, V.B., (ed.), Antiterrorism: A Global Scenario. Hyderabad, India: ICFAI University Press.

Van Engeland, Anicee (2007) 'Terrorism: a New Challenge for International Humanitarian Law.' In: Butler, Clark, (ed.), Judicial Treatment of Aliens. West Lafayette, Ind.: Purdue University Press, pp. 93-114.

Journal Article

Baderin, Mashood (2007) 'Islam and the Realization of Human Rights in the Muslim World: A Reflection on Two Essential Approaches and Two Divergent Perspectives.' Muslim World Journal of Human Rights, 4 (1). Article 5.

Beck, Gunnar (2007) 'Common law reasoning as ordinary reasoning in extraordinary language.' Zeitschrift für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft (3). pp. 335-358.

Beck, Gunnar (2007) 'The ECJ judgment in Cadman, the state of Community anti-discrimination law, and how the legal becomes the political.' European Law Review, 32 (4). pp. 549-562.

Beck, Gunnar (2007) 'The Idea of Human Rights Between Value Pluralism and Conceptual Vagueness.' Penns State International Law Review, 25 (3). pp. 615-627.

Cullet, Philippe (2007) 'Human Rights and Intellectual Property Protection in the TRIPS Era.' Human Rights Quarterly, 29 (2). pp. 403-430.

Cullet, Philippe (2007) 'Liability and Redress for Human-Induced Global Warming – Towards an International Regime.' Stanford Journal of International Law, 43A. pp. 99-121.

Dudai, Ron (2007) 'A Model for Dealing with the Past in the Isreali-Palestinian Context.' International Journal of Transitional Justice, 1 (2). pp. 249-267.

Dudai, Ron and Cohen, Hillel (2007) 'Triangle of Betrayal: Collaborators and Transitional Justice in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.' Journal of Human Rights, 6 (1). pp. 37-58.

Fischer, Alexander (2007) 'Which Road to Social Revolution? Liberalization and Constitutional Reform in India.' Heidelberg Papers in South Asian and Comparative Politics (34).

Foster, Nicholas HD (2007) 'Islamic Commercial Law: An Overview (II).' InDret: revista per a analisi del dret, 1. p. 405.

Foster, Nicholas HD (2007) 'Islamic Finance Law as an Emergent Legal System.' Arab Law Quarterly, 21 (2). pp. 170-188.

Gross, Aeyal (2007) 'Human Proportions: Are Human Rights the Emperor’s New Clothes of the International Law of Occupation.' European Journal of International Law, 18 (1). pp. 1-35.

Gross, Aeyal (2007) 'In Love with the Enemy: Justice, Truth, Integrity and Common Sense Between Israel and Utopia in the Citizenship Law Case.' Hamishpat, 23. pp. 79-85.

Gross, Aeyal (2007) 'The Paradox of "Constitution by Agreement": An Examination Through the Questions of Equality, Social Rights, and Sexual Orientation.' Hapraklit (Israeli Bar), 49 (2). pp. 333-343.

Gross, Aeyal (2007) 'Queer Theory and International Human Rights Law: Does Each Person Have a Sexual Orientation.' Proceedings of the 101st Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law, 101. pp. 129-132.

Heller, Jon (2007) 'Retreat from Nuremberg: The Leadership Requirement in the Crime of Aggression.' European Journal of International Law, 18 (3). pp. 477-497.

Heller, Kevin (2007) 'Prosecutor v. Karemera et al. (ICTR-98-44-I).' The American Journal of International Law, 101 (1). pp. 157-163.

Heller, Kevin (2007) 'A poisoned chalice: substantive and procedural defects of the Iraqi High Tribunal.' Case-Western Reserve Journal of International Law, 39 (1). pp. 261-302.

Heller, Kevin and Lawrence, Jessica (2007) 'The limits of article 8(2)(b)(iv) of the Rome Statute, the first ecocentric environmental war crime.' Georgetown Journal of International Environmental Law, 20. pp. 61-97.

Huxley, Andrew (2007) 'Samuhadda Vicchedani: An overlooked Source on the Dhammathats (Introducing Daw Than Saw’s Translation).' SOAS Bulletin of Burma Research, 5 (1/2). pp. 5-21.

