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Number of items: 99.

Agrawal, Sutapa

Shankar, Bhavani, Agrawal, Sutapa, Beaudreault, Amy R., Avula, Laxmaiah, Martorell, Reynaldo, Osendarp, Saskia, Prabhakaran, Dorairaj and Mclean, Mireille Seneclauze (2017) 'Dietary and nutritional change in India: implications for strategies, policies, and interventions.' Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1395 (1). pp. 49-59.

Asiedu, Alex

Yankson, Paul, Asiedu, Alex, Owusu, Kwadwo, Urban, Frauke and Siciliano, Giuseppina (2017) 'The Livelihood Challenges of Resettled Communities of the Bui Dam Project in Ghana and the Role of Chinese Dam-Builders.' Development Policy Review, 36 (S1). 0476-0494.

Avula, Laxmaiah

Shankar, Bhavani, Agrawal, Sutapa, Beaudreault, Amy R., Avula, Laxmaiah, Martorell, Reynaldo, Osendarp, Saskia, Prabhakaran, Dorairaj and Mclean, Mireille Seneclauze (2017) 'Dietary and nutritional change in India: implications for strategies, policies, and interventions.' Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1395 (1). pp. 49-59.

Beaudreault, Amy R.

Shankar, Bhavani, Agrawal, Sutapa, Beaudreault, Amy R., Avula, Laxmaiah, Martorell, Reynaldo, Osendarp, Saskia, Prabhakaran, Dorairaj and Mclean, Mireille Seneclauze (2017) 'Dietary and nutritional change in India: implications for strategies, policies, and interventions.' Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1395 (1). pp. 49-59.

Bellarby, Jessica

Bellarby, Jessica, Siciliano, Giuseppina, Smith, Laurence, Xin, Lai, Zhou, Jianbin, Liu, Kun, Jie, Li, Meng, Fanqiao, Inman, Alex, Rahn, Clive, Surridge, Ben and Haygarth, Philip (2017) 'Strategies for sustainable nutrient management: Insights from a mixed natural and social science analysis of Chinese crop production systems.' Environmental Development, 21. pp. 52-65.

Bellarby, Jessica, Surridge, Ben, Haygarth, Philip, Liu, Kun, Siciliano, Giuseppina, Smith, Laurence, Rahn, Clive and Meng, Fanqiao (2017) 'The stocks and flows of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium across a 30-year time series for agriculture in Huantai county, China.' Science of the Total Environment, 619-20. pp. 606-620.

Béné, Christophe

Béné, Christophe, Cannon, Terry, Gupte, Jaideep, McGranahan, G, Mehta, Lyla and Tanner, Thomas (2017) 'Resilience as a policy narrative: potentials and limits in the context of urban planning.' Climate and Development, 10 (2). pp. 116-133.

Cannon, Terry

Béné, Christophe, Cannon, Terry, Gupte, Jaideep, McGranahan, G, Mehta, Lyla and Tanner, Thomas (2017) 'Resilience as a policy narrative: potentials and limits in the context of urban planning.' Climate and Development, 10 (2). pp. 116-133.

Cook, Hadrian

Cook, Hadrian, Smith, Laurence and Couldrick, Laurence (2017) 'An assessment of intermediary roles in payments for ecosystem services schemes in the context of catchment management: An example from South West England.' Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, 19 (1). p. 1750003.

Cooke, Fadzilah Majid

Cooke, Fadzilah Majid, Nordensvard, Johan, Saat, Bin Gusni, Urban, Frauke and Siciliano, Giuseppina (2017) 'The Limits of Social Protection: The Case of Hydropower Dams and Indigenous Peoples' Land.' Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies, 4 (3). pp. 437-450.

Couldrick, Laurence

Cook, Hadrian, Smith, Laurence and Couldrick, Laurence (2017) 'An assessment of intermediary roles in payments for ecosystem services schemes in the context of catchment management: An example from South West England.' Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, 19 (1). p. 1750003.

D'Odorico, Paolo

Siciliano, Giuseppina, Rulli, Maria Cristina and D'Odorico, Paolo (2017) 'European large-scale farmland investments and the land-water-energy-food nexus.' Advances in Water Resources, 110. pp. 579-590.

