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Number of items: 45.

Book Chapters

Achcar, Gilbert (2005) 'Guerre impériale et guerre sociale: trois propositions et une espérance.' In: Bidet, Jacques, (ed.), Guerre impériale Guerre sociale. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, pp. 27-30.

Achcar, Gilbert (2005) 'Libanon: die gefährlichen Auswirkungen der US-Einmischung [Interview].' In: Nahost Reader. Berlin: Achse des Friedens, pp. 12-16.

Achcar, Gilbert, Simon, Dagmar and Veil, Mechthild (2005) 'Introduction to Arbeitsmarkt, Wohlfahrtsstaat, Familienpolitik und die Geschlechterfrage: deutsch-französische Konvergenzen und Divergenzen.' In: Achcar, Gilbert, (ed.), Arbeitsmarkt, Wohlfahrtsstaat, Familienpolitik und die Geschlechterfrage: deutsch-französische Konvergenzen und Divergenzen. Berlin: Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB), pp. 5-10.

Jennings, Michael (2005) 'A Century of Development: Policy and Process in Sub-Saharan Africa.' In: Africa South of the Sahara. London: Europa, pp. 30-35.

Jennings, Michael (2005) 'Getting the Research Questions Right and Getting the Right Data.' In: Holland, Jeremy and Campbell, John, (eds.), Methods in Development Research: Combining qualitative and quantitative approaches. Rugby: ITDG Publications, pp. 27-36.

Jennings, Michael (2005) 'A Short History of Failure? Development Processes over the Course of the Twentieth Century.' In: Huque, Ahmed Shafiqul and Zafarullah, Habib, (eds.), Handbook of International Development Governance. New York: Marcel Dekker, pp. 599-610.

Mollinga, Peter (2005) 'Gao Hong and Anjali Mohan Bhatia ‘Leadership and turnover. The contradictions of irrigation management reform in the People’s Republic of China.' In: Shivakoti, Ganesh, Vermillion, Douglas, Lam, W.F., Ostrom, Elinor, Pradhan, Ujjwal and Yode, Robert, (eds.), Asian Irrigation in Transition: Responding to Challenges. New Dehli: Sage, pp. 310-345.

Mollinga, Peter and Doraiswamy, R. (2005) 'Investing in Farmer Networks for Inclusive Irrigation Policy Processes in South India.' In: Shaping the Future of Water for Agriculture: A sourcebook for investment in agricultural water management. Washington D.C.: The World Bank/Agriculture and Rural Development, pp. 96-99.

Mollinga, Peter and Doraiswamy, R. (2005) 'Investing in Farmer Networks for Inclusive Irrigation Policy Processes in South India.' In: Shaping the Future of Water for Agriculture: A sourcebook for investment in agricultural water management. Washington D.C.: The World Bank/Agriculture and Rural Development, pp. 96-99.

Oya, Carlos (2005) 'Growth miracles in Sub-Saharan Africa: Idiosyncratic Tales.' In: Claves de la Economia Mundial 2005 (in Spanish). Madrid: Instituto Español de Comercio Exterior, pp. 397-404.

Oya, Carlos (2005) 'Sticks and Carrots for farmers in developing countries: Agrarian neoliberalism in theory and practice.' In: Saad Filho, Alfredo and Johnston, Deborah, (eds.), Neoliberalism: A Critical Reader. London: Pluto Press, UK, pp. 127-134.

Visser-Mabogunje, Lola, Cummings, Sarah, Gast, Lisette and McQuinn, Mark (2005) 'Smart Toolkit for Evaluating Information Products and Services.' In: Smart Toolkit for Evaluating Information Products and Services. Wageningen, The Netherlands: Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), pp. 1-287.

Journal Article

Abdeldayem, Safwat, Hoevenaars, Jan, Mollinga, Peter, Scheumann, Waltina, Slootweg, Roel and van Steenbergen, Frank (2005) 'Agricultural drainage: towards an integrated approach.' Irrigation and Drainage Systems, 19. pp. 71-87.

Achcar, Gilbert (2005) 'Entretien avec Gilbert Achcar. Mondialisation, ordre mondial et mouvement de la paix.' Variations: Revue internationale de théorie critique. Barbaries, résurgences, résistances (1). pp. 61-68.

Achcar, Gilbert (2005) 'Las relaciones internacionales hoy. ¿Quién diría que éste es un mundo más seguro? [Interview].' Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política (25). pp. 140-146.

Achcar, Gilbert (2005) 'Marxismes et Religion, hier et aujourd’hui.' Contretemps: À quels saints se vouer? Espaces publics et religions (12). pp. 176-189.

Achcar, Gilbert (2005) 'Où va l’Irak? L’occupation états-unienne et le mouvement anti-guerre après les élections.' Une Suisse sans armée, bulletin du GSSA (65).

Achcar, Gilbert (2005) 'Sofortiger Rückzug der US-Truppen aus dem Irak?! Eine Debatte zwischen Juan Cole und Gilbert Achcar.' INAMO (44). pp. 27-30.

