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Jump to: Aaberg, Lars | Adeola, Romola | Allinson, Kathryn | Alogna, Ivano | Amodu, Nojeem | Anita, Sakhi | Ayonrinde, Oyedeji | Baderin, Mashood | Bakker, Christine | Bartel, Robyn | Basak, Chiradeep | Bashi Rudahindwa, Jonathan | Bertotti, Sara | Bhatia, Monish | Bhugra, Dinesh | Bhullar, Lovleen | Bosman, Lise | Bozimo, Isaiah | Bruce-Jones, Eddie | Brus, MMTA | Burri, Thomas | Busuttil, Nicolette | Carter, Jennifer | Chalmers, Shane | Chamas, Sophie | Chirwa, Danwood | Cohen, David J. | Craven, Matthew | Cullet, Philippe | Czech, Philip | D Naik, Gayathri | Deakin, Simon | Dellapenna, Joseph | Deplano, Rossana | Desierto, Diane A. | Dhaliwal, Shveta | Durojaye, Ebenezer | Enonchong, Laura-Stella | Ercanbrack, Jonathan | Finden, Alice | Fitzmaurice, Malgosia | Gauci, Jean-Pierre | Gaunt, Sam | Gleiss, Robin | Grady, Kate | Greenman, Kathryn | Guild, Elspeth | Gupta, Joyeeta | Hamzić, Vanja | Hare, Christopher | Heathcote, Gina | Heller, Kevin | Heschl, Lisa | Jiang, Jue | Johnstone, Ian | Jolly, Stellina | Jones, Emily | Kahl, Wolfgang | Kashyap, Megha | Kelsall, Michelle Staggs | Khan, Abeera | Khan, Sarfaraz Ahmed | Kharchandy, David Arnold | Kokal, Kalindi | Koobak, Redi | Koonan, Sujith | Labenski, Sheri A. | Lai, Yan-ho | Lammasniemi, Laura | Laufenberg, Mike | Lauricella, Valeria | Lokhandwala, Zainab | Longo, Andrea | Louisse, Marije | Lukas, Karin | Lwabukuna, Olivia | Madhav, Roopa | Matar, Dina | McNab, Steven | Melzer, Nils | Meng, Gaofeng | Menon, Parvathi | Menski, Werner F | Merkouris, Panos | Michalko, Ján | Mou, Yu | Nabahan, Aviva | Neo, Dora | Newton, Scott | Nongrum, Kwilly | Nowak, Manfred | O'Connell, Paul | Oberleitner, Gerd | Oette, Lutz | Ohdedar, Birsha | Olakpe, Oreva | Onyema, Emilia | Orford, Anne | Ortolani, Pietro | Osman, Rana | Pahuja, Sundhya | Papanicolopulu, Irini | Paul, Sanu Rani | Peel, Jacqueline | Puthucherril, Tony George | Rajamani, Lavanya | Ratner, Steve | Renton, David | Rexhepi, Piro | Saral, Melek | Sarkar, Tanika | Saunders, Anna | Scott-Baumann, Alison | Sharma, Kanika | Sultany, Nimer | Suresh, Mayur | Tan, Kevin Y.L. | Thapar-Björkert, Suruchi | Thompson, Vanessa E. | Ticktin, Miriam | Tlostanova, Madina | Trinidad, Jamie | Tsagourias, Nicholas | Tudor, Alyosxa | Tzouvala, Ntina | Venzke, Ingo | Viljoen, Frans | Wang, Juan | Welchman, Lynn | Weller, Marc-Philippe | Williams-Elegbe, Sope | Wu, Hongyao | Yidana, Nuhu | Zichi, Paola | van Huellen, Sophie | Özsu, Umut
Number of items: 216.

Aaberg, Lars

Aaberg, Lars (2021) 'Review of: Mobile Subjects: Transnational Imaginaries of Gender Reassignment by Aren Z. Aizura.' Newbooks.Asia .

Adeola, Romola

Adeola, Romola, Lwabukuna, Olivia, Oette, Lutz and Viljoen, Frans, eds. (2021) Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons in Africa. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Journal of African Law. Vol. 65, supplt 1)

Adeola, Romola, Lwabukuna, Olivia, Oette, Lutz and Viljoen, Frans (2021) 'Introduction: Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons in Africa.' Journal of African Law, 65 (S1). pp. 5-8.

Adeola, Romola, Lwabukuna, Olivia, Oette, Lutz and Viljoen, Frans (2021) 'Introduction: Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons in Africa.' Journal of African Law, 65 (S1). pp. 5-8.

Allinson, Kathryn

Guild, Elspeth, Allinson, Kathryn and Busuttil, Nicolette (2021) 'Implementing the UN Global Compacts for Refugees and Migrants in Times of Pandemic: A View from the EU Member States.' In: Czech, Philip, Heschl, Lisa, Lukas, Karin, Nowak, Manfred and Oberleitner, Gerd, (eds.), European Yearbook on Human Rights 2021. Cambridge: Intersentia, pp. 319-348.

Alogna, Ivano

Ohdedar, Birsha (2021) 'Climate Change Litigation in India and Pakistan: Analyzing Opportunities and Challenges.' In: Alogna, Ivano, Bakker, Christine and Gauci, Jean-Pierre, (eds.), Climate Change Litigation: Global Perspectives. Leiden: Brill, pp. 103-123.

Amodu, Nojeem

Amodu, Nojeem (2021) 'Business and human rights versus corporate social responsibility: Integration for victim remedies.' African Human Rights Law Journal, 21. pp. 853-876.

Chirwa, Danwood and Amodu, Nojeem (2021) 'Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Sustainable Development Goals, and Duties of Corporations: Rejecting the False Dichotomies.' Business and Human Rights Journal, 6 (1). pp. 21-41.

Anita, Sakhi

Anita, Sakhi (2021) 'Geet Ga Rahe Hai Aaj Hum... Exploring songs of protest and hope in the Women’s Movement(s) in India.' The SOAS Journal of Postgraduate Research, 13 (2019/2020). pp. 31-54.

Ayonrinde, Oyedeji

Ayonrinde, Oyedeji and Busuttil, Nicolette (2021) 'Physical migration.' In: Bhugra, Dinesh, (ed.), Oxford Textbook of Migrant Psychiatry. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 219-230. (Oxford Textbooks in Psychiatry)

Baderin, Mashood

Baderin, Mashood (2021) Islamic Law : A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Very Short Introductions)

Bakker, Christine

Ohdedar, Birsha (2021) 'Climate Change Litigation in India and Pakistan: Analyzing Opportunities and Challenges.' In: Alogna, Ivano, Bakker, Christine and Gauci, Jean-Pierre, (eds.), Climate Change Litigation: Global Perspectives. Leiden: Brill, pp. 103-123.

Bartel, Robyn

Kokal, Kalindi and Menski, Werner F (2021) 'Performing law: space and the unfolding of gender and violence in India.' In: Bartel, Robyn and Carter, Jennifer, (eds.), Handbook on Space, Place and Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 72-85.

Basak, Chiradeep

Cullet, Philippe (2021) 'Foreword.' In: Basak, Chiradeep, (ed.), Global Climate Change and Environmental Laws in India. Thompson Reuters, ix-xiii.

Bashi Rudahindwa, Jonathan

Bashi Rudahindwa, Jonathan and van Huellen, Sophie (2021) 'Regional Developmentalism in West Africa: The Case for Commodity-based Industrialization through Regional Cooperation in the Cocoa–Chocolate Sector.' Journal of African Trade, 8 (1). pp. 82-95.

