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Ercanbrack, Jonathan (2015) The Transformation of Islamic Law in Global Financial Markets. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Makhlouf, Amel (2015) L’émergence d’un droit international de la finance islamique: origines, formation et intégration en droit français. Paris: IRJS Editions. (Collection : Ethique et normes de la finance, v.4)
Smith, I.O. (2015) Nigerian Law of Secured Credit : 2nd edition. Lagos: Ecowatch.
Tsunoda, Takeshi, Menski, Werner F, Mori, Masami and Ishida, Shin'ichirō, eds. (2015) 法文化論の展開 : 法主体のダイナミクス : 千葉正士先生追悼 = Hōbunkaron no tenkai : hōshutai no dainamikusu chiba masaji sensei tsuitō. Tōkyō: Shinzansha.
Bhandar, Brenna and Goldberg-Hiller, Jonathan, eds. (2015) Plastic Materialities: Politics, Legality, and Metamorphosis in the Work of Catherine Malabou. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
Cullet, Philippe and Bhullar, Lovleen, eds. (2015) Sanitation Law and Policy in India: An Introduction to Basic Instruments. Delhi: Oxford University Press.
Bhandar, Brenna and Goldberg-Hiller, Jonathan (2015) 'Introduction: Staging Encounters.' In: Bhandar, Brenna and Goldberg-Hiller, Jonathan, (eds.), Plastic Materialities: Politics, Legality and Metamorphosis in the Work of Catherine Malabou. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, pp. 1-34.
Bhandar, Brenna and Goldberg-Hiller, Jonathan (2015) 'Law, Sovereignty and Recognition.' In: Bhandar, Brenna and Goldberg-Hiller, Jonathan, (eds.), Plastic Materialities: Politics, Legality and Metamorphosis in the Work of Catherine Malabou. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, pp. 209-232.
Caldwell, Ernest (2015) 'Opportune Moments in Early Chinese Strategic Thought: The Concept of ji 機 in the Warring States Period Bamboo Manuscript Cao Mie’s Battle Arrays.' In: Lorge, Peter and Roy, Kaushik, (eds.), Chinese and Indian Warfare: The Classical Age to 1870. London: Routledge, pp. 17-31. (Asian States and Empires)
Cullet, Philippe (2015) 'Governing the Environment without CoPs – The Case of Water.' In: Fitzmaurice, Malgosia and French, Duncan, (eds.), International Environmental Law and Governance. Leiden: Brill, pp. 143-156. (Queen Mary Studies in International Law, Volume: 19)
Cullet, Philippe (2015) 'Principle 7 – Common but Differentiated Responsibilities.' In: Viñuales, Jorge E., (ed.), The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development: A Commentary. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 229-244. (Oxford Commentaries on International Law)
Cullet, Philippe (2015) 'Water Regulation and Public Participation in the Indian Context.' In: Tignino, Mara, (ed.), Public Participation and Water Resources Management – Where Do We Stand in International Law? Paris: UNESCO, pp. 20-29.
Cullet, Philippe and Bhullar, Lovleen (2015) 'Sanitation Law in India – An Overview.' In: Cullet, Philippe and Bhullar, Lovleen, (eds.), Sanitation Law and Policy in India – An Introduction to Basic Instruments. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 6-16.
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Heathcote, Gina (2015) 'Feminist Perspectives on the Law on the Use of Force.' In: Weller, Marc, (ed.), Oxford Handbook of the Use of Force in International Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 114-128.
Lwabukuna, Olivia (2015) 'Fragility, Trade and Inclusive Development in Resource-Rich African Countries.' In: Ewusi, Samuel, Kale, (ed.), Managing Fragile and Security Challenges in Africa. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: United Nations University for Peace-Africa Programme, pp. 42-53. (UPEACE AFRICA POLICY SERIES)
Menski, Werner F (2015) 'Chiba’s contribution to global legal scholarship: MM v. POP [in Japanese].' In: Tsunoda, Takeshi, Menski, Werner F, Mori, Masami and Ishida, Shin'ichirō, (eds.), 法文化論の展開 : 法主体のダイナミクス : 千葉正士先生追悼 = Hōbunkaron no tenkai : hōshutai no dainamikusu chiba masaji sensei tsuitō. Tōkyō: Shinzansha, pp. 155-189.