Dangour, Alan D.

Dangour, Alan D., Mace, G. and Shankar, Bhavani (2017) 'Food systems, nutrition, health and the environment.' The Lancet Planetary Health, 1 (1). e8-e9.

Donovan, Jason

Donovan, Jason and Poole, Nigel (2017) 'Partnerships in Fairtrade coffee: a close-up look at how buyers and NGOs build supply capacity in Nicaragua.' In: Nelson, Valerie, (ed.), Fairtrade Impacts: Lessons from Around the World. Rugby: Practical Action Publishing, pp. 45-60.

Giles, Mohan

Olorunfemi, Felix, May, Tan-Mullins, Giles, Mohan, Siciliano, Giuseppina and Urban, Frauke (2017) 'Hope, Politics and Risk: The Case of Chinese Dam in Nigeria.' Energy and Environment Research, 7 (2). pp. 1-13.

Gupte, Jaideep

Béné, Christophe, Cannon, Terry, Gupte, Jaideep, McGranahan, G, Mehta, Lyla and Tanner, Thomas (2017) 'Resilience as a policy narrative: potentials and limits in the context of urban planning.' Climate and Development, 10 (2). pp. 116-133.

Harris, Jody

Harris, Jody (2017) National manifestation of an international idea : multi-sectoral approaches to stunting reduction and the transfer of nutrition policy to Zambia. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Haygarth, Philip

Bellarby, Jessica, Siciliano, Giuseppina, Smith, Laurence, Xin, Lai, Zhou, Jianbin, Liu, Kun, Jie, Li, Meng, Fanqiao, Inman, Alex, Rahn, Clive, Surridge, Ben and Haygarth, Philip (2017) 'Strategies for sustainable nutrient management: Insights from a mixed natural and social science analysis of Chinese crop production systems.' Environmental Development, 21. pp. 52-65.

Bellarby, Jessica, Surridge, Ben, Haygarth, Philip, Liu, Kun, Siciliano, Giuseppina, Smith, Laurence, Rahn, Clive and Meng, Fanqiao (2017) 'The stocks and flows of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium across a 30-year time series for agriculture in Huantai county, China.' Science of the Total Environment, 619-20. pp. 606-620.

Henson, Spencer

Maestre Morales, Mar, Poole, Nigel and Henson, Spencer (2017) 'Assessing food value chain pathways, linkages and impacts for better nutrition of vulnerable groups.' Food Policy, 68. pp. 31-39.

Inman, Alex

Bellarby, Jessica, Siciliano, Giuseppina, Smith, Laurence, Xin, Lai, Zhou, Jianbin, Liu, Kun, Jie, Li, Meng, Fanqiao, Inman, Alex, Rahn, Clive, Surridge, Ben and Haygarth, Philip (2017) 'Strategies for sustainable nutrient management: Insights from a mixed natural and social science analysis of Chinese crop production systems.' Environmental Development, 21. pp. 52-65.

Jie, Li

Bellarby, Jessica, Siciliano, Giuseppina, Smith, Laurence, Xin, Lai, Zhou, Jianbin, Liu, Kun, Jie, Li, Meng, Fanqiao, Inman, Alex, Rahn, Clive, Surridge, Ben and Haygarth, Philip (2017) 'Strategies for sustainable nutrient management: Insights from a mixed natural and social science analysis of Chinese crop production systems.' Environmental Development, 21. pp. 52-65.

Jones, Lindsey

Jones, Lindsey and Tanner, Thomas (2017) '‘Subjective resilience’: using perceptions to quantify household resilience to climate extremes and disasters.' Regional Environmental Change, 17 (1). pp. 229-243.

Liu, Kun

Bellarby, Jessica, Siciliano, Giuseppina, Smith, Laurence, Xin, Lai, Zhou, Jianbin, Liu, Kun, Jie, Li, Meng, Fanqiao, Inman, Alex, Rahn, Clive, Surridge, Ben and Haygarth, Philip (2017) 'Strategies for sustainable nutrient management: Insights from a mixed natural and social science analysis of Chinese crop production systems.' Environmental Development, 21. pp. 52-65.