Bertotti, Sara

Bertotti, Sara (2021) Between Law and Peace: A Critical Study of the Relationship between Peace Agreements, Law and Socio-political Change. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Bertotti, Sara, Heathcote, Gina, Jones, Emily and Labenski, Sheri A. (2021) The Law of War and Peace: A Gender Analysis. Volume 1. London: Zed Books.

Bhatia, Monish

Bruce-Jones, Eddie and Bhatia, Monish, eds. (2021) Special Issue on Race, Mental Health and State Violence. London: Sage. (Race and Class. Vol. 62, no.3)

Bhugra, Dinesh

Ayonrinde, Oyedeji and Busuttil, Nicolette (2021) 'Physical migration.' In: Bhugra, Dinesh, (ed.), Oxford Textbook of Migrant Psychiatry. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 219-230. (Oxford Textbooks in Psychiatry)

Bhullar, Lovleen

Cullet, Philippe, Koonan, Sujith and Bhullar, Lovleen (2021) 'Water Security and International Law.' Annual Review of Law and Social Science, 17. pp. 261-276.

Bosman, Lise

Onyema, Emilia and Bozimo, Isaiah (2021) 'Arbitration in Nigeria.' In: Bosman, Lise, (ed.), Arbitration in Africa: a Practitioner's Guide (Second Edition). Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer, pp. 217-230.

Onyema, Emilia and Bozimo, Isaiah (2021) 'International Arbitration in the West African States.' In: Bosman, Lise, (ed.), Arbitration in Africa: A Practitioner's Guide (Second Edition). Alphen aan den Rijn,: Kluwer, pp. 145-188.

Bozimo, Isaiah

Onyema, Emilia and Bozimo, Isaiah (2021) 'Arbitration in Nigeria.' In: Bosman, Lise, (ed.), Arbitration in Africa: a Practitioner's Guide (Second Edition). Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer, pp. 217-230.

Onyema, Emilia and Bozimo, Isaiah (2021) 'International Arbitration in the West African States.' In: Bosman, Lise, (ed.), Arbitration in Africa: A Practitioner's Guide (Second Edition). Alphen aan den Rijn,: Kluwer, pp. 145-188.

Bruce-Jones, Eddie

Bruce-Jones, Eddie and Bhatia, Monish, eds. (2021) Special Issue on Race, Mental Health and State Violence. London: Sage. (Race and Class. Vol. 62, no.3)

Bruce-Jones, Eddie (2021) 'Deutsche Polizei an der Kreuzung: Intersektionalität von Rasse, Geschlecht, Migrationsstatus und psychischer Gesundheit.' In: Thompson, Vanessa E. and Laufenberg, Mike, (eds.), Sicherheit: Rassismuskritische und feministische Debatten. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, pp. 56-74. (Forum Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung, Band 49)

Bruce-Jones, Eddie (2021) 'Mental health and death in custody: The Angiolini Review.' Race and Class, 62 (3). 7 -17.

Bruce-Jones, Eddie (2021) 'Review Essay: Rahul Rao, Out of Time: The Queer Politics of Postcoloniality (CUP, 2020).' Critical Studies on Security, 9 (3). pp. 241-245.

Bruce-Jones, Eddie (2021) 'Review: Liat Ben-Moshe, Decarcerating Disability: Deinstitutionionalization and Prison Abolition (University of Minnesota Press).' Race and Class, 62 (3). pp. 102-107.

Bruce-Jones, Eddie (2021) The UK and Race: A Warning for Europe. Verfassungsblog [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Brus, MMTA

Cullet, Philippe (2021) 'Common but Differentiated Responsibilities.' In: Fitzmaurice, Malgosia, Brus, MMTA and Merkouris, Panos, (eds.), Research Handbook on International Environmental Law, 2nd edition. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 209-228.

Burri, Thomas

Papanicolopulu, Irini and Burri, Thomas (2021) 'Human Rights and the Chagos Advisory Opinion.' In: Burri, Thomas and Trinidad, Jamie, (eds.), The International Court of Justice and Decolonisation. New Directions from the Chagos Advisory Opinion. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 187-206.

Papanicolopulu, Irini and Burri, Thomas (2021) 'Human Rights and the Chagos Advisory Opinion.' In: Burri, Thomas and Trinidad, Jamie, (eds.), The International Court of Justice and Decolonisation. New Directions from the Chagos Advisory Opinion. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 187-206.

Busuttil, Nicolette

Ayonrinde, Oyedeji and Busuttil, Nicolette (2021) 'Physical migration.' In: Bhugra, Dinesh, (ed.), Oxford Textbook of Migrant Psychiatry. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 219-230. (Oxford Textbooks in Psychiatry)

Busuttil, Nicolette (2021) Entrenching Invisibility and Creating Vulnerability: The Absence of Disability in the UK’s New Plan for Immigration. Refugee Law Initiative (RLI) Blog on Refugee Law and Forced Migration [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Guild, Elspeth, Allinson, Kathryn and Busuttil, Nicolette (2021) 'Implementing the UN Global Compacts for Refugees and Migrants in Times of Pandemic: A View from the EU Member States.' In: Czech, Philip, Heschl, Lisa, Lukas, Karin, Nowak, Manfred and Oberleitner, Gerd, (eds.), European Yearbook on Human Rights 2021. Cambridge: Intersentia, pp. 319-348.

Carter, Jennifer

Kokal, Kalindi and Menski, Werner F (2021) 'Performing law: space and the unfolding of gender and violence in India.' In: Bartel, Robyn and Carter, Jennifer, (eds.), Handbook on Space, Place and Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 72-85.

Chalmers, Shane

Craven, Matthew (2021) 'The Time of Revolution: Decolonisation, Heterodox International Legal Historiography and the Problem of the Contemporary.' In: Chalmers, Shane and Pahuja, Sundhya, (eds.), Routledge Handbook of International Law and the Humanities. London: Routledge. (Routledge Handbooks)

Grady, Kate (2021) 'Towards a Carceral Geography of International Law.' In: Pahuja, Sundhya and Chalmers, Shane, (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of International Law and the Humanities. London: Routledge.

Chamas, Sophie

Chamas, Sophie (2021) 'Activism as a Way of Life: The Social World of Social Movements in Middle-Class Beirut.' Partecipazione e Conflitto, 14 (2). pp. 530-546.

Chirwa, Danwood

Chirwa, Danwood and Amodu, Nojeem (2021) 'Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Sustainable Development Goals, and Duties of Corporations: Rejecting the False Dichotomies.' Business and Human Rights Journal, 6 (1). pp. 21-41.

Cohen, David J.

Kelsall, Michelle Staggs (2021) 'Horizontal Embeddedness, Business, and Human Rights: Fostering the Corporate Responsibility to Respect Human Rights within the ASEAN Community.' In: Desierto, Diane A. and Cohen, David J., (eds.), ASEAN Law and Regional Integration: governance and the rule of law in Southeast Asia's single market. Abingdon; New York, NY: Routledge.

Kelsall, Michelle Staggs (2021) 'One Vision, Three Communities? Reflections on Human Rights in ASEAN’s Community Blueprints.' In: Cohen, David J., Tan, Kevin Y.L. and Nabahan, Aviva, (eds.), Human Rights and ASEAN: Indonesian and International Perspectives. Singapore: World Scientific, pp. 85-98.

