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Number of items: 117.

Authored Books

Mezzadri, Alessandra (2017) The Sweatshop Regime: Labouring Bodies, Exploitation and Garments Made in India. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Development Trajectories in Global Value Chains)

Rizzo, Matteo (2017) Taken For A Ride: Grounding Neoliberalism, Precarious Labour, and Public Transport in an African Metropolis. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Critical Frontiers of Theory, Research, and Policy in International Development Studies)

Shah, Alpa, Lerche, Jens, Axelby, Richard, Denbabaali, D., Donegan, Brendan, Raj, Jayaseelan and Thakur, Vikramaditya (2017) Ground Down by Growth: Inequality in 21st century India. London: Pluto Press. (Anthropology, Culture and Society)

Standing, Guy (2017) Basic Income: And How We Can Make It Happen. London: Penguin. (A Pelican Introduction)

Standing, Guy (2017) The Corruption of Capitalism: Why Rentiers Thrive and Work Does Not Pay. London: Biteback.

Edited Book or Journal Volume

Williams, Aled and Le Billon, Philippe, eds. (2017) Corruption, Natural Resources and Development: From Resource Curse to Political Ecology. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Tilley, Lisa, Kumar, Ashok and Cowan, Thomas, eds. (2017) Special Feature: Primitive accumulation and resistance under globalized capital. London: Taylor and Francis. (City: Analysis of Urban Change, Theory, Action. Special issue: vol. 21, no.3/4)

Vergara-Camus, Leandro and Kay, Cristóbal, eds. (2017) Special Issue: Peasants, Agribusiness, Left-wing Governments and Neo-Developmentalism in Latin America: Exploring the Contradictions. Oxford: Wiley. (Journal of Agrarian Change; 17 (2))

Cramer, Christopher and Wood, Elisabeth Jean, eds. (2017) Symposium on Land in Colombia. Oxford: Wiley. (Journal of Agrarian Change Vol. 17 No. 4)

Book Chapters

Achcar, Gilbert (2017) 'Social Justice and Neoliberalism.' In: Said, Salam, (ed.), Towards Socially Just Development in the MENA Region. Tunis: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, pp. 18-29.

Achcar, Gilbert (2017) 'The Transition from Capitalism.' In: Rahnema, Saeed, (ed.), The Transition from Capitalism: Marxist Perspectives. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

Axelby, Richard (2017) 'Gaddis and Gujjars in Chamba District, Himachal Pradesh.' In: Shah, Alpa, Lerche, Jens, Axelby, Richard, Benbabaali, Dalel, Donegan, Brendan, Raj, Jayaseelan and Thakur, Vineet, (eds.), Ground Down by Growth: Inequality in 21st century India. London: Pluto Press, pp. 143-175. (Anthropology, Culture and Society)

Cornwall, Andrea (2017) 'The Making and Unmaking of a New Democratic Space.' In: Alvarez, Sonia E., Rubin, Jeffrey W., Thayer, Millie, Baiocchi, Gianpaolo and Laó-Montes, Agustín, (eds.), Beyond Civil Society: Activism, Participation, and Protest in Latin America. Durham; London: Duke University Press, pp. 63-80.

Felix da Costa, Diana (2017) 'Sudan.' In: Voronkova, Anastasia, (ed.), Armed Conflict Survey 2017. London: International Institute for Strategic Studies, pp. 209-216.

Fine, Ben and Saad Filho, Alfredo (2017) 'Marxist Economics.' In: Fischer, Liliann, Hasell, Joe, Proctor, J.Christopher, Uwakwe, David, Ward-Perkins, Zach and Watson, Catriona, (eds.), Rethinking Economics: An Introduction to Pluralist Economic. Abingdon; New York: Routledge, pp. 19-32.

Hammond, Laura (2017) 'Humanitarian Assistance and Intervention.' In: Haslam, Paul, Schafer, Jessica and Baudet, Pierre, (eds.), Introduction to International Development: Approaches, Actors, Issues and Practice (Third Edition). Ontario: Oxford University Press, pp. 539-554.

