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Number of items: 63.

Ameling, Walter

Hezser, Catherine (2024) 'Jewish Education, Reading and Writing in Hellenistic and Early Roman Palestine.' In: Ameling, Walter, (ed.), Handbook of the Septuagint, vol. 4: The Historical and Cultural Context of the Septuagint. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, pp. 200-214.

Astle, Barbara

Reimer-Kirkham, Sheryl, Astle, Barbara, Ero, Ikponwosa, Beaman, Lori, Ibhawoh, Bonny, Imafidon, Elvis, Sawatzky, Richard, Tettey, Wisdom, Buyco, Meghann and Strobell, Emma (2024) 'Mapping a research-advocacy-policy agenda on human rights and albinism: a mixed methods project.' International Journal for Equity in Health, 23 (1).

Augspurger, Jens Uwe

Augspurger, Jens Uwe (2024) '‘Yoga Helps!?’ Problems between Efficacy and Legitimization.' Religions of South Asia, 18 (1-2). pp. 169-189.

Bakhos, Carol

Hezser, Catherine (2024) 'Plurisignation in Biblical and Rabbinic Law: The Meaning and Punishment of 'Rape'.' In: Bakhos, Carol and Gray, Alyssa M., (eds.), Making History: Studies in Rabbinic History, Literature, and Culture in Honor of Richard L. Kalmin. Providence, RI: Brown Judaic Studies, pp. 385-407. (Brown Judaic Studies, vol. 372)

Balbir, Nalini

Balbir, Nalini (2024) 'The Terāpanth's work on the Jain Āgamas.' International Journal of Jaina Studies, 20 (5). pp. 1-48.

Beaman, Lori

Reimer-Kirkham, Sheryl, Astle, Barbara, Ero, Ikponwosa, Beaman, Lori, Ibhawoh, Bonny, Imafidon, Elvis, Sawatzky, Richard, Tettey, Wisdom, Buyco, Meghann and Strobell, Emma (2024) 'Mapping a research-advocacy-policy agenda on human rights and albinism: a mixed methods project.' International Journal for Equity in Health, 23 (1).

Birch, Jason

Birch, Jason (2024) The Amaraugha and Amaraughaprabodha of Gorakṣanātha: The Genesis of Haṭha and Rājayoga. Pondicherry, India: École française d’Extrême-Orient. (Haṭha Yoga Series 3)

Birch, Jason (2024) Āsanas of the Yogacintāmaṇi: The Largest Premodern Compilation on Postural Practice. Pondicherry: École française d'Extrême-Orient. (Collection Indologie, no.161 ; Haṭha Yoga Series, no.4)

Buyco, Meghann

Reimer-Kirkham, Sheryl, Astle, Barbara, Ero, Ikponwosa, Beaman, Lori, Ibhawoh, Bonny, Imafidon, Elvis, Sawatzky, Richard, Tettey, Wisdom, Buyco, Meghann and Strobell, Emma (2024) 'Mapping a research-advocacy-policy agenda on human rights and albinism: a mixed methods project.' International Journal for Equity in Health, 23 (1).

Cantera, Alberto

Hintze, Almut (2024) 'An enigmatic word in the Gathas: auuǝ̄mīrā in Yasna 49.10.' In: Cantera, Alberto, Pirart, Éric Victor and Redard, Celine, (eds.), at̰ hōi aōjī zaraϑuštrō paōuruuīm ¿Habló Zaraϑuštra? Homenaje a Jean Kellens en su 80º anniversario. Girona: Sociedad de Estudios Iranios y Turanios, pp. 125-135. (Estudios Iranios y Turanios)

Caron, James

Mustafa, Daanish, Khan, Muhammad Salman, De Nardi, Helmut, Caron, James, Naz, Arab, Shinwari, Mohsin and Gul, Aneela (2024) 'Hydro-heritage for healing? Examining the gendered experience of water in post-conflict Swat, Pakistan.' Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 7 (2). pp. 498-516.

