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Number of items: 25.

Basu, Paul (2005) 'Macpherson Country: Genealogical Identities, Spatial Histories and the Scottish Diasporic Clanscape.' cultural geographies, 12 (2). pp. 123-150.

Basu, Paul (2005) 'Museum, Landscape and the Storytelling Space Between.' Landscape and Arts, 34/35. pp. 2-6.

Campbell, John and Holland, Jeremy (2005) 'Development research: Convergent or divergent approaches and understandings of poverty? An introduction.' Focaal: European Journal of Social Anthropology, 45. pp. 3-17.

Dolan, Catherine (2005) 'Benevolent Intent: The Development Encounter in Kenya’s Horticulture Industry.' Journal of Asian and African Studies, 40 (6). pp. 411-437.

Dolan, Catherine (2005) 'Fields of Obligation: Rooting Ethical Consumption in Kenyan Horticulture.' Journal of Consumer Culture, 5 (3). pp. 365-389.

Dolan, Catherine (2005) 'Household Composition and Livelihood Diversification in Uganda.' In: Ellis, Frank and Freeman, H. Ade, (eds.), Rural Livelihoods and Poverty Reduction Policies. London: Routledge, pp. 75-89.

Dolan, Catherine and Opondo, Maggie (2005) 'Seeking Common Ground: Multistakeholder Initiatives in Kenya’s Cut Flower Industry.' Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 18 (Summer). pp. 87-98.

Janson, Marloes (2005) 'Roaming about for God’s Sake: The Upsurge of the Tablīgh Jamā‘at in The Gambia.' Journal of Religion in Africa, 35 (4). pp. 450-481.

Janson, Marloes and Spronk, Rachel (2005) 'Ambiguous Encounters: Gender in the Context of Modernity in the Gambia and Kenya.' In: van der Kwaak, Anke, Spronk, Rachel and Willemse, Karin, (eds.), From Modern Myths to Global Encounters. Belonging and the Dynamics of Change in Postcolonial Africa. Leiden: CNWS Publications.

Küchler, Susanne and Were, Graeme (2005) Pacific Pattern. London: Thames and Hudson.

Leite, Naomi (2005) 'Travels to an Ancestral Past: On Diasporic Tourism, Embodied Memory, and Identity.' Antropologicas, 9. pp. 273-302.

Little, Peter D. and Dolan, Catherine (2005) 'Nontraditional Commodities and Structural Adjustment in Africa.' In: Edelman, Marc and Haugerud, Angelique, (eds.), The anthropology of development and globalization : from classical political economy to contemporary neoliberalism. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 206-215.

Mosse, David (2005) Cultivating Development: An Ethnography of Aid Policy and Practice. London; Ann Arbor, MI.: Pluto Press.

Mosse, David (2005) 'Global Governance and the Ethnography of International Aid.' In: Mosse, David and Lewis, David, (eds.), The Aid Effect. Giving and Governing in International Development. London: Pluto Press, pp. 1-36.

Mosse, David (2005) 'On the margins in the city: adivasi seasonal labour migrants in western India.' Economic and Political Weekly, 40 (28). pp. 3025-3038.

Retsikas, Kostas (2005) 'Review of “Chinese Indonesians: Remembering, Distorting, Forgetting” edited by Tim Lindsey and Helen Pausacker.' South East Asia Research, 13 (3). pp. 417-419.

Retsikas, Kostas (2005) 'Review of “Durga’s Mosque: Cosmology, Conversion, and Community in Central Javanese Islam” by Stephen C. Headley.' L' Homme: revue française d'anthropologie, 174 . pp. 311-312.

Salih, Ruba (2005) 'Attraversare confini: soggettività emergenti e nuove dimensioni della cittadinanza.' Quale Storia per una società Multietnica. Rappresentazioni, timori e aspettative degli studenti italiani e non italiani. Un percorso di ricerca. Rapporto di ricerca,.

Salih, Ruba (2005) 'Genere e Islam. Politiche culturali e culture politiche in Europa in Studi Culturali.' Studi culturali (3). pp. 121-128.

Salih, Ruba (2005) 'Mobilità transnazionali e cittadinanza. Per una geografia di genere dei confini.' In: Salvatici, Silvia, (ed.), Confini. Costruzioni, Attravesamenti, Rappresentazioni. Soveria Mannelli (Catanzaro): Rubbettino.

Salih, Ruba (2005) 'Review of Kanaaneh, R. A. 'Birthing the Nation: Strategies of Palestinian Women in Israel'. University of California Press, 2002.' H-Gender-MidEast .

Srivastava, Sanjay (2005) 'Ghummakkads’, a Woman’s Place, and the LTCwalas: Towards a Critical History of ‘Home’, ‘Belonging’ and ‘Attachment.' Contributions to Indian Sociology, 39 (3). pp. 375-405.

Tallontire, Anne, Dolan, Catherine, Barrientos, Stephanie and Smith, Sally (2005) 'Reaching the Marginalised? Gender, Value Chains and Ethical Trade in African Horticulture.' Development in Practice, 15 (3/4). pp. 559-571.

Were, Graeme (2005) 'Pattern, Efficacy And Enterprise: On the Fabrication of Connections In Melanesia.' In: Küchler, Susanne and Miller, Daniel, (eds.), Clothing as Material Culture. Oxford: Berg, pp. 159-174.

Were, Graeme (2005) 'Thinking through images: Kastom and the coming of the baha'is to northern New Ireland, Papua New Guinea.' Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 11 (4). pp. 659-676.

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