Cornwall, Andrea and Brock, Karen (2005) 'What do buzzwords do for development policy: a critical look at "participation", "poverty reduction" and "empowerment".' Third World Quarterly, 26 (7). pp. 1043-1060.

Cornwall, Andrea and Goetz, Anne-Marie (2005) 'Democratizing Democracy: Feminist Perspectives.' Democratization, 12 (5). pp. 783-800.

Di John, Jonathan (2005) 'Economic Liberalization, Political Instability, and State Capacity in Venezuela.' International Political Science Review, 26 (1). pp. 107-24.

Harris, Colette (2005) 'Desire versus Horniness: Sexual Relations in the Collectivist Society of Tajikistan.' Social Analysis, 49 (2). pp. 78-95.

Jennings, Michael (2005) 'Chinese Medicine and Medical Pluralism in Dar es Salaam: Globalisation or Glocalisation?' International Relations, 19 (4). pp. 457-474.

Kaiser, Tania (2005) 'Participating in Development? Refugee Protection, Politics and Developmental Approaches to Refugee Management in Uganda.' Third World Quarterly, 26 (2). pp. 351-367.

Marois, Thomas (2005) 'From Economic Crisis to a ‘State’ of Crisis?: The Emergence of Neoliberalism in Costa Rica.' Historical Materialism, 13 (3). pp. 101-134.

Marriage, Zoe (2005) 'Shame and Assistance - Does It Help?' Civil Wars, 7 (4). pp. 357-76.

Vergara-Camus, Leandro (2005) 'The Experience of the Landless Workers Movement and the Lula Government.' INTERthesis, 2 (1).

Vergara-Camus, Leandro (2005) 'The Zapatistas in Power: More than a Movement, Much More than a Party.' Relay: A Socialist Project Review, 6. pp. 26-28.

Vergara-Camus, Leandro and Hevia-Pacheco, P. (2005) 'Éducation populaire et émancipation: l’expérience des travailleurs ruraux sans-terre au Brésil.' Education Canada, 45 (3). pp. 11-15.

Yamin, Farhana, Mitchell, Tom and Tanner, Thomas (2005) 'Linking Climate Adaptation: A Research Agenda.' IDS Bulletin, 36 (4). pp. 126-131.

Conference or Workshop Items

Kaiser, Tania (2005) The Search for Solutions: Achievements and Challenges - member of a panel for which I presented a paper on self settlement and encampment in Uganda. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Monographs and Working Papers

Kaiser, Tania (2005) ‘We are all stranded here together’: The local settlement system, freedom of movement and livelihood opportunities for refugees in Arua and Moyo Districts. Kampala: Refugee Law Project.

Kaiser, Tania, Hovil, Lucy and Lomo, Zacahry (2005) 'We are all stranded here together': The local settlement system, freedom of movement and livelihood opportunities for refugees in Arua and Moyo Districts. Kampala: Refugee Law Project Working Paper No. 14.

McKinley, Terry (2005) Economic Alternatives for Sub-Saharan Africa: ‘Poverty Traps’, MDG-Based Strategies And Accelerated Capital Accumulation Draft Paper for the G-24 Meeting, 15-16 September 2005. Washington, DC: G-24: Intergovernmental Group of 24.

McKinley, Terry (2005) MDG-Based PRSPs Need More Ambitious Economic Policies. New York: United Nations Development Programme: Policy Discussion Paper.

McKinley, Terry (2005) Why is the 'Dutch Disease' Always a Disease? The Macroeconomic Consequences of Scaling up ODA. Brasilia: International Poverty Centre: Working Paper, no.10.

Sender, John, Cramer, Christopher and Oya, Carlos (2005) Unequal prospects: disparities in the quantity and quality of labour supply in sub-Saharan Africa. World Bank Social Protection Discussion Paper Series; No.0525.

Weeks, John, McKinley, Terry, Cornea, Giovanni Andre, Spoor, Max, Reynolds, Michael, Izman, Felicia, Osmani, Siddiq and Jahan, Selim (2005) The Republic of Moldova: economic policies for growth, employment and poverty reduction. Chisinau: UNDP and Sida.


Hayward, Natasha D. (2005) Tuberculosis: A disease of poverty; a question of control? A case study of TB in Malawi. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:


Achcar, Gilbert (2005) 'Assessing China.' ZNet, 25 June 2005.

Achcar, Gilbert (2005) 'Chances et aléas du printemps arabe.' Le Monde diplomatique, July 2005.

Achcar, Gilbert (2005) 'On the Forthcoming Election in Iraq.' ZNet, 3 January 2005.

Achcar, Gilbert (2005) 'Reply To Alex Callinicos.' ZNet, 19 January 2005.

Achcar, Gilbert (2005) 'Second Reply To Alex Callinicos.' ZNet, 23 January 2005.

Achcar, Gilbert (2005) 'Whither Iraq? The US occupation and the antiwar movement after the election.' ZNet, 25 February 2005.

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