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Crewe, Emma (2021) An Anthropology of Parliaments: Entanglements in Democratic Politics. London: Routledge.
Crewe, Emma and Walker, Andrew (2019) An Extraordinary Scandal: The Westminster Expenses Crisis and Why it Still Matters. London, UK: Haus Publishing.
Crewe, Emma (2015) Commons and Lords: a short anthropology of Parliament. London: Haus Publishing. (Curiosities)
Crewe, Emma (2015) The House of Commons: an anthropology of MPs' work. London: Bloomsbury. (Identity and nation)
Crewe, Emma and Axelby, Richard (2012) Anthropology and Development: Culture, Morality and Politics in a Globalised World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Crewe, Emma (2005) Lords of Parliament: manners, rituals and politics. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Crewe, Emma and Harrison, Elizabeth (1998) Whose Development? An Ethnography of Aid. London; New York: Zed Books.
Axelby, Richard and Hoyler, Telma, eds. (2024) Living Democracy: Open Conversations. London: SOAS University of London Books.
Teixeira, Carla Costa, Crewe, Emma and Brum Bernardes, Cristiane, eds. (2023) Dossier: Ethnography of Governance Institutions: Introduction. Brasília: Associação Brasileira de Antropologia (ABA). (Vibrant: Virtual Brazilian Anthropology. Special issue, vol.20)
Chauhan, Kiran, Crewe, Emma and Mowles, Chris, eds. (2022) Complexity and leadership. London: Routledge. (Complexity and management)
Crewe, Emma and Müller, Marion G., eds. (2006) Rituals in Parliaments: political, anthropological and historical perspectives on Europe and the United States. Frankfurt am Main; New York: Peter Lang.
Crewe, Emma (2024) 'Reimagining rhythms, rituals and symbols.' In: Judge, David and Leston-Bandeira, Cristina, (eds.), Reimagining Parliament. Bristol: Bristol University Press, pp. 32-47.
Crewe, Emma (2023) 'Rhythms of navigating time and space in the UK House of Commons.' In: Psarra, Sophia, Sternberg, Claudia Schrag and Staiger, Uta, (eds.), Parliament Buildings: The architecture of politics in Europe. London: UCL Press, pp. 49-62.
Bernardes, Cristiane, Cornwall, Andrea, Crewe, Emma and Hoyler, Telma (2023) 'Collaborative reflexive inquiry into parliaments.' In: Chibois, Jonathan and Shapiro, Samuel, (eds.), Fieldwork in centres of power, a longitudinal perspective. London: Routledge. (Forthcoming)
Crewe, Emma and Sarra, Nicholas (2021) 'Constituency Performances: the “heart” of democratic politics.' In: Rai, Shirin M., Gluhovic, Milija, Jestrovic, Silvija and Saward, Michael, (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Politics and Performance. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Oxford Handbooks)
Crewe, Emma (2020) 'Anthropology of Parliaments.' In: Benoit, Cyril and Rozenberg, Olivier, (eds.), Handbook of Parliamentary Studies: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Legislatures. Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar, pp. 389-407.
Crewe, Emma and Axelby, Richard (2018) 'International Development, Anthropology in.' In: Callan, Hilary, (ed.), The Wiley Blackwell International Encyclopedia of Anthropology. Oxford: Wiley.
Crewe, Emma (2018) 'Anthropologie des parlements.' In: Rozenberg, Olivier and Thiers, E., (eds.), Traité d’études parlementaires. Bruxelles: Bruylant, pp. 607-636.
Crewe, Emma and Evans, Paul (2018) 'The Significance of Rituals in Parliament.' In: Leston-Bandeira, Cristina and Thompson, Louise, (eds.), Exploring Parliament. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 43-52.
Crewe, Emma (2017) 'Magi or Mandarins? Contemporary Clerkly Culture.' In: Evans, Paul, (ed.), Essays on the History of Parliamentary Procedure. Oxford; Portland: Hart, pp. 45-68. (Hart Studies in Constitutional Law)
Crewe, Emma (2014) 'Westminster parliamentarians: Performing Politics.' In: Rai, Shirin M. and Johnson, Rachel E., (eds.), Democracy in Practice: Ceremony and Ritual in Parliament. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 40-59.
Crewe, Emma (2011) 'An anthropology of the House of Lords: socialisation, relationships and rituals.' In: Rai, Shirin M., (ed.), Ceremony and Ritual in Parliament. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 30-41. (Library of Legislative Studies)
Crewe, Emma (2006) 'Rituals and the Usual Channels in the British House of Lords.' In: Crewe, Emma and Müller, Marion G., (eds.), Rituals in Parliaments. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
Crewe, Emma (2005) 'Enhancing Influence through Effective Communication.' In: Raman, Meenakshi, Sharma, Sangeeta and Mishra, Binod, (eds.), Communicating at Work: Shifting Paradigms and Emerging Trends. New Delhi: Jain Brothers.
Crewe, Emma (2004) 'Context, Evidence and Links: A Conceptual Framework for Understanding Research-Policy Process.' In: Court, Julius, Hovland, Ingie and Young, John, (eds.), Bridging Research and Policy in Development: Context, Evidence and Links. London: Intermediate Technology Publications.
Crewe, Emma and Harrison, Elizabeth (2004) 'Is Culture a Barrier to Change?' In: Edelman, Marc and Haugerud, Angelique, (eds.), The Anthropology of Development and Globalization. Oxford: Blackwell.
