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Abou-El-Fadl, Reem (2009) 'Review of Elizabeth Shakman Hurd, The Politics of Secularism in International Relations (2008).' Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 37 (3). pp. 833-835.
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Adib-Moghaddam, Arshin (2009) 'Islamutopia, (Post)modernity and the Multitude.' In: Hayden, Patrick and el-Ojeili, Chamsy, (eds.), Globalisation and Utopia: Critical essays. London: Palgrave, pp. 137-115.
Adib-Moghaddam, Arshin (2009) 'On “Islamic” politics and the resistance in Iraq.' International studies journal = ISJ = Faṣlnāmah-i muṭālaʻāt-i bayn al-milalī, 5 (4). pp. 1-36.
Adib-Moghaddam, Arshin (2009) 'A Review of Kasra Naji, 'Ahmadinejad: The Secret History of Iran’s Radical Leader'.' Insight Turkey, 11 (3). pp. 208-210.
Ismail, Salwa (2009) 'Producing ‘Reformed Islam’: A Saudi Contribution to the US Projects of Global Governance.' In: Al-Rasheed, Madawi, (ed.), Kingdom Without Borders. London; New York: Hurst and Columbia University Press, pp. 113-133.
Alexander, Anne (2009) 'Mubarak in the international arena.' In: Marfleet, Philip and el-Mahdi, Rabab, (eds.), Egypt: the moment of change. London: Zed, pp. 136-150.
Bajpai, Rochana (2009) 'Constitution-Making and Political Safeguards for Minorities: An Ideological Explanation.' Journal of Contemporary Thought, 30. pp. 57-87.
Bajpai, Rochana (2009) 'Review of Martha Nussbaum, 'The Clash Within, Religious Violence, Democracy and India’s future'.' International Affairs, 85 (3). pp. 652-653.
Baumann, Hannes (2009) 'Review of N. Blanford, 'Killing Mr. Lebanon: The Assassination of Rafik Hariri and Its Impact on the Middle East'.' H-Net Reviews .
Clark, Phil (2009) 'Grappling in the Great Lakes: The Challenges of International Justice in Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda.' In: Bowden, Brett, Charlesworth, Hilary and Farrall, Jeremy, (eds.), Great Expectations: The Role of International Law in Restructuring Societies after Conflict. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 244-269.
Buehler, Michael (2009) 'Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative a potential boon to anti-corruption drive.' XI, 3 . Jakarta: Van Zorge Report. pp. 15-18.
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Buehler, Michael (2009) 'The New Regional Taxation Law: an end to predatory taxation?' Van Zorge Report, XI (8). Jakarta: pp. 9-11.
Buehler, Michael (2009) 'The Rising Importance of Personal Networks in Indonesian Local Politics: An Analysis of the District Government Head Elections in South Sulawesi in 2005.' In: Erb, Maribeth and Sulistiyanto, Priyambudi, (eds.), Deepening Democracy in Indonesia: Direct Elections for Local Leaders. Singapore: ISEAS, pp. 101-124.
Buehler, Michael (2009) 'Special Feature: Indonesia’s multi-faceted response to AIDS: Administrative red tape, Inertia of political Leaders, Discrimination of patients, Subversion of donor money.' Van Zorge Report, XI (7). Jakarta: pp. 13-23.
Buehler, Michael (2009) 'Special Feature: The ‘judicial mafia’ and judicial reform in Indonesia.' Van Zorge Report, XI (12). Jakarta: pp. 10-23.
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Vittorini, Simona (2009) 'La locomotiva asiatica per una nuova cooperazione Sud-Sud [Asian Drivers - South-South Cooperation in the 21st Century].' In: Calchi Novati, Giampaolo, (ed.), Asia. Una transazione sostenibile. Roma: Carocci. (Asia Major)
Carroll, Patrick (2009) 'Establishing a Conceptual Framework of Transitional Justice: Six Key Themes.' In: Clark, Phil and Kaufman, Zachary D., (eds.), After Genocide: Transitional Justice, Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Reconciliation in Rwanda and Beyond. New York: Columbia University Press.
Vittorini, Simona (2009) ''This is our India'. I documentari della Films Division e la costruzione della nazione indiana.' In: Casci, Simonetta, (ed.), L'India nel cinema : democrazia e cinema nell'India di Nehru. Turin, Italy: UTET, pp. 134-152. (Studi Sociali)
Chan, Stephen and Moore, Cerwyn, eds. (2009) Approaches to International Relations. Four-Volume set. London: Sage. (SAGE Library of International Relations)
Chan, Stephen (2009) The End of Certainty : towards a new internationalism. London; New York: Zed Books.
