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Number of items: 60.

Anievas, Alexander

Anievas, Alexander and Nisancioglu, Kerem (2017) 'How Did the West Usurp the Rest? Origins of the Great Divergence over the Longue Durée.' Comparative Studies in Society and History, 59 (1). pp. 34-67.

Anievas, Alexander and Nisancioglu, Kerem (2017) 'Why Europe? Anti-Eurocentric Theory, History, and the Rise of Capitalism.' Spectrum: Journal of Global Studies, 8 (1). pp. 70-98.

Berenskoetter, Felix

Berenskoetter, Felix (2017) 'Approaches to Concept Analysis.' Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 45 (2). pp. 151-173.

Berenskoetter, Felix and van Hoef, Yuri (2017) 'Friendship and Foreign Policy.' In: Thies, Cameron, (ed.), Oxford Encyclopedia of Foreign Policy Analysis. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Buehler, Michael

Buehler, Michael (2017) 'Informal Networks, Formal Politics and The Politicization of Islam in Indonesia [Online Article].' Middle East Institute .

Bâli, Aslı Ü.

Nelson, Matthew J. (2017) 'Islamic Law in an Islamic State: What Role for Parliament?' In: Bâli, Aslı Ü. and Lerner, Hanna, (eds.), Constitution Writing, Religion and Democracy. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 235-264.

Centeno, Miguel

Strauss, Julia (2017) 'Campaigns of Redistribution: Land Reform and State Building in China and Taiwan, 1950-53.' In: Centeno, Miguel, Kohli, Atul and Yashar, Deborah J., (eds.), States in the Developing World. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 339-362.

Chan, Stephen

Chan, Stephen (2017) Plural International Relations in a Divided World. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Chan, Stephen and Gallagher, Julia (2017) Why Mugabe Won: The 2013 elections in Zimbabwe and their aftermath. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Collins, Paul

Collins, Paul and Tripp, Charles, eds. (2017) Gertrude Bell and Iraq - a Life and Legacy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Proceedings of the British Academy; 205)

Davis, Alexander E.

Thakur, Vineet and Davis, Alexander E. (2017) 'A Communal Affair over International Affairs: The arrival of IR in Late Colonial India.' South Asia: Journal of South Asia Studies, 40 (4). pp. 689-705.

Thakur, Vineet, Davis, Alexander E. and Vale, Peter (2017) 'Imperial Mission, ‘Scientific’ Method: an Alternative Account of the Origins of IR.' Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 46 (1). pp. 3-23.

Fell, Dafydd

Fell, Dafydd, ed. (2017) Taiwan's Social Movements under Ma Ying-jeou: From the Wild Strawberries to the Sunflowers. Abingdon; New York: Routledge. (Routledge Research on Taiwan Series)

Fell, Dafydd (2017) 'Do Party Switchers Pay an Electoral Price? The Case of Taiwan.' Parliamentary Affairs, 70 (2). pp. 377-399.

Fell, Dafydd and Peng, Yen-wen (2017) 'The Revival of Taiwan’s Green Party after 2008.' In: Fell, Dafydd, (ed.), Taiwan's Social Movements under Ma Ying-jeou From the Wild Strawberries to the Sunflowers. Abingdon: Routledge.

Fell, Dafydd and Peng, Yen-wen (2017) 'The Revival of Taiwan’s Green Party after 2008.' In: Fell, Dafydd, (ed.), Taiwan's Social Movements under Ma Ying-jeou From the Wild Strawberries to the Sunflowers. Abingdon: Routledge.

Gallagher, Julia

Chan, Stephen and Gallagher, Julia (2017) Why Mugabe Won: The 2013 elections in Zimbabwe and their aftermath. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Gottwald, Markus

Surak, Kristin (2017) 'Tea Flows: A Praxeological Perspective on Rituals.' In: Gottwald, Markus, Kirchmann, Kay and Paul, Heike, (eds.), (Extra-)Ordinary Presence: Social Configurations and Cultural Repertoire. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, pp. 181-194.

Han, Enze

Han, Enze (2017) 'Geopolitics, Ethnic Politics along the Border, and Chinese Foreign Policy Changes toward Myanmar.' Asian Security, 13 (1). pp. 59-73.

Han, Enze and Paik, Christopher (2017) 'Ethnic Integration and Development in China.' World Development, 93. pp. 31-42.