Harris, Colette (2017) 'Men, masculinity and labour-force participation in Kaduna, Nigeria: Are there positive alternatives to the provider role?' In: Walker, Charlie and Roberts, Steven, (eds.), Masculinities, Labour and Neoliberalism: Working-Class Men in International Perspective. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 29-52. (Global Masculinities)

Kaya, Zeynep and Lowe, Robert (2017) 'The curious question of the PYD-PKK relationship.' In: Stansfield, Gareth R V and Shareef, Mohammed, (eds.), The Kurdish Question Revisited. London: Hurst and Co., pp. 275-287.

Marois, Thomas and Güngen, Ali Rıza (2017) 'Reconstruyendo La Banca Pública_El Caso De Turquía.' In: Cortés-Ramos, Alberto, Alpízar, Felipe and Cascante, María José, (eds.), Estados, Empresas Publicas y Desarrollo. San Jose, Costa Rica: Universidad de Costa Rica, pp. 163-187.

Mezzadri, Alessandra (2017) 'Class, gender and the sweatshop: on the nexus between labour commodification and exploitation.' In: Pattenden, Jonathan, Campling, Liam, Miyamura, Satoshi and Selwyn, Benjamin, (eds.), Class Dynamics of Development. Abingdon; New York: Routledge. (ThirdWorlds)

Mezzadri, Alessandra (2017) 'Garment Sweatshop Regimes, the Laboring Body, and the Externalization of Social Responsibility over Health and Safety Provisions.' In: Prentice, Rebecca and De Neve, Geert, (eds.), Unmaking the global sweatshop: health and safety of the world’s garment workers. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, pp. 173-199.

Nizamedinkhodjayeva, N., Bock, B.B. and Mollinga, Peter (2017) 'Gender, Migration and Rural Livelihoods in Uzbekistan in Times of Change.' In: Bock, B.B. and Shortall, Sally, (eds.), Gender and Rural Globalization: International Perspectives on Gender and Rural Development. Wallingford, Oxford; Boston, MA: Cabi, pp. 34-51.

Novak, Paolo (2017) 'Border rhythms.' In: Mavroudi, Elizabeth, Page, Ben and Christou, Anastasia, (eds.), Timespace and International Migration. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 61-76.

Peter, Mateja and Felix da Costa, Diana (2017) 'UN support in the formation of new states: South Sudan, Kosovo and Timor-Leste.' In: de Coning, Cedric, Aoi, Chiyuki and Karlsrud, John, (eds.), UN Peacekeeping Doctrine in a New Era. Abingdon; New York: Routledge. (Global Institutions)

Phillips, Jon, Newell, Peter and Pueyo, Ana (2017) 'Triple wins? Prospects for pro-poor, low carbon, climate resilient energy services in Kenya.' In: Nunan, Fiona, (ed.), Making Climate Compatible Development Happen. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 114-129.

Pringle, Tim, Brown, William and Kai, Chang (2017) 'Going to Market: Comparing Labour Relations Reform in China, Russia and Vietnam.' In: Brown, William and Kai, Chang, (eds.), The Emerging Industrial Relations of China. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 210-237.

Purewal, Navtej (2017) 'Pilgrimage: Sikhism.' In: Mandair, Arvind-pal, (ed.), Sikhism. Dordrecht: Springer Nature. (Encyclopedia of Indian Religions)

Quan, Julian, Naess, Lars Otto, Newsham, Andrew and Corral Fernandez, María (2017) 'The Political Economy of REDD + in Mozambique: Implications for Climate Compatible Development.' In: Nunan, Fiona, (ed.), Making Climate Compatible Development Happen. Abdingdon, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 1-27.

