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Number of items: 57.

Abosag, Ibrahim

Abou Aish, Ehab, McKechnie, Sally, Abosag, Ibrahim and Hassan, Salah (2013) 'The Mystique of Macro-Boycotting Behaviour: A Conceptual Framework.' International Journal of Consumer Studies, 37 (2). pp. 165-171.

Gadalla, Eman, Keeling, Kathy and Abosag, Ibrahim (2013) 'Metaverse-Retail Service Quality: A Future Framework for Retail Service Quality in the 3D Internet.' Journal of Marketing Management, 29 (13-14). pp. 1493-1517.

Gruber, Thorsten, Abosag, Ibrahim, Reppel, Alexander, Szmigin, Isabelle and Löfgren, Martin (2013) 'Does Culture Impact Preferred Employee attributes in Complaint Handling Encounters?' Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 24 (11-12). pp. 1301-1315.

Abou Aish, Ehab

Abou Aish, Ehab, McKechnie, Sally, Abosag, Ibrahim and Hassan, Salah (2013) 'The Mystique of Macro-Boycotting Behaviour: A Conceptual Framework.' International Journal of Consumer Studies, 37 (2). pp. 165-171.

Aljadani, A

Raimi, Lukman, Patel, Ashok, Yekini, Kemi and Aljadani, A (2013) 'Exploring the theological foundation of Corporate Social Responsibility in Islam, Christianity and Judaism for Strengthening Compliance and Reporting: An Eclectic Approach.' Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting, 7 (4). pp. 228-249.

Bachmann, Reinhard

Kroeger, Frens and Bachmann, Reinhard (2013) 'Trusting Across Boundaries.' In: Langan Fox, Janice and Cooper, Cary, (eds.), Boundary-Spanning in Organizations: Network, Influence, and Conflict. London: Routledge, pp. 253-284. (Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society)

Bouquet, Cyril

Levy, Orly, Peiperl, Maury and Bouquet, Cyril (2013) 'Transnational social capital: A conceptualization and research instrument.' International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 13 (3). pp. 319-338.

Causevic, Senija

Causevic, Senija and Lynch, Paul (2013) 'Political (in)stability and its influence on tourism development.' Tourism Management, 34. pp. 145-157.

Cooper, Cary

Kroeger, Frens and Bachmann, Reinhard (2013) 'Trusting Across Boundaries.' In: Langan Fox, Janice and Cooper, Cary, (eds.), Boundary-Spanning in Organizations: Network, Influence, and Conflict. London: Routledge, pp. 253-284. (Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society)

Driver, Ciaran

Driver, Ciaran and Temple, Paul (2013) Evidence Paper 8: Capital Investment: what are the main long-term trends in relation to UK manufacturing businesses, and how do these compare internationally? London: in 'The future of manufacturing: a new era of opportunity and challenge for the UK'. London: Foresight, UK Government Office for Science.

Driver, Ciaran, Trapani, Lorenzo and Urga, Giovanni (2013) 'On the use of cross-sectional measures of forecast uncertainty.' International Journal of Forecasting, 29 (3). pp. 367-377.

Feduzi, Alberto

Feduzi, Alberto, Runde, Jochen and Zappia, Carlo (2013) 'De Finetti on uncertainty.' Cambridge Journal of Economics, 38 (1). pp. 1-21.

Foxon, Tim

Foxon, Tim, Kohler, Jonathan, Michie, Jonathan and Oughton, Christine (2013) 'Towards a new complexity economics for sustainability.' Cambridge Journal of Economics, 37 (1). pp. 187-209.

Gadalla, Eman

Gadalla, Eman, Keeling, Kathy and Abosag, Ibrahim (2013) 'Metaverse-Retail Service Quality: A Future Framework for Retail Service Quality in the 3D Internet.' Journal of Marketing Management, 29 (13-14). pp. 1493-1517.

Gao, Lan

Gao, Lan, Liu, Xiaohui and Zou, Huan (2013) 'The role of human mobility in promoting Chinese outward FDI: A neglected factor?' International Business Review, 22 (2). pp. 437-449.