Damanins, Stefano

Damanins, Stefano (2024) The Conclusion of the Ritual: A Critical Edition of Yasna 62–72 with Linguistic and Ritual Commentary. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

De Jonckheere, Heleen

De Jonckheere, Heleen (2024) ''Let me tell you about the origin of śrāddha': An early-modern Jain narrative argumentation concerning death rituals.' In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Early Modern Literatures in North India (ICEMLNI), Osaka 202. CrossAsia. (Forthcoming)

De Nardi, Helmut

Mustafa, Daanish, Khan, Muhammad Salman, De Nardi, Helmut, Caron, James, Naz, Arab, Shinwari, Mohsin and Gul, Aneela (2024) 'Hydro-heritage for healing? Examining the gendered experience of water in post-conflict Swat, Pakistan.' Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 7 (2). pp. 498-516.

Ero, Ikponwosa

Reimer-Kirkham, Sheryl, Astle, Barbara, Ero, Ikponwosa, Beaman, Lori, Ibhawoh, Bonny, Imafidon, Elvis, Sawatzky, Richard, Tettey, Wisdom, Buyco, Meghann and Strobell, Emma (2024) 'Mapping a research-advocacy-policy agenda on human rights and albinism: a mixed methods project.' International Journal for Equity in Health, 23 (1).

Flügel, Peter

Flügel, Peter (2024) 'Pure Soul and the Jaina Traditions, Syntax and Experience.' Jaina Studies: Newsletter of the Centre of Jaina Studies, 19. pp. 16-22.

Gifford, Paul

Gifford, Paul (2024) 'Review of: Magisteria: The Entangled Histories of Science and Religion, by Nicholas Spencer, London: Oneworld Publications, 2023, 467 pp., £25.00 (hb), ISBN 9780861544615 (hb), ISBN 9780861544622 (eb).' Journal of Contemporary Religion, 39 (2). pp. 391-393.

Gray, Alyssa M.

Hezser, Catherine (2024) 'Plurisignation in Biblical and Rabbinic Law: The Meaning and Punishment of 'Rape'.' In: Bakhos, Carol and Gray, Alyssa M., (eds.), Making History: Studies in Rabbinic History, Literature, and Culture in Honor of Richard L. Kalmin. Providence, RI: Brown Judaic Studies, pp. 385-407. (Brown Judaic Studies, vol. 372)

Gul, Aneela

Mustafa, Daanish, Khan, Muhammad Salman, De Nardi, Helmut, Caron, James, Naz, Arab, Shinwari, Mohsin and Gul, Aneela (2024) 'Hydro-heritage for healing? Examining the gendered experience of water in post-conflict Swat, Pakistan.' Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 7 (2). pp. 498-516.

HadžiMuhamedović, Safet

HadžiMuhamedović, Safet (2024) On Ritual. In: Sunday Evensong Address, Jesus College Chapel, Cambridge - Re-examining Religious Ideas Series, 25 February 2024, Jesus College, Cambridge.

Hezser, Catherine

Hezser, Catherine, ed. (2024) The Routledge Handbook of Jews and Judaism in Late Antiquity. London and New York: Routledge.

Hezser, Catherine (2024) 'Antiquarianism, Scholasticism, and Rabbinic Anthologies.' In: Hezser, Catherine, (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Jews and Judaism in Late Antiquity. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 263-274.

Hezser, Catherine (2024) 'Antiquarianism, Scholasticism, and Rabbinic Anthologies.' In: Hezser, Catherine, (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Jews and Judaism in Late Antiquity. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 263-274.

Hezser, Catherine (2024) 'Attitudes Torward the Body.' In: Hezser, Catherine, (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Jews and Judaism in Late Antiquity. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 216-228.

Hezser, Catherine (2024) 'Attitudes Torward the Body.' In: Hezser, Catherine, (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Jews and Judaism in Late Antiquity. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 216-228.

