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Number of items: 66.

Adamson, Fiona

Adamson, Fiona (2004) 'Displacement, Diaspora Mobilization, and Transnational Cycles of Political Violence.' In: Tirman, John, (ed.), Maze of Fear: Security and Migration After September 11th. New York: New Press, pp. 45-58.

Berenskoetter, Felix

Berenskoetter, Felix and Williams, Michael J., eds. (2004) Special Issue: Facets of Power in International Relations. London: Sage. (Millenium: Journal of International Studies, Vol. 33 No. 3)

Berenskoetter, Felix and Williams, Michael J., eds. (2004) Special Issue: Facets of Power in International Relations. London: Sage. (Millenium: Journal of International Studies, Vol. 33 No. 3)

Betrò, Marilina

Vittorini, Simona (2004) 'Travels and Collections as Metaphors of Colonial Domination.' In: Bresciani, Edda and Betrò, Marilina, (eds.), Egypt in India. Egyptian Antiquities in Indian Museums. Pisa University Press, pp. 21-33. (Progetti; 2)

Bresciani, Edda

Vittorini, Simona (2004) 'Travels and Collections as Metaphors of Colonial Domination.' In: Bresciani, Edda and Betrò, Marilina, (eds.), Egypt in India. Egyptian Antiquities in Indian Museums. Pisa University Press, pp. 21-33. (Progetti; 2)

Browers, Michaelle

Ismail, Salwa (2004) 'The Politics of Historical Revisionism: New Re-readings of the Founding Period of Islam.' In: Browers, Michaelle and Kurzman, Charles, (eds.), An Islamic Reformation? Lanham, MD: Lexington Press, pp. 101-124.

Buendia, Rizal

Buendia, Rizal (2004) 'The GRP-MILF Peace Talks: Quo Vadis?' In: Singh, Daljit and Chin, Kin Wah, (eds.), Southeast Asian Affairs 2004. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, pp. 205-221.

Buendia, Rizal and Osteria, Trinidad (2004) Social Assessment of the Women’s Health and Safe Motherhood Programme Package. Manila: World Bank - Philippines. (Unpublished)

Chan, Stephen

Chan, Stephen (2004) 'Abuja and After: The Case for Change in the Commonwealth Secretariat.' The Round Table, 93 (374). pp. 239-245.

Chan, Stephen (2004) 'Evil and its Discontents: a 21st Century Bestiary.' Nth Position Online Magazine (June).

Chan, Stephen (2004) 'Review of Peter Wilson, 'The International Thought of Leonard Woolf'.' The Round Table: The Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs, 93 (377).

Chan, Stephen and Primorac, Ranka (2004) 'The Imagination of Land and the Reality of Seizure: Zimbabwe and Complex Reinvention.' Journal of International Affairs, 57 (2). pp. 63-80.

Chang, Bi-Yu

Chang, Bi-Yu (2004) 'De la taiwanisation à la dé-sinisation: la politique culturelle depuis les années 1990.' China Perspectives, 85. pp. 38-49.

Chang, Bi-Yu (2004) 'From Taiwanisation to De-sinification: Culture Construction in Taiwan since the 1990s.' China Perspectives (56). pp. 34-44.

Chang, Bi-Yu (2004) 'Review of 'Transformation! Innovation? Perspectives on Taiwan Culture'.' China Quarterly, 179 . pp. 835-837.

Fell, Dafydd and Chang, Bi-Yu (2004) 'Taiwan’s KMT and DPP Eras: A Comparison [Special Edition].' China Perspectives (56). p. 2.

Chin, Kin Wah

Buendia, Rizal (2004) 'The GRP-MILF Peace Talks: Quo Vadis?' In: Singh, Daljit and Chin, Kin Wah, (eds.), Southeast Asian Affairs 2004. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, pp. 205-221.

Clark, Phil

Clark, Phil (2004) 'Judging Genocide on the Grass.' Oxonian Review of Books, 3 (4).

Clark, Phil (2004) 'Voices of the Victims.' Oxonian Review of Books, 3 (1).

Dave, Bhavna

Dave, Bhavna (2004) 'Annual Review (review for the year 2003).' In: Nations in Transit 2004: Democratization from Central Europe to Eurasia. pp. 278-299.

Dave, Bhavna (2004) 'Entitlement through Numbers: Nationality and Language Categories in the First Post-Soviet Census of Kazakhstan.' Nations and Nationalism, 10 (4). pp. 439-460.

