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Number of items: 89.

Abosag, Ibrahim

Abosag, Ibrahim and Farah, Maya (2014) 'The Influence of Religiously Motivated Consumer Boycotts on Brand Image, Loyalty and Product Judgment.' European Journal of Marketing, 48 (11/12). pp. 2262-2283.

Abosag, Ibrahim and Naude, Pete (2014) 'The Development of Special Forms of B2B Relationships: Examining the Role of Interpersonal Liking in Developing Guanxi and Et-Moone Relationships.' Industrial Marketing Management, 43 (6). pp. 887-896.

Alcock, T.

Hardy, Ben, Alcock, T. and Malpas, J. (2014) 'Morale: unravelling its components and testing its impact within contact centres.' Chartered Management Institute: Winning Ideas - The Management Articles of the Year. pp. 7-13.

Asquer, Alberto

Asquer, Alberto (2014) 'Explaining Partial Privatization of Public Service Provision: The Emergence of Mixed Ownership Water Firms in Italy (1994-2009).' Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 85 (1). pp. 11-30.

Asquer, Alberto (2014) 'Understanding Subjectivities in the Regulation of Local Water Services: A Q Methodology Study of Elected Public Officers in Italy.' Water, 6 (3). pp. 670-693.

Asquer, Alberto (2014) 'Using Analytic Narratives in Policy Analysis: An Explanation of the Implementation of the Water Reform in Italy (1994-2002).' Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, 16 (1). pp. 79-93.

Bachmann, Reinhard

Bachmann, Reinhard (2014) 'Was ist Vertrauen? Warum ist es wichtig und wie sollte man sich damit beschäftigen?' In: Clases, Christoph, Dick, Michael, Manser, Tanja and Vollmer, Albert, (eds.), Grenzgänge der Arbeitsforschung. Eine Festschrift für Theo Wehner. Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers, pp. 85-91.

Bachmann, Reinhard and Hanappi-Egger, E. (2014) 'Can Trust Flourish Where Institutional Distrust Reigns?' In: Harris, Jared, Moriarty, Brian and Wicks, Andrew, (eds.), Public Trust in Business. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 266-289.

Becchetti, Leonardo

Becchetti, Leonardo, Fiaschetti, Maurizio and Marini, Giancarlo (2014) 'Card games and economic behavior.' Games and Economic Behavior, 88. pp. 112-129.

Bo, Hong

Bo, Hong, Driver, Ciaran and Lin, Hsiang-Chun Michael (2014) 'Corporate Investment during the Financial Crisis: Evidence from China.' International Review of Financial Analysis, 35 (2014). pp. 1-12.

Causevic, Senija

Page, Stephen J., Essex, Stephen and Causevic, Senija (2014) 'Tourist attitudes towards water use in the developing world: A comparative analysis.' Tourism Management Perspectives, 10. pp. 57-67.

Child, John

Child, John and Hsieh, Linda (2014) 'Decision mode, information and network attachment in the internationalization of SMEs: A configurational and contingency analysis.' Journal of World Business, 49 (4). pp. 598-610.

Choudhry, Taufiq

Choudhry, Taufiq, Kling, Gerhard and Jayasekera, Ranadeva (2014) 'The global financial crisis and the European single market: The end of integration?' Journal of International Money and Finance, 49. pp. 191-196.

Clases, Christoph

Bachmann, Reinhard (2014) 'Was ist Vertrauen? Warum ist es wichtig und wie sollte man sich damit beschäftigen?' In: Clases, Christoph, Dick, Michael, Manser, Tanja and Vollmer, Albert, (eds.), Grenzgänge der Arbeitsforschung. Eine Festschrift für Theo Wehner. Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers, pp. 85-91.

Coates, John

Kandasamy, Narayanan, Hardy, Ben, Page, Lionel, Schaffner, M., Graggaber, J., Powlson, A. S., Fletcher, Paul C., Gurnell, Mark and Coates, John (2014) 'Cortisol shifts financial risk preferences.' Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 111 (9). pp. 3608-3613.