Craven, Matthew

Craven, Matthew (2021) 'The Time of Revolution: Decolonisation, Heterodox International Legal Historiography and the Problem of the Contemporary.' In: Chalmers, Shane and Pahuja, Sundhya, (eds.), Routledge Handbook of International Law and the Humanities. London: Routledge. (Routledge Handbooks)

Craven, Matthew (2021) 'The Tyranny of Strangers: Transformative Occupations Old and New.' London Review of International Law, 9 (2). pp. 197-218.

Cullet, Philippe

Cullet, Philippe (2021) Addressing Inequality to Foster Legitimacy and Effectiveness of Environmental Regimes. Pathway to the 2022 Declaration – A Blog by Jurists for Diplomats [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Cullet, Philippe (2021) 'Common but Differentiated Responsibilities.' In: Fitzmaurice, Malgosia, Brus, MMTA and Merkouris, Panos, (eds.), Research Handbook on International Environmental Law, 2nd edition. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 209-228.

Cullet, Philippe (2021) 'Differentiation.' In: Rajamani, Lavanya and Peel, Jacqueline, (eds.), Oxford Handbook of International Environmental Law, 2nd editon. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 319-334.

Cullet, Philippe (2021) For COP26 Britain Must Host the Most Ambitious Climate Change Conference Ever. SOAS ICOP Policy Briefings [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Cullet, Philippe (2021) 'Foreword.' In: Basak, Chiradeep, (ed.), Global Climate Change and Environmental Laws in India. Thompson Reuters, ix-xiii.

Cullet, Philippe (2021) 'Foreword.' In: Kharchandy, David Arnold and Nongrum, Kwilly, (eds.), Understanding Water Crisis. New Delhi: Lakshi Publishers, xix-xxi.

Cullet, Philippe (2021) 'Groundwater Law and Management in India: From an Elitist to an Egalitarian Paradigm.' In: Khan, Sarfaraz Ahmed, Puthucherril, Tony George and Paul, Sanu Rani, (eds.), From Elite to Egalitarian: The Changing Landscape of Groundwater Law in India. Singapore: Springer Nature, pp. 337-347.

Cullet, Philippe (2021) Le mauvais signal de la Suisse à l’approche de la COP26. Le Temps [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Cullet, Philippe (2021) 'Water Law and Development.' In: Dellapenna, Joseph and Gupta, Joyeeta, (eds.), Water Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 391-401. (Elgar Encyclopedia on Environmental Law, Vol. 10)

Cullet, Philippe, Koonan, Sujith and Bhullar, Lovleen (2021) 'Water Security and International Law.' Annual Review of Law and Social Science, 17. pp. 261-276.

Czech, Philip

Guild, Elspeth, Allinson, Kathryn and Busuttil, Nicolette (2021) 'Implementing the UN Global Compacts for Refugees and Migrants in Times of Pandemic: A View from the EU Member States.' In: Czech, Philip, Heschl, Lisa, Lukas, Karin, Nowak, Manfred and Oberleitner, Gerd, (eds.), European Yearbook on Human Rights 2021. Cambridge: Intersentia, pp. 319-348.

D Naik, Gayathri

Jolly, Stellina and D Naik, Gayathri (2021) 'Saga of Indo- US Climate Contestation and Cooperation: A Legal Analysis.' In: Dhaliwal, Shveta, (ed.), Indo-US Relations: In the Changing World Order. London: Routledge.

Deakin, Simon

Deakin, Simon and Meng, Gaofeng (2021) The Governance of COVID-19: Anthropogenic Risk, Evolutionary Learning, and the Future of the Social State. Cambridge, UK: Centre for Business Research, University of Cambridge Working Paper no. 524.

Meng, Gaofeng and Deakin, Simon (2021) Re-learn how to govern risk. Beyond the Pandemic [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Dellapenna, Joseph

Cullet, Philippe (2021) 'Water Law and Development.' In: Dellapenna, Joseph and Gupta, Joyeeta, (eds.), Water Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 391-401. (Elgar Encyclopedia on Environmental Law, Vol. 10)

Deplano, Rossana

Heathcote, Gina and Zichi, Paola (2021) 'Feminist Methodologies.' In: Deplano, Rossana and Tsagourias, Nicholas, (eds.), Handbook of Research Methods in International Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 458-473. (Handbooks of Research Methods in Law series)

Desierto, Diane A.

Kelsall, Michelle Staggs (2021) 'Horizontal Embeddedness, Business, and Human Rights: Fostering the Corporate Responsibility to Respect Human Rights within the ASEAN Community.' In: Desierto, Diane A. and Cohen, David J., (eds.), ASEAN Law and Regional Integration: governance and the rule of law in Southeast Asia's single market. Abingdon; New York, NY: Routledge.

Dhaliwal, Shveta

Jolly, Stellina and D Naik, Gayathri (2021) 'Saga of Indo- US Climate Contestation and Cooperation: A Legal Analysis.' In: Dhaliwal, Shveta, (ed.), Indo-US Relations: In the Changing World Order. London: Routledge.

Durojaye, Ebenezer

Durojaye, Ebenezer, Lwabukuna, Olivia, Oette, Lutz and Williams-Elegbe, Sope, eds. (2021) COVID-19 and the Law in Africa. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Journal of African Law. Special Issue Volume 65 - Supplement S2)

Durojaye, Ebenezer, Lwabukuna, Olivia, Oette, Lutz and Williams-Elegbe, Sope (2021) 'Introduction: COVID-19 and the Law in Africa.' Journal of African Law, 65 (S2). pp. 173-180.

Enonchong, Laura-Stella

Enonchong, Laura-Stella (2021) Chad’s ‘covert coup’ and the implications for democratic governance in Africa. The Conversation [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Enonchong, Laura-Stella (2021) The Constitution and Governance in Cameroon. London: Routledge. (Routledge Series on Law in Africa)

Ercanbrack, Jonathan

Ercanbrack, Jonathan (2021) 'Islamic Trade Law and the Smart Contract Revolution.' In: Neo, Dora and Hare, Christopher, (eds.), Trade Finance: Technology, Innovation and Documentary Credits. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 308-334.

Finden, Alice

Finden, Alice, Heathcote, Gina and Zichi, Paola, eds. (2021) Special Issue on Hygiene, Coloniality and Law. London: Taylor and Francis. (Australian Feminist Law Journal, vol.47, no.1)

Finden, Alice (2021) 'Hygiene, Morality and the Pre-criminal: Genealogies of Suspicion from Twentieth Century British-Occupied Egypt.' Australian Feminist Law Journal, 47 (1). pp. 27-45.

Finden, Alice, Heathcote, Gina and Zichi, Paola (2021) 'Introduction to the Special Issue on Hygiene, Coloniality and Law.' Australian Feminist Law Journal, 47 (1). pp. 1-8.

Fitzmaurice, Malgosia

Cullet, Philippe (2021) 'Common but Differentiated Responsibilities.' In: Fitzmaurice, Malgosia, Brus, MMTA and Merkouris, Panos, (eds.), Research Handbook on International Environmental Law, 2nd edition. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 209-228.

Gauci, Jean-Pierre

Ohdedar, Birsha (2021) 'Climate Change Litigation in India and Pakistan: Analyzing Opportunities and Challenges.' In: Alogna, Ivano, Bakker, Christine and Gauci, Jean-Pierre, (eds.), Climate Change Litigation: Global Perspectives. Leiden: Brill, pp. 103-123.