Hezser, Catherine (2024) 'Introduction: Jews and Judaism in Late Antiquity.' In: Hezser, Catherine, (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Jews and Judaism in Late Antiquity. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 1-11.

Hezser, Catherine (2024) 'Introduction: Jews and Judaism in Late Antiquity.' In: Hezser, Catherine, (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Jews and Judaism in Late Antiquity. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 1-11.

Hezser, Catherine (2024) 'Jewish Education, Reading and Writing in Hellenistic and Early Roman Palestine.' In: Ameling, Walter, (ed.), Handbook of the Septuagint, vol. 4: The Historical and Cultural Context of the Septuagint. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, pp. 200-214.

Hezser, Catherine (2024) Jewish Monotheism and Slavery. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press. (Elements in Religion and Monotheism)

Hezser, Catherine (2024) 'Plurisignation in Biblical and Rabbinic Law: The Meaning and Punishment of 'Rape'.' In: Bakhos, Carol and Gray, Alyssa M., (eds.), Making History: Studies in Rabbinic History, Literature, and Culture in Honor of Richard L. Kalmin. Providence, RI: Brown Judaic Studies, pp. 385-407. (Brown Judaic Studies, vol. 372)

Hezser, Catherine (2024) Rabbinic Scholarship in the Context of Late Antique Scholasticism: The Development of the Talmud Yerushalmi. London: Bloomsbury. (Education, Literary Culture, and Religious Practice in the Ancient World) (Forthcoming)

Hezser, Catherine (2024) 'Rabbis and the Image of the Intellectual.' In: Hezser, Catherine, (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Jews and Judaism in Late Antiquity. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 171-184.

Hezser, Catherine (2024) 'Rabbis and the Image of the Intellectual.' In: Hezser, Catherine, (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Jews and Judaism in Late Antiquity. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 171-184.

Hezser, Catherine (2024) 'Review of: Andreas Lehnardt, Übersetzung des Talmud Yerushalmi, vol. 1.5: Seder Zeraim: Shevi’it, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2023.' Review of Biblical Literature, 2024 .

Hezser, Catherine (2024) 'Review of: Ben Zion Rosenfeld, Credit and Usury in Jewish Society in the Mishnah and Talmud, Leiden: Brill, 2024.' Theologische Literaturzeitung, 149 (10). pp. 917-919.

Hintze, Almut

Hintze, Almut (2024) 'The Pahlavi Psalter in its Historical Context.' In: Macuch, Maria and Zeini, Arash, (eds.), Deciphering the Illegible: Festschrift in Honour of Dieter Weber. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, pp. 175-201. (Iranica, no.33)

Hintze, Almut (2024) 'An enigmatic word in the Gathas: auuǝ̄mīrā in Yasna 49.10.' In: Cantera, Alberto, Pirart, Éric Victor and Redard, Celine, (eds.), at̰ hōi aōjī zaraϑuštrō paōuruuīm ¿Habló Zaraϑuštra? Homenaje a Jean Kellens en su 80º anniversario. Girona: Sociedad de Estudios Iranios y Turanios, pp. 125-135. (Estudios Iranios y Turanios)

Moradi, Yousef and Hintze, Almut (2024) 'Righteousness is Good. A New Interpretation of the Seal from Yarim Tepe in the Daregaz Plain, Khorasan, Iran.' Iran and the Caucasus, 28 (2). pp. 125-139.

Ibhawoh, Bonny

Reimer-Kirkham, Sheryl, Astle, Barbara, Ero, Ikponwosa, Beaman, Lori, Ibhawoh, Bonny, Imafidon, Elvis, Sawatzky, Richard, Tettey, Wisdom, Buyco, Meghann and Strobell, Emma (2024) 'Mapping a research-advocacy-policy agenda on human rights and albinism: a mixed methods project.' International Journal for Equity in Health, 23 (1).