Menski, Werner F (2015) 'Dowry.' In: Frick, Gita Dharmpal, Steinbach, Monika Kirolskar, Dwyer, Rachel and Phalkey, Jahnavi, (eds.), Key Concepts in Modern Indian Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 68-70. (SOAS Studies on South Asia)
Menski, Werner F (2015) 'Foreword.' In: Satō, Kiyotaka, (ed.), The Life Story of Mr Ramanbhai Barber, MBE, DL: the President of the Shree Sanatan Mandir in Leicester. Tōkyō: Research Centre for the History of Religious and Cultural Diversity: 刀水書房, pp. 6-7. (Memory and Narrative Series 8)
Menski, Werner F (2015) 'Governance and governability in South Asian family laws and in diaspora.' In: Holden, Livia, (ed.), Legal Pluralism and Governance in South Asia and Diasporas. London: Routledge, pp. 42-57.
Menski, Werner F (2015) 'Preface [in Japanese].' In: Tsunoda, Takeshi, Menski, Werner F, Mori, Masami and Ishida, Shin'ichirō, (eds.), 法文化論の展開 : 法主体のダイナミクス : 千葉正士先生追悼 = Hōbunkaron no tenkai : hōshutai no dainamikusu chiba masaji sensei tsuitō. Tōkyō: Shinzansha, xi-xvi.
Menski, Werner F (2015) 'SAGE, not just a commercial enterprise….' In: Chopra, Ritu, David, Aarti, Todd, Michael and Sudhakaran, Sudhakaran, (eds.), Turning 50. Memories, moments and dreams. New Delhi: Sage, pp. 70-71.
Mou, Yu (2015) 'Beyond Legitimate Grounds: External Influences and the Discretionary Power not to Prosecute in the People's Republic of China.' In: Caiaoniello, Michele and Hodgson, Jacqueline, (eds.), Discretionary Criminal justice in a Comparative Context. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, pp. 115-139.
Sharma, Kanika (2015) 'Spectacular Justice: Aesthetics and Power in the Gandhi Murder Trial.' In: Allo, Awol, (ed.), The Courtroom as a Space of Resistance. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 323-343. (Critical Studies in Jurisprudence)
Suresh, Mayur (2015) 'Pendulous Penises and Couture Clitorises: What Medical Men do to Intersex Infants.' In: Narrain, Arvind and Chandran, Vinay, (eds.), Nothing to Fix Medicalisation of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. London: Sage; Yoda Press.
Suresh, Mayur (2015) 'Reading Life and Death into the Legal Text.' In: Das, Samir Kumar, (ed.), India: Democracy and Violence. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, pp. 152-166.
Tan, Carol G.S. (2015) '"不通铁路"的威海卫与"化工团".' In: Ma, Li, (ed.), Yi Zhan Hua Gong Zai Fa Guo. Beijing: Ji Lin, pp. 71-88.
Tan, Carol G.S. (2015) 'Beyond Media Stereotypes: Hong Kong's Migrant Domestic Workers as Travellers and Litigants.' In: A Practitioner's Manual for Migrant Workers: Bringing Claims in Hong Kong and from Abroad. Singapore: Justice Without Borders, pp. 1-15.
Bates, Elizabeth Stubbins (2015) 'Sophisticated Constructivism in Human Rights Compliance Theory.' European Journal of International Law, 25 (4). pp. 1169-1182.
Bhandar, Brenna (2015) 'Title By Registration: instituting modern property law and creating racial value in the settler colony.' Journal of Law and Society, 42 (2). pp. 253-282.
Bhandar, Brenna and Toscano, Alberto (2015) 'Race, Real Estate and Real Abstraction.' Radical Philosophy, 194. pp. 8-17.
Bruce-Jones, Eddie (2015) 'Death Zones, Comfort Zones: Queering the Refugee Question.' International Journal on Minority and Group Rights, 22 (1). pp. 101-127.
Craven, Matthew (2015) 'Between Law and History: the Berlin Conference of 1884-85 and the Logic of Free Trade.' London Review of International Law, 3 (1). pp. 31-59.
Cullet, Philippe (2015) 'Développement: Une occasion manquée?' Le Courrier. p. 6.
Cullet, Philippe, Bhullar, Lovleen and Koonan, Sujith (2015) 'Inter-Sectoral Water Allocation and Conflicts – Perspectives from Rajasthan.' Economic and Political Weekly, 50 (34). pp. 61-69.
Hamzić, Vanja (2015) 'The (Un)Conscious Pariah: Canine and Gender Outcasts of the British Raj.' Australian Feminist Law Journal, 40 (2). pp. 185-198.
