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Number of items: 65.

Achcar, Gilbert (2006) 'The Clash of Barbarisms.' In: Tuathail, Gearoid O., Dalby, Simon and Routledge, Paul, (eds.), The Geopolitics Reader. London: Routledge, pp. 270-274.

Achcar, Gilbert (2006) The Clash of Barbarisms. The Making of the New World Disorder. Boulder: Paradigm Publishers; London: Saqi.

Achcar, Gilbert (2006) 'Corcuff et la théorie du complot.' Contretemps (17). pp. 159-170.

Achcar, Gilbert (2006) 'Der 33-Tage Krieg und die Resolution 1701 des UN-Sicherheitsrats.' INAMO (47). pp. 28-31.

Achcar, Gilbert (2006) 'Die Lage im Irak.' INAMO (47). pp. 47-50.

Achcar, Gilbert (2006) 'Die „besondere Beziehung“ zwischen den USA und Israel.' INAMO (45). pp. 38-42.

Achcar, Gilbert (2006) 'El choque de barbaries.' Diagonal, Madrid. n.25, 2-15 March.

Achcar, Gilbert (2006) 'The Failure of the Enlightenment Project in the Arab Region and the conditions of its Resurrection (in Arabic).' Arab dailies, 16 June and Al-Quds al-Arabi, 26 June..

Achcar, Gilbert (2006) 'First Reflections on the Electoral Victory of Hamas.' ZNet, 27 January 2006.

Achcar, Gilbert (2006) 'A Gaza e Beirut, barbarie asimmetrica [Interview].' Il Manifesto, 28 July 2006.

Achcar, Gilbert (2006) 'An Interview with Gilbert Achcar [Interview].' State of Nature, Spring 2006.

Achcar, Gilbert (2006) 'Iraq: The Case for Immediate Withdrawal [interview].' World War 4 Report. 1st January.

Achcar, Gilbert (2006) The Israeli Dilemma: A Debate between Two Left-Wing Jews: letters between Marcel Liebman and Ralph Miliband, Selected, with an introduction and epilogue by Gilbert Achcar. London: Merlin Press.

Achcar, Gilbert (2006) 'La question des milices. Les territoires occupés. La présence de l’ONU [Interview].' L’Humanité-Dimanche, 27 July 2006.

Achcar, Gilbert (2006) 'Le reazioni all'Olocausto nel Medio Oriente arabo. [The Reactions to the Holocaust in the Arab Middle East].' In: Cattaruzza, Marina, Flores, Marcello, Sullam, Simon Levis and Traverso, Enzo, (eds.), Storia della Shoah. La crisi dell'Europa, lo sterminio degli ebrei e la memoria del XX secolo. Torino: UTET Libreria, pp. 869-900.

Achcar, Gilbert (2006) 'Lebanon: The 33-Day War and UNSC Resolution 1701.' ZNet 16 August 2006.

Achcar, Gilbert (2006) 'Liban: Les desseins impériaux à l’épreuve du réel [Interview].' Mouvements (47/48). pp. 158-166.

Achcar, Gilbert (2006) 'Libano sull’orlo di una guerra civile. Decisivo il ruolo del governo [Interview].' Liberazione, 18 July 2006.

Achcar, Gilbert (2006) 'Reactions to the Nazi Judeocide in the Arab Middle East.' In: Cattaruzza, Marina, Flores, Marcello, Sullam, Simon Levis and Traverso, Enzo, (eds.), Storia della Shoah. La crisi dell’Europa, lo sterminio degli ebrei e la memoria del XX secolo (in Italian). Torino UTET Libreria, pp. 869-900.

Achcar, Gilbert (2006) 'Seven Theses on the Current Period, the War and the Anti-War Movement.' In: Falk, Richard, Gendzier, Irene and Lifton, Robert Jay, (eds.), Crimes of War: Iraq. New York: Nation Books, pp. 315-322.

Achcar, Gilbert (2006) 'The Sinking Ship of U.S. Imperial Designs.' ZNet, 6 August 2006.

Achcar, Gilbert (2006) 'Three texts in the 2nd edition of L’Atlas.' In: Le Monde diplomatique. Paris: Le Monde, 42-43, 50-51, 54-55.

Achcar, Gilbert and Shalom, Stephen (2006) 'Getting Out of Iraq.' New Politics, 10 (4). pp. 5-10.