Imafidon, Elvis

Reimer-Kirkham, Sheryl, Astle, Barbara, Ero, Ikponwosa, Beaman, Lori, Ibhawoh, Bonny, Imafidon, Elvis, Sawatzky, Richard, Tettey, Wisdom, Buyco, Meghann and Strobell, Emma (2024) 'Mapping a research-advocacy-policy agenda on human rights and albinism: a mixed methods project.' International Journal for Equity in Health, 23 (1).

Khan, Muhammad Salman

Mustafa, Daanish, Khan, Muhammad Salman, De Nardi, Helmut, Caron, James, Naz, Arab, Shinwari, Mohsin and Gul, Aneela (2024) 'Hydro-heritage for healing? Examining the gendered experience of water in post-conflict Swat, Pakistan.' Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 7 (2). pp. 498-516.

Khanizadeh, Mehrbod

Khanizadeh, Mehrbod (2024) The Avestan Hymn to Haōma. A Critical Edition of Yasna 9 to 11 with Commentary and Glossary. Leiden: Brill. (Handbook of Oriental Studies – Corpus Avesticum) (Forthcoming)

Khanizadeh, Mehrbod (2024) 'On the etymology of the Avestan personal name pourušaspa-.' Iran and the Caucasus, 28 (1). pp. 72-86.

Khanizadeh, Mehrbod (2024) Understanding the Avesta: Zoroastrian scholastic activities in the 9th–11th centuries and the creation of Avestan-Pahlavi bilingual manuscripts. SOAS University of London. Available from

Krüger, Patrick Felix

Krüger, Patrick Felix (2024) 'Metaphors of Kingship in Ancient Jain Literature and Art.' International Journal of Jaina Studies, 20 (3). pp. 1-21.

Laamann, Lars

Laamann, Lars, ed. (2024) Central Asiatic Journal – Volume 66: The Mongolian World. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. (Central Asiatic Journal)

Macuch, Maria

Hintze, Almut (2024) 'The Pahlavi Psalter in its Historical Context.' In: Macuch, Maria and Zeini, Arash, (eds.), Deciphering the Illegible: Festschrift in Honour of Dieter Weber. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, pp. 175-201. (Iranica, no.33)

Moradi, Yousef

Moradi, Yousef and Hintze, Almut (2024) 'Righteousness is Good. A New Interpretation of the Seal from Yarim Tepe in the Daregaz Plain, Khorasan, Iran.' Iran and the Caucasus, 28 (2). pp. 125-139.

Mustafa, Daanish

Mustafa, Daanish, Khan, Muhammad Salman, De Nardi, Helmut, Caron, James, Naz, Arab, Shinwari, Mohsin and Gul, Aneela (2024) 'Hydro-heritage for healing? Examining the gendered experience of water in post-conflict Swat, Pakistan.' Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 7 (2). pp. 498-516.

Naz, Arab

Mustafa, Daanish, Khan, Muhammad Salman, De Nardi, Helmut, Caron, James, Naz, Arab, Shinwari, Mohsin and Gul, Aneela (2024) 'Hydro-heritage for healing? Examining the gendered experience of water in post-conflict Swat, Pakistan.' Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 7 (2). pp. 498-516.

Pirart, Éric Victor

Hintze, Almut (2024) 'An enigmatic word in the Gathas: auuǝ̄mīrā in Yasna 49.10.' In: Cantera, Alberto, Pirart, Éric Victor and Redard, Celine, (eds.), at̰ hōi aōjī zaraϑuštrō paōuruuīm ¿Habló Zaraϑuštra? Homenaje a Jean Kellens en su 80º anniversario. Girona: Sociedad de Estudios Iranios y Turanios, pp. 125-135. (Estudios Iranios y Turanios)

Prabhudesai, Amogh

Prabhudesai, Amogh (2024) 'Chandonuśāsana of Vāgbhaṭa: An Unpublished Jain Text on Prosody.' International Journal of Jaina Studies, 20 (4). pp. 1-11.

