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Farrant, Marc, Easton, Kai and Wittenberg, Hermann, eds. (2021) J.M. Coetzee & the Archive: fiction, theory, and autobiography. London: Bloomsbury.
Easton, Kai and Attridge, Derek, eds. (2017) Zoë Wicomb and the Translocal. Writing Scotland and South Africa. Abingdon; New York, NY: Routledge. (Routledge Research in Postcolonial Literatures)
Easton, Kai and van der Vlies, Andrew, eds. (2011) Zoe Wicomb, the Cape and the Cosmopolitan. London: Taylor and Francis. (Safundi: The Journal of South African and American Studies, special double issue. Vol.12, no. 3/4)
Attwell, David and Easton, Kai, eds. (2010) Part Special Issue: Zoe Wicomb: Texts and Histories. London: Taylor and Francis. (Journal of Southern African Studies. Vol.36 No.3)
Easton, Kai (2021) '34° South.' In: Farrant, Marc, Easton, Kai and Wittenberg, Hermann, (eds.), J. M. Coetzee and the Archive. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 225-232.
Easton, Kai, Farrant, Marc and Wittenberg, Hermann (2021) 'Introduction: Fiction, theory and autobiography.' In: J. M. Coetzee and the Archive. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 1-14.
Easton, Kai (2021) 'Landmarks: Reading Coetzee’s maternal lines.' In: Farrant, Marc, Easton, Kai and Wittenberg, Hermann, (eds.), J. M. Coetzee and the Archive. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 17-28.
Easton, Kai (2020) 'Curating Across Southern Spaces: South-North-South Itineraries.' In: Scenes from the South: exhibition catalogue from the collections of the Harry Ransom Center and Amazwi South African Museum of Literature to mark the occasion of J. M. Coetzee’s 80th birthday. Makhanda, South Africa: Amazwi South African Museum of Literature, pp. 1-3.
Easton, Kai (2020) 'Southern Crossings: J. M. Coetzee @ 80.' In: Scenes from the South : from the collections of the Harry Ransom Center and Amazwi South African Museum of literature to mark the occasion of J.M. Coetzee's 80th birthday. Makhanda, South Africa: Amazwi South African Museum of Literature, pp. 13-27.
Easton, Kai (2020) 'Travelling South with Coetzee.' In: Scenes from the South : from the collections of the Harry Ransom Center and Amazwi South African Museum of literature to mark the occasion of J.M. Coetzee's 80th birthday. Makhanda, South Africa: Amazwi South African Museum of Literature, pp. 28-72.
Easton, Kai (2017) '‘Travelling Light’: Images (via Wicomb) from the Gifberge to Glasgow.' In: Easton, Kai and Attridge, Derek, (eds.), Zoë Wicomb and the Translocal: Writing Scotland and South Africa. Abingdon; New York, NY: Routledge. (Routledge Research in Postcolonial Literatures)
Easton, Kai (2007) 'Southern Africa.' In: McLeod, John, (ed.), The Routledge Companion to Postcolonial Studies. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 129-138. (Routledge Companions)
Easton, Kai (2006) 'J.M. Coetzee's Disgrace: Reading Race/Reading Scandal.' In: Morrison, Jago and Watkins, S., (eds.), Scandalous Fictions. The Twentieth-Century Novel in the Public Sphere. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 187-205.
Easton, Kai (2020) 'Southern Crossings: J.M. Coetzee at 80.' Wasafiri.
Easton, Kai (2015) 'Archive Notes: Travelling Africa and the Archives.' Journal of History and Cultures (5). pp. 82-83.
Easton, Kai (2011) 'The Cape and the Cosmopolitan or Travels Around Wicomb on a Journey to the Cederberg.' Safundi: The Journal of South African and American Studies, 12 (3-4). pp. 285-297.
Easton, Kai and van der Vlies, Andrew (2011) 'Zoe Wicomb, the Cape and the Cosmopolitan: An Introduction.' Safundi: The Journal of South African and American Studies, 12 (3-4). pp. 249-259.
Attwell, David and Easton, Kai (2010) ''Introduction', Zoe Wicomb: Texts and Histories.' Journal of Southern African Studies, 36 (3). pp. 519-521.
Easton, Kai (2007) 'Coetzee's Disgrace: Byron in Italy and the Eastern Cape c. 1820.' The Journal of Commonwealth Literature, 42 (3). pp. 113-30.
Easton, Kai (2006) 'Coetzee, the Cape and the Question of History.' Scrutiny2: Issues in English Studies in Southern Africa, 11 (1). pp. 5-21.