Lensink, Robert and Murinde, Victor (2007) 'Does foreign bank entry really stimulate gross domestic investment?' Applied Financial Economics, 16 (8). pp. 569-582.

Leyland, Peter (2007) 'Thailand's Constitutional Watchdogs: Dobermans, Bloodhounds or Lapdogs.' Journal of Comparative Law, 2. pp. 151-177.

Makeen, Makeen (2007) 'Authorship/Ownership of Copyright Works Under Egyptian Authors' Rights Law.' International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law, 38 (5). pp. 572-591.

Makeen, Makeen (2007) 'Moral Rights Protection Under Egyptian Author's Rights Law.' International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law, 38 (1). pp. 51-65.

McIlroy, David H. (2007) 'Legislation in a context of moral disagreement: the case of the Sexual Orientation Regulations.' Law and Justice: The Christian Law Review, 159. pp. 114-128.

McIlroy, David H. (2007) 'TUPE and the transfer of insolvent companies.' Employment Law Association Briefing, 14 (2). pp. 20-21.

McIlroy, David H. (2007) 'A Trinitarian Reading of Aquinas's Treatise on Law.' Angelicum, 84. pp. 277-292.

Menski, Werner F (2007) 'Dodgy Asians or dodgy laws? The story of H.' Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law, 21 (4). pp. 284-294.

Menski, Werner F (2007) 'Double benefits and Muslim women’s postnuptial rights.' Kerala Law Times: Journal section, 2007 (2). pp. 21-34.

Menski, Werner F (2007) 'On vyavahāra.' Indologica Taurinensia, 33. pp. 123-147.

Menski, Werner F (2007) 'Patient judicial activism.' Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (Kolkata) (4). pp. 210-225.

Menski, Werner F and Parmar, Aashish (2007) 'Author and subject index to IANL Vol 20 (2006).' Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law, 21 (1). pp. 55-80.

Newton, Scott (2007) 'Law and Power in Rwanda in the Shadow of the Genocide.' Journal of Comparative Law, 2 (1). pp. 151-171.

O'Connell, Paul (2007) 'On Reconciling Irreconcilables: Neo-liberal Globalisation and Human Rights.' Human Rights Law Review, 7 (3). pp. 483-509.

Onyema, Emilia (2007) 'Empirically Determined Factors in Appointing Arbitrators in International Commercial Arbitration.' Arbitration: the journal of the Institute of Arbitrators, 73 (2). pp. 199-207.

Palmer, Michael (2007) 'On China’s Slow Boat to Women’s rights: Revisions to the Women’s Protection Law , 2005.' International Journal of Human Rights on Equality in the Asia Pacific, 11 (1-2). pp. 151-177.

Palmer, Michael (2007) 'The Transformation of Family Law in Post-Deng China: Marriage, Divorce and Reproduction.' The China Quarterly, 191. pp. 675-695.

Sriram, Chandra (2007) 'Justice as Peace? Liberal Peacebuilding and Strategies of Transitional Justice.' Global Society, 21 (4). pp. 579-591.

Sriram, Chandra and Ross, Amy (2007) 'Geographies of crime and justice: Contemporary Transitional Justice and the Creation of ‘Zones of Impunity'.' International Journal of Transitional Justice, 1 (1). pp. 45-65.

Sultany, Nimer (2007) 'The Legacy of Justice Aharon Barak: A Critical Review.' Harvard International Law Journal Online, 48. pp. 83-92.

Welchman, Lynn (2007) 'Honour and Violence Against Women in a Modern Shar`i Discourse.' Hawwa Journal of Women of the Middle East and the Islamic World, 5 (2-3). pp. 139-165.