Tanner, Thomas, Mensah, Adelina, Lawson, Elaine T., Gordon, Chris, Godfrey-Wood, Rachel and Cannon, Terry (2017) 'Political Economy of Climate Compatible Development: Artisanal Fisheries and Climate Change in Ghana.' In: Nunan, Fiona, (ed.), Making Climate Compatible Development Happen. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 223-143.

Tilley, Lisa (2017) 'Immanent Politics in the Kampungs: Gendering, Performing and Mapping the Jakarta Economic Subject.' In: Lacey, Anita, (ed.), Women, Urbanization and Sustainability: Practices of Survival, Adaptation and Resistance. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 43-65. (Gender, Development and Social Change)

Tilley, Lisa (2017) '“Well, City Boy Rangoon, it’s time to stitch up the evening”: Material, meaning, and Man in the (post)colonial city.' In: Jackson, Mark, (ed.), Coloniality, Ontology, and the Question of the Posthuman. London: Routledge. (Routledge Research on Decoloniality and New Postcolonialisms)

Vergara-Camus, Leandro (2017) 'Peasant Alternatives to Neoliberalism.' In: Veltmeyer, Henry and Bowles, Paul, (eds.), The Essential Guide to Critical Development Studies. Abingdon; New York: Routledge, pp. 426-434. (Routledge Critical Development Studies)

Journal Article

Achcar, Gilbert (2017) 'Al-‘Almaniyya Shart al-Hadatha wa La Taqaddum Biduniha.' Alfaisal, 491 (2). pp. 19-21.

Achcar, Gilbert (2017) 'The Zionist Project’s Duality: Escaping Racist Oppression and Reproducing It in Colonial Context.' Jadaliyya (Nov 3).

Brading, Ryan (2017) 'Taiwan’s Millennial Generation: Interests in Polity and Party Politics.' Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 46 (1). pp. 131-166.

Brouwer, Stijn, Büscher, Chris and Hessels, Laurens K (2017) 'Towards Transdisciplinarity: a Water Research Programme in Transition.' Science and Public Policy, 45 (2). pp. 211-220.

Choudhury, Samira and Headey, Derek (2017) 'What drives diversification of national food supplies? A cross-country analysis.' Global Food Security, 15. pp. 85-93.

Cornwall, Andrea and Aghajanian, Alia (2017) 'How to find out what's really going on: understanding impact through participatory process evaluation.' World Development, 99. pp. 173-185.

Cramer, Christopher and Wood, Elisabeth Jean (2017) 'Introduction: Land rights, restitution, politics, and war in Colombia.' Journal of Agrarian Change, 17 (4). pp. 733-738.

Devereux, Stephen, Masset, E., Sabates-Wheeler, Rachel, Samson, M., Rivas, Althea-Maria and te Lintelo, D. (2017) 'The targeting effectiveness of social transfers.' Journal of Development Effectiveness, 9 (2). pp. 162-211.

Dieng, Rama Salla (2017) '"Land Grabbing" and the Politics of Evidence: The case of Senegal.' Africa Insight, 46 (4).

Eklund, Lisa and Purewal, Navtej (2017) 'The Bio-Politics of Population Control and Sex Selective Abortion in China and India.' Feminism and Psychology, 27 (1). pp. 34-55.

Harris, Colette (2017) 'Masculinities, New Forms of Religion, and the Production of Social Order in Kaduna City, Nigeria.' Journal of Religion in Africa, 46 (2-3). pp. 251-287.

Harris, Colette (2017) 'Some Gender Implications of the ‘Civilising Mission’ of the Anglican Church for the Acholi Peoples of Northern Uganda.' Religions, 8 (11, 245).

Ireland, Paddy and Meng, Gaofeng (2017) 'Post-capitalist property.' Economy and Society, 46 (3/4). pp. 369-397.

Ismail, Feyzi (2017) 'Polar opposites? NGOs, left parties and the fight for social change in Nepal.' Critical Sociology, 44 (4-5). pp. 629-643.