Ghobadian, Abby

Kling, Gerhard, Ghobadian, Abby, Hitt, Michael A, Weitzel, Utz and O'Regan, Nicholas (2013) 'The Effects of Cross-border and Cross-industry Mergers and Acquisitions on Home-region and Global Multinational Enterprises.' British Journal of Management, 25 (1). pp. 116-132.

Gruber, Thorsten

Gruber, Thorsten, Abosag, Ibrahim, Reppel, Alexander, Szmigin, Isabelle and Löfgren, Martin (2013) 'Does Culture Impact Preferred Employee attributes in Complaint Handling Encounters?' Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 24 (11-12). pp. 1301-1315.

Hassan, Salah

Abou Aish, Ehab, McKechnie, Sally, Abosag, Ibrahim and Hassan, Salah (2013) 'The Mystique of Macro-Boycotting Behaviour: A Conceptual Framework.' International Journal of Consumer Studies, 37 (2). pp. 165-171.

Hitt, Michael A

Kling, Gerhard, Ghobadian, Abby, Hitt, Michael A, Weitzel, Utz and O'Regan, Nicholas (2013) 'The Effects of Cross-border and Cross-industry Mergers and Acquisitions on Home-region and Global Multinational Enterprises.' British Journal of Management, 25 (1). pp. 116-132.

Hong, Eunsuk

Lee, In Hyeock, Hong, Eunsuk and Sun, Laixiang (2013) 'Regional Knowledge Production and Entrepreneurial Firm Creation: Spatial Dynamic Analyses.' Journal of Business Research, 66 (10). pp. 2106-2115.

Keeling, Kathy

Gadalla, Eman, Keeling, Kathy and Abosag, Ibrahim (2013) 'Metaverse-Retail Service Quality: A Future Framework for Retail Service Quality in the 3D Internet.' Journal of Marketing Management, 29 (13-14). pp. 1493-1517.

Kling, Gerhard

Kling, Gerhard, Ghobadian, Abby, Hitt, Michael A, Weitzel, Utz and O'Regan, Nicholas (2013) 'The Effects of Cross-border and Cross-industry Mergers and Acquisitions on Home-region and Global Multinational Enterprises.' British Journal of Management, 25 (1). pp. 116-132.

Kohler, Jonathan

Foxon, Tim, Kohler, Jonathan, Michie, Jonathan and Oughton, Christine (2013) 'Towards a new complexity economics for sustainability.' Cambridge Journal of Economics, 37 (1). pp. 187-209.

Kroeger, Frens

Kroeger, Frens and Bachmann, Reinhard (2013) 'Trusting Across Boundaries.' In: Langan Fox, Janice and Cooper, Cary, (eds.), Boundary-Spanning in Organizations: Network, Influence, and Conflict. London: Routledge, pp. 253-284. (Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society)

Langan Fox, Janice

Kroeger, Frens and Bachmann, Reinhard (2013) 'Trusting Across Boundaries.' In: Langan Fox, Janice and Cooper, Cary, (eds.), Boundary-Spanning in Organizations: Network, Influence, and Conflict. London: Routledge, pp. 253-284. (Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society)

Lee, In Hyeock

Lee, In Hyeock, Hong, Eunsuk and Sun, Laixiang (2013) 'Regional Knowledge Production and Entrepreneurial Firm Creation: Spatial Dynamic Analyses.' Journal of Business Research, 66 (10). pp. 2106-2115.

Levy, Orly

Levy, Orly, Peiperl, Maury and Bouquet, Cyril (2013) 'Transnational social capital: A conceptualization and research instrument.' International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 13 (3). pp. 319-338.

Lin, Hsiang-Chun Michael

Lin, Hsiang-Chun Michael (2013) The investment behaviour of Chinese listed firms. PhD thesis. SOAS, University of London. DOI:

Liu, Xiaohui

Gao, Lan, Liu, Xiaohui and Zou, Huan (2013) 'The role of human mobility in promoting Chinese outward FDI: A neglected factor?' International Business Review, 22 (2). pp. 437-449.