Dick, Michael

Bachmann, Reinhard (2014) 'Was ist Vertrauen? Warum ist es wichtig und wie sollte man sich damit beschäftigen?' In: Clases, Christoph, Dick, Michael, Manser, Tanja and Vollmer, Albert, (eds.), Grenzgänge der Arbeitsforschung. Eine Festschrift für Theo Wehner. Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers, pp. 85-91.

Driver, Ciaran

Bo, Hong, Driver, Ciaran and Lin, Hsiang-Chun Michael (2014) 'Corporate Investment during the Financial Crisis: Evidence from China.' International Review of Financial Analysis, 35 (2014). pp. 1-12.

Williamson, Janet, Driver, Ciaran and Kenway, Peter (2014) 'Introduction.' In: Williamson, Janet, Driver, Ciaran and Kenway, Peter, (eds.), Beyond Shareholder Value: the reasons and choices for corporate governance reform. London: TUC, pp. 6-15.

Williamson, Janet, Driver, Ciaran and Kenway, Peter (2014) 'Introduction.' In: Williamson, Janet, Driver, Ciaran and Kenway, Peter, (eds.), Beyond Shareholder Value: the reasons and choices for corporate governance reform. London: TUC, pp. 6-15.

Duong, Hoa Thanh

Duong, Hoa Thanh (2014) Asset pricing models in financial crises, family ownership and privatisation : evidence from Turkey. PhD thesis. SOAS, University of London. DOI:

Essex, Stephen

Page, Stephen J., Essex, Stephen and Causevic, Senija (2014) 'Tourist attitudes towards water use in the developing world: A comparative analysis.' Tourism Management Perspectives, 10. pp. 57-67.

Fadipe, A. O.

Raimi, Lukman, Patel, Ashok, Yekini, Kemi and Fadipe, A. O. (2014) 'Spatio-Temporal Audit of Nigeria's Industrial Policies and Entrepreneurship Development Interventions from 1946 to 2013.' International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 4 (1). pp. 294-309.

Farah, Maya

Abosag, Ibrahim and Farah, Maya (2014) 'The Influence of Religiously Motivated Consumer Boycotts on Brand Image, Loyalty and Product Judgment.' European Journal of Marketing, 48 (11/12). pp. 2262-2283.

Feduzi, Alberto

Feduzi, Alberto and Runde, Jochen (2014) 'Uncovering Unknown Unknowns: Towards a Baconian Approach to Management Decision-Making.' Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 124 (2). pp. 268-283.

Fiaschetti, Maurizio

Becchetti, Leonardo, Fiaschetti, Maurizio and Marini, Giancarlo (2014) 'Card games and economic behavior.' Games and Economic Behavior, 88. pp. 112-129.

Fletcher, Paul C.

Kandasamy, Narayanan, Hardy, Ben, Page, Lionel, Schaffner, M., Graggaber, J., Powlson, A. S., Fletcher, Paul C., Gurnell, Mark and Coates, John (2014) 'Cortisol shifts financial risk preferences.' Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 111 (9). pp. 3608-3613.

Ford, L. R.

Hardy, Ben and Ford, L. R. (2014) 'It's Not Me, It's You: Miscomprehension in Surveys.' Organizational Research Methods, 17 (2). pp. 138-162.

Gerritsen, Dirk

Weitzel, Utz, Kling, Gerhard and Gerritsen, Dirk (2014) 'Testing the fire-sale FDI hypothesis for the European financial crisis.' Journal of International Money and Finance, 49 (B). pp. 211-234.

Gonis, Eleimon

Kling, Gerhard, Paul, Salima and Gonis, Eleimon (2014) 'Cash holding, trade credit and access to short-term bank finance.' International Review of Financial Analysis, 32. pp. 123-131.

Graggaber, J.

Kandasamy, Narayanan, Hardy, Ben, Page, Lionel, Schaffner, M., Graggaber, J., Powlson, A. S., Fletcher, Paul C., Gurnell, Mark and Coates, John (2014) 'Cortisol shifts financial risk preferences.' Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 111 (9). pp. 3608-3613.

