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Number of items: 36.

Edited Book or Journal Volume

Centeno, Marcos and Raine, Michael, eds. (2018) Developments in the Japanese Documentary Mode. Basel: MDPI. (Arts, December 2018)

Centeno, Marcos and Morita, Nori, eds. (2018) Special Issue "Japanese Transnational Cinema". Basel: MDPI. (Arts, September 2018)

Book Chapters

Centeno, Marcos (2020) 'Susumu Hani and the avant-garde documentary movement.' In: Lira, Claudia and Iacobelli, Pedro, (eds.), Memoria y paisaje en el cine japonés de posguerra. Santiago de Chile: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Centeno, Marcos (2019) 'Postwar Narratives and the Avant-garde Documentary: Tokyo 1958 and Furyō Shōnen.' In: Martinez, Dolores, Guarné, Blai and Lozano-Méndez, Artur, (eds.), Persistently Postwar: Media and the Politics of Memory in Japan. Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 41-62.

Centeno, Marcos (2018) 'Comunicación visual de conflictos. La masacre de Nankín [Visual Communication of Conflicts. The Nanking Massacre].' In: Arévalo Salinas, Alex Iván, Vilar Sastre, Griselda and Al Najjar Trujillo, Tamer, (eds.), Comunicación, Paz y Conflictos. Madrid: Dykinson.

Centeno, Marcos (2018) 'Method Directors. Susumu Hani and Yasujirō Ozu: a Comparative Approach across Paradigms.' In: Becker, Andreas, (ed.), Yasujirô Ozu and the Aesthetics of his Time. Darmstadt: Büchner-Verlag, pp. 125-152.

Centeno, Marcos (2016) 'El redescubrimiento del cine documental japonés. El estudio contemporáneo de la desconocida obra de Susumu Hani en Iwanami Eiga.' In: Lozano-Méndez, Artur, (ed.), El Japón contemporáneo : una aproximación desde los estudios culturales. Barcelona: Ediciones Bellaterra. (Biblioteca de estudios japoneses ; v 4)

Centeno, Marcos (2016) 'Transcultural Corporeity in Taiyozoku Youth Cinema. Some Notes on the Contradictions of Japaneseness in the Economic Miracle.' In: Becker, Andreas and Adachi-Rabe, Kayo, (eds.), Presentation of Bodies in Japanese Films / Körperinszenierungen im japanischen Film. Darmstadt: Büchner-Verlag, pp. 143-160.

Centeno, Marcos (2016) 'The rediscovery of the Japanese documentary cinema. The contemporary study of the unknown works of Susumu Hani in Iwanami Eiga.' In: Lozano-Méndez, Artur, (ed.), El Japón Contemporáneo. Una aproximación desde los estudios culturales. Barcelona: Bellaterra, pp. 33-54.

Centeno, Marcos (2011) 'Discovering Minorities in Japan: First Korean Representations in Japanese Cinema.' In: ACCS. The Asian Conference on Cultural Studies. Conference proceedings. Osaka: IAFOR (The International Academic Forum), pp. 125-137.

Centeno, Marcos (2011) 'Views of Modern and Postmodern Tokyo: Dehumanization, Urban and Body Changes.' In: Biserna, Elena and Brown, Precious, (eds.), Cinema, Architecture, Dispositif. Pasian di Prato: Campanotto Editore, pp. 156-161.

Journal Article

Centeno, Marcos (2018) 'Introduction. The Misleading Discovery of Japanese National Cinema.' Arts, 7 (4).

Centeno, Marcos (2018) 'The Limits of Fiction: Politics and Absent Scenes in Susumu Hani’s Bad Boys (Furyōshōnen, 1960). A Film Re-reading through its Script.' Journal of Japanese and Korean Cinema, 10. pp. 1-15.

Centeno, Marcos (2018) 'Contextualising N. G. Munro’s filming of the Ainu Bear Ceremony.' Japan Society Proceedings, 154. pp. 90-106.

Centeno, Marcos (2018) 'Deceiving ‘Primitivism’. Ainu people in 1910s Travelogues.' Annals, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature, 2018 (1). pp. 127-142.

Centeno, Marcos (2018) 'El arte de la (re)producción. Contribución japonesa al debate sobre qué es la imagen (eizō) [The art of (re)production. Japanese Contribution to the debate on what is image (eizō)].' Trama y Fondo, 44.