Bellarby, Jessica, Surridge, Ben, Haygarth, Philip, Liu, Kun, Siciliano, Giuseppina, Smith, Laurence, Rahn, Clive and Meng, Fanqiao (2017) 'The stocks and flows of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium across a 30-year time series for agriculture in Huantai county, China.' Science of the Total Environment, 619-20. pp. 606-620.

Ma, Ben

Ma, Ben, Yu, Yihua and Urban, Frauke (2017) 'Green transition of energy systems in rural China: National survey evidence of households’ discrete choices on water heaters.' Energy Policy, 113 (2). pp. 559-570.

Mace, G.

Dangour, Alan D., Mace, G. and Shankar, Bhavani (2017) 'Food systems, nutrition, health and the environment.' The Lancet Planetary Health, 1 (1). e8-e9.

Maestre Morales, Mar

Maestre Morales, Mar, Poole, Nigel and Henson, Spencer (2017) 'Assessing food value chain pathways, linkages and impacts for better nutrition of vulnerable groups.' Food Policy, 68. pp. 31-39.

Majid Cooke, Fadzilah

Majid Cooke, Fadzilah, Saat, Gusni, Urban, Frauke and Siciliano, Giuseppina (2017) 'Chinese dam building, renewable energy and socioecological change in East Malaysia.' In: Siciliano, Giuseppina and Urban, Frauke, (eds.), Chinese hydropower development in Africa and Asia. Challenges and opportunities for sustainable global dam building. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 145-162. (Routledge explorations in development studies)

Mang, Grace

Tan-Mullins, May, Mang, Grace and Urban, Frauke (2017) 'The political ecology of rising China: Case study of Chinese hydropower dams in Africa and Asia.' In: Siciliano, Giuseppina and Urban, Frauke, (eds.), Chinese hydropower development in Africa and Asia. Challenges and opportunities for sustainable global dam building. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 80-99. (Routledge explorations in development studies)

Tan-Mullins, May, Urban, Frauke and Mang, Grace (2017) 'Evaluating the Behaviour of Chinese Stakeholders Engaged in Large Hydropower Projects in Asia and Africa.' The China Quarterly, 230. pp. 464-488.

Martorell, Reynaldo

Shankar, Bhavani, Agrawal, Sutapa, Beaudreault, Amy R., Avula, Laxmaiah, Martorell, Reynaldo, Osendarp, Saskia, Prabhakaran, Dorairaj and Mclean, Mireille Seneclauze (2017) 'Dietary and nutritional change in India: implications for strategies, policies, and interventions.' Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1395 (1). pp. 49-59.

May, Tan-Mullins

Olorunfemi, Felix, May, Tan-Mullins, Giles, Mohan, Siciliano, Giuseppina and Urban, Frauke (2017) 'Hope, Politics and Risk: The Case of Chinese Dam in Nigeria.' Energy and Environment Research, 7 (2). pp. 1-13.

McGranahan, G

Béné, Christophe, Cannon, Terry, Gupte, Jaideep, McGranahan, G, Mehta, Lyla and Tanner, Thomas (2017) 'Resilience as a policy narrative: potentials and limits in the context of urban planning.' Climate and Development, 10 (2). pp. 116-133.

Mclean, Mireille Seneclauze

Shankar, Bhavani, Agrawal, Sutapa, Beaudreault, Amy R., Avula, Laxmaiah, Martorell, Reynaldo, Osendarp, Saskia, Prabhakaran, Dorairaj and Mclean, Mireille Seneclauze (2017) 'Dietary and nutritional change in India: implications for strategies, policies, and interventions.' Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1395 (1). pp. 49-59.

Mehta, Lyla

Béné, Christophe, Cannon, Terry, Gupte, Jaideep, McGranahan, G, Mehta, Lyla and Tanner, Thomas (2017) 'Resilience as a policy narrative: potentials and limits in the context of urban planning.' Climate and Development, 10 (2). pp. 116-133.

Meng, Fanqiao

Bellarby, Jessica, Siciliano, Giuseppina, Smith, Laurence, Xin, Lai, Zhou, Jianbin, Liu, Kun, Jie, Li, Meng, Fanqiao, Inman, Alex, Rahn, Clive, Surridge, Ben and Haygarth, Philip (2017) 'Strategies for sustainable nutrient management: Insights from a mixed natural and social science analysis of Chinese crop production systems.' Environmental Development, 21. pp. 52-65.