Gurnell, Mark

Kandasamy, Narayanan, Hardy, Ben, Page, Lionel, Schaffner, M., Graggaber, J., Powlson, A. S., Fletcher, Paul C., Gurnell, Mark and Coates, John (2014) 'Cortisol shifts financial risk preferences.' Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 111 (9). pp. 3608-3613.

Hanappi-Egger, E.

Bachmann, Reinhard and Hanappi-Egger, E. (2014) 'Can Trust Flourish Where Institutional Distrust Reigns?' In: Harris, Jared, Moriarty, Brian and Wicks, Andrew, (eds.), Public Trust in Business. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 266-289.

Hardy, Ben

Hardy, Ben, Alcock, T. and Malpas, J. (2014) 'Morale: unravelling its components and testing its impact within contact centres.' Chartered Management Institute: Winning Ideas - The Management Articles of the Year. pp. 7-13.

Hardy, Ben and Ford, L. R. (2014) 'It's Not Me, It's You: Miscomprehension in Surveys.' Organizational Research Methods, 17 (2). pp. 138-162.

Kandasamy, Narayanan, Hardy, Ben, Page, Lionel, Schaffner, M., Graggaber, J., Powlson, A. S., Fletcher, Paul C., Gurnell, Mark and Coates, John (2014) 'Cortisol shifts financial risk preferences.' Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 111 (9). pp. 3608-3613.

Harris, Jared

Bachmann, Reinhard and Hanappi-Egger, E. (2014) 'Can Trust Flourish Where Institutional Distrust Reigns?' In: Harris, Jared, Moriarty, Brian and Wicks, Andrew, (eds.), Public Trust in Business. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 266-289.

Harvey, Charles

Maclean, Mairi, Harvey, Charles and Kling, Gerhard (2014) 'Pathways to Power: Class, Hyper-Agency and the French Corporate Elite.' Organization Studies, 35 (6). pp. 825-855.

Hong, Eunsuk

Lee, In Hyeock, Hong, Eunsuk and Sun, Laixiang (2014) 'Inward Foreign Direct Investment and Domestic Entrepreneurship: A Regional Analysis of New Firm Creation in Korea.' Regional Studies, 48 (5). pp. 910-922.

Hsieh, Linda

Child, John and Hsieh, Linda (2014) 'Decision mode, information and network attachment in the internationalization of SMEs: A configurational and contingency analysis.' Journal of World Business, 49 (4). pp. 598-610.

Hsieh, Linda and Rodrigues, S. B. (2014) 'Revisiting the trustworthiness-performance-governance nexus in international joint ventures.' Management International Review, 54 (5). pp. 675-705.

Jackson, Keith

Jackson, Keith (2014) 'Book reviews: Natural disaster and nuclear crisis in Japan: response and recovery after Japan's 3/11 / After the great East Japan earthquake: political and policy change in post-Fukushima Japan.' Asia Pacific Business Review, 21 (4). pp. 565-573.

Jayasekera, Ranadeva

Choudhry, Taufiq, Kling, Gerhard and Jayasekera, Ranadeva (2014) 'The global financial crisis and the European single market: The end of integration?' Journal of International Money and Finance, 49. pp. 191-196.

Kandasamy, Narayanan

Kandasamy, Narayanan, Hardy, Ben, Page, Lionel, Schaffner, M., Graggaber, J., Powlson, A. S., Fletcher, Paul C., Gurnell, Mark and Coates, John (2014) 'Cortisol shifts financial risk preferences.' Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 111 (9). pp. 3608-3613.

Kenway, Peter

Williamson, Janet, Driver, Ciaran and Kenway, Peter (2014) 'Introduction.' In: Williamson, Janet, Driver, Ciaran and Kenway, Peter, (eds.), Beyond Shareholder Value: the reasons and choices for corporate governance reform. London: TUC, pp. 6-15.

Williamson, Janet, Driver, Ciaran and Kenway, Peter (2014) 'Introduction.' In: Williamson, Janet, Driver, Ciaran and Kenway, Peter, (eds.), Beyond Shareholder Value: the reasons and choices for corporate governance reform. London: TUC, pp. 6-15.

