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Bartles-Smith, Andrew, Crosby, Kate, Harvey, Peter, Tilakaratne, Asanga, Ratheiser, Daniel, Trew, Noel Maurer, Travagnin, Stefania, Harris, Elizabeth J., Deegalle, Mahinda and Kilby, Christina A., eds. (2023) Buddhism and International Humanitarian Law. London: Routledge.
Bartles-Smith, Andrew, Crosby, Kate, Harvey, Peter, Tilakaratne, Asanga, Ratheiser, Daniel, Trew, Noel Maurer, Travagnin, Stefania, Harris, Elizabeth J., Deegalle, Mahinda and Kilby, Christina, eds. (2021) Buddhism and International Humanitarian Law. Abingdon: Routledge. (Contemporary Buddhism, Vol. 22, issue no.1-2)
Crosby, Kate, Kyaw, Pyi Phyo, Travagnin, Stefania and Porter, Olivia (2020) 'Editorial.' Contemporary Buddhism, 21 (1/2). pp. 1-4.
Bartles-Smith, Andrew, Crosby, Kate, Harvey, Peter, Premasiri, P. D., Tilakaratne, Asanga, Ratheiser, Daniel, Deegalle, Mahinda, Trew, Noel Maurer, Travagnin, Stefania and Harris, Elizabeth J. (2020) 'Reducing Suffering During Conflict: The Interface Between Buddhism And International Humanitarian Law.' Contemporary Buddhism, 21 (1/2). pp. 369-435.
Crosby, Kate (2013) Theravada Buddhism: Continuity, Identity and Diversity. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
Crosby, Kate (2012) 'The Inheritance of Rahula: abandoned child, boy monk, ideal son and trainee.' In: Sassoon, Vanessa, (ed.), Little Buddhas : children and childhoods in Buddhist texts and traditions. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 97-123.
Crosby, Kate (2012) 'Scribal and authorial openings in Theravada manuscripts: The Evidence of the Nevill Collection.' Journal of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies, 2. pp. 124-145.
Crosby, Kate, Skilton, Andrew and Gunasena, Amal (2012) 'The Sutta on Understanding Death in the Transmission of borān Meditation from Siam to the Kandyan Court.' Journal of Indian Philosophy, 40 (2). pp. 177-198.
Crosby, Kate (2010) 'Review of Mahinda Deegalle, Popularising Buddhism: Preaching as Performance in Sri Lanka.' Culture and Religion, 11 (4). pp. 443-446.
Crosby, Kate and Khur-Yearn, Jotika (2010) 'Tsale: the Poet-readers of Shan Theravada Buddhism.' SOAS, Buddhist Forum. (Unpublished)
Crosby, Kate and Khur-Yearn, Jotika (2010) 'Poetic Dhamma and the zare: traditional styles of teaching Theravada amongst the Shan of northern Thailand.' Contemporary Buddhism, 11 (1). pp. 1-26.
Khur-Yearn, Jotika and Crosby, Kate (2010) 'The preservation and continuation lik luong tradition among the Shan (Tai Yai) communities of northern Thailand.' Asian Review Journal. (Unpublished)
Crosby, Kate, Dhammasami, Khammai, Khur-Yearn, Jotika and Skilton, Andrew, eds. (2009) Contemporary Buddhism, Volume 10 Issue 1. Special Issue: Shan Buddhism. Abingdon: Taylor and Francis.
Crosby, Kate, Dhammasami, Khammai, Khur-Yearn, Jotika and Skilton, Andrew (2009) 'Streams of the Salween: current and crosscurrents in the study of Shan Buddhism.' Contemporary Buddhism, 10 (1). pp. 1-15.
Crosby, Kate (2009) The Dead of Night and the Women. New York: New York University Press. (Clay Sanskrit Library)
Crosby, Kate (2008) 'Changing the Landscape of Theravada Studies Contemporary.' Contemporary Buddhism, 9 (1). pp. 1-6.
Crosby, Kate, ed. (2008) Kammic Communities: theory and practice in modern Theravada. Abingdon: Taylor and Francis. (Special Issue: Contemporary Buddhism. Volume 9, Number 1)
Crosby, Kate (2008) 'Karma, Social Collapse or Geophysics? Interpretations of suffering among Sri Lankan Buddhist in the immediate aftermath of the 2004 Asian tsunami.' Contemporary Buddhism, 9 (1). pp. 53-76.
Crosby, Kate (2008) 'Gendered Symbols in Theravada Buddhism: Missed Positives in the Representation of the Female.' Hsuan Chuang Journal of Buddhist Studies, 9. pp. 31-47.
Crosby, Kate (2008) 'Review of Rory Mackenzie, 'New Buddhist Movements in Thailand: Towards an understanding of Wat Phra Dhammakåya and Santi Asoke', Routledge, London and New York 2007.' South East Asia Research, 16 (1). pp. 144-146.
Crosby, Kate (2008) 'Blasphemie und Sakrilek im Buddhismus in Geschichte und Gegenwart, mit besonderer Berucksichtigung des Verses Bodhicaryavatara 6.64.' In: Preisendanz, Karin and Franco, Eli, (eds.), Buddhismus in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Hamburg, Germany: University of Hamburg, pp. 207-227.
Crosby, Kate (2008) 'Review of K.R.Norman, 'A Philological Approach to Buddhism', The Pali Text Society, Lancaster 2006.' Buddhist Studies Review, 25 (1). pp. 113-115.
Crosby, Kate (2007) 'Sankhepasārasangaha: Abbreviation in Pāli.' The Journal of the Pali Text Society, XXIX. pp. 169-174.
Crosby, Kate (2006) 'Sariputta's Three Works on the Samantapasadika.' Journal of the Pali Text Society, 28. pp. 49-59.
