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Number of items: 60.

Mark, James and Clark, Phil, eds. (2024) Not Nuremberg — Histories of Alternative Criminalization Paradigms, 1945–2021. Philadelphia, PA: Pennsylvania University Press. (Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and Development. Vol. 15, no.1)

Mark, James and Clark, Phil (2024) 'Not Nuremberg — Histories of Alternative Criminalization Paradigms, 1945–2021: An Introduction.' Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and Development., 15 (1). pp. 41-57.

Clark, Phil, Ndahinda, Felix, Shenge, Sandra, Palmer, Nicola and Mosley, Jason (2022) Rwandan Researchers are Finally Being Centred in Scholarship about Their Own Country. The Conversation [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Lunn, David, Habib, Adam and Clark, Phil (2022) A social pact between university heads and unions could address the current workforce crisis. WonkHE [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Clark, Phil (2021) The Two Rwandas: Development and Dissent under Kagame. Foreign Affairs Online [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Clark, Phil (2021) 'The International Criminal Court’s Impact on Peacebuilding in Africa.' In: McNamee, Terence and Muyangwa, Monde, (eds.), The State of Peacebuilding in Africa: Lessons Learned for Policymakers and Practitioners. Cham: Springer Nature, pp. 235-256.

Clark, Phil (2020) 'The UN Security Council and Transitional Justice: The Democratic Republic of Congo.' In: Brubaker, Rebecca, (ed.), The UN Security Council and Transitional Justice. New York: United Nations University, pp. 73-98.

Clark, Phil (2019) 'The International Criminal Court in Africa and the Politics of International Justice.' In: Thompson, William R., (ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Clark, Phil (2018) Distant Justice: The Impact of the International Criminal Court on African Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (African Studies)

Clark, Phil (2017) 'Rwanda's Recovery: When Remembrance is Official Policy.' Foreign Affairs, 97 (1). pp. 35-41.

Clark, Phil (2014) 'Negotiating Reconciliation in Rwanda: Popular Challenges to the Official Discourse of Post-Genocide National Unity.' Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 8 (4). pp. 303-320.

Clark, Phil (2014) 'Bringing Them All Back Home: The Challenges of DDR and Transitional Justice in Contexts of Displacement in Rwanda and Uganda.' Journal of Refugee Studies, 27 (2). pp. 234-259.

Clark, Phil (2014) 'Bringing the peasants back in, again: state power and local agency in Rwanda's Gacaca Courts.' Journal of Eastern African Studies, 8 (2). pp. 193-213.

Clark, Phil and Mosley, Jason, eds. (2014) Rwanda under the RPF: Assessing Twenty Years of Post-Conflict Governance. London: Taylor and Francis. (Special Issue of Journal of Eastern African Studies, Vol. 8 (2))

Clark, Phil (2013) 'Gacaca.' In: Stan, Lavinia and Nedelsky, Nadya, (eds.), Encyclopedia of Transitional Justice, 3 vols. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Clark, Phil (2013) 'Rwanda.' In: Stan, Lavinia and Nedelsky, Nadya, (eds.), Encyclopedia of Transitional Justice, 3 vols. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Clark, Phil (2013) 'The Challenges of International Criminal Law in Addressing Mass Atrocity.' In: Arrigo, Bruce and Bersot, Heather, (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of International Crime and Justice Studies. Oxon; New York: Routledge.

Clark, Phil (2013) 'Transitional Justice after Atrocity: International and Local Trends in Africa.' In: Cheeseman, Nic, Anderson, David M. and Scheibler, Andrea, (eds.), Routledge Handbook of African Politics. Oxon; New York: Routledge.

Palmer, Nicola, Clark, Phil and Granville, Danielle, eds. (2012) Critical Perspectives in Transitional Justice. Antwerp: Intersentia Publishers. (Series on Transitional Justice; 8)

Clark, Phil (2012) 'Addressing Atrocity at the Local Level: Community-Based Approaches to Transitional Justice in Central Africa.' In: May, Larry, (ed.), Morality, Jus Post Bellum and International Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (ASIL Studies in International Legal Theory)

Clark, Phil and Palmer, Nicola (2012) 'Challenging Transitional Justice.' In: Palmer, Nicola, Clark, Phil and Granville, Danielle, (eds.), Critical Perspectives in Transitional Justice. Antwerp: Intersentia Publishers, pp. 1-17. (Series on Transitional Justice; 8)

Clark, Phil (2012) 'Creeks of Justice: Debating Post-Atrocity Accountability in Rwanda and Uganda.' In: Lessa, Francesca and Payne, Leigh A., (eds.), Amnesty in the Age of Human Rights Accountability Comparative and International Perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 210-236.

Clark, Phil (2012) 'Transitional Justice in Post-Conflict Societies.' In: Brown, Graham K. and Langer, Arnim, (eds.), Elgar Handbook of Civil War and Fragile States. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Clark, Phil (2010) 'Gacaca: Rwanda's Experiment in Community-Based Justice for Genocide Crimes Comes to a Close.' Foreign Policy Digest.

Clark, Phil (2010) The Gacaca Courts and Post-Genocide Justice and Reconciliation in Rwanda: Justice without Lawyers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Clark, Phil (2010) 'Truth and Reconciliation at a Price.' Radio Netherlands Worldwide.

Clark, Phil (2010) 'Kagame's Power Struggle.' The Guardian.

Clark, Phil (2010) 'Wahrheit, Gerechtigkeit, Heilung: Was Für eine Aufarbeitung Nötig ist.' Internationale Politik das Magazin für globales Denken.

Clark, Phil (2010) 'Beyond Polarisation: Debating Local Accountability and Reconciliation Rituals in Northern Uganda.' In: Onyango, J. F. and Wrange, P., (eds.), The International Criminal Court and the Juba Peace Process. Kampala: Fountain Publishers.