Crewe, Emma (1997) 'The Silent Traditions of Developing Cooks.' In: Grillo, R. D. and Stirrat, R. L., (eds.), Discourses of Development: Anthropological Perspectives. London: Berg. (Explorations in anthropology)
Crewe, Emma (1995) 'Indoor Air Pollution, Household Health and Appropriate Technology: Women and the Indoor Environment.' In: Bradford, B. and Gwynne, M., (eds.), Down to Earth: Community Perspectives on Health, Development and the Environment. Washington: Kumarian Press.
Crewe, Emma (1991) 'Indoor Air Pollution, Household Health and Appropriate Technology: Women and the Indoor Environment in Sri Lanka.' In: Clark, John, (ed.), Democratizing Development: the role of voluntary organizations. London: Kumarian Press.
Crewe, Emma (2024) 'Parliamentary standards under attack: an interdisciplinary approach to understanding the Westminster Parliament.' Journal of Legislative Studies, 30 (2). pp. 169-189.
Axelby, Richard, Worku-Dix, Beth and Crewe, Emma (2022) 'Global partnerships on paper and in practice: Critical observations from inside a Global Challenge Research Fund capacity-development project.' Journal of International Development, 34 (8). pp. 1496-1508.
Crewe, Emma, Taylor-Robinson, Michelle M. and Martin, Shane (2022) 'The Future of Parliamentary and Legislative Studies.' Parliamentary Affairs, 75 (4). pp. 754-766.
Martin, Shane, Taylor-Robinson, Michelle M. and Crewe, Emma (2022) 'The Past of Parliamentary and Legislative Studies.' Parliamentary Affairs, 75 (4). pp. 727-739.
Taylor-Robinson, Michelle M., Crewe, Emma and Martin, Shane (2022) 'The Present of Parliamentary and Legislative Studies.' Parliamentary Affairs, 75 (4). pp. 740-753.
Crewe, Emma (2021) 'An Ethnography of Parliamentary Ethnographers: riffs, rhythms and rituals in their research.' Journal of Organizational Ethnography, 10 (3). pp. 337-345.
Crewe, Emma (2021) 'Reluctant Anthropologists: Revealing but Rare Insights into Legislatures.' PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review.
Crewe, Emma (2021) 'Rhythms, riffs, and rituals in political parties: An anthropological view of complex coalitions.' Ephemera: Theory and Politics in Organization, 21 (1). pp. 187-198.
Crewe, Emma and Mowles, Chris (2021) 'Audit as political struggle: the doxa of managerialism clashing with the uncertainty of real life.' Development in Practice, 31 (3). pp. 368-379.
Crewe, Emma and Sarra, Nicholas (2019) 'Chairing UK Select Committees: Walking Between Friends and Foes.' Parliamentary Affairs, 72 (4). pp. 841-859.
Crewe, Emma (2018) 'Flagships and tumbleweed: A history of the politics of gender justice work in Oxfam GB 1986–2015.' Progress in Development Studies, 8 (2). pp. 110-125.
Crewe, Emma (2018) 'Ethnographies of Parliament: culture and uncertainty in shallow democracies.' Journal of Organizational Ethnography, 7 (1). pp. 16-30.
Crewe, Emma (2017) 'Reading the Runes: Conflict, Culture and "Evidence" in Law-making in the UK.' Redescriptions: Political Thought, Conceptual History and Feminist Theory, 20 (1). pp. 32-48.
Crewe, Emma (2017) 'Ethnography of Parliament: Finding Culture and Politics Entangled in the Commons and the Lords.' Parliamentary Affairs, 70 (1). pp. 155-172.
Crewe, Emma (2014) 'Ethnographic research in gendered organizations: the case of the Westminster parliament.' Politics and Gender, 10 (4). pp. 673-678.
Crewe, Emma (2014) 'Doing Development Differently: rituals of hope and despair in an INGO.' Development in Practice, 24 (1). pp. 91-104.
Crewe, Emma (2010) 'An Anthropology of the House of Lords: socialisation, relationships and rituals.' Journal of Legislative Studies, 16 (3). pp. 313-324.
Crewe, Emma (2010) 'Protecting children in different contexts: exploring the value of rights and research.' Journal of Children's Services, 5 (1). pp. 43-55.
Crewe, Emma (2007) 'La Loyauté dans une paire de collants. Règles, rites et symboles à la Chambre des lords.' Ethnologie Française, 37 (2). pp. 243-254.
Crewe, Emma (2007) 'Towards better outcomes for children: Alternative Perspectives on International Development.' Journal of Children's Services, 2 (4). pp. 59-70.
Crewe, Emma and Fernando, Priyanthi (2006) 'The Elephant in the Room: racism in representations, relationships and rituals.' Progress in Development Studies, 6 (1). pp. 40-54.
Crewe, Emma and Sarkar, Ashoke K. (2006) 'Strategic Communication and Institutional Links in Technology Research and Development.' Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development, 5 (1). pp. 21-40.
Crewe, Emma and Kothari, Uma (1998) 'Gujurati migrants' search for modernity in Britain.' Gender and Development, 6 (1). pp. 13-20.
Crewe, Emma (1995) 'Small Men Making Machines for Progress.' Journal of Social Studies (68). pp. 45-65.
Kaur, Jastinder, Crewe, Emma, Axelby, Richard, Thitsar, Myat Thet, Tadesse, Sewit and Massoumian, Amir (2021) International Research Coalitions: UK universities learning to be better partners. London: Global Research Network on Parliaments and People.
Crewe, Emma (2024) 'Review of: The political lives of postwar British MPs: An oral history of parliament, edited by Emma Peplow and Priscila Privatto, London, Bloomsbury, 2020, vi + 273 pp., £85, 978 1350089266 (hbk).' Parliaments, Estates and Representation, 44 (2). pp. 241-243.