Dave, Bhavna (2004) Kazakhstan: Minorities Participation in Public Life. Paper submitted to Sub-regional Seminar: Minority Rights - Cultural Diversity and Development in Central Asia. United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

Dean, Jodi

Laffey, Mark and Weldes, Jutta (2004) 'Representing the International: Sovereignty after Modernity?' In: Passavant, Paul and Dean, Jodi, (eds.), The Empire's New Clothes: reading Hardt and Negri. New York: Routledge, pp. 121-142.

Fell, Dafydd

Fell, Dafydd (2004) 'Inter-Party Competition in Taiwan since the 1990s.' China Perspectives (56). pp. 3-13.

Fell, Dafydd (2004) 'Inter-Party Competition in Taiwan since the 1990s.' China Perspectives (56). pp. 3-13.

Fell, Dafydd (2004) 'Measurement of Party Position and Party Competition in Taiwan.' Issues and Studies. An International Quarterly on China, Taiwan, and East Asian Affairs, 40 (3/4). pp. 101-136.

Fell, Dafydd and Chang, Bi-Yu (2004) 'Taiwan’s KMT and DPP Eras: A Comparison [Special Edition].' China Perspectives (56). p. 2.

Fell, Dafydd and Chang, Bi-Yu (2004) 'Taiwan’s KMT and DPP Eras: A Comparison [Special Edition].' China Perspectives (56). p. 2.

Heder, Stephen

Heder, Stephen (2004) Cambodian Communism and the Vietnamese Model. Volume 1. Imitation and Independence, 1930-1975. Bangkok, Thailand: White Lotus.

Heder, Stephen (2004) 'Legal Analysis of Testimonies Gathered by the Documentation Centre of Cambodia, With Summary Translations.' (Unpublished)

Heder, Stephen and Tittemore, Brian (2004) Seven Candidates for Prosecution: Accountability for the Crimes of the Khmer Rouge. Phnom Penh: Documentation Center of Cambodia.

Ismail, Salwa

Ismail, Salwa (2004) 'Being Muslim: Islam, Islamism and Identity Politics.' Government and Opposition, 39 (4). pp. 614-31.

Ismail, Salwa (2004) 'Is there an Islamic Conception of Politics?' In: Leftwich, Adrian, (ed.), What is Politics? London: Polity, pp. 147-167.

Ismail, Salwa (2004) 'Islamist movements as Social Movements: Contestation and Identity Frames.' Historical Reflections, 30 (3). pp. 385-402.

Ismail, Salwa (2004) 'The Politics of Historical Revisionism: New Re-readings of the Founding Period of Islam.' In: Browers, Michaelle and Kurzman, Charles, (eds.), An Islamic Reformation? Lanham, MD: Lexington Press, pp. 101-124.

Khalili, Laleh

Khalili, Laleh (2004) 'Grass-roots Commemorations: Remembering the Land in the Camps of Lebanon.' Journal of Palestine Studies, 34 (1). pp. 6-22.

Khalili, Laleh (2004) 'Review: 'The Palestinian Impasse in Lebanon: The Politics of Refugee Integration' by Simon Haddad.' Journal of Palestine Studies, 34 (1). pp. 86-88.

Kurzman, Charles

Ismail, Salwa (2004) 'The Politics of Historical Revisionism: New Re-readings of the Founding Period of Islam.' In: Browers, Michaelle and Kurzman, Charles, (eds.), An Islamic Reformation? Lanham, MD: Lexington Press, pp. 101-124.

Laffey, Mark

Laffey, Mark and Weldes, Jutta (2004) 'Representing the International: Sovereignty after Modernity?' In: Passavant, Paul and Dean, Jodi, (eds.), The Empire's New Clothes: reading Hardt and Negri. New York: Routledge, pp. 121-142.

Laffey, Mark and Weldes, Jutta (2004) 'US Foreign Policy, Public Memory, and Autism: Representing September 11 and May 4.' Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 17 (2). pp. 355-75.

Leftwich, Adrian

Ismail, Salwa (2004) 'Is there an Islamic Conception of Politics?' In: Leftwich, Adrian, (ed.), What is Politics? London: Polity, pp. 147-167.

Motyl, Alexander

Dave, Bhavna (2004) 'Annual Review (review for the year 2003).' In: Nations in Transit 2004: Democratization from Central Europe to Eurasia. pp. 278-299.

Osteria, Trinidad

Buendia, Rizal and Osteria, Trinidad (2004) Social Assessment of the Women’s Health and Safe Motherhood Programme Package. Manila: World Bank - Philippines. (Unpublished)

Passavant, Paul

Laffey, Mark and Weldes, Jutta (2004) 'Representing the International: Sovereignty after Modernity?' In: Passavant, Paul and Dean, Jodi, (eds.), The Empire's New Clothes: reading Hardt and Negri. New York: Routledge, pp. 121-142.

