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Number of items: 116.

Authored Books

Cullet, Philippe (2009) Water Law, Poverty, and Development - Water Sector Reforms in India. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Kaime, Thoko (2009) The African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child: A socio-legal perspective. Pretoria, South Africa: Pretoria University Law Press.

McIlroy, David H. (2009) A Trinitarian Theology of Law. Milton Keynes: Paternoster.

Sriram, Chandra, Martin-Ortega, Olga and Herman, Johanna (2009) War, Conflict, and Human Rights. London: Routledge.

Edited Book or Journal Volume

Leyland, Peter and Harding, Andrew, eds. (2009) Constitutional Courts: A Comparative Study. London: Wildy, Simmonds and Hill.

Perry-Kessaris, Amanda, ed. (2009) Law in Pursuit of Development: Principles into Practice. Abingdon: Routledge.

Sriram, Chandra and Pillay, Suren, eds. (2009) Peace versus Justice? the dilemma of transitional justice in Africa. Scottsville, South Africa: University of KwaZulu-Natal Press.

Sriram, Chandra, King, John C., Mertus, Julie A., Martin-Ortega, Olga and Herman, Johanna, eds. (2009) Surviving Field Research: Working in Violent and Difficult Situations. London; New York: Routledge.

Book Chapters

Baderin, Mashood (2009) '9/11, The US-Led War on Iraq and the Future of Collective Security Law: With an Insight from Islamic Law.' In: Morgan, Matthew J., (ed.), The Impact of 9/11: The Day that Changed Everything? New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Bano, Samia (2009) 'Shariah Councils and Resolving Matrimonial Disputes: Gender and Justice in the 'Shadow' of Law'?' In: Gill, Aisha and Thiara, R., (eds.), Violence Against Women in South Asian Communities. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, pp. 182-210.

Cullet, Philippe (2009) 'Desertification.' In: Kütting, Gabriela, (ed.), Conventions, Treaties and other Responses to Global Issues - Volume 1. Oxford: EOLSS/UNESCO, pp. 194-210.

Cullet, Philippe (2009) 'Environmental Justice in the Use and Exploitation of Genetic Resources.' In: Ebbesson, Jonas and Okowa, Phoebe, (eds.), Environmental Law and Justice in Context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 371-389.

Cullet, Philippe and Gupta, Joyeeta (2009) 'Evolution of Water Law and Policy in India.' In: Joseph W., Dellapenna and Gupta, Joyeeta, (eds.), The Evolution of the Law and Politics of Water. Berlin; London: Springer Academic Publishers, pp. 157-173.

Kaime, Thoko (2009) 'Socio-legal approaches to children’s rights under the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child: A discussion of methodology.' In: Atkin, Bill, (ed.), The International Survey of Family Law 2009 Edition. Bristol: Family Law, pp. 255-274.

Leyland, Peter (2009) 'Combating Scandal, Codes of Practice and the Implementation of Ethical Standards in Public Life in the United Kingdom.' In: Merloni, Francesco and Perin, Roberto Cavallo, (eds.), Al Servizio della Nazione (Serving the Nation. Ethics and the Civil Servants Statute). Milan: Collana Di Diritto e Societa.

Leyland, Peter (2009) 'The Emergence of Administrative Justice in Thailand under the 1997 Constitution.' In: Ginsburg, Tom and Chen, Albert H. Y., (eds.), Administrative Law and Governance in Asia. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 230-257.

Leyland, Peter (2009) 'Financing UK Devolution: The Barnett Formula and the Virtue of Passive Financial Provision?' In: Carboni, Giuliana Giuseppina, (ed.), La Funzione Finanziaraia del Parlamento: Un Confronto tra Italia e Gran Bretagna. Torino: Giapichelli.

Leyland, Peter (2009) 'The Genealogy of the Administrative Courts and the Consolidation of Administrative Justice in Thailand.' In: Harding, Andrew and Nicholson, Penelope, (eds.), New Courts in Asia. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 231-251.

Leyland, Peter (2009) 'Local Transport Provision in the United Kingdom: The Quest for Accountability and Coherence in a “Contract State”.' In: Leyland, Peter, (ed.), English Administrative Law: Justice and Remedies in the Contemporary State. Bologna: Bononia University Press.