Kaya, Zeynep and Whiting, Matthew (2017) 'Sowing division: Kurds in the Syrian War.' Middle East Policy, 24 (1). pp. 79-91.

Marriage, Zoe (2017) 'Evading biopolitical control: Capoeira as total resistance.' Global Society, 32 (3). pp. 263-280.

Novak, Paolo (2017) 'Back to Borders.' Critical Sociology, 43 (6). pp. 847-864.

Novak, Paolo (2017) 'Placing Borders in Development.' Geopolitics, 21 (3). pp. 483-512.

Prentice, Rebecca, De Neve, Geert, Mezzadri, Alessandra and Ruwanpura, Kanchana N. (2017) 'Health and Safety in Garment Workers’ Lives: Setting a New Research Agenda.' Geoforum, 88 (Jan). pp. 157-160.

Purewal, Navtej and Eklund, Lisa (2017) ''Gendercide,' Abortion Policy, and the Disciplining of Prenatal Sex-selection in Neoliberal Europe.' Global Public Health, 13 (6). pp. 724-741.

Purewal, Navtej and Jasani, Rubina (2017) 'South Asian women elders and everyday lives of ‘care in the community’ in Britain: the neoliberal turn in social care and the myth of the family.' South Asian Diaspora, 9 (2). pp. 111-127.

Pérez Niño, Helena (2017) 'Migrant workers into contract farmers: processes of labour mobilization in colonial and contemporary Mozambique.' Africa, 87 (1). pp. 79-99.

Suhardiman, Diana and Mollinga, Peter (2017) 'Institutionalised corruption in Indonesian irrigation: An analysis of the upeti system.' Development Policy Review, 35 (S2). pp. 140-159.

Tilley, Lisa (2017) 'Resisting Piratic Method by Doing Research Otherwise.' Sociology, 51 (1). pp. 27-42.

Tilley, Lisa, Elias, Juanita and Rethel, Lena (2017) 'Undoing ruination in Jakarta: the gendered remaking of life on a wasted landscape.' International Feminist Journal of Politics, 19 (4). pp. 522-529.

Tilley, Lisa, Kumar, Ashok and Cowan, Thomas (2017) 'Introduction: Enclosures and discontents: Primitive accumulation and resistance under globalised capital.' City: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action, 21 (3-4). pp. 420-427.

Vergara-Camus, Leandro (2017) 'Capitalism, Democracy, and the Degrowth Horizon.' Capitalism Nature Socialism, 30 (2). pp. 217-233.

Vergara-Camus, Leandro and Kay, Cristóbal (2017) 'Agribusiness, peasants, left-wing governments, and the state in Latin America: An overview and theoretical reflections.' Journal of Agrarian Change, 17 (2). pp. 239-257.

Vergara-Camus, Leandro and Kay, Cristóbal (2017) 'The agrarian political economy of left-wing governments in Latin America: Agribusiness, peasants, and the limits of neo-developmentalism.' Journal of Agrarian Change, 17 (2). pp. 415-437.

Monographs and Working Papers

Achcar, Gilbert (2017) Sovereignty and Development = السيادة والتنمية. Cairo: Arab Forum for Alternatives.

Bhatia, Jasmine (2017) Strongmen or Technocrats: Experimental Evidence Testing Leadership Preferences in Afghanistan. London: International Growth Centre (IGC), London School of Economic and Political Science.

Di John, Jonathan and O'Meally, Simon (2017) Social Service Delivery in Violent Contexts: Achieving Results Against the Odds. A report from Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Nepal. Washington D.C.: The World Bank.

Felix da Costa, Diana (2017) Dynamics of youth and violence: findings from Rubkona county Unity state. Juba: Danish Refugee Council; Danish Demining Group.

Felix da Costa, Diana (2017) 'If you miss food its like a weapon, its like a war': refugee relations in Nduta and Mtendeli Refugee Camps, Western Tanzania. Tanzania: Danish Refugee Council.