Conference or Workshop Items

Baderin, Mashood (2007) A Comparative Analysis of the Law on Use of Force and Terrorism under International Law and Islamic Law. In: BIICL Conference on Islam, International and Comparative Law: Current Issues, 3rd December 2007, British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL), Russell Square, London.. (Unpublished)

Baderin, Mashood (2007) Human Rights and Islamic Law: Parallels and Tensions. In: FCO Training Programme on Democracy, Human Rights and Good Governance, January 2007., Doughty Street Chambers, London. (Unpublished)

Baderin, Mashood (2007) Islam and Human Rights: Comparison of Family Law Reforms in Muslim States. In: Training Course for Iranian Female Court Assistants, June-July 2007, Human Rights Law Centre, School of Law, University of Nottingham, Nottingham.. (Unpublished)

Baderin, Mashood (2007) Islamic Law of Armed Conflict: A Comparative Analysis. In: International Law Course for Armed Forces Lawyers, April-May 2007, Land Warfare Centre, Warminster, UK. (Unpublished)

Baderin, Mashood (2007) Principles of Islamic Law Applicable to Procedural Irregularities in the US Military Commission Act. In: 2nd Guantanamo Bay Conference, 16-18 March 2007., Centre for Socio Legal Studies, St Anne's College, University of Oxford, Oxford. (Unpublished)

Baderin, Mashood (2007) Relationship between International Law and Islamic Law: Towards a Better Understanding. In: BIICL Conference on Islam, International and Comparative Law: Current Issues, 3rd December 2007, British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL), Russell Square, London.. (Unpublished)

Foster, Nicholas HD (2007) The “Mixed Systems” of the Arab Middle East. In: Second Congress of the World Society of Mixed Jurisdiction Jurists, 27-30 June, University of Edinburgh. (Unpublished)

Foster, Nicholas HD (2007) ‘Problematic at Best and Uninteresting at Worst?' Comparing the Sharia and Western Civil and Commercial Law. In: Asian Constitutionalism in Transition: A Comparative Perspective, 14-15 December, University of Siena. (Unpublished)

Glinavos, Ioannis (2007) Transition or Development? Reassessing Priorities for Law Reform. In: Change, Rules and Institutions: Law and Economics in the Context of Development, 29-30 Sept 2007, SOAS, London, England. (Unpublished)

Jennings, Frederic (2007) The Design of Free-Market Economies in a Post-Neoclassical World. In: Change, Rules and Institutions: Law and Economics in the Context of Development, 29-30 Sept 2007, SOAS, London, England. (Unpublished)

Book Reviews

Baderin, Mashood (2007) 'The Impact of Human Rights Law on Armed Forces.' Legal Studies, 27 (1). pp. 162-165.

Baderin, Mashood (2007) 'Islam in Transition: Muslim Perspectives.' Religion and Human Rights, 2 (3). pp. 181-184.

Gross, Aeyal (2007) 'A Review of Gabi Ben-Nun and Gur Ofer, "A Decade to the National Health Insurance Law, 1995-2005".' Harefua = הרפואה, 146 . pp. 396-397.

Kotiswaran, Prabha (2007) 'Book Review of Janet Halley’s Split Decisions: How and Why to Take a Break from Feminism.' Feminist Legal Studies, 15 (3). pp. 361-365.

McIlroy, David H. (2007) 'Review of Alan Storkey "Jesus and Politics".' Law and Justice: The Christian Law Review, 158 . pp. 66-68.

McIlroy, David H. (2007) 'Review of Darrell Cosden "The Heavenly Good of Earthly Work".' Faith in Business Quarterly, 11 (1). pp. 29-30.

McIlroy, David H. (2007) 'Review of Oliver O'Donovan The Ways of Judgment.' Political Theology, 8 (3). pp. 373-380.

McIlroy, David H. (2007) 'Review of Roger Trigg "Religion in Public Life".' Law and Justice: The Christian Law Review, 159 . pp. 142-143.

Sultany, Nimer (2007) 'Review: 'State Practices and Zionist Images: Shaping Economic Development in Arab Towns in Israel' by David A. Wesley.' Journal of Palestine Studies, 37 (1). pp. 115-116.


Hamzić, Vanja (2007) 'Religious Developments in the Western Balkans: Transitional Religion.' Shift Mag, 12 . pp. 14-18.

Heller, Kevin (2007) 'The Situation in Darfur.' ASIL Insight, 11 (7).

Sriram, Chandra (2007) 'China, Human Rights and the Sudan.' JURIST-Legal News and Research .

Sriram, Chandra and Zahar, Marie-Joëlle (2007) 'A Dangerous Step.' The Guardian .

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