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Chang, Bi-Yu (2009) 'The Cultural Turn and Taiwanese Identity in the 1990s.' In: Wang, I-chun, Cheng, Chin-Chuan and Tötösy de Zepetnek, Steven, (eds.), Cultural Discourse in Taiwan. Kaohsiung: National Sun Yat-sen University Press, pp. 31-51.
Chang, Bi-Yu (2009) 'Film Industry, Taiwan.' In: Pong, David, (ed.), Encyclopedia of Modern China. Vol.2. Detroit, MI: Charles Scribner's Sons, pp. 49-52.
Chang, Bi-Yu (2009) 'Taiwanese Identity Shift and the Struggle for Cultural Hegemony in the 1990s.' In: Cheng, Chin-Chuan, Wang, I-chun and Tötösy de Zepetnek, Steven, (eds.), Cultural Discourse in Taiwan. Kaohsiung: National Sun Yat-sen University Press, pp. 30-51.
Saez, Lawrence and Chang, Crystal (2009) 'The Political Economy of Global Firms From India and China.' Contemporary Politics, 15 (3). pp. 265-286.
Clark, Phil (2009) 'Grappling in the Great Lakes: The Challenges of International Justice in Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda.' In: Bowden, Brett, Charlesworth, Hilary and Farrall, Jeremy, (eds.), Great Expectations: The Role of International Law in Restructuring Societies after Conflict. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 244-269.
Chang, Bi-Yu (2009) 'The Cultural Turn and Taiwanese Identity in the 1990s.' In: Wang, I-chun, Cheng, Chin-Chuan and Tötösy de Zepetnek, Steven, (eds.), Cultural Discourse in Taiwan. Kaohsiung: National Sun Yat-sen University Press, pp. 31-51.
Chang, Bi-Yu (2009) 'Taiwanese Identity Shift and the Struggle for Cultural Hegemony in the 1990s.' In: Cheng, Chin-Chuan, Wang, I-chun and Tötösy de Zepetnek, Steven, (eds.), Cultural Discourse in Taiwan. Kaohsiung: National Sun Yat-sen University Press, pp. 30-51.
Fell, Dafydd and Cheng, Isabelle (2009) 'Testing the market orientated model of political parties in a non-western context: The case of Taiwan.' In: Lees-Marshment, Jennifer, Rudd, Chris and Strömbäck, Jesper, (eds.), Global Political Marketing. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 175-188. (Routledge Research in Political Communication)
Clark, Phil and Kaufman, Zachary D., eds. (2009) After Genocide: Transitional Justice, Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Reconciliation in Rwanda and Beyond. London: Columbia University Press.
Carroll, Patrick (2009) 'Establishing a Conceptual Framework of Transitional Justice: Six Key Themes.' In: Clark, Phil and Kaufman, Zachary D., (eds.), After Genocide: Transitional Justice, Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Reconciliation in Rwanda and Beyond. New York: Columbia University Press.
Clark, Phil (2009) 'Grappling in the Great Lakes: The Challenges of International Justice in Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda.' In: Bowden, Brett, Charlesworth, Hilary and Farrall, Jeremy, (eds.), Great Expectations: The Role of International Law in Restructuring Societies after Conflict. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 244-269.
Clark, Phil (2009) 'Tensions in Transitional Justice.' In: Clark, Phil and Kaufman, Zachary D., (eds.), After Genocide: Transitional Justice, Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Reconciliation in Rwanda and Beyond. London: Columbia University Press.
Clark, Phil (2009) 'Tensions in Transitional Justice.' In: Clark, Phil and Kaufman, Zachary D., (eds.), After Genocide: Transitional Justice, Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Reconciliation in Rwanda and Beyond. London: Columbia University Press.
Buehler, Michael (2009) 'The Rising Importance of Personal Networks in Indonesian Local Politics: An Analysis of the District Government Head Elections in South Sulawesi in 2005.' In: Erb, Maribeth and Sulistiyanto, Priyambudi, (eds.), Deepening Democracy in Indonesia: Direct Elections for Local Leaders. Singapore: ISEAS, pp. 101-124.
Clark, Phil (2009) 'Grappling in the Great Lakes: The Challenges of International Justice in Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda.' In: Bowden, Brett, Charlesworth, Hilary and Farrall, Jeremy, (eds.), Great Expectations: The Role of International Law in Restructuring Societies after Conflict. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 244-269.