Bellarby, Jessica, Surridge, Ben, Haygarth, Philip, Liu, Kun, Siciliano, Giuseppina, Smith, Laurence, Rahn, Clive and Meng, Fanqiao (2017) 'The stocks and flows of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium across a 30-year time series for agriculture in Huantai county, China.' Science of the Total Environment, 619-20. pp. 606-620.

Nelson, Valerie

Donovan, Jason and Poole, Nigel (2017) 'Partnerships in Fairtrade coffee: a close-up look at how buyers and NGOs build supply capacity in Nicaragua.' In: Nelson, Valerie, (ed.), Fairtrade Impacts: Lessons from Around the World. Rugby: Practical Action Publishing, pp. 45-60.

Nordensvard, Johan

Cooke, Fadzilah Majid, Nordensvard, Johan, Saat, Bin Gusni, Urban, Frauke and Siciliano, Giuseppina (2017) 'The Limits of Social Protection: The Case of Hydropower Dams and Indigenous Peoples' Land.' Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies, 4 (3). pp. 437-450.

Olorunfemi, Felix

Olorunfemi, Felix, May, Tan-Mullins, Giles, Mohan, Siciliano, Giuseppina and Urban, Frauke (2017) 'Hope, Politics and Risk: The Case of Chinese Dam in Nigeria.' Energy and Environment Research, 7 (2). pp. 1-13.

Osendarp, Saskia

Shankar, Bhavani, Agrawal, Sutapa, Beaudreault, Amy R., Avula, Laxmaiah, Martorell, Reynaldo, Osendarp, Saskia, Prabhakaran, Dorairaj and Mclean, Mireille Seneclauze (2017) 'Dietary and nutritional change in India: implications for strategies, policies, and interventions.' Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1395 (1). pp. 49-59.

Owusu, Kwadwo

Yankson, Paul, Asiedu, Alex, Owusu, Kwadwo, Urban, Frauke and Siciliano, Giuseppina (2017) 'The Livelihood Challenges of Resettled Communities of the Bui Dam Project in Ghana and the Role of Chinese Dam-Builders.' Development Policy Review, 36 (S1). 0476-0494.

Poole, Nigel

Donovan, Jason and Poole, Nigel (2017) 'Partnerships in Fairtrade coffee: a close-up look at how buyers and NGOs build supply capacity in Nicaragua.' In: Nelson, Valerie, (ed.), Fairtrade Impacts: Lessons from Around the World. Rugby: Practical Action Publishing, pp. 45-60.

Maestre Morales, Mar, Poole, Nigel and Henson, Spencer (2017) 'Assessing food value chain pathways, linkages and impacts for better nutrition of vulnerable groups.' Food Policy, 68. pp. 31-39.

Poole, Nigel (2017) Smallholder Agriculture and Market Participation. Rugby; Rome: Practical Action Publishing; Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations.

Poulton, Colin

Poulton, Colin (2017) APRA Policy Processes and Political Economy: Tanzania Country Review.

Poulton, Colin (2017) What Is Agricultural Commercialisation, Why Is It Important, and How Do We Measure It?

Prabhakaran, Dorairaj

Shankar, Bhavani, Agrawal, Sutapa, Beaudreault, Amy R., Avula, Laxmaiah, Martorell, Reynaldo, Osendarp, Saskia, Prabhakaran, Dorairaj and Mclean, Mireille Seneclauze (2017) 'Dietary and nutritional change in India: implications for strategies, policies, and interventions.' Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1395 (1). pp. 49-59.

Rahn, Clive

Bellarby, Jessica, Siciliano, Giuseppina, Smith, Laurence, Xin, Lai, Zhou, Jianbin, Liu, Kun, Jie, Li, Meng, Fanqiao, Inman, Alex, Rahn, Clive, Surridge, Ben and Haygarth, Philip (2017) 'Strategies for sustainable nutrient management: Insights from a mixed natural and social science analysis of Chinese crop production systems.' Environmental Development, 21. pp. 52-65.