Easton, Kai (2004) 'Travels to the Metropolis: Cape Town, London, and J.M. Coetzee's Youth.' Moving Worlds, 4 (1). pp. 72-84.
Easton, Kai (2004) 'Linking Grahamstown to the Coetzee Legend.' Centennial (Rhodes University Centenary Magazine). pp. 97-99.
Easton, Kai (2002) 'Travelling through History, ‘New’ South African Icons: The Narratives of Saartje Baartman and Krotoä-Eva in Zoë Wicomb’s David’s Story.' Kunapipi: Journal of Postcolonial Writing and Culture, 24 (1/2). pp. 237-250.
Easton, Kai (1995) 'Text and Hinterland: J. M. Coetzee and the South African Novel.' Journal of Southern African Studies, 21 (4). pp. 585-599.
Easton, Kai (2017) ‘Coetzee and the Archive’, October 5-6th 2017 – a CHASE sponsored international conference, featuring J.M. Coetzee. + ‘Chasing the Archives. In: Coetzee and the Archive, 5-6 October 2017, Senate House London.
Easton, Kai (2016) Landmarks: Reading Coetzee's Maternal Lines. In: Reading Coetzee's Women, 27-29 September 2016, Monash University, Prato Campus. (Unpublished)
Easton, Kai (2015) Vessels, Voyages and Visitors: HMS Vanguard and the Royal Tour of South Africa [1947]. In: Royals on Tour: The Politics and Pageantry of Royal Visits, 11-12 June 2015, University of Sydney. (Unpublished)
Easton, Kai (2015) Coetzee, the Cape and the Colonial Archive: Exploring Dusklands via Summertime. In: Seminar, Centre for Humanities Research, 11 August 2011, University of the Western Cape. (Unpublished)
Easton, Kai (2014) Maps & Notebooks: J. M. Coetzee and the Texas Archives. In: Coetzee Collective Colloquium, 12 March 2014, Dept of English, University of Cape Town. (Unpublished)
Easton, Kai (2013) Roads to Merweville, or On the Road with Scenes from Provincial Life. In: Coetzee Collective Colloquium, 13 March 2013, Dept of English, University of Cape Town. (Unpublished)
Easton, Kai (2011) Travels with Mike: from HMS Goodwill to Yacht Jester. In: Picture this: postcards and letters beyond text, Picture this: postcards and letters beyond text, 24-26 March 2011, University of Sussex. (Unpublished)
Easton, Kai (2011) Offshore from the Cape to Mauritius, 1857-1860: The Letters of Lady Barbarina Grey. In: Coastlines and Littoral Zones: The 8th Annual Literature and Ecology Colloquium, 12-14 August 2011, Kleinmond, Western Cape, South Africa. (Unpublished)
Easton, Kai (2010) Cultures of Travel: Cape Diasporas and Zoe Wicomb's Playing in the Light. In: The Cape and the Cosmopolitan: Reading Zoe Wicomb, 8-10 April 2010, University of Stellenbosch, Dept of English. (Unpublished)
Easton, Kai (2009) "Out of Africa": Lady Margaret Herschel's Letters from the Cape, 1834-38. In: Locating African Culture, 7-8 September 2009, University of Stirling. (Unpublished)
Easton, Kai (2009) Gender, Travel, Cape: British Women Writing Colonial South Africa, 1797-1931. In: Dept of English seminar series, 16 April 2009, University of Stellenbosch, Dept of English. (Unpublished)
Easton, Kai (2007) Travelling Africa: A Woman's Trek from the Cape to Cairo. In: University of Sussex, Centre for Colonial and Postcolonial Studies seminar, 18 April 2007, University of Sussex. (Unpublished)
Easton, Kai (2006) 'A quick jaunt or a great trek? Mary Hall's Travels from the Cape to Cairo'. In: ASA-UK, September 2006, SOAS, University of London. (Unpublished)
Easton, Kai (2006) A quick jaunt or a great trek? Mary Hall's Travels from the Cape to Cairo. In: ASA-UK, September 2006, SOAS, University of London. (Unpublished)
Easton, Kai (2002) Letters from the Cape: Dorothea Fairbridge, Lady Lucie Duff Gordon and Lady Anne Barnard. In: Southern African Texts and Contexts Seminar, 12 November 2002, St Antony's, Oxford University. (Unpublished)
Easton, Kai (2002) 'Strange tales from a bitter paradise [Review of Tatamkhulu Afrika, Bitter Eden and Etienne van Heerden, The Long Silence of Mario Salviati].' The Independent . p. 15.
