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Number of items: 79.

Banerjee, Soumyadeep, Black, Richard, Mishra, Arabinda and Kniveton, Dominic (2019) 'Assessing vulnerability of remittance-recipient and non-recipient households in rural communities affected by extreme weather events: Case studies from south-west China and northeast India.' Population, Space and Place, 25 (2). e2157.

Black, Richard, Quartey, Peter, Castgnone, Eleonora, Nazio, Tiziana, Schoumaker, Bruno and Rakotonarivo, Nirina (2018) 'Ghanaian migration: economic participation.' In: Beauchemin, Cris, (ed.), Migration between Africa and Europe. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature, pp. 291-317.

González-Ferrer, Amparo, Kraus, Elisabeth, Baizán, Pau, Beauchemin, Cris, Black, Richard and Schoumaker, Bruno (2018) 'Migration between Africa and Europe: Assessing the role of resources, family and networks. A comparative approach.' In: Beauchemin, Cris, (ed.), Migration between Africa and Europe. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature, pp. 81-122.

Martin, Maxmillan, Kang, Yi hyun, Billah, Motasim, Siddiqui, Tasneem, Black, Richard and Kniveton, Dominic (2017) 'Climate-influenced migration in Bangladesh: the need for a policy realignment.' Development Policy Review, 35 (S2). O357-O379.

Banerjee, Soumyadeep, Kniveton, Dominic, Black, Richard, Bisht, Suman, Das, Partha Jyoti, Mahapatra, Bidhubhusan and Tuladhar, Sabarnee (2017) Do Financial Remittancces Build Household-Level Adaptive Capacity? A Case Study of Flood-Affected Households in India. KNOMAD Working Paper 18.

Adger, W. Neil, Arnell, Nigel W., Black, Richard, Dercon, Stefan, Geddes, Andrew and Thomas, David (2015) 'Focus on environmental risks and migration: causes and consequences.' Environmental Research Letters, 10 (060201).

González-Ferrer, Amparo, Baizán, Pau, Beauchemin, Cris, Kraus, Elisabeth, Schoumaker, Bruno and Black, Richard (2014) 'Distance, transnational arrangements and return decisions of Senegalese, Ghanaian and Congolese migrants.' International Migration Review, 48 (4). pp. 939-971.

De Caux, Robert, Smith, Christopher, Kniveton, Dominic, Black, Richard and Philippides, Andrew (2014) 'Dynamic, small-world social network generation through local agent interactions.' Complexity, 19 (6). pp. 44-53.

Martin, Maxmillan, Billah, Motasim, Siddiqui, Tasneem, Abrar, Chowdhury Rafiqul, Black, Richard and Kniveton, Dominic (2014) 'Climate related migration in rural Bangladesh: a behavioural model.' Population and Environment, 36 (1). pp. 85-110.

Black, Richard and Collyer, Michael (2014) 'Populations 'trapped' at times of crisis.' Forced Migration Review (45).

Black, Richard, Arnell, Nigel W. and Adger, W. Neil, eds. (2013) Global Environmental Change, extreme environmental events and ‘environmental migration’: exploring the connections. Amsterdam: Elsevier. (Special Issue of Environmental Science and Policy; Vol 21 S 1)

Black, Richard, Arnell, Nigel W., Adger, W. Neil, Thomas, David and Geddes, Andrew (2013) 'Migration, immobility and displacement outcomes of extreme events.' Environmental Science and Policy, 27 (1). S32-S43.

Kniveton, Dominic, Smith, Christopher and Black, Richard (2012) 'Emerging migration flows in a changing climate in dryland Africa.' Nature Climate Change, 2 (6). pp. 444-447.

Black, Richard, Bennett, Stephen R G, Thomas, Sandy M and Beddington, John R (2011) 'Climate change: migration as adaptation.' Nature, 478. pp. 477-479.

Black, Richard, Adger, W. Neil, Arnell, Nigel W., Dercon, Stefan, Geddes, Andrew and Thomas, David (2011) 'Migration and global environmental change.' Global Environmental Change, 21 (1). S1-S2.