Gaunt, Sam

Gaunt, Sam and Longo, Andrea (2021) 'Non-Profit Project Owners: Crowdfunding and Public Interest Litigation in the Digital Age.' In: Ortolani, Pietro and Louisse, Marije, (eds.), The EU Crowdfunding Regulation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Gleiss, Robin

Heathcote, Gina (2021) 'Gendered Security.' In: Gleiss, Robin and Melzer, Nils, (eds.), The Oxford Handbook on the International Law of Global Security. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Grady, Kate

Grady, Kate (2021) 'Symposium Introduction: The 2003 Iraq War: history, legacy, resistance.' London Review of International Law, 9 (2). pp. 163-167.

Grady, Kate (2021) 'Towards a Carceral Geography of International Law.' In: Pahuja, Sundhya and Chalmers, Shane, (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of International Law and the Humanities. London: Routledge.

Grady, Kate (2021) 'War and order: rethinking criminal accountability for the Iraq War.' London Review of International Law, 9 (2). pp. 245-267.

Greenman, Kathryn

Newton, Scott (2021) 'Microcosm: Soviet Constitutional Internationality.' In: Greenman, Kathryn, Orford, Anne, Saunders, Anna and Tzouvala, Ntina, (eds.), Revolutions in International Law: The Legacies of 1917. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 134-155.

Guild, Elspeth

Guild, Elspeth, Allinson, Kathryn and Busuttil, Nicolette (2021) 'Implementing the UN Global Compacts for Refugees and Migrants in Times of Pandemic: A View from the EU Member States.' In: Czech, Philip, Heschl, Lisa, Lukas, Karin, Nowak, Manfred and Oberleitner, Gerd, (eds.), European Yearbook on Human Rights 2021. Cambridge: Intersentia, pp. 319-348.

Gupta, Joyeeta

Cullet, Philippe (2021) 'Water Law and Development.' In: Dellapenna, Joseph and Gupta, Joyeeta, (eds.), Water Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 391-401. (Elgar Encyclopedia on Environmental Law, Vol. 10)

Hamzić, Vanja

Hamzić, Vanja (2021) Islamic Law, the Private Sphere, State Policy and Transformations. In: Gender and Private International Law Workshop, May 2021, Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Hamburg. (Unpublished)

Hare, Christopher

Ercanbrack, Jonathan (2021) 'Islamic Trade Law and the Smart Contract Revolution.' In: Neo, Dora and Hare, Christopher, (eds.), Trade Finance: Technology, Innovation and Documentary Credits. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 308-334.

Heathcote, Gina

Finden, Alice, Heathcote, Gina and Zichi, Paola, eds. (2021) Special Issue on Hygiene, Coloniality and Law. London: Taylor and Francis. (Australian Feminist Law Journal, vol.47, no.1)

Bertotti, Sara, Heathcote, Gina, Jones, Emily and Labenski, Sheri A. (2021) The Law of War and Peace: A Gender Analysis. Volume 1. London: Zed Books.

Finden, Alice, Heathcote, Gina and Zichi, Paola (2021) 'Introduction to the Special Issue on Hygiene, Coloniality and Law.' Australian Feminist Law Journal, 47 (1). pp. 1-8.

Heathcote, Gina (2021) 'Gendered Security.' In: Gleiss, Robin and Melzer, Nils, (eds.), The Oxford Handbook on the International Law of Global Security. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Heathcote, Gina (2021) 'Maritime Demarcation in the Gulf since 2003.' London Review of International Law, 9 (2). pp. 219-243.

Heathcote, Gina (2021) 'Protesting the Preamble: Normative Pronouncements and Feminist Jurisprudence in the Security Council.' In: Johnstone, Ian and Ratner, Steve, (eds.), Talking International Law: Legal Argumentation Outside the Courtroom. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Heathcote, Gina and Zichi, Paola (2021) 'Feminist Methodologies.' In: Deplano, Rossana and Tsagourias, Nicholas, (eds.), Handbook of Research Methods in International Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 458-473. (Handbooks of Research Methods in Law series)

Heller, Kevin

Kelsall, Michelle Staggs (2021) '‘Poisonous Flowers on the Dust-heap of a Dying Capitalism’: The United Nations Code of Conduct on Transnational Corporations, Contingency and Failure in International Law.' In: Heller, Kevin and Venzke, Ingo, (eds.), Contingency in International Law: On the Possibility of Different Legal Histories. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Heschl, Lisa

Guild, Elspeth, Allinson, Kathryn and Busuttil, Nicolette (2021) 'Implementing the UN Global Compacts for Refugees and Migrants in Times of Pandemic: A View from the EU Member States.' In: Czech, Philip, Heschl, Lisa, Lukas, Karin, Nowak, Manfred and Oberleitner, Gerd, (eds.), European Yearbook on Human Rights 2021. Cambridge: Intersentia, pp. 319-348.

Jiang, Jue

Jiang, Jue (2021) 'The Eyes and Ears of the Authoritarian Regime: Mass Reporting in China.' Journal of Contemporary Asia, 51 (5). pp. 828-847.

Johnstone, Ian

Heathcote, Gina (2021) 'Protesting the Preamble: Normative Pronouncements and Feminist Jurisprudence in the Security Council.' In: Johnstone, Ian and Ratner, Steve, (eds.), Talking International Law: Legal Argumentation Outside the Courtroom. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Jolly, Stellina

Jolly, Stellina and D Naik, Gayathri (2021) 'Saga of Indo- US Climate Contestation and Cooperation: A Legal Analysis.' In: Dhaliwal, Shveta, (ed.), Indo-US Relations: In the Changing World Order. London: Routledge.

Jones, Emily

Bertotti, Sara, Heathcote, Gina, Jones, Emily and Labenski, Sheri A. (2021) The Law of War and Peace: A Gender Analysis. Volume 1. London: Zed Books.

Kahl, Wolfgang

Ohdedar, Birsha and McNab, Steven (2021) 'Climate Litigation in the United Kingdom.' In: Kahl, Wolfgang and Weller, Marc-Philippe, (eds.), Climate Change Litigation: A Handbook. München: Beck.

Kashyap, Megha

Kashyap, Megha (2021) Living Between Two Worlds. Convivial Thinking [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Kelsall, Michelle Staggs

Kelsall, Michelle Staggs (2021) 'Horizontal Embeddedness, Business, and Human Rights: Fostering the Corporate Responsibility to Respect Human Rights within the ASEAN Community.' In: Desierto, Diane A. and Cohen, David J., (eds.), ASEAN Law and Regional Integration: governance and the rule of law in Southeast Asia's single market. Abingdon; New York, NY: Routledge.

Kelsall, Michelle Staggs (2021) 'One Vision, Three Communities? Reflections on Human Rights in ASEAN’s Community Blueprints.' In: Cohen, David J., Tan, Kevin Y.L. and Nabahan, Aviva, (eds.), Human Rights and ASEAN: Indonesian and International Perspectives. Singapore: World Scientific, pp. 85-98.

Kelsall, Michelle Staggs (2021) '‘Poisonous Flowers on the Dust-heap of a Dying Capitalism’: The United Nations Code of Conduct on Transnational Corporations, Contingency and Failure in International Law.' In: Heller, Kevin and Venzke, Ingo, (eds.), Contingency in International Law: On the Possibility of Different Legal Histories. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Oette, Lutz and Kelsall, Michelle Staggs (2021) 'Amicus Curiae Submission by the SOAS Centre for Human Rights Law In the Matter of a Request by the Pan African Lawyers Union (PALU) for an Advisory Opinion on the Guarantees for the Effective Protection of the Right to Participate in Government in Africa, in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Crisis Advisory Opinion No 001/2020.' London: SOAS Centre for Human Rights Law.