Jiang, Jue (2015) 'Buying "Leniency," Selling "justice"? -- A Critical Discussion of "Criminal Reconciliation" (xingshi hejie) Under China's Revised Criminal Procedural Law.' Journal of Comparative Law, 10 (2). pp. 189-217.
Kabasakal Badamchi, Devrim (2015) 'Justifications of Freedom of Speech:Towards a Double-grounded Non-consequentialist Approach.' Philosophy and Social Criticism, 41 (9). pp. 907-927.
Lwabukuna, Olivia (2015) 'Natural Resources for Socio- Economic Development in Africa: Legal Governance of Extractive Industries in Ghana.' Africa Insight, 44 (4). pp. 47-60.
Menski, Werner F (2015) 'Bangladesh in 2015: Challenges of the iccher ghuri for learning to live together.' Journal of Law and Policy, 1 (1). pp. 9-32.
Menski, Werner F (2015) 'Globalizing development and legal theory: Pluralist perspectives as useful tools.' Nippon Foundation Reports, 27 (3). pp. 26-47.
Menski, Werner F (2015) 'Legal simulation: Law as a navigation tool for decision-making.' Report of Japan Coast Guard Academy = 海保大研究報告, 法文学系, 59 (2.1). pp. 1-22.
Menski, Werner F and Sona, Federica (2015) 'Author and subject index to IANL Vol 28 (2014).' Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law, 29 (1). pp. 74-120.
Mou, Yu (2015) 'Conducting Participant Observation Inside the Prosecutor's Office: Understanding the Dossier-Based Chinese Criminal Justice System.' SAGE Research Methods Cases.
Oette, Lutz (2015) 'Austerity and the Limits of Policy-Induced Suffering: What Role for the Prohibition of Torture and Other Ill-Treatment.' Human Rights Law Review, 15 (4). pp. 669-694.
Onyema, Emilia (2015) 'IPCO v NNPC Saga and liability of Nigerian Legal System.' The Guardian Newspaper, Nigeria.
Saral, Melek (2015) 'Turkey’s ‘self’ and ‘other’ Definitions in course of EU Accession Process.' Critical Muslim (16).
Sultany, Nimer (2015) 'Duncan Kennedy on Constitutional Theory and Palestine.' Unbound: Harvard Journal of the Legal Left, 10. pp. 84-90.
Tan, Carol G.S. (2015) 'How A "Lawless" China Made Modern America: An Epic Told in Orientalism, a review of Teemu Ruskola, Legal Orientalism: China, The United States and Modern Law (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2013) pp. 338 $39.95.' Harvard Law Review, 128 (6). pp. 1677-1704.
Zhu, Sanzhu (2015) 'Socialist Rule of Law in the 21th Century China.' Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, 7 (1). pp. 75-81.
Grady, Kate (2015) The Tyranny of Numbers: UN Statistics on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by its Peacekeepers. In: Academic Council on the United Nations System Annual Meeting 2015, 11-13 June 2015, The Hague. (Unpublished)
Hamzić, Vanja (2015) The Dera Paradigm: Homecoming of the Gendered Other. In: Re-imagining Anthropological and Sociological Boundaries, International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES) Inter-Congress, July 2015, Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand. (Unpublished)
Hamzić, Vanja (2015) Equality and Legality in Muslim Subjectivity Formation. In: IGLP: The Workshop, ‘Law and Inequality within and between Nations’ Panel, January 2015, Hamad bin Khalifa University, Doha, Qatar. (Unpublished)
Hamzić, Vanja (2015) International Law as Violence: Competing Absences of the Other. In: Queering International Law: Possibilities, Alliances, Complicities, Risks, December 2015, Institute for International Law and the Humanities, Melbourne Law School, Melbourne, Australia. (Unpublished)
Hamzić, Vanja (2015) Mir-Said Sultan-Galiev and the Idea of Muslim Marxism. In: Reformers and Intellectual Reformulation in Contemporary Islam, January 2015, SOAS, University of London and Queen Mary, University of London. (Unpublished)
Hamzić, Vanja (2015) Mir-Said Sultan-Galiev and the Idea of Muslim Marxism: Empire, Third World(s) and Praxis. In: Third World Approaches to International Law Writing Workshop: On Praxis and the Intellectual, September 2015, Maynooth University, Maynooth, Ireland. (Unpublished)
Hamzić, Vanja (2015) On Muslim Marxism à la Mir-Said Sultan-Galiev: Empire, Law and Quietist Insurrections. In: Islamic Law and Empire, Research Conference, IGLP, June 2015, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA, USA. (Unpublished)
Hamzić, Vanja (2015) Towards Third World Approaches to Islamic Law: Empire, Gunpowder and Praxis. In: Third World Approaches to International Law Conference: On Praxis and the Intellectual, February 2015, American University in Cairo, Cairo, Egypt. (Unpublished)