Kling, Gerhard

Choudhry, Taufiq, Kling, Gerhard and Jayasekera, Ranadeva (2014) 'The global financial crisis and the European single market: The end of integration?' Journal of International Money and Finance, 49. pp. 191-196.

Kling, Gerhard, Paul, Salima and Gonis, Eleimon (2014) 'Cash holding, trade credit and access to short-term bank finance.' International Review of Financial Analysis, 32. pp. 123-131.

Maclean, Mairi, Harvey, Charles and Kling, Gerhard (2014) 'Pathways to Power: Class, Hyper-Agency and the French Corporate Elite.' Organization Studies, 35 (6). pp. 825-855.

Weitzel, Utz, Kling, Gerhard and Gerritsen, Dirk (2014) 'Testing the fire-sale FDI hypothesis for the European financial crisis.' Journal of International Money and Finance, 49 (B). pp. 211-234.

Lee, In Hyeock

Lee, In Hyeock, Hong, Eunsuk and Sun, Laixiang (2014) 'Inward Foreign Direct Investment and Domestic Entrepreneurship: A Regional Analysis of New Firm Creation in Korea.' Regional Studies, 48 (5). pp. 910-922.

Levy, Orly

Peiperl, Maury, Levy, Orly and Sorell, Michael (2014) 'Cross-Border Mobility of Self-Initiated and Organizational Expatriates.' International Studies of Management and Organization, 44 (3). pp. 44-65.

Lin, Hsiang-Chun Michael

Bo, Hong, Driver, Ciaran and Lin, Hsiang-Chun Michael (2014) 'Corporate Investment during the Financial Crisis: Evidence from China.' International Review of Financial Analysis, 35 (2014). pp. 1-12.

Maclean, Mairi

Maclean, Mairi, Harvey, Charles and Kling, Gerhard (2014) 'Pathways to Power: Class, Hyper-Agency and the French Corporate Elite.' Organization Studies, 35 (6). pp. 825-855.

Macnaughtan, Helen

Macnaughtan, Helen (2014) 'The Oriental Witches: Women, Volleyball and the 1964 Tokyo Olympics.' Sport in History, 34 (1). pp. 134-156.

Malpas, J.

Hardy, Ben, Alcock, T. and Malpas, J. (2014) 'Morale: unravelling its components and testing its impact within contact centres.' Chartered Management Institute: Winning Ideas - The Management Articles of the Year. pp. 7-13.

Manser, Tanja

Bachmann, Reinhard (2014) 'Was ist Vertrauen? Warum ist es wichtig und wie sollte man sich damit beschäftigen?' In: Clases, Christoph, Dick, Michael, Manser, Tanja and Vollmer, Albert, (eds.), Grenzgänge der Arbeitsforschung. Eine Festschrift für Theo Wehner. Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers, pp. 85-91.

Marini, Giancarlo

Becchetti, Leonardo, Fiaschetti, Maurizio and Marini, Giancarlo (2014) 'Card games and economic behavior.' Games and Economic Behavior, 88. pp. 112-129.

Miao, Qing

Miao, Qing, Newman, Alexander, Schwarz, Gary and Xu, Lin (2014) 'Servant Leadership, Trust, and the Organizational Commitment of Public Sector Employees in China.' Public Administration, 92 (3). pp. 727-743.

Moriarty, Brian

Bachmann, Reinhard and Hanappi-Egger, E. (2014) 'Can Trust Flourish Where Institutional Distrust Reigns?' In: Harris, Jared, Moriarty, Brian and Wicks, Andrew, (eds.), Public Trust in Business. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 266-289.

Mucciarelli, Federico

Mucciarelli, Federico (2014) 'I compensi agli amministratori esecutivi nelle società quotate: uno sguardo comparatistico a Regno Unito, Germania e Stati Uniti d’America.' Analisi Giuridica dell'Economia, 13 (2). pp. 295-310.