Crosby, Kate (2006) 'A Theravada Code of Conduct for Good Buddhists: the Upåsakamanussavinaya.' Journal of the American Oriental Society, 126 (2). pp. 177-187.
Crosby, Kate (2005) 'Differences between the Amatakaravannana and the Vimuttimagga-uddana.' Journal of the Centre for Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka, 3. pp. 139-149.
Crosby, Kate (2005) 'Devotion to the Buddha in Theravada and its Role in Meditation.' In: King, Anna S. and Brockington, John, (eds.), The Intimate Other. Love Divine in Indic Religions. Hyderabad: Orient Longman, pp. 244-277.
Crosby, Kate (2005) 'Differences between the Amatakaravannana and the Vimuttimagga-uddåna.' Journal of Buddhist Studies, 3. pp. 139-151.
Crosby, Kate (2005) '‘Only if you let go of that Tree': Ordination without Parental Consent according to Theravåda Vinaya.' Buddhist Studies Review, 22 (2). pp. 155-173.
Crosby, Kate (2005) 'What does not get translated in Buddhist Studies and the Impact on Teaching.' In: Long, Lynne, (ed.), Translation and Religion Holy Untranslatable? Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, pp. 41-53.
Crosby, Kate (2004) 'The Origin of Pali as a Language Name in Medieval Theravada Literature.' Journal of the Centre for Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka, 2. pp. 70-116.
Crosby, Kate (2004) 'Devaraja.' In: Ooi, Keat Gin, (ed.), Southeast Asia : a historical encyclopedia from Angkor Wat to East Timor. Santa Barbara, Calif: ABC-CLIO, p. 1.
Crosby, Kate (2004) 'Mahayana Buddhism.' In: Ooi, Keat Gin, (ed.), Southeast Asia : a historical encyclopedia from Angkor Wat to East Timor. Santa Barbara, Calif: ABC-CLIO, p. 1.
Crosby, Kate (2004) 'Sangha.' In: Ooi, Keat Gin, (ed.), Southeast Asia : a historical encyclopedia from Angkor Wat to East Timor. Santa Barbara, Calif: ABC-CLIO, p. 1.
Crosby, Kate (2004) 'Theravada Buddhism.' In: Gin, Ooi Keat, (ed.), Southeast Asia : a historical encyclopedia from Angkor Wat to East Timor. Santa Barbara, Calif: ABC-CLIO, p. 1.
Crosby, Kate and Yoeli-Tlalim, R. (2003) 'Buddhism.' In: Cudmore, C., (ed.), World Religions. Octopus Press, p. 25.
Crosby, Kate (2003) 'Buddhist death practices.' In: Davies, Douglas J. and Mates, Lewis H., (eds.), Encyclopedia of Cremation. Aldershot: Ashgate, p. 8.
Crosby, Kate (2003) 'The Origin of the Language Name Påli in Medieval Theravåda Literature.' Journal of Buddhist Studies, 2. p. 40.
Crosby, Kate (2003) 'Persecution.' In: Buswell, Robert E., (ed.), Encyclopedia of Buddhism. New York: Macmillan Press, p. 4.
Crosby, Kate (2003) 'Review of Frank E. Reynolds and Jason A. Carbine. The Life of Buddhism Berkeley, Los Angeles and London: University of California Press, 2000.' H-Buddhism. p. 2.
Crosby, Kate (2003) 'Review of Sven Bretfeld, Das Singhalesische Nationalepos von König Du††hagåmaˆ¥ Abhaya Textkritische Bearbeitung und Übersetzung der Kapitel VII.3–VII.3 der Rasavåhin¥ des Vedeha Thera und Vergleich mit den Paralleltexten Sahassavatthuppakaraˆa und.' Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 67 (2). pp. 260-262.
Crosby, Kate (2003) 'Theravada.' In: Buswell, Robert E., (ed.), Encyclopaedia of Buddhism. New York: Macmillan Press, p. 1.
Crosby, Kate, Pattison, S and Skilton, Andrew (2002) 'Supporting questioning in the academic study of religions.' The PRS-LTSN journal = Journal of the Philosophical and Religious Studies Learning and Teaching Support Network, Leeds, 2 (1). pp. 58-89.
Crosby, Kate and Skilton, Andrew (2001) 'A note on the identity of Mahåkassapa, author of the Mohavicchedani.' Bulletin d’Études Indiennes. pp. 173-179.
Crosby, Kate (2000) 'Tantric Theravada: A bibliographic essay on the writings of François Bizot and other literature on the Yogavacara Tradition.' Contemporary Buddhism, 1 (2). pp. 141-198.
Crosby, Kate (2000) 'uddis and åcikh. The inclusion of the sikkhåpada in the pabbajjå liturgy according to the Samantapåsådika.' Journal of Indian Philosophy, 28. pp. 461-477.
Crosby, Kate (1999) 'History versus Modern Myth: the Abhayagirivihara, the Vimuttimagga and yogavacara Meditation.' Journal of Indian Philosophy, 27 (6). pp. 503-550.
Crosby, Kate and Skilton, Andrew (1998) Bodhicaryavatara. Una guida al sentiero buddhista del risveglio. Italian translation. Rome, Italy: Ubaldini editore.
Crosby, Kate and Skilton, Andrew (1998) Santideva's Bodhicaryavatara: Buddhist Path To Awakening. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. (World's Classics Series)
Crosby, Kate 'Ordination and Disrobing across the Theravada World.' In: King, Sally, (ed.), Festschrift in Honour of Karel Werner, to mark his 85th Birthday. Papers of the 35th Spalding Symposium. Ashgate. (Unpublished)