Wright, Katie and Black, Richard (2011) 'International migration and the downturn: assessing the impacts of the global financial downturn on migration, poverty and human well-being.' Journal of International Development, 23 (4). pp. 555-564.

Wright, Katie and Black, Richard (2011) 'Poverty, migration and human well-being: towards a post-crisis research and policy agenda.' Journal of International Development, 23 (4). pp. 548-554.

Black, Richard, Kniveton, Dominic and Schmidt-Verkerk, Kerstin (2011) 'Migration and climate change: towards an integrated assessment of sensitivity.' Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 43 (2). pp. 431-450.

Black, Richard, Arnell, Nigel W. and Dercon, Stefan, eds. (2011) Migration and Global Environmental Change - Review of Drivers of Migration. Amsterdam: Elsevier. (Special Issue of Global Environmental Change; Vol 21, S1)

Black, Richard, Adger, W. Neil, Arnell, Nigel W., Dercon, Stefan, Geddes, Andrew and Thomas, David (2011) Migration and Global Environmental Change: Future Challenges and Opportunities. London: Government Office for Science.

Black, Richard (2011) 'Migration as a public good: can migration work for development?' In: Berendsen, Bernard, (ed.), Common Goods in a Divided World. Amsterdam: KIT Publishers, pp. 98-118.

Black, Richard, Pantiru, Maria Cristina, Engbersen, Godfried and Okolski, Marek (2010) A Continent Moving West? EU Enlargement and Labour Migration from Central and Eastern Europe. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. (IMISCOE Research)

King, Russell, Black, Richard, Collyer, Michael, Fielding, Anthony and Skeldon, Ronald (2010) People on the Move: An Atlas of Human Migration. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

Engbersen, Godfried, Okolski, Marek, Black, Richard and Pantiru, Maria Cristina (2010) 'Introduction: Working out a way from East to West: EU enlargement and labour migration from Central and Eastern Europe.' In: Black, Richard, Engbersen, Godfried, Okolski, Marek and Pantiru, Maria Cristina, (eds.), A Continent Moving West? EU Enlargement and Labour Migration from Central and Eastern Europe. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 7-22.

Black, Richard and Skeldon, Ronald (2009) 'Strengthening data and research tools on migration and development.' International Migration Review, 47 (5). pp. 3-22.

Black, Richard and Sward, Jon (2009) Migration, Poverty Reduction Strategies and Human Development - Human Development Research Paper; 38. New York, NY: United Nations Development Programme.

Black, Richard and Castaldo, Adriana (2009) 'Return migration and entrepreneurship in Ghana and Cote d'lvoire: the role of capital transfers.' Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 100 (1). pp. 44-58.

Smith, Christopher, Kniveton, Dominic, Wood, Sharon and Black, Richard (2008) 'Predictive Modeling.' Forced Migration Review (31). pp. 58-59.

Markova, Eugenia and Black, Richard (2008) 'The experiences of 'new' East European immigrants in the UK labour market.' Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 16 (1). pp. 19-31.

Kniveton, Dominic, Schmidt-Verkerk, Kerstin, Smith, Christopher and Black, Richard (2008) Climate Change and Migration: Improving Methodologies to Estimate Flows. Geneva: International Organization for Migration. MRS No.33.

Black, Richard, Kniveton, Dominic, Skeldon, Ronald, Coppard, David, Murata, Akira and Schmidt-Verkerk, Kerstin (2008) Demographics and climate change: future trends and their policy implications for migration. Brighton: Development Research Centre on Migration, Globalisation and Poverty, University of Sussex. Working paper T27.

Black, Richard, Jones, Larissa, Pantiru, Maria Cristina, Sabates-Wheeler, Rachel, Skeldon, Ronald and Vathi, Zana (2007) Understanding migration as a driver of poverty reduction in Europe and Central Asia. Brighton: University of Sussex. Working Paper C9.

Markova, Eugenia and Black, Richard (2007) East European immigration and community cohesion. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation, pp. 1-80.

Black, Richard (2007) 'Should governments encourage migration?' Kasarinlan: Philippines Journal of Third World Studies, 22 (1). pp. 173-178.

