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Number of items: 53.

Achcar, Gilbert

Achcar, Gilbert (2003) 'Au pays du prophète, des princes, du pétrole et de ben Laden [Interview].' Alternatives; 10 (4), December.

Achcar, Gilbert (2003) 'Europa después de la guerra de Irak [Interview].' Accion, Buenos Aires, 2d fortnight of June.

Achcar, Gilbert (2003) 'La guerre d’Irak et l’instauration d’un "nouvel ordre impérial" [Interview].' Mouvements (22). pp. 6-7.

Achcar, Gilbert (2003) 'Le nouvel embourbement américain [Interview].' L’Humanité, 14 November.

Achcar, Gilbert (2003) 'Lettre à un/e militant/e antiguerre passablement déprimé/e.' Le Passant Ordinaire (45/46). pp. 10-11.

Achcar, Gilbert (2003) 'L’OTAN à la conquête de l’Est.' Le Monde diplomatique January.

Achcar, Gilbert (2003) 'Marx et Engels face à la guerre.' In: Spire, Arnaud, (ed.), Marx contemporain. Paris: Syllepse, pp. 171-184.

Achcar, Gilbert (2003) 'Sur le mouvement anti-guerre et ses perspectives: réponse à Perry Anderson.' Mouvements (27/28). pp. 142-164.

Achcar, Gilbert (2003) 'Vasallen rykker lidt i laenken [Interview].' Salt, Copenhagen, June.

Achcar, Gilbert, Amin, Samir, Chomsky, Noam, Dumenil, Gerard, Foster, John Bellamy, Gilardi, Paolo, Levy, Dominique, Magdoff, Harry and McChesney, Robert W. (2003) 'Le Nouvel Ordre Impérial ou la mondialisation de l’Empire états-unien.' In: Le Nouvel Ordre Impérial. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, pp. 15-24. (Actuel Marx, no. 33)

Amin, Samir

Achcar, Gilbert, Amin, Samir, Chomsky, Noam, Dumenil, Gerard, Foster, John Bellamy, Gilardi, Paolo, Levy, Dominique, Magdoff, Harry and McChesney, Robert W. (2003) 'Le Nouvel Ordre Impérial ou la mondialisation de l’Empire états-unien.' In: Le Nouvel Ordre Impérial. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, pp. 15-24. (Actuel Marx, no. 33)

Chhotray, Vasudha

Chhotray, Vasudha (2003) Decentralised development: State practices from India's watershed development programme. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Chomsky, Noam

Achcar, Gilbert, Amin, Samir, Chomsky, Noam, Dumenil, Gerard, Foster, John Bellamy, Gilardi, Paolo, Levy, Dominique, Magdoff, Harry and McChesney, Robert W. (2003) 'Le Nouvel Ordre Impérial ou la mondialisation de l’Empire états-unien.' In: Le Nouvel Ordre Impérial. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, pp. 15-24. (Actuel Marx, no. 33)

Cornwall, Andrea

Cornwall, Andrea (2003) 'To be a man is more than a day's work: Shifting ideals of manliness in Ado-Odo, S W Nigeria.' In: Lindsay, Lisa A and Miescher, Stephan F, (eds.), Men and Masculinities in Modern Africa. Princeton, USA: Heinemann, pp. 230-248. (Social history of Africa)

Cornwall, Andrea (2003) 'Whose voices? Whose choices? Reflections on gender and participatory development.' World Development, 31 (8). pp. 1325-1342.

Dumenil, Gerard

Achcar, Gilbert, Amin, Samir, Chomsky, Noam, Dumenil, Gerard, Foster, John Bellamy, Gilardi, Paolo, Levy, Dominique, Magdoff, Harry and McChesney, Robert W. (2003) 'Le Nouvel Ordre Impérial ou la mondialisation de l’Empire états-unien.' In: Le Nouvel Ordre Impérial. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, pp. 15-24. (Actuel Marx, no. 33)

Foster, John Bellamy

Achcar, Gilbert, Amin, Samir, Chomsky, Noam, Dumenil, Gerard, Foster, John Bellamy, Gilardi, Paolo, Levy, Dominique, Magdoff, Harry and McChesney, Robert W. (2003) 'Le Nouvel Ordre Impérial ou la mondialisation de l’Empire états-unien.' In: Le Nouvel Ordre Impérial. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, pp. 15-24. (Actuel Marx, no. 33)

Frost, Stephen D.

Pringle, Tim (2003) 'Reflections on Chinese Labour Law.' In: Frost, Stephen D., Omana, George and Shepherd, Ed, (eds.), Asia Pacific Labour Law Review, Workers Rights for the New Century. Hong Kong: Asia Monitor Resources Centre.

Pringle, Tim and Frost, Stephen D. (2003) '“The Absence of Rigor and the Failure of Implementation”: Occupational Health and Safety in China.' International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health, 9 (4). pp. 309-319.

