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Melville, Caspar (2019) It's A London Thing: How Rare Groove, Acid House and Jungle Remapped The City. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
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Sendra Fernandez, Estrella (2019) 'Africa and/in Festivals: Decolonising Film Curation.' In: Davis, August J., (ed.), Contemporary Curation: Histories, Theories, Practices. London: Routledge. (Forthcoming)
Sendra Fernandez, Estrella (2019) 'Contemporary Festivals in Senegal: Navigating the Local and the International.' In: Ruiz, Sheila, Pearson, Caitlin and Matek Akita, Marcelle, (eds.), Contemporary African Arts: Mapping Perceptions, Insights and UK-Africa Collaborations. London: British Council / Royal African Society, pp. 32-38.
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Chan, Pedith (2019) '‘跨越藝術史的界限:柯律格教授的物質文化研究’ (Beyond the History of Art: Craig Clunas and Material Culture Studies).' 美術觀察 Art Observation (6). pp. 76-80.
Sendra Fernandez, Estrella (2019) 'Ousmane Sembène’s Cinema.' Critical Muslim, 30 (1). pp. 73-80.
Sendra Fernandez, Estrella (2019) 'Sufi Sounds of Senegal.' Critical Muslim, 32. pp. 93-102.
Sendra Fernandez, Estrella (2019) La Cultura como Seña de Identidad de un Entorno Rural. La Jornada del Campo [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]