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Gerteis, Christopher (2013) '「衰退してゆく労働組合員一戦後労働運動における階級とジェンダー」[The decline of trade union membership: class and gender in the postwar labor movement].' In: フリューシュトゥック, サビーネ, ウォルソール, アン and 長野, ひろ子, (eds.), 日本人の「男らしさ」 -サムライからオタクまで 「男性性」の変遷を追う[Japanese "masculinity" - From samurai to otaku, tracing the evolution of "masculinity"]. 東京 [Tokyo]: 明石書店 [Akashi Books], pp. 130-149.
Centeno, Marcos and Liverani, Laura (2013) Ainu 2009-2013. [Shows/Exhibitions] (Unpublished)
Gerteis, Christopher (2013) Political Protest in Interwar Japan - 1: Posters and Handbills from the Ohara Collection (1920s-1930s). [Shows/Exhibitions]
Gerteis, Christopher and Dower, John W (2013) Political Protest in Interwar Japan - 2: Eight Topical Galleries from the Ohara Collection (1920s-1930s). [Shows/Exhibitions]