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Number of items: 68.

Flügel, Peter and Houtman, Gustaaf, eds. (2020) Asceticism and Power in South and Southeast Asia. London: Routledge. (Royal Asiatic Society Books) (Forthcoming)

Travagnin, Stefania and Scott, Gregory Adam, eds. (2020) Concepts and Methods for the Study of Chinese Religions II: Intellectual History of Key Concepts. Boston and Berlin: De Gruyter. (Religion and Society)

Giladi, Paul, ed. (2020) Hegel and the Frankfurt School. London: Routledge. (Routledge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Philosophy)

Hezser, Catherine, ed. (2020) The Oxford Handbook of Jewish Daily Life in Roman Palestine (paperback edition). Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Oxford Handbooks)

Shihadeh, Ayman and Thiele, Jan, eds. (2020) Philosophical Theology in Islam: Later Ashʿarism East and West. Leiden and Boston: Brill. (Islamicate Intellectual History)

Abdel-Haleem, Muhammad (2020) 'البالغة في دراسات العربية في الغرب وأثرها في دراسة القرآن - تجربة من بريطانيا.' Journal of the Academy of the Arabic Language in Cairo. (Forthcoming)

Augspurger, Jens (2020) 'Review of Spirituality without God: A Global History of Thought and Practice, by Peter Heehs.' Bulletin of the British Association for the Study of Religions (BASR) (136). pp. 24-25.

Bartles-Smith, Andrew, Crosby, Kate, Harvey, Peter, Premasiri, P. D., Tilakaratne, Asanga, Ratheiser, Daniel, Deegalle, Mahinda, Trew, Noel Maurer, Travagnin, Stefania and Harris, Elizabeth J. (2020) 'Reducing Suffering During Conflict: The Interface Between Buddhism And International Humanitarian Law.' Contemporary Buddhism, 21 (1/2). pp. 369-435.

Crosby, Kate, Kyaw, Pyi Phyo, Travagnin, Stefania and Porter, Olivia (2020) 'Editorial.' Contemporary Buddhism, 21 (1/2). pp. 1-4.

De Jonckheere, Heleen (2020) 'Jainism and money : the 21st Jaina Studies workshop at SOAS.' Jaina Studies: Newsletter of the Centre of Jaina Studies (15). pp. 12-15.

De Jonckheere, Heleen (2020) The never-ending test : a jain tradition of narrative adaptations. PhD thesis. Ghent University.

Engeskaug, Aleksander (2020) 'Quantifying Middle Persian inscriptions: a new approach to the epigraphic culture of Sasanian Iran.' In: Mæhle, I. B., Ravnå, P. B. and Seland, E. H., (eds.), Methods and models in ancient history: Essays in honor of Jørgen Christian Meyer. Athens: Norwegian Institute at Athens, pp. 173-202. (Papers and Monographs from the Norwegian Institute at Athens)

Flügel, Peter (2020) 'Beyond the Hindu Frontier: Jaina-Vaiṣṇava Syncretism in the Gujarātī­ Diaspora.' In: Flügel, Peter, (ed.), Contributions to Jaina Studies: Jaina Schools and Sects. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, pp. 489-569.

Flügel, Peter (2020) Contributions to Jaina Studies. Volume I. Jaina Schools and Sects. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.

Flügel, Peter (2020) 'Present Lord: Sīmandhara Svāmī and the Akram Vijñān Movement.' In: Flügel, Peter, (ed.), Contributions to Jaina Studies: Jaina Schools and Sects. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, pp. 448-488.

Flügel, Peter, Balogh, Dániel, Wright, J. Clifford and Mallinson, James (2020) 'Jaina Non-Tīrthas in Madhyadeśa I: Fragments of Digambara Temples and A New Vaiṣṇava Inscription in Tumain.' Jaina Studies - Newsletter of the Centre of Jaina Studies, 15. pp. 23-30.

Foster, Benjamin R. and George, Andrew (2020) 'An Old Babylonian Dialogue between a Father and his Son.' Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie, 110 (1). pp. 37-61.

George, Andrew (2020) 'Layard of Nineveh and the tablets of Nineveh.' In: Ermidoro, Stefania and Riva, Cecilia, (eds.), Rethinking Layard 1817-2017. Venice: Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti, pp. 3-24.