Black, Richard (2006) 'Moving backwards? Migration in sub-Saharan Africa.' In: Marschall, Barbarra, (ed.), The politics of migration: a survey. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 112-129.

Black, Richard (2006) 'Return of refugees: retrospect and prospect.' In: Dumper, Michael, (ed.), Palestinian refugee repatriation: global perspectives. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 23-40. (Routledge studies in Middle Eastern politics)

Black, Richard, ed. (2006) Sustainable Return in the Balkans: Beyond Property Restitution and Policy. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. (Special Issue of International Migaration; Vol. 44 No. 3)

Black, Richard and Gent, Saskia (2006) 'Sustainable return in post-conflict contexts.' International Migration, 44 (3). pp. 15-38.

Black, Richard, Collyer, Michael, Skeldon, Ronald and Waddington, Clare (2006) 'Routes to illegal residence: a case study of immigration detainees in the United Kingdom.' Geoforum, 37 (4). pp. 552-564.

Black, Richard, Eastmond, Marita and Gent, Saskia (2006) 'Sustainable Return in the Balkans: Beyond Property Restitution and Policy.' International Migration, 44 (3). pp. 5-13.

Black, Richard and Gedeshi, I (2006) From Brain Drain to Brain Gain: Mobilising Albania's Skilled Diaspora. United Nations Development Programme.

Black, Richard and Watson, Elizabeth (2006) 'Local community, legitimacy and culture authenticity in post-conflict natural resource management: Ethiopia and Mozambique.' Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 24 (2). pp. 263-282.

Black, Richard, Xiang, Biao, Collyer, Michael, Engbersen, Godfried, Heering, Liesbeth and Markova, Eugenia (2006) 'Migration and development: causes and consequences.' In: Penninx, Rinus, Berger, Maria and Kraal, Karen, (eds.), The Dynamics of International Migration and Settlement in Europe. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 41-64. (IMISCOE Research Series)

Black, Richard, Natali, Claudia and Skinner, Jessica (2005) Migration and Inequality. World Development Report 2006 Background Papers.

Black, Richard, Collyer, Michael, Skeldon, Ronald and Waddington, Clare (2005) A survey of the illegally resident population in detention in the UK. London: Home Office Online Report 20/05.

Black, Richard (2004) Migration and pro-poor policy in Africa. Brighton: Development Research Centre on Migration, Globalisation and Poverty. Working Paper C6.

Black, Richard and King, Russell (2004) 'Editorial Introduction: Migration, Return and Development in West Africa.' Population, Space and Place, 10 (2). pp. 75-83.

Black, Richard and King, Russell, eds. (2004) Transnational Migration, Return and Development in West Africa. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. (Special Issue of Population, Space and Place; Vol.10)

Tiemoko, Richmond and Black, Richard (2004) 'Migration, Retour et Impact en Afrique de l'Ouest.' In: Damon, Jacqueline, (ed.), L'Afrique de l'Ouest dans la competition mondiale. Paris: Karthala. (Économie et développement)

White, Howard and Black, Richard (2004) 'Millennium Development Goals: a drop in the ocean?' In: Black, Richard and White, Howard, (eds.), Targeting Development: Critical Perspectives on the Millennium Development Goals. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 1-24. (Routledge Studies in Development Economics Series)

Black, Richard, Koser, Khalid, Munk, Karen, Atfield, Gaby, D'Onofrio, Lisa and Tiemoko, Richmond (2004) Understanding voluntary return. London: Home Office Online Report 50/04.

Black, Richard and White, Howard, eds. (2004) Targeting Development: Critical Perspectives on the Millennium Development Goals. Abingdon; New York: Routledge. (Routledge Studies in Development Economics)

Schafer, Jessica and Black, Richard (2003) 'Conflict, Peace, and the History of Natural Resource Management in Sussundenga District, Mozambique.' African Studies Review, 46 (3). pp. 55-81.

Black, Richard (2003) 'Soaring remittances raise new issues.' Migration Information Source.

Black, Richard (2003) 'Ethical codes in humanitarian emergencies: from practice to research.' Disasters, 27 (2). pp. 95-108.