Lynch, Paul

Causevic, Senija and Lynch, Paul (2013) 'Political (in)stability and its influence on tourism development.' Tourism Management, 34. pp. 145-157.

Löfgren, Martin

Gruber, Thorsten, Abosag, Ibrahim, Reppel, Alexander, Szmigin, Isabelle and Löfgren, Martin (2013) 'Does Culture Impact Preferred Employee attributes in Complaint Handling Encounters?' Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 24 (11-12). pp. 1301-1315.

Macnaughtan, Helen

Macnaughtan, Helen (2013) 'The Life and Legacy of Kasai Masae: the Mother of Japanese Volleyball.' Harvard Asia Quarterly, 15 (No.3/4). pp. 38-46.

McKechnie, Sally

Abou Aish, Ehab, McKechnie, Sally, Abosag, Ibrahim and Hassan, Salah (2013) 'The Mystique of Macro-Boycotting Behaviour: A Conceptual Framework.' International Journal of Consumer Studies, 37 (2). pp. 165-171.

Miao, Qing

Miao, Qing, Newman, Alexander, Schwarz, Gary and Xu, Lin (2013) 'Participative Leadership and the Organizational Commitment of Civil Servants in China: The Mediating Effects of Trust in Supervisor.' British Journal of Management, 24 (S1). S76-S92.

Michie, Jonathan

Foxon, Tim, Kohler, Jonathan, Michie, Jonathan and Oughton, Christine (2013) 'Towards a new complexity economics for sustainability.' Cambridge Journal of Economics, 37 (1). pp. 187-209.

Mucciarelli, Federico

Mucciarelli, Federico (2013) 'Not Just Efficiency: Insolvency Law in the EU and Its Political Dimension.' European Business Organization Law Review, 14. pp. 175-200.

Newman, Alexander

Miao, Qing, Newman, Alexander, Schwarz, Gary and Xu, Lin (2013) 'Participative Leadership and the Organizational Commitment of Civil Servants in China: The Mediating Effects of Trust in Supervisor.' British Journal of Management, 24 (S1). S76-S92.

O'Regan, Nicholas

Kling, Gerhard, Ghobadian, Abby, Hitt, Michael A, Weitzel, Utz and O'Regan, Nicholas (2013) 'The Effects of Cross-border and Cross-industry Mergers and Acquisitions on Home-region and Global Multinational Enterprises.' British Journal of Management, 25 (1). pp. 116-132.

Oughton, Christine

Foxon, Tim, Kohler, Jonathan, Michie, Jonathan and Oughton, Christine (2013) 'Towards a new complexity economics for sustainability.' Cambridge Journal of Economics, 37 (1). pp. 187-209.

Patel, Ashok

Raimi, Lukman, Patel, Ashok, Yekini, Kemi and Aljadani, A (2013) 'Exploring the theological foundation of Corporate Social Responsibility in Islam, Christianity and Judaism for Strengthening Compliance and Reporting: An Eclectic Approach.' Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting, 7 (4). pp. 228-249.

Peiperl, Maury

Levy, Orly, Peiperl, Maury and Bouquet, Cyril (2013) 'Transnational social capital: A conceptualization and research instrument.' International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 13 (3). pp. 319-338.

Polar Funez, Vivian del Carmen

Polar Funez, Vivian del Carmen (2013) Participation for empowerment: an analysis of agricultural innovation in two contrasting settings of Bolivia. PhD thesis. SOAS, University of London. DOI:

Raimi, Lukman

Raimi, Lukman, Patel, Ashok, Yekini, Kemi and Aljadani, A (2013) 'Exploring the theological foundation of Corporate Social Responsibility in Islam, Christianity and Judaism for Strengthening Compliance and Reporting: An Eclectic Approach.' Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting, 7 (4). pp. 228-249.