Felix da Costa, Diana (2017) "You may think he is not a human being”: Refugee and host community relations in and around Nduta and Mtendeli refugee camps, western Tanzania. Danish Refugee Council Tanzania.

Kaya, Zeynep (2017) Gender and statehood in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. London: LSE Middle East Centre.

Lerche, Jens and UNSPECIFIED (2017) The Triple Absence of Labour Rights: Triangular Labour Relations and Informalisation in the Construction and Garment Sectors in Delhi and Shanghai. London: SOAS University of London.

Marois, Thomas (2017) How Public Banks Can Help Finance a Green and Just Energy Transformation. Amsterdam: TNI.

Marois, Thomas (2017) TiSA and the Threat to Public Banks. Amsterdam: TNI.

Meehan, Patrick and Plonski, Sharri (2017) Brokering the margins: A review of concepts and methods. London; Bath: Borderlands, Brokers and Peacebuilding in Sri Lanka and Nepal: War to Peace Transitions viewed from the margins Working Paper No.1.

Oya, Carlos, Schaefer, Florian, Skalidou, Dafni, McCosker, Catherine and Langer, Laurenz (2017) Effects of certification schemes for agricultural production on socio-economic outcomes in low-and middle-income countries: a Systematic Review. Oslo: Campbell Systematic Reviews.

Sturridge, Caitlin, Bakewell, Oliver and Hammond, Laura (2017) Migration Between the Horn of Africa and Yemen: A Study of Puntland, Djibouti and Yemen. London: SOAS University of London.

Tanner, Thomas, Bahadur, Aditya and Moench, Marcus (2017) Challenges for resilience policy and practice. London: Overseas Development Institute.

Tsegay, Bereket (2017) Critical reflections on safety net policies and practices with respect to social protection among pastoral peoples in Sub-Saharan Africa. SPIDA Working Paper Series - ADU/PENHA/DPU-UCL SPIDA/WPS/103/2017.

Book Reviews

Achcar, Gilbert (2017) 'Review: Gaza Under Hamas: From Islamic democracy to Islamist governance Björn Brenner. London I.B. Tauris.' The Times Literary Supplement .

Lindley, Anna (2017) 'Review: 'Making Refuge: Somali Bantu Refugees and Lewiston, Maine' by Catherine Besteman.' Journal of Anthropological Research, 73 (2). pp. 324-326.

Meehan, Patrick (2017) 'A state built on sand: How opium undermined Afghanistan, David Mansfield. London: C. Hurst and Co.2016. Pp. xviii + 352. £25 (pb). ISBN: 978‐1‐84904‐568‐1.' Journal of Agrarian Change, 17 (4). pp. 789-792.

Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs

Ismail, Feyzi (2017) Ken Loach discusses austerity in neoliberal Britain. SOAS Blog [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Lindley, Anna (2017) Unblocking university for displaced people. EAL Journal [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Marois, Thomas (2017) Costa Rica’s Banco Popular shows how banks can be democratic, green – and financially sustainable. The Conversation [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Marois, Thomas (2017) El Banco Popular de Costa Rica: un ejemplo de banco democrático, verde y sostenible. Transnational Institute [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Standing, Guy (2017) Celebrating the 800th anniversary of the Charter of the Forest. Open Democracy [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Standing, Guy (2017) Universal basic income is our best weapon against the rising far right. Huffington Post [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Standing, Guy (2017) Why you've never heard of a Charter that's as important as the Magna Carta. Open Democracy [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Standing, Guy (2017) The precariat: Why a basic income is vital. Working-Class Perspectives [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]


Baldinelli, Giulia Maria (2017) Indigenous farmers’ rural-urban migration and agrobiodiversity conservation : exploring connections in the Bolivian Altiplano Norte. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Brown, James Derek Alan (2017) Reworking territory, assembling scale : labour's agency in Lao border manufacturing. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Gill, Manpreet Kaur (2017) Globalisation, neoliberalism and the transformation of higher education in Punjab, India. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Henderson, Christian (2017) The Gulf Arab States and Egypt's Political Economy : Examining New Spaces of Food and Agribusiness. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Kagal, Neha (2017) 'In the union I found myself': the impact of collectivization of informal economy women workers on gender relations within the home. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