Black, Richard, King, Russell and Tiemoko, Richmond (2003) Migration, return and small enterprise development in Ghana: a route out of poverty? Brighton: Sussex Migration Working Paper no. 9.

Black, Richard (2003) 'Breaking the convention: researching the 'illegal' migration of refugees to Europe.' Antipode, 35 (1). pp. 34-54.

Black, Richard (2003) 'Forced migration and sustainable development: post-conflict opportunities in Ethiopia and Mozambique.' Praxis: The Fletcher Journal of Human Security, 18. pp. 31-41.

Black, Richard, Fielding, Anthony, King, Russell, Skeldon, Ronald and Tiemoko, Richmond (2003) Longitudinal studies: an insight into current studies and the social and economic outcomes for migrants. Brighton: Sussex Centre for Migration Research. Sussex Migration Working Paper no. 14.

Black, Richard (2003) 'Refugee and asylum-seeker.' Contributions to Encarta Encyclopaedia. Microsoft.

Black, Richard (2002) 'Conceptions of 'home' and the political geography of refugee repatriation: between assumption and contested reality in Bosnia-Herzegovina.' Applied Geography, 22 (2). pp. 123-138.

Black, Richard (2001) 'Refugees.' In: Desai, Vandana and Potter, Robert B, (eds.), The Arnold companion to development studies. London: Hodder Arnold, pp. 436-440.

Al-Ali, Nadje, Black, Richard and Koser, Khalid (2001) 'Refugees and transnationalism: the experience of Bosnians and Eritreans in Europe.' Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 7 (4). pp. 615-634.

Ammassari, Savina and Black, Richard (2001) Harnessing the potential of Migration and Return to Promote Development: Applying Concepts to West Africa. Geneva: International Organization for Migration.

Black, Richard (2001) 'Return and reconstruction: missing link or mistaken priority in post-Dayton Bosnia and Herzegovina?' SAIS Review, 21 (2). pp. 177-199.

Al-Ali, Nadje, Black, Richard and Koser, Khalid (2001) 'The limits to transnationalism: Bosnian and Eritrean refugees in Europe as emerging transnational communities.' Ethnic and Racial Studies, 24 (4). pp. 578-600.

Black, Richard (2001) Environmental refugees: myth or reality? United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. New issues in refugee research, working paper 34.

Black, Richard (2001) 'Fifty years of refugee studies: from theory to policy.' International Migration Review, 35 (1). pp. 55-78.

Black, Richard, ed. (1999) The End of the Refugee Cycle? Refugee Repatriation and Reconstruction. Oxford: Berghahn. (Forced Migration)

Koser, Khalid and Black, Richard (1999) 'Limits to harmonization: The temporary protection of refugees in the European Union.' International Migration, 37 (3). pp. 521-544.

Black, Richard (1998) Refugees, environment and development. Harlow: Longman, 229pp. (Longman development studies)

Pottier, Johan (1998) 'The Self in Self-Repatriation: Closing down Mugunga Camp Eastern Zaire.' In: Black, Richard and Koser, Khalid, (eds.), The End of the Refugee Cycle? Refugee Repatriation and Reconstruction. Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp. 142-170.

Black, Richard and Sessay, Mohamed (1997) 'Forced migration land-use change and political economy in the forest region of Guinea.' African Affairs, 96 (385). pp. 587-605.

King, Russell and Black, Richard, eds. (1997) Southern Europe and the New Immigrants. Brighton: Sussex Academic Press.

Black, Richard (1996) 'Immigration and social justice: towards a progressive European immigration policy?' Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 21 (1). pp. 64-75.

Hoggart, Keith, Buller, Henry and Black, Richard (1995) Rural Europe: Identity and Change. London: Edward Arnold.

Black, Richard, ed. (1993) Geography and Refugees: Patterns and Processes of Change. London: Belhaven Press.

Black, Richard (1992) Angola. Oxford: Clio Press. (World Bibliographic Series; 151)

Black, Richard (1992) Crisis and Change in Rural Europe: Agricultural Development in the Portuguese Mountains. Aldershot: Avebury.

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