Khan, Abeera

Khan, Abeera (2021) 'In Defence of an Unalienated Politic: A Critical Appraisal of the Birmingham LGBT Lessons Protests.' Feminist Review, 128 (1). pp. 132-147.

Khan, Abeera (2021) 'The Violence of Essentialism.' Religion and Gender, 11 (1). pp. 99-104.

Khan, Sarfaraz Ahmed

Cullet, Philippe (2021) 'Groundwater Law and Management in India: From an Elitist to an Egalitarian Paradigm.' In: Khan, Sarfaraz Ahmed, Puthucherril, Tony George and Paul, Sanu Rani, (eds.), From Elite to Egalitarian: The Changing Landscape of Groundwater Law in India. Singapore: Springer Nature, pp. 337-347.

Kharchandy, David Arnold

Cullet, Philippe (2021) 'Foreword.' In: Kharchandy, David Arnold and Nongrum, Kwilly, (eds.), Understanding Water Crisis. New Delhi: Lakshi Publishers, xix-xxi.

Kokal, Kalindi

Kokal, Kalindi and Menski, Werner F (2021) 'Performing law: space and the unfolding of gender and violence in India.' In: Bartel, Robyn and Carter, Jennifer, (eds.), Handbook on Space, Place and Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 72-85.

Koobak, Redi

Tudor, Alyosxa and Rexhepi, Piro (2021) 'Connecting the ‘posts’ to confront racial capitalism’s coloniality: A conversation.' In: Koobak, Redi, Tlostanova, Madina and Thapar-Björkert, Suruchi, (eds.), Postcolonial and Postsocialist Dialogues Intersections, Opacities, Challenges in Feminist Theorizing and Practice. New York: Routledge, pp. 93-208. (Routledge advances in feminist studies and intersectionality)

Koonan, Sujith

Cullet, Philippe, Koonan, Sujith and Bhullar, Lovleen (2021) 'Water Security and International Law.' Annual Review of Law and Social Science, 17. pp. 261-276.

Labenski, Sheri A.

Bertotti, Sara, Heathcote, Gina, Jones, Emily and Labenski, Sheri A. (2021) The Law of War and Peace: A Gender Analysis. Volume 1. London: Zed Books.

Lai, Yan-ho

Lai, Yan-ho (2021) 破解香港的威權法治: 傘後與反送中以來的民主運動. Taiwan: Showwe Information. (Xie li shi, 199)

Lammasniemi, Laura

Lammasniemi, Laura and Sharma, Kanika (2021) 'Governing Conjugality: Social Hygiene and The Doctrine of Restitution of Conjugal Rights in England and India in the Nineteenth Century.' Australian Feminist Law Journal, 47 (1). pp. 67-84.

Sharma, Kanika, Lammasniemi, Laura and Sarkar, Tanika (2021) 'Dadaji Bhikaji v Rukhmabai: Rewriting Consent and Conjugal Relations in Colonial India.' Indian Law Review, 5 (3). pp. 265-287.

Laufenberg, Mike

Bruce-Jones, Eddie (2021) 'Deutsche Polizei an der Kreuzung: Intersektionalität von Rasse, Geschlecht, Migrationsstatus und psychischer Gesundheit.' In: Thompson, Vanessa E. and Laufenberg, Mike, (eds.), Sicherheit: Rassismuskritische und feministische Debatten. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, pp. 56-74. (Forum Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung, Band 49)

Lauricella, Valeria

Lauricella, Valeria (2021) 'Review of: Lyon, Stephen M.2019. Political kinship in Pakistan: descent, marriage, and government stability. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. 150 pp. Hb.: US$85.00. ISBN: 9781498582179.' Social Anthropology, 29 (1). pp. 253-254.

Lokhandwala, Zainab

Lokhandwala, Zainab (2021) Neoliberalisation of Indian Agriculture: Undermining of the Right to Food of Farmers. Socio Legal Review [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Longo, Andrea

Gaunt, Sam and Longo, Andrea (2021) 'Non-Profit Project Owners: Crowdfunding and Public Interest Litigation in the Digital Age.' In: Ortolani, Pietro and Louisse, Marije, (eds.), The EU Crowdfunding Regulation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Longo, Andrea (2021) 'The Use of Boycott as a Tool to Protect Fundamental Norms of International Law: The Baldassi Decision.' Diritti umani e diritto internazionale, 15 (2). pp. 489-499.

Louisse, Marije

Gaunt, Sam and Longo, Andrea (2021) 'Non-Profit Project Owners: Crowdfunding and Public Interest Litigation in the Digital Age.' In: Ortolani, Pietro and Louisse, Marije, (eds.), The EU Crowdfunding Regulation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Lukas, Karin

Guild, Elspeth, Allinson, Kathryn and Busuttil, Nicolette (2021) 'Implementing the UN Global Compacts for Refugees and Migrants in Times of Pandemic: A View from the EU Member States.' In: Czech, Philip, Heschl, Lisa, Lukas, Karin, Nowak, Manfred and Oberleitner, Gerd, (eds.), European Yearbook on Human Rights 2021. Cambridge: Intersentia, pp. 319-348.

Lwabukuna, Olivia

Durojaye, Ebenezer, Lwabukuna, Olivia, Oette, Lutz and Williams-Elegbe, Sope, eds. (2021) COVID-19 and the Law in Africa. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Journal of African Law. Special Issue Volume 65 - Supplement S2)

Adeola, Romola, Lwabukuna, Olivia, Oette, Lutz and Viljoen, Frans, eds. (2021) Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons in Africa. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Journal of African Law. Vol. 65, supplt 1)

Adeola, Romola, Lwabukuna, Olivia, Oette, Lutz and Viljoen, Frans (2021) 'Introduction: Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons in Africa.' Journal of African Law, 65 (S1). pp. 5-8.

Adeola, Romola, Lwabukuna, Olivia, Oette, Lutz and Viljoen, Frans (2021) 'Introduction: Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons in Africa.' Journal of African Law, 65 (S1). pp. 5-8.

Durojaye, Ebenezer, Lwabukuna, Olivia, Oette, Lutz and Williams-Elegbe, Sope (2021) 'Introduction: COVID-19 and the Law in Africa.' Journal of African Law, 65 (S2). pp. 173-180.

Lwabukuna, Olivia (2021) The Responsibility to Protect IDPs: African and Kenyan Encounters. Fresh Perspectives [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Lwabukuna, Olivia (2021) 'The Responsibility to Protect Internally Displaced Persons in Africa.' Journal of African Law, 65 (S1). pp. 73-100.

Madhav, Roopa

Madhav, Roopa (2021) Beyond Judicial Veto: Public Trust Doctrine, Administrative Decision Making and Implementation of Mining Related Laws: A Case Study of Iron Ore Mining in India. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Matar, Dina

Matar, Dina (2021) 'Empowering Women against Structural and Cultural Inequalities.' In: Intercultural Trends and Social Change in the Euro-Mediterranean Region The Anna Lindh Report 2021. Alexandria, Egypt: Anna Lindh Foundation.

McNab, Steven

Ohdedar, Birsha and McNab, Steven (2021) 'Climate Litigation in the United Kingdom.' In: Kahl, Wolfgang and Weller, Marc-Philippe, (eds.), Climate Change Litigation: A Handbook. München: Beck.

