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Number of items: 40.

Bodt, Tim (2015) Phyugs kyis phyug: The cattle-wealthy Duhumbi people of the Chug valley. North East Spark , Spring 2015, 49-50 [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Bodt, Tim and Lieberherr, Ismael (2015) 'First notes on the phonology and classification of the Bangru language of India.' Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 38 (1). pp. 66-124.

Centeno, Marcos (2015) '¿Qué se oculta tras el papel en blanco de machino? El dibujo como puerta al mundo interior infantil en children who draw (1956) de Susumu Hani.' L’Atalante. Revista de Estudios Cinematográficos. (Unpublished)

Centeno, Marcos (2015) 'Review of: Anime, Religion and Spirituality: Profane and Sacred Worlds in Contemporary Japan. By Katharine Buljan and Carole M. Cusack. Equinox, 2015.' Reading Religion. A Publication of the American Academy of Religion .

Centeno, Marcos (2015) 'The Shapes of Otherness: the Representation of the Ainu People in Brodsky’s Travelogues 1918-1919.' Kokoro, Revista para la difusión de la cultura japonesa (17). pp. 14-22.

Centeno, Marcos (2015) Susumu Hani (1950-1960): la aportación teórico-práctica al documental y al cine juvenil japonés. Una aproximación al caso de Hani como precursor de la Nueva Ola. PhD thesis. Universitat de València.

Du 杜, Zhaohui 朝暉 and Liu 劉, Yangruxin 陽汝鑫 (2015) '“Laosao kaoyuan” “牢騷”考源 (The Etymology of the Word laosao).' In: Zhongwen luntan (di yi ji) 中文論壇(第一輯). Wuhan, China: Changjiang chubanshe, pp. 135-139.

Ferrari, Rossella (2015) 'Review of "The Avant-Garde and the Popular in Modern China: Tian Han and the Intersection of Performance and Politics" by Liang Luo.' MCLC Resource Center .

Ferrari, Rossella (2015) 'A Tale of Two Centuries: One Hundred Years of Chinese Architecture as a Reflection on Chinese Modernization” (English) / Liang ge shiji de duizhao: "Zhongguo jianzhu yibai nian" dui Zhongguo xiandaihua de fansi 兩個世紀的對照:「中國建築一百年」對中國現代化的反思 (Chinese) [Online].' One Hundred Years of Chinese Architecture Programme . Hong Kong: Zuni Icosahedron.

Ferrari, Rossella (2015) '"Zhongguo jianzhu yi bai nian": weishenme xin shiji women yi wu suo you 「中國建築一百年」︰為什麼新世紀我們一無所有 [Online].' Initium Media 端傳媒.

Garrett, Edward and Hill, Nathan W. (2015) 'Constituent order in the Tibetan noun phrase.' SOAS Working Papers in Linguistics, 17. pp. 35-48.

Garrett, Edward and Hill, Nathan W. (2015) 'A Constraint Grammar POS-Tagger for Tibetan.' In: Bick, Eckhard and Hagen, Kristin, (eds.), Proceedings of the Workshop on “Constraint Grammar - methods, tools and applications” at NODALIDA 2015, May 11-13, 2015. Vilnius: Institute of the Lithuanian Language, pp. 19-22.

Garrett, Edward, Hill, Nathan W., Kilgarriff, Adam, Vadlapudi, Ravikiran and Zadoks, Abel (2015) 'The contribution of corpus linguistics to lexicography and the future of Tibetan dictionaries.' Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines, 32. pp. 51-86.

Harumi, Seiko (2015) Hegemony in Japanese EFL classroom interactional styles: Should learners be in control? In: British Association of Applied Linguistics (BAAL) Teaching and Learning SIG annual conference, 2-3 April, 2015, University of Edinburgh. (Unpublished)

Harumi, Seiko (2015) 'Raising cultural awareness of classroom talk and silence.' IATEFL 2014 : Harrogate Conference selections : 48th International Conference, Harrogate, 2-5 April, 2014, 48. pp. 128-129.

Hill, Nathan W. (2015) 'The Contribution of Tangut to Trans-Himalayan Comparative Linguistics.' Archiv orientální, 83 (1). pp. 187-200.

Hill, Nathan W. (2015) 'Hare lõ: the touchstone of mirativity.' SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics, 12 (2). pp. 24-31.

Hill, Nathan W. (2015) 'Languages: Tibetan.' In: Silk, Jonathan A., (ed.), Brill's Encyclopedia of Buddhism. Volume One. Leiden: Brill, pp. 917-924.

Hill, Nathan W. (2015) 'Proposal for a transcription of Chinese characters in the study of early Chinese language and literature = 早期漢語言文學研究中的漢字釋讀方法新探.' Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics, 8. pp. 48-60.