Reppel, Alexander

Gruber, Thorsten, Abosag, Ibrahim, Reppel, Alexander, Szmigin, Isabelle and Löfgren, Martin (2013) 'Does Culture Impact Preferred Employee attributes in Complaint Handling Encounters?' Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 24 (11-12). pp. 1301-1315.

Runde, Jochen

Feduzi, Alberto, Runde, Jochen and Zappia, Carlo (2013) 'De Finetti on uncertainty.' Cambridge Journal of Economics, 38 (1). pp. 1-21.

Schwarz, Gary

Miao, Qing, Newman, Alexander, Schwarz, Gary and Xu, Lin (2013) 'Participative Leadership and the Organizational Commitment of Civil Servants in China: The Mediating Effects of Trust in Supervisor.' British Journal of Management, 24 (S1). S76-S92.

Sivan, Yesha Y.

Gadalla, Eman, Keeling, Kathy and Abosag, Ibrahim (2013) 'Metaverse-Retail Service Quality: A Future Framework for Retail Service Quality in the 3D Internet.' Journal of Marketing Management, 29 (13-14). pp. 1493-1517.

Sun, Laixiang

Lee, In Hyeock, Hong, Eunsuk and Sun, Laixiang (2013) 'Regional Knowledge Production and Entrepreneurial Firm Creation: Spatial Dynamic Analyses.' Journal of Business Research, 66 (10). pp. 2106-2115.

Szmigin, Isabelle

Gruber, Thorsten, Abosag, Ibrahim, Reppel, Alexander, Szmigin, Isabelle and Löfgren, Martin (2013) 'Does Culture Impact Preferred Employee attributes in Complaint Handling Encounters?' Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 24 (11-12). pp. 1301-1315.

Temple, Paul

Driver, Ciaran and Temple, Paul (2013) Evidence Paper 8: Capital Investment: what are the main long-term trends in relation to UK manufacturing businesses, and how do these compare internationally? London: in 'The future of manufacturing: a new era of opportunity and challenge for the UK'. London: Foresight, UK Government Office for Science.

Trapani, Lorenzo

Driver, Ciaran, Trapani, Lorenzo and Urga, Giovanni (2013) 'On the use of cross-sectional measures of forecast uncertainty.' International Journal of Forecasting, 29 (3). pp. 367-377.

Urga, Giovanni

Driver, Ciaran, Trapani, Lorenzo and Urga, Giovanni (2013) 'On the use of cross-sectional measures of forecast uncertainty.' International Journal of Forecasting, 29 (3). pp. 367-377.

Weitzel, Utz

Kling, Gerhard, Ghobadian, Abby, Hitt, Michael A, Weitzel, Utz and O'Regan, Nicholas (2013) 'The Effects of Cross-border and Cross-industry Mergers and Acquisitions on Home-region and Global Multinational Enterprises.' British Journal of Management, 25 (1). pp. 116-132.

Xu, Lin

Miao, Qing, Newman, Alexander, Schwarz, Gary and Xu, Lin (2013) 'Participative Leadership and the Organizational Commitment of Civil Servants in China: The Mediating Effects of Trust in Supervisor.' British Journal of Management, 24 (S1). S76-S92.

Yekini, Kemi

Raimi, Lukman, Patel, Ashok, Yekini, Kemi and Aljadani, A (2013) 'Exploring the theological foundation of Corporate Social Responsibility in Islam, Christianity and Judaism for Strengthening Compliance and Reporting: An Eclectic Approach.' Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting, 7 (4). pp. 228-249.

Zappia, Carlo

Feduzi, Alberto, Runde, Jochen and Zappia, Carlo (2013) 'De Finetti on uncertainty.' Cambridge Journal of Economics, 38 (1). pp. 1-21.

Zou, Huan

Gao, Lan, Liu, Xiaohui and Zou, Huan (2013) 'The role of human mobility in promoting Chinese outward FDI: A neglected factor?' International Business Review, 22 (2). pp. 437-449.

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