Melzer, Nils

Heathcote, Gina (2021) 'Gendered Security.' In: Gleiss, Robin and Melzer, Nils, (eds.), The Oxford Handbook on the International Law of Global Security. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Meng, Gaofeng

Deakin, Simon and Meng, Gaofeng (2021) The Governance of COVID-19: Anthropogenic Risk, Evolutionary Learning, and the Future of the Social State. Cambridge, UK: Centre for Business Research, University of Cambridge Working Paper no. 524.

Meng, Gaofeng and Deakin, Simon (2021) Re-learn how to govern risk. Beyond the Pandemic [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Menon, Parvathi

Menon, Parvathi (2021) 'Negotiating Subjection: The Political Economy of Protection in the Iraqi Mandate (1914-1932).' Third World Approaches to International Law Review, 2. pp. 180-199.

Menski, Werner F

Kokal, Kalindi and Menski, Werner F (2021) 'Performing law: space and the unfolding of gender and violence in India.' In: Bartel, Robyn and Carter, Jennifer, (eds.), Handbook on Space, Place and Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 72-85.

Menski, Werner F (2021) 'European Islam in the Age of Globalisation and Legal Pluralism: Not Easy Being European.' Naveiñ reet : Nordic Journal of Law and Social Research, 1 (10). pp. 187-210.

Merkouris, Panos

Cullet, Philippe (2021) 'Common but Differentiated Responsibilities.' In: Fitzmaurice, Malgosia, Brus, MMTA and Merkouris, Panos, (eds.), Research Handbook on International Environmental Law, 2nd edition. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 209-228.

Michalko, Ján

Michalko, Ján (2021) '"This Lady, She’s A-List!": The Empowerment Impact of Womxn Political Elites for Womxn in South African Higher Education.' Social Politics, 28 (4). pp. 1095-1114.

Mou, Yu

Mou, Yu (2021) How to Prevent Miscarriages of Justice. US-Asia Law Institute Perspectives [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Mou, Yu (2021) Miscarriages of Justice and the Construction of Criminality in the People’s Republic of China. Amicus Curiae [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Mou, Yu (2021) '英国刑事法律中关于性侵儿童案件的基本问题 (Rules and Principles on Sexual Offences against Children in the UK).' In: Wu, Hongyao, (ed.), 刑事法学研究 (Criminal Law Studies). Beijing: China University of Political Society and Law Press, pp. 130-179.

Mou, Yu (2021) 'The Transplanted Appropriate Adult Scheme in China.' The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice, 60 (1). pp. 25-45.

Wang, Juan and Mou, Yu (2021) 'The Paradigm Shift in the Disciplining of Village Cadres in China: From Mao to Xi.' The China Quarterly, 248 (S1). pp. 181-199.

Nabahan, Aviva

Kelsall, Michelle Staggs (2021) 'One Vision, Three Communities? Reflections on Human Rights in ASEAN’s Community Blueprints.' In: Cohen, David J., Tan, Kevin Y.L. and Nabahan, Aviva, (eds.), Human Rights and ASEAN: Indonesian and International Perspectives. Singapore: World Scientific, pp. 85-98.

Neo, Dora

Ercanbrack, Jonathan (2021) 'Islamic Trade Law and the Smart Contract Revolution.' In: Neo, Dora and Hare, Christopher, (eds.), Trade Finance: Technology, Innovation and Documentary Credits. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 308-334.

Newton, Scott

Newton, Scott (2021) 'Microcosm: Soviet Constitutional Internationality.' In: Greenman, Kathryn, Orford, Anne, Saunders, Anna and Tzouvala, Ntina, (eds.), Revolutions in International Law: The Legacies of 1917. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 134-155.

Nongrum, Kwilly

Cullet, Philippe (2021) 'Foreword.' In: Kharchandy, David Arnold and Nongrum, Kwilly, (eds.), Understanding Water Crisis. New Delhi: Lakshi Publishers, xix-xxi.

Nowak, Manfred

Guild, Elspeth, Allinson, Kathryn and Busuttil, Nicolette (2021) 'Implementing the UN Global Compacts for Refugees and Migrants in Times of Pandemic: A View from the EU Member States.' In: Czech, Philip, Heschl, Lisa, Lukas, Karin, Nowak, Manfred and Oberleitner, Gerd, (eds.), European Yearbook on Human Rights 2021. Cambridge: Intersentia, pp. 319-348.

O'Connell, Paul

Sultany, Nimer (2021) 'Marx and Critical Constitutional Theory.' In: O'Connell, Paul and Özsu, Umut, (eds.), Research Handbook on Law and Marxism. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 209-241. (Research Handbooks in Legal Theory series)

Oberleitner, Gerd

Guild, Elspeth, Allinson, Kathryn and Busuttil, Nicolette (2021) 'Implementing the UN Global Compacts for Refugees and Migrants in Times of Pandemic: A View from the EU Member States.' In: Czech, Philip, Heschl, Lisa, Lukas, Karin, Nowak, Manfred and Oberleitner, Gerd, (eds.), European Yearbook on Human Rights 2021. Cambridge: Intersentia, pp. 319-348.

Oette, Lutz

Durojaye, Ebenezer, Lwabukuna, Olivia, Oette, Lutz and Williams-Elegbe, Sope, eds. (2021) COVID-19 and the Law in Africa. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Journal of African Law. Special Issue Volume 65 - Supplement S2)

Adeola, Romola, Lwabukuna, Olivia, Oette, Lutz and Viljoen, Frans, eds. (2021) Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons in Africa. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Journal of African Law. Vol. 65, supplt 1)

Adeola, Romola, Lwabukuna, Olivia, Oette, Lutz and Viljoen, Frans (2021) 'Introduction: Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons in Africa.' Journal of African Law, 65 (S1). pp. 5-8.

Adeola, Romola, Lwabukuna, Olivia, Oette, Lutz and Viljoen, Frans (2021) 'Introduction: Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons in Africa.' Journal of African Law, 65 (S1). pp. 5-8.

Durojaye, Ebenezer, Lwabukuna, Olivia, Oette, Lutz and Williams-Elegbe, Sope (2021) 'Introduction: COVID-19 and the Law in Africa.' Journal of African Law, 65 (S2). pp. 173-180.

Oette, Lutz (2021) 'The Prohibition of Torture and Persons Living in Poverty: From the Margins to the Centre.' International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 70 (2). pp. 307-341.

Oette, Lutz (2021) 'Review of: Lynn Welchman, Al-Haq: A Global History of the First Palestinian Human Rights Organization.' Journal of Human Rights Practice, 13 (2). pp. 484-487.

Oette, Lutz and Kelsall, Michelle Staggs (2021) 'Amicus Curiae Submission by the SOAS Centre for Human Rights Law In the Matter of a Request by the Pan African Lawyers Union (PALU) for an Advisory Opinion on the Guarantees for the Effective Protection of the Right to Participate in Government in Africa, in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Crisis Advisory Opinion No 001/2020.' London: SOAS Centre for Human Rights Law.

Ohdedar, Birsha

Ohdedar, Birsha (2021) 'Climate Change Litigation in India and Pakistan: Analyzing Opportunities and Challenges.' In: Alogna, Ivano, Bakker, Christine and Gauci, Jean-Pierre, (eds.), Climate Change Litigation: Global Perspectives. Leiden: Brill, pp. 103-123.

Ohdedar, Birsha and McNab, Steven (2021) 'Climate Litigation in the United Kingdom.' In: Kahl, Wolfgang and Weller, Marc-Philippe, (eds.), Climate Change Litigation: A Handbook. München: Beck.