Hill, Nathan W. (2015) 'Review of Origins and Migrations in the Extended Eastern Himalayas. Edited by Toni Huber and Stuart Blackburn. Leiden, Brill, 2012.' Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 25 (2). pp. 366-368.

Hill, Nathan W. (2015) 'Some Tibetan first person plural inclusive pronouns.' In: Havnevik, Hanna and Ramble, Charles, (eds.), From Bhakti to Bon. Oslo: Novus, pp. 242-248.

Hill, Nathan W. (2015) Tibetan Corpus Linguistics: our progress so far. Backdoor Broadcasting. [Audio]

Hill, Nathan W. (2015) Tibetan Corpus Linguistics: present obstacle and future prospects. Backdoor Broadcasting. [Audio]

Hill, Nathan W. (2015) 'Tibetan part-of-speech conundrums: maṅ and yun riṅ.' Rocznik Orientalistyczny, 68 (2). pp. 65-72.

Hill, Nathan W. (2015) 'The sku-bla rite in imperial Tibetan religion.' Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie, 24. pp. 49-58.

Hill, Nathan W. and Zadoks, Abel (2015) 'Tibetan √lan ‘reply’.' Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland (Third Series), 25 (1). pp. 117-121.

Kirsch, Griseldis (2015) Contemporary Sino-Japanese Relations on Screen, A History, 1989-2005. London: Bloomsbury. (SOAS Studies in Modern and Contemporary Japan)

Kirsch, Griseldis (2015) 'Relocating Japan? Japan, China and the West in Japanese Television Dramas.' In: Kirsch, Griseldis, Martinez, Dolores and White, Merry, (eds.), Assembling Japan: Modernity, Technology and Global Culture. Bern: Peter Lang, pp. 113-133.

Kirsch, Griseldis, Manzenreiter, Wolfram, Horne, John, White, Merry, Katsuno, Hirofumi and Martinez, Dolores (2015) 'Afterword: Reassembling after 3/11.' In: Kirsch, Griseldis, Martinez, Dolores and White, Merry, (eds.), Assembling Japan: Modernity, Technology and Global Culture. Bern: Peter Lang, pp. 231-238.

Kirsch, Griseldis and Martinez, Dolores (2015) 'Japan as an Assemblage.' In: Kirsch, Griseldis, Martinez, Dolores and White, Merry, (eds.), Assembling Japan: Modernity, Technology and Global Culture. Bern: Peter Lang, pp. 1-19.

Lu, Xiaoning (2015) 'Review of: Culture and Social Transformations: Theoretical Framework and Chinese Context edited by Cao Tianyu, Zhong Xueping, Liao Kebin and Ban Wang, Leiden: Brill, 2014.' MCLC Resource Center .

Lu, Xiaoning (2015) 'Villain Stardom in Socialist China: Chen Qiang and the Cultural Politics of Affect.' Journal of Chinese Cinemas, 9 (3). pp. 223-238.

Pang, Zhaoxia (2015) 'Chinese Business Etiquette.' In: Hong, L.U., (ed.), A Guide to Chinese Business Culture 中国商务文化导读. London: Sinolingua London Ltd., pp. 1-32.

Perera, Natsuko (2015) 子どもの第二言語習得プロセスープレハブ言語から創造言語へ. Tōkyō: 彩流社 = Sairyūsha.

Sernesi, Marta (2015) 'Bibliography and Cultural History: Remarks on the Bka’ gdams glegs bam.' In: Czaja, Olaf and Hazod, Guntram, (eds.), The Illuminating Mirror. Tibetan Studies in Honour of Per K. Sørensen on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday. Wiesbaden: DR. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, pp. 411-444. (Contributions to Tibetan Studies)

Sernesi, Marta (2015) 'Biography and Hagiography: Tibet.' In: Brill's Encyclopedia of Buddhism. Vol. 1: Literatures and Languages. Leiden: Brill. pp. 734-743.

Sernesi, Marta (2015) 'The Collected Sayings of the Master: On Authorship, Author-function, and Authority.' Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, 36-37 (1-2). pp. 459-498.

Sernesi, Marta (2015) 'Review of 'The Yogin and the Madman: Reading the Biographical Corpus of Tibet's Great Saint Milarepa' by Andrew Quintman.' International Journal of Asian Studies, 12 (2). pp. 256-258.

Sernesi, Marta (2015) 'Review of Medieval Rule in Tibet: The Rlangs Clan and the Political and Religious History of the Ruling House of Phag mo gru pa by Olaf Czaja.' Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 78 (3). pp. 642-644.

Simon, Camille and Hill, Nathan W. (2015) 'Tibetan.' In: Grandi, Nicola and Körtvélyessy, Livia, (eds.), Edinburgh Handbook of Evaluative Morphology. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 381-388.

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