Easton, Kai (2002) 'Review of Isabel Balseiro's Running Towards Us: New Writing from South Africa.' World Literature Today, 76 (1). p. 126.
Easton, Kai (2002) 'Review of Sindiwe Magona, 'Mother to Mother'.' World Literature Today, 76 (1). pp. 124-125.
Easton, Kai (2001) 'Defoe to Rilke to Oz to... [Review of J. M. Coetzee's Stranger Shores: Literary Essays, 1986-1999].' The Boston Sunday Globe, Living (Books). p. 5.
Easton, Kai (2000) 'Two South African voices for justice, reconciliation [Review of Desmond Tutu’s No Future without Forgiveness and Ahmed Kathrada’s Letters from Robben Island: A Selection of Ahmed Kathrada’s Prison Correspondence, 1964–1989, edited by Robert D. Vassen].' The Boston Sunday Globe . N3.
Easton, Kai (2000) 'Review of Achmat Dangor, Kafka's Curse: A Novel.' World Literature Today, 74 (2). p. 348.
Easton, Kai (2000) 'Review of Chenjerai Hove, Rainbows in the Dust.' World Literature Today, 74 (2).
Easton, Kai (1999) 'Review of John M. Coetzee: Passages (documentary).' SOAS Literary Review, 1 (1).
Easton, Kai (1999) 'Review of Dominic Head, J. M. Coetzee.' Ariel: A Review of International English Literature, 30 (1). pp. 183-185.
Easton, Kai (1998) 'The daring life of a radically different Afrikaner [Review of Stephen Clingman's Bram Fischer: Afrikaner Revolutionary].' The Boston Sunday Globe . C3.
Easton, Kai (1998) 'Review of Nadine Gordimer's, The House Gun.' World Literature Today, 72 (4). pp. 887-888.
Easton, Kai (1997) 'Private Lives: A detailed second volume of Doris Lessing's memoirs; an absorbing childhood memoir by J. M. Coetzee [Review of Doris Lessing's Walking in the Shade and J. M. Coetzee's Boyhood: Scenes from Provincial Life].' The Boston Sunday Globe . N1, N4.
Easton, Kai (1997) 'A family at the center of South Africa's salvation [Review of Gillian Slovo's Every Secret Thing].' The Boston Sunday Globe . N14.
Easton, Kai (1996) 'Review of Rosemary Jane Jolly, 'Colonization, Violence and Narration in White South African Writing: Andre Brink, Breyten Breytenbach, and J. M. Coetzee'.' Journal of Southern African Studies, 23 (4). pp. 674-675.
Easton, Kai (2020) Road to Oratunga. [Shows/Exhibitions]
Easton, Kai (2020) Scenes from the South: from the collections of the Harry Ransom Center and Amazwi South African Museum of Literature to mark the occasion of J.M. Coetzee’s 80th birthday. [Shows/Exhibitions]
Easton, Kai (2017) Navigating the War: A Centenary Exhibition of the Richey Archives. [Shows/Exhibitions]
Easton, Kai (2014) Karoo Country. [Shows/Exhibitions] (Submitted)
Easton, Kai (2000) Textuality & the Land: Reading 'White Writing' and the Fiction of J. M. Coetzee. PhD thesis. SOAS, University of London. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25501/SOAS.00009792
Easton, Kai (2020) Kai Easton, ‘3 French !!!’ [Leica X. Digital black and white photographs, 2019]. In Dorothy Driver (ed),. [Images]
Easton, Kai (2014) Maps and Notebooks: J. M. Coetzee & the Texas Archives. . Available from https://jmcoetzeedotnet.files.wordpress.com/2014/0....
Easton, Kai (2014) Travelling Light: Images - via Wicomb - from the Gifberge to Glasgow. . Available from https://wicombandthetranslocal.wordpress.com/progr....
Easton, Kai (2011) Journey to Namaqualand. . Available from https://www.soas.ac.uk/ava/. (Unpublished)
Rutherford, Jennifer (2017) '"Traverses: J. M Coetzee in the World," directed by Professor Jennifer Rutherford, Director of The J. M. Coetzee Center for Creative Practice, University of Adelaide, Australia, 2017.' In: Traverses: J. M Coetzee in the World. Australia:
Easton, Kai (2015) 'Travelling Africa and the Archives.' (Unpublished)
Easton, Kai (2015) 'Tribute to J. M. Coetzee for SOAS Graduation 2015.' (Unpublished)
Easton, Kai (2010) 'Teaching J. M. Coetzee's Foe and Disgrace: Intertextuality and the Question of Canonicity.' (Unpublished)