Bellarby, Jessica, Surridge, Ben, Haygarth, Philip, Liu, Kun, Siciliano, Giuseppina, Smith, Laurence, Rahn, Clive and Meng, Fanqiao (2017) 'The stocks and flows of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium across a 30-year time series for agriculture in Huantai county, China.' Science of the Total Environment, 619-20. pp. 606-620.

Rulli, Maria Cristina

Siciliano, Giuseppina, Rulli, Maria Cristina and D'Odorico, Paolo (2017) 'European large-scale farmland investments and the land-water-energy-food nexus.' Advances in Water Resources, 110. pp. 579-590.

Saat, Bin Gusni

Cooke, Fadzilah Majid, Nordensvard, Johan, Saat, Bin Gusni, Urban, Frauke and Siciliano, Giuseppina (2017) 'The Limits of Social Protection: The Case of Hydropower Dams and Indigenous Peoples' Land.' Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies, 4 (3). pp. 437-450.

Saat, Gusni

Majid Cooke, Fadzilah, Saat, Gusni, Urban, Frauke and Siciliano, Giuseppina (2017) 'Chinese dam building, renewable energy and socioecological change in East Malaysia.' In: Siciliano, Giuseppina and Urban, Frauke, (eds.), Chinese hydropower development in Africa and Asia. Challenges and opportunities for sustainable global dam building. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 145-162. (Routledge explorations in development studies)

Shankar, Bhavani

Dangour, Alan D., Mace, G. and Shankar, Bhavani (2017) 'Food systems, nutrition, health and the environment.' The Lancet Planetary Health, 1 (1). e8-e9.

Shankar, Bhavani, Agrawal, Sutapa, Beaudreault, Amy R., Avula, Laxmaiah, Martorell, Reynaldo, Osendarp, Saskia, Prabhakaran, Dorairaj and Mclean, Mireille Seneclauze (2017) 'Dietary and nutritional change in India: implications for strategies, policies, and interventions.' Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1395 (1). pp. 49-59.

Siciliano, Giuseppina

Siciliano, Giuseppina and Urban, Frauke, eds. (2017) Chinese hydropower development in Africa and Asia: Challenges and opportunities for sustainable global dam-building. Abingdon; New York: Routledge. (Routledge Explorations in Development Studies)

Bellarby, Jessica, Siciliano, Giuseppina, Smith, Laurence, Xin, Lai, Zhou, Jianbin, Liu, Kun, Jie, Li, Meng, Fanqiao, Inman, Alex, Rahn, Clive, Surridge, Ben and Haygarth, Philip (2017) 'Strategies for sustainable nutrient management: Insights from a mixed natural and social science analysis of Chinese crop production systems.' Environmental Development, 21. pp. 52-65.

Bellarby, Jessica, Surridge, Ben, Haygarth, Philip, Liu, Kun, Siciliano, Giuseppina, Smith, Laurence, Rahn, Clive and Meng, Fanqiao (2017) 'The stocks and flows of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium across a 30-year time series for agriculture in Huantai county, China.' Science of the Total Environment, 619-20. pp. 606-620.

Cooke, Fadzilah Majid, Nordensvard, Johan, Saat, Bin Gusni, Urban, Frauke and Siciliano, Giuseppina (2017) 'The Limits of Social Protection: The Case of Hydropower Dams and Indigenous Peoples' Land.' Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies, 4 (3). pp. 437-450.

Majid Cooke, Fadzilah, Saat, Gusni, Urban, Frauke and Siciliano, Giuseppina (2017) 'Chinese dam building, renewable energy and socioecological change in East Malaysia.' In: Siciliano, Giuseppina and Urban, Frauke, (eds.), Chinese hydropower development in Africa and Asia. Challenges and opportunities for sustainable global dam building. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 145-162. (Routledge explorations in development studies)

Majid Cooke, Fadzilah, Saat, Gusni, Urban, Frauke and Siciliano, Giuseppina (2017) 'Chinese dam building, renewable energy and socioecological change in East Malaysia.' In: Siciliano, Giuseppina and Urban, Frauke, (eds.), Chinese hydropower development in Africa and Asia. Challenges and opportunities for sustainable global dam building. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 145-162. (Routledge explorations in development studies)

Olorunfemi, Felix, May, Tan-Mullins, Giles, Mohan, Siciliano, Giuseppina and Urban, Frauke (2017) 'Hope, Politics and Risk: The Case of Chinese Dam in Nigeria.' Energy and Environment Research, 7 (2). pp. 1-13.