Centeno, Marcos (2018) 'Failures of the Image: Backstage Look at the Early Film Portrayals of the Ainu People.' Orientalia Parthenopea (17). pp. 189-211.

Centeno, Marcos (2017) 'The Fight for the Self-Representation: Ainu Imaginary, Ethnicity and Assimilation.' Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media (13). pp. 69-89.

Centeno, Marcos (2017) '¿Es el cine japonés un cine nacional?' Studium. Revista de Humanidades (23). pp. 245-272.

Centeno, Marcos (2017) 'Del Viaje del Turista Al Viaje del Héroe. Mímesis Cinematográfica del Discurso Turístico Japonés Sobre España. El Caso de Andarushia (2011) [From a Tourist Journey to a Hero Journey. Film Mimesis in the Tourist Japanese Discourse on Spain: the Case of Andalushia].' MIRAI Estudios Japoneses, 1 (1). pp. 93-111.

Centeno, Marcos (2017) 'Transnational Circulation of Images of the Pacific War (1941-1945): The Japanese Empire Seen through Spanish Newsreels.' Irish Journal of Asian Studies (IJAS), 3. pp. 1-17.

Centeno, Marcos (2015) 'The Shapes of Otherness: the Representation of the Ainu People in Brodsky’s Travelogues 1918-1919.' Kokoro, Revista para la difusión de la cultura japonesa (17). pp. 14-22.

Centeno, Marcos (2015) '¿Qué se oculta tras el papel en blanco de machino? El dibujo como puerta al mundo interior infantil en children who draw (1956) de Susumu Hani.' L’Atalante. Revista de Estudios Cinematográficos. (Unpublished)

Centeno, Marcos (2014) 'Demystifying the Notion of Japaneseness: the Documentary 'Ainu. Pathways to memory.' Eikyō, Influencias japonesas (13). pp. 4-7.

Centeno, Marcos (2014) 'Las grietas de la imagen. Una mirada a la trastienda de los primeros documentales etnográfico sobre el pueblo ainu (1897-1936).' Secuencias. Revista de historia del cine (40). pp. 62-80.

Centeno, Marcos (2014) '“The ‘Other’ Ainu in Japanese Documentary Cinema: from the Rediscovery of Minorities to Memory as Struggle in Tadayoshi Himeda’s Films.' Studium. Revista de Humanidades (20). pp. 203-230.

Centeno, Marcos (2012) 'Who can say that we should not live like dogs? Retrospective of Shuji Terayama.' Contrapicado. Escritos sobre cine.

Centeno, Marcos (2010) 'Use of the Archive Pictures and Political Context in the Japanese New Wave.' Cinéma et Art Contemporain III. pp. 116-122.

Centeno, Marcos (2010) 'Transition in the Japanese Youth Cinema 1956-1960: From the Taiyozoku Phenomenon to the New Wave.' Cinema & cie: international film studies journal, 10 (14-15). pp. 178-180.

Monographs and Working Papers

Centeno, Marcos (2018) Re-editing the Pacific War in Franco Newsreels (1941-1945). London: The Second World War Research Group, Kings College.

Book Reviews

Centeno, Marcos (2015) 'Review of: Anime, Religion and Spirituality: Profane and Sacred Worlds in Contemporary Japan. By Katharine Buljan and Carole M. Cusack. Equinox, 2015.' Reading Religion. A Publication of the American Academy of Religion .


Centeno, Marcos and Liverani, Laura (2013) Ainu 2009-2013. [Shows/Exhibitions] (Unpublished)


Centeno, Marcos (2015) Susumu Hani (1950-1960): la aportación teórico-práctica al documental y al cine juvenil japonés. Una aproximación al caso de Hani como precursor de la Nueva Ola. PhD thesis. Universitat de València.

Centeno, Marcos (2009) Transition in the Japanese Youth Cinema (1956-1960): from the Taiyōzoku Phenomenon to the New Wave. Crazed Fruit, Kisses and Cruel Story of Youth. Comparative Analysis, Contextual Parameters and Thematic and Formal Transgressions. MPhil thesis. University of Valencia.


Centeno, Marcos (2014) Ainu. Pathways to Memory. . Available from


Centeno, Marcos (2016) 'Kore-eda’s Our Little Sister: a Return to the Japanese Classicism.' Film Criticism, 40 (3). Michigan , USA: Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library.

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