George, Andrew (2020) 'The Tamarisk, the Date-Palm and the King: A study of the prologues of the oldest Akkadian disputation.' In: Jiménez, Enrique and Mittermayer, Catherine, (eds.), Disputation Literature in the Near East and Beyond. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 75-90. (Studies in Ancient Near Eastern Records 25)

Giladi, Paul (2020) 'The Agent in Pain: Alienation and Discursive Abuse.' International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 28 (5). pp. 692-712.

Giladi, Paul (2020) 'The Dragon Seed Project: Dismantling the Master's House with the Master's Tools?' In: Giladi, Paul, (ed.), Hegel and the Frankfurt School. London: Routledge. (Routledge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Philosophy)

Giladi, Paul (2020) 'A Foucauldian Critique of Scientific Naturalism: “Docile Minds”.' Critical Horizons, 21 (3). pp. 264-286.

Giladi, Paul (2020) 'Hegelian Sittlichkeit, Deweyan Democracy, and Honnethian Relational Institutions.' In: Stein, Sebastian and Gledhill, James, (eds.), Hegel and Contemporary Practical Philosophy. London: Routledge, pp. 318-347.

Giladi, Paul (2020) 'Introduction: From “Rescuing” and “Reanimating” Hegel to Taking Stock of Things.' In: Giladi, Paul, (ed.), Hegel and the Frankfurt School. London: Routledge. (Routledge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Philosophy)

Guest, Mathew, Scott-Baumann, Alison, Cheruvallil-Contractor, Sariya, Naguib, Shuruq, Phoenix, Aisha, Lee, Yenn and Al Baghal, Tarek (2020) Islam and Muslims on UK University Campuses: perceptions and challenges. Durham: Durham University, SOAS, Coventry University, Lancaster University.

Haustein, Jörg (2020) 'Religion, Politics and an Apocryphal Admonition: The German East African “Mecca Letter” of 1908 in Historical-Critical Analysis.' Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 83 (1). pp. 95-125.

Hezser, Catherine (2020) 'Jewish Literacy and Languages in First-Century Roman Palestine.' Orientalia, 89 (1). pp. 58-77.

Hezser, Catherine (2020) 'Recent Research on Travel, Network Theory, and Identity in Jewish, Christian, and Graeco-Roman Society (300 BCE -- 600 CE).' Jerusalem and Eretz Israel. A Journal for Land of Israel Studies and Archaeology = ירושלים וארץ-ישראל :‏ ‏כתב-עת ללימודי ארץ-ישראל וארכיאולוגיה., 2020 (12-13). pp. 13-28.

Hezser, Catherine (2020) 'Review of: Eyal Ben-Eliyahu, Identity and Territory. Jewish Perceptions of Space in Antiquity (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2019).' Theologische Literaturzeitung, 145 (10). pp. 920-922.

Hezser, Catherine (2020) 'Review of: Frauen im antiken Judentum und frühen Christentum, ed. Jörg Frey and Nicole Rupschus, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2019.' Review of Biblical Literature .

Hezser, Catherine (2020) 'Review of: Michal Bar-Asher Siegal, Jewish-Christian Dialogues on Scripture in Late Antiquity: Heretical Narratives of the Babylonian Talmud, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019.' Journal of Jewish Studies, 71 (2). pp. 440-443.

Hezser, Catherine (2020) 'Torah (Early Reception).' In: Homolka, Walter, Kampling, Rainer, Levine, Amy-Jill, Markschies, Christoph, Schäfer, Peter and Thurner, Martin, (eds.), Encyclopedia of Jewish Christian Relations Online. Berlin: De Gruyter.

Hintze, Almut (2020) 'In memoriam Johanna Narten (1930–2019).' Journal of South Asian Languages and Linguistics, 7 (1). pp. 119-126.

Hirmer, Monika (2020) 'A Manifesto for Decolonial Subversions.' Decolonial Subversions, 2020. pp. 120-130.

Istratii, Romina (2020) Μια σύντομη γενεαλογική ανάλυση της έννοιας του «κοινωνικού φύλου» στην δυτική φεμινιστική θεωρία: Η πορεία προς την διχοτόμηση του ανθρώπου σε κοινωνικό και βιολογικό, τα αναπάντητα μεταφυσικά ερωτήματα κι οι αποικιοκρατικές τάσεις διεθνώς. Orthodox Outlet for Dogmatic Enquiries (Greek) [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Istratii, Romina (2020) Addressing domestic violence in religious communities: Taking stock of lessons and approaches in the era of decolonising knowledge. In: Addressing domestic violence in religious communities: Taking stock of lessons and approaches in the era of decolonising knowledge, 27 November 2020, Virtual.

