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Group by: Creator's name | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 79.

Authored Books

Achcar, Gilbert and Chomsky, Noam (2008) Perilous Power. The Middle East and U.S. Foreign Policy. Dialogues on Terror, Democracy, War and Justice. London: Penguin.

Cornwall, Andrea (2008) Democratising engagement : what the UK can learn from international experience. London: Demos.

Jennings, Michael (2008) Surrogates of the State: Non-Governmental Organisations, Development and Ujamaa in Tanzania. Bloomfield, Ct: Kumarian Press.

Edited Book or Journal Volume

Cornwall, Andrea, Correa, Sonia and Jolly, Susan, eds. (2008) Development with a body: sexuality, human rights and development. London: Zed Books.

Tanner, Thomas and Mitchell, Tom, eds. (2008) Poverty in a Changing Climate, IDS Bulletin, Volume 39, Issue 4. Brighton: Wiley.

Book Chapters

Achcar, Gilbert (2008) 'Azmat al-Qiyada wa al-Bada’il.' In: Al-Yasar al-'Arabi fi Muwajahat al-‘Awlama al-Niulibiraliyya. Beirut: Al-Farabi, pp. 94-102.

Achcar, Gilbert (2008) 'Religion and Politics Today from a Marxian Perspective.' In: Panitch, Leo and Leys, Colin, (eds.), Socialist Register 2008: Global Flashpoints: Reactions to Imperialism and Neoliberalism. London: Merlin Press, pp. 55-76.

Hammond, Laura (2008) 'The Power of Holding Humanitarianism Hostage and the Myth of Protective Principles.' In: Barnett, Michael N. and Weiss, Thomas G., (eds.), Humanitarianism in question : politics, power, ethics. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, pp. 172-195.

Kaiser, Tania (2008) 'Sudanese Refugees in Uganda and Kenya.' In: Loescher, Gil, Milner, James, Newman, Edward and Troeller, Gary, (eds.), Protracted Refugee Situations: Political, Human Rights and Security Implications. Tokyo; New York: UNU Press.

Mezzadri, Alessandra (2008) 'Feminise without Unionise: the Indian Garment sector and its lack of solidarity.' In: Missing Links in Sustainable Development: South Asian Perspectives. Islamabad: SDPI/Sama, pp. 105-130.

Mollinga, Peter (2008) 'Field research methodology as boundary work: An introduction.' In: Wall, Caleb R.L. and Mollinga, Peter, (eds.), Fieldwork in difficult environments. Methodology as boundary work in development research. Berlin: LIT Verlag, pp. 1-17. (ZEF Development Studies)

Mollinga, Peter (2008) 'The Water Resources Policy Process in India: Centralisation, Polarisation and New Demands on Governance.' In: Ballabh, Vishwa, (ed.), Governance of water. Institutional Alternatives and Political Economy. New Delhi: Sage, pp. 339-370.

Mollinga, Peter (2008) 'Water policy – Water politics: Social engineering and strategic action in water sector reform.' In: Scheumann, Waltina, Neubert, Susanne and Kipping, Martin, (eds.), Water Politics and Development Cooperation: Local Power Plays and Global Governance. Berlin: Springer Verlag, pp. 1-29.

Oya, Carlos, Cramer, Christopher and Sender, John (2008) 'Discretion and Heterogeneity in Mozambican Rural Labour Markets.' In: de Brito, Luis, Castel-Branco, Carlos Nuno, Chichava, Sergio and Francisco, Antonio, (eds.), Reflecting on Economic Questions. Maputo, Mozambique: IESE, pp. 50-71.

Purewal, Navtej (2008) 'Gender-Caste Intersectionality in the Experiences of the Partition for the Urban Poor of Amritsar.' In: Butalia, Urvashi, (ed.), A Sense of the Past: Women Writing on the Partition of India. New Delhi: Zubaan Press.

Journal Article

Achcar, Gilbert (2008) 'The Deepening Crisis: Islam and the Structure of Global Power’ [Roundtable discussion].' The Humanist, 68 (2). pp. 16-20.