Hopgood, Stephen

Hopgood, Stephen, Snyder, Jack and Vinjamuri, Leslie, eds. (2017) Human Rights Futures. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Khalili, Laleh

Khalili, Laleh (2017) 'Pacifying Urban Insurrections: A Review of Out of the Mountains: The Coming Age of the Urban Guerrilla by David Kilcullen.' Historical Materialism, 25 (2). pp. 115-130.

Khalili, Laleh (2017) 'The Roads to Power: The Infrastructure of Counterinsurgency.' World Policy Journal, 34 (1). pp. 93-99.

Kirchmann, Kay

Surak, Kristin (2017) 'Tea Flows: A Praxeological Perspective on Rituals.' In: Gottwald, Markus, Kirchmann, Kay and Paul, Heike, (eds.), (Extra-)Ordinary Presence: Social Configurations and Cultural Repertoire. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, pp. 181-194.

Kohli, Atul

Strauss, Julia (2017) 'Campaigns of Redistribution: Land Reform and State Building in China and Taiwan, 1950-53.' In: Centeno, Miguel, Kohli, Atul and Yashar, Deborah J., (eds.), States in the Developing World. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 339-362.

Lerner, Hanna

Nelson, Matthew J. (2017) 'Islamic Law in an Islamic State: What Role for Parliament?' In: Bâli, Aslı Ü. and Lerner, Hanna, (eds.), Constitution Writing, Religion and Democracy. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 235-264.

Nelson, Matthew J.

Nelson, Matthew J. (2017) 'Islamic Law in an Islamic State: What Role for Parliament?' In: Bâli, Aslı Ü. and Lerner, Hanna, (eds.), Constitution Writing, Religion and Democracy. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 235-264.

Nisancioglu, Kerem

Anievas, Alexander and Nisancioglu, Kerem (2017) 'How Did the West Usurp the Rest? Origins of the Great Divergence over the Longue Durée.' Comparative Studies in Society and History, 59 (1). pp. 34-67.

Anievas, Alexander and Nisancioglu, Kerem (2017) 'Why Europe? Anti-Eurocentric Theory, History, and the Rise of Capitalism.' Spectrum: Journal of Global Studies, 8 (1). pp. 70-98.

Otto, Dianne

Rao, Rahul (2017) 'A tale of two atonements.' In: Otto, Dianne, (ed.), Queering International Law: Possibilities, Alliances, Complicities, Risks. Abingdon; New York: Routledge, pp. 15-34. (Routledge Research in International Law)

Paik, Christopher

Han, Enze and Paik, Christopher (2017) 'Ethnic Integration and Development in China.' World Development, 93. pp. 31-42.

Paul, Heike

Surak, Kristin (2017) 'Tea Flows: A Praxeological Perspective on Rituals.' In: Gottwald, Markus, Kirchmann, Kay and Paul, Heike, (eds.), (Extra-)Ordinary Presence: Social Configurations and Cultural Repertoire. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, pp. 181-194.

Peng, Yen-wen

Fell, Dafydd and Peng, Yen-wen (2017) 'The Revival of Taiwan’s Green Party after 2008.' In: Fell, Dafydd, (ed.), Taiwan's Social Movements under Ma Ying-jeou From the Wild Strawberries to the Sunflowers. Abingdon: Routledge.

Rao, Rahul

Rao, Rahul (2017) 'On Statues (III).' The Disorder of Things .

Rao, Rahul (2017) 'Recovering Reparative Readings of Postcolonialism and Marxism.' Critical Sociology, 43 (4-5). pp. 587-598.

Rao, Rahul (2017) 'Review: 'Sexual states: governance and the struggle over the antisodomy law in India' by Jyoti Puri. Durham; London: Duke University Press, 2016.' International Feminist Journal of Politics, 19 (2). pp. 278-279.

Rao, Rahul (2017) 'A tale of two atonements.' In: Otto, Dianne, (ed.), Queering International Law: Possibilities, Alliances, Complicities, Risks. Abingdon; New York: Routledge, pp. 15-34. (Routledge Research in International Law)

Sabaratnam, Meera

Sabaratnam, Meera (2017) Decolonising Intervention: International Statebuilding in Mozambique. London: Rowman and Littlefield. (Kilombo: Colonial Questions and International Relations)

Sabaratnam, Meera (2017) 'Symposium: Walking with Migrants: Ethnography as Method in International Relations.' International Studies Quarterly Online . Harvard Dataverse.