Istratii, Romina (2020) Bridging the Epistemological, Structural and Normative in Knowledge Production: How Euro-centrism is Systemically Preserved and Can Be Subverted. In: LSE Africa Talks: Decolonising African Knowledge Systems, 16 January 2020, LSE.

Istratii, Romina (2020) 'Development Meets Theology: Contextualising Non-Western Christian Missions in Africa, Asia and the Middle East (Editorial).' Decolonial Subversions Special Issue 2020, 2020. pp. 1-7.

Istratii, Romina (2020) Gender and Orthodoxy (Series) : A decolonial critique of western feminist hermeneutics in theology/religious studies in relation to Orthodox communities. Orthodox Outlet for Dogmatic Enquiries (English) [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Istratii, Romina (2020) The LONG READ on DECOLONISING KNOWLEDGE: How western Euro-centrism is systemically preserved and what we can do to subvert it. Convivial Thinking [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Istratii, Romina (2020) UKRI Gender Equality Statement: Understanding the Risks of ‘Gender Planning’ and Suggestions towards Gender-sensitive, Locally-embedded Approaches. In: SOAS-Oxford Research for Development Lunchtime Series, 30 January 2020, SOAS University of London.

Istratii, Romina and Elias, Gebrselassie, trans. (2020) ኦርቶዶክሳዊ ነገረ ሰብእ. Orthodox Outlet for Dogmatic Enquiries (Amharic).

Hirmer, Monika and Istratii, Romina, eds. (2020) Cross-Cultural Engagements in Decolonial Times: Subverting Euro-Centric Structures, Epistemologies and Ontologies. London: Decolonial Subversions.

Istratii, Romina and Hirmer, Monika (2020) 'Editorial Cross-cultural Engagements in Decolonial Times: Subverting Euro-centric Structures, Epistemologies and Ontologies.' Decolonial Subversions, 2020. pp. 3-12.

Istratii, Romina and Lewis, Alex (2020) Policy Brief. Promoting the SOAS GCRF Strategy: A qualitative assessment of research development processes and partnerships building in collaborative international research. London: SOAS University of London. (Unpublished)

Li, Zijie (2020) 『究竟一乗宝性論』と東アジア仏教 ─ 五—七世紀の如来蔵・真如・種姓説の研究. Tokyo, Japan: Kokushokankokai (国書刊行会).

Li, Zijie (2020) 'Fazang’s theory of Zhenru真如 (Skt. Tathatā) and Zhongxing 種姓 (Skt. Gotra): With a focus on the influence of the Ratnagotravibhāga.' Studies in Chinese Religions, 6 (1). pp. 31-48.

Li, Zijie (2020) '玄奘归朝以前中国佛教的种姓(性)说―以《菩萨璎珞本业经》为中心(The Theory of Gotra in Chinese Buddhism before Xuanzang''s Translations -With a focus on the Pusa yingluo benye jing-).' 西南民族大学学报(人文社科版), 2020 (4). pp. 61-66.

Merchasin, Carol, Pankhania, Josna, [Commissioners of Report: Gollat, Angela, Abu Matar, Antonia and Augspurger, Jens Uwe] (2020) 'Project Satya: Investigation Interim Report #1.' Project Satya.

Merchasin, Carol, Pankhania, Josna, [Commissioners of Report: Gollat, Angela, Abu Matar, Antonia and Augspurger, Jens Uwe] (2020) 'Project Satya: Investigation Interim Report #3.' Project Satya.

Moradi, Yousef and Hintze, Almut (2020) 'A new sealing of Pērōz from Tak̠t-e Solaymān and its historical context.' In: Gyselen, Rika, (ed.), Persia, 552 BCE-758 CE : primary sources, old and new. Bures-sur-Yvette: Groupe pour l'étude de la civilisation du Moyen-Orient, pp. 111-134. (Res orientales, vol. 28)

Pagel, Ulrich and Lilljenberg, Karen, trans. (2020) Introduction to the inconceivable qualities and wisdom of the Tathāgatas (Tathāgatagunajñānācintyaviṣayāvatāranirdeśa). 84000: Translating the Words of the Buddha, Toh185 .

Redard, Céline (2020) 'Le nom du chameau dans les langues iraniennes anciennes.' In: Agut, J.-C. D. and Redond, B., (eds.), Vaisseaux du désert et des steppes. Dromadaires et chameaux de la Chine à la Libye au Ier millénaire. Lyon: Presses de la MOM.

