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Tan, Tian Yuan (2009) 'Rethinking Li Kaixian’s Editorship of Revised Plays by Yuan Masters: A Comparison with his Banter about Lyrics.' In: Van Crevel, Maghiel, Tan, Tian Yuan and Hockx, Michel, (eds.), Text, Performance, and Gender in Chinese Literature and Music: Essays in Honor of Wilt Idema. Leiden: Brill, pp. 139-152.
Tan, Tian Yuan (2009) 'Rethinking Li Kaixian’s Editorship of Revised Plays by Yuan Masters: A Comparison with his Banter about Lyrics.' In: Van Crevel, Maghiel, Tan, Tian Yuan and Hockx, Michel, (eds.), Text, Performance, and Gender in Chinese Literature and Music: Essays in Honor of Wilt Idema. Leiden: Brill, pp. 139-152.
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Tan, Tian Yuan (2009) 'Xin faxian Kang Hai sanqu ji Pandong yuefu houlu jiaojian (shang) 新發現康海散曲集《沜東樂府後錄》校箋(上)(A Collation and Annotation of Kang Hai’s Newly Discovered Song Collection Pandong yuefu houlu, Part 1).' Wenhua yishu yanjiu 文化藝術研究 (Studies in Culture and Art ), 2 (4). pp. 117-134.
Tan, Tian Yuan (2009) 'Xin faxian Kang Hai sanqu ji Pandong yuefu houlu jiaojian (xia) 新發現康海散曲集《沜東樂府後錄》校箋(下)(A Collation and Annotation of Kang Hai’s Newly Discovered Song Collection Pandong yuefu houlu, Part 2).' Wenhua yishu yanjiu 文化藝術研究 (Studies in Culture and Art ), 2 (5). pp. 145-175.
Tan, Tian Yuan (2009) 'Rethinking Li Kaixian’s Editorship of Revised Plays by Yuan Masters: A Comparison with his Banter about Lyrics.' In: Van Crevel, Maghiel, Tan, Tian Yuan and Hockx, Michel, (eds.), Text, Performance, and Gender in Chinese Literature and Music: Essays in Honor of Wilt Idema. Leiden: Brill, pp. 139-152.