Fell, Dafydd (2009) 'Adapting to the new system: Taiwanese Political Parties’ legislative nomination in 2008 in Comparative Perspective.' In: Ma, Ying-jeou, (ed.), Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs, Volume 25. London: Cameron May, pp. 29-44.
Fell, Dafydd (2009) 'Chen Shuibian.' In: Pong, David, (ed.), Encyclopedia of Modern China. Farmington Hills: Gale.
Fell, Dafydd (2009) 'Lessons of Defeat:A Comparison of Taiwanese Ruling Parties’ Responses to Electoral Defeat.' Asian Politics and Policy, 1 (4). pp. 660-681.
Fell, Dafydd (2009) 'Li Denghui (Lee Teng-Hui).' In: Pong, David, (ed.), Encyclopedia of Modern China. Farmington Hills: Gale.
Fell, Dafydd (2009) 'Political Marketing in the Rise and Fall of Taiwan’s New Party.' In: Lees-Marshment, Jennifer, (ed.), Political Marketing: Principles and Applications. London: Routledge.
Fell, Dafydd (2009) 'Taiwan, Republic of China: Democratic Progressive Party.' In: Pong, David, (ed.), Encyclopedia of Modern China. Detroit: Gale.
Fell, Dafydd (2009) 'Taiwan, Republic of China: Politics since 1945.' In: Pong, David, (ed.), Encyclopedia of Modern China. Detroit: Gale.
Fell, Dafydd and Cheng, Isabelle (2009) 'Testing the market orientated model of political parties in a non-western context: The case of Taiwan.' In: Lees-Marshment, Jennifer, Rudd, Chris and Strömbäck, Jesper, (eds.), Global Political Marketing. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 175-188. (Routledge Research in Political Communication)
Harrison, Lisa and Saez, Lawrence (2009) 'Political Studies in the UK: A Twenty-First Century Health Check.' European Political Science, 8 (3). pp. 345-355.
Adib-Moghaddam, Arshin (2009) 'Islamutopia, (Post)modernity and the Multitude.' In: Hayden, Patrick and el-Ojeili, Chamsy, (eds.), Globalisation and Utopia: Critical essays. London: Palgrave, pp. 137-115.
Ismail, Salwa (2009) 'Changing Social Structure, Shifting Alliances and Authoritarianism in Syria.' In: Lawson, Fred H., (ed.), Demystifying Syria. London: Saqi Press, pp. 13-28.
Ismail, Salwa (2009) 'Producing ‘Reformed Islam’: A Saudi Contribution to the US Projects of Global Governance.' In: Al-Rasheed, Madawi, (ed.), Kingdom Without Borders. London; New York: Hurst and Columbia University Press, pp. 113-133.
Ismail, Salwa (2009) 'Youth, Gender and the State in Cairo: Marginalized Masculinities and Contested Spaces.' In: Khalaf, Samir and Khalaf, Roseanne, (eds.), Arab Society and Culture. London: Saqi.
Clark, Phil and Kaufman, Zachary D., eds. (2009) After Genocide: Transitional Justice, Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Reconciliation in Rwanda and Beyond. London: Columbia University Press.
Carroll, Patrick (2009) 'Establishing a Conceptual Framework of Transitional Justice: Six Key Themes.' In: Clark, Phil and Kaufman, Zachary D., (eds.), After Genocide: Transitional Justice, Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Reconciliation in Rwanda and Beyond. New York: Columbia University Press.
Clark, Phil (2009) 'Tensions in Transitional Justice.' In: Clark, Phil and Kaufman, Zachary D., (eds.), After Genocide: Transitional Justice, Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Reconciliation in Rwanda and Beyond. London: Columbia University Press.
Strauss, Julia (2009) 'Traitors, Terror and Regime Consolidation on the Two Sides of the Taiwan Straits: ‘Revolutionaries’ and “Reactionaries’ from 1949 to 1956.' In: Thiranagama, Sharika and Kelly, Tobias, (eds.), Traitors: Suspicion, Intimacy and the Ethics of State Building. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, pp. 89-109.
Ismail, Salwa (2009) 'Youth, Gender and the State in Cairo: Marginalized Masculinities and Contested Spaces.' In: Khalaf, Samir and Khalaf, Roseanne, (eds.), Arab Society and Culture. London: Saqi.
Ismail, Salwa (2009) 'Youth, Gender and the State in Cairo: Marginalized Masculinities and Contested Spaces.' In: Khalaf, Samir and Khalaf, Roseanne, (eds.), Arab Society and Culture. London: Saqi.