Scott-Baumann, Alison, Guest, Mathew, Naguib, Shuruq, Cheruvallil-Contractor, Sariya, Phoenix, Aisha, Al Baghal, Tarek and Lee, Yenn (2020) Islam on Campus: Contested Identities and the Cultures of Higher Education in Britain. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Shihadeh, Ayman (2020) Al-Akhlāqiyyāt al-ghā'iyya 'ind Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī (Arabic translation of The Teleological Ethics of Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī). Rabat: Mominoun Without Borders.

Shihadeh, Ayman (2020) 'Al-Rāzī’s Earliest Kalām Work: Eastern Ashʿarism in the Twelfth Century.' In: Shihadeh, Ayman and Thiele, Jan, (eds.), Philosophical Theology in Islam: Later Ashʿarism East and West. Leiden and Boston: Brill, pp. 36-70. (Islamicate Intellectual History)

Shihadeh, Ayman (2020) 'Klasik Eş‘arî Antropolojisi: Beden, Hayat ve Ruh (Turkish translation of 'Classical Ash'ari Anthropology: Body, Life and Spirit', translated by Güvenç Şensoy).' In: Alpyağıl, Recep, (ed.), Din Felsefesi Açısından Eş’ari Gelen-Ek-i Klasik ve Çağdaş Metinler Seçkisi V. Istanbul: İz Yayıncılık, pp. 1125-1160.

Stewart, Sarah (2020) Voices from Zoroastrian Iran: Oral Texts and Testimony (Vol. II: Urban and Rural Contexts: Yazd and Outlying villages). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. (Göttinger Orientforschungen, III. Reihe: Iranica. Neue Folge)

Stolyar, Julia (2020) 'Review of: Seeing by electricity: the emergence of television, 1878-1939.' Early Popular Visual Culture, 19 (1). pp. 78-79.

Istratii, Romina, ed. (2020) Development Meets Theology: Contextualising Non-Western Christian Missions in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. London: Decolonial Subversions. (Special Issue 2020)

Travagnin, Stefania (2020) '中國與臺灣佛教界的五四因緣:以1910-1930年代為考察重點.' In: 呂, 妙芬 and 康豹, Paul R. Katz, (eds.), 五四運動與中國宗教的調適與發展. Taipei: Academia Sinica, pp. 547-577.

Travagnin, Stefania (2020) 'From Online Buddha Halls to Robot-Monks: New Developments in the Long-term Interaction between Buddhism, Media and Technology in Contemporary China.' Review of Religion and Chinese Society, 7 (1). pp. 120-148.

Travagnin, Stefania (2020) 'From xue 學 to jiaoyu 教育: Conceptual understanding of ‘study’ and ‘education’ in modern Chinese Buddhism.' In: Travagnin, Stefania and Scott, Gregory Adam, (eds.), Concepts and Methods for the Study of Chinese Religions II: Intellectual History of Key Concepts. Boston and Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 95-120. (Religion and Society)

Travagnin, Stefania (2020) 'Renjian Fojiao from Taiwan to South East Asia: Yinshun, Yanpei, and a ‘renjian fojiao network’?' In: 陳, 劍鍠, (ed.), The Practice of Humanistic Buddhism in East and Southeast Asia. Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong - Centre for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism, pp. 467-500.

Travagnin, Stefania and Anālayo, Bhikkhu (2020) 'The three-aṅga theory in Master Yinshun’s 印順 scholarship: Assessing the state of Āgama studies in twentieth-century China.' In: Dhammadinnā, Bhikkhunī, (ed.), Research on the Saṃyukta-āgama. Taipei: Dharma Drum Corporation, pp. 933-1007. (Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts Research Series)

Travagnin, Stefania, Li, Gang, Grootenhuis, Harmen and Sterken, Arjan (2020) 'Chinese Religion and Violence.' In: Jerryson, Michael, (ed.), Religious Violence Today: Faith and Conflict in the Modern World. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, pp. 131-175.

Travagnin, Stefania and Scott, Gregory Adam (2020) 'Introduction.' In: Travagnin, Stefania and Scott, Gregory Adam, (eds.), Concepts and Methods for the Study of Chinese Religions II: Intellectual History of Key Concepts. Boston and Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 1-10. (Religion and Society)

Wang, Meng (2020) The Life Of The 16th Karmapa, Rang Byung Rig Pa’i Rdo Rje: Transformation Of Tibetan Buddhism In Exile. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

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