Olakpe, Oreva

Olakpe, Oreva (2021) South-South Migrations in International Law: The Case Studies of Nigeria and China. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Onyema, Emilia

Onyema, Emilia (2021) 'Commercial Disputes under the AfCFTA Area: The Case for Regional African Arbitral Centres.' IBA Arbitration Committee Newsletter.

Onyema, Emilia and Bozimo, Isaiah (2021) 'Arbitration in Nigeria.' In: Bosman, Lise, (ed.), Arbitration in Africa: a Practitioner's Guide (Second Edition). Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer, pp. 217-230.

Onyema, Emilia and Bozimo, Isaiah (2021) 'International Arbitration in the West African States.' In: Bosman, Lise, (ed.), Arbitration in Africa: A Practitioner's Guide (Second Edition). Alphen aan den Rijn,: Kluwer, pp. 145-188.

Orford, Anne

Newton, Scott (2021) 'Microcosm: Soviet Constitutional Internationality.' In: Greenman, Kathryn, Orford, Anne, Saunders, Anna and Tzouvala, Ntina, (eds.), Revolutions in International Law: The Legacies of 1917. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 134-155.

Ortolani, Pietro

Gaunt, Sam and Longo, Andrea (2021) 'Non-Profit Project Owners: Crowdfunding and Public Interest Litigation in the Digital Age.' In: Ortolani, Pietro and Louisse, Marije, (eds.), The EU Crowdfunding Regulation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Osman, Rana

Osman, Rana (2021) 'Review of: Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment: A Global and Historical Comparison, by Ahmet T. Kuru (Cambridge University Press, 2019).' Maydan: An online publication of the AbuSulayman Center for Global Islamic Studies at George Mason University .

Pahuja, Sundhya

Craven, Matthew (2021) 'The Time of Revolution: Decolonisation, Heterodox International Legal Historiography and the Problem of the Contemporary.' In: Chalmers, Shane and Pahuja, Sundhya, (eds.), Routledge Handbook of International Law and the Humanities. London: Routledge. (Routledge Handbooks)

Grady, Kate (2021) 'Towards a Carceral Geography of International Law.' In: Pahuja, Sundhya and Chalmers, Shane, (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of International Law and the Humanities. London: Routledge.

Papanicolopulu, Irini

Papanicolopulu, Irini and Burri, Thomas (2021) 'Human Rights and the Chagos Advisory Opinion.' In: Burri, Thomas and Trinidad, Jamie, (eds.), The International Court of Justice and Decolonisation. New Directions from the Chagos Advisory Opinion. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 187-206.

Paul, Sanu Rani

Cullet, Philippe (2021) 'Groundwater Law and Management in India: From an Elitist to an Egalitarian Paradigm.' In: Khan, Sarfaraz Ahmed, Puthucherril, Tony George and Paul, Sanu Rani, (eds.), From Elite to Egalitarian: The Changing Landscape of Groundwater Law in India. Singapore: Springer Nature, pp. 337-347.

Peel, Jacqueline

Cullet, Philippe (2021) 'Differentiation.' In: Rajamani, Lavanya and Peel, Jacqueline, (eds.), Oxford Handbook of International Environmental Law, 2nd editon. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 319-334.

Puthucherril, Tony George

Cullet, Philippe (2021) 'Groundwater Law and Management in India: From an Elitist to an Egalitarian Paradigm.' In: Khan, Sarfaraz Ahmed, Puthucherril, Tony George and Paul, Sanu Rani, (eds.), From Elite to Egalitarian: The Changing Landscape of Groundwater Law in India. Singapore: Springer Nature, pp. 337-347.

Rajamani, Lavanya

Cullet, Philippe (2021) 'Differentiation.' In: Rajamani, Lavanya and Peel, Jacqueline, (eds.), Oxford Handbook of International Environmental Law, 2nd editon. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 319-334.

Ratner, Steve

Heathcote, Gina (2021) 'Protesting the Preamble: Normative Pronouncements and Feminist Jurisprudence in the Security Council.' In: Johnstone, Ian and Ratner, Steve, (eds.), Talking International Law: Legal Argumentation Outside the Courtroom. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Renton, David

Renton, David and Scott-Baumann, Alison (2021) The 'Free Speech' Law will create Courtroom and Classroom Chaos. London: SOAS Influencing the Corridors of Power project (ICOP).

Renton, David and Scott-Baumann, Alison (2021) The HE Free Speech Bill must Incorporate the Equality Act. London: SOAS Influencing the Corridors of Power project (ICOP).

Rexhepi, Piro

Tudor, Alyosxa and Rexhepi, Piro (2021) 'Connecting the ‘posts’ to confront racial capitalism’s coloniality: A conversation.' In: Koobak, Redi, Tlostanova, Madina and Thapar-Björkert, Suruchi, (eds.), Postcolonial and Postsocialist Dialogues Intersections, Opacities, Challenges in Feminist Theorizing and Practice. New York: Routledge, pp. 93-208. (Routledge advances in feminist studies and intersectionality)

Saral, Melek

Saral, Melek (2021) 'Human rights challenges in post-uprising Egypt: political actors’ reflections on the years of 2011–2013.' International Journal of Human Rights, 25 (8). pp. 1374-1394.

Sarkar, Tanika

Sharma, Kanika, Lammasniemi, Laura and Sarkar, Tanika (2021) 'Dadaji Bhikaji v Rukhmabai: Rewriting Consent and Conjugal Relations in Colonial India.' Indian Law Review, 5 (3). pp. 265-287.

Saunders, Anna

Newton, Scott (2021) 'Microcosm: Soviet Constitutional Internationality.' In: Greenman, Kathryn, Orford, Anne, Saunders, Anna and Tzouvala, Ntina, (eds.), Revolutions in International Law: The Legacies of 1917. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 134-155.

Scott-Baumann, Alison

Renton, David and Scott-Baumann, Alison (2021) The 'Free Speech' Law will create Courtroom and Classroom Chaos. London: SOAS Influencing the Corridors of Power project (ICOP).

Renton, David and Scott-Baumann, Alison (2021) The HE Free Speech Bill must Incorporate the Equality Act. London: SOAS Influencing the Corridors of Power project (ICOP).

Sharma, Kanika

Lammasniemi, Laura and Sharma, Kanika (2021) 'Governing Conjugality: Social Hygiene and The Doctrine of Restitution of Conjugal Rights in England and India in the Nineteenth Century.' Australian Feminist Law Journal, 47 (1). pp. 67-84.

Sharma, Kanika, Lammasniemi, Laura and Sarkar, Tanika (2021) 'Dadaji Bhikaji v Rukhmabai: Rewriting Consent and Conjugal Relations in Colonial India.' Indian Law Review, 5 (3). pp. 265-287.

Sultany, Nimer

Sultany, Nimer, ed. (2021) Palestine Yearbook of International Law (2019/2020), vol. 22. Leiden: Brill.

Sultany, Nimer (2021) 'Marx and Critical Constitutional Theory.' In: O'Connell, Paul and Özsu, Umut, (eds.), Research Handbook on Law and Marxism. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 209-241. (Research Handbooks in Legal Theory series)

Suresh, Mayur

Suresh, Mayur (2021) 'Review of: The Truth Machines: Policing Violence and Scientific Interrogations in India By Jinee Lokaneeta. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2020. 262 pp. $34.95 (paper). ISBN 9780472074396.' Law, Culture and the Humanities, 17 (2). pp. 385-388.

Tan, Kevin Y.L.