Primorac, Ranka

Chan, Stephen and Primorac, Ranka (2004) 'The Imagination of Land and the Reality of Seizure: Zimbabwe and Complex Reinvention.' Journal of International Affairs, 57 (2). pp. 63-80.

Rao, Rahul

Rao, Rahul (2004) 'World Social Forum Mumbai: Included Out?' Mute: culture and politics after the Net (27).

Saez, Lawrence

Saez, Lawrence (2004) Banking Reform in India and China. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.

Saez, Lawrence (2004) 'India in 2003: Pre-Electoral Maneuvering and the Prospects for Regional Peace.' Asian Survey, 44 (1). pp. 23-35.

Saez, Lawrence and Sazena, Rekha (2004) 'The 2004 General Election in India.' Mainstream, 40 (18). pp. 95-101.

Saez, Lawrence and Shi, Xianwen (2004) 'Liquidity Pools, Risk Sharing, and Financial Contagion.' Journal of Financial Services Research, 25 (1). pp. 5-23.

Sazena, Rekha

Saez, Lawrence and Sazena, Rekha (2004) 'The 2004 General Election in India.' Mainstream, 40 (18). pp. 95-101.

Schnetzer, Amanda

Dave, Bhavna (2004) 'Annual Review (review for the year 2003).' In: Nations in Transit 2004: Democratization from Central Europe to Eurasia. pp. 278-299.

Shi, Xianwen

Saez, Lawrence and Shi, Xianwen (2004) 'Liquidity Pools, Risk Sharing, and Financial Contagion.' Journal of Financial Services Research, 25 (1). pp. 5-23.

Singh, Daljit

Buendia, Rizal (2004) 'The GRP-MILF Peace Talks: Quo Vadis?' In: Singh, Daljit and Chin, Kin Wah, (eds.), Southeast Asian Affairs 2004. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, pp. 205-221.

Snyder, Jack

Vinjamuri, Leslie and Snyder, Jack (2004) 'Advocacy and Scholarship in the Study of Transitional Justice and International War Crimes Tribunals.' Annual Review of Political Science, 7 (1). pp. 345-362.

Tirman, John

Adamson, Fiona (2004) 'Displacement, Diaspora Mobilization, and Transnational Cycles of Political Violence.' In: Tirman, John, (ed.), Maze of Fear: Security and Migration After September 11th. New York: New Press, pp. 45-58.

Tittemore, Brian

Heder, Stephen and Tittemore, Brian (2004) Seven Candidates for Prosecution: Accountability for the Crimes of the Khmer Rouge. Phnom Penh: Documentation Center of Cambodia.

Vinjamuri, Leslie

Vinjamuri, Leslie and Snyder, Jack (2004) 'Advocacy and Scholarship in the Study of Transitional Justice and International War Crimes Tribunals.' Annual Review of Political Science, 7 (1). pp. 345-362.

Viterbo, Hedi

Viterbo, Hedi (2004) 'From the Abyss of Oblivion to the Depths of the Feminine: A Poetic-Political Perspective on Gender and Sexuality.' Tel Aviv University Interdisciplinary Journal, 6. pp. 2-6.

Vittorini, Simona

Vittorini, Simona (2004) 'Travels and Collections as Metaphors of Colonial Domination.' In: Bresciani, Edda and Betrò, Marilina, (eds.), Egypt in India. Egyptian Antiquities in Indian Museums. Pisa University Press, pp. 21-33. (Progetti; 2)

Weldes, Jutta

Laffey, Mark and Weldes, Jutta (2004) 'Representing the International: Sovereignty after Modernity?' In: Passavant, Paul and Dean, Jodi, (eds.), The Empire's New Clothes: reading Hardt and Negri. New York: Routledge, pp. 121-142.

Laffey, Mark and Weldes, Jutta (2004) 'US Foreign Policy, Public Memory, and Autism: Representing September 11 and May 4.' Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 17 (2). pp. 355-75.

Williams, Michael J.

Berenskoetter, Felix and Williams, Michael J., eds. (2004) Special Issue: Facets of Power in International Relations. London: Sage. (Millenium: Journal of International Studies, Vol. 33 No. 3)

Berenskoetter, Felix and Williams, Michael J., eds. (2004) Special Issue: Facets of Power in International Relations. London: Sage. (Millenium: Journal of International Studies, Vol. 33 No. 3)

Young, Thomas

Young, Thomas, ed. (2004) Readings in African Politics. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. (Readings in African Studies)

Young, Thomas, ed. (2004) Readings in African Politics. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. (Readings in African Studies)

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