McKee, Musa (2017) Just add water: the alchemy of authoritarian rule in desert land reclamation projects in Egypt during the Mubarak era. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Perry, Keston Kyle (2017) Governing technological change and the paradox of competitiveness : an analysis of state capacity in science, technology and innovation policies in Trinidad and Tobago. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Schäfer, Florian Tomas (2017) Revisiting the agrarian question : coffee, flowers and Ethiopia’s new capitalists. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Sinha, Shreya (2017) Agrarian accumulation in liberalised India : a study of capitalist farmers in Punjab. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Zaphiriou-Zarifi, Viki (2017) Navigating (in)visibility : the everyday lives of African women in crisis Greece. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:


Lindley, Anna (2017) Injustice in immigration detention 2017. . Available from


Achcar, Gilbert (2017) 'Après les révolutions arabes, il reste des raisons d’espérer [Interview].' Mediapart (10 Feb).

Achcar, Gilbert (2017) 'Baghdad in France.' Jacobin (6 Jun).

Achcar, Gilbert (2017) 'Daesh, c’est la contre-révolution [Interview].' Jeune Afrique (28 Feb).

Achcar, Gilbert (2017) 'Dans le monde arabe, l'espoir reste permis [Interview].' Le Point Afrique (03 Mar).

Achcar, Gilbert (2017) 'En refusant d’aider l’opposition laïque et démocratique, les Etats-Unis ont soutenu Bachar al-Assad- Interview.' La Cité (84). pp. 20-21.

Achcar, Gilbert (2017) 'Gilbert Achcar face à l’hiver arabe [Interview].' Le Monde des Livres (2 Mar). Le Monde.

Achcar, Gilbert (2017) 'Hal Yastati‘ al-Sha‘b Isqat al-Nizam wal-Dawla La Tazal Qa’ima?' Bidayat . pp. 134-140.

Achcar, Gilbert (2017) 'Le monde arabe est entré dans un processus révolutionnaire sur le long terme [Interview].' Libération (3 Mar).

Achcar, Gilbert (2017) 'Le référendum au Kurdistan irakien dessert la cause kurde elle-même [Interview].' Jeune Afrique (Sep 28).

Achcar, Gilbert (2017) 'Mu‘dilat al-Thawra al-‘Arabiyya: ‘Dawr Yabhath ‘an Batal’.' Rassd .

Achcar, Gilbert (2017) 'Zionism, anti-semitism, and the Balfour Declaration.' Open Democracy (Nov 2).

Brading, Ryan (2017) 'How Venezuela’s revolutionary dream descended into chaos.' The Conversation [online] .

Brading, Ryan (2017) 'Venezuela: what Chávez’s mentor told me about the country’s Castro-inspired road to ruin.' The Conversation [online] .

Brading, Ryan (2017) 'Venezuela’s government clings on by splitting the opposition and strong-arming the poor.' The Conversation (Nov 29).

Felix da Costa, Diana (2017) 'Letter from Pibor.' Nairobi: Rift Valley Institute.

Lindley, Anna (2017) 'Injustice in Immigration Detention.' London: Report commissioned by the Bar Council of England and Wales.

Meehan, Patrick (2017) 'Opium and 'Development' in Myanmar: The political economy of a resurgent crop.' T.note, 5 (39). Turin, Italy: Torino World Affairs Institute.

Mezzadri, Alessandra (2017) 'Machines: Watch this documentary to understand the working poverty of the sweatshop.' The Conversation (May 17).

Mezzadri, Alessandra (2017) 'Sweatshop Regime.' The Page 99 Test (March 12).

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