Gilardi, Paolo

Achcar, Gilbert, Amin, Samir, Chomsky, Noam, Dumenil, Gerard, Foster, John Bellamy, Gilardi, Paolo, Levy, Dominique, Magdoff, Harry and McChesney, Robert W. (2003) 'Le Nouvel Ordre Impérial ou la mondialisation de l’Empire états-unien.' In: Le Nouvel Ordre Impérial. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, pp. 15-24. (Actuel Marx, no. 33)

Gullov, E.

Hammond, Laura (2003) 'How Will the Children Come Home? Emplacement and the Creation of the Social Body in an Ethiopian Returnee Settlement.' In: Olwig, K. F. and Gullov, E., (eds.), Children's Places. Cross-Cultural Perspectives. London: Routledge, pp. 77-94.

Hammond, Laura

Hammond, Laura (2003) 'How Will the Children Come Home? Emplacement and the Creation of the Social Body in an Ethiopian Returnee Settlement.' In: Olwig, K. F. and Gullov, E., (eds.), Children's Places. Cross-Cultural Perspectives. London: Routledge, pp. 77-94.

Jefferey, Roger

Jeffery, Roger and Lerche, Jens, eds. (2003) Social and Political Change in Uttar Pradesh: European Perspectives. New Delhi: Manohar (India).

Jeffery, Roger

Lerche, Jens (2003) 'Hamlet, Village and Region: Caste and Class Differences between Low-Caste Mobilization in East and West UP.' In: Lerche, Jens and Jeffery, Roger, (eds.), Social and Political Change in Uttar Pradesh. European Perspectives. New Delhi: Manohar, pp. 181-198.

Jeffery, Roger and Lerche, Jens, eds. (2003) Social and Political Change in Uttar Pradesh: European Perspectives. New Delhi: Manohar (India).

Lerche, Jens and Jeffery, Roger (2003) 'Uttar Pradesh: Into the Twenty-First Century.' In: Lerche, Jens and Jeffery, Roger, (eds.), Social and Political Change in Uttar Pradesh. European Perspectives. New Delhi: Manohar, pp. 17-53.

Lerche, Jens and Jeffery, Roger (2003) 'Uttar Pradesh: Into the Twenty-First Century.' In: Lerche, Jens and Jeffery, Roger, (eds.), Social and Political Change in Uttar Pradesh. European Perspectives. New Delhi: Manohar, pp. 17-53.

Jennings, Michael

Jennings, Michael (2003) ''We Must Run While Others Walk': Popular Participation and Development Crisis in Tanzania, 1961-9.' The Journal of Modern African Studies, 41 (2). pp. 163-187.

Lerche, Jens

Lerche, Jens (2003) 'Hamlet, Village and Region: Caste and Class Differences between Low-Caste Mobilization in East and West UP.' In: Lerche, Jens and Jeffery, Roger, (eds.), Social and Political Change in Uttar Pradesh. European Perspectives. New Delhi: Manohar, pp. 181-198.

Lerche, Jens (2003) 'Hamlet, Village and Region: Caste and Class Differences between Low-Caste Mobilization in East and West UP.' In: Lerche, Jens and Jeffery, Roger, (eds.), Social and Political Change in Uttar Pradesh. European Perspectives. New Delhi: Manohar, pp. 181-198.

Jeffery, Roger and Lerche, Jens, eds. (2003) Social and Political Change in Uttar Pradesh: European Perspectives. New Delhi: Manohar (India).

Jeffery, Roger and Lerche, Jens, eds. (2003) Social and Political Change in Uttar Pradesh: European Perspectives. New Delhi: Manohar (India).

Lerche, Jens and Jeffery, Roger (2003) 'Uttar Pradesh: Into the Twenty-First Century.' In: Lerche, Jens and Jeffery, Roger, (eds.), Social and Political Change in Uttar Pradesh. European Perspectives. New Delhi: Manohar, pp. 17-53.

Lerche, Jens and Jeffery, Roger (2003) 'Uttar Pradesh: Into the Twenty-First Century.' In: Lerche, Jens and Jeffery, Roger, (eds.), Social and Political Change in Uttar Pradesh. European Perspectives. New Delhi: Manohar, pp. 17-53.