Siciliano, Giuseppina, Rulli, Maria Cristina and D'Odorico, Paolo (2017) 'European large-scale farmland investments and the land-water-energy-food nexus.' Advances in Water Resources, 110. pp. 579-590.

Siciliano, Giuseppina and Urban, Frauke (2017) 'China’s hydropower development in Africa and Asia: Implications for resource access and development.' In: Siciliano, Giuseppina and Urban, Frauke, (eds.), Chinese hydropower development in Africa and Asia. Challenges and opportunities for sustainable global dam-building. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 1-13. (Routledge explorations in development studies)

Siciliano, Giuseppina and Urban, Frauke (2017) 'China’s hydropower development in Africa and Asia: Implications for resource access and development.' In: Siciliano, Giuseppina and Urban, Frauke, (eds.), Chinese hydropower development in Africa and Asia. Challenges and opportunities for sustainable global dam-building. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 1-13. (Routledge explorations in development studies)

Siciliano, Giuseppina and Urban, Frauke (2017) 'Equity-based Natural Resource Allocation for Infrastructure Development: Evidence From Large Hydropower Dams in Africa and Asia.' Ecological Economics, 134. pp. 130-139.

Tan-Mullins, May, Mang, Grace and Urban, Frauke (2017) 'The political ecology of rising China: Case study of Chinese hydropower dams in Africa and Asia.' In: Siciliano, Giuseppina and Urban, Frauke, (eds.), Chinese hydropower development in Africa and Asia. Challenges and opportunities for sustainable global dam building. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 80-99. (Routledge explorations in development studies)

Urban, Frauke and Siciliano, Giuseppina (2017) 'Challenges and opportunities for sustainable global dam-building.' In: Siciliano, Giuseppina and Urban, Frauke, (eds.), Chinese hydropower development in Africa and Asia. Challenges and opportunities for sustainable global dam building. Abingdon: Routledge. (Routledge explorations in development studies)

Urban, Frauke and Siciliano, Giuseppina (2017) 'Challenges and opportunities for sustainable global dam-building.' In: Siciliano, Giuseppina and Urban, Frauke, (eds.), Chinese hydropower development in Africa and Asia. Challenges and opportunities for sustainable global dam building. Abingdon: Routledge. (Routledge explorations in development studies)

Yankson, Paul, Asiedu, Alex, Owusu, Kwadwo, Urban, Frauke and Siciliano, Giuseppina (2017) 'The Livelihood Challenges of Resettled Communities of the Bui Dam Project in Ghana and the Role of Chinese Dam-Builders.' Development Policy Review, 36 (S1). 0476-0494.

Smith, Laurence

Bellarby, Jessica, Siciliano, Giuseppina, Smith, Laurence, Xin, Lai, Zhou, Jianbin, Liu, Kun, Jie, Li, Meng, Fanqiao, Inman, Alex, Rahn, Clive, Surridge, Ben and Haygarth, Philip (2017) 'Strategies for sustainable nutrient management: Insights from a mixed natural and social science analysis of Chinese crop production systems.' Environmental Development, 21. pp. 52-65.

Bellarby, Jessica, Surridge, Ben, Haygarth, Philip, Liu, Kun, Siciliano, Giuseppina, Smith, Laurence, Rahn, Clive and Meng, Fanqiao (2017) 'The stocks and flows of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium across a 30-year time series for agriculture in Huantai county, China.' Science of the Total Environment, 619-20. pp. 606-620.

Cook, Hadrian, Smith, Laurence and Couldrick, Laurence (2017) 'An assessment of intermediary roles in payments for ecosystem services schemes in the context of catchment management: An example from South West England.' Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, 19 (1). p. 1750003.