Redard, Celine

Hintze, Almut (2024) 'An enigmatic word in the Gathas: auuǝ̄mīrā in Yasna 49.10.' In: Cantera, Alberto, Pirart, Éric Victor and Redard, Celine, (eds.), at̰ hōi aōjī zaraϑuštrō paōuruuīm ¿Habló Zaraϑuštra? Homenaje a Jean Kellens en su 80º anniversario. Girona: Sociedad de Estudios Iranios y Turanios, pp. 125-135. (Estudios Iranios y Turanios)

Reimer-Kirkham, Sheryl

Reimer-Kirkham, Sheryl, Astle, Barbara, Ero, Ikponwosa, Beaman, Lori, Ibhawoh, Bonny, Imafidon, Elvis, Sawatzky, Richard, Tettey, Wisdom, Buyco, Meghann and Strobell, Emma (2024) 'Mapping a research-advocacy-policy agenda on human rights and albinism: a mixed methods project.' International Journal for Equity in Health, 23 (1).

Restifo, Aleksandra

Restifo, Aleksandra (2024) 'Emotion as Karmic Mode: Rasa in Ajitasena's Alaṅkāra-Cintāmaṇi (15th Century).' International Journal of Jaina Studies, 20 (2). pp. 1-22.

Sawatzky, Richard

Reimer-Kirkham, Sheryl, Astle, Barbara, Ero, Ikponwosa, Beaman, Lori, Ibhawoh, Bonny, Imafidon, Elvis, Sawatzky, Richard, Tettey, Wisdom, Buyco, Meghann and Strobell, Emma (2024) 'Mapping a research-advocacy-policy agenda on human rights and albinism: a mixed methods project.' International Journal for Equity in Health, 23 (1).

Scott-Baumann, Alison Frances

Scott-Baumann, Alison Frances (2024) 'Review of: Islamic Religious Education in Europe: A Comparative Study, edited by Leni Franken and Bill Gent.' Journal of Muslims in Europe, 13 (2). pp. 249-252.

Shehata, Mariam Mohammed Amin M.

Shehata, Mariam Mohammed Amin M. (2024) God, Time, and the World: Abū l-Barakāt Al-Baghdādī’s Theory of Divine Temporality. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Shinwari, Mohsin

Mustafa, Daanish, Khan, Muhammad Salman, De Nardi, Helmut, Caron, James, Naz, Arab, Shinwari, Mohsin and Gul, Aneela (2024) 'Hydro-heritage for healing? Examining the gendered experience of water in post-conflict Swat, Pakistan.' Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 7 (2). pp. 498-516.

Strobell, Emma

Reimer-Kirkham, Sheryl, Astle, Barbara, Ero, Ikponwosa, Beaman, Lori, Ibhawoh, Bonny, Imafidon, Elvis, Sawatzky, Richard, Tettey, Wisdom, Buyco, Meghann and Strobell, Emma (2024) 'Mapping a research-advocacy-policy agenda on human rights and albinism: a mixed methods project.' International Journal for Equity in Health, 23 (1).

Tettey, Wisdom

Reimer-Kirkham, Sheryl, Astle, Barbara, Ero, Ikponwosa, Beaman, Lori, Ibhawoh, Bonny, Imafidon, Elvis, Sawatzky, Richard, Tettey, Wisdom, Buyco, Meghann and Strobell, Emma (2024) 'Mapping a research-advocacy-policy agenda on human rights and albinism: a mixed methods project.' International Journal for Equity in Health, 23 (1).

Travagnin, Stefania

Travagnin, Stefania (2024) 'Editorial.' Contemporary Buddhism, 24 (1/2). pp. 1-2.

Zeini, Arash

Hintze, Almut (2024) 'The Pahlavi Psalter in its Historical Context.' In: Macuch, Maria and Zeini, Arash, (eds.), Deciphering the Illegible: Festschrift in Honour of Dieter Weber. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, pp. 175-201. (Iranica, no.33)

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