Levy, Dominique

Achcar, Gilbert, Amin, Samir, Chomsky, Noam, Dumenil, Gerard, Foster, John Bellamy, Gilardi, Paolo, Levy, Dominique, Magdoff, Harry and McChesney, Robert W. (2003) 'Le Nouvel Ordre Impérial ou la mondialisation de l’Empire états-unien.' In: Le Nouvel Ordre Impérial. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, pp. 15-24. (Actuel Marx, no. 33)

Lindsay, Lisa A

Cornwall, Andrea (2003) 'To be a man is more than a day's work: Shifting ideals of manliness in Ado-Odo, S W Nigeria.' In: Lindsay, Lisa A and Miescher, Stephan F, (eds.), Men and Masculinities in Modern Africa. Princeton, USA: Heinemann, pp. 230-248. (Social history of Africa)

Magdoff, Harry

Achcar, Gilbert, Amin, Samir, Chomsky, Noam, Dumenil, Gerard, Foster, John Bellamy, Gilardi, Paolo, Levy, Dominique, Magdoff, Harry and McChesney, Robert W. (2003) 'Le Nouvel Ordre Impérial ou la mondialisation de l’Empire états-unien.' In: Le Nouvel Ordre Impérial. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, pp. 15-24. (Actuel Marx, no. 33)

McChesney, Robert W.

Achcar, Gilbert, Amin, Samir, Chomsky, Noam, Dumenil, Gerard, Foster, John Bellamy, Gilardi, Paolo, Levy, Dominique, Magdoff, Harry and McChesney, Robert W. (2003) 'Le Nouvel Ordre Impérial ou la mondialisation de l’Empire états-unien.' In: Le Nouvel Ordre Impérial. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, pp. 15-24. (Actuel Marx, no. 33)

Miescher, Stephan F

Cornwall, Andrea (2003) 'To be a man is more than a day's work: Shifting ideals of manliness in Ado-Odo, S W Nigeria.' In: Lindsay, Lisa A and Miescher, Stephan F, (eds.), Men and Masculinities in Modern Africa. Princeton, USA: Heinemann, pp. 230-248. (Social history of Africa)

Molle, François

Molle, François and Mollinga, Peter (2003) 'Water policy indicators: Conceptual problems and policy issues.' Water Policy, 5 (5/6). pp. 529-544.

Mollinga, Peter

Molle, François and Mollinga, Peter (2003) 'Water policy indicators: Conceptual problems and policy issues.' Water Policy, 5 (5/6). pp. 529-544.

Mollinga, Peter (2003) On the waterfront. Water distribution, technology and agrarian change in a South Indian canal irrigation system. Hyderabad: Orient Longman.

Olwig, K. F.

Hammond, Laura (2003) 'How Will the Children Come Home? Emplacement and the Creation of the Social Body in an Ethiopian Returnee Settlement.' In: Olwig, K. F. and Gullov, E., (eds.), Children's Places. Cross-Cultural Perspectives. London: Routledge, pp. 77-94.

Omana, George

Pringle, Tim (2003) 'Reflections on Chinese Labour Law.' In: Frost, Stephen D., Omana, George and Shepherd, Ed, (eds.), Asia Pacific Labour Law Review, Workers Rights for the New Century. Hong Kong: Asia Monitor Resources Centre.

Pringle, Tim

Pringle, Tim (2003) 'Reflections on Chinese Labour Law.' In: Frost, Stephen D., Omana, George and Shepherd, Ed, (eds.), Asia Pacific Labour Law Review, Workers Rights for the New Century. Hong Kong: Asia Monitor Resources Centre.

Pringle, Tim and Frost, Stephen D. (2003) '“The Absence of Rigor and the Failure of Implementation”: Occupational Health and Safety in China.' International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health, 9 (4). pp. 309-319.

Purewal, Navtej

Purewal, Navtej (2003) 'The Indo-Pak Border: Displacements, Aggressions and Transgressions.' Contemporary South Asia, 12 (4). pp. 539-556.

Purewal, Navtej (2003) 'Re-producing South Asian Wom(b)en: Female Feticide and the Spectacle of Culture.' In: Puwar, N. and Raghuram, P., (eds.), South Asian Women in the Diaspora. New York, NY: New York University Press.

Puwar, N.

Purewal, Navtej (2003) 'Re-producing South Asian Wom(b)en: Female Feticide and the Spectacle of Culture.' In: Puwar, N. and Raghuram, P., (eds.), South Asian Women in the Diaspora. New York, NY: New York University Press.

Raghuram, P.

Purewal, Navtej (2003) 'Re-producing South Asian Wom(b)en: Female Feticide and the Spectacle of Culture.' In: Puwar, N. and Raghuram, P., (eds.), South Asian Women in the Diaspora. New York, NY: New York University Press.

Shepherd, Ed

Pringle, Tim (2003) 'Reflections on Chinese Labour Law.' In: Frost, Stephen D., Omana, George and Shepherd, Ed, (eds.), Asia Pacific Labour Law Review, Workers Rights for the New Century. Hong Kong: Asia Monitor Resources Centre.

Spire, Arnaud

Achcar, Gilbert (2003) 'Marx et Engels face à la guerre.' In: Spire, Arnaud, (ed.), Marx contemporain. Paris: Syllepse, pp. 171-184.

Tanner, Thomas

Tanner, Thomas (2003) 'Peopling mountain environments: Changing Andean livelihoods in north-west Argentina.' The Geographical Journal, 169 (3). pp. 205-214.

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