Surridge, Ben

Bellarby, Jessica, Siciliano, Giuseppina, Smith, Laurence, Xin, Lai, Zhou, Jianbin, Liu, Kun, Jie, Li, Meng, Fanqiao, Inman, Alex, Rahn, Clive, Surridge, Ben and Haygarth, Philip (2017) 'Strategies for sustainable nutrient management: Insights from a mixed natural and social science analysis of Chinese crop production systems.' Environmental Development, 21. pp. 52-65.

Bellarby, Jessica, Surridge, Ben, Haygarth, Philip, Liu, Kun, Siciliano, Giuseppina, Smith, Laurence, Rahn, Clive and Meng, Fanqiao (2017) 'The stocks and flows of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium across a 30-year time series for agriculture in Huantai county, China.' Science of the Total Environment, 619-20. pp. 606-620.

Tan-Mullins, May

Tan-Mullins, May, Mang, Grace and Urban, Frauke (2017) 'The political ecology of rising China: Case study of Chinese hydropower dams in Africa and Asia.' In: Siciliano, Giuseppina and Urban, Frauke, (eds.), Chinese hydropower development in Africa and Asia. Challenges and opportunities for sustainable global dam building. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 80-99. (Routledge explorations in development studies)

Tan-Mullins, May, Urban, Frauke and Mang, Grace (2017) 'Evaluating the Behaviour of Chinese Stakeholders Engaged in Large Hydropower Projects in Asia and Africa.' The China Quarterly, 230. pp. 464-488.

Tanner, Thomas

Béné, Christophe, Cannon, Terry, Gupte, Jaideep, McGranahan, G, Mehta, Lyla and Tanner, Thomas (2017) 'Resilience as a policy narrative: potentials and limits in the context of urban planning.' Climate and Development, 10 (2). pp. 116-133.

Jones, Lindsey and Tanner, Thomas (2017) '‘Subjective resilience’: using perceptions to quantify household resilience to climate extremes and disasters.' Regional Environmental Change, 17 (1). pp. 229-243.

Urban, Frauke

Siciliano, Giuseppina and Urban, Frauke, eds. (2017) Chinese hydropower development in Africa and Asia: Challenges and opportunities for sustainable global dam-building. Abingdon; New York: Routledge. (Routledge Explorations in Development Studies)

Cooke, Fadzilah Majid, Nordensvard, Johan, Saat, Bin Gusni, Urban, Frauke and Siciliano, Giuseppina (2017) 'The Limits of Social Protection: The Case of Hydropower Dams and Indigenous Peoples' Land.' Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies, 4 (3). pp. 437-450.

Ma, Ben, Yu, Yihua and Urban, Frauke (2017) 'Green transition of energy systems in rural China: National survey evidence of households’ discrete choices on water heaters.' Energy Policy, 113 (2). pp. 559-570.

Majid Cooke, Fadzilah, Saat, Gusni, Urban, Frauke and Siciliano, Giuseppina (2017) 'Chinese dam building, renewable energy and socioecological change in East Malaysia.' In: Siciliano, Giuseppina and Urban, Frauke, (eds.), Chinese hydropower development in Africa and Asia. Challenges and opportunities for sustainable global dam building. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 145-162. (Routledge explorations in development studies)

Majid Cooke, Fadzilah, Saat, Gusni, Urban, Frauke and Siciliano, Giuseppina (2017) 'Chinese dam building, renewable energy and socioecological change in East Malaysia.' In: Siciliano, Giuseppina and Urban, Frauke, (eds.), Chinese hydropower development in Africa and Asia. Challenges and opportunities for sustainable global dam building. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 145-162. (Routledge explorations in development studies)

Olorunfemi, Felix, May, Tan-Mullins, Giles, Mohan, Siciliano, Giuseppina and Urban, Frauke (2017) 'Hope, Politics and Risk: The Case of Chinese Dam in Nigeria.' Energy and Environment Research, 7 (2). pp. 1-13.