Kelsall, Michelle Staggs (2021) 'One Vision, Three Communities? Reflections on Human Rights in ASEAN’s Community Blueprints.' In: Cohen, David J., Tan, Kevin Y.L. and Nabahan, Aviva, (eds.), Human Rights and ASEAN: Indonesian and International Perspectives. Singapore: World Scientific, pp. 85-98.

Thapar-Björkert, Suruchi

Tudor, Alyosxa and Rexhepi, Piro (2021) 'Connecting the ‘posts’ to confront racial capitalism’s coloniality: A conversation.' In: Koobak, Redi, Tlostanova, Madina and Thapar-Björkert, Suruchi, (eds.), Postcolonial and Postsocialist Dialogues Intersections, Opacities, Challenges in Feminist Theorizing and Practice. New York: Routledge, pp. 93-208. (Routledge advances in feminist studies and intersectionality)

Thompson, Vanessa E.

Bruce-Jones, Eddie (2021) 'Deutsche Polizei an der Kreuzung: Intersektionalität von Rasse, Geschlecht, Migrationsstatus und psychischer Gesundheit.' In: Thompson, Vanessa E. and Laufenberg, Mike, (eds.), Sicherheit: Rassismuskritische und feministische Debatten. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, pp. 56-74. (Forum Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung, Band 49)

Ticktin, Miriam

Tudor, Alyosxa and Ticktin, Miriam (2021) 'Sexuality and Borders in Right-Wing Times: a conversation.' Ethnic and Racial Studies, 44 (9). pp. 1648-1667.

Tlostanova, Madina

Tudor, Alyosxa and Rexhepi, Piro (2021) 'Connecting the ‘posts’ to confront racial capitalism’s coloniality: A conversation.' In: Koobak, Redi, Tlostanova, Madina and Thapar-Björkert, Suruchi, (eds.), Postcolonial and Postsocialist Dialogues Intersections, Opacities, Challenges in Feminist Theorizing and Practice. New York: Routledge, pp. 93-208. (Routledge advances in feminist studies and intersectionality)

Trinidad, Jamie

Papanicolopulu, Irini and Burri, Thomas (2021) 'Human Rights and the Chagos Advisory Opinion.' In: Burri, Thomas and Trinidad, Jamie, (eds.), The International Court of Justice and Decolonisation. New Directions from the Chagos Advisory Opinion. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 187-206.

Tsagourias, Nicholas

Heathcote, Gina and Zichi, Paola (2021) 'Feminist Methodologies.' In: Deplano, Rossana and Tsagourias, Nicholas, (eds.), Handbook of Research Methods in International Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 458-473. (Handbooks of Research Methods in Law series)

Tudor, Alyosxa

Tudor, Alyosxa (2021) 'Decolonizing Trans/Gender Studies: Teaching Gender, Race and Sexuality in Times of the Rise of the Global Right.' Transgender Studies Quarterly, 8 (2). pp. 238-256.

Tudor, Alyosxa and Rexhepi, Piro (2021) 'Connecting the ‘posts’ to confront racial capitalism’s coloniality: A conversation.' In: Koobak, Redi, Tlostanova, Madina and Thapar-Björkert, Suruchi, (eds.), Postcolonial and Postsocialist Dialogues Intersections, Opacities, Challenges in Feminist Theorizing and Practice. New York: Routledge, pp. 93-208. (Routledge advances in feminist studies and intersectionality)

Tudor, Alyosxa and Ticktin, Miriam (2021) 'Sexuality and Borders in Right-Wing Times: a conversation.' Ethnic and Racial Studies, 44 (9). pp. 1648-1667.

Tzouvala, Ntina

Newton, Scott (2021) 'Microcosm: Soviet Constitutional Internationality.' In: Greenman, Kathryn, Orford, Anne, Saunders, Anna and Tzouvala, Ntina, (eds.), Revolutions in International Law: The Legacies of 1917. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 134-155.

Venzke, Ingo

Kelsall, Michelle Staggs (2021) '‘Poisonous Flowers on the Dust-heap of a Dying Capitalism’: The United Nations Code of Conduct on Transnational Corporations, Contingency and Failure in International Law.' In: Heller, Kevin and Venzke, Ingo, (eds.), Contingency in International Law: On the Possibility of Different Legal Histories. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Viljoen, Frans

Adeola, Romola, Lwabukuna, Olivia, Oette, Lutz and Viljoen, Frans, eds. (2021) Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons in Africa. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Journal of African Law. Vol. 65, supplt 1)

Adeola, Romola, Lwabukuna, Olivia, Oette, Lutz and Viljoen, Frans (2021) 'Introduction: Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons in Africa.' Journal of African Law, 65 (S1). pp. 5-8.

Adeola, Romola, Lwabukuna, Olivia, Oette, Lutz and Viljoen, Frans (2021) 'Introduction: Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons in Africa.' Journal of African Law, 65 (S1). pp. 5-8.

Wang, Juan

Wang, Juan and Mou, Yu (2021) 'The Paradigm Shift in the Disciplining of Village Cadres in China: From Mao to Xi.' The China Quarterly, 248 (S1). pp. 181-199.

Welchman, Lynn

Welchman, Lynn (2021) Al-Haq: A Global History of the First Palestinian Human Rights Organization. Oakland, California: University of California Press. (New Directions in Palestinian Studies)

Weller, Marc-Philippe

Ohdedar, Birsha and McNab, Steven (2021) 'Climate Litigation in the United Kingdom.' In: Kahl, Wolfgang and Weller, Marc-Philippe, (eds.), Climate Change Litigation: A Handbook. München: Beck.

Williams-Elegbe, Sope

Durojaye, Ebenezer, Lwabukuna, Olivia, Oette, Lutz and Williams-Elegbe, Sope, eds. (2021) COVID-19 and the Law in Africa. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Journal of African Law. Special Issue Volume 65 - Supplement S2)

Durojaye, Ebenezer, Lwabukuna, Olivia, Oette, Lutz and Williams-Elegbe, Sope (2021) 'Introduction: COVID-19 and the Law in Africa.' Journal of African Law, 65 (S2). pp. 173-180.

Wu, Hongyao

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Yidana, Nuhu

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Yidana, Nuhu (2021) 'Sale in the Ordinary Course of Business Under Ghana Law: Recent Developments and Lessons from the UK.' Business Law Review, 42 (3). pp. 136-142.

Zichi, Paola

Finden, Alice, Heathcote, Gina and Zichi, Paola, eds. (2021) Special Issue on Hygiene, Coloniality and Law. London: Taylor and Francis. (Australian Feminist Law Journal, vol.47, no.1)

Finden, Alice, Heathcote, Gina and Zichi, Paola (2021) 'Introduction to the Special Issue on Hygiene, Coloniality and Law.' Australian Feminist Law Journal, 47 (1). pp. 1-8.

Heathcote, Gina and Zichi, Paola (2021) 'Feminist Methodologies.' In: Deplano, Rossana and Tsagourias, Nicholas, (eds.), Handbook of Research Methods in International Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 458-473. (Handbooks of Research Methods in Law series)

van Huellen, Sophie

Bashi Rudahindwa, Jonathan and van Huellen, Sophie (2021) 'Regional Developmentalism in West Africa: The Case for Commodity-based Industrialization through Regional Cooperation in the Cocoa–Chocolate Sector.' Journal of African Trade, 8 (1). pp. 82-95.

Özsu, Umut

Sultany, Nimer (2021) 'Marx and Critical Constitutional Theory.' In: O'Connell, Paul and Özsu, Umut, (eds.), Research Handbook on Law and Marxism. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 209-241. (Research Handbooks in Legal Theory series)

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