Bock, B.B. and Mollinga, Peter (2006) 'Gender dimensions of rural livelihoods in Uzbekistan: the importance of emergent entrepreneurship and migration.' In: Majerová, Věra, (ed.), Countryside - our world : collection of papers of international conference. Prague: Ceska zemedelska univerzita v Praze (Czech University of Agriculture Prague), pp. 72-79.

Cornwall, Andrea (2006) 'Historical perspectives on participation in development.' Commonwealth and Comparative Politics, 44 (1). pp. 62-83.

Di John, Jonathan (2006) The Political Economy of Taxation and Tax Reform in Developing Countries. Helsinki: Anthem Press and World Institute of Development Economic Research WIDER: Working Paper, no. 74/2006.

Hanieh, Adam (2006) 'The Politics of Curfew in the Occupied Territories.' In: Benin, Joel and Stein, Rebecca, (eds.), The Struggle for Sovereignty: Palestine and Israel, 1993-2005. California: Stanford University Press.

Hanieh, Adam (2006) 'Praising Empire: Neo-liberalism Under Pax Americana.' In: Mooers, Colin, (ed.), The New Imperialists: Ideologies of Empire. London: One World Press, pp. 167-199.

Hanieh, Adam (2006) 'Review: 'Palestinian Labour Migration to Israel: Labour, Land, and Occupation', by Leila Farsakh.' Journal of Palestine Studies, 36 (1). pp. 89-91.

Harris, Colette (2006) 'Doing Development with Men: Some Reflections on a Case Study from Mali.' IDS Bulletin, 37 (6). pp. 47-56.

Harris, Colette (2006) Muslim Youth Tensions and Transitions in Tajikistan Westview Case Studies in Anthropology. Boulder, CO.: Westview Press.

Jennings, Michael (2006) 'Missions and maternal and child health care in colonial Tanganyika, 1919-1939.' In: Hardiman, David, (ed.), Healing bodies, saving souls : medical missions in Asia and Africa. Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 227-250. (Clio medica, 80.)

Jennings, Michael (2006) 'Tanzania, 2001-2002.' In: Africa Contemporary Record. New York: Holmes and Meier, pp. 540-559.

Jennings, Michael (2006) 'Using Archives.' In: Desai, Vandana and Potter, Robert B, (eds.), Doing Development Research. London: Sage Publications, pp. 241-250.

Kaiser, Tania (2006) 'Between a Camp and a Hard Place: Rights, Livelihood and Experiences of the Local Settlement System for Long-Term Refugees in Uganda.' Journal of Modern African Studies, 44 (4). pp. 597-621.

Kaiser, Tania (2006) 'Songs, Discos and Dancing in Kiryandongo, Uganda.' Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 32 (2). pp. 183-202.

Li, Minqi and Hanieh, Adam (2006) 'Secular Trends, Long Waves and the Cost of the State: Evidence from the Long-term Movement of the Profit Rate in the US Economy 1869-2000.' Review: a Journal of the Fernand Braudel Center for the Studies of Economies, Historical Systems, and Civilizations, 29 (1). pp. 87-114.

Lindley, Anna (2006) 'Migration and Financial Transfers: UK-Somalia.' Refuge: Canada's periodical on refugees, 23 (2). pp. 20-27.

Lindley, Anna (2006) 'Review of 'Researching Conflict in Africa: Insights and Experiences' Edited by Elisabeth Porter, Gillian Robinson, Marie Smyth, Albrecht Schnabel and Eghosa Osaghae.' Journal of Refugee Studies, 19 (2). pp. 260-262.

Marois, Thomas (2006) 'From Rigged Elections to Popular Education in Toronto.' Relay: A Socialist Project Review, 14. pp. 33-35.

Marois, Thomas (2006) 'Review of 'México frente a la mundialización neoliberal' [Mexico Facing Neoliberal Globalization] by Héctor Guillén Romo (2005).' Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 27 (1).

Marriage, Zoe (2006) Challenging aid in Africa. Principles, Implementation, and Impact. USA: Palgrave MacMillan.

Marriage, Zoe (2006) 'The Comfort of Denial: External Assistance in Southern Sudan.' Development and Change, 37 (3). pp. 479-500.