Clark, Phil (2010) 'Chasing Cases: The ICC and the Politics of State Referral in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda.' In: Stahn, Carsten, (ed.), The International Criminal Court and Complementarity: From Theory to Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Clark, Phil (2010) Debating International Justice in Africa. Oxford: Oxford Transitional Justice Research.

Clark, Phil (2010) Doing Justice during Conflict: The International Criminal Court in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda. (Unpublished)

Clark, Phil (2010) 'Review of Joanna Quinn (ed.), Reconciliation(s): Transitional Justice in Postconflict Societies.' International Journal of Transitional Justice, 4 (1). pp. 138-143.

Clark, Phil and Palmer, Nicola (2009) International Community Fails Rwanda Again. Oxford Transitional Justice Research Working Paper Series.

Clark, Phil (2009) Can International Courts Do Justice? Conceptions of Justice in Responding to Conflict. Foundation for Law, Justice and Society.

Clark, Phil and Kaufman, Zachary D. (2009) 'After Genocide.' In: Clark, Phil and Kaufman, Zachary D., (eds.), After Genocide: Transitional Justice, Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Reconciliation in Rwanda and Beyond. New York: Columbia University Press.

Clark, Phil and Kaufman, Zachary D., eds. (2009) After Genocide: Transitional Justice, Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Reconciliation in Rwanda and Beyond. London: Columbia University Press.

Carroll, Patrick (2009) 'Establishing a Conceptual Framework of Transitional Justice: Six Key Themes.' In: Clark, Phil and Kaufman, Zachary D., (eds.), After Genocide: Transitional Justice, Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Reconciliation in Rwanda and Beyond. New York: Columbia University Press.

Clark, Phil (2009) 'Grappling in the Great Lakes: The Challenges of International Justice in Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda.' In: Bowden, Brett, Charlesworth, Hilary and Farrall, Jeremy, (eds.), Great Expectations: The Role of International Law in Restructuring Societies after Conflict. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 244-269.

Clark, Phil (2009) 'The Rules (and Politics) of Engagement: The Gacaca Courts and Post-Genocide Justice, Healing and Reconciliation in Rwanda.' In: Clark, Phil and Kaufman, Zachary D., (eds.), After Genocide: Transitional Justice, Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Reconciliation in Rwanda and Beyond. New York: Columbia University Press.

Clark, Phil (2009) 'Tensions in Transitional Justice.' In: Clark, Phil and Kaufman, Zachary D., (eds.), After Genocide: Transitional Justice, Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Reconciliation in Rwanda and Beyond. London: Columbia University Press.

Clark, Phil (2008) 'Congo Crisis: Two Misjudgements.' The New York Times.

Clark, Phil (2008) Ocampo’s Darfur Strategy Depends on Congo. Oxford Transitional Justice Research Working Paper Series.

Clark, Phil (2008) If Ocampo Indicts Bashir, Nothing May Happen. Oxford Transitional Justice Research Working Paper Series.

Clark, Phil (2008) 'Law, Politics and Pragmatism: ICC Case Selection in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda.' In: Clark, Phil and Waddell, Nicholas, (eds.), Courting Conflict? Peace, Justice and the ICC in Africa. London: Royal African Society.

Clark, Phil (2008) 'Ethnicity, Leadership and Conflict Resolution in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo: The Case of the Barza Inter-Communautaire.' Journal of Eastern African Studies, 2 (1). pp. 1-17.

Clark, Phil and Waddell, Nicholas (2008) 'Courting Conflict.' In: Carroll, Patrick and Waddell, Nicholas, (eds.), Courting Conflict? Peace, Justice and the ICC in Africa. London: Royal African Society.

Clark, Phil (2008) 'Review of Victor Peskin, 'International Justice in Rwanda and the Balkans: Virtual Trials and State Cooperation'.' Ethics and International Affairs, 22 (4).

Clark, Phil (2007) 'Hybridity, Holism and ‘Traditional’ Justice: The Case of the Gacaca Community Courts in Post-Genocide Rwanda.' George Washington International Law Review, 39 (4). pp. 765-838.

Clark, Phil (2007) Making Peace Our Own: Victims’ Perceptions of Accountability, Reconciliation and Transitional Justice in Northern Uganda. Geneva: United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

Clark, Phil and Waddell, Nicholas (2007) 'Dilemmas of Justice.' Prospect.

Clark, Phil and Waddell, Nicholas (2007) Peace, Justice and the ICC in Africa. London: Royal African Society.

Clark, Phil (2007) 'In the Shadow of the Volcano: Democracy and Justice in Congo.' Dissent, 54 (1). pp. 29-35.

Clark, Phil (2006) 'Traditional Justice: Gacaca in Rwanda.' Interview transcript in New Vision.

Clark, Phil (2006) 'Justice Must Be Relevant to Iraqis.' Essay in PostGlobal Debate: Salvaging Iraq, The Washington Post.

Clark, Phil (2005) 'Review of Nigel Eltringham, Accounting for Horror: Post-Genocide Debates in Rwanda.' African Affairs, 104 (414). pp. 146-147.

Clark, Phil (2005) 'Hero, Failure or Casualty? – A Peacekeeper’s Experience of Genocide.' Dissent, 52 (2). pp. 115-121.

Clark, Phil (2005) 'When the Killers Go Home: Local Justice in Rwanda.' Dissent, 52 (3). pp. 14-21.

Clark, Phil (2004) 'Judging Genocide on the Grass.' Oxonian Review of Books, 3 (4).

Clark, Phil (2004) 'Voices of the Victims.' Oxonian Review of Books, 3 (1).

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