Achcar, Gilbert (2008) 'L'Orientalisme à rebours : de certaines tendances de l'orientalisme français après 1979.' Mouvements (54). pp. 128-144.

Achcar, Gilbert (2008) 'The U.S. is sowing the seeds of a long term tragedy [Interview].' Mesele (18). pp. 15-22.

Achcar, Gilbert (2008) 'États-Unis – L’assurance ultime : la suprématie militaire’ Interview.' La Brèche (3). pp. 14-20.

Axelby, Richard (2008) 'Calcutta Botanic Garden and the colonial re-ordering of the Indian environment.' Archives of natural history, 35 (1). pp. 150-163.

Cornwall, Andrea (2008) 'Deliberating Democracy: Scenes from a Brazilian Municipal Health Council.' Politics and Society, 36 (4). pp. 508-531.

Cornwall, Andrea (2008) 'Unpacking 'Participation': models, meanings and practices.' Community Development Journal, 43 (3). pp. 269-283.

Cornwall, Andrea, Gideon, Jasmine and Wilson, Kalpana (2008) 'Introduction: Reclaiming feminism: Gender and neoliberalism.' IDS Bulletin, 39 (6). Pages 1-9.

Cornwall, Andrea and Shankland, Alex (2008) 'Engaging citizens: lessons from building Brazil's national health system.' Social Science and Medicine, 66 (10). pp. 2173-2184.

Cornwall, Andrea, Standing, Hilary and Lynch, Andrea (2008) 'Introduction: Putting unsafe abortion on the development agenda.' IDS Bulletin, 39 (3). pp. 1-9.

Cramer, Christopher, Oya, Carlos and Sender, John (2008) 'Lifting the Blinkers: A New View of Power, Diversity and Poverty in Mozambican Rural Labour Markets.' Journal of Modern African Studies, 46 (3). pp. 361-392.

Cramer, Christopher, Oya, Carlos and Sender, John (2008) 'Rural Labour Markets in Sub-Saharan Africa: A New View of Poverty, Power and Policy.' CDPR Policy Brief (1).

Cripps, Francis and McKinley, Terry (2008) 'The Global Benefits and Losses from The U.S. Recession and Recovery Package.' Development Viewpoint (2).

Cripps, Francis and McKinley, Terry (2008) 'A Global Realignment by 2020: U.S. : Decline, Emerging Economies Rise.' Development Viewpoint (10).

Davies, Mark, Guenther, Bruce, Leavy, Jennifer, Mitchell, Tom and Tanner, Thomas (2008) '‘Adaptive Social Protection’: Synergies for Poverty Reduction.' IDS Bulletin, 39 (4). pp. 105-112.

Di John, Jonathan (2008) 'Why is the Tax System so Ineffective and Regressive in Latin America?' Development Viewpoint (5).

Hammond, Laura (2008) 'Strategies of Invisibilization: How Ethiopia's Resettlement Programme Hides the Poorest of the Poor.' Journal of Refugee Studies, 21 (4). pp. 517-536.

Hammond, Laura (2008) 'Why Upholding Humanitarian Principles Does Not Protect Aid Workers.' Development Viewpoint (7).

Jennings, Michael (2008) 'Healing of Bodies, Salvation of Souls’: Missionary Medicine in Colonial Tanganyika, 1870s-1939.' Journal of Religion in Africa, 38 (1). pp. 27-56.

Kaiser, Tania (2008) 'Social and Ritual Activity In and Out of Place: the 'Negotiation of Locality' in a Sudanese Refugee Settlement.' Mobilities. Special Issue: 'Migrant Worlds, Material Cultures', 3 (3). pp. 375-395.

Kyrili, Katerina and McKinley, Terry (2008) 'Identifying Global Trends in Child Poverty: Save the Children’s New Child Development Index.' Development Viewpoint (21).

Lerche, Jens (2008) 'Is Forced Labour an Isolated Problem in Developing Countries?' Development Viewpoint (8).