Marriage, Zoe (2006) 'Defining Morality: DFID and the Great Lakes.' Third World Quarterly, 27 (3). pp. 477-90.

Marriage, Zoe (2006) Not Breaking the Rules. Not Playing the Game. International Assistance to Countries at War. London: Hurst and Co..

Marriage, Zoe (2006) 'Review of: Conflict and Collusion in Sierra Leone.' Journal of Agrarian Change, 6 (2). pp. 265-281.

Marriage, Zoe (2006) 'Review of: The Root Causes of Sudan's Civil Wars.' Nations and Nationalism, 12 (1). pp. 182-184.

McKinley, Terry (2006) Gearing Public Finance to Growth, Employment and Poverty Reduction in Moldova. Brasilia: International Poverty Centre: Country Study No. 3.

McKinley, Terry (2006) The Monopoly of Global Capital Flows: Who Needs Structural Adjustment Now? Brasilia: International Poverty Centre: Working Paper, no.12.

McKinley, Terry (2006) Strengthening the Employment Impact of an MDG-Based Development Strategy for Yemen. Brasilia: International Poverty Centre: Country Study No. 4.

McKinley, Terry and Hailu, Degol (2006) The Macroeconomic Debate on Scaling up HIV/AIDS Financing. Brasilia: International Poverty Centre: Policy Research Brief No. 1.

McKinley, Terry and Izurieta, Alex (2006) Addressing Global Imbalances: A Development-Oriented Policy Agenda. Brasilia: International Poverty Centre: Working Paper, no.3.

Mitchell, Tom and Tanner, Thomas (2006) Adapting to Climate Change: Challenges and opportunities for the development community. Brighton: Institute of Development Studies and Tearfund.

Mitchell, Tom, Tanner, Thomas and Wilkinson, Emily (2006) Overcoming the Barriers: Mainstreaming Climate Change adaptation in Developing Countries. Brighton: Climate Change and Disasters Group, Institute of Development Studies and Tearfund. Tearfund Climate Change Briefing Paper 1.

Mollinga, Peter (2006) 'IWRM in South Asia: A concept looking for a constituency.' In: Mollinga, Peter, Dixit, Ajaya and Athukorala, Kusum, (eds.), Integrated water resources management in South Asia. New Delhi: Sage, pp. 21-37. (Water in South Asia series No.1)

Oya, Carlos (2006) 'From State Dirigisme to Liberalisation in Senegal: Four Decades of Agricultural Policy. Shifts and Continuities.' The European Journal of Development Research, 18 (2). pp. 203-34.

Oya, Carlos (2006) 'Privatizaciones en el África subsahariana [Privatizations in Sub-Saharan Africa].' In: ICEX, (ed.), Claves de la Economía Mundial 2006. Madrid: Instituto Español de Comercio Exterior.

Oya, Carlos (2006) 'Regimi di accumulazione, democrazia e strutture di classe in Senegal [Accumulation regimes, Democracy and Class Structures in Senegal].' Afriche e Orienti, 2006 (3-4). pp. 22-44.

Oya, Carlos (2006) 'Review of: 'Farmers and Markets in Tanzania' by S. Ponte.' Journal of Agrarian Change, 5 (1). pp. 154-156.

Oya, Carlos (2006) The political economy of development aid as main source of foreign finance for poor African countries: loss of policy space and possible alternatives from East Asia. In: International Forum on Comparative Political Economy of Globalization, 1-3 September 2006, Beijing, China. (Unpublished)

Pringle, Tim (2006) 'Is there a labour movement in China?' Asian Labour Update (59).

Purewal, Navtej (2006) 'Borderland Punjab.' Seminar: The Monthly Symposium (567).

Rizzo, Matteo (2006) 'What was left of the groundnut scheme: Development Disaster and Labour Market in Southern Tanganyika 1946-1952.' Journal of Agrarian Change, 6 (2). pp. 205-238.

Sender, John, Oya, Carlos and Cramer, Christopher (2006) 'Women Working for Wages: Putting Flesh on the Bones of a Rural Labour Market Survey in Mozambique.' Journal of Southern African Studies, 32 (2). pp. 313-333.

Weeks, John and McKinley, Terry (2006) 'Does Debt Relief Increase Fiscal Space in Zambia? THE MDG Implications.' Country Study (5).

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