Snyder, Jack

Hopgood, Stephen, Snyder, Jack and Vinjamuri, Leslie, eds. (2017) Human Rights Futures. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Strauss, Julia

Strauss, Julia (2017) 'Campaigns of Redistribution: Land Reform and State Building in China and Taiwan, 1950-53.' In: Centeno, Miguel, Kohli, Atul and Yashar, Deborah J., (eds.), States in the Developing World. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 339-362.

Surak, Kristin

Surak, Kristin (2017) 'At the Margins of Multiculturalism: Assessing Kymlicka’s Liberal Multiculturalism in Japan.' Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 23 (2). pp. 227-239.

Surak, Kristin (2017) 'Engaging Objects: A Phenomenology of the Tea Ceremony and Japaneseness.' In: Zubrzycki, Geneviève, (ed.), National Matters: Materiality, Culture, and Nationalism. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.

Surak, Kristin (2017) 'The Tea Ceremony Beyond Japan: Postcolonial Cultural Transmission.' In: Japan im Westen: Literatur – Kultur – Spiritualität. Tübingen: Stauffenburg-Verlag. (Forthcoming)

Surak, Kristin (2017) 'Tea Flows: A Praxeological Perspective on Rituals.' In: Gottwald, Markus, Kirchmann, Kay and Paul, Heike, (eds.), (Extra-)Ordinary Presence: Social Configurations and Cultural Repertoire. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, pp. 181-194.

Thakur, Vineet

Thakur, Vineet (2017) 'Liberal, Liminal and Lost: India’s First Diplomats and the Narrative of Foreign Policy.' The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 45 (2). pp. 232-258.

Thakur, Vineet (2017) 'The ‘hardy annual’: A History of India’s First UN Resolution.' India Review, 16 (4). pp. 401-429.

Thakur, Vineet and Davis, Alexander E. (2017) 'A Communal Affair over International Affairs: The arrival of IR in Late Colonial India.' South Asia: Journal of South Asia Studies, 40 (4). pp. 689-705.

Thakur, Vineet, Davis, Alexander E. and Vale, Peter (2017) 'Imperial Mission, ‘Scientific’ Method: an Alternative Account of the Origins of IR.' Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 46 (1). pp. 3-23.

Thies, Cameron

Berenskoetter, Felix and van Hoef, Yuri (2017) 'Friendship and Foreign Policy.' In: Thies, Cameron, (ed.), Oxford Encyclopedia of Foreign Policy Analysis. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Tripp, Charles

Collins, Paul and Tripp, Charles, eds. (2017) Gertrude Bell and Iraq - a Life and Legacy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Proceedings of the British Academy; 205)

Vale, Peter

Thakur, Vineet, Davis, Alexander E. and Vale, Peter (2017) 'Imperial Mission, ‘Scientific’ Method: an Alternative Account of the Origins of IR.' Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 46 (1). pp. 3-23.

Vinjamuri, Leslie

Hopgood, Stephen, Snyder, Jack and Vinjamuri, Leslie, eds. (2017) Human Rights Futures. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Vinjamuri, Leslie (2017) 'Botched Yemen raid shows risks of Trump's approach.' CNN [8 Feb 2017].

Vinjamuri, Leslie (2017) 'The Distant Promise of a Negotiated Justice.' Daedalus, 146 (1). pp. 100-113.

Vinjamuri, Leslie (2017) 'Trump's Rhetoric is Eroding America's Moral Authority.' CNN.

Yashar, Deborah J.

Strauss, Julia (2017) 'Campaigns of Redistribution: Land Reform and State Building in China and Taiwan, 1950-53.' In: Centeno, Miguel, Kohli, Atul and Yashar, Deborah J., (eds.), States in the Developing World. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 339-362.

Ziadah, Rafeef

Ziadah, Rafeef (2017) 'Disciplining dissent: multicultural policy and the silencing of Arab-Canadians.' Race and Class, 58 (4). pp. 7-22.

Zubrzycki, Geneviève

Surak, Kristin (2017) 'Engaging Objects: A Phenomenology of the Tea Ceremony and Japaneseness.' In: Zubrzycki, Geneviève, (ed.), National Matters: Materiality, Culture, and Nationalism. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.

van Hoef, Yuri

Berenskoetter, Felix and van Hoef, Yuri (2017) 'Friendship and Foreign Policy.' In: Thies, Cameron, (ed.), Oxford Encyclopedia of Foreign Policy Analysis. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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