Siciliano, Giuseppina and Urban, Frauke (2017) 'China’s hydropower development in Africa and Asia: Implications for resource access and development.' In: Siciliano, Giuseppina and Urban, Frauke, (eds.), Chinese hydropower development in Africa and Asia. Challenges and opportunities for sustainable global dam-building. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 1-13. (Routledge explorations in development studies)

Siciliano, Giuseppina and Urban, Frauke (2017) 'China’s hydropower development in Africa and Asia: Implications for resource access and development.' In: Siciliano, Giuseppina and Urban, Frauke, (eds.), Chinese hydropower development in Africa and Asia. Challenges and opportunities for sustainable global dam-building. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 1-13. (Routledge explorations in development studies)

Siciliano, Giuseppina and Urban, Frauke (2017) 'Equity-based Natural Resource Allocation for Infrastructure Development: Evidence From Large Hydropower Dams in Africa and Asia.' Ecological Economics, 134. pp. 130-139.

Tan-Mullins, May, Mang, Grace and Urban, Frauke (2017) 'The political ecology of rising China: Case study of Chinese hydropower dams in Africa and Asia.' In: Siciliano, Giuseppina and Urban, Frauke, (eds.), Chinese hydropower development in Africa and Asia. Challenges and opportunities for sustainable global dam building. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 80-99. (Routledge explorations in development studies)

Tan-Mullins, May, Mang, Grace and Urban, Frauke (2017) 'The political ecology of rising China: Case study of Chinese hydropower dams in Africa and Asia.' In: Siciliano, Giuseppina and Urban, Frauke, (eds.), Chinese hydropower development in Africa and Asia. Challenges and opportunities for sustainable global dam building. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 80-99. (Routledge explorations in development studies)

Tan-Mullins, May, Urban, Frauke and Mang, Grace (2017) 'Evaluating the Behaviour of Chinese Stakeholders Engaged in Large Hydropower Projects in Asia and Africa.' The China Quarterly, 230. pp. 464-488.

Urban, Frauke and Siciliano, Giuseppina (2017) 'Challenges and opportunities for sustainable global dam-building.' In: Siciliano, Giuseppina and Urban, Frauke, (eds.), Chinese hydropower development in Africa and Asia. Challenges and opportunities for sustainable global dam building. Abingdon: Routledge. (Routledge explorations in development studies)

Urban, Frauke and Siciliano, Giuseppina (2017) 'Challenges and opportunities for sustainable global dam-building.' In: Siciliano, Giuseppina and Urban, Frauke, (eds.), Chinese hydropower development in Africa and Asia. Challenges and opportunities for sustainable global dam building. Abingdon: Routledge. (Routledge explorations in development studies)

Yankson, Paul, Asiedu, Alex, Owusu, Kwadwo, Urban, Frauke and Siciliano, Giuseppina (2017) 'The Livelihood Challenges of Resettled Communities of the Bui Dam Project in Ghana and the Role of Chinese Dam-Builders.' Development Policy Review, 36 (S1). 0476-0494.

Xin, Lai

Bellarby, Jessica, Siciliano, Giuseppina, Smith, Laurence, Xin, Lai, Zhou, Jianbin, Liu, Kun, Jie, Li, Meng, Fanqiao, Inman, Alex, Rahn, Clive, Surridge, Ben and Haygarth, Philip (2017) 'Strategies for sustainable nutrient management: Insights from a mixed natural and social science analysis of Chinese crop production systems.' Environmental Development, 21. pp. 52-65.

Yankson, Paul

Yankson, Paul, Asiedu, Alex, Owusu, Kwadwo, Urban, Frauke and Siciliano, Giuseppina (2017) 'The Livelihood Challenges of Resettled Communities of the Bui Dam Project in Ghana and the Role of Chinese Dam-Builders.' Development Policy Review, 36 (S1). 0476-0494.

Yu, Yihua

Ma, Ben, Yu, Yihua and Urban, Frauke (2017) 'Green transition of energy systems in rural China: National survey evidence of households’ discrete choices on water heaters.' Energy Policy, 113 (2). pp. 559-570.

Zhou, Jianbin

Bellarby, Jessica, Siciliano, Giuseppina, Smith, Laurence, Xin, Lai, Zhou, Jianbin, Liu, Kun, Jie, Li, Meng, Fanqiao, Inman, Alex, Rahn, Clive, Surridge, Ben and Haygarth, Philip (2017) 'Strategies for sustainable nutrient management: Insights from a mixed natural and social science analysis of Chinese crop production systems.' Environmental Development, 21. pp. 52-65.

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