Hamzić, Vanja (2015) Wael B. Hallaq and the Question of Modern Nation-State in Islamic Legal Tradition: Empire of Law in Pre-Modern and Modern Muslim Legal Cultures. In: IGLP: The Workshop, Islamic Law and Policy Stream, January 2015, Hamad bin Khalifa University, Doha, Qatar. (Unpublished)
Onyema, Emilia (2015) The Role of Arbitration Institutions in the Development of Arbitration in Africa. In: Arbitration Institutions in Africa Conference, 23 July 2015, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. (Unpublished)
Beck, Gunnar and Horn, H-D. (2015) Verfassungsbeschwerde gegen die Mitwirkung der Bundesbank und das Unterlassen der Bundesregierung und des Deutschen Bundestages jeglicher Hinwirkung auf die Aufhebung und Begrenzung der innerstaatlichen Auswirkungen der Beschlüsse des Rates der Europäischen Zentralbank vom 4. September 2014, 2. Oktober 2014, 15. Oktober 2014 und 22. Januar 2015 [Part 1]. London; Marburg; Lahn: Marburg Law School.
Bruce-Jones, Eddie and El-Enany, Nadine (2015) Justice, Resistance and Solidarity: Race and Policing in England and Wales. London: Runnymede Trust.
Oette, Lutz (2015) 'Review of: Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban, 'Shari'a and Islamism in Sudan: Conflict, Law and Social Transformation'. London and New York: I.B. Tauris, 2012, 343 p.' Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law, 2011-2012, 17 . pp. 788-792.
Bruce-Jones, Eddie (2015) Deterrence unto Death: Running fast into a neighbour’s knife. Critical Legal Thinking [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]
Cullet, Philippe (2015) The WASH Summit - Beyond Toilets and Behaviour Change. The Statesman [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]
Aldarbas, Ahmad M S (2015) The regulatory framework of the real estate sector in the Arabian Gulf countries. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25501/SOAS.00026682
Ekundayo, Osifunke Sekinah (2015) The legal protection of children's right to free and compulsory primary education in Nigeria: problems and prospects. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25501/SOAS.00022804
Eshghi, Siavash (2015) International law, cyberspace and social movements : a critical interjection. PhD thesis. SOAS, University of London. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25501/SOAS.00020377
Hamzah, Dawood Adesola (2015) Impact of international law on the application of Islamic law in Saudi Arabia. PhD thesis. SOAS, University of London. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25501/SOAS.00023661
Ibrahim, Noryati Haji (2015) Divorce related issues : a study of financial settlement under Muslim family law in Brunei. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25501/SOAS.00026499
Joemrith, Khanapoj (2015) Enforcing arbitral awards against sovereign states : the validity of sovereign immunity defence in investor-state arbitration. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25501/SOAS.00022784
Khan, Adeeba Aziz (2015) Electoral institutions in Bangladesh : a study of conflicts between the formal and the informal. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25501/SOAS.00023587
Lesniewska, Feja (2015) Looking beyond the canopy : the influence of international principles, actors and values in evolving forest related law (case study China). PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25501/SOAS.00023672
Nowak, Lucja Magdalena (2015) Exploring the limits of the concept of legitimate expectations in investment treaty law : a study in comparative law and the development of international law. PhD thesis. SOAS, University of London. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25501/SOAS.00020373
Shaikh, Murtaza Hassan (2015) Protection of religious minorities : between Islamic law and international law : a comparative study of scope and freedom of religion. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25501/SOAS.00026494
Yu, Xiuling (2015) Transplanting law: control, resistance and co-operation. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25501/SOAS.00022806
Caldwell, Ernest (2015) 'Visualising Constitutionalism in China (Online).' Law and Development: Thinking Into / About Practice. University of Kent Law School .
Heathcote, Gina (2015) 'The Protection of Civilians and Protection of Peacekeeping Mandates: Gender and Ethics in Collective Security.' feminists@law, 5 (2). University of Kent.
Lwabukuna, Olivia (2015) 'Deferred constitutionality, constitutional crisis and South Sudan’s compromise demo(n)cracy.' Pambazuka News, 735 . Wantage: Pambazuka.