Lerche, Jens (2008) 'Transnational Advocacy Networks and Affirmative Action for Dalits in India.' Development and Change, 39 (2). pp. 239-261.

Lindley, Anna (2008) 'Transnational connections and education in the Somali context.' Journal of Eastern African Studies, 2 (3). pp. 401-414.

Marois, Thomas (2008) 'The 1982 Mexican Bank Statization and Unintended Consequences for the Emergence of Neoliberalism.' Canadian Journal of Political Science, 41 (1). pp. 143-167.

Marriage, Zoe (2008) 'Ambiguous Agreements: Aid in Negotiating processes.' Conflict, Security and Development, 8 (1). pp. 1-13.

Marriage, Zoe (2008) 'Congo Basics.' fRoots. The Essential Worldwide Roots Music Guide, 304. pp. 43-45.

Marriage, Zoe (2008) 'Review article of recent literature on the Democratic Republic of Congo. (Nzongola-Ntalaja: The Congo from Leopold to Kabila, Trefon (ed): Reinventing Order in the Congo, and Clark (ed): The African Stakes of the Congo War).' Historical Materialism, 16 (1). pp. 225-238.

McKinley, Terry (2008) 'The Globalisation of Inflation and Misguided Monetary Policies.' Development Viewpoint (14).

McKinley, Terry (2008) 'Inflation Targeting in Sub-Saharan Africa: Why Now? Why at All?' Development Viewpoint (1).

Mezzadri, Alessandra (2008) 'How Globalised Production Exploits Informal-Sector Workers: Investigating the Indian Garment Sector.' Development Viewpoint (12).

Mezzadri, Alessandra (2008) 'The rise of neo-liberal globalisation and the ‘new old’ social regulation of labour: the case of Delhi garment sector.' The Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 51 (4). pp. 603-618.

Mitchell, Tom and Tanner, Thomas (2008) 'Defining a Future Research Agenda on Pro-Poor Adaptation.' IDS Bulletin, 39 (4). pp. 130-132.

Mollinga, Peter (2008) 'Water, politics and development: Framing a political sociology of water resources management.' Water Alternatives, 1 (1). pp. 7-23.

Oya, Carlos (2008) 'Greater Africa-China Economic Cooperation: Will This Widen ‘Policy Space’?' Development Viewpoint (4).

Polzer, Tara and Hammond, Laura (2008) 'Invisible Displacement.' Journal of Refugee Studies, 21 (4). pp. 417-431.

Robins, Steven, Cornwall, Andrea and von Lieres, Bettina (2008) 'Rethinking 'citizenship' in the postcolony.' Third World Quarterly, 29 (6). pp. 1069-1086.

Tanner, Thomas (2008) 'Climate Risk Screening of Development Portfolios and Programmes.' IDS Bulletin, 39 (4). pp. 87-95.

Tanner, Thomas and Mitchell, Tom (2008) 'Entrenchment or Enhancement: Could Climate Change Adaptation Help to Reduce Chronic Poverty?' IDS Bulletin, 39 (4). pp. 6-15.

Tanner, Thomas and Mitchell, Tom (2008) 'Introduction: Building the Case for Pro-Poor Adaptation.' IDS Bulletin, 39 (4). pp. 1-5.

Tanner, Thomas, Rodríguez, Gonzalo and Lazcano, Jimena (2008) 'Los niños y niñas, y la gestión de riesgo: Un rol clave en la prevención de desastres.' Medio Ambiente y Urbanización, 69 (1). pp. 117-134.

Monographs and Working Papers

Ayers, Jessica and Tanner, Thomas (2008) ‘Treading lightly’: Travel and Offsetting Policies in UK International Development Research Institutes and NGOs. Brighton: Climate Change and Disasters Group. Institute of Development Studies.

Heintz, James, Oya, Carlos and Zepeda, Eduardo (2008) Towards an Employment-centred Development Strategy for Poverty Reduction in The Gambia: Macroeconomic and Labour Market Aspects. UNDP.