Mucciarelli, Federico (2014) Le offerte pubbliche di acquisto e di scambio. Torino: Giappichelli. (Trattato di Diritto Commerciale)

Mucciarelli, Federico (2014) 'Review of: The Spirit of Corporate Law – Core Princi- ples of Corporate Law in Continental Europe by Günther H. Roth and Peter Kindler. Beck – Hart – Nomos, 2013.' European Business Organization Law Review, 15 (3). pp. 443-445.

Naude, Pete

Abosag, Ibrahim and Naude, Pete (2014) 'The Development of Special Forms of B2B Relationships: Examining the Role of Interpersonal Liking in Developing Guanxi and Et-Moone Relationships.' Industrial Marketing Management, 43 (6). pp. 887-896.

Newman, Alexander

Miao, Qing, Newman, Alexander, Schwarz, Gary and Xu, Lin (2014) 'Servant Leadership, Trust, and the Organizational Commitment of Public Sector Employees in China.' Public Administration, 92 (3). pp. 727-743.

Otobo, Paul

Uzonwanne, Godfrey, Yekini, Kemi, Yekini, Sina and Otobo, Paul (2014) 'An Evaluation of Management Perspectives of Sustainability Reporting in the Nigerian Oil Industry.' Journal of Sustainability Science and Management, 4 (2). pp. 70-81.

Page, Lionel

Kandasamy, Narayanan, Hardy, Ben, Page, Lionel, Schaffner, M., Graggaber, J., Powlson, A. S., Fletcher, Paul C., Gurnell, Mark and Coates, John (2014) 'Cortisol shifts financial risk preferences.' Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 111 (9). pp. 3608-3613.

Page, Stephen J.

Page, Stephen J., Essex, Stephen and Causevic, Senija (2014) 'Tourist attitudes towards water use in the developing world: A comparative analysis.' Tourism Management Perspectives, 10. pp. 57-67.

Patel, Ashok

Raimi, Lukman, Patel, Ashok, Yekini, Kemi and Fadipe, A. O. (2014) 'Spatio-Temporal Audit of Nigeria's Industrial Policies and Entrepreneurship Development Interventions from 1946 to 2013.' International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 4 (1). pp. 294-309.

Paul, Salima

Kling, Gerhard, Paul, Salima and Gonis, Eleimon (2014) 'Cash holding, trade credit and access to short-term bank finance.' International Review of Financial Analysis, 32. pp. 123-131.

Peiperl, Maury

Peiperl, Maury, Levy, Orly and Sorell, Michael (2014) 'Cross-Border Mobility of Self-Initiated and Organizational Expatriates.' International Studies of Management and Organization, 44 (3). pp. 44-65.

Powlson, A. S.

Kandasamy, Narayanan, Hardy, Ben, Page, Lionel, Schaffner, M., Graggaber, J., Powlson, A. S., Fletcher, Paul C., Gurnell, Mark and Coates, John (2014) 'Cortisol shifts financial risk preferences.' Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 111 (9). pp. 3608-3613.

Raimi, Lukman

Raimi, Lukman, Patel, Ashok, Yekini, Kemi and Fadipe, A. O. (2014) 'Spatio-Temporal Audit of Nigeria's Industrial Policies and Entrepreneurship Development Interventions from 1946 to 2013.' International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 4 (1). pp. 294-309.

Rodrigues, S. B.

Hsieh, Linda and Rodrigues, S. B. (2014) 'Revisiting the trustworthiness-performance-governance nexus in international joint ventures.' Management International Review, 54 (5). pp. 675-705.

Runde, Jochen

Feduzi, Alberto and Runde, Jochen (2014) 'Uncovering Unknown Unknowns: Towards a Baconian Approach to Management Decision-Making.' Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 124 (2). pp. 268-283.

Schaffner, M.

Kandasamy, Narayanan, Hardy, Ben, Page, Lionel, Schaffner, M., Graggaber, J., Powlson, A. S., Fletcher, Paul C., Gurnell, Mark and Coates, John (2014) 'Cortisol shifts financial risk preferences.' Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 111 (9). pp. 3608-3613.