Khalili, Laleh (2009) 'A review of Benoit Challand’s Palestinian Civil Society: Foreign Donors and the Power to Promote and Exclude.' Perspectives on Politics, 7 (3). pp. 684-685.
Khalili, Laleh (2009) 'A review of Lisa Wedeen’s Peripheral Visions: Publics, Power, and Performance in Yemen.' Times Higher Education .
Khalili, Laleh (2009) 'A review of Rebecca Stein’s Itineraries in Conflict: Israelis, Palestinians, and the Political Lives of Tourism.' Times Higher Education .
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Ismail, Salwa (2009) 'Changing Social Structure, Shifting Alliances and Authoritarianism in Syria.' In: Lawson, Fred H., (ed.), Demystifying Syria. London: Saqi Press, pp. 13-28.
Fell, Dafydd (2009) 'Political Marketing in the Rise and Fall of Taiwan’s New Party.' In: Lees-Marshment, Jennifer, (ed.), Political Marketing: Principles and Applications. London: Routledge.
Fell, Dafydd and Cheng, Isabelle (2009) 'Testing the market orientated model of political parties in a non-western context: The case of Taiwan.' In: Lees-Marshment, Jennifer, Rudd, Chris and Strömbäck, Jesper, (eds.), Global Political Marketing. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 175-188. (Routledge Research in Political Communication)
Fell, Dafydd (2009) 'Adapting to the new system: Taiwanese Political Parties’ legislative nomination in 2008 in Comparative Perspective.' In: Ma, Ying-jeou, (ed.), Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs, Volume 25. London: Cameron May, pp. 29-44.
Alexander, Anne (2009) 'Mubarak in the international arena.' In: Marfleet, Philip and el-Mahdi, Rabab, (eds.), Egypt: the moment of change. London: Zed, pp. 136-150.
Chan, Stephen and Moore, Cerwyn, eds. (2009) Approaches to International Relations. Four-Volume set. London: Sage. (SAGE Library of International Relations)
Nelson, Matthew J. (2009) Campus Conflict, Party Politics, and the Secular State in Bangladesh. Foreign and Commonwealth Office, British High Commission (Dhaka).
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Fell, Dafydd (2009) 'Chen Shuibian.' In: Pong, David, (ed.), Encyclopedia of Modern China. Farmington Hills: Gale.
Fell, Dafydd (2009) 'Li Denghui (Lee Teng-Hui).' In: Pong, David, (ed.), Encyclopedia of Modern China. Farmington Hills: Gale.
Fell, Dafydd (2009) 'Taiwan, Republic of China: Democratic Progressive Party.' In: Pong, David, (ed.), Encyclopedia of Modern China. Detroit: Gale.
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Fell, Dafydd and Cheng, Isabelle (2009) 'Testing the market orientated model of political parties in a non-western context: The case of Taiwan.' In: Lees-Marshment, Jennifer, Rudd, Chris and Strömbäck, Jesper, (eds.), Global Political Marketing. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 175-188. (Routledge Research in Political Communication)
Strauss, Julia and Saavedra, Martha, eds. (2009) China and Africa: Emerging Patterns of Globalization and Development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (The China Quarterly Special Issues)
Strauss, Julia and Saavedra, Martha (2009) 'Introduction: China, Africa and internationalization.' In: Strauss, Julia and Saavedra, Martha, (eds.), China and Africa: Emerging Patterns of Globalization and Development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (The China Quarterly Special Issues)
Strauss, Julia and Saavedra, Martha (2009) 'Introduction: China, Africa and internationalization.' In: Strauss, Julia and Saavedra, Martha, (eds.), China and Africa: Emerging Patterns of Globalization and Development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (The China Quarterly Special Issues)
Harrison, Lisa and Saez, Lawrence (2009) 'Political Studies in the UK: A Twenty-First Century Health Check.' European Political Science, 8 (3). pp. 345-355.
Saez, Lawrence (2009) 'The Political Economy of Financial Services Reform in India: Explaining Variations in Political Opposition and Barriers to Entry.' Journal of Asian Studies, 68 (4). pp. 1137-1162.
Saez, Lawrence and Chang, Crystal (2009) 'The Political Economy of Global Firms From India and China.' Contemporary Politics, 15 (3). pp. 265-286.
Strauss, Julia and Saavedra, Martha, eds. (2009) China and Africa: Emerging Patterns of Globalization and Development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (The China Quarterly Special Issues)
Strauss, Julia (2009) 'Forestry Reform and the Transformation of State Capacity in fin-de-siècle China.' Journal of Asian Studies, 68 (4). pp. 1163-1188.