Marriage, Zoe (2008) Reading Wars Actively. London: African Arguments.

McKinley, Terry (2008) How Inclusive is 'Inclusive Growth'? London: Centre for Development Policy and Research, Development Viewpoint 6.

Mitchell, Tom, Sabates-Wheeler, Rachel, Devereux, Stephen, Tanner, Thomas, Davies, Mark and Leavy, Jennifer (2008) Rural Disaster Risk–Poverty Interface. Brighton: Institute of Development Studies.

Mollinga, Peter (2008) For a political sociology of water resources management. ZEF Working Paper Series 31.

Mollinga, Peter (2008) The Rational organisation of dissent. Interdisciplinarity in the study of natural resources management. ZEF Working Paper Series 33.

O’Brien, Karen L., Sygna, Linda, Leichenko, Robin, Adger, W. Neil, Barnett, Jon, Mitchell, Tom, Schipper, E. Lisa F., Tanner, Thomas, Vogel, Coleen and Mortreux, Colette (2008) Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change Adaptation and Human Security: A Commissioned Report for the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs by the Global Environmental Change and Human Security (GECHS) Project. Oslo: GECHS Report 2008:3.

Saravanan, V. S., McDonald, Geoffrey T. and Mollinga, Peter (2008) Critical Review of Integrated Water Resources Management: Moving Beyond Polarised Discourse. Bon, Germany: ZEF Working Paper Series 29.

Tanner, Thomas, Jun, Xia and Holman, Ian (2008) Screening for climate change adaptation: A process to assess and manage the potential impact of climate change on development projects and programmes in China. Brighton: Institute of Development Studies.

Tanner, Thomas and Mitchell, Tom (2008) Entrenchment or Enhancement: Could Climate Change Adaptation Help Reduce Chronic Poverty? Brighton: Chronic Poverty Research Centre Working Paper 106.

Vincent, Katharine, Tanner, Thomas and Devereux, Stephen (2008) Climate Change, Food Security and Disaster Risk Management. Issues paper for the Expert Meeting on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management, FAO, Rome, 28-29 February 2008, Institute of Development Studies.

Book Reviews

Kaiser, Tania (2008) 'Review of ‘Culture in Chaos: An Anthropology of the Social Condition in War’ By Stephen C. Lubkemann. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 2008.' Journal of Refugee Studies, 21 (3). pp. 407-408.

Marriage, Zoe (2008) 'Review of: The African Stakes of the Congo War The Congo from Leopold to Kabila: A People's History Reinventing Order in the Congo: How People Respond to State Failure in Kinshasa.' Historical Materialism, 16 (1). pp. 225-238.

Newsham, Andrew (2008) 'African development and African studies.' African Affairs, 107 (429). pp. 641-650.

Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs

Hedger, Merylyn and Tanner, Thomas (2008) Does Climate Change Alter the Agenda for the Bottom Billion? IDS in focus [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]


Novak, Paolo (2008) (The production of) Who is a Refugee? PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:


Achcar, Gilbert (2008) '‘La crisi a Beirut non è chiusa, ci vuole il dialogo, anche con Damasco’. [Interview].' Il Manifesto, Rome. 29 May 2008.

Achcar, Gilbert (2008) 'Un’aggressione premeditata.' Il Manifesto (28 Decembe). II Manifesto, Rome. 30 December 2008.

Hanieh, Adam (2008) 'Palestine in the Middle East: Opposing Neoliberalism and US Power.' Monthly Review MRZine.

Jennings, Michael (2008) 'The Mo Ibrahim Prize and Governance Index.' Royal African Society Website .

Lindley, Anna (2008) 'African Remittances and Progress: Opportunities and Challenges' Análisis del Real Instituto.' Madrid: Real Instituto Elcano.

Lindley, Anna (2008) 'Conflict-induced migration and remittances: exploring conceptual frameworks.' Oxford: Refugee Studies Centre Working Paper No.47. Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford.

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