Schwarz, Gary

Miao, Qing, Newman, Alexander, Schwarz, Gary and Xu, Lin (2014) 'Servant Leadership, Trust, and the Organizational Commitment of Public Sector Employees in China.' Public Administration, 92 (3). pp. 727-743.

Schwarz, Gary (2014) Public Shared Service Centers: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of US Public Sector Organizations. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Sorell, Michael

Peiperl, Maury, Levy, Orly and Sorell, Michael (2014) 'Cross-Border Mobility of Self-Initiated and Organizational Expatriates.' International Studies of Management and Organization, 44 (3). pp. 44-65.

Sun, Laixiang

Lee, In Hyeock, Hong, Eunsuk and Sun, Laixiang (2014) 'Inward Foreign Direct Investment and Domestic Entrepreneurship: A Regional Analysis of New Firm Creation in Korea.' Regional Studies, 48 (5). pp. 910-922.

Uzonwanne, Godfrey

Uzonwanne, Godfrey, Yekini, Kemi, Yekini, Sina and Otobo, Paul (2014) 'An Evaluation of Management Perspectives of Sustainability Reporting in the Nigerian Oil Industry.' Journal of Sustainability Science and Management, 4 (2). pp. 70-81.

Vollmer, Albert

Bachmann, Reinhard (2014) 'Was ist Vertrauen? Warum ist es wichtig und wie sollte man sich damit beschäftigen?' In: Clases, Christoph, Dick, Michael, Manser, Tanja and Vollmer, Albert, (eds.), Grenzgänge der Arbeitsforschung. Eine Festschrift für Theo Wehner. Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers, pp. 85-91.

Weitzel, Utz

Weitzel, Utz, Kling, Gerhard and Gerritsen, Dirk (2014) 'Testing the fire-sale FDI hypothesis for the European financial crisis.' Journal of International Money and Finance, 49 (B). pp. 211-234.

Wicks, Andrew

Bachmann, Reinhard and Hanappi-Egger, E. (2014) 'Can Trust Flourish Where Institutional Distrust Reigns?' In: Harris, Jared, Moriarty, Brian and Wicks, Andrew, (eds.), Public Trust in Business. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 266-289.

Williamson, Janet

Williamson, Janet, Driver, Ciaran and Kenway, Peter (2014) 'Introduction.' In: Williamson, Janet, Driver, Ciaran and Kenway, Peter, (eds.), Beyond Shareholder Value: the reasons and choices for corporate governance reform. London: TUC, pp. 6-15.

Williamson, Janet, Driver, Ciaran and Kenway, Peter (2014) 'Introduction.' In: Williamson, Janet, Driver, Ciaran and Kenway, Peter, (eds.), Beyond Shareholder Value: the reasons and choices for corporate governance reform. London: TUC, pp. 6-15.

Xu, Lin

Miao, Qing, Newman, Alexander, Schwarz, Gary and Xu, Lin (2014) 'Servant Leadership, Trust, and the Organizational Commitment of Public Sector Employees in China.' Public Administration, 92 (3). pp. 727-743.

Yekini, Kemi

Raimi, Lukman, Patel, Ashok, Yekini, Kemi and Fadipe, A. O. (2014) 'Spatio-Temporal Audit of Nigeria's Industrial Policies and Entrepreneurship Development Interventions from 1946 to 2013.' International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 4 (1). pp. 294-309.

Uzonwanne, Godfrey, Yekini, Kemi, Yekini, Sina and Otobo, Paul (2014) 'An Evaluation of Management Perspectives of Sustainability Reporting in the Nigerian Oil Industry.' Journal of Sustainability Science and Management, 4 (2). pp. 70-81.

Yekini, Sina

Uzonwanne, Godfrey, Yekini, Kemi, Yekini, Sina and Otobo, Paul (2014) 'An Evaluation of Management Perspectives of Sustainability Reporting in the Nigerian Oil Industry.' Journal of Sustainability Science and Management, 4 (2). pp. 70-81.

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