Strauss, Julia (2009) 'The Past in the Present: Historical and Rhetorical Lineages in China’s Relations with Africa.' The China Quarterly, 199. pp. 777-795.
Strauss, Julia (2009) 'Traitors, Terror and Regime Consolidation on the Two Sides of the Taiwan Straits: ‘Revolutionaries’ and “Reactionaries’ from 1949 to 1956.' In: Thiranagama, Sharika and Kelly, Tobias, (eds.), Traitors: Suspicion, Intimacy and the Ethics of State Building. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, pp. 89-109.
Strauss, Julia and Saavedra, Martha (2009) 'Introduction: China, Africa and internationalization.' In: Strauss, Julia and Saavedra, Martha, (eds.), China and Africa: Emerging Patterns of Globalization and Development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (The China Quarterly Special Issues)
Strauss, Julia and Saavedra, Martha (2009) 'Introduction: China, Africa and internationalization.' In: Strauss, Julia and Saavedra, Martha, (eds.), China and Africa: Emerging Patterns of Globalization and Development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (The China Quarterly Special Issues)
Fell, Dafydd and Cheng, Isabelle (2009) 'Testing the market orientated model of political parties in a non-western context: The case of Taiwan.' In: Lees-Marshment, Jennifer, Rudd, Chris and Strömbäck, Jesper, (eds.), Global Political Marketing. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 175-188. (Routledge Research in Political Communication)
Buehler, Michael (2009) 'The Rising Importance of Personal Networks in Indonesian Local Politics: An Analysis of the District Government Head Elections in South Sulawesi in 2005.' In: Erb, Maribeth and Sulistiyanto, Priyambudi, (eds.), Deepening Democracy in Indonesia: Direct Elections for Local Leaders. Singapore: ISEAS, pp. 101-124.
Strauss, Julia (2009) 'Traitors, Terror and Regime Consolidation on the Two Sides of the Taiwan Straits: ‘Revolutionaries’ and “Reactionaries’ from 1949 to 1956.' In: Thiranagama, Sharika and Kelly, Tobias, (eds.), Traitors: Suspicion, Intimacy and the Ethics of State Building. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, pp. 89-109.
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Chang, Bi-Yu (2009) 'The Cultural Turn and Taiwanese Identity in the 1990s.' In: Wang, I-chun, Cheng, Chin-Chuan and Tötösy de Zepetnek, Steven, (eds.), Cultural Discourse in Taiwan. Kaohsiung: National Sun Yat-sen University Press, pp. 31-51.
Chang, Bi-Yu (2009) 'Taiwanese Identity Shift and the Struggle for Cultural Hegemony in the 1990s.' In: Cheng, Chin-Chuan, Wang, I-chun and Tötösy de Zepetnek, Steven, (eds.), Cultural Discourse in Taiwan. Kaohsiung: National Sun Yat-sen University Press, pp. 30-51.
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Vittorini, Simona (2009) Rituals, Symbols and Politics of Indian Nationalism. Torino: Trauben. (Pubblicazioni del CREAM, 5a)
Vittorini, Simona (2009) ''This is our India'. I documentari della Films Division e la costruzione della nazione indiana.' In: Casci, Simonetta, (ed.), L'India nel cinema : democrazia e cinema nell'India di Nehru. Turin, Italy: UTET, pp. 134-152. (Studi Sociali)
Chang, Bi-Yu (2009) 'The Cultural Turn and Taiwanese Identity in the 1990s.' In: Wang, I-chun, Cheng, Chin-Chuan and Tötösy de Zepetnek, Steven, (eds.), Cultural Discourse in Taiwan. Kaohsiung: National Sun Yat-sen University Press, pp. 31-51.
Chang, Bi-Yu (2009) 'Taiwanese Identity Shift and the Struggle for Cultural Hegemony in the 1990s.' In: Cheng, Chin-Chuan, Wang, I-chun and Tötösy de Zepetnek, Steven, (eds.), Cultural Discourse in Taiwan. Kaohsiung: National Sun Yat-sen University Press, pp. 30-51.
Alexander, Anne (2009) 'Mubarak in the international arena.' In: Marfleet, Philip and el-Mahdi, Rabab, (eds.), Egypt: the moment of change. London: Zed, pp. 136-150.
Adib-Moghaddam, Arshin (2009) 'Islamutopia, (Post)modernity and the Multitude.' In: Hayden, Patrick and el-Ojeili, Chamsy, (eds.), Globalisation and Utopia: Critical essays. London: Palgrave, pp. 137-115.