Makeen, Makeen (2009) 'Copyright Throughout the World.' In: von Lewinski, Silke, (ed.), Copyright Throughout the World. Eagan, Minn.: West, 14.1-14.81.

McIlroy, David H. (2009) 'The Future of Banking Regulation.' In: Straus, Joseph, (ed.), The Role of Law and Ethics in the Globalized Economy. Munich: Springer. (MPI studies on intellectual property, competition and tax law, 10)

McIlroy, David H. (2009) 'An overview of the role of government in classical Christian political thought.' In: Chaplin, J. and Spencer, N., (eds.), God and Government. London: SPCK, pp. 81-107.

Menski, Werner F (2009) 'Adoption: Hindu Law.' In: Katz, Stanley N., (ed.), The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 49-50.

Menski, Werner F (2009) 'Assessing communal conflicts and Hindu fascism in India.' In: Menski, Werner F, (ed.), European Yearbook of Minority Issues. Special Focus South Asia, 8. Leiden: Brill, pp. 313-335.

Menski, Werner F (2009) 'Droit hindou: Le système juridique le plus ancient du monde.' In: Clémentin-Ojha, Catherine, Jaffrelot, Christophe, Matringe, Denis and Pouchepadass, J., (eds.), Dictionnaire de l’Inde. Paris: Larousse, pp. 214-222.

Menski, Werner F (2009) 'Guyana.' In: Katz, Stanley N., (ed.), The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History. Vol.3. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 137-138.

Menski, Werner F (2009) 'Hindu nationalism.' In: Katz, Stanley N., (ed.), The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History. Vol.3. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 159-160.

Menski, Werner F (2009) 'Indian secular pluralism and its relevance for Europe.' In: Grillo, R. D., Ballard, Roger, Ferrari, Alessandro, Hoekema, André, Maussen, Marcel and Shah, Prakash, (eds.), Legal practice and cultural diversity. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 31-48. (Cultural Diversity and Law)

Menski, Werner F (2009) 'Justice, Equity and Good Conscience.' In: Katz, Stanley N., (ed.), The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History. Vol.3. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 445-446.

Menski, Werner F (2009) 'Justice: Entre autorégulation traditionelle et maintien de l’ordre.' In: Clémentin-Ojha, Catherine, Jaffrelot, Christophe, Matringe, Denis and Pouchepadass, J., (eds.), Dictionnaire de l’Inde. Paris: Larousse, pp. 282-290.

Menski, Werner F (2009) 'Law, religion and democracy: The Indian experience.' In: Filorama, Giovanni, (ed.), Religioni e modernita. Torino: Giulio Einaudi Editore.

Menski, Werner F (2009) 'Maldives.' In: Katz, Stanley N., (ed.), The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History. Vol.4. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 139-140.

Menski, Werner F (2009) 'Naga Law.' In: Katz, Stanley N., (ed.), The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History. Vol.4. New York: Oxford University Press, p. 201.

Menski, Werner F (2009) 'Personal Law/General Law.' In: Katz, Stanley N., (ed.), The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History. Vol.4. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 293-295.

Menski, Werner F (2009) 'Property: Hindu Law.' In: Katz, Stanley N., (ed.), The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History. Vol.4. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 479-480.

Menski, Werner F (2009) 'Rājadharma.' In: Katz, Stanley N., (ed.), The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History. Vol. 5. New York: Oxford University Press, p. 63.

Menski, Werner F (2009) 'Seychelles.' In: Katz, Stanley N., (ed.), The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History. Vol. 5. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 234-235.

Menski, Werner F (2009) 'Suriname.' In: Katz, Stanley N., (ed.), The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History. Vol. 5. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 413-414.

Moscati, Maria (2009) 'Ethiopia.' In: Stewart, Chuck, (ed.), The Greenwood Encyclopaedia of LGBT Issues Worldwide. Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood Press, p. 46.

Muchlinski, Peter (2009) 'The Diplomatic Protection of Foreign Investors: A Tale of Judicial Caution.' In: Binder, Christina, Kriebaum, Ursula, Reinisch, August and Wittich, Stephan, (eds.), International Investment Law for the 21st Century Essays in Honour of Christoph Schreuer. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 341-362.

Muchlinski, Peter (2009) 'The Framework of Investment Protection: The Content of BITs.' In: Sauvant, Karl and Sachs, Lisa, (eds.), The Effect of Treaties on Foreign Direct Investment: Bilateral Investment Treaties, Double Taxation Treaties, and Investment Flows. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 37-71.

Muchlinski, Peter (2009) 'Trends in International Investment Agreements: Balancing Investor Rights and the Right to Regulate: the Issue of National Security.' In: Sauvant, Karl, (ed.), Yearbook on International Investment Law and Policy 2008-9. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 35-78.

Oette, Lutz (2009) 'Bringing Justice to Victims? Responses of Regional and International Human Rights Courts and Treaty Bodies to Mass Violations.' In: Ferstman, Carla, Goetz, Mariana and Stephens, Alan, (eds.), Reparations for Victims of Genocide, War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity: Systems in Place and Systems in the Making. Leiden; Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, pp. 217-242.

Oette, Lutz (2009) 'Reparació En Periodes De Transició Incerta. Lliçons Des Del Sudan [Reparation in Times of Uncertain Transition. Lessons from Sudan].' In: Olivan, Helena, Prandi, Maria and Cañadas, Maria, (eds.), Dretş Humans I Justicia Transicional: Gestionant El Passat. Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament d'Interior, Relacions Institucionals i Participació, Oficina de Promoció de la Pau i dels Drets Humans and escola de cultura de pau, pp. 178-189. ((RxDG: col-lecció recerca per drets humans; 2))

Oette, Lutz (2009) 'Torture Treatment Centres.' In: Forsythe, David P., (ed.), Oxford Human Rights Encyclopedia. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Palmer, Michael (2009) 'Adoption in Chinese Law.' In: Katz, Stanley N., (ed.), The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History. New York: Oxford University Press.

Palmer, Michael (2009) 'Compromising Courts and Harmonizing Ideologies: Mediation in the administrative chambers of the people’s courts in the People’s Republic of China.' In: Harding, Andrew and Nicholson, Penelope, (eds.), New Courts in Asia. London: Routledge. (Routledge law in Asia, 6)

Palmer, Michael (2009) 'The Development of the Legal System of the People’s Republic of China.' In: Katz, Stanley N., (ed.), The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History. New York: Oxford University Press.

Palmer, Michael and Xi, Chao (2009) 'Globalisation of Class Actions: China.' In: Hensler, Deborah, Hodges, Christopher and Tulibacka, Magdalena, (eds.), The annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science; 622. Los Angeles: Sage Publications, pp. 270-279.

Schell, Catherine (2009) 'Introduction to Peace vs. Justice? Truth and Reconciliation Processes and War Crimes Tribunals in Africa.' In: Pillay, Suren and Sriram, Chandra, (eds.), Peace vs. Justice? Truth and Reconciliation Processes and War Crimes Tribunals in Africa. Durban: University of KwaZulu Natal Press.

Sriram, Chandra (2009) 'Conflict Mediation and the ICC: Challenges and Options for Pursuing Peace with Justice at the Regional Level.' In: Ambos, Kai, Large, Judith and Wierda, Marieke, (eds.), Building a Future on Peace and Justice. Berlin: Springer Verlag.

Sriram, Chandra (2009) 'The ICC Africa Experiment: The Central African Republic, Darfur, Northern Uganda, and the DRC.' In: Sriram, Chandra and Pillay, Suren, (eds.), Peace vs. Justice? Truth and Reconciliation Processes and War Crimes Tribunals in Africa. Durban: University of KwaZulu Natal Press.

Sriram, Chandra (2009) 'Resolving Conflicts and Pursuing Accountability: Beyond ‘Justice vs. Peace’.' In: Richmond, Oliver, (ed.), Critical Advances in Peacebuilding. London: Palgrave.

Sriram, Chandra (2009) '“Sri Lanka” and “Central America”.' In: Forsythe, David P., (ed.), Encyclopedia of Human Rights. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Sriram, Chandra (2009) 'Transitional Justice and the Liberal Peace.' In: Newman, Edward, Richmond, Oliver and Paris, Roland, (eds.), New Perspectives on Liberal Peacebuilding. New York: United Nations University Press.

Sriram, Chandra (2009) 'What can Restorative Justice Contribute? Lessons from beyond the Balkans.' In: Kostovicova, Denisa, (ed.), Evropska unija I tranziciona Pravda: Od retributivne do restorativne pravde na Zapadom Balkanu. Belgrade: Humanitarian Law Centre.

Welchman, Lynn (2009) 'Family, Gender and Law in Jordan and Palestine.' In: Cuno, Kenneth M. and Desai, Manisha, (eds.), Family, Gender, and Law in a Globalizing Middle East and South Asia. Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University press, pp. 126-144.

Journal Article

Ashiagbor, Diamond (2009) 'Collective Labor Rights and the European Social Model.' Law and Ethics of Human Rights, 3 (2). pp. 222-266.

Ashiagbor, Diamond (2009) 'Multiple Discrimination in a Multicultural Europe: Achieving Labour Market Equality through New Governance.' Current Legal Problems, 61. pp. 265-288.

Baderin, Mashood (2009) 'Historical and Evolutional Perspectives of Islamic Law in a Continually Changing World.' The Middle East in London (Jul/Aug). pp. 7-8.

Baderin, Mashood (2009) 'Religion and International Law: Friends or Foes?' European Human Rights Law Review, 5. pp. 637-658.

Baderin, Mashood (2009) 'Towards Understanding Islamic Law in Theory and Practice.' Legal Information Management, 9 (3). pp. 186-190.

Bian, Jing (2009) 'Entering the Field -An Analysis of Chinese Securities Lawyer.' The Company Lawyer, 30 (9).

Gross, Aeyal (2009) 'Gender Outlaws Before the Law: The Courts of the Borderlands.' Harvard Journal of Law and Gender, 32 (1).

Huxley, Andrew (2009) 'Legal transplants as historical data, Exemplum Birmanicum.' Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 37. pp. 167-182.

Huxley, Andrew (2009) 'Three Nineteenth-Century Law Book Lists: Burmese Legal History from the Inside.' Journal of Burma Studies, 13. pp. 77-105.

Jenkins, Catherine (2009) 'The Jurisprudence of Truth? Litigating Apartheid in U.S. Courts.' Journal of Comparative Law, 4 (2). p. 110.

Kaime, Thoko (2009) 'The African Children’s Charter: Does it represent a relevant vision of childhood and children’s rights?' Children's Legal Rights Journal, 29. pp. 11-29.

Kaime, Thoko (2009) 'The foundations of rights in the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child: A historical and philosophical account.' African Journal of Legal Studies, 3 (1). pp. 119-136.

Kaime, Thoko (2009) 'The struggle for context in the protection of children’s rights: Understanding the core concepts of the African Children’s Charter.' Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law, 40 (58). pp. 33-68.

Keenan, Sarah (2009) 'Australian Legal Geography and the Search for Postcolonial Space in Chloe Hooper's The Tall Man: Death and Life on Palm Island.' Australian Feminist Law Journal, 30. pp. 173-199.

Keenan, Sarah (2009) 'A blue wristband view of history? The death of Mulrunji Doomadgee and the illusion of postcolonial Australia.' Alternative Law Journal, 34 (4). pp. 248-252.

Leyland, Peter (2009) '"Fiscal Federalism" and Reforming the Financial Parameters of Devolution: Italy and the UK Compared.' Percorsi costituzionali : quadrimestrale di diritti e libertà, 2009 (1). pp. 239-249.

Leyland, Peter (2009) 'Freedom of Information and the 2009 Parliamentary Expenses Scandal.' Public Law (4). pp. 675-681.

Leyland, Peter (2009) 'Thailand's Troubled South: Examining the Case for Devolution from a Comparative Perspective.' Australian Journal of Asian Law, 11 (1). pp. 1-28.

McIlroy, David H. (2009) 'The Theology of Law of Norman Anderson.' Law and Justice: The Christian Law Review, 163. pp. 110-126.

Menski, Werner F (2009) 'Flying Kites: Banglar Ghuri – Iccher Ghuri. Managing Family Laws and Gender Issues in Bangladesh.' Stamford Journal of Law, 2 (1). p. 23.

Menski, Werner F (2009) 'Flying kites in a globalizing sky and dodgy weather forecasts: Accommodating ethnic minority laws in the UK [in Japanese].' 多言語・多文化, 実践と研究 = Journal of Multilingual Multicultural Studies and Practices, 2. pp. 26-45.

Menski, Werner F (2009) 'Fragwürdige Inklusion, inakzeptable Exklusion.' E+Z Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit, 50 (11). pp. 418-420.

Menski, Werner F (2009) 'Questionable inclusion, appalling exclusion.' D + C Development and Cooperation, 36 (11). pp. 418-420.

Menski, Werner F and Dias, Aaron (2009) 'Author and subject index to IANL Vol 22 (2008).' Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law, 23 (1). pp. 83-107.

Moscati, Maria (2009) 'Individual Autonomy, Public Wrongs, and Sexual Orientation: The Italian Case in Comparative Perspective.' Journal of Comparative Law, 4. p. 29.

Moscati, Maria and Puyal, Hari (2009) 'Case Note: ‘The Third Gender Case’ Decision of the Supreme Court of Nepal on the Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual and Intersex People.' Journal of Comparative Law, 4 (2). p. 291.

Muchlinski, Peter (2009) 'The Provision of Private Law Remedies against Multinational Enterprises: a Comparative Law Perspective.' Journal of Comparative Law, 4 (2). pp. 148-170.

Muchlinski, Peter (2009) 'Social and Human Rights Implications of TNC Activities in the Extractive Industries.' Transnational Corporations, 18 (1). pp. 93-104.

O'Connell, Paul (2009) 'Not Seeing the Forest for the Trees: A Reply to Rhoda Howard-Hassmann.' Human Rights Law Review, 9 (1). p. 135.

Onyema, Emilia (2009) 'The Doctrine of Separability under Nigerian Law.' Apogee Journal of Business, Property and Constitutional Law, 1 (1). pp. 65-79.

Otomo, Yoriko (2009) 'Endgame: Feminist Lawyers and the Revolutionary Body.' Australian Feminist Law Journal, 31 (1). pp. 153-164.

Otomo, Yoriko, Eslava, Luis and Barr, Olivia (2009) 'In Search of Authority, Rebellion and Action.' Sortuz, Oñati Journal of Emergent Sociolegal Studies, 3 (2). pp. 1-13.

Palmer, Michael (2009) 'Changing Policing in the PRC.' Taiwan in Comparative Perspective, 3. pp. 48-80.

Smith, I.O. (2009) 'Statutory requirement of Consent to mortgage transactions as an instrument of fraud in Nigeria.' Journal of Private and Property Law. pp. 1-18.

Sriram, Chandra and Herman, Johanna (2009) 'DDR and Transitional Justice: Bridging the Divide?' Conflict, Security and Development, 9 (4). pp. 455-474.

Sriram, Chandra and Zahar, Marie-Joëlle (2009) 'The Perils of Power-Sharing: Africa and Beyond.' Africa Spectrum, 44 (3). pp. 11-39.

Stanic, Ana (2009) 'Challenging Arbitrators and the Importance of Disclosure: Recent Cases and Reflections.' Croatian Arbitration Yearbook, 16. pp. 205-235.

Stanic, Ana (2009) 'The new Ukrainian-Russian gas deal.' Infrastructure Journal.

Welchman, Lynn (2009) 'The Bedouin Judge, the Mufti, and the Chief Islamic Justice: Competing Legal Regimes in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.' Journal of Palestine Studies, 38 (2). pp. 6-23.

Zhu, Sanzhu (2009) 'Legal Aspects of Commodity and Financial Futures Market in China.' The Brooklyn Journal of Corporate, Financial and Commercial Law, 3 (2). pp. 377-430.

Conference or Workshop Items

Foster, Nicholas HD (2009) Commercial Law: The Thin End of the Wedge in the Westernisation of Law in the Middle East. In: Islamic Law Facing the Challenges of the 21st Century, 19-21 October, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. (Unpublished)

Foster, Nicholas HD (2009) The Law of Islamic Finance: Re-imagination or Reception? In: Re-imagining the Shari’a: Theory, Practice and Muslim Pluralism at Play, 13-16 September, Venice, Italy. (Unpublished)

Foster, Nicholas HD (2009) Transnational Legal Studies, Relatively Speaking. In: Georgetown Law School, Center for Transnational Legal Studies: Pierre Legrand, 21 January. (Unpublished)

Menski, Werner F (2009) Introduction: State and religion in Asia: Problems and perspectives. In: ICLARS Conference, January, Milan. (Unpublished)

Moscati, Maria (2009) From Resistance to Acceptance. Same-Sex Unions in Comparative Perspective: Italy, Colombia and Spain. In: ILGLAW Conference, 11-14 March, William Institute, UCLA-University of California, Los Angels, California. (Unpublished)

Moscati, Maria (2009) Genitorialita’ Sociale: Aspetti di Diritto Comparato’ [Social Parenthood: Aspects of Comparative Law]. In: ReteLenford-Lawyers for LGBT rights, 27-28 November, Rome, Court of Cassation. (Unpublished)

Moscati, Maria (2009) Il diritto, l’antropologia e le altre scienze sociali’ [The law, anthropology and other social sciences]. In: ReteLenford-Lawyers for LGBT rights, May 28, Genova, Palazzo Ducale. (Unpublished)

Moscati, Maria (2009) Individual Autonomy, Public Wrongs and Sexual Orientation: The Italian Case in Comparative Perspective. In: Global Wrongs and Private Law Remedies and Procedures, 28-29 July, Notre Dame University in London. (Unpublished)

Moscati, Maria (2009) Trajectory of Reform: Catholicism, the State and the Civil Society in the Development of LGBT rights. In: Socio-Legal Studies Association, Annual Conference, 7-9 April, University of Leicester. (Unpublished)

Zhu, Sanzhu (2009) The Protection of Private Property in China: Towards Establishing a Due Process. In: Symposium on the Convergence of Property Rights among Mainland, Taiwan, Macau, and Hong Kong 大陆 台湾 澳门 香港 产权制度趋同性研讨会, 1-3 August 2009, The University of Hong Kong.

Zhu, Sanzhu (2009) The Role of Law and Governance in Financial Market: The Case of Emerging Chinese Securities Market. In: The WG Hart Legal Workshop 2009: Law Reform and Financial Markets, 23-25 June 2009, IALS Russel Square London.

Book Reviews

Baderin, Mashood (2009) 'Review of 'New Directions in Islamic Thought: Exploring Reform and Muslim Tradition'.' The Middle East in London, 5 (9). p. 17.

Bhandar, Brenna (2009) 'Book Review: Hegel’s Laws: The Legitimacy of a Modern Legal Order: By William E. Conklin, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2008. 400 pp. $65.00 (Cloth). ISBN 10-0804750300.' Law, Culture and the Humanities, 5 . pp. 452-456.

Bhandar, Brenna (2009) 'Joan Wallach Scott: The Politics of the Veil.' Feminist Legal Studies, 17 . pp. 345-351.

Malagodi, Mara (2009) 'Review of Ali Riaz and Subho Basu, 'Paradise Lost? State Failure in Nepal' (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2007).' South Asia Research, 29 (1). pp. 78-80.

Sultany, Nimer (2009) 'Review of Plunder: When the Rule of Law is Illegal.' Journal of Law and Society, 36 (4). pp. 599-606.


Sriram, Chandra (2009) 'A Curse not Limited to Cambodia.' Human Rights and Human Welfare Roundtable .

Sriram, Chandra (2009) 'Looking Forward, Backward, or Just Away?' Human Rights and Human Welfare Roundtable .

Sriram, Chandra (2009) 'The Prosecutor of the ICC: Too Political, Not Political Enough, or